The best crafts in the garden on the theme of autumn. Autumn crafts in kindergarten from paper. Greeting card of autumn trees made of spices.

This craft will look very original, it can decorate the window or wall of the room.

As a handicraft on the theme of autumn, you can make a beautiful pendant made of natural materials for school - branches of a tree, pine and spruce cones, dried physalis nuts and other components. Such a product will organically fit into a school room or hall.

You can use bumps to create funny characters - for example,. The basis of the crafts we take a small plastic bottle and wrap it with a thick cloth. On the fabric begin to stick one by one bumps. We paste over the whole bottle in this way.

Glue the hedgehog eyes and ears. We decorate the crafts with autumn gifts - apples, rowanberries, twigs. Hedgehog from cones and bottles - ready!

You can make charming squirrels with acorns from cones and felt.

Squirrel can be made from plasticine and pine cones.

And with the help of maple leaves, toy eyes and pieces of colored paper, pine cones are easy to transform into birds. If you wish, you can make a real bird flock - it does not take much time.

Another interesting and very simple crafts  on the theme of autumn - a tree from cones. From thin paper we make balls of “autumn” colors - green, orange, yellow, red. Apply glue to the scales and insert paper balls into them.

Wonderful autumn crafts for kids are applications from pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds are pasted on a round paper base. The center of the crafts sprinkled with any black bulk material.

Salty dough produces very beautiful autumn hedgehogs.

Another interesting autumn idea for kids of all ages is creating a suspension.

Color the dough pieces in the colors of the autumn gamut. We roll them into layers about one centimeter thick and cut the leaves of various shapes and sizes using molds.

We dry the leaves in the open air and hang them by strings to a tree branch.

A very beautiful composition on the theme of autumn can be made from a mass that hardens on the air for modeling. We roll out the mass in a thin layer and press a real autumn leaf to it. Cut out the print sheet with a stack.

Making a hole at the top. We look forward to when the mass dries and paint it in bright autumn colors. The resulting leaves hang from the stick. The composition of "autumn leaves" is ready!

Composition "autumn leaves"

Plasticine can make a very beautiful autumn landscape. The basis of the craft is a sheet of cardboard, on which the details of the picture are glued.

We start the hand-made article on the theme of autumn from plasticine by fixing the trunk and branches of the birch tree.

Glue the yellow leaves and yellow grass. We decorate the sky with clouds and a flock of birds flying away. On the ground we plant mushrooms, a fir-tree, a fur-tree and a hare.

Another great idea for autumn creativity are leaf applications.

Application from natural materials "beetle"

Leaf appliqué "tree"

And from the real autumn leaves you can make a crown for the upcoming autumn ball. Do not forget to take a photo of your child when he becomes the king of autumn!

From colored pieces of felt you can make a very bright autumn garland.

With the help of a laminator and real autumn leaves you can make an interesting tool for children. We collect leaves from different types of trees. It is advisable to collect several pieces from each type of tree: three leaves of oak, four leaves of maple, three leaves of rowan, five leaves of willow, two leaves of chestnut, three leaves of alder. Laminating them.

Cut laminated leaves.

The educational purpose of the manual is to acquaint children with species of trees and be able to distinguish them. We offer children to expand the leaves by type and name them.

Benefit "leaves"

Look at how nice a jar of jam can be made with apple stamps.

These are very well suited - they are easy to make and interesting enough for younger children.

Through creativity in early age  the child meets the outside world by performing crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten   he studies new materials, learns to work with them and with auxiliary materials. During the creative process, the child has fine hand motor skills, which is very useful for overall development. Being engaged in creativity from an early age, the child receives a comprehensive intellectual development, and even develops a speech apparatus.

That is why it is important to instill a love of creativity from an early age, as soon as the baby can work independently with the safest materials. At the first stages, he will definitely need the help of his mother, and then he will already do the original and independently. And let the parents not think that creative activities are only entertainment for kids or a pleasant pastime, because everything that preschoolers do with their own hands forms their personality, and it depends on their parents whether they can discover the creative potential of the child.

