The best exercises to do the splits. Exercises to do splits at short notice and without injuries.

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If you want to surprise your acquaintances with your flexibility and shapes, you should do stretching and exercises every day in order to sit on the splits. This is a brief excursion, which is guaranteed to help you quickly get in shape without stretching muscles, sprains and other undesirable injuries.

In order to successfully sit on the splits, you need to do exercises for 25-35 minutes of time a day, for a couple of weeks or months. It all depends on the condition and flexibility of your body today.


Before you start practicing exercises to increase your own flexibility, it is necessary to conduct a set of exercises for stretching. Primitive classes - bending, squats and others. You need to warm up daily before exercise for 10-20 minutes. Also, before you quickly sit on the splits, assess your health.

If you cannot reach the toes with the tips of the fingers (without bending the knees), then you should be extremely careful to start the exercises, stretch the set of classes for a longer period and devote more time to warming up.

If everything is the other way around, you can spend 5-10 minutes warming up and start building cycles at once.

· Exercise 1

  1. Align the torso, legs should be located as close as possible to each other.
  2. Bend one leg at the knee and press it with one or both hands to the buttocks. If you find it difficult to hold in this position, then you can stick to something with one hand.
  3. It is desirable to keep your knees in one line. Strain the buttocks and flatten. So keep 45-50 seconds on each leg.
  4. Exercise comfortable for beginners, helps to make the body more flexible and strong. It was pretty simple. In this exercise, the muscles of the hips and legs are straightened.

· Exercise 2

Stretching exercise. You should be careful here, if the body is poorly heated, you can get not an improvement in flexibility, but a stretching of the muscles.

We spend at least 50 seconds for each pose. Repeat the same on the other side. This is the best of the most effective exercises for the splits. Here the thigh muscles and hamstring stretch.

· Exercise 3

More difficult exercise for stretching, for self-confident individuals.

  1. Sit on the mat, straighten the right leg back, and left, bent at the knee joint, put in front of you.
  2. The right knee should lie flat, while the heel always looks upwards. Then, leaning on your palms, turn your body towards the opposite leg. Stretch the toe of the right leg back, and breast feed forward.
  3. From a position with an emphasis on the palms, bend the knee of the right leg and with the same hand pull the heel to the buttocks. The upper torso together with the pelvis is still fixed and turned to the side of the left leg.

Spend 1.5 minutes for each pose. Here stretch the muscles of the buttocks and external thighs.

· Exercise 4

Spend 1.5 or 2 minutes for each pose. Stretch the muscles of the back of the buttocks, obliques, tendons.

· Exercise 5

  1. Sit on the floor and bend both legs at the knees. Connect the foot and try, as close as possible, to press your knees to the surface.
  2. Straighten your back and keep your heels as close to your buttocks as possible. To enhance the effect, you can gently lean forward.
  3. Straighten the limbs and spread them to the maximum possible width. Also try to move the case back and forth while helping with your hands. Then smoothly reduce the distance between the body and the floor.
  4. Do not make sharp, sharp movements and try to sit as much as possible in this position. Maximum relax.

During this exercise, the thigh muscles and hamstring stretch.

  To have a beautiful body, a fit figure, amazing plasticity is the dream of every girl. Gymnastics or dance helps to make this a reality. However, not everyone has time to attend such classes.

Can I learn to do the splits at home? There are special exercises for stretching the splits. Their implementation does not require complex equipment and a lot of time. The main conditions for success are perseverance and regularity.

Classes for stretching the muscles of the legs is better to start by watching the training video. This will help gain confidence in their abilities. In the photo you can see how the legs and body should be placed correctly when landing on the splits. You should not try without training to immediately perform such a gymnastic trick. Be sure to need a good stretch.

Standard exercises for stretching on the splits are the same for everyone. But some achieve the desired result in a couple of months, and others, after several years of training, do not manage to make splits. It is impossible to preliminarily name the time period during which it will be possible to master such an acrobatic figure.

Among the main factors that affect performance, the following are highlighted:

  • The degree of flexibility and plasticity of the body. These are individual qualities donated to everyone by nature. Someone has a more flexible body and supple muscles. For others, these figures are somewhat lower.
  • The presence of sports training and elementary stretching.
  • Perseverance, the desire to achieve the goal, which is expressed in regular and high-quality training.

According to experts, anyone can make a splits. Physiologically it is quite possible. It is enough to use effective training methods at the preparation stage.

