Kids meaning of life quotes. Statuses about children: interesting statements. Child statuses: a compilation for all ages

Modern young mothers want to share their joy associated with raising children, not only with friends and family. Therefore, they begin an active search for beautiful statuses with a meaning about their son or daughter, who will help them tell the whole world about their happiness.

Favorite son statuses: what to choose?

  • “You will not soon realize that your parents were right. And it will happen at that moment when you yourself become a father, and your son will believe that you are wrong. ”
  • “After returning from school, my son happily declared that mom was lucky today, we were asked only one reading.”
  • "Only own children can be the best sons in the whole world."
  • "There is a house - you can not be afraid of the cold, there is a son - you can not be afraid of need."
  • "This morning, I finally realized that my little son became a real man when I heard a purely male question from him - where are my socks?"
  • "Not a single gem can decorate a woman like a son walking by."
  • "God gives a woman a son so that she herself can bring up a real man who will not only be able to say beautiful compliments, but also confirm his words with deeds."
  • “The best man in the world is always with me. He says every day that he loves me, at each meeting he kisses and gives very nice gifts. But there is one drawback, he does not want to go to the kindergarten. ”
  • “There is one man in the world whom I will love under any circumstances, regardless of any of his mistakes and offenses. He is the only one whom I will always believe and to my question, whether he loves me, always answers - Yes, Mom! ”.
  • “There is a man in the world who holds my heart in his hands. His smile alone can beautify all my day, his laugh is brighter than the sun for me. His happiness can make me the happiest on the whole planet. And this is my favorite son. "
  • "In my life there was one man whom I love most of all in life, besides, even my rightful spouse is crazy about him - this is our little son."
  • "There is one cool guy in the world, and this is my son."
  • "If the Lord wants to give protection to a woman, he will give her a son."
  • “If a man is ready for any crazy act for a woman, then he is her husband. If a woman is ready to commit an insane act for the sake of a man, then he is her son. ”
  • "The sooner a mother starts treating her son as a real man, the sooner he can become one."
  • "The son is my love, happiness and wealth."

Child statuses: a compilation for all ages

  • "For children, you can not regret exactly two things - this is your time and love."
  • "In a person's life there is no greater happiness than hugging your child."
  • “Children are strong threads that tie us to this world in case we get tired of it once.”
  • "A woman can be indecisive and weak if the case concerns only her personally, but as soon as it comes to her child, she becomes like a beast."
  • "With the birth of a child, parents begin to sleep on the edge of the bed, and in the center lies an asterisk."
  • "I had to give birth to the very best man in the world."
  • “Previously, we believed that the most terrible and unpleasant activity in the world was doing homework. But, having become parents, you understand that the most terrible activity is to learn lessons with your child. ”
  • "The order in the house will be only when the grandchildren go to visit their grandmother."
  • "Do not forget to pamper your children in childhood, because no one knows what trials fate has prepared for them."
  • “Parental love for their children is much stronger than that of their children towards their parents. After all, parents can not love each other, but continue to live together for the sake of their child, and children can leave their parents because of the love of a completely random person. ”
  • "The smile of a beloved child in the morning can replace a cup of coffee and take away fatigue after a sleepless night."
  • “Children embrace very tightly and sincerely, and most importantly, simply and with love.”
  • "Only mother can call herself the happiest woman."
  • "We give children life, and they give us the meaning of life."
  • “Children are our future, but do not panic too soon.”
  • "Looking at your child, you realize that you live in this world for a reason."
  • “At first, boys are interested in cars, and girls are dolls. But, over time, their interests are changing and now boys are interested in dolls, and girls are interested in cars. ”
  • "Every boy wants to marry a princess, but after meeting her, they start dreaming about something simpler."
  • “In our city, a new maniac named Johnson and Johnson has appeared, who constantly goes home and children nibs his eyes.”
  • “In childhood they think that the hole punch was invented specifically in order to make confetti.”

