How to determine that the child is sick. How to independently determine the position of the fetus in the uterus, to distinguish the head presentation from the pelvic

Your baby grows strong, healthy and hardened. But sometimes he gets sick. Childhood diseases are inevitable, and they must be treated philosophically. Let your child cheer in a relaxed atmosphere, not boring and comfortable.

How to determine that a child is sick

On the state of health of the child eloquently speaks his behavior. Your baby is naughty, does not want to eat, toys do not interest him, have fallen asleep ahead of time or are crying for no reason, sluggish or too excitable, red, like cancer or pale. All these signs suggest that your baby is sick. A sign of onset of the disease, also, is swelling of the lips, stuffy nose, frequent yawning, coughing, skin rash, and swelling. Breathing became frequent, wheezing appeared - a sign of disease. Most often, the first sign of illness is fever. The body temperature of the child is above 37 degrees, he fell ill.

Difficult test for the baby and his loved ones are diseases. Each mother, making sure that the child is sick, starts to get nervous, becomes confused, and some panic. This is not worth doing. In order not to frighten the child, try to calm down, pull yourself together. He is so scared of his condition, he needs your support. First of all, seek help from a doctor.

Calm the baby, try to explain what is happening to him, show compassion and sympathy. Give your child more attention, spend with him free time. Maintain a good mood of the sick child, dream with him about recovery. Do not try to fill up with gifts, know the measure. Better give your favorite toy in the crib. The kid refuses to take medicine or do procedures, force does not need to force him. Turn it into a game. Your child will be in a good mood, and it will be easier to endure the disease. Do not force the baby to lie constantly in bed (if there is no doctor’s prescription). Let him go about his business, just dress it warmer. The child will decide when to rest. Limit mobile and noisy games, remove bright, large, musical toys. Games should be calm. Draw with your child, work with modeling, appliqué, play puzzles, mosaic. If the child has a fever, do not wrap it tightly, but provide air. It will be easier for him. Limit visits to the child by relatives, friends. Ventilate the room where the child is located more often, carry out wet cleaning, humidify the air. Give him more to drink water, milk, raspberry tea, herbal tea. The child does not want to eat, do not force him, he can tear out.

In no case do not frighten the child with the hospital and doctors, and do not allow others to do this. Otherwise, he will develop a negative attitude towards them. A sick child needs mother's love, support, attention. Do not deny him that, and he will recover faster.

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Imagine this picture: your son of 5 years old is just obsessed with dinosaurs. He knows absolutely all their names (even if they consist of 5 words), knows where these animals lived and what each representatives of the species eat. Is it a gifted child?

You also have another baby. Less than a year. He cannot concentrate on one case for a long time, he is terribly restless, he remembers poorly what is happening in the classroom in kindergarten. If you compare it with an older child, it seems very slow and inactive. But is it worth comparing it? How to find out the talent of your child?

Parents may think that their child is gifted when the baby remembers everything well or shows thinking that is unusual for its age.

But it often happens that children who, at a small age, had all the makings of genius, in the future become ordinary people. Conversely, those who were denounced and thought to be mentally retarded at school may in the future become Nobel laureates. Examples of this mass.

Mendeleev could not go to university and several times in a row "flunked" exams in chemistry. Elton John at the Academy of Young Musical Talents was considered a complete lack of talent and, thanks to his mother’s faith in the talent of her child, he became a brilliant musician. Thomas Edison was excluded from the first grade of the school, as the teachers considered him mentally retarded, and his mother was engaged in his education. As a result, a brilliant physicist and engineer grew up, who invented the first incandescent lamp and improved the telegraph and telephone. Albert Einstein was also considered mentally retarded: he began to talk too late, did not communicate with anyone, and the teachers were sure that nothing good would come of him.

In order to develop the talent of your child, you need to clearly know what you are looking for.

You can pass special testing from specialists, which costs a lot of money. And you can just carefully observe your child to highlight the main characteristics of genius. When can a child be considered a genius?

According to the observations of experts, there are several signs of giftedness of a small person. It:

  1. Unusual, as for a child, insight and curiosity;
  2. Excellent level of judgment and reasoning;
  3. The ability of the baby to see the connection between concepts;
  4. Early reading ability;
  5. Large vocabulary;
  6. Keen observation;
  7. Strongly developed sense of ethics and moral values;
  8. Great sense of humor;
  9. Rapid mastery of basic skills;
  10. Showing special abilities in one or more areas, such as music, art, science, languages, computer literacy or mathematics.

Parents of young children always want to feed them something tasty and useful. For this reason, the question of the introduction of complementary foods arises from them already at 3-4 months of life of the child. But is it worth it to hurry? Maybe it is better to wait a little and allow yourself to enjoy the time when you do not need to constantly sterilize the bottles, cook mixes and cereals, for fear of possible poor quality products? There will come a day when you can see for yourself that your little crumb needs extra food and is ready for it. 10 signs will help you to determine this.

Signs of baby's ready to lure

The development of children of the same age is not always the same. Someone baby learned to hold the head in 3 months, and from someone the child was able to do it already in 2 months. Each child has peculiarities of the organism, his own character and his own pace of development. It depends not only on hereditary factors - the progress of pregnancy, childbirth, and also the care of the baby have an effect here. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the age of a child ready for feeding in specific numbers.

Experts attach importance to only two factors, testifying to the child’s readiness to take a new food for it:

  1. Maturation nervous system  and the baby's brain.
  2. Readiness of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of the baby.

When both factors coincide in time, we can say that the baby is ready for feeding. The following signs will help to ensure the presence of these factors:

  1. Baby age. After the child turns 4 months. The same applies to premature babies, with only one amendment - their readiness is calculated on the basis of gestational age. This means that if a baby born at a given time begins to receive complementary foods after 17 weeks, the premature baby born 4 weeks earlier can receive supplements only at 21 weeks after birth;
  2. Weight. Since the birth of the baby, his weight has increased 2 times. If the child is premature - its weight should exceed the birth weight 2.5 times;
  3. Tongue push reflex. In order for a child to take food from a spoon, he must not make reflex pushing movements with his tongue, which are innate and protect the baby from accidental objects in the mouth. If the reflex movements are still present when checking, then it is too early to lure. To check for this factor, give the baby a spoonful. If the water is not on the chin - the child is ready for prikorma. it important moment, as with the introduction of complementary foods, food should be given from a spoon, so that the food is processed by the child's saliva and is digested more easily in his stomach;
  4. Ability to sit. The child should sit well and hold the head. If the baby is not sitting well and can not confidently control the movements of the head, so that at the right moment you can move away or turn away, refusing to eat, lure too early. A baby can demonstrate refusal to eat and not eat;
  5. Lack of basic nutrition. If a baby completely sucks out all the milk from two breasts at one feeding and is still hungry, and the “artificial” baby is not fed by one liter of the mixture during the day - the lure is simply necessary (also if the interval between meals begins to decrease);
  6.   The baby pulls everything into his mouth, even inedible objects;
  7. The child should be able to pull the lower lip take food from a spoon and be able to move the tongue up and down and back and forth. The crumb opens his mouth when he brings a spoon with food;
  8. The child is able to capture the language of food lumps and push them deep into the mouth.The child has mastered the skills of chewing;
  9. The appearance of the first teeth;
  10. Showing interest in parents' food and trying to taste it to your taste.. A kid watching how you eat and trying to pull off a piece of yours is usually ready to start feeding.

However, one should not expect the indispensable manifestation of all the above signs in order to start introducing complementary foods to the baby. It will be sufficient the presence of most of the signs . A preliminary consultation with a pediatrician should be obligatory - only a doctor can confirm that your baby is ready for a new food and correctly spell out his future menu.

Memo to parents:

  1. It is possible to introduce lactation only when the child is completely healthy.
  2. Prikorm is recommended to be introduced during the second feeding.
  3. Any food for the baby should be warm and should be given before the main breastfeeding or infant formula.
  4. Feed the baby only with a spoon. If for the first time you give your child a vegetable puree, you can mix it with milk and feed the baby from a bottle. This will make it easier for a child to get used to new products and taste sensations ( read also: ).
  5. Any new gruel or mashed potatoes should first be given to the baby in a quarter of a spoon, increasing the amount of complementary food to the appropriate portion within two weeks.
  6. It is advisable to make the first supplements from vegetables and fruits typical for your region in the form of mashed potatoes. For an African baby, the first lure of banana puree will be most preferable, while for babies from Russia absolutely identical mashed potatoes can cause poor health and digestive disorders.
  7. Do not give crumbs new Product, until he gets used to the old. After the baby has tried some new dish, the following is recommended to be introduced after 2 weeks.
  8. The first lure - only in the form of mashed potatoes and only one type of fruit or vegetables. So you can find out, if necessary, what product your child has an allergy.
  9. Mashed potatoes at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods should be watery and resemble thick milk in their consistency. Each time, the amount of liquid must be reduced, bringing the appearance of the puree to its natural density.
  10. If you decide to give the baby ready-made baby food, pay attention to two points. The first is the date of manufacture. Everything must be as fresh as possible, otherwise the child may be poisoned. The second point is the composition. To exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction and indigestion, salts, sucrose, sugar, dextrose should not be present in the chosen remedy.

When should the first feed be delayed for one to two weeks?

So, summarize:

When two factors coincide in time:

  1. There are no problems with the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, when the child begins to try new foods.
  2. The kid does everything himself: he takes the food with his hand, brings it to the mouth, swallows it or spits it out if he does not like the food.


10 reasons to introduce lure

Caring for a baby causes anxiety in parents: a newborn cannot explain what bothers him. This also applies to breastfeeding. Mother's milk is intended for the baby and is suitable for its properties, the amount of nutrients and beneficial microflora. Often, the question arises how to determine if the baby is eating enough, whether you need to feed him with a mixture. According to the doctors, it is easy to understand if you look closely at the child, his behavior.

Fed baby

At first, after birth, milk can be produced in small quantities, gradually lactation normalizes. Up to the age of six months, the baby has enough breastmilk, then they begin to inject most babies into the diet. To check if the baby is full, the signs will help:

  1. The chest is emptied, it becomes softer;
  2. If the child is fed up breast milk, he looks contented and happy;
  3. The baby sleeps soundly, calmly, long enough;
  4.   the baby occurs at least 10 times daily;
  5.   dark, yellowish, mushy consistency. With fullness and assimilation of a sufficient amount of milk, the baby’s stool may occur after each feeding;
  6. A child's skin is of a normal healthy color, rather elastic, if it is gently grasped and released, it will easily pull back;
  7. The baby develops well and grows in harmonious proportionality;
  8. A healthy child is quite active.

Frequency of swallowing movements

To understand whether a newborn is fed on breast milk, you need to look at how often it swallows during feeding. How to know this? When the baby is applied to the breast, he begins to suck, so that the production of milk begins. Then the process is replaced by active swallowing, which is audible and noticeable by the characteristic movements of the chin up and down during the throat - this allows you to count their number.

Usually the child eats in sequence: 2-3 sucking movements and one swallowing. The duration of feeding is affected by the activity of the baby and the rate of saturation. Weakened or premature babies are forced to make more sucking movements, because they make them with less force, the feeding process increases. How long does it take a baby to get enough? In the first weeks the process may take more than half an hour, with the age of the child feeding time decreases. Half-year baby can eat in 10 minutes.

Signs of Malnutrition

It is necessary to regularly monitor the condition of the baby. To determine that he is not fed up with breast milk, can be based on the following signs:

  1. Crying immediately or after a short time after feeding. If you attach the baby to the breast, he usually calms down and starts eating;
  2. The baby does not sleep well, is worried, the amount of time for sleeping is reduced;
  3. Lethargy, decreased activity;
  4. The child reacts sharply to the approach of the mother, her smell;
  5. The manifestation of sucking reflex - smacking, sucking fingers, the edges of the diaper;
  6. Low weight gain.

In the first days for a newborn, normal loss is up to 10% of weight. Then the baby should add: actively in the first three months - not less than 500 g, sometimes the weight can increase and more than 1 kg per month, which is considered the norm with increasing growth and the overall health of the child. From 4 months weight gain decreases. How to understand that weight is normal? The pediatrician usually monitors the performance, weighing the child monthly during the examination. You can independently read the rules and control the weight of the child. It does not make sense to check the increase more than once a week.

Malnutrition Dehydration

Breast milk is 80% water, replaces the baby and food and drink. Additionally, some water is given in hot weather or in a stuffy room. If the baby is not fed up with breast milk, his body is dehydrated, with a strong degree observed:

  1. Drowsiness;
  2. Dullness of the eyeballs;
  3. The dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth, the saliva becomes viscous;
  4. Absence or small amount of tears when crying;
  5. Loose skin does not immediately regain form after a small pinch;
  6. Breath with foul odor;
  7. Rare urination (less than 10 times a day), while the urine is dark-colored, it smells strong;
  8. With such signs, you need to give the baby some water and be sure to consult a doctor.

Causes of Malnutrition

Often, the baby is not fed up with breast milk when improperly organized feeding. Common errors:

  1. A sharp shift to feeding by the hour can lead to a decrease in lactation. Milk production is enhanced when the baby eats. The first weeks you need to put the newborn to the chest as needed - about once every three hours. Gradually, you can accustom to the feeding regime;
  2. Feeding time limit. How to understand that the baby was full? The child at the reflex level will feel satiated and will refuse the breast himself. If the milk is over, and the baby is not full, he throws the nipple, tries again, shows discontent. In this case, you need to give him a second chest;
  3. Baby is incorrectly applied to the chest. It should completely capture the nipple and areola;
  4. Uncomfortable position of the child when feeding. The back of the head, neck and back should form a straight line. The child easily captures the nipple, he does not have to turn his head, reach out. It is necessary to pick up several poses convenient for the mother and child, change them, if necessary, use a special pillow for feeding;
  5. Refusal of night application. It is necessary to wake the child at night, gradually reducing the number of feedings. This will avoid big breaks in the release of the breast and stimulates the production of milk;
  6. Baby give soothers, bottles with pacifier. They differ in shape, because of the child’s getting used to it, it is difficult to grab the breast, he refuses it, is capricious, requires a nipple;
  7. Squeezing a large amount of milk can cause an increase in its production. The child drinks the usual rate, but does not have time to get to the back, fatter milk. Because of its low nutritional value, food is quickly processed by the body, and the child feels hungry;
  8. The use of silicone linings for feeding. They interfere with the baby to properly capture the nipple, complicate sucking, the number of swallowed milk is reduced. It is allowed to use the linings for cracked nipples until they heal;
  9. Due to the fact that milk is produced 2-3 days after birth, many babies begin to give a mixture. It is better to wait and feed the baby with colostrum, which stimulates the rapid appearance of milk;
  10. The child is malnourished in violation of digestion, general malaise. Runny nose interferes with normal sucking: because of the lack of air, the baby has to throw the nipple. A child may refuse a breast in case of diseases of the oral cavity, stomatitis, thrush, causing discomfort during eating;
  11. Sometimes babies fall asleep during feeding and do not suck out enough milk. It is necessary to follow the swallowing and wake up the child if necessary. A proven way is to wash your baby before eating, sometimes feeding him naked at a comfortable room temperature.

Increase lactation

Reducing milk production leads to malnutrition of the child. No need to rush with the use of the mixture, it can lead to a complete failure of the baby from the breast. If the milk is not lost, you need to try to normalize lactation:

  • Rest as much as possible, avoid stress and overvoltage;
  • Regular walks in the fresh air;
  • Drink more fluids, tea, decoctions, stimulating milk production;
  • Ensure that the food is balanced, avoid strict diets, excluding only products that affect the taste of milk;
  • Do self-massage of the mammary glands;
  • Strain the milk for additional feeding, using a spoon or a pipette instead of a nipple.

If milk production has not improved, it is necessary to consult a doctor and begin feeding the mixtures. It is better not to use a cow or a baby. They are not intended for the human body, may interfere with digestion. Can cause allergies.

It should be noted that the baby may require breast, not only because of hunger. Sometimes he expresses the need for affection and attention in this way, he feels comfortable next to his chest, calms down faster and falls asleep more easily.

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