Head of kim OGE of chemistry. Demonstration OGE with chemistry

For reprimands on the day of 20-22, beat the okremy arkush. Write down the number of the order (20, 21, 22) on the back of the heading, and then we will open it up to the new one. Write down the points clearly and succinctly.

Vykoristovuyuchi method of electronic balance, rozstavte coefficients in equal reactions, scheme yakoї

HI + H 2 SO 4 → I 2 + H 2 S + H 2 O

Vznachte okislyuvach i vіdnovnik.

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1) Electronic balance is stored:

2) The coefficients were placed in equal reactions:

8HI + H 2 SO 4 \u003d 4I 2 + H 2 S + 4H 2 O

3) It is designated that sirka in the oxidation stage +6 is oxidizing, and iodine in the oxidation stage -1 is oxidizing

170 g of sribl nitrate exceeded that of sodium chloride. Vipav siege with a mass of 8.61 m Calculate the mass fraction of salt in terms of nitrate of silver.

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1) Stacked equal reactions:

AgNO 3 + NaCl = AgCl + NaNO 3

2) Amount of speech and weight of nitrate squandered, to be avenged at the end of speech:

for equal reactions n (AgNO 3) \u003d n (AgCl) \u003d m (AgCl) / M (AgCl) \u003d 8.61 / 143.5 \u003d 0.06 mol

m (AgNO 3) \u003d n (AgNO 3) M (AgNO 3) \u003d 0.06 170 \u003d 10.2 g

3) The mass fraction of nitrate sribl was calculated in the output distribution:

ω (AgNO 3) \u003d m (AgNO 3) / m (distance) \u003d 10.2 / 170 \u003d 0.06, or 6%

Given speech: FeCl 3, H 2 SO 4 (conc.), Fe, Cu, NaOH, CuSO 4. Vicorist water and necessary speech only from the list, take hydroxide of saline (II) in two stages. Describe the signs of the reactions. For an ion exchange reaction, write a short ion equal reaction.

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There are two equal reactions:

1) Fe + CuSO 4 = FeSO 4 + Cu

2) FeSO 4 + 2NaOH \u003d Fe (OH) 2 + Na 2 SO 4

The signs of the reaction are described:

3) for the first reaction: seeing a red siege of metal midi;

4) for another reaction: falling gray-green siege.

Folded quickly and ionne equal to other reactions.

control materials
for the 2017 rotation
main sovereignty
according to CHEMIA

1. Appointment of KIM for OGE- Evaluate the rіven of global lighting training in chemistry for graduates of the IX class of global lighting organizations with the method of sovereign attestation of graduates. The results of the test can be tested when you are admitted to a specialized class of a secondary school.

OGE is carried out according to the Federal Law Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents to be issued by KIM

3. Come to the selection of a replacement, a design of the KIM structure

The development of KIM for OGE in chemistry was carried out due to the improvement of the offensive positions.

  • КІМ is oriented to re-verification of the acquired system of knowledge, as it is seen in the capacity of an invariant core of the same developing programs in chemistry for the main school. The Federal Component of the State Lighting Standard in Chemistry has a system of knowledge presented at a glance before the preparation of graduates.
  • КІМ call to ensure the possibility of a differentiated assessment of the training of graduates. Therefore, the re-verification of the mastered basic elements of the chemistry course in the VIII-IX classes is based on three levels of folding: basic, advanced and high.
  • The initial material, on the basis of which the students will be, is chosen as a sign of its importance for the education of graduates in the main school. For this reason, special respect is given to these elements of knowledge, as they will take their development in the course of chemistry X-XI classes.

4. Connection of the examination model OGE with KIM EDI

The most important principle that is insured during the development of KIM for the OGE, є їх decline from KІM ЄDI, is conditioned by the same approaches to the assessment of primary achievements in chemistry in basic and secondary schools.