When a child works with his hands, whether it is modeling or drawing, or he develops fine motor skills of hands, which stimulates all the centers in the preschooler's brain, including the center responsible for speech.

It is important not to dwell on one type of needlework, for example, if you choose modeling for a child, then you should not prefer working with clay, because there is also clay, self-made salted dough, and seasonal outdoor entertainment - modeling from snow and sand . Working with each material, the kid studies the specifics, because somewhere you need to knead the plastic with effort, and some materials are very malleable and plastic. Thus, the mobility and strength of the fingers is changing, the coordination of movements is improved when working with small elements.

The creative process is so fascinating to the child that he becomes focused, diligent, more purposeful, because with the help of his parents he will surely bring the matter to the end to show everyone crafts in kindergarten theme "Autumn", photo  the very first success of your baby will be stored in the family archive.

Even performing simple application, the preschooler will learn to sort objects by shape and size, by similarity, if he works, for example, with autumn leavesand it is also possible to suggest that he make a mosaic using various seeds, grains and legumes.

In the process of learning different materials, the baby will understand how certain things are made, for example, a snowman will now be not just an incomprehensible figure of snow, but cobbled together three balls of different shapes.

Contribute to the development of imagination and imagination, accelerates thinking processes, because if for the first time a baby will think for a long time what shape the leaf needs to be taken, then with time he will perform all actions instantly.

Crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten

Crafts fall in kindergarten with their own hands always accompanied by a fun journey, because to gather the necessary materials, you have to go with the whole family to the forest. In the fall, in the deciduous or coniferous forest, the necessary tools for creativity literally roll under your feet or hang from tree branches.

Adults at this time can search for mushrooms or pick berries, and children will fold flat colored leaves of various sizes and shapes, large and small cones, acorns and their caps, small smooth twigs and Christmas needles into their little basket. All these simple materials, so familiar to us in everyday life, can open up a completely new world to the kid.

It will be interesting to work with multicolored little leaves throughout the year, during the cold winter months, when due to bad weather walks along the street become impossible, you can cheer up the whole family if you offer to do it together.

Collected from autumn leaves should be expanded between the sheets in a thick book. Thus, they dry up, remain even and retain their color. If you need to quickly dry only picked or collected leaves, you can use the iron. It is necessary to walk several times on the leaves with a hot iron, and they are ready to perform the application.

Crafts in kindergarten on the theme "Autumn"

In one crafts you can combine several types of creativity. For example, you can take autumn materials and clay and perform original figures or make a picture using not only paints and markers, but also yellowed foliage.

For the smallest craftsmen, you can offer to work not with whole leaves, but with small pieces that will simply be poured onto the surface smeared with glue.

Dried leaves should be cut or broken into small pieces of arbitrary shape. It is better to take multi-colored foliage, then the application will be bright, colorful.

Paint or pencil should be on a piece of paper to draw the trunk and branches, then glue the fluff that part of the tree where the crown should be. Sprinkle this area with crushed leaves and lightly press down with your fingers. The crown should turn out volumetric and tracery. For example, for a crown, you can take a mixture of yellow and red, and under the tree to make a lawn of green chips. When the material is glued to the surface, it is necessary to turn the base, so that all unnecessary elements that did not stick, crumble down.

Composition "Gifts of Autumn" - crafts in kindergarten, which can be prepared for the exhibition of children's creativity, and it is always held in October, so that the children can demonstrate their creative achievements. In addition to beautiful handicrafts, you can make functional baskets, which not only will please the eye, but everyone will be able to treat themselves with ripe fruits - apples or pears.

The basket itself can be made from a large pumpkin, removing all the pulp with a spoon and drying the fruit on a warm battery for several days. On the peel, you can cut drawings or ornaments with a sharp knife, and the edge of the cut can also be made not carved, but even.

You can fill the basket with grapes, paradise apples, small pears, dried apricots and other small fruits, and you can also decorate them with sprigs of mountain ash, beautiful yellowed leaves.