Beautiful sayings about children

  • "The pledge of a calm old age of parents is good parenting."
  • “Only children are capable of hugging tightly and sincerely, with love and for no apparent reason.”
  • "The love between the spouses will never end, because after their death, she will live in children and grandchildren."
  • "Do not forget that over time, your children, following your example, will treat you exactly the same way as you do with yours now."
  • “A child needs parental love most of all at the moment when he least deserves it.”
  • "The child is your mirror in which you can recognize yourself and see your own actions from the side."

Children are happiness, beautiful quotes about children with meaning. Children are flowers of life. It is important not to forget, children are happy and joyful when their parents are happy and harmonious.

Children do not come from nowhere, they come from God.

“Children who feel the unselfish love of their parents become happy people.” - Pearl Buck.

"Not a single gem can decorate a woman like a son walking by."

"Looking at your child, you realize that you live in this world for a reason."

"The child is my love, happiness and wealth."

In a family where everything is good, there are no bad children.

Even the pangs of pregnancy, childbirth and other things cannot darken those minutes of happiness when you look at this little happiness and understand that this happiness is a part of you!

Nine months give new life to at least three lives at once. Sukhorukov Leonid.

Children are our message to the future.

Children are happiness! But it is given a dear price!

Children immediately and naturally accustom themselves with happiness, for they are by their nature joy and happiness. Victor Hugo.

Children immediately and naturally accustom themselves with happiness, for they are by their nature joy and happiness.

Children are smiling gods. Anatoly Rakhmatov.

Children are the anchors that hold the mother in life. Sophocles

"We give children life, and they give us the meaning of life."

The childhood state of the soul passes through our entire life - it is this that prompts us to seek the meaning of life, to seek God.

Children are a happiness that grows over the years. (children are happiness quotes)

One child is enough to fill the whole house and yard. Mark Twain

If you look at the world through the eyes of a child, then for them great happiness is simply the touch of the hands of the mother!

A woman - mother will save the world. Friedrich Nietzsche.

A woman automatically loses her freedom from the moment of conception of life in her, but in return, she acquires great happiness - Motherhood. Tamara Sinelni.

Having children is wealth, being a mother is a great happiness!

When children are happy, parents are true children! Sukhorukov Leonid.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy. Oscar Wilde

Any woman, when she sleeps, can not hear the phone ringing, knocking on the door. But the breath of your child will be heard even in a dream!

Mom is the happiest woman in the world.

Motherhood is the greatest happiness in the world, it is the most precious gift of God!

There is no hymn on earth more solemn than the babble of children's mouths. Victor Hugo

There is nothing more beautiful than children's eyes! They are as pure as heaven!

A child gives birth to parents. Stanislav Jerzy Lec.

The birth of a little man, who are looking forward to - the most wonderful moment in this life. Galina Sukhoverkh.

Having a child takes a woman a lot of effort, health, and time. But in return gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.

With the advent of motherhood, femininity flourishes in all its strength and beauty. Vasily Sukhomlinsky.

With the birth of children, money, order, peace and serenity disappear in the house ... and happiness appears.

The most beautiful thing in the life of any family is children.

The family begins with the children. Alexander Herzen.

The most expensive necklace on a woman’s neck is the arms of her child.

Only a happy woman can raise a happy child!

Mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles.

Happiness is small, warm, palms, behind the sofa are candy wrappers, and crumbs on the chair.

Happiness is the word "mom" written by a child's hand.

Happiness cannot be bought. But you can give birth to him.

Happiness consists of 4 parts: living parents, healthy children, a loved one and true friends!

When in the arms, your beloved person has your beloved child - this is a great happiness.

Quietly sniffles my nose, hugging my mother, here he is, next to me lies my little piece of paradise!

Only when you come to the bed where your little baby is sleeping, do you truly understand what tears of happiness are ...

Smile to the child ... Feel the happiness ..