The implementation of this principle is ensured: I could only, that they are presented to the choice of the council, that they are reviewed by the OGE tasks; similarity of the structures of the KIM exam options for OGE and EDDI; vikoristannyam analogous models zavdan, as well as the identity of systems for estimating zavdan similar types, as vikoristovuyutsya like in OGE, so in ЄДІ.

5. Characteristics of the structure of KIM 1

In 2017, the choice of bodies of higher authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which controls the field of education, promotes two models of examination work, for its structure and change, include in it the task of similar models of examination work

The skin version of the examination work consists of two parts.

part 1 to avenge the 19th day with a short break, including the 15th day of the basic folding level (sequential numbers of these days: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 15) and 4 days promoted equal folding (sequential numbers of the order: 16, 17, 18, 19). With all their authority, the heads of the divisions agree that the difference to the skin is recorded briefly in one digit or a sequence of digits (two or three). The sequence of digits is recorded in the form of identification without spaces and other additional characters.

part 2 in the fallow in the KIM model to take 3 or 4 heads of high level of folding, with a roaring wind. The retail of examination models 1 and 2 is folded in the morning and in the coming days until the end of the remaining examination tasks:

  • exam model 1 to avenge task 22, which is passed on to the “obvious experiment”;
  • exam model 2 to avenge the task on 22 and 23, which is passed on to a real chemical experiment.

The task of roztashovanі according to the principle of incremental growth of equal їх folding. A part of the dressing of the basic, advanced and high level of folding was folded in robots 68, 18 and 14% of the total.
A general statement about the number of candidates in the skin part of the examination robot models 1 and 2 is given in Table 1.


1 Model 1 (M1) valid for demo version No. 1; model 2 (M2) - demonstration option No. 2.


control vimiruvalnyh materials for

held at the 2017 rotation of the main state

sleep with chemistry

Instructions for vikonanny roboti

The examination paper is composed of two parts, which include 22 tasks. Part 1 to avenge the 19th day with a short break, part 2 to avenge the 3rd day with a fired break.

2 years (120 minutes) are introduced for the examination work in chemistry.

Due date until 1-15 o'clock, only one digit is recorded in order to confirm the number of the correct entry. Write down the number in the confirmation field in the text of the robot, and then transfer it to the confirmation form No. 1.

Deadline until the date 16-19 are recorded at the sight of the sequence of numbers. Write down the following sequence of numbers in the field of confirmation in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the form of confirmation No. 1.

Until tomorrow, 20-22, the next date is to give the latest fireworks, which includes the necessary equal reactions and fireworks. Managers are signed on the form of reconciliations No. 2.

When vikonannі work you can koristuvatisya Periodic system of chemical elements D.I. Mendeliev, a table of salts, acids and values ​​for water, an electrochemical series of metal voltages and an unprogrammed calculator.

When vikonannі zavdan can be koristuvatisya black. Entries in black are not insured when evaluating work.

Bali, otrimani you for vikonnі zavdannya, fuss.

Try to vikonate the yakomog more zavdan and score the most number of points.

Thank you for success!

part 1

Due date 1-15 is one digit, which indicates the number of the correct entry. Write down the first number in the confirmation field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to the VIDPOVIDE FORM No. 1 right-handed in the number of the official office, starting from the first cell.

    The chemical element of the 3rd period of the VA-group is given a scheme for distributing electrons by version:


    Ionna zv'yazok is characteristic of the skin of two speeches:

1) potassium chloride and chloride water

2) barium chloride and sodium oxide

3) sodium chloride and carbon oxide (IV)

4) lithium oxide and chlorine


    Foldable є skin z two speeches

1) water and chlorine

2) water and water

3) water and quartz

4) benzene and water


    The largest number of positive ions are settled at a dissociation of 1 mile

1) sulfuric acid

2) sodium phosphate

3) saline nitrate (III)

4) potassium sulfide


    At the reaction with water at room temperature, offensive speeches of the bet enter

1) kisen and coal

2) magnesium and sulfur

3) aluminum and phosphorus

4) sodium and calcium


    Middle speech: Zn, Al 2 O 3, Cu (OH) 2, BaCl 2 - enters into a reaction with a variety of sulfuric acid (-yut)

4) chotiri


    What is the judgment about the ways of dividing sums?