Their complex should include a mandatory element - daily stretching. How to do it right, tell the video above.

If at first you do the exercises as beautifully as on the video, it does not work - that's okay. After some time you will make the perfect splits, as in the photo of the best gymnasts.

Getting training: effective exercises for the longitudinal splits

We offer a set of classes for beginners. These exercises should be performed at least 4-5 times a week. So you can achieve the necessary stretching of the muscles and ligaments of the legs. It is advisable to start watching the video before training.

The preparatory complex should consist of the following basic exercises:

Ensure that the stretch amplitude is larger at each workout.

Feel free to use the help video. This is necessary to increase the effectiveness of training.

Cross split: tactics for beginners

The cross-section type of twine causes more difficulties. Complex training should be preceded by a warm-up, as in the video:

It should consist of dynamic exercises: running in place, jumping. This will facilitate the stretching of the legs, as the heated muscles are more plastic. Warming up will prevent the risk of injury.

The following exercises are suitable for beginners (you can watch them in the video):

  1. Starting position - legs apart widely, but so that it was comfortable.
  2. The position of the stop is parallel to one another.
  3. Try to sit down several times. In order not to fall, hold on to the floor, or find another suitable support.
  4. Keep your legs apart, your pelvis should lower and lower.
  5. If the leg exercise is performed correctly, then there is a feeling of stretching the muscles of the inner side of the thighs.

There should be a simultaneous separation of both legs. Such a complex will help in the near future to make a photo in which you demonstrate a great splits.

Many dream to sit on the splits. It is not only beautiful, but also useful for ligaments, joints, posture. However, if you try to do this without training, even with good flexibility you can get injured. This issue should be approached gradually, regularly stretching the muscles and preparing them for the upcoming loads. Longitudinal splits are lighter than transverse ones, so it can be mastered quickly, and it is from this that you have to start training your stretching. But in this case safety and gradualness are important. You can sit on the splits at any age, it is only important to train every day. Consider how to sit on the longitudinal splits at home, and what exercises for this will be required.

In the question of how to properly sit on the longitudinal splits, initially you need to learn the general recommendations. Among them are the following:

  • Start stretching only after preheating. This will help prevent injuries. In addition, the heated ligaments stretch significantly better. Light warm-up training for 15–20 minutes can serve as a warm-up. You can run, jump rope and so on.
  • Do the exercises you need everydayfor about half an hour. This is very important - rare training, even if they are long, will not help to achieve the desired result. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to stretch twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. Morning stretching is difficult, but very productive. In the evening, it is easier to reach, because by the end of the day the muscles become more flexible and supple.
  • Highly helpful  for longitudinal twine static poses, which suggest that, lingering in the final pose, you should stay in it for a while. Pulsating down-up movements require caution, as they can cause stretching.
  • In each pose, it is recommended to linger for at least 30 seconds.. Gradually increase the range of motion and the duration of the exercise.
  • While stretching, concentrate on your body. A mild muscle strain should be felt, but strong pain  is not allowed.  Having felt it, stop practicing or reduce the amplitude of movements.
  • If you are in a cool room, try dress warmly - Wear warm socks or pantyhose. In order for the muscles to stretch well, the ligaments must be warm, and at cold temperatures they cool down quickly, which complicates the exercises.
  • Stretching on the longitudinal splits suggests that always keep your back straight, you can not round it. Pull the top of the head down. When bending down, try to lower your legs with your head, not with your stomach.
  • You can monitor your results by measuring tape.. Having reached the maximum stretch, measure the distance from the groin area to the floor surface. Gradually improve this indicator.
  • Try not to set specific deadlines  for which you sit on the splits, and do not focus on the results of others. Everyone has their own body, their own level of flexibility and their own characteristics, so first of all think about quality, and not about efficiency.

Consider that if for some time you threw a stretch, your results will roll back. Regularity is a basic requirement for such activities.

How to sit on the longitudinal splits: exercise

Again we recall that before starting stretching exercises you need to warm up. Otherwise, there is a risk of injury and stretching, after which you will have to recover for a long time, while forgetting about your dream of sitting on the splits. In each pose, try to stay no less than 30 seconds. Gradually increase the time spent in a static pose, bringing it to a few minutes.

Exercises for longitudinal twine at home can be performed in several approaches, if the shutter speed allows it. Be sure to do the exercises on two legs: first on one, then on the other. This is important even if you are only interested in left or right splits. Now consider effective complex  exercises on the longitudinal splits.

