What you need to know expectant mothers. Tune in to the good. - frequent maternity satellite

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Today, the range of literature on pregnancy and childbirth is so wide that inexperienced mom usually chooses the advice of her girlfriend, who already has experience in carrying a baby, or bright and interesting illustrations, colored, glossy photos and screaming headlines when choosing a reference book for the next 9 months. : “Pregnancy is easy”, “All about childbirth without pain”. But the authors of these books, unfortunately readers, are often people who have not given birth themselves and even have no experience in dealing with pregnant women.

Create a pleasant atmosphere and think only about useful things. This is especially important for the health of your child. Surround yourself with things that make you smile. Put your favorite photos and flowers around you - it will increase your mood.

If a stressful situation arises, take time to relax right at your workplace. Stay comfortable, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a while and slowly breathe through your mouth. Take 15 of such breaths and exhalations, and finally smile!

Future moms are wondering what book to give preference. This is not an easy choice. After all, they have to choose the book that will help them not only to survive a rather difficult period in life, but also to do everything for their child so that he is comfortable and comfortable.

In our book you will find real advice "experienced" - those who have given birth, and those who are preparing for childbirth. This book is designed to make it easier for yourself to wait for childbirth, fill it with meaning, and, if necessary, could increase your vitality without harm to the baby. Of course, we do not want to grasp the immensity - to write a book about all the subtleties and tricks that should know future mom, including a diet for pregnant women and features of the development of the fetus for each of the months. The topic of our conversation will be the psychological health of mommy and her baby.

Check your route to work. If possible, travel less with public transport and go slower - slowly. Pregnancy is a great time; many mothers who have already walked this path will tell you. This is a period of deep emotional and physical oneness with the child, which parents should enjoy as much as possible. A noble stage in the life of a woman who will not happen again.

Guilt of a young mother in front of her child

Others have unpleasant memories, but often because they had no real problems, but because they were terribly worried. In them, pregnancy was a daily test, mainly associated with great fear. In perfect new role  a woman cries out in horror inwardly, and very often no one can recognize this suffering, because her close ones indulge in all the excitement of the "nervousness of a pregnant woman."

We will talk about how to achieve harmony with the outside world, how to realize yourself in a new capacity, how to prepare your home for the emergence of a new person, how to work more productively during pregnancy, how to organize your leisure during maternity leave  before the birth of a son or daughter. And, of course, how to prepare for childbirth, with what mood to go into childbirth, whether to take escort with you or rely on yourself. All this and more is in our book. We invite you to the world of waiting for a miracle.

A new physiological state in itself is a matter of concern - thus, initiating a nature-based mechanism that protects the expectant mother and child from risks. But if some women have anxiety episodic, others are constantly tired and steal from happy moments in anticipation of the child.

Why is it not customary to come to the hospital with a manicure?

Later, from ancient times, most parents realize that their fears were unfounded, and their worries were greatly exaggerated. Before that, however, it is encouraging to understand that such anger is quite natural, especially in the first pregnancy. The fact that your black thoughts are not only yours, but are shared by the millions of women who pass it so naturally, but so new condition for the first time is pregnancy.

Chapter 1
How did it all start?

I have a man growing in my tummy, or I found out that I was pregnant

If you hold this book in your hands, then, most likely, you have already experienced one of the most intimate moments in a woman’s life - when she finds out about her pregnancy. Remember the emotions that you experienced then. Stormy joy? Delight? Or shock? Fear? Every woman reacts to this news in her own way.

In fact, constant anxiety, which leads to chronic stress, is much more harmful for a child than some minor sins and problems, so it is better to try to control it. The list of worries for the future mother can be gigantic, but here are the most popular problems.

The soothing answer to these questions is that motherhood teaches a step, there are no ideal parents, there are no ideal circumstances. Pregnancy is similar to the maturation of a teenager — a change in a woman’s body, her social status, her personal life, her world view, and her relationships.

“When I learned that I was pregnant, I felt that the world around me had changed. A new life grows and develops in me. It was indescribable. Of course, my husband and I planned my pregnancy very carefully, I studied all the literature on childbirth and pregnancy. But when I did the test, all my knowledge about pregnancy seemed trivial and useless. I felt helpless, and the first was the question: “Can I?” “My feelings at that moment are strong joy mixed with doubt and fear.”