Of course, a child will not make such a basket without parents' help, because it is difficult to work with a pumpkin, besides, it is necessary to use a sharp knife, which is unsafe for preschoolers.

But out of the usual plastic bowl, you can make an original basket for the autumn composition, using acorns and hats from them. Acorns and caps should be glued all over the plastic base, leaving no gaps. The handle for the bast basket can be made of several twigs of the vine, interlacing them together.

No doubt such crafts for the fall holiday in kindergarten  occupy a central place on the holiday table, which parents will cover for children.

Handicraft "Golden Autumn" in kindergarten

The tree of happiness is bright crafts "Golden Autumn", in kindergarten  she can make a child a preschooler with the help of mom or older sister. We know that various topiary today are one of the most popular types of needlework. To create them use all sorts of materials that are on hand: coffee beans, pine cones, acorn caps, autumn leaves, and the child can make his first topiary with rowan berries.

These can be performed by the whole family, having fun time. In addition, the baby will perform only the simplest stages of the artwork, so you can not do without the help of adults.

You can not only demonstrate a tree at a school or kindergarten competition, but also put it at home by adding bright colors to your interior, you can see how beautiful it turns out crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten, photo  and be sure to submit your results in the comments, it will inspire other craftswomen.

The basis for topiary will be a foam ball, if you have not found it in the store, then you can cut a spherical smooth shape from any thick piece of foam.

We will make the trunk of a tree out of a long, flat stick or branch (you can fasten several skewers), and then you need to decorate the trunk by wrapping it with a cord of rope that has a natural texture, so it will easily fit into the concept of your natural craft.

Handicraft "Autumn" in kindergarten: photo

To to do crafts "Autumn" in kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary materials and think through all the stages of the work. In addition to the trunk and foam crown, which we will decorate with berries of mountain ash, we must also find a pot, where we will plant our tree. A small cup, cup, decorative plastic pot, iron tin can will do for us. You can also decorate the pot with a harness, stick coffee beans on it.

Fasten berries on the foam base, we will be using stationery or sewing pins, and you can also use small carnations. Each berry must be pierced with a pin in the middle, and when all the elements are prepared, you can attach them to the base. Pins easily enter the foam and securely hold it.

To hide the white base, you can pre-paste it or simply wrap it with golden or orange crepe paper. The pins must be fastened as tightly as possible so that the base is practically invisible, for this it is necessary to prepare berries of various sizes and fasten them in a checkerboard pattern.

Near such a bright tree, you can plant a hedgehog made of pear in the meadow, because the kids really like to do crafts from vegetables in kindergarten, autumn  gives us a huge selection of various fruits and berries.

You will also find a lot of ideas for autumn creativity with children, the main thing to remember is that you can use absolutely any material, because if you show your creative abilities, then you can make an original decorative figure from an ordinary plastic bottle, not to mention various open fluffy cones and leaves , which even without additional decoration look just charming. Be sure to make a wreath for the autumn festival, which would decorate your front door, and it will be replaced by a Christmas wreath on the eve of the New Year.

Every autumn in kindergartens announce competitions for the best autumn hack. Usually, nature itself suggests ideas for realization: curved snags can easily be represented by snakes and dragons, acorns, chestnuts and cones can be made of any little people and animals, and plots for applications can be made from the leaves themselves. But if you have no time to dream, and you want to make an autumnal kindergarten with your own children with your own hands, Active Mom tried for you and created a selection of interesting ideas.

Crafts from acorns and chestnuts

Perhaps the most popular natural autumn material  - acorns and chestnuts, of which in each park at this time in abundance, take - I do not want. And we want something! And we come back from a walk, carrying packages with these treasures in our hands.

Acorns and chestnuts make excellent topiarii. To make such a decorative tree, crumple the paper, form a ball out of it, wrap it with thread and glue it with white napkins / paper towels. The “trunk” of the tree will be a strong, flat branch, which must be wrapped with twine, tape or corrugated paper. Any container can be used as a pot, the main thing is that the tree should hold tight in it.

