Flat belly in just a month. How to make a flat stomach at home.

Slim stomach - important element  beautiful figure. After weight gain, childbirth and simply with age, this part of the woman’s body changes, but it’s never too late to regain its former attractiveness.

To tighten the stomach is not easy, but if you want, you can do it in just one month. There is no need to exhaust yourself with hard diets and hunger. The main thing is to approach the problem in a comprehensive way: eat right and exercise.

1. Diet for a flat stomach

If you dream of a beautiful belly, you will have to adjust your eating behavior. You can not starve yourself and follow low-carb diets. They allow you to quickly lose weight, but you have to pay for it with folds of excess skin, bruises under the eyes, an earthy complexion and poor health.

The main principles of a diet for a flat stomach - a healthy and nutritious diet, plus a feeling of satiety. In the selection of the diet should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Fractional power.  You need to eat in small portions at intervals of 3-4 hours.
  2. Refusal of harmful drinks.  Sweet carbonated water and alcohol - under the ban.
  3. Refusal from sweets.  Sugar products can be replaced by dried fruit.
  4. Light dinner.  In the evening, limit yourself to natural yogurt or fresh apple.
  5. Drinking mode.  The daily dose of water - from 1.5 liters.

With this diet, the body will not be stressed, but will receive the necessary nutrition. Your metabolism will speed up, and fats will break down faster. As a result, you will achieve a lasting effect: after returning to your usual diet, the kilograms will not return.

2. Exercises for a beautiful press

Due to proper nutrition, body fat will split. However, the stomach will not look tight, if the muscles remain weak. Therefore, it is important to combine diet with exercise. They will help strengthen the press and speed up the metabolism. As a result, where there used to be fat, muscle mass will appear.

You need to train about three times a week, performing each exercise in 3 sets of 15-30 times. During training, watch your breathing: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

The following exercises are effective:

  1. Twisting. Performed from a prone position. Legs are bent at the knees, hands are widened behind the head, elbows are separated to the sides. Taking a breath, tear off the body from the floor and reach for your knees. Exhale, lie back on your back.
  2. Diagonal twisting.  The starting position is the same. Lay your right foot on your left knee. Taking a breath, tear off the head and shoulder blades from the floor, trying to reach with the left elbow to the right leg. On the exhale, lie back on your back. Change the leg and repeat the exercise.

3. "Invisible" gymnastics for every day.

The following set of exercises can be performed at work, at a walk, in a cafe and any other public place. Surroundings will not even notice that you are training.

Do an "invisible" gymnastics every day at a convenient time, and soon you will notice how your stomach has changed:

  1. Relax the press while inhaling and strain - as you exhale.
  2. Massage the abdomen in a circle in a clockwise direction.
  3. Draw in the stomach, trying to keep it in this position for a longer time.
  4. Keep your back straight. When you are hunched up, the stomach seems bigger.

Adhering to the recommendations on nutrition and performing exercises for the press, you tighten the stomach in just 1 month. At the same time, problems with digestion will disappear, complexion will improve, blue circles under the eyes will disappear. Confidence in yourself and your appearance will return to you.

How to restore the stomach after childbirth

Do you want to have a fit figure and healthy digestion? Then it's time to finally find out everything about how to make the stomach flat at home, is it real, and how difficult, if yes. If you set out to please yourself and be a healthy person, are determined, then you should realize and accept the following: the faster you need the result, the more effort you will need.

How to make a flat stomach in a week

It happens that some exceptional event is planned and you need to look attractive in tight clothes, and you can achieve this by throwing off a couple of kilograms. Or maybe you just don’t like to wait long, get upset that you don’t see results and are not sure that you can cope with tedious exercises and diets, then the option “ slim stomach  for a week "for you.