If you are aware that it is perfectly normal for your life to turn upside down during pregnancy and after the appearance of the baby, this may not seem so dramatic. Most mothers are responsible for their unborn child, so they are particularly concerned about how they grow in the first days and months of their life in the womb. The choice of food is really important for the development of a new organism. It is well known that healthy foods and drinks should be chosen during pregnancy, preferably with a minimum amount of artificial colors, sweeteners, preservatives.

Inna, 27 years old.

“I learned that I was pregnant already in the third month.

Up to this point, I did not attach importance to the changes that were happening to me. Of course, I knew what a relationship with a man might lead to, which, most often, it is for this reason that children are being made, but it never occurred to me that this could happen to me. When I heard about my diagnosis, I was very shocked. My feelings are confusion, helplessness and fear. ”

But this should not be a fixed idea. Dose is important, doctors say. Waffles for breakfast and half a cup of wine a week will not harm the baby. However, it should not be abused with inappropriate food and beverages, and should be taken daily or frequently. Pesticides and nitrates are especially harmful for the first trimester, allergy products are also well avoided.

As for cigarettes - the fear of them is fully justified. You must stop them, and also stay in smoky rooms. Heavy sports training is good for replacing light exercises. Some pregnant women are so worried that they will fall ill, which will limit their social contacts to a minimum. Banal flu or cold is rarely dangerous for the future mother and child. In fact, diseases that can adversely affect the fetus are small, and most of them are chronic and probably pregnant women are aware of their risk.

Marina, 20 years old.

"It seems that all my life I have been waiting for the moment when I can say:" I am pregnant. " I am well past 30, so I took this news with the greatest delight. I had to make sure my assumptions were one hundred percent correct. I did several tests, then I visited a gynecologist, underwent an ultrasound examination and passed all the necessary tests. I was overjoyed at the result, although I was a little scared. After all, pregnancy is a new condition for me, unknown to me. My feelings can be described as follows: delight and strong excitement. ”

Should I shop before the baby is born?

Tuberculosis, syphilis, malignant neoplasms, endocrine diseases, diabetes mellitus, heart disease, kidney disease, herpes simplex virus, chicken pox, chlamydia, rubella and toxoplasmosis have an adverse effect on pregnancy. In the first three months, the fetus is most vulnerable.

Any medication should be avoided unless prescribed by a physician. Even after receiving a prescription, it is recommended that you read the package leaflet to make sure that the medicine does not cross the placenta. During pregnancy, the need for security and stability increases. The nature of the future mother should look for the best way to ensure the future of her child. The partner is the foundation on which she relies, and fears that he may abandon her during this period are particularly painful. At the same time, many pregnant women feel that they have lost their attractiveness due to their weight, pounds and blemishes; others fear that some restrictions in sex may cause cooling.

Olga, 38 years old.

When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, she experiences a whole range of feelings - from happiness and delight to fear and self-doubt. AT modern world  a woman works on a par with a man, it is this condition that is considered normal, and the state of pregnancy is abnormal. Several centuries ago everything was different. A woman was born in order to become a wife and mother. The natural destination of a woman is connected precisely with the birth of offspring. A woman is so cleverly invented that she practically does not need "study"  maternity, as many advanced moms do, wanting to keep up with life. Understand that your body not only perfectly copes with the function of a temporary shelter, which is as comfortable and safe as possible for your baby, but also tells you how to behave when you first meet your baby.

If the partner is responsible and the relationship between them is healthy, the pregnant woman has no reason to fear separation. On the contrary, it is during this period that the responsible person will show the best that can and will be much more motivated. But if his behavior shows the opposite, then you need to seriously consider whether your choice is correct.

Pregnancy is not a disease

Some women have a strong sexual desire, while others have a decrease in libido. In general, a woman is completely focused on the child she is wearing. Those who have ever committed abortions may have sex as a threat to a new pregnancy. Men also feel insecure because they are afraid to harm a woman or a child. This can provoke a woman with new worries - before he wants it, and now there is no danger of infidelity? The answer to the question of whether sex is dangerous during pregnancy, “no”, if there are no complications, doctors are categorical.

Your task for the next 9 months is very simple - to receive only positive emotions. This is a great opportunity to think about yourself. Of course, you should carefully approach the choice of entertainment, so as not to harm your little one, because while he is one with you, he completely depends on your emotions, on what you live, how much you are worried. Keep this in mind and go ahead - for new positive emotions.

Pregnancy is good for women - they do not sculpt nines, but the truth itself. A woman who carries a child blossoms and seems to be illuminated by an inner light. Changes in pregnancy in the eyes loving person  beautiful Mother carries her child, and every change with her body is the way to the expected little man who will bring a lot of happiness.