But, of course, most of all children love to make men, animals and birds from acorns and chestnuts, because this is a great opportunity to smoothly transform creativity into a game.

These charming owls are made of chestnut, acorn hats, cut from felt legs, wings, beak and glued doll eyes.

As an additional material, matches (toothpicks), plasticine, maple and ash fruits (for wings, ears, tails) are also required. Such autumn crafts for kindergarten are easy and simple to perform even with a three-year-old child:

But not just a hand-made article, but a real composition.

Superb wreaths of chestnuts and acorns look great. If the animals seem to you too "childish" option and with a preschooler from senior group  I want to perform not a toy, but an element of decor - this is your option. The basis of the wreath - twisted vine. For fixing acorns and chestnuts, Moment glue or liquid nails are used.

Candlesticks made using natural material look stylish. Make them very easy.

Crafts from cones

Cones - the second most popular natural material in the autumn. The cones make spectacular baskets and vases that can be filled with the autumn gifts of nature: apples, grapes, mushrooms, sprigs with rowan, dog rose, sea buckthorn. For the manufacture of the vase need wire, fishing line, pliers.

And look, what charming flowers turn out from cones if to paint them! Admit it, you did not immediately guess that these are bumps?

Well, where in the kindergarten without a variety of coniferous animals and birds.

Autumn fruits and vegetables

In creating compositions for kindergarten, you can actively use the fruits and vegetables that autumn is rich with.

The most popular vegetable for creating crafts is, of course, pumpkin. From it you can make a vase for flowers or autumn leaves, a basket for vegetables.

And you can use it as a blank to create an animal or a bird ...

... or even such a madam.

Apples, potatoes, and zucchini will be an excellent material for crafts.

The most real mirror, which reflects the beauty of autumn, are autumn crafts in a kindergarten. Ideas of autumn crafts for kindergarten and at home.

To create interesting autumn crafts with your own hands, you can use various materials.

Autumn leaf crafts

For example, it is easy to make leaves. All that is needed is to pick up the leaves of the desired shape and color and pre-dry them under a press. You can do without drying, especially if the kids will work with leaves - it is easier for them to deal with a durable and elastic material.

Enough to complement the leaves with eyes, as they transform into animals.

From the leaves you can make a favorite childish character - a hedgehog.

Complemented by the appropriate landscape, individual leaves perfectly depict whole trees with a rich crown. To create such an application, it is necessary to draw a background, dry it well and only after that stick the leaves.

You can use the leaves and for more original products - for example,. To do this, you need to prepare a strip of paper, the length corresponding to the circumference of the child’s head, and glue the leaves to it.

You can make an autumn herbarium from colored and sticky paper and autumn leaves, which will decorate the kindergarten's room.

From autumn leaves you can lay out a real fairy of autumn. The basis is decorated with watercolor stains. Hands and the head of the fairy cut out of paper. After the base dries we glue the head. Around the head draw a pencil sketch of future crafts.

From the head we begin to collect the whole image of the fairies. Find their place hair, crown, torso and handles. The immense scope for creativity gives a magnificent fairy dress.

A touching autumn work can be made from the leaves and imprint of a children's pen.

No one will leave indifferent peacock with a beautiful tail of autumn leaves.

Peacock leaf applique

Video workshop will help you make a maple leaf rosette:

Autumn crafts from salt dough and clay

The unique shape of autumn leaves can be used to create original pendants.

For example, cut out leaves of

To do this, paint salt dough in autumn colors.

We crush colored pieces into a single mass.

Using molds or plastic spatula for clay cut the leaves.

Dry and coat with clear varnish.

A real masterpiece on the theme of autumn and study can be created from plasticine. From a thin layer of purple plasticine make the background. On this we paste the globe and the book from plasticine.

On top we glue letters, pencils, a pointer and a sprig of autumn maple. Autumn application of plasticine - ready!

From plasticine on cardboard, you can make a real picture of "autumn in the forest." Getting started with a birch trunk.