In any variant of the elimination of the friability of the abdomen, it is necessary to combine a certain type of proper nutrition with workouts. Without this, unfortunately, nothing. Ready to take on the beauty of the fat layer? Here is your battle plan for the coming week, from today:

1. As is

  • Slowly. Recognize food intake as a ritual: food should be well prepared, laid out in a beautiful whole bowl. Suppose you do not perform a full serving, but take one place for food, focus on the process, sit at the table exactly and do not be distracted by anything. Breathe smoothly and deeply. The slower you eat, the more precisely the brain will detect the moment of saturation and the more valuable substances are absorbed from food. We do often eat more of what the body needs, and when we start tracking our condition, we will be surprised how little we need.
  • Chewing each bite thoroughly. Already in the mouth stand out special enzymes that speed up digestion, which means that less food will lie in the intestine (that is, in the stomach), chopped food will move along the digestive tract faster, and excess air will not enter the intestine - thanks to all this, you will not be tortured bloating, the stomach will not stretch. Doctors recommend chewing solid food at least 30 times, soft food - 10 times. The last meal is no later than a couple of hours before bedtime (preferably 3-4 hours).

2. What to eat and drink

Nutritionists are almost unanimous in one thing - you need to drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters of clean cool water without all), there is a lot of fiber and protein. Here come to the aid products with the so-called "negative calorie":

  • celery
  • cabbage
  • greens (parsley, iceberg lettuce, onions, spinach)
  • cucumber
  • radish
  • tomatoes
  • sea ​​kale
  • eggplants
  • zucchini
  • a pineapple
  • grapefruit

Eating fruits, berries and greens is better raw, and vegetables and mushrooms are better absorbed after heat treatment. In the amount eaten from this list, you can not limit yourself during the day, but the portions should be small. Do not season with vegetable oil (maximum only 2 tablespoons per day), mayonnaise, sour cream more than 10%. You can add a lot of pepper, especially red, 1 tbsp. l on the day of soy sauce.

In addition, eat protein-rich foods that are low in carbohydrates and fats:

  • mushrooms (for example, soup from dried mushrooms with buckwheat, stewed mushrooms with cabbage, scrambled eggs in the oven with mushrooms, mushrooms stewed in low fat sour cream or yogurt)
  • fish and white meat (boiled, steamed or baked with citrus and herbs), low-fat cottage cheese, protein shakes (moderately),
  • egg white (yolk week to give someone, or to release),
  • soy (tofu, soy milk, asparagus, sprouts)
  • nuts (no more than 5 pieces per day).

Add fresh ginger and mint to all drinks, and prefer green leaf to any tea. Eat cereal (without sugar and butter) and fruit for breakfast, and protein foods for dinner.

Of the trace elements and vitamins for a flat stomach, calcium, magnesium, and potassium are especially important. It is very useful for healthy digestion and, accordingly, a flat stomach, to use flaxseed (or oil) and bran.

3. What to not eat or drink

  1. No alcohol. Already a week you can just hold out. Any alcohol - solid sugar, carbohydrates and "empty" calories.
  2. Forget about sweet soda, and better not for a week, but forever. Replace with cold tea or compote, mors (cooked with a minimum of sugar, and if there is no way at all without it, it is better with the sugar substitute added after cooling). Delicious “ice-ti” can be made herbal with lemon or black bergamot with basil, orange, etc., recipes are many.
  3. Exclude pastries, pasta, bakery products in general from high-grade flour. If you have no strength at all to endure life without bread, eat rye, bran, whole grain with cereals, slices, but not more than 100 g per day.
  4. Say no to sugar for a week. Unsweetened tea, and coffee, and better - water. A sweetener for the week does not cause harm, if not overdo it. Naturally, no cakes, pastries, milk chocolate, dried fruits in sugar, marshmallow. If it is very sad - you can cook yourself cocoa (with sweetener and skim milk 1-2 times a week, on water without sugar - as much as you like) or 2-3 square slices of dark chocolate.
  5. In the case of sweetener - prefer natural, for example, stevia. Sorbitol is cheaper, but poorly absorbed and harms digestion. He can hide in chewing gum, cheap "diet" and diabetic products.
  6. Try to drop salt for a week. Minimize the soy sauce and do not salt it on purpose. Excess fluid and swelling go away.
  7. Sausage, sausages and smoked meats, along with beer - the most terrible enemies of a flat stomach.

