Stretching the wall on the splits. Ways to sit on the transverse splits. Exercises to sit on the transverse splits

Everyone can sit on the splits at home, for this you need patience, willpower and a special set of exercises, which we present in this article. It is also possible to sit on the splits after 40 years, but in order for the muscles and ligaments to acquire the necessary flexibility, it will take about two months. If you are much younger, then it will take less time, respectively, and you can sit on the string for 30 days. In our article we will tell you about how to learn to sit in the splits.

How to sit on the transverse splits without injury?

If she wants to sleep for eight hours in order to cope with the cold cold the next day, she should be in bed at 8 o'clock, because at 4 am she will rise again. When is she now a mother to her children? Or do these four weavers need a thin, caring mother? You do not need guidance? The strength of her mother is bought by the manufacturer for 40 crowns.

Every day, and a mother must sell her power for a reward, just because she is a mother, because she good motherbecause she wants to give her children enough bread and in some places a piece of dog meat to strengthen the body. “This is preferable to the flesh,” says the weaver, as the conversation turns into dog food. The master of the house can tell you how many dogs de Leith brings to the slaughter. He is a dog and a horse.

To do the splits at home, you need to follow certain principles and rules. First, all the stretching exercises that will help to do the splits should be performed regularly. Make yourself a clear training plan and follow it. Secondly, believe in your strength. If you do exercises and stretch, but at the same time you are not confident in yourself, then you will not be able to achieve results quickly. Thirdly, it is important to understand the essence of the process and not to look at the outcome of other people. Each person has a different degree of development of muscles and indicators of flexibility.

How to sit on the transverse splits

Anyone who hears such statements will no longer be surprised; but he is least surprised that weavers are so boring from their suffering. Their blood does not boil when they talk about the martyrdom of a mother plunged into the yoke of the only destroyer of the family, capitalism caused by her and her hunger of children; they speak in terms of gourmet meat.

What level of capitalism has already put you down! Picture of Archbishop Conn. It was a morning full of dark impressions! The sky was full of heavy clouds, and light streaks fell to the ground. Over his bed was a portrait of Archbishop Kohn. The population, so exploited, that it has to reckon with every tenth cruiser, in itself can hardly raise the means that make up its enlightenment. She cannot buy books, and she is almost condemned for being completely cut off from the outside world, because even a newspaper cannot hold her back.

Your training, how to do the splits, should consist of the following steps:

  • Warm up the muscles - 10 minutes;
  • Perform complex exercises for stretching on the splits;
  • Hitch, hot bath to relieve muscle tension.

We recommend that you pay attention to your diet. It must be balanced in order to provide the muscles with enough protein and, if necessary, get rid of extra pounds, as they interfere with sitting on the splits. Also, do not forget to drink clean non-carbonated water so that the body does not experience a lack of moisture.

He takes a small portion of his wealth from a bag full, and a poor weaver cuts out with millet porridge and dog meat a sum that is often sufficient as daily consumption for a member of the weaver’s family. Who would be surprised if he found in almost every house an image of one who, like the lord of the earth and the church, forgot that he had once been a child of people whom he rushes today incredibly through his ancestors. Webern has no explanations in the first place, and everything that has happened so far in the direction is equal to a drop that falls on a hot stone.

A set of exercises to do the splits.

Before you begin to perform exercises that will help to sit on the splits, you should warm up the muscles in order to avoid their stretching. By the way, even the usual 10-minute bath with warm water will help to warm up the muscles. However, it is better to stretch the muscles of the legs yourself, for example, by marching barefoot or making a few jumps with a skipping rope. When the warm-up is complete, proceed.

Exercises to sit on the transverse splits

The weavers themselves come to the meeting all the time, the spoken word replaces them a lot, but this does not give them the opportunity to enlighten others. It happens that especially women-weavers, who suffer the most from pressure on them, have not yet renounced their faith in the miracles that Almighty Almighty agents from the church preach from every pulpit every day. Cut off from the great stream of enlightenment, they still believe in everything that is proclaimed to them as the “Word of God”, and they see in the image of a man who is holy in the first row of their troublemakers.