B. Podil sumishi water and ethanol can be filtered.

1) right only A

2) right only B

3) vіrnі resentment judgment

4) insulting the judgment of the wrong


    The element carbon is oxidizing in the reaction

2CO + O 2 \u003d 2CO 2

CO 2 + 2Mg = 2MgO + C

CH 4 + 2O 2 \u003d CO 2 + 2H 2 O

C + 2H 2 SO 4 \u003d CO 2 + 2H 2 O + 2SO 2


Due until the date of 16-19 є the sequence of digits, as follows, write down in the FORM OF VІDPPOVIDEY No. 1 right-handed in the number of the official office, starting from the first cell. Please write down the clue without spaces, which of the other additional characters.

The skin number should be written in the okremіy kіtintsі clearly before pointing into the form with zrazrykami.

At vikonannі zavdan 16, 17 іz zaproponovanný perelіku vіdpovіdey choose two correct ones and write in the table the numbers, according to which stinks are indicated.

16. Burning for magnesium and silicon є

1) the presence of three electron balls in their atoms

2) the basis of similar simple speeches in apparently diatomic molecules

3) those who stink to the metal

4) those whose values ​​of electronegativity are less than those of phosphorus

5) the adoption by them of the highest oxides from the general formula EO 2


When vikonannі zavdan 18, 19 to the skin element of the first step, take the second element from the other spatula. Write down the numbers in the table with the correct letters. Figures in the case may be repeated.



H 2 SO 4 and HNO 3

MgBr 2 and MgCl 2

AgNO 3 and Zn (NO 3) 2


    Establish the consistency between the name of speech and reagents, with which speech can be combined.


Do not forget to transfer all the notices to the notice form No. 1, up to the instructions for the work.

part 2

For confirmations for the meeting on 20-22, vouch for the FORM OF APPLICATIONS No. 2.

Write down the number of the order (20, 21 or 22) on the back, and then we will open it up to the new one. Write down the points clearly and succinctly.

20. Vikoristovuyuchi method of electronic balance, fold equal reactions

KMnO 4 + KOH → K 2 MnO 4 + O 2 + H 2 O

Vznachte okislyuvach i vіdnovnik.

21. Up to 376 g, the difference with the mass fraction of midi(II) nitrate 7.5% was over-described for potassium hydroxide. Vyznachte masu vipav siege.

22. Given speech: Zn, HCl (solution), H 3 PO 4, AgNO 3, NH 4 Cl, Ba (NO 3) 2. Vicorist water and necessary speech only from the list, remove zinc nitrate in two stages. Describe the signs of the reactions. For an ion exchange reaction, write a short ion equal reaction.

control materials
for the 2017 rotation
main sovereignty
according to CHEMIA

1. Appointment of KIM for OGE- Evaluate the rіven of global lighting training in chemistry for graduates of the IX class of global lighting organizations with the method of sovereign attestation of graduates. The results of the test can be tested when you are admitted to a specialized class of a secondary school.

OGE is carried out in compliance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”.

2. Documents to be issued by KIM

3. Come to the selection of a replacement, a design of the KIM structure

The development of KIM for OGE in chemistry was carried out due to the improvement of the offensive positions.

  • КІМ is oriented to re-verification of the acquired system of knowledge, as it is seen in the capacity of an invariant core of the same developing programs in chemistry for the main school. The Federal Component of the State Lighting Standard in Chemistry has a system of knowledge presented at a glance before the preparation of graduates.
  • КІМ call to ensure the possibility of a differentiated assessment of the training of graduates. Therefore, the re-verification of the mastered basic elements of the chemistry course in the VIII-IX classes is based on three levels of folding: basic, advanced and high.
  • The initial material, on the basis of which the students will be, is chosen as a sign of its importance for the education of graduates in the main school. For this reason, special respect is given to these elements of knowledge, as they will take their development in the course of chemistry X-XI classes.