4. How and how much to train

For starters, straighten up. Always remind yourself to pull the belly in and straighten your shoulders. You can create an “anchor” for yourself - for example, set an alarm clock, or agree with yourself that every time you look at your watch, you will take the correct posture and strain your abdominal muscles (or something similar). Soon the habit will appear.

You can train your abdominal muscles at any time. Use this in a queue, in transport, at a bus stop, at work: inhale - relax, exhale - tighten.

Self-massage will be useful for tightening the skin, improving metabolism. Keep your palms in a clockwise movement along your stomach and from side to side for 5-10 minutes, feel pressure, but not hurt yourself.

Alternate aerobic and strength training. According to, for example, the principles of the bodyflex system, oxygen breaks down fats: the deeper and more even we breathe during classes, the more oxygen we get from the blood tissue, the better the workout. Power - actively burn fat, give a beautiful relief.

Aerobic training is running, biking, skiing, skating, swimming, ball games, dancing, and of course aerobics itself. From the simulators in the gym fit the rowing, exercise bike, treadmill and stepper (ellipsoid). Choose one of these every day, as a warm up for 30-40 minutes, then proceed to strength training  (exercises to work out the press), the same in duration, no less.

Exercises for a flat stomach and sides

You can do with your own weight, and you can weigh down (for example, with dumbbells, water bottles, sandbags) for faster effect. One or two days a week (not the first and not the last) let your muscles rest: for example, do only warm-ups and stretching exercises or run a little. Important principles of press workouts:

  • regularity;
  • thoroughness;
  • no deflection in the lower back (on the contrary, the back should be slightly rounded);
  • take breaks between the approaches: for example, 5-10 minutes a series of approaches, 1-5 minutes of rest, after a workout - a good long rest;
  • without a warm-up, we do not start or finish;
  • alternate muscle groups during a series of approaches: oblique, lower, lateral (transverse), upper (straight).
  • pay attention to the principles and method of Pilates (stabilization, tense center, breathing tracking, take your time, heels together whenever possible).

1. For the lower press, leg elevations are effective. Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor. Lift straight strained legs until you feel that the lower back begins to break away from the floor. Bring slowly straight legs down. Start from 15 times for 3 sets (rest 20-60 seconds).

It is also possible to carry out lying on the floor lifting bent legs or lifting legs hanging on a bar.

2. The upper press likes variations of the upper body rises. Lying on the floor with a constricted waist, bend your knees, stretch your arms stretched along the body. Slowly lift and lower the case without lifting the blades from the floor.
Doing the same thing sharply and with straight legs (hooked on the edge of furniture with socks, for example) - improve elasticity and muscle strength.

3. Twisting train oblique abdominal muscles. Perform lifting the legs in a diagonal in a vise, or lying on the floor. In a recumbent position with bent legs, lift the body, twisting alternately left and right, or lift the opposite arm and leg and stretch them towards each other (bending the knee), while turning the body toward the bent knee.

4. A bicycle for the upper and lower press will be more effective if the lower back is pressed and the legs are moved from the abdomen to the floor. Fully straightening the leg, lead it slowly with the heel to the floor, pulling the sock towards you, without touching the floor.

How to make a flat stomach at home woman

In women, a larger volume of the abdomen, they have a greater hormonal and genetic predisposition to the storage of adipose tissue in the lower abdomen (for the safety of the fetus), after delivery, the stretched muscles will need to be toned for more than one month.

All these features of the body lead to the fact that a woman is many times harder to find a flat stomach than a man, respectively, following all the above tips will need to be harder and longer. But everything will work out, even at home.

If it is very difficult to tackle everything at once, determine the terms for yourself and start small, step by step adding a new principle of nutrition and training to your usual life, developing a habit. Do not worry and sleep at least 8 hours a day.