Birth will begin in the wrong place

Otherwise, your loaded weight will be reduced within 3 months to a year. Spots on the face disappear without a trace. Good whitening can be prevented by stripes, but even if they remain - these are wonderful ways of life, says a good father. This thought discourages many mothers from long-distance travel, or any route is tracked near nearby cities and possible hospitals. A recent child was born aboard the aircraft, and it turned out that even this is not a problem. This is so natural a process, as a rule, without complications, and even insufficiently qualified help.

It seems you will soon become a dad, or How to tell your spouse about the addition

How to tell a man about an unplanned pregnancy is a difficult question. For many, it is very relevant, because an unwanted pregnancy is often a cause for a quarrel between two lovers. Why are men so afraid?

“I decided to tell my lover that I was pregnant only in the third month, because I was very afraid of losing my fiancé, because we did not plan my pregnancy. The question of abortion for me was definitely closed. I knew that I would give birth, but I did not know how my beloved would react to this. Up to this point, he spoke very harshly about “respectable” family men, even making fun of funny dads who bought diapers and baby food. He believed that the child would very heavily load us and we would not have time for entertainment. For him small child associated with constant crying and messing about with diapers. I decided to go for a trick. I tried to change his perception. I made him want to be a father. What I just did not undertake: I scattered magazines around the house depicting cute babies in the arms of happy daddies, I invited pregnant girlfriends and their friends to visit, I even left my chosen one to look after his young nephew. This “preparation” took about two months, but as a result of all my efforts, my beloved changed his attitude towards children, he ceased to be afraid of them. When he got my news, he was very happy. ”

Do not forget that some women give birth at home, and millennia are born only with the help of experienced elderly women. Of course, there is quick help, and it reaches every village and palanca. There is almost no woman who does not develop nightmare scenarios in her head for childbirth. One piece of advice - do not listen to stories about terrible experiences in the hospital. Of course, sometimes problems can arise, but they are decisive, and then quickly forgotten.

Yes, we do not know what fate has prepared for us. But medicine today is so developed that almost 100% of security can determine in advance the condition of a child. If you are worried, do the necessary research and stop worrying. All tips and soothing words do not work. Experienced parents and doctors will reassure you that pregnancy is the most natural and beautiful moment in a woman's life, and complications are an exception, but you will tremble and panic for small cases.

Maria, 27 years old.

The story of Mary is vivid evidence that a man’s unwillingness to have children is often caused precisely by fear. This fear can have various causes. In the story of Mary, her lover was afraid of children, because he knew little about them. Sometimes a man is afraid of responsibility, which will fall on his shoulders with the advent of the baby. Someone is experiencing that he will not pull the "family" strap due to financial problems. These men's fears are often based on immaturity, immaturity and unwillingness to make an effort to overcome this fear. In our story, Maria helped her husband grow up and overcome her fear, although she was not obliged to do this at all. We are sure that the man himself would have matured after some time, so to speak, matured in order to become a dad. It is up to you to decide which way is closer to you: first prepare the future dad for the news or dump everything on him without prior preparation.

However, conversations help, as well as support from a partner and relatives. Walking, hobbies and enjoyable activities are also helpful. If you continue to work during pregnancy, you may be interested in your daily life, you will be less focused on your condition.

Where the sun does not come, the doctor goes

Pregnancy is just a new aspect of life, a new challenge, a change with a positive sign that you must safely and with a smile accept. You have not believed, but you will be convinced. We all also remember that our grandmothers said that we would go to the sun in order to have “hard bones”. The most critical period is pregnancy and the first months after birth. This is because they naturally form in the skin after sunlight. Therefore, if we do not go to the sun, we have almost no chance of getting enough. But its food intake is very, very low, because fish oil is the richest food source, then a small amount can be found in whole milk or egg yolk. These resources must transform the body into biologically active forms, and then use it. Because its effects are manifested in many parts of the body, and also affect 3-5% of the human genome. Especially in the kidney cells, the calcitriol obtained here controls the use of calcium in the body.

Dedicated to all single mothers

News about pregnancy is not too happy you? You waited for your lover to carry you in his arms, having learned that you will bear him a child. But it turned out quite differently ... What to do?