Autumn crafts in kindergarten from natural materials

You can make an autumn sun out of cardboard and spikelets of wheat - a symbol of a rich harvest! We decorate the craft with any natural materials that are available: acorns, cones, leaves.

Salt dough and spruce cones can be made charming forest. For its manufacture you will need a fir cone, which is then disassembled into individual scales. These scales adorn the body of a hedgehog. The body itself is molded from salt dough.

Hedgehog cones can be made very simple. To do this, you need a piece of felt and factory eyes.

A hedgehog can make a more complex face out of felt. To do this, glue a piece of felt in the form of a cone. Glue the ears, legs, eyes and nose. It remains to connect the muzzle with a bump body.

If you want to make a big hedgehog, then you can take a plastic bottle as a base. We paint the upper part of the bottle with black marker - this is the future face of the hedgehog. Glue the fabric to the bottle, leaving the painted part free. Glue bumps on the fabric, trying to arrange them as close as possible to each other.

When the entire surface with a cloth is covered with cones it remains to glue the hedgehog eyes and paper ears. We fix on the back of the hedgehog apples, nuts, rowanberry and twigs. Autumn hedgehog from cones - ready!

Watch the video on how to make a hedgehog from cones using a bottle and plasticine:

From cones and felt you can make a charming squirrel with an acorn. Squirrels with an acorn are real symbols of autumn.

Autumn squirrel can be made from a nutlet and cardboard roll. Fluffy tail is made from a piece of fur, and a funny headdress from an acorn cap.

Amazingly cute autumn deer are obtained from twigs, cones, walnut shells and mountain ash.

From cones, potatoes, needles and plasticine you can make a touching autumn meadow.

And here is another lovely hedgehog made from potatoes. The hedgehog coat is made of berries on a toothpick.

From the branches and cones painted white, you get a beautiful autumn decoration for your home. If you add small bells to the craftwork - you can create a magical effect of wind music.

Beautiful crafts on the theme of autumn in kindergarten can be made of horse and - if you combine them with each other with a lump of plasticine, you get very natural mushrooms.

Complement this composition with berries of mountain ash and blade of grass - and you get a real piece of autumn forest.

From chestnut and acorn you can make a charming autumn squirrel. The legs and tail of the squirrel are made of fluffy wire, the tummy is made of felt, and the face is decorated with factory eyes. All parts are fastened with a glue gun.

You can make a house out of a cardboard box and hollow dry sticks. The roof of the house is decorated with leaves, and the roof is laid out of dry straw.

From the cuts of the branches you can make such funny little men. Decor crafts can be very different - from berries, mushrooms, moss, twigs, acorns and cones.

See how amazing autumn zoo can be made from the gifts of autumn -

From vegetables you can build a real frigate.

Sail make from slightly boiled cabbage.

Autumn drawings in kindergarten

The original master class can be held by children, having taught them to put stamps with the help of ... an ordinary apple.

To do this, prepare in advance the sheets with the contours of tree trunks applied on them.

Have the children paint the trunk and broad branches with colors. While the paint dries, make stamps: for this you need to cut a small apple into two even halves. Then we apply red paint on one half, and yellow paint on the other, and make prints around the trunk. It turns out this autumn apple tree.

It is not necessary to use the fruits and for creating autumn crafts. Beautiful themed products are obtained with the help of other available means - for example, with the help of cardboard tubes of toilet paper: they easily transform into the trunks of autumn trees.

You can color the crown simply by putting bright prints of different colors on it.

Wax crayons can draw spectacular autumn leaves. Put a paper sheet on a regular album sheet. We color the junction of the paper and landscape sheet.

We remove our paper sheet. We will have a sheet outline on paper.

We use leaves of different shapes and paint them in bright autumn colors. We will succeed unusual drawing  "Autumn leaf fall"

One of the famous drawing techniques is drawing with autumn leaves. The leaves are dipped in paint, then lean against a piece of paper - there is a beautiful imprint.

A very beautiful decoration on the windows can be made using bulk paints or colored glue in tubes. On paper templates (you can download them at the end of the article) put a transparent film. Outline in volume paint on the film. Leave the billet to dry overnight.