Exercise 1

Having breathed in, sink into a lunge, similar to the runner's pose, in which the hands are on the floor or on the blocks. The front foot should be a right angle. Knee the back leg pull out and straighten. Try to lower the pelvis as low as possible so that the knee of the rear leg does not bend. In this position linger. After inhaling, keeping your back straight, reach up behind your hands so that the pelvis stretches down at the same time. Need to feel the tension of the muscles of the legs. Being in a lunge, try to distribute the weight of the body on two legs.

Exercise 2

Staying in the same pose of the runner, move your hands to one side of the leg that is in front. Drop down on your elbows without rounding your back. If you do it hard, put blocks, or lean on your palms. This exercise  contributes to the stretching of the hip joints and groin area.

Exercise 3

The knee of the back leg should be lowered to the floor, hands should be placed on both sides of the front leg. Hold this position, trying to lower the pelvis as low as possible. You can do a few repetitions of the pulsing movements up and down, but then again stay in a static position.

Same can be done with the support of the back leg on the chair  - This will help strengthen the stretching of the back leg. Stretch your crown upwards to increase the tension.

Exercise 4

Return to the lunge again, stretch the spine in line with the hip of the back leg. Exhaling, straighten your legs, lengthen your coccyx up. The forehead should be directed to the lower leg. Try to stretch your belly down so that your back is not rounded. Hands lengthen forward or grasp the shin of the leg in front.

Exercise 5

From the position in the lunge, stretch the right leg forward, and the back should lie on the mat. Tilt, keeping your back straight. Extend your arms forward or place your elbows on the floor. In the final position, linger for a while, breathing deeply. With each exhalation, try to release the tension of the back of the extended leg. You can increase the stretching of the back leg, putting it on a chair.

Exercise 6

You need to take a pigeon pose. The left pelvic bone should cover the straight heel. Deepen this position, gently pushing the right lower leg slightly forward. Rely on the need to hand. Now you need to twist the right thigh inwards, lowering the tailbone down.

Bend your back leg at the knee, with your hand on the same side, hold the foot and pull your heel to the buttock. Need to feel stretching the front of the thigh. Change the grip of the hands with the opposite hand to hold the foot. Exhale, lower your forehead on your free hand. This exercise for longitudinal splits is not too difficult, but effective.

Exercise 7

You need to lie on the floor, legs bent at the knees. Lift one leg up vertically, grasp her foot and pull the leg with your hands towards you. You can use the strap for this exercise. The sacrum should remain on the floor, keep the knee straight, the front of the thigh should be strained. In the process of execution, you need to feel how the back muscles of the legs lengthened.

Exercise 8

You need to take the popular yoga position of the dog face down. The back, the back of the head and the arms should be one straight line. Pull out the spine. The tailbone should be pulled back and up. Alternately bend your knees, trying to completely lower the heel to the floor. The thigh should be directed towards the stomach, arms and back should be in the same plane. After both heels, lower to the floor and lock in this position for a while. This exercise contributes to stretching the back surface of the legs.

Exercise 9

Remain in the same position of the dog face down. While inhaling, pull the leg up, the thigh should be twisted inside. You need to stand still and breathe deeply. This exercise perfectly helps to get closer to the dream of sitting on the longitudinal splits.

Exercise 10

Hand hold on one foot. Pull it up vertically. In the highest possible position, lock for some time. At the same time try to ensure that the support leg does not turn out.

The correct longitudinal splits: how to perform

The above exercises will help you cope with how to make a longitudinal splits. But even if your flexibility is already sufficient, and you are ready to proceed directly to a full-fledged string. And with enough training, you need to follow some rules, remembering about safety.

If you are still unsure of your own flexibility, you can use two blocks or stacks of books. Proper longitudinal splits should be performed as follows:

  • It is necessary to stand on one knee, put the front foot in front at a right angle, with the toe of the back foot to rest on the floor. The back should be straight, the belly - taut, the shoulders - straightened. The pelvic bones should be in line and pointing forward. Inhale and exhale, then gradually begin to move your feet to the side, while lowering the pelvis.
  • Reaching the extreme position, freeze. When the pelvis falls low enough, you need to hold the floor with your hands and stretch your legs at the knees.
  • Now you need to carefully exit the position of the twine. Stretch your legs in front of you, move them a little to relieve tension. Repeat the same for the other leg.