“I always had problems with my personal life. I was looking for the perfect man, hoping to meet the prince on a white horse. And it turned out that I found my killer. He was charming, gallant. So beautifully courted. He said that he fell in love with me at first sight. And what? After the first night, he ran away with everything that was valuable in my apartment. What is a scoundrel? It turned out that I was not his first victim. But it was not the strongest blow of fate. I was horrified later when I learned that I was pregnant by him. I did not search for him. There is no need. Children like him are not needed. But she decided to have a baby, maybe this is my only chance. I don’t dream of finding my soul mate. ”

It affects its absorption from the intestines, deposits it in the bones, prevents its excessive loss and controls the further use of calcium in the body - for example, drowning in case of fractures. New specialists have found that calcitriol is formed on 36 additional sites, such as islet cells of the pancreas, brain, vascular smooth muscle, placenta, heart, skeletal and smooth muscle, liver, prostate, breast, colon, lymph nodes, stem cells, hematopoiesis, reproductive organs, hair follicles and others.

Katerina, 24 years old.

Pregnancy is random - does not mean unwanted. Unwanted pregnancy in principle does not exist. A loving maternal heart accepts its child in spite of circumstances, and in the history of Katerina all circumstances are against the birth of a child. Whatever it was, no matter what happens, and the child is not a problem, it is a small person.

In the story of Katy there is a lot of positive, something that should be taken into account by everyone who is going to give birth without a husband. First, she is firm in her intention to have a baby. One feels that she already loves him, she sees in him not the dark side of her life, but the bright hope that she will never be alone again. Katya lost all faith in the belief that she would never find happiness in love. The child in no case will be able to prevent this, and perhaps even help.

If you find yourself in such a situation and are determined to give birth, then accept a few of our tips. First of all - do not fall into depression, do not think that your life is over. You are young - everything is just beginning. It is known that a woman is very much painted by small children. After you give birth, you will not recognize yourself. You will be different - no longer that young and unformed girl, but a young and, most importantly, free woman. You will become more responsible, more domovitoy. And your unmarried position will simply oblige you to look after yourself. I give a guarantee that you will be much more attractive than before the birth of the baby. In the meantime, you need to wait a bit, do everything to make your baby comfortable in your tummy. Although not so easy.

Bad habits? I do not have them!

What to do if the pregnancy took you by surprise? Are you preparing to become a mother, not having time to get rid of bad habits? Do I need to get rid of them and how to do it without harming myself and the baby?

“I smoked for almost 5 years. This bad habit was for me an obligatory part of my life, like water, food and sleep. Without cigarettes, I became irritable and grumpy. It is for this reason that for a long time I could not decide to have a child, despite the persuasion of her husband. I was afraid that I could not live without cigarettes. But fate decreed for me. I got pregnant. When I learned that I would be a mother, I realized that I could not risk the health of my baby. I took a pack of cigarettes from my bag and threw it into the window. It was a ritual of parting a bad habit. I realized that now I can harm my baby. Farewell to cigarettes was one-time and irrevocable. I made an agreement with myself: I forbade myself to smoke during pregnancy and lactation, and then, if I want, I can start again. But it turned out that feeding lasted up to 1.5 years. Thanks to my baby, I haven't smoked for more than 2 years. And after I stopped feeding, I did not return to this habit. ”

Olga, 26 years old.

When planning your pregnancy, you first need to get rid of all bad habits - doctors advise. If you have not done so in advance, do it as soon as you learn that you are pregnant. After all, now you are responsible not only for your health, but also for the health of your baby.

And here is another example from the life of a pregnant woman.

“Before my daughter was born, I really loved beer. At work, I drank non-alcoholic beer to quench my thirst, after work - low-alcohol. My refrigerator was packed with them. The news about pregnancy stunned me: I did not know how to give up my habit. My body itself suggested to me the answer - I refused beer. But after two weeks of abstinence, I thought that one cup would not hurt the baby, and I would be pleased. I didn’t finish that unfortunate glass: instead of positive emotions, I got nausea. After the birth of my daughter, I stopped loving this drink and switched to tea with milk. ”

Valya, 21 years old.

And so it happens. As doctors say, the female body itself cares about the health of the baby and sometimes it simply rejects all unnecessary and dangerous. Although such a mechanism of protection for each woman is developed in its own way. And if it didn’t work for you and you can still smoke a pack of cigarettes with pleasure, then remember that your baby’s life is in your hands. Although you still can’t see and hear him, you don’t even feel, but he lives inside of you, his organs have already been formed, and together with you he receives not only harmful substances, but substances dangerous for his body. This thought sooner or later will force you to abandon the usual pleasures. It is better to do it right away, so you do not regret the consequences.