The next day, carefully remove the crafts from the film. We get a very gentle volumetric figures. They look very beautiful as an autumn decoration on the window.

Autumn applications for kindergarten

Easy to perform and beautiful application  It turns out from pieces of a color paper. The child crushes pieces of paper and, one by one, sticks them onto the base — the crown of the tree.

This application is a bit more complicated than the previous one. The child crumples the leaf paper and curls the brown paper for the trunk and branches of the tree.

Very bright and beautiful appliqué is obtained from colored paper and a real branch. The difference in the technique of execution is that in this application not pieces of colored paper are glued, but tightly twisted balls.

Highly original idea  make autumn foliage from egg shells or pasta. Pasta or shells are painted in colored water, then dried. The material for the autumn application is ready!

The “autumn tree” application made with colored pumpkin seeds looks very interesting.

From painted pumpkin seeds you can lay out the pumpkin itself in the appliqué technique.

Applique "pumpkin"

In the application technique, you can make a beautiful autumn frame for photo. The base is cut out of brown cardboard. Autumn leaves - decorations for the frame are cut out of thick colored cardboard. We draw on the leaves characteristic streaks and glue them on the frame. The craft can be covered with sparkles, then it will look even more impressive.

If you use various ideas in your work, it is very easy to turn a kindergarten group into the real kingdom of autumn.

Autumn crafts in kindergarten from paper

From paper leaves glued on a rope, a very beautiful autumn decoration is obtained.

You can make the real autumn tree out of colored cardboard. In order to make the trunk, we need two cardboard-cut wood with a wide base at the bottom. Fold the resulting trees in the center. Glue them at the fold. We should have a tree with four stands at the bottom.

From the painted cardboard carriage from under the eggs get very cute toadstools.

Autumn applications

Paint colors

Autumn crafts from plasticine

Autumn Collage


Multi-colored thread
   - flowers and leaves for decoration
   - thin dried twigs

How to do:

1. Make a circle of dried twigs. The design is secured with wire or thread.
   2. Take a colored thread and wrap a circle in such a way as to make a “cobweb”. Fix the end of the thread with a strong knot.
   3. Decorate the round frame with a leaflet. They need to be inserted between the threads of the web. You can use any natural material for decoration.

Natural crafts with their own hands on Autumn

"Crown of leaves"

Necessary materials:

   - thick paper or cardboard
   - colorful leaves and natural materials for decoration
   - adhesive tape

Stages of work:

1. Measure the circumference of the children's head. Add a few centimeters to this length. These data will be needed for cutting strips of a width of 5 centimeters. If one cardboard sheet is not enough, you can cut out 2-3 strips and glue them together.
   2. Cut out one strip again, but now zigzag. Only one side of the zigzag should be cut.
   3. Cut off a piece of adhesive tape of the same length as the strips of cardboard. Place the ribbons with the adhesive part up on a flat surface.
   4. Glue 1 cardboard strip to the upper half of the tape, jagged part to the bottom. In the center will remain the empty part of the adhesive tape. This is where you need to glue natural materials for decoration.
   5. You can also use PVA glue instead of adhesive tape.

Make it and those.

"Finger Puppets"

Necessary materials:

Thin brush or thin branches
   - cardboard cylinders
   - leaves
   - color paper
   - PVA glue
   - glue stick
   - scissors
   - small pebbles or buttons

How to do:

1. To one end of the cylinder, start to stick the sheet evenly. First you can stick colored paperand then the leaves.
   2. On the sides, glue small twigs - it will be hands.
   3. Glue pebbles or buttons along the cylinder.
   4. Make eyes from plasticine, fix on the cardboard cylinder.

Try also to do.