Exercise number 1. The fundamental exercise of the whole complex is to kick your feet. It is quite simple to perform them: stand on one leg, fully transferring the weight of your body onto it, and lift the other leg as high as you can. Even if at first you can’t lift your leg above the belt, do not worry - after regular workouts the body will gain the necessary flexibility. Fly legs should be done with absolutely straight back and straight legs. Do not forget to change legs in turn.

A weaver is rarely enlightened to enlighten his wife. He also questions him, and he does not know, he only suspects that a new time is coming, which will speak about her historical judgment about the barbarian states of our days. That is why the picture is holy - Kon, the owner of the factory, eleven breweries, eight distilleries, ten grinding machines, seventeen boards, five brick factories, a metallurgical plant and Lord Twenty-three hang in many weaving rooms.

In such a poor area it is good to build factories. Then you have everything cheaper for the operation: human labor and raw materials. Their prices can be changed if desired, if you are the sole owner of the plant in the area. This beautiful weather has capitalism. On Mohra, which partially supplies the mechanical force, and as close to the track on which the finished product is prepared all over the world, a powerful stone structure is proudly marked. The gates to the gate lead to the court and to the right to Kompuratoria, where the “school teacher” likes to visit the factory.

Exercise number 2. Put your foot on a table or any other surface that is flush with your lower back, and bend down to the floor. Do not strive to get the full depth slope from the first time. Exercise regularly, gradually increasing the depth of the slope, and everything will work out. As in the previous exercise, do not forget to change legs in turn.

The host of the car is his guide. Anyone who wants to see something and gets unbiased information should resort to this or that emergency. The machinist-master, apparently, the factum of the factory, is also very friendly and in all respects attentive and carefree guidance.

Given to all

It clearly gives him pleasure to be able to lead me to this working castle, he feels great joy in possession of his heart - the others whom they use to crush and use it. In the engine room, where, by order of the white-headed leader, a worker leads me, our tour begins. Horse Dynamo, the soloist of the car, is here in a majestic world. As flax comes from a farmer, he wanders in turns into a machine that, in the case of the terrible development of dust, takes care of the first bill on its own.

Exercise number 3. Try to actually sit on the splits, spreading his legs until the appearance of a painful sensation. You can try to sit on the cross, and on the longitudinal splits.

The entire set of exercises for stretching on the splits is given for half an hour, the intensity of training - every other day. After a couple of weeks you will notice the first results. A little more persistence, and your goal - to sit on the splits at home - will be achieved!

When we entered the room, coming out of the fresh air, my breathing stopped, and the coughing began, the air in this room was so thick that its infinitely thin plugs. At the entrance, as if the room is filled with thick fog. According to the first calculation, wide short-haired threads are obtained, which are now stretched by constantly decreasing stripes, which are then wound on thick threads on raw spindles, and then after starting a hot bath on small spindles. Women who work in the attic wrap the yarn on the strands, which are then joined after storage in a drying chamber in ready-to-sell packages and stored in magazines.

How to sit on the splits for a week.

To sit on the splits for 1 week, you need a good stretch initially. Therefore, it will be possible to achieve such a quick result only to those who have been engaged in stretching in the past or if you naturally have good flexibility. In addition, the time during which you can sit on the splits, also depends on age (the older, the harder).

This is about the change that flax has to endure until it becomes a thread. But the fact that the 500 people who robbed him will have only the slightest idea of ​​who saw the crippled, crippled creatures with a winged color; This can be measured only by those who wandered through the dusty sails, which barely ventilated, stopping here and there and watching the murderous work, which absorbed the bloody air for only half an hour. Already in the first room all gray appear gray.