Is it worth changing lifestyle?

Pregnancy is a period when many have to sacrifice for the benefit of the emergence of a new life. Many mommies, having learned about their pregnancy, think about whether it is worth changing their lifestyle?

“I was an athlete, played basketball, I had a real chance to get into the Russian national team and go to the championship. And suddenly a huge female happiness fell on me - I got pregnant. Instead of rejoicing, I fell into despair. Career flew to hell. Of course, I did not get to the championship, but I continued to train until the tummy appeared, until my coach understood. Then he sent me to the hospital - they say, are you crazy? I really almost went crazy when I learned that the pregnancy proceeds with pathology - pelvic presentation. As a result, the delivery began before the due date and I was given a caesarean. After the birth of a career in general had to forget. But the most important thing is that everything is fine with my son. ”

Lika, 23 years old.

This is a very typical case. Often, a woman tries to delay the period when she will have to “get out of the game”, forget about her plans, calm down, slow down a little as long as possible. Of course, it is not easy - say goodbye to your career, close your eyes to the future. Someone until the last sitting at work at the computer, not wanting to leave on maternity leave, someone continues to lead an too active lifestyle, despite the bans of doctors.

Imagine: there is a small person inside you, he still does not know how to analyze, he lives by sensations. His mood, his condition depends on what you do, how you feel. His “house” is warm and cozy, he is in a small amount of liquid, which, of course, softens your sudden movements. If you walk, he sways a little, if you hurry and worry while he is swaying harder, he also worries while feeling that something is not right, he is uncomfortable. And if you play ball - football, volleyball or something else - how does the baby feel? Guess? Are you constantly sitting at the computer? Just imagine that your unborn child is working with you, he is tired, he is already experiencing, and you cannot calm down, you cannot leave your work. You need to by all means finish the report. Your boss appreciates and loves you for your achievements and successes. And you suddenly start to leave work on time? Yes, as colleagues look at you?

Here is our advice: you need to urgently change priorities, put everything in its place. Now is not the time for a career and demonstrations at work. Somewhere inside you, a little heart beats that worries for you more than you do for him: “Mom, you're tired, go rest, sleep, read some book, talk to me, I love it when you talk to me when we are two of you, when nothing distracts you. ” If the kid could talk, that is what he would tell you.

We will not answer the question of which heading the chapter - whether you need to change your lifestyle. Need or not - you decide. Just when you answer this question, consider what we have just told you.

Pregnancy is not a disease

Some women try to protect themselves from possible pathologies during pregnancy, they visit the gynecologist more often than necessary, are afraid of the slightest blow of the wind, do not go to public places for fear of catching any infection. This behavior can be called excessive caution.

“My husband took care of me from the first days of pregnancy. He became very careful with me, caring, even to the point of closeness. I bought sweets for me, completely freed me from household chores and hired a housekeeper. At first I couldn't help but rejoice that he had changed so much to me. But soon she began to notice that he began to patronize me too much. To my offers to go to the cinema or to the restaurant to unwind, he snapped and said that I should sit at home, read, listen to music, eat what I like, but not put the kid’s life in danger. I tried to explain to him that there is nothing dangerous about going to the movies. He began to object: “A loud noise? The baby can get scared and be born nervous. And scenes of violence? A kid can look a lot and become cruel. " For all 9 months, I could not even go to the pool, because my husband thought that I could catch an infection there and infect the baby. ”

Anna, 25 years old.

In this situation, the husband and wife are right and wrong at the same time. Anna's husband decided that pregnancy was akin to illness and that pregnant Anna could not afford the joys she could allow earlier. He deprived her of pleasure, driving in a rigid framework. He did not do a favor to his heir: after depriving his mother of pleasures, he deprived the kid of positive emotions. For Anna's husband, we can say one thing: pregnancy is not a disease, a pregnant woman, if she is okay for medical reasons, is able not only to go to the cinema and restaurant, but also to do light physical work from which you, dear husband, so carefully, but in vain, they liberated their wife. Lack of physical activity is a bad way to protect your wife and baby from danger.

But one cannot but agree with the indisputability of some of the prohibitions that her husband imposed on Anna. For example, he said that in the movie too loud sound and many scenes of violence that can adversely affect the baby. This is true. The scenes of violence, of course, are unlikely to make him cruel, because he does not perceive the information directly, but only through the emotions of his mother. Scenes of violence, bloody fights and unsightly scenes can affect the emotional state of the future mommy - she can experience discomfort, fear. And these emotions, in turn, will be given to the baby. Here in this, Anna's husband turned out to be right. Therefore, if you decide to go to the movies, you need to be sure that the film will be light and joyful and will give you a lot of pleasant impressions.

A restaurant may not be a good idea if you choose an exotic cuisine that is too spicy or without heat treatment, such as Japanese sushi. Therefore, the place for dinner should be selected with the condition that the food was the most useful for you and the baby. And the rest - there is no urgent need to limit yourself in movement and in vain to deprive yourself of pleasure. Just picking up entertainment, think about how it will affect your child.

All you need to know future mother. Getting ready for the birth of the baby. Oksana Sergeeva

Today, the range of literature on pregnancy and childbirth is so wide that inexperienced mom usually chooses the advice of her girlfriend, who already has experience in carrying a baby, or bright and interesting illustrations, colored, glossy photos and screaming headlines when choosing a reference book for the next 9 months. : “Pregnancy is easy”, “All about childbirth without pain”. But the authors of these books, unfortunately readers, are often people who have not given birth themselves and even have no experience in dealing with pregnant women.

Create a pleasant atmosphere and think only about useful things. This is especially important for the health of your child. Surround yourself with things that make you smile. Put your favorite photos and flowers around you - it will increase your mood.

If a stressful situation arises, take time to relax right at your workplace. Stay comfortable, put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale deeply through your nose, hold your breath for a while and slowly breathe through your mouth. Take 15 of such breaths and exhalations, and finally smile!

Future moms are wondering what book to give preference. This is not an easy choice. After all, they have to choose the book that will help them not only to survive a rather difficult period in life, but also to do everything for their child so that he is comfortable and comfortable.

In our book you will find real advice "experienced" - those who have given birth, and those who are preparing for childbirth. This book is designed to make it easier for yourself to wait for childbirth, fill it with meaning, and, if necessary, could increase your vitality without harm to the baby. Of course, we do not want to grasp the immensity - to write a book about all the subtleties and tricks that the expectant mother should know, including a diet for pregnant women and features of fetal development for each of the months. The topic of our conversation will be the psychological health of mommy and her baby.

We will talk about how to achieve harmony with the outside world, how to realize yourself in a new capacity, how to prepare your home for a new person, how to work more productively during pregnancy, how to organize your leisure during maternity leave before the birth of a son or daughter. And, of course, how to prepare for childbirth, with what mood to go into childbirth, whether to take escort with you or rely on yourself. All this and more is in our book. We invite you to the world of waiting for a miracle.

A new physiological state in itself is a matter of concern - thus, initiating a nature-based mechanism that protects the expectant mother and child from risks. But if some women have anxiety episodic, others are constantly tired and steal from happy moments in anticipation of the child.

Why is it not customary to come to the hospital with a manicure?

Later, from ancient times, most parents realize that their fears were unfounded, and their worries were greatly exaggerated. Before that, however, it is encouraging to understand that such anger is quite natural, especially in the first pregnancy. The fact that your black thoughts are not only yours, but are shared by the millions of women who pass it so naturally, but so new condition for the first time is pregnancy.

Chapter 1. How it all began?
I have a man growing in my tummy, or I found out that I was pregnant;
It seems you will soon become a dad, or How to tell your spouse about the addition;
All single mothers are dedicated;
   Bad habits? I do not have them! ;
Is it worth changing lifestyle? ;
Pregnancy is not a disease.

  Chapter 2. How to cheer yourself up without harming your baby?
Do not worry about trifles;
Rest at work more often;
Listen to the music that you like;
   Be careful, but in moderation;
Ask for help from your loved ones;
Rest abroad. Is it possible? ;
Unpleasant feelings should not upset you;
   Cry if you want.

  Chapter 3. How to cope with your fears?
I'm afraid something will happen to the baby;
   I am afraid that with the birth of a child I put an end to my career;
I am afraid that I will become ugly;
   I am afraid that we will not have time to complete the repair;
I'm afraid I can not stand the pain.

Chapter 5. Conflicts in the family during pregnancy
Dad is also worried;
Pick up entertainment that both of you will enjoy;
   If a man is jealous? ;
How to bring the husband up to date? ;
Sex during pregnancy: “for” and “against.”

Chapter 6. How to occupy yourself in the decree?