How to remove the stomach at home man

Men tend to "save fat" in the upper abdomen, they are more prone to the formation of visceral fat (located between the organs), which is dangerous for the risk of heart attacks. The stronger sex is on average more often subject to stress, which affects the nervous and digestive systems in the form of fatty deposits on the stomach.

  1. A man will need to normalize the work of the digestive tract, eating right and eliminating bad habits: alcohol (especially beer) and cigarettes, as well as playing sports at least three times a week.
  2. The daily routine is very important - accustom the body to a regular full-fledged diet, without skipping a full breakfast, a hearty lunch and a light protein dinner, and it will answer you with a tucked stomach.
  3. The principles of nutrition coincide with women's, only consider the daily dose of calories (about 500 more) and BZHU (also more than women). A lot of protein, water, vegetables, little fat, microscopically little fried, flour, sweet, zero smoked products, semi-finished products, sausages, carbohydrates - only slow (cereals).
  4. Lovers of the bath is dedicated. You want a flat young sexy belly - in the bath and after it drink herbal tea, not beer and kvass, for decent girls it looks more attractive, more successful.
  5. A great start to training is a 30-minute evening run (before dinner). Love the “plank” exercise and push-ups, if you haven’t been doing it for a long time - start with 30 times (seconds) in the morning and 30 in the evening (increasing the duration each day). Upper body in a couple of months will not know. Do not stop!

Flat stomach - diet

  • Basics of diets for a flat stomach - natural and dietary food, small meals 4-6 times a day, exclusion of harmful (see above), a good daily portion of protein, fiber (fibrous food), the establishment of digestion, plenty of clean water. For fast diets, diuretic and intestinal cleansing effects are typical. The most stringent carbohydrate-free options are not recommended for longer than two weeks.
  • Pay attention to the labels of purchased products: we are interested in the composition (where sugar, chemical additives), nutritional value in calories, protein, vitamins. Consider: do you need this pack of muesli in honey with candied fruits, if you have a wonderful mixture of 4 cereals at home for a hearty morning low-calorie cereal.
  • For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (as well as the nervous, cardiovascular system, pregnancy) - ask permission of your doctor for permission to use a particular diet
  • Effectively contributes to slimming calorie counting and reducing their consumption by 200-500 units. There are plenty of free apps for smartphones and PCs that greatly simplify this task. Try it, read the reviews and select the appropriate application, besides many of them have interesting recipes.
  • Cheese or hard (like Parmesan) or young curd. Not fused, not smoked, not pigtail, not more than 100 g per day. It is better to eat a pack of cottage cheese with natural yogurt.

Sample menu for the week, according to the listed recommendations:

Breakfast: porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, barley, cereal mix) without sugar and butter, better on water and soaked in the evening, if with milk, not higher than 2.5%. Green tea or black coffee without sugar. Toast from rye bun with tofu and greens or egg, fruit.

Dinner: a large portion of salad (without mayonnaise, mainly from raw vegetables, with boiled beans, peas, soy asparagus) or low-fat soup, or steam (baked) fish / lean meat.

Dinner: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir or steam, (boiled, baked) fish / lean meat / shrimp. Add spices to kefir: cinnamon, ginger, pepper, turmeric (one thing or all at once), the effect is a bomb (in a good way)

How to make a flat stomach in the cabin

The following procedures are used in the beauty salon for a flat stomach:

1) Manual massage or using various devices and preparations (vacuum, press, rollers, radio waves, honey massage, coffee, etc.). A professional masseuse applies various techniques that provide drainage, stimulating blood circulation, and detox effects. The procedure will result if applied at least twice a week, at least 4 weeks.

2) cedar (phyto) barrel. Three times a week, visiting the sauna or a cedar barrel a couple of times a month, you can remove excess fluid and toxins, renew and tighten the skin.

3) wraps. Pull out toxins and slags, make the skin beautiful, accelerate blood circulation and metabolism will help thermal wrap with seaweed, chocolate, honey, clay and special cosmetic compositions.