Thus, performing this exercise gradually and lowering lower and lower, you will soon sit on a full splits.

Qualitatively performing the proposed exercises, you can gradually achieve your goal. Sit on the longitudinal splits really at any age and with any level of training, just someone needs more time for this, and someone less. The main thing is not to leave classes halfway, but go to the end and do the exercises regularly.

To better understand how to sit on the longitudinal splits, you can help the video below.

Proper performance of longitudinal splits on video

Every girl dreams of incredible flexibility of the body, because it is not only graceful, but also beautiful. Some see it only in dreams, but in fact, in order to sit on the splits, it is enough to devote this to no more than half an hour a day, including rest days from exertion.

Stretching is a very important part in any training. It insures the muscles, protects them from damage and allows you not to suffer from pain the next day, even after intense training.

What are the exercises to sit on the splits, just help you? It is necessary to take the most effective techniques that heat the body and make the blood run faster. This will allow you not to feel pain and not to injure your muscles.

It is clear that in some moments you should endure the inconvenience, but do not bring yourself to injuries such as torn ligaments. So, let's proceed to the exercises themselves, for which only a exercise mat is required.

  • From the very beginning it is necessary to do warming up. Someone sits on a splits for a week, without making special efforts, someone only after a year achieves this. Everything is individual, so no need to chase time, it is better to achieve and benefit, and maintain their health. Warming up - running, skipping rope, turning to the side and to the legs, a bicycle, as well as rotation with a pelvis and lunges. When the body feels a surge of energy and heat, you can start the exercises themselves.
  • The most basic exercise is to sit down, cross-legged in a half lotus, with a breath, raise your arms up, and then lower them, exhaling beforehand. Raise your arms above your head and stretch upward, and then move your arms away from your body, rounding your back. We do some repetitions.
  • Lunges with a spring. We set the legs as wide as possible, stretch forward, then change the leg. The pelvis is moving back and forth, swaying and feeling the tension in the legs.
  • Lateral attacks - the left foot on the toe, the right on the heel, we try to pull the right knee to the side with our hand. Works right foot. Then the same, but with the left foot.
  • We stand up and stretch to the legs, trying not to round the back. You can grab onto your knees if you can't reach your toes. We swing a little bit, and then spread our legs and reach for each one individually.
  • Sit on the floor, foot on yourself. We stretch our hands to them, dropping the body to the legs with a straight back. This is an exercise for quick splits to minimize pain afterwards.
  • Sit in the pose "butterfly". Reaching forward, swinging left and right. We try to press the knees to the floor.
  • For the transverse twine, the most effective is to try to take his pose and stretch your legs to the floor. You can help yourself with your hands, swinging it forward or backward.

As you can see, all the exercises are very simple. They need to be repeated at least three times, taking breaks of a few seconds. All the exercises can be found in the pictures, since all the nuances are depicted in detail.

The benefits of such exercises, of course, will be, but only with their daily repetition. Muscles relax very quickly, so even having achieved a chic stretch and perfect twine, you risk losing your data after a long respite.

The most important thing is to ignore time. Only patience and work will help you to achieve excellent results. Remember that the splits - the dream of every girl, if you decide to hit everyone with their achievements, then go ahead, because it is very simple. Only half an hour a day, no more than five times a week. Is it difficult? Many people do such exercises not even to sit on the splits, but to wake up and feel a surge of energy before a hard, working day.

Good luck with your exercises!

Video on the topic of the article

Stretching is a good tone for almost any sports training. With its help, several goals are achieved at once, from the obvious ones - the development of flexibility and elasticity of muscles, to less noticeable, but no less significant ones - training in coordination of movements, strengthening muscles and preventing injuries. This type of exercise can be very dangerous at the same time, so the correct stretching for beginners should be carried out in stages, constantly and very carefully. Do not neglect the safety rules, so as not to turn your classes into one continuous injury.

Stretching on the splits for beginners

In order to stretch out on the splits, beginners are recommended to start with a dynamic stretch. This type of exercise consists in the fact that different swing and rotating movements are performed. It should be borne in mind that in case of dynamic stretching, in order to achieve the maximum effect, the exercises must be performed until a feeling of tiredness appears in the muscles and no further.