Gender, horizontal surfaces of cars and people have color. Everything is covered with thick dust bark. What do the lungs look like? Does he keep on them and does not nest in their beautiful places, as well as from stupid dust? Of course, people who are here are dying to bring their strength to the market. Only by providing healthy, clean air. But when could these poor people breathe clean air? For example, in the one-hour lunch break, when they go home from the factory for a quarter of an hour outside the village, and their breath dies?

If you want to learn how to do the splits in a week, then you need to be patient and time. It is necessary to be engaged every day, paying for a stretch for at least 1 hour. Take the following exercises as a basis:

  • V-stretching: Sit on the floor, spread your legs in different directions to get a tick. Leaning to the left, touch the fingers of your left foot with your hands. You need to stay in this position as long as possible. Repeat the same with your right foot, and also, leaning forward, touch the floor with your chest;
  • Stretching in a lunge. For good splits it is very important to stretch the hips. Lunge onto the left leg, bend your knees until the left thigh is parallel to the floor, while the right lower leg should touch the floor. then move your weight forward, but do it very slowly. You need to stay in this position as long as possible. Repeat the same with the right foot;
  • When you are already stretched and you feel that your body is ready, then begin to work out the splits. If you want to sit on cross split, then you need to stand up straight and spread your legs wide apart. The stops should be pointing forward. And if you want to sit on the longitudinal splits, then stand on your knee and straighten your leg forward. The second leg should be bent, the shin should lie on the pore.

How to get back to the dusty road leading to the factory? Or is it enough for a one-hour evening walk to fill the eleven-hour inhalation of deadly dust? This is also seen in the drawings, when they come from the factory, that their bodies cannot withstand the internal enemy.

A comrade living on the street who knows all the workers told me: When a servant from the country arrives at the factory, he is fresh and healthy, he notices the difference fourteen days later. He quickly falls with people. He also stood with me when at noon a swarm of slaves came from the factory. Then they came, lame figures, with a walking gait, with tied legs, with dirty gray hair, deep-rooted eyes, yellow faces, with knees and again with those who cut the leg. The crippling young man, whose bones are so eaten by dust, is now slipping past us. “You are no longer engaged in the factory,” said my interlocutor, “he is at home with his mother, she does not need to eat.”

How to sit on the transverse splits.

The cross twine is considered one of the most difficult types of an extension. Many people because of the characteristics of their bodies can not even sit on it. If you want to sit on the transverse splits at home, then especially attention should be paid to stretching the back and inner surfaces of the thigh, lower back, and semi-tendinous muscles.

Wide angle - advanced level

The victim of unfair operational dependence after another comes. This is a huge hall, high and spacious, sufficient to accommodate spinning machines located on both sides of a wide aisle. Between every two machines on which countless spindles roar, this is an alley in which mainly young workers have to pay attention to the fact that the thread on the spindles is not stretched and that the whole spindle is exchanged: work, dexterity, skill of fingers and a good eye .

Doing the butterfly exercise will be effective. It develops the flexibility of the groin and thigh muscles. To perform it, you need to sit on the floor, bend your knees and connect their feet to the foot. The heels should be placed as close as possible to the body, and elbows should be pushed towards the floor.

Each of these children, who barely ever grew up in school, breathed direct hot air as the bath of yarn made its way through the spindles. The atmosphere is terrible. - "Oh, yes, you see there is a large air atlas." This is not enough for the Giant Hall. Is there no way to supply such air to clean air? There will be a project, and people will not stand it. In England, all member doctors have limbs?

The business inspector of this area seems to agree with this, otherwise he would have had to put an end to this scandal long ago. Weekly, but only a few. Men have 60-65 crowns. Women employed in the audience earn in the range of 40-50 crowns. Children in the beautiful spinning room 30-36 crowns. per day, newbie even less. Male spinners also have piece rates.

To make a cross split, you need to know exactly how to do it correctly:

  • Squat down, place your hands on the floor in front of you;
  • Slowly spread your legs as far as possible;
  • The legs should be as straight as possible, and the feet should be parallel to each other;
  • Slowly start lowering down without rolling on your heels;
  • Hold this position for 30-60 seconds, then return to the starting position;
  • Gradually start lowering lower and lower until the groin area touches the floor.

