The child does not want to eat vegetables: small parental tricks. If the child does not eat fruit

In the first year of a baby’s life, his immune system and bone tissue are being formed, and therefore many pediatricians recommend adhering to a strict regimen of introducing additional products.

What vegetables and fruits can be given to a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months, up to a year?

The child is 6 months old.

The first thing that is introduced into the diet are vegetable and fruit purees.

Artificial artists can also enter porridge for better weight gain.

Be sure to start with very small doses, for example 1 teaspoon per day and observe the reaction of the baby’s body. If during the day there were no lesions, then you can enter an increased portion, but do not introduce another new product.

IMPORTANT: One of the first products introduced will be cauliflower and zucchini due to its content of enough calcium and phosphorus for development. As well as pumpkin puree, which is very helpful for the child's digestion.

From fruit puree, preference is usually given to apple and pear, which is rich in pectin and contains a lot of iron for the normal functioning of the circulatory system.

It is better to start introducing the rest of the products in the following months, because it takes a lot of time for the fragile organism to get used to each new product.

Within two weeks, the portion of baby feeding will grow to a full replacement of one day feeding.

To kid   in 7 months  from fruit you can try to enter:

  • Peach
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Prunes

These fruits are rich in trace elements and vitamins and do an excellent job of replenishing iron and improving the digestion of a growing body. If the baby has loose stools, then prunes will need to be abandoned.

By 8 months  The body of the baby is formed and ready to accept fermented milk products. Therefore, many pediatricians advise making home-made kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese and gradually introducing babies to the diet.

From fruit to your baby’s diet you can add:

  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Currant
  • Cherry
  • Plum

At 9 months, exotic fruits can be added to the diet:

  • A pineapple

It is very important to observe the child’s stool and skin manifestations. If there is a reaction of the body in any of the manifestations, it is better to cancel this product.

In 10 months  the child is ready to try cherry plum, plum, watermelon. In this case, it is necessary to give the very last fruit very metered, as it affects the water balance in the body.

In 11 months  and before the year you can begin to enter into the diet: mandarin, orange, grapefruit.

With all the usefulness of these products in view of the high content of vitamin C and other vitamins, these products are very allergic and therefore require a careful approach.

Vegetables can be given those that are rich in fiber and were not available at an earlier age:

  • Eggplant
  • Beet
  • Legumes
  • White cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli

Vegetable soup can be cooked with the addition of vegetable oil and a little salt, which will improve the taste of new products.

What can vegetables and fruits give child in 2 years?

At the age of two years, the child’s food is already four meals a day and, with all the diversity, it does not yet fit the overall adult table.

If the child allows himself snacks between meals - this will reduce his appetite, but if on the contrary reduce the number of receptions to 3, then this may affect the modesty and well-being of the baby. Therefore, the best breaks between meals are 3-4 hours.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the cells and the baby gets it from fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is also very important that the body receives a sufficient number of macro- and microelements, which are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Two-year-olds can be given the following vegetables:

  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Radish
  • Cucumbers
  • Bell pepper
  • Potatoes
  • Carrot
  • Broccoli

Fruits and berries a child in 2 years can be given all kinds in amounts up to 150 grams. in a day.

Why a baby in the lure does not eat vegetables and fruits: what to do?

Nowadays, the number of babies in pure breastfeeding is growing, and when the baby is 6 months old, many mothers buy jars of vegetables and fruits in the hope that now the baby will begin to taste new products with pleasure.

But for some reason, not all children are happy to take her mother's initiative and refuse such innovations.

Many mothers go on all sorts of tricks to get the baby to open his mouth and eat at least a spoon.

What can be done here:

  • Include favorite cartoon
  • To attract help to distract the attention of relatives who will occupy his toy
  • Use your favorite toy as an example of how she eats mashed potatoes with pleasure.
  • You can use various sayings: “A plane (spoon) is flying and right in Katya’s mouth ..”