This section contains beautiful quotes about children and happiness. Children are a source of happiness, they bring great joy to this world along with their deep laugh, awkward first steps, and even scattered toys.

The collection includes aphorisms and quotes about children and their parents:

  • I will not allow my daughters to learn foreign languages, because it is enough for a woman to know one. John milton
  • Painful tenderness for my second daughter was over. Now I despise all my seven children alike. Evelyn Waugh
  • Always be kind to your children - they will choose a nursing home for you. Phyllis Diller
  • A person who truly respects the human person must respect him in his child, starting from the minute when the child felt his “I” and separated himself from the outside world. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev
  • In childhood we are happy because we do not think about it.
  • Ecstasy is the daughter of ignorance. Benjamin Franklin
  • Children have wide ears and long tongues. Thomas Fuller
  • One who does not have children, sacrifices death. Francis Bacon
  • You look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They justify my old age. William Shakespeare
  • Madness is a hereditary disease: it is transmitted to us from our children. Erma Bombeck
  • Children - the pinnacle of a healthy marriage. Rudolf Neubert
  • No matter how old your child is, parents who have older children always assure you that the worst is still to come. Roseanne Barr
  • Children are happiness! But it is given such a high price!
  • Parents will never understand why all children want to play with tomboy, but not with good ones. "20,000 Quips & Quotes"
  • Children assume that each of their thoughts is the thought of all others, that everyone can read and understand it, even if it is not expressed quite clearly. Jean piaget
  • A child learns because he believes an adult. Doubt comes after faith. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Children hug tightly and sincerely, and most importantly - with love and just like that ...
  • The child in no way wants to be recognized in a disguised form. Hans Georg Gadamer
  • Children teach adults not to dive to the end and stay free. Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin
  • A child is a creature that you carry in you for 9 months, in your arms - 3 years, and in your heart - until you die.
  • Children's definitions are always interesting, but their interpretation is difficult. Jean piaget
  • To undress a sleeping baby is like demining a bomb, one sudden movement - minus 3 hours of sleep.
  • Homemade children's holidays are arranged primarily to make sure that there are kids even worse than yours. Catherine Whitehorn
  • True, children should - as long as they remain children - be in charge of parental authority, but at the same time should be prepared not to always remain children. Christoph Martin Wieland
  • If I were given the choice to populate the land with such saints as I could imagine, but that there were no children, or people like that now, but with children, I would choose the latter. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
  • Late children - early orphans. Benjamin Franklin
  • If the children, fortunately, can forget about the world of adults for a while, they will still be given, eventually, to this world. Georges Bataille
  • Passing through the road, look not at the traffic light, but at the cars - the traffic lights still didn't shoot down anyone ...
  • If you don't know what your children are, look at their friends. Xun Tzu
  • The father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future man. Only such a love for children is true and worthy of being called love; every other is selfishness, cold self-love. Vissarion G. Belinsky
  • If you went to visit a friend, the sight of his children, even before you came into the house, will tell you whether you honor your friend. If the children meet you happily, you can be sure that a friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then turn around and go home without hesitation. Menander
  • Nothing surprises when everything surprises: this is a feature of a child. Antoine Rivarol
  • Life for a child is one huge experiment. Alfred Adler
  • An unloved child ceases to be a child: it is only a small, defenseless adult. Gilbert Sesbron
  • Of all the generally immoral relations, the attitude towards children as slaves is the most immoral. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • There is no one more sure of the sincerity of their love than a child.
  • Each child should apply his own measure, encourage everyone to his own responsibility and reward him with his own well-deserved praise. Not success, but effort deserves a reward. John Reskin
  • Not new, but always up-to-date action from the hospital: give birth to one child and get two as a gift absolutely free!
  • Every child is to some extent a genius, and every genius is to some extent a child. Arthur Schopenhauer
  • Do not tell the children that you had easy births, or they will no longer respect you. I had a habit of waking my daughter for many years and telling her: “Melissa, everything inside me is torn because of you. Now sleep. ” Joan rivers
  • How terrible the world would be if children were not born constantly, carrying with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection! John Reskin
  • On the pillow quietly happiness small asleep! I grabbed a toy for a toy, quietly sniffing my nose!
  • When a child is frightened, flogged and in every possible way upset, then from the very young age he begins to feel lonely. Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev
  • We do not claim that we can turn any child into a so-called “talented person”, but we can always make him a “talentless” adult. Alfred Adler
  • Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creative and can give a child a lasting, true happiness, when it enhances the scope of a loving life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn a beloved creature into an idol. Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky
  • To my daughter Leonore: without her sympathy and support for this book, I would write twice as fast. P.G. Woodhouse
  • People are the only creatures that have children with a specific purpose, except for guppies that eat their children. Patrick O'Rourke
  • Mom, do you know how much toothpaste is in a tube? - No, son, I do not know. - From the sink to the chair and back!
  • Boys are boys, they look at the boyish boyishly.
  • Small children in the apartment are wonderful: wherever you sit, there will be a cube in the pope ...
  • A mother is the most hopeless optimist out of all possible; she believes to the last that her child is the best.
  • Any astronomer can predict with absolute accuracy where every heavenly star will be tomorrow, half an hour before midnight. He cannot say anything about his young daughter. James T. Adams
  • We must strive to ensure that only desired children are born, because it is cruel to give life to an unwanted child who may become a victim of physical or moral violence. Karl Raimund Popper
  • Those who are tormented by orders most of all are children. It's amazing how they do not break at all under the yoke of orders and manage to survive the zeal of educators. Elias Canetti
  • We worry about how a person will raise our child; but we forget that he is already human. Stashiya Tausher (Quotes about children)
  • What a strange bliss to realize that there, inside, Growing and maturing Perfection, My angel, the fruit of my love.
  • Our happiness in children. Their smile, the first knowledge, the first tooth, the first small step, joint games, the joy of winning them ... The kid, running with his hands, opened like a nestling, embraces his neck! This little lump is - ALL OUR LIFE!
  • Every man is always someone's child. Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais
  • No wonder that the sons are rich in knowledge, Who are brought up by a wise father. Ferdowsi
  • Every word of an adult person is mysteriously meaningful child. Lev Shestov
  • Gentle face, dash each, nose snub-nosed sniffs ... Money, career - all this is unimportant, important - sleeping next to each other.
  • Other children console only with the fact that they were not born twins. "20.000 Quips & Quotes"
  • Nowhere, in any city of the world, stars shine so brightly as in the city of childhood.
  • Consider the disturbing contrast between a shining mind healthy baby  and dementia of the average adult level. Sigmund Freud
  • No one has yet grown up without making mistakes. Alfred Adler
  • If you have a child, you will have to answer the questions “What is his name?”, “How old is he?” And “Is it a little girl or a boy?” Until the end of his life. Erma Bombeck
  • One child in the family - a little, two - much more than necessary. Axiom O’Tula
  • If death sickle is relentless, Leave descendants to argue with him!
  • The mistake of children is that they are held by the truths of adults. Georges Bataille
  • If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky
  • Imitate the good even in the enemies, do not imitate the bad even in the parents.
  • If children cannot see the ideal of moral perfection, then at least one cannot but agree that they are incomparably more moral than adults. Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov
  • Why did our mother's and father's friends come to our children's birthdays and get fed up with the trash?
  • One child is enough to fill the whole house and yard. Mark Twain
  • For children whose teeth erupt, they boldly add a violet root! Kozma bars
  • A child is a rational being, he knows well the needs, difficulties and hindrances of his life. Janusz Korczak
  • Children who do not love become adults who cannot love. Pearl buck
  • The child begins to speak long before he utters the first word. Oswald Spengler
  • Children multiply our everyday worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. Francis Bacon
  • A child learns to believe many things. Ludwig Wittgenstein
  • Children should not know how dear they are to those who bring them up. Robert Walser
  • The decision to acquire a child is not a joke. It means deciding that your heart will now and forever wander outside your body.
  • Children of the hero are not always heroes; even less likely to be grandchildren. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Children need gentle treatment, because punishment hardens them. Charles Louis Montesquieu
  • Children are such an expensive pleasure that only the poor can afford it.
  • Speaking of honor, truth, are you honest and truthful? If not, you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; he will not listen to your words, but your eyes, your spirit, which possesses you. Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky
  • Only a real child's heart attacks fresh thoughts, beaten and desecrated - never. Robert Walser
  • You will always be your child's favorite toy. Vicky Lansky
  • You talk to your daughters about the diameters of the planets, and then you wonder how they avoid your company. Samuel johnson
  • All the children of the world cry in the same language. Leonid Maksimovich Leonov
  • A child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; There is nothing more stupid than trying to replace their ability with ours. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • AT happy family  the wife thinks that the money is taken from the nightstand, the husband - that the food is taken from the fridge, and the children - that they were found in cabbage.
  • The character of the child is a copy of the character of the parents; it develops in response to their character. Erich Fromm
  • Be kind to your children - they will then choose you a home for the elderly.
  • There are no other people's children. Hillary Clinton
  • Without children it would be impossible to love humanity like that. Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Theme of the article: sayings, aphorisms, phrases, sayings and quotations about children