For the groin area

They produce, depending on the starch yarn 70-80 kr. After fourteen days of piecework, the women of Haspler finally won 5-6 fl. How great should be the poverty in this area when people literally ask for this job! Weaving manufacturers have taken care of this: Weber's brown seeds stand in front of the Friedlander factory gate as a reserve army.

Cross split: advantages

Photos of the street. A lonely hike has a lot for yourself. For a lonely nature manifests itself much more, because he finds time to observe, and when someone wanders alone, he also has a much easier way to contact a person here and there, and he learns a lot about the country and its peoples about morality and relationships that remain hidden to those who pull in society across the land.

How to sit on the longitudinal splits.

To learn how to sit on the longitudinal splits, you need to train regularly and have patience. There is nothing difficult in this; patience and perseverance are simply necessary. There are two types of cross twine: when the right leg is in front and when the left leg is in front. You need to master both options gradually, if you have mastered one type, this does not mean that you can easily sit down for a second view too. longitudinal twine.

It was on the road from Rümerstadt to Freudenthal. She passed her cozy procedure for a long time before I finally caught her on the tops of Irmsdorf. She could count her 60 years. On her left hand, she carried a van tied to fabric from a fancy shop. A gift to her grandson, as it turns out. She asked about the time. "It's eleven now." She was a gathering team of Klein Stoll, a small farming village on the border with Silesia. She also knew only about the bad weather of that time. Progress in transport technology is their enemy.

Yes, once, because there was no railway, even a few years ago, when bicycle transport was not yet so general, it had good times. Every day, some "callers" passed on their pay booths. But today, almost everyone has his own bike, and the rent will not decrease. She pays the payer 28 florins a month, and she has to swear together to find life with the rest.

Perform the classic exercises that we described above to sit on the longitudinal splits quickly. To prepare for the longitudinal splits are well suited, as well as the exercise "Frog". And also do the following exercises for cross splits:

  • Wide lunge: put your left leg forward, bent at a right angle. Palm down on the floor. Stretch your right leg back, stretch your heel back. Lower the chest and abdomen on the left thigh. In this position, you need to hold 30-60 seconds. Then change the leg;
  • Tilt in position on the knee: stand on your right knee, stretch your left leg in front of you. The foot should be stretched over itself. Hands lower on the floor or on the left foot. Bend back down, the pelvis should be pointing back. Try to lower the forearm to the floor. at maximum, more accurately hold for 30-60 seconds. Then change your leg.

Directly the cross split itself is performed as follows: stand on your right knee, pull your left leg forward. Hands should be lowered to the floor. It is also important to ensure that the shoulders and the pelvis are parallel to the floor. Then gradually move the left foot forward, and the right back. Do everything very smoothly and slowly. Immediately you may not be able to sit until the end, every day just go down lower and lower.

How to sit on the negative splits.

Sit on the negative or sagging twine, you can already after you have learned to sit on the longitudinal splits. The point is to lay one leg on the floor and the other one raised. The maximum angle in the sagging twine may be greater than 180 degrees. But for this you must be super-flexible.

To learn how to sit down on a negative splits, use any auxiliary object, such as a small cube, chair, or a stack of books. Put one foot on this object, the other - on the floor. Fix this position for 30-60 seconds. With each workout, try to make a corner more.

How to sit on the splits: video.

The ideal stretching and graceful flexibility is the dream of every girl who sometimes remains unfulfilled, simply because she lacked willpower and determination, or at some turning point she suddenly stopped believing in herself and her abilities of your body.

How to sit on the splits at home

Perhaps we will start with the good news: to develop such an opportunity you will not need anything other than a rug, patience and time. By the way, about time: as a rule, the less a person's age, the faster he manages to stretch his muscles, regardless of gender. But even in adulthood, it’s quite possible to sit on a splits in just a few months, if you don’t forget about regular training.