DIY garden autumn

"Bump Spider"


   - thin branch - 4 pcs.
   - bump
   - plasticine or plastic eyes
   - Moment glue

Stages of work:

1. Make paws from twigs.
   2. At the bottom of the cones attach eyes.
   3. Tie a string and hang the spider.

DIY crafts autumn kindergarten

"Stars from the branches"

Necessary materials:

Raffia or paper tape
   - gouache or acrylic paint
   - branches of the same diameter and length
   - Super glue

Stages of work:

1. In the forest, collect twigs, cut them to get the material of the same length. Total will need 5 pieces.
   2. From the twigs form a star. At will branches can be painted in gouache or acrylic paint.
   3. Using raffia, join the branches to form an asterisk.
   4. Crafts wrap bright ribbons or raffia.

DIY theme autumn do it yourself photo:

"Decoration for napkins"

Collect acorns in the forest or park, clean them from dust and dirt, rinse with water. Pierce each fruit through with a needle or awl. Stretch wire, line or thread through acorns. As a result, you should have a ring. Apply caps of acorns to the surface with superglue and varnish.

"A tree with acorns."

Separate the caps from the fruit, paint them with paint of any color so that the handicraft organically blends into the interior. Attach the loops made of twine to the caps. If there are branches on the caps, tie a rope to them. If there are no branches, use glue. To get the best effect, place a vase on a tray covered with autumn leaves and acorns.

Autumn candle

The easiest way to decorate a candle is to place it in glassware. Beautiful candlesticks, created with your own hands, will make the atmosphere in the house festive and cozy. First pick up a beautiful glass vase. If the candle was too low, pick up any item on which to put the candle. Great for a bowl. Just flip it upside down and install a candle. Additionally, decorate the bowl to make it invisible. For decoration, you can use willow branches. They bend well, so you can twist them a bowl. Fill the gaps between the walls of the bowl and the vase with hay, moss, etc. Place a candle in the center and decorate it. To do this, use the red and yellow leaves. Just paste over the outer wall of the vase. Twine the twine into a pigtail, tie the leaves. The rope not only fixes the leaves, but also is an additional decor.

Room decor

Branches are an excellent ecological material. To create compositions of them do not need to be available special materials and tools. In simple branches and snags, you can consider unusual shapes and use them to create original handicrafts.

Collected branches must be cleaned and dried. Branches can be used in pure form or covered with paints or varnish. On walls great big sweeping branches will look great. They will become not only a decorative element. They can be used as lamps or a hanger.

DIY hand-made kindergarten

Application "Pieces of Autumn".

During the walk, collect chestnuts, acorns, beautiful leaves with the child. Even the simplest leaves you can make funny little animals, as well as beautiful patterns and ornaments. Co-creation will develop fine motor skills, imagination, attentiveness and perseverance. Creating an application is a simple process. Prepare dry leaves, clean them from dust and dirt, smooth them with an iron, putting them between two pages of a book or paper sheets. Prepare the paper, glue the prepared leaves with PVA glue. You can use scissors and cut beautiful details. Children often carve animal figurines. In order to cut a realistic silhouette is enough to use the template.

Original candlestick

Candles make the interior cozy, interesting and magical. Prepare a large candle and decorate it with small corn cobs. Give your child the opportunity to paint the cob with all the colors of the rainbow. Around the candle, insert the gum, insert the heads of corn into it, tie it with a beautiful ribbon. Each head of cab is additionally smeared with glue so that it is better fixed on the candle.

Decorative basket

   Necessary materials:

Leaves beautiful color
   - bumps
   - chestnuts
   - acorns
   - fruits vegetables
   - wicker basket
   - all kinds of cereal

How to do:

Cover the inside of the basket with paper. If there is a floral sponge, put it on top. It is very convenient to insert autumn flowers into it. Along the edges of the basket place the cereal and autumn leaves. In the center, put the fruit in the sponge, insert the stems. For better fixation, string the fruits on wooden skewers, insert them into the floral sponge.

Autumn leaves of felt

Prepare 2 pieces of fabric in different colors. On one segment mark the veinlets, cut them along the contour. Prick together 2 leaves with pins, sew along each vein. For this purpose, use a sewing machine or a needle and thread. Stitches in the center of the leaflet make with the help of machine or hand stitches. From these leaves you can make a beautiful garland and hang in the house.