Most recently, we ourselves were children, and some lucky one, even as an adult, is in no hurry to say goodbye to this carefree state of mind.

We hope interesting, philosophical, and sometimes unexpected quotes about children from famous classics will help you to plunge into the wonderful world of childhood for a while.

Happiness is soft, warm palms,
  Behind the sofa wrappers, on the couch crumbs,
  What is happiness is easier not to answer
  Happiness is for everyone who has children!

  • READ:

Quotes about children - undeniable truths

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

Oscar wilde

Childhood - when everything is amazing and nothing is surprising.

A. Rivarol

Every child is to some degree a genius, and every genius is to some extent a child.

A. Schopenhauer

Be true even in relation to the child: fulfill the promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

L. Tolstoy

Funny quotes about children

Scenario for March 8 in kindergarten  © * * *

Children are the flowers of life that are born heads down.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.

Joe holdsworth

Easier to bring up strong childthan change a man.

Frederick Douglas

We are not lucky with our children - they grew up.

Christopher Morley

With young children, as with intellectuals: when they make noise, they get on our nerves, when we sit quietly - this is suspicious.

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Sad quotes about children

Take care of the tears of your children so that they may spill them on your grave.

Surely indulge the children, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Never force children to buy the truth at the price of a vice and do not perfect their mind to the detriment of the heart.

J. Bernardin

All the children of the world cry in the same language.

L. Leonov

If people say bad things about your children, it means they say bad things about you.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Wise quotes about children

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More often than not, we are more happy with the children's pranks, games and tricks of our children than with their quite conscious actions in adulthood, as if we loved them for our entertainment, like monkeys, not like people.

M. Montaigne

Children should - as long as they remain children - be in charge of parental authority, but at the same time they should be prepared not to always remain children.

K. Wieland

Children need a role model more than a critique.

A child needs your love the most when it least deserves it.

E. Bombeck

The children are holy and pure. You can not make them a toy of your mood.

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Philosophical quotes about children

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Children are one third of our country's population, and our entire future. Thanks to the children want to live.

Mohammed Ali

A child is love that has become visible.

If you don't know what your children are, look at their friends.

Children teach adults not to dive to the end and stay free.

M. Prishvin

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them.

D. Baldwin

You will live in the world ten times,
  Repeated ten times in children
  And you will be entitled to your last hour
  To triumph over the death of the subjugated.

W. Shakespeare

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