4) liposuction. Leave this surgery as a last resort. The fact is that the number of fat cells (adipocytes) in an adult does not change during life. When we talk about burning fat - it is only about reducing the swollen cells in size. During liposuction, this system is destroyed, fat cells are drawn through the apparatus, which can be a great stress for the body. After some time, the cells will begin to grow actively, and in the operated, and in other places, in order to replace their dead brethren, then even stricter nutrition control will be needed.

5) cavitation. This effect on the fat cells by ultrasound, which destroys the adipocyte membrane and it decreases in volume, and all that comes out of the cell will bring the lymph out of the body. Cosmetologists promise the same effect as from liposuction in no less than 5 procedures, it is expensive.

6) cryolipolysis. Fat is unstable to cold - on this principle the action of this procedure is built. The apparatus draws a part of the skin and fatty tissue under it under vacuum and cools it down to -5, as a result of which adipocytes are destroyed and die. The effect is noticeable after 2-4 months or 3-4 procedures.

Disguise hanging belly

While you are just at the beginning of the process of losing weight, you can do something for a more attractive appearance of your abdomen right now:

1. Remember about your posture and do not walk with a “loose” belly, watch this.

2. Dark bottom, light top

3. No brilliant and tight

4. Ladies - skirts and hipsters and pencil skirts will not suit you for camouflaging the abdomen. If the belly is big - give up the belt in trousers and skirts

5. Baggy clothes will not save. Clothing should pull out the silhouette, choose cardigans, jackets to the hips, with a deep V-neck.

6. Well masks the belly of the dress and blouse with a yoke, the smell under the breasts, a bra with wide straps.

7. Do not neglect soothing underwear.

8. High heel makes us visually slimmer.

9. Avoid large patterns and ornaments in clothing.

10. Distract attention to something else: maybe you have beautiful legs or face, emphasize your best part of your body with accessories (shoes).


The eternal question of many women is how to make the belly flat. Who did not dream of a thin waist and a flat tummy with dice press. At the same time, that is not difficult and long. Such a magic wand, so with one stroke and there is no problem. If the pills for weight loss have already been tested and did not bring the desired result, and the “miracle cocktails” nauseated a little, then it's time to talk about how you can really make a flat stomach.

It would seem that we do not eat much, we do not allow ourselves all the day in motion and not too much ... And it seems that the weight in general is normal, but the fatty fold on the stomach spoils the whole picture. Even if it is hidden by ironing clothes, it still acts on the nerves. So what's the deal?

Causes of fat deposits on the abdomen

In order to deal with something, you need to find out something to start the reason for the appearance of this.

  • A protruding belly is not necessarily fatty deposits. It so happens that due to weak abdominal muscles, the internal organs "fall", since flabby muscles are no longer able to support them in the right position. In this embodiment, the plan of action is obvious - regular exercise will help make the stomach flat in just a month.
  • Not proper nutrition usually entails weight gain and a correspondingly thick belly. Moreover, not proper nutrition, it is not only a cake eaten at night. When we are hungry all day or even worse a week we eat like a sick canary, the body gets stressed. And as soon as you allow yourself to eat something (even if it is something very useful), the body will begin to turn it into body fat, just in case it will be starved again.
  • The other extreme is overeating. You can not get enough to dump, and then wonder where the weight.
  • The cause of fat on the abdomen may not be the correct operation of the endocrine system. As a result, disrupted metabolism and, accordingly, extra pounds. With this problem, fat is often deposited on the stomach and thighs. Not nice of course, but not a sentence. After a visit to an endocrinologist, who prescribes adequate treatment, you can make a flat stomach at home.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. Our body processes the received food in energy which has to be spent. What is not consumed is deposited in the "stock" and you can forget about the flat tummy.

How to achieve a flat stomach

Gym - the path to the dream

The first option that comes to mind is a visit to the gym. A professional trainer will easily select for you a suitable exercise program that will make a flat stomach in a month. And even control the execution. High quality, fast, expensive. A good trainer is expensive, but a bad one is from a bad one. True, you will need to review your schedule and make time for trips to the gym. Another inconvenience, most likely have to do in a group. Not everyone likes witnesses in such a case.