4. Connection of the examination model OGE with KIM EDI

The most important principle that is insured during the development of KIM for the OGE, є їх decline from KІM ЄDI, is conditioned by the same approaches to the assessment of primary achievements in chemistry in basic and secondary schools.

The implementation of this principle is ensured: I could only, that they are presented to the choice of the council, that they are reviewed by the OGE tasks; similarity of the structures of the KIM exam options for OGE and EDDI; vikoristannyam analogous models zavdan, as well as the identity of systems for estimating zavdan similar types, as vikoristovuyutsya like in OGE, so in ЄДІ.

5. Characteristics of the structure of KIM 1

In 2017, the choice of bodies of higher authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which controls the field of education, promotes two models of examination work, for its structure and change, include in it the task of similar models of examination work

The skin version of the examination work consists of two parts.

part 1 to avenge the 19th day with a short break, including the 15th day of the basic folding level (sequential numbers of these orders: 1, 2, 3, 4, ... 15) and 4 orders of the advanced level of folding (serial numbers of these orders: 16, 17, 18, 19). With all their authority, the heads of the divisions agree that the difference to the skin is recorded briefly in one digit or a sequence of digits (two or three). The sequence of digits is recorded in the form of identification without spaces and other additional characters.

part 2 in the fallow in the KIM model to take 3 or 4 heads of high level of folding, with a roaring wind. The retail of examination models 1 and 2 is folded in the morning and in the coming days until the end of the remaining examination tasks:

  • exam model 1 to avenge task 22, which is passed on to the “obvious experiment”;
  • exam model 2 to avenge the task on 22 and 23, which is passed on to a real chemical experiment.

The task of roztashovanі according to the principle of incremental growth of equal їх folding. A part of the dressing of the basic, advanced and high level of folding was folded in robots 68, 18 and 14% of the total.
A general statement about the number of candidates in the skin part of the examination robot models 1 and 2 is given in Table 1.


1 Model 1 (M1) valid for demo version No. 1; model 2 (M2) - demonstration option No. 2.

Collection of 30 training options for examinations in chemistry and appointments for preparation to the main sovereign feeling in grade 9. 31st variant - control.
The skin option includes tests of different types and equal folding, depending on parts 1 and 2 of the examination work. For example, books are valid for self-verification on all tasks.
Proposed training options will help the teacher to organize the training to the graduation examination, and to the students - to self-reflect their knowledge and readiness to pass the graduation test.

Methane is characterized by the onset of hardening
1) before the warehouse of the molecule enter two atoms and carbon
2) characteristic reactions
3) do not separate from the water
4) avoid bromine water
5) enters into substitution reactions with chlorine

In the chemical elements of the VIA group of the periodic system with the largest atomic mass:
1) metal power is increasing and valency is increasing in water fields
2) the increasing charge of the nucleus of the atom and the radius of the atom
3) increasing number of electron balls in atoms and higher valency
4) non-metal dominance is increasing and the number of electron balls in atoms is increasing

From the covalent polar and covalent non-polar bonds, it is obvious:
1) chlorine and chlorine water
2) water and nitrogen
3) warm water and methane
4) kisen and sulfur oxide (IV)

Option 1
Option 2
option 3
option 4
option 5
option 6
option 7
option 8
option 9
option 10
option 11
option 12
option 13
option 14
option 15
option 16
option 17
option 18
option 19
option 20
option 21
option 22
option 23
option 24
option 25
option 26
option 27
option 28
option 29
option 30
Option 31 (control)

Freely download an e-book in a manual format, marvel and read:
Take the book OGE 2017, Chemistry, 30 training options, Koroshchenko A.S., Kuptsova A.V. - fileskachat.com, free downloads and free downloads.

  • OGE 2020 year, Chemistry, 10 training options, Koroshchenko A.S., Kuptsova A.V., 2019
  • OGE-2019, Chemistry, 10 training options for exams for preparing for the main state exam, Koroshchenko A.S., Kuptsova A.V., 2019