But not all tricks, unfortunately, can affect a capricious baby. Then you can try to improve the taste of food by using salt and mixing vegetables or fruits.

How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits, if he does not want, refuses?

As an option to increase the nutritional interest of the child - to give him the opportunity to try everything with his hands. To do this, you can put a plate on the suckers in front of him and put there small pieces of food that he can touch with his hands and taste.

What to do if the child has stopped eating vegetables and fruits?

The body of the child, like no one else knows what he needs and therefore, if your child has suddenly stopped trying fruits and vegetables, then you should not panic. Simply, he has the right as you do not want them at the moment.

And what's more, most likely he needs only those vitamins and microelements that he has already managed to get. After a while, without your persistent persuasion, he will return his interest in these products again.

What to do if a child doesn’t eat vegetables and fruits badly? The child does not eat fruits and vegetables: Komarovsky

According to Komarovsky, if a child does not want to try vegetables and fruits, then the time just does not come. Quality breast-feeding  replaces all types of complementary foods, because the female body from century to century has saturated the child with all the most necessary and you should not try to deceive nature.

If the child is gaining enough weight and does not look painful, then you need to let go of the situation and introduce fruits and vegetables gradually without coercion and persuasion. The time will come and the child himself will reach out for new and useful products.

Video: What to do if the child does not want to eat - Doctor Komarovsky

All parents want their children to grow up healthy. And one of the main guarantees of health is complete, balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables - an important component of the right diet. That's just for the children themselves it is difficult to understand, because they primarily focus on taste and their feelings.

If your child does not like fruits and vegetables or eats them only under duress, then read the following recommendations. They will help make the child accustomed to previously unloved products.

1. Make fruits and vegetables always available to the child.

Small sizes for small pens

Cut carrots into cubes, cucumbers into circles; buy cherry tomatoes These blanks are folded in a plastic container and refrigerated so that they are accessible to children at any time. Fruits, too, keep "ready" - wash and cut the slices of apples, pears, put in a vase for fruits, plums, tangerines, etc. (depending on the season).

Grape abundance

Wash large grapes (red, green, purple), divide the bunch into berries, stick a toothpick into each berry. Funny canapes will surely appeal to your kid.

Use knives of a special form for cutting into pieces of melon, pineapple, cucumber, etc .. Such a “feed” may interest the child and make him eat a couple of slices.

2. Make fruits and vegetables tastier.

Yes, this is a trick, but it is quite harmless. And the result will meet all expectations.

Tasty aromas

Try sprinkling the fruit with a small amount of a mixture of lemon juice and honey with cinnamon or sugar. For vegetables as a natural flavor enhancer, use a solution with a pinch of sea salt, chopped dried herbs, and roasted sesame.

Dip, so delicious!

Make a sweet mix: In a quarter cup of plain yogurt, add a tablespoon of honey and a pinch of cinnamon. Let the child dip the fruit pieces into the yogurt before sending it to the mouth.

Use garlic

Surprisingly, many children love spicy garlic flavor. Try on quick hand  cook such sauce:

Chop a clove of fresh garlic, mix it with 1/2 cup unsweetened yogurt (or sour cream, or light mayonnaise). Add 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh green onions and a quarter of a teaspoon of salt and pepper. Mix everything well.

Use this delicious sauce with fresh vegetables.

The sauce can be used as a salad dressing. If vegetable slices prepared for children remain, mix them in a dish and serve with this sauce. And for children, cut fresh vegetables.


Recently it has become fashionable to do smoke at home. This is the name of fresh fruit puree made with a blender. You can combine any kind of fruit: bananas, apples, oranges, kiwi.

Pay special attention grapefruit, oranges, kiwi, bananas  - Vitamin C is necessary for children. If the smousy comes out a little sourish - sweeten with a couple of tablespoons of granulated sugar.

Bake the vegetables in the oven

Slice the vegetables into large slices, spread on a baking sheet, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake in the oven. When the slices become crispy and become golden - you can get it, everything is ready.

3. Choose the right vegetables and fruits for children.

  • Buy "Seasonal" fruits and vegetables. Local fruits and vegetables, ripened "at one time", contain less nitrates, and the taste is much better.
  • If possible, buy local fruits and vegetables. Especially seasonal and perishable: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (and other berries), plums, peaches, apples.
  • If you have so-called “weekend markets” in your city, to which farmers produce their products, then buy vegetables and fruits for children there.


Fruits and vegetables for children are very useful. Do not give up in their aspirations to teach their child to eat. As a rule, the new taste may not like the first time. Offer children new and new fruits and vegetables, combine them, combine with other flavors, season with homemade sauces.

And remember that if you don’t like any of them, it doesn’t mean that a child doesn’t like them either.

Additional literature on child nutrition

Recently, I read 2 books that I can recommend to you - mothers who think about what their children eat.

First book - “French children eat everything”, by Karel Le Byon  (link in Labyrinth, on Ozone).

The book of Canadian mother, who arrived with her husband and two children (2 and 5 years old) in Brittany (France). A book about how French children eat (and eat everything, including a large variety of local vegetables and fruits). There are 10 basic rules of nutrition, which take root in the small French from the cradle. Not everything can be introduced to us (for example, the French food system completely eliminates snacks), but it turned out to be very interesting to get acquainted with them. Much took note. In France, taken with early age  to teach children to "adult" food, but the adult food itself - varied, useful, in the right quantities. During the meal, it is customary to enjoy the process of eating, as well as socializing (everyone dines at the table). Imagine, in the French manger, parents are invited first of all to meetings, so that they can see what their children will be fed with (and this, in our opinion, is quite an exquisite dish of their vegetables and fruits).

Interesting fact:  the more products a child under 2 years of age tries, the easier it will be to get him acquainted with a new meal later. At this age, they have a craving for everything new. Children of 4-5 years may develop fear for a new food (laid down by nature, that if you eat “proven” food, you have less opportunity to stumble upon something “dangerous”).

The second book is “How to wean a child from sweets,” by the famous doctor Jacob Teitelbaum and baby food specialist Deborah Kennedy (links in and The book turned out to be useful also in the sense that it fell into my hands when I thought about what. The book does not open the Americas, but it has useful statistics about how much sweet we get, without thinking about it (in sauces, drinks, etc.).

Everyone knows how important and healthy it is to eat vegetables. Vegetables and fruits should be the lion's share of the daily diet. In fact, it often turns out the opposite: meat, cereal, potatoes, sandwiches, etc. not necessarily harmful products, but in quantities substantially exceeding the needs of the body. But eating a vegetable salad does not always work.

It is especially hard to feed kids with vegetables. Usually the word salad or greens causes them to protest. It is unlikely that you will be able to force the child to eat vegetables, but you are quite capable of making attractive, interesting vegetables for kids. What to do if child does not eat vegetables? We offer some vegetable tricks that will help to make vegetables for kids a favorite dish.

Personal example

The first and main point should be your own example. If parents consider vegetables only as decoration for other dishes, then the child’s attitude towards them will be exactly the same. Try to have a vegetable salad on your table at every meal, just chopped vegetables. Eat them with appetite and sincere interest :)

Replace them with candy

May you always have freshly cut seasonal vegetables on your table instead of a vase with sweets and biscuits. Tomatoes and cucumbers, green peas, greens, sweet peppers, carrots, turnips, and in the winter the same carrots, and parsley, radish, pumpkin, etc. At first, the child may have protested, but over time, he will get used and fall in love, perhaps not all, but some of the vegetables. Of course, the pieces should be cut into small-sized and beautiful, causing appetite :)

Make the vegetables ... interesting!

Show your child how a beautiful colorful sandwich can be made from vegetables by placing a circle of carrot or cucumber on a leaf of lettuce and sprinkling with greens. You can fantasize endlessly, laying out patterns, faces, etc. And there is all this doubly nice :)

As an option, you can offer your child to make the most colorful salad. It is better to take multicolored vegetables - let the kid choose the ingredients. He can tear the lettuce leaves, put the sliced ​​vegetables in a salad bowl, sprinkle with seeds or nuts, mix - all this yourself. And then all this is so interesting to eat!


Try to add vegetables to any dishes. Of course, it is desirable to eat them raw, but even boiled they are very useful, and if you really choose between boiled vegetables and the lack thereof, let them be the first option. Yes, and the child will be easier to go to the vegetables, if he will eat them in the usual dishes for him.

And if he grows them himself

Grow vegetables yourself with your child. Even if you do not have a dacha, where you could select a separate bed for your child, put small boxes on the windowsill, where you can grow at least ordinary, greens, watercress. And then cut it off and add to yourself and your parents on the plate. Well, after that, refuse to eat it?

In addition to greenery on the windowsill in the winter (and in the summer) you can germinate different grains: wheat, peas - any whole grains. The baby will be happy to watch the appearance of tiny seedlings, and with what interest he will eat them! Germinated peas, by the way, taste almost no different from fresh, and can be mixed, for example, with honey and eaten. Tasty and healthy. Very useful! And most importantly, in the future, your child is unlikely to need a Shakira diet, the Kremlin, a seven-day, bread diet, or any other. After all, excess weight occurs in 99% of cases precisely from malnutrition: fat and unnatural.

And you can wait a little bit for the sprouts to grow and throw them like greens into a salad. Such sprouts together with vegetables will make a significant contribution to the health of the child and the parents.

Do not forget about fairy tales and riddles. The same ubiquitous "Turnip", quoted on the occasion of the use of turnip in a salad, would be most welcome to the table. And not necessarily "Turnip". After all, you can do something for yourself about vegetables, at the same time absorbing them with an appetite :)

Well, I would also like to say something: teaching your kid to vegetables, exclude from his diet at least the most: chips, sweet drinks, etc. In addition to the harm that they inevitably carry to the body, they also wean off the taste of natural products, having in its composition monosodium glutamate, which even the most tasteless can make it tasty for our receptors. Hardly after the chips or crackers you want carrots. Her taste will seem absolutely "pale."

Ksenia Poddubnaya

Every mom wants her baby to eat only the most healthy and tasty food. However, not always healthy food seems tasty to children, and most often it concerns vegetables. What should the mother do if the child does not eat vegetables at all, is it possible to outwit the little fiddle and how to make the child love vegetables? You will find the answers to these and other questions on the women's website “Beautiful and Successful”.

Why the child does not want to eat vegetables?

The answer to this question is very simple: the child does not eat vegetables because   adults do not eat them either.Remember how often you eat vegetables yourself, and think about the place they occupy in your daily diet?

It also matters what do you prefer snacking on:  bun or salad. If the answers to these and similar questions are not in favor of vegetables, then you should not be surprised why your child does not want to eat vegetables.

As adults, mom and dad are well aware of all the benefits and importance of eating fresh vegetables. Their desire provide your child with vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances  quite natural.

But in order for a child to love vegetables, it’s not enough that parents desire it, they themselves should also love these products. Only a personal example can show the baby how important it is to eat vegetables. You should agree that if an mother offers an hour for dinner the baby to crunch an apple or a carrot, and she starts chocolate, she is unlikely to be able to inculcate in her child a love for vegetables.

Remember: food should be healthy for the whole family,and not just for her smallest members!

The child does not eat vegetables: what to do?

Cookies and sweets substitute vegetables

What kind of mother doesn’t have a vase with sweets and cookies, and it’s good if the child can’t get it on her own.

the site offers to put this vase in the open, just fill it with sweets, and fresh cut vegetables. Green pea, red tomato, orange carrot, yellow Bulgarian pepper, white circles of turnip - such a variety of colors will surely attract a child, albeit not in taste, but in color.

If the "vegetable" vase will stand on the table in the nursery every day, the child will definitely try its contents.

Let him not like all vegetables, but some of them he will love. And then you will realize that your child did not want to eat vegetables not from harm, he just did not know how delicious they could be!

To entice a child

Slicing vegetables ask for help from your child:  Let him cut the cucumber with ringlets for a “vegetable” vase or make pepper courts and fill them with peas.

If you are hungry, and before dinner is still far away, do not rush to put the kettle and get cakes from the refrigerator.

Remember that your child does not eat vegetables and try to fix it: offer your little helper make a colorful salad or a beautiful vegetable sandwich yourself.

Let him choose vegetables that he would like to eat, put tomato or cucumber slices on a lettuce leaf, decorate a sandwich with greens, or mix your salad without your help. Be sure to praise your assistant and empty the plate together!

To accustom to vegetables gradually

If the child persistently refuses fresh vegetables, the site recommends adding to the dishes boiled vegetables in a ground form.

Spaghetti with broccoli sauce, eggplant soup and green beans, pancakes on pumpkin puree, squash bread, chocolate carrot cake - these and other dishes with added vegetables are sure to please not only small, but also large family members. By hiding vegetables in everyday meals, you will forget that your child once did not want to eat vegetables.

How to feed a little picky?

If you cannot feed the child with vegetables openly, then you need to do it in secret. This conclusion comes sooner or later to all parents who are faced with this problem. But how to make your favorite children's meals healthy, and forget about the fact that the child does not want to eat vegetables, read below.

  • Potato and meat casserole - a delicious children's lunch. You can make it more nutritious, but no less tasty, if you replace half of the potatoes with mashed boiled cauliflower.
  • Carrot cake is one of the most delicious and healthy children's desserts. It is possible to reduce its fat content if you add baked apple puree to it instead of butter.
  • Pasta is the favorite food of all children. Let them eat for health, only pasta should be offered cheese sauce with mashed tomato added to it.
  • You can add a small squash of zucchini in meat pilaf and not worry about the child not eating vegetables. He will not notice the “trick” anyway: the taste of the pilaf will not change, but the benefits will increase.
  • If you need to feed a small nechochukha with a vegetable dish, vegetable salty soup becomes a real salvation for the mother. There are no restrictions, use those vegetables that you consider necessary. After working as a blender and adding a spoonful of sour cream, you can be sure that your child will receive the necessary dose of vitamins, trace elements and fiber.

If your child doesn't eat vegetables, do not try to force feed him.Remember that only a personal example, you can achieve success in this difficult task. Let the vegetables be present on your table every day and sooner or later your beloved child will remind you that today you forgot to offer him his favorite vegetables.

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The child does not eat vegetable and fruit foods. Should I force it? How to contribute to the fact that the baby ate plant food.

According to the recommendations of the WHO, vegetables are what the child tastes first of the complementary foods. For the first time he meets with them in six months. After its menu includes fruits. Ideally, by 2 years old, the baby eats almost everything his parents eat. The benefits of plant food in the diet of a small child, and man in general, is known to all. But it happens that the crumbly refuses to eat vegetables and fruits. What should his parents do?

What vegetables and fruits can be given to a child by the age of up to one year?

IMPORTANT: The gastrointestinal tract of a half year old baby is not yet completely ready to process heavy protein or carbohydrate foods. In comparison with cereals and meat, vegetables are easier and better absorbed, contain a huge amount of vitamins, microelements, organic acids, dietary fiber, pectin, and other useful substances necessary for the growth and development of a child. infancy

If a child is gaining weight well, a pediatrician will recommend him to try vegetables:

  • at 5.5 months if crumbs eat a mixture
  • at 6 months if the pussy eats mom's milk
  • natural
  • hypoallergenic
  • fresh
  • seasonal
  • (preferably) naturally growing where the baby lives

So, for Europeans, food begins with:

  • zucchini
  • cauliflower and broccoli
  • carrots
  • pumpkins
  • potatoes
  • peas
  • asparagus

IMPORTANT: Vegetables for complementary feeding of an infant can be in-store or cooked by the parents themselves, but necessarily thermally processed. It can seem to the spoiled taste buds of parents that the homogeneous vegetable mass is too fresh. But for a child who first tries adult food, her taste is much brighter. Baby vegetable puree does not need to be salted and, especially, seasoned. Only adding a certain amount of the mixture is permissible. breast milkand later - butter

Fruits and berries are introduced into the baby food at the same time as vegetables. But experts recommend to wait a little with them and give the crumbs to try apples after he has already got acquainted with 2-3 vegetables: the taste of the latter against the background of sweet fruits may not please the kid.

Requirements for fruit as a complementary food is the same as for vegetables. Children under one year begin to eat:

  • an Apple
  • pear
  • peach
  • banana
  • apricot
  • prunes and plums
  • white currant
  • gooseberry

IMPORTANT: One of the basic rules for introducing complementary foods to an infant is gradual. Vegetables and fruits, he begins to try with 5 mg, or one teaspoon. Already a year a portion of baby plant food will weigh already 100 g.

It is not at all necessary that the entire second half of the baby’s life be stuffed with one-component mashed potatoes. From vegetables it is very good for him to make soups, and to add fruits to cereals and dairy products. But only after it becomes clear that the baby is well perceived one or another plant product.

By the end of the first year of life, the baby will already have several teeth, you can start giving him fruits and vegetables not only in the form of mashed potatoes, but also crushed into small pieces.

Many parents find a very useful nibbler - a special device that allows the baby to gnaw vegetable food without the risk of choking on it.

What can vegetables and fruits give child in 2 years?

After a year, the vegetable and fruit diet of the child expands significantly. He tries all new and new products.
  From vegetables it is:

  • beet
  • white cabbage
  • cucumber
  • a tomato
  • eggplants
  • corn
  • beans
  • greens (green onions, spinach, parsley, dill)

Fruits and berries on the baby's table are also becoming more diverse. He can eat:

  • sweet cherry
  • cherry
  • currants red and black
  • raspberries
  • strawberries
  • blueberries
  • cowberry
  • strawberries
  • cherry plum
  • watermelon
  • garnet
  • mandarin
  • orange

IMPORTANT: If the child is allergic, the introduction in his diet of fruits and vegetables is negotiated with the doctor

VIDEO: Complementary baby food \\ fruit 5-6 months

Why the baby in the lure does not eat vegetables and fruits?

If the child refuses to eat vegetables and fruits as a complementary food, spits them, most likely, this is not a manifestation of self-indulgence. There are good reasons for this:

  1. For the first six months of life, the baby has become accustomed to liquid nutrition — mother’s milk or infant formula. A thicker puree made from vegetables and fruits gives him a gag reflex.
  2. Baby is not hungry. Perhaps, before a meal of vegetables and fruits, he was fed with the same milk or mixture
  3. The baby is naughty, because he wants to sleep, he feels bad (he has a stomach ache, teeth are cut, etc.)
  4. The child does not like the taste of vegetables and fruits. Nothing can be done, each person has their own gastronomical preferences, and some kind of food may simply not be to your child’s liking, for no apparent objective reason.
  5. The child is not accustomed to eat from a spoon. Perhaps the cutlery is too big for him

How to teach a child to eat vegetables, if he does not want, refuses? How to teach a child to eat fruit, if he does not want, refuses?

What can not be done is to force vegetable food into the baby. Do neighbors hear a child screaming behind the wall shouting, and they think his parents are beating him? In fact, mom and dad are just trying to feed the baby. Common situation? Ritual dances around the table for feeding at least once performed by each parent.

IMPORTANT: Feeding vegetables and fruits should not turn into an execution for the baby and end nervous breakdown  for his parents. In order not to cause disgust for plant food in a child for life, mom and dad should keep cold blood and go for some tricks.

  1. No need to give the child complementary foods after he received her mother's breast or bottle. First, the baby eats vegetable or fruit puree, and only then milk or mixture
  2. It is necessary to develop a diet for the child and always follow it. Baby should have breakfast, lunch and dinner with meals at about the same time.
  3. In order for the baby to like the taste of vegetable puree, the first couple should add a small amount of breast milk and formula to it.
  4. When a baby tries a few vegetables or fruits, he will have his favorite and unloved ones. These taste preferences crumbs must be considered when preparing multi-component dishes. Perhaps an unloved product for some time should not be included in them. It often happens that later the child begins to perceive it in a new way and to eat with pleasure
  5. Baby is important example of parents. He should see that at his dinner table his relatives enjoy eating vegetables and fruits.
  6. Reluctance to eat fruit or vegetable puree  the child may be due to their appearance of the dish. Mom needs to think about how to present it beautifully

IMPORTANT: Parents in no case should scold the crumb for the fact that he refuses this or that dish of food. They should also control their feelings, not show the child upset, powerlessness, despair or anger.

What to do if the child has stopped eating vegetables and fruits?

What should parents do? After all, plant foods should form the basis of the child's diet. Immunity and the normal functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract depend on it. Not eating them at all is not an option. At the same time, it is also impossible to force a child to feed him by force or under the threat of punishment. Moms and dads are encouraged to resort to tricks:

  1. If the child is 2 years old and more, you can try to agree with him. It may be possible to find out what vegetables and fruits the child does not like, in which he would not refuse. Also the role of encouragement
  2. Baby should be deprived of alternatives. If he does not eat fruit, for some time you need to stop feeding him sweets and pastries. In front of his eyes should always be a bowl with sweet fruit, a plate of berries. Perhaps when the child pulls on the sweet, he will satisfy his need with these useful delicacies.
  3. Vegetables on the baby's plate should always be. Even if time after time he leaves them not eaten
  4. Sitting at an adult table, he should see that parents eat salads, stews, whole vegetables. At the same time, you can also voice what they are delicious.
  5. In case of refusal from vegetables and fruits, you can get away from the ban to play with food. If a child and parents fantasize together, invent pictures of bright vegetables right on the plate, the appetite of a small nehochuhi can wake up
  6. As a last resort, parents can learn to “mask” plant food. For example, cook vegetable soups, zrazy with vegetable filling, mix a lot of berries or fruit into the porridge or curd of the child. If the kid loves baking, he needs to offer pies with vegetable, fruit and berry filling

IMPORTANT: And again about the design of dishes. In the photo you can see how to serve vegetables and fruits for the child, so that he would definitely want to eat them

Fruit assortment "Sea bottom".

VIDEO:   Vegetables for feeding and feeding the smallest

What to do if a child doesn’t eat vegetables and fruits badly?

If a child doesn’t eat vegetables and fruits badly, parents should think about whether they consume a lot of “food debris” in the form of purchased confectionery products, chips, crackers, candy sticks and chewing candies. These seemingly harmless delicacies are flavored with flavor enhancers of synthetic origin. Under their influence, the child’s receptors no longer distinguish between natural tastes, plant food seems to no baby.

IMPORTANT: In order for the baby to eat everything, including vegetables and fruits, from his very birth parents should build his diet, compose the menu according to WHO recommendations and pediatrician's advice. Very often the fault of the child’s refusal to eat certain foods is the inconsistent behavior of his parents.

VIDEO: How to teach children to eat raw vegetables and fruits! 9 tips

Dr. Komarovsky: a child does not eat fruits and vegetables

Dr. Komarovsky is also against forcing the child to eat vegetables and fruits. His opinion is:

  1. First of all, you need to understand what the reason for the refusal is in unwillingness or impossibility. If a child does not want, and cannot eat, plant food, you should find out why
  2. If a child does not like vegetables, but eats fruit with pleasure, he loses nothing
  3. If a child in early childhood refuses fruits and vegetables, but eats eggs, meat, milk and dairy products with pleasure, these are the needs of his body. The child is actively growing, and the body requires the consumption of foods rich in protein and calcium