How to make a flat stomach at home

With a certain sense of purpose, you can work out the abdominal muscles without leaving them at home. It is enough to know a few simple rules.

  • Training should last at least forty minutes.
  • Running is the best fat burning aid.
  • Water regime during exercise is especially important.

Strength training will not remove fat from the abdomen. Muscles will grow under a layer of fat, which means the stomach will visually enlarge.

Exercises for the abdominal muscles

Before any training cardio load is necessary. The body begins to burn fat only 20 minutes after the start of training.

If the position is incorrect during the exercise, you can not only not get the expected result, but also seriously injure the spine.

Diet for a flat stomach and sides

In order to remove fat in the abdominal area and make muscles prominent, athletes use a non-carbohydrate diet. This diet is also called "drying". Of course, the body splits and uses its own fat reserves, the water balance in the tissues is not disturbed.

With this diet you can freely eat only certain foods:

  • Egg whites;
  • Boiled squid meat;
  • Chicken breast steamed or baked. Only meat without skin and fat;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Boiled fish.

With this diet, fats are completely excluded from the diet. At the same time, athletes are constantly under the supervision of doctors, who fully control the condition of the body. It is not necessary to conduct such experiments at home. Excess protein foods can cause severe poisoning. And without medical supervision will have very serious consequences.

People with diabetes, diseases of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, such a diet is absolutely contraindicated.

A diet for a flat stomach at home to make a flat stomach at home does not have to be hard. It’s better not to be tough at all. Do not forget that any strict restriction in food is always stressful for the body. The kilos lost during the diet will very quickly return, taking with them a couple of more "buddies".

Mono-diets without medical supervision can cause poisoning, kidney problems and liver disease.

Nutrition for a flat belly

Proper nutrition will provide you with a thin waist and at the same time will not cause inconvenience. It is enough to correct your diet a little. Having got used to eating properly, you will never have to torture yourself with diets. Proper nutrition is not a way to lose weight, not a temporary diet, it is a way of life.

Basic rules of nutrition:

  • Fractional power. You need to eat often and little by little.
  • Water mode. Daily rate  water for an adult 1.5-2 liters.
  • Breakfast is required. For breakfast, the best to eat porridge.
  • Avoid fatty foods. Smoked meats and sweets, it is better to completely eliminate from the diet.
  • Add vegetables to the diet. Not before meals, not after meals, but instead of food.
  • Light dinner. Do not abuse heavy food in the afternoon.
  • Non fatty dairy products are your best friends.

High-calorie meals can only be eaten in the morning, so that the body has time to use the received calories.

It is not so difficult to get used to these not tricky rules, but the stomach and the sides “will go away” pretty quickly.

How to quickly make the stomach flat: aids

If you combine proper nutrition with regular exercise, you can make a flat stomach and thin waist in just one month. This is not a cunning way will not cause much inconvenience and will not cause any harm to the body.

In order to get the result even faster, you can add wraps for the abdomen. Ground coffee with sea salt is perfect for this purpose.

  • coffee pour hot water and leave for 5-7 minutes;
  • drain excess fluid;
  • mix coffee grounds with sea salt;
  • apply the mixture on clean skin;
  • wrap on top with food film and warm cloth;
  • keep 30-40 minutes;
  • after rinse with warm water.

Coffee wrapping is done once a week. Such procedures improve blood circulation, tighten the skin and eliminate cellulite.

It also helps to bring the belly back to normal.

If we approach the complex solution of the problem, the results will not be long in coming. The main thing is to be able to persuade yourself not to give up classes and then you can proudly look in the mirror and say: “I made myself perfect.”

When summer is just around the corner, and unwanted centimeters in the abdomen do not want to leave, it's time to start hard training and review your diet. It is known that fat does not disappear locally, and it is impossible to lose weight only in the waist area. Find out in this article how to achieve a flat stomach and find a beautiful figure with exercise.