The tired muscle is reduced and does not allow itself to stretch. Therefore, the exercises should be changed after 10-15 repetitions. Depending on the characteristics of each person should pay more attention to the individual ligaments and muscle groups. We offer the following set of exercises that will help you achieve the maximum effect in the shortest possible time:

  • Leaning on the wall with two hands, we swing our foot in front of the body to the side. We try to increase the amplitude of the pendulum each time - repeat each leg 10-15 times.
  • Leaning one hand on the wall, we swing the legs forward and back to the maximum height - repeat 10-15 times.
  • Tilt forward with straight legs. We take out fingers, fists, palms (depending on your possibilities) to the floor.

Only after you have done the exercises for dynamic stretching should you move on to more serious ballistic exercises. It involves the presence of spring movements at the limit of the pain threshold. While exercising, try to relax your muscles as much as possible, and every movement should lead to an increase in pain.

For stretching on the splits (and the easiest is longitudinal), you should do the following exercises:

  • Lunges. You make the biggest step forward, straighten your back, trying to keep it as straight and perpendicular to the floor. The back leg can be supported on the toes, then put the sock on the floor. Perform springy movements from 15 to 60 seconds, then change your leg. The toe of the back foot needs to be pulled away from you.
  • Rolls. The whole weight is transferred to one leg - bend it at the knee, the second one is set aside as much as possible. Make sure that this leg is straightened at the knee and the sock is looking in the opposite direction from you. Keep your back straight. Spring up to one minute, depending on your feelings, then change your leg
  • The slopes of sitting. Sitting on the floor or carpet, place your legs apart for the maximum distance, then do the tilts alternately to the left and right, fixing the tilt for 10-15 seconds, spring. Each slope should cause more pain than the previous one.

To perform a complex of ballistic load, you will need a gymnastic mat, with the help of which you can comfortably take a variety of postures for the tension of certain muscles. At the initial stage you should not do many different exercises, concentrate on those that give you a tangible result, and later add new elements.

How to stretch your legs and back at home - photo examples

Children's stretching and flexibility exercises

The muscles and ligaments of children are more elastic and it is much easier to stretch them than the stagnant muscles of an adult. Nevertheless, you should be very careful about the question of stretching for a beginner athlete - a child. An acrobatic or rhythmic gymnastics coach can use force to your child to achieve the perfect result. It happens that exercises related to stretching lead to a persistent unwillingness of a child to attend such classes, and also to play sports in general.

In the case, if the force is not used, and gymnastics turns into a pleasant pastime, stretching becomes an element of overall physical fitness. It also redirects the load from one muscle group to another, gives you a better feel of your body, train movement coordination.

Stretching exercises for children are not much different from the same for adults, but there are a few nuances. AT modern world  Children spend a few hours a day in a sitting position in the classroom, then, after coming home, they do homework for a few more hours. The body grows and it is very important that the muscles be as elastic as possible.

The general rule for children is to pay particular attention to stretching the back muscles. Stretching the back will not even think about possible scoliosis, other troubles with the back in general and posture in particular. If you do not pursue the goal of achieving high sports results, do not use force to your child, try to choose a set of exercises that will allow him to enjoy the results, but do not cry every time from the pain.

When choosing exercises for stretching, stop on those that bring tangible results. It is not necessary to saturate the training program with those exercises, the effect of which is not noticeable and is not felt by you or your child. Motivation will be lost - there will be no result at all. Better to do 4-5 effective exercisesbut see progress than 10-15, but do not move from place.

Stretching for beginners video tutorials

Group classes stimulate growth, provide an opportunity to see their mistakes from the side and motivate much more, but this is not available to everyone. However, you can study with an instructor even without leaving your home if you use special video tutorials.

In them you can see how to do the exercises correctly, what poses and in what order to use, which muscles to relax and how much time to spend on it. Many lessons are done professionally and deserve only praise for the efforts of their authors. Below are a few of them. Use the advice of professionals!

Stretching for beginners: stretching every day

Watch the video, which discusses techniques for stretching all muscle groups and ligaments in the body. Each movement is described in detail by voice over and illustrated by a coach. Daily activities will help you to make all your ligaments and muscles as flexible as possible, and your movements will become more graceful.

Effective stretching for twine in 10 minutes

In the video that we offer you to see, the focus is on exercises aimed at achieving the position of the splits (muscles of the thigh, lower leg, pelvis). This complex, which is performed every day for 10 minutes, in time will surely allow you to sit both on the longitudinal and on the cross twine.