Any exercise, and even more stretching, should start with a warm-up, otherwise you risk breaking muscles and your dream of an ideal stretch will have to be postponed for some time. To warm up it is enough to perform squats, jumps or just swing your legs and arms for 5-10 minutes. But ideally, of course, stretching - stretching exercises - is best to start after a full strength training, for example, after high-quality work in the gym.

How to sit on the splits

Twine is not just a beautiful, graceful stretching, with which you can conquer your friends (for which, however, most girls do these exercises). In fact, thanks to the splits, you not only strengthen the muscles of the hips, back, abdomen and buttocks, but also get rid of a large amount.

In order to understand how to properly sit on the splits, you need to decide on the choice of the kind of stretching to which you aspire.

  • Long twine. The simplest type of stretching, it is best to start with the longitudinal twine. It is possible to execute both on the left and on the right side.
  • Cross twine.
  • Bonded splits. It can be both transverse and longitudinal, but at the same time the inner part of the thigh forms an angle of more than 180 °. Can be performed in the air or when the legs are on the dais.
  • Vertical twine. With this type of stretch, one leg is on the floor, and the second one is moving upwards, as close as possible to a level vertical position.

Twine exercises

As soon as possible to sit on the breakthrough twine will help you with our exercises, described below. Of course, provided that you perform them daily several times a day for well-warmed muscles. By the way, to warm them even stronger, before training you can take it, where you need to massage the buttocks and the inner side of the thighs well with a stiff brush.

When the warm-up is done, you can go directly to the exercises. They should be performed under relaxing pleasant music, slowly listening to every cell of your body. As you warm up, you yourself will understand when you can proceed to the next exercise.

  1. Sit on the floor, stretching your legs and straightening your knees as much as possible. Hands try to clasp your feet, leaning behind them as low as possible.
  2. Leave one leg straight in front of you, and take the other side as far as possible, forming a right angle of 90 °. Back and legs should be as straight as possible.
  3. Lie on your back, lift your elongated legs, forming a right angle. Spread them as far as possible, helping your hands to touch the floor. Of course, for a beginner it is almost impossible to do this, but after all, we are striving for the perfect stretch? Connect your legs, rest for a few seconds and repeat the exercise again and again.
  4. Perform alternate swinging with your feet to the sides, first lying on your side, and then standing with your back straight. Hold each leg in the air at maximum height for a few seconds.
  5. Make smooth attacks, trying to touch the floor with the back of the thigh, pulling the leg out as much as possible. Hold this position.

How to sit on the splits for the month

A month is a very short time in order to achieve the perfect twine, even if it is longitudinal. But still, when performing exercises as often as possible, without missing a single day and warming up your muscles well every time, your dream will come true in a month. It is quite possible if you are patient!

This video shows a very useful exercises, which you can also combine with those described above in order to speed up obtaining the desired result.

How to sit on the transverse splits

For cross twine you will need much more perseverance and time than for longitudinal. But, you see, it is worth it!

There are 3 main exercises that can help you sit on the cross splits, while combining them with the rest of regular stretching exercises and strength training   to strengthen the muscles.

  1. Sit on the floor, ideally straightening your back and spreading your legs apart as wide as possible. Raise your arms and tilt your torso to the floor, trying to fully lie down on the floor between your legs. Touch the floor not only with your head, but with your chest and belly. Then perform the same exercise with turning alternately to the left, then to the right leg. Over time, this will get you better and better! By the way, for convenience, you can perform this exercise by hooking one leg, for example, behind a doorway or a leg of a bed.
  2. Stand straight, spread your legs as wide as possible. Hug yourself in your arms and make slow bends, trying to touch the floor with your elbows and forearms, while keeping your legs as straight as possible. When you succeed, you can relax, leaning with all your weight on your hands.
  3. Stand with your back straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Do slope, palms up on the floor. Relying on the hands, gently spread your legs until you reach the maximum width. Hold this position for a few minutes.