Secrets of a flat belly

A tight belly, thin waist - the dream of most women. Bringing the figure to the desired ideal and getting rid of the hated kilograms will help simple secrets of a flat stomach:

  1. Beware of foods that trap fluid and cause bloating (smoked foods, alcohol, high-calorie and fatty foods).
  2. Physical exercise  - half the success on the way to a delightful waist.
  3. To improve muscle tone will help anti-cellulite massage.
  4. Do the "vacuum" - effective exercisebased on proper breathing and contraction of the abdominal muscles.

Girls often use little tricks that help make the stomach visually flat. For example, properly selected clothing plays an important role in this - a wide-cut blouse and dress with a high waist can delicately hide a non-ideal figure. If you want to wear tight clothes, but are worried about the unattractive folds, corrective underwear will make the silhouette slimmer.

Try to divert attention from the problem - if you are not lucky enough to have a flat tummy, try to focus on other virtues. With clothes you can highlight a beautiful chest or slender legswhich will overshadow the imperfection of the abdomen. Playing with colors and prints of dresses, you can visually reduce the waist, giving the figure slimness.

Use the secrets of a flat stomach, but remember that a truly beautiful figure and a healthy body can be obtained only with the help of systematic exercise and a balanced diet. Take care of yourself, take time for active rest, avoid stress, eat healthy food, and your figure will definitely become beautiful and fit.

How to make a flat stomach at home

It is possible to get a flat tummy at home - it is not necessary to go to fitness centers if there is no money or time for it. To work at home were effective, you should follow several rules:

  • doing exercises, strain only the abdominal muscles, leaving the legs with the lower back relaxed;
  • keep your back rounded, without bending the waist;
  • repeat exercises for several approaches to fat burning in the abdominal area;
  • do not forget to stretch after a fitness workout, it is good to bend in the back, while alternating breaths with exhalations.

Effective exercises for a flat stomach

Wanting to get a flat stomach at home, girls erroneously exhaust themselves with diets, forgetting about the importance of training. A well-designed exercise program is as important as a balanced healthy diet. Catching up at home systematically, you will achieve amazing results. The following exercises for the abdomen at home will make the waist slim, and the press - fit and beautiful.

Flat stomach for 2 months

Two months is the best time to get the body in good shape. By reducing in your diet sweets, fatty foods, flour products, fast food and alcohol, you will automatically get rid of fat. Since to have just a flat stomach is not enough, go in for sports - tight muscles and a beautiful press look much more attractive. To make a flat stomach in 2 months is quite realistic by performing a set of simple physical exercises indicated below.

Lift the legs. Starting position: lying on your back, spread your arms to the sides, bend your knees, lift your legs. While straining the press, slightly raise the buttocks from the floor, linger for a few seconds, then go back. The back is pressed to the floor, breathing is deep, measured. Do 3 sets of 10-13 reps, relaxing between them, breathing correctly.

Circles foot. Lie down, press your back to the floor, arms along the body. One leg raised, fixed vertically. Sock stretches up, heel turned inward. Upper back relaxed. Perform circles with your foot without lowering it. Press hold in tension, do not forget about the right deep breathing. The number of repetitions - 3 times 10 alternately with each leg.

Bicycle. Lying on your back, lift your bent legs, pull your feet closer to the pelvis. Hold your hands behind your head, spread your elbows. Straining the abdominal muscles, tear off the shoulders from the floor and straighten one leg at a 45-degree angle, stretching the other shoulder to the knee of the bent leg. The movements are smooth. Repeat 12-15 times for 2 sets, making short breaks.

Flat stomach for the month

Asking a question about how to make a flat stomach, girls often think about the time it takes. A flat stomach for 30 days is a difficult but workable task. If the situation is not critical, and you only need to give the belly an attractive relief, then a month is enough for the first tangible results. If the fat deposits on the waist a lot, then in a month you can start the process of losing weight and get rid of a few centimeters.

To the exercises above add more difficult - twisting with a lunge. From the prone position, tighten your legs to the pelvis, hold your hands behind your head. Smoothly tear off the shoulders from the floor, feeling the tension in the abdominal muscles. It should pull the knee to the chest, then stretch the leg. Do 3 sets of 10-15 times alternately for each leg. Breathing is deep, measured, strain the press.

Flat stomach for 2 weeks

If you want to achieve a flat stomach in 2 weeks, you will have to work twice as hard. Physical activity should increase - walk more, play active games, run in the morning. Avoid alcohol, carbonated drinks, because the liquid will linger, and it will become much more difficult to achieve the desired. The technique of exercise and the method of performing change - if you want to quickly see the result, increase the number of approaches and repetitions, use weights for the legs.

Dilute the usual workout exercises on fitball, which will help to quickly find a taut press. Sit on the ball, place your feet on a small width, arms crossed on your chest. Stepping forward, gently lower your back on the ball. Keep your head up, legs should be bent at the knees. From this position, slowly curl, applying the efforts of the abdominal muscles, alternately: head, shoulders, back. Return smoothly to first position. Do the exercise 12 times 3 sets.

Flat stomach for 3 weeks

To get your figure in good shape and make a flat stomach in 3 weeks, eat right, take time for fitness training and regularly perform the exercises for a flat stomach shown above. Add to this an effective “plank” exercise, and a beautiful press will not take long to wait. The plank is stand simultaneously on the toes and elbows, when the buttocks do not rise to a height, the abdominal muscles are tense. Begin to hold the bar with a minute, gradually add thirty seconds a day.

Flat tummy for the week

To find the perfect stomach for a week, you probably will not succeed, but you can try to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove a few centimeters from the waist. Eliminate from the diet junk food, exercise hard, focusing on the abdominal muscles, and the changes will definitely please you. Pay special attention to different types of twisting - with a roller, on the fitball, with arms outstretched, with raised upside down, reverse twisting. Do exercise "vacuum" for the abdominal muscles, using the correct breathing technique, and after a week of training the tummy will become elastic.

Flat belly without cubes

Many girls want to learn how to make a flat stomach without cubes and muscle building. A flat stomach without cubes is the result of a balanced diet and well-formed fitness training. So that the relief does not appear, but at the same time the waist remains thin, and the skin is taut, be sure to stretch after exercise. If you work out in the gym, do not do large weight loads, and then your figure will remain feminine and your stomach will be flat, without the appearance of cubes.

Video: 5 minutes for a flat stomach

There are many different ways  make the belly flat and beautiful. The most important thing is to do the exercises and stick to the diet.


You need to train 2-3 times a week, exercises to perform 15-30 times in 3 sets. In the process, do not forget to follow the breathing: inhale with the nose, and exhale with the mouth.

  1. Twisting.  Lie down on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees, arms stretched behind your head, elbows apart. When inhaling, tear the body off the floor while leaning towards the knees. On the exhale, return to the starting position.
  2. Diagonal twisting.  I. n. - the same. To throw the right foot on the left knee. While inhaling, lift the head and shoulder blades, reach with the left elbow to the right bent leg. On the exhale, return to the starting position. Change the leg, throw the left leg on the right knee. When lifting, stretch right elbow to the left knee.

Daily Invisible Gymnastics

It can be done everywhere (on a walk with a baby, in a park, at work), without being embarrassed that someone will notice

  • While inhaling, relax the abs, while exhaling - strain. Breathing should not stray.
  • Massage the abdomen at the waist level from the left side to the right and vice versa.
  • Massage the abdomen in a circular motion clockwise.
  • Draw in the stomach and hold it in that position for as long as possible.
  • Constantly monitor your posture. As soon as you straighten your shoulders and stretch your neck, your stomach will decrease by itself.


Developing a diet for a flat stomach, follow these tricks:

  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  • Refuse sugary carbonated drinks.
  • For dinner, eat yogurt or an apple.
  • The interval between meals should be 3-4 hours.
  • Sweets replace dried fruit.

How to get rid of barrels sticking out in 14 days, watch VIDEO: