What to do if a child has conjunctivitis: home treatment. How to treat allergic conjunctivitis in children: a review of drugs.

When conjunctivitis inflames the mucous membrane of the eye and eyelid. Such a disease often affects children: from babies to teenagers. He, although it gives a lot of trouble to a sick child, is completely curable. For eye treatment, you need to find the right drops of conjunctivitis for children. They will be prompted by an ophthalmologist after the diagnosis of an eye disease.

What are the best drops in children conjunctivitis? In order to find out, it is necessary to know the exact diagnosis that only a doctor can deliver to a child. After all, conjunctivitis is of several types.

Type of conjunctivitis: What can be provoked Characteristic symptoms
Bacterial Pathogenic bacteria that enter the mucous membrane of the eye through dirty hands or other objects. If a child often rubs his eyes or touches them with toys, streptococci and staphylococci fall on the eye tissue and begin to multiply, causing an inflammatory process. This type of disease can be triggered by pathogens such as chlamydia. Children can get them from an infected mother or through households when using infected objects. Discharge of greyish or yellowish turbid fluid from the eyes of a viscous consistency. Because of her children have eyelashes stick together, there is a burning sensation and a disturbing foreign object.

Usually, with proper medication and hygiene, a disease can be cured in two to three days.

Viral Here, various types of viruses cause inflammation: adenoviruses, enteroviruses, herpes pathogen, and others. Often viral conjunctivitis is associated with colds, acute respiratory infections with sore throat and high feveras well as catarrhal rhinitis. All these ailments haunt children, especially in winter and spring. This type of illness often affects preschool children, including infants. Usually such inflammation covers one eye. Exhaust fluid is pale, transparent. The child feels a burning and itching, constant tearing. But eyelashes with this type of disease do not stick together. For the treatment of such conjunctivitis will need not only drops, but also antiviral drugs taken orally.
Allergic This affliction is due to the response. child's body allergic irritant: flower pollen, household chemicals, pet hair. In children, this type of disease is often accompanied by the development of allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. The eyelids and mucous membranes swell a little and itch a lot, sometimes they turn red and ache a little. This conjunctivitis usually affects both organs of vision. The treatment here is carried out through the removal of the stimulus in combination with medical care for a concomitant illness.

The purulent type of this disease can also be distinguished as a separate group due to the specific manifestations and the need for additional treatment. And newborn babies have an inflammatory process due to blockage of the lacrimal canal.

Good ones eye drops   You can choose, focusing on the causative agent of the disease against which they are directed, as well as the severity of the disease and the age of the child.

How to cope with bacteria and viruses

Inflammation of the eyes in children suggests a special treatment. Eye drops are the most suitable, because they can be instilled even in a child under one year old. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of conjunctivitis.

What remedies best fight pathogenic bacteria?

Here is a list of drops that doctors can prescribe against bacterial conjunctivitis:

  • Albucid It is prescribed against the disease most often, because the spectrum of action is quite wide: all types of bacteria, chlamydia, and acinomycetes. Its price is low, and the tool can be applied even for children of the first year of life. Such a drug drip is also recommended in the nose. Among the shortcomings it should be noted a possible burning sensation, occasionally the occurrence of redness and itching.
  • Fuzzitalmik. It also helps against all sorts of bacteria and can be used for children of different ages. The only contraindication is hypersensitivity to components, in particular to fusidic acid. If after a week of use the results are not noticeable, this medicine should be replaced by another.

  • Ciprofloxacin. It has a wide range of effects. It can be used only for children after they reach one year old.
  • Levomitsetin. Also applies to broad-spectrum antibiotics. The eyes do not sting such a tool, but individual intolerance is possible. Contraindicated in children under two years.
  • Floksal. The main active ingredient here is ofloxacin, which has extremely strong antibacterial properties. This antibiotic does not cause eye irritation, is suitable for the treatment of children of any age, including infants. The disadvantages of this remedy against conjunctivitis include the relatively high cost and the fact that after opening the drug can be stored for a month and a half.
  • Tobrex. The main active ingredient (tobramycin) copes well with a variety of bacteria, including streptococci and staphylococci. It does not irritate the eyes. Sounds like kids different ages. The disadvantages are the possibility of an allergic reaction and the relatively high cost of the drug.
  • Vitabact. Possesses a wide range of antimicrobial action. He fights not only against bacteria, but also some viruses and most fungi. The treatment is carried out for ten days. From contraindications only hypersensitivity to the components.

For the treatment of viral conjunctivitis also has its own list of popular drugs.

The following eye drops are suitable against this ailment:

  • Interferon This tool not only perfectly copes with viruses, but also improves the protective properties of the eyes. It is usually offered in pharmaceutical outlets in a powdered state. Its cost is low. To get the drops, the powder must be diluted with water. Store the prepared product can be no longer than two days in the refrigerator. The disadvantages include the following property of the drug: with prolonged use ceases to give a positive result.
  • Ophthalmoferon. This tool helps with such conjunctivitis, while removing allergic reactions and strengthening the immune system. Well fights with external symptoms - itching, swelling, redness. This is important, because when conjunctivitis baby is constantly trying to scratch his eyes, which causes the risk of additional infection. You can take the tool to complete cure without reducing the effect. No side effects. The only negative - after opening the package, the drug is only 30 days old.
  • Florenal. High therapeutic effect allows you to quickly cure viral conjunctivitis. For kids take a 0.1 percent solution. The only side effect is a slight burning sensation after instillation.
  • Tebrofen Applied to combat the herpes virus in children. It works very effectively, but can cause a burning sensation.
  • Oftan I am coming. Helps with superficial viral keratitis and conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus. The tool is extremely effective, but has a contraindication. So, its components can cause an allergic reaction, as well as itching and burning in the organs of vision. Children under two years old such droplets can not dig up.
  • Aktipol. It is also very good for healing conjunctivitis. It has antiviral, immunomodulatory and antioxidant effects. Occasionally, use of the product can cause a local allergic reaction and hyperemia.

  • Dexamethasone The drug is characterized by rapid exposure to inflamed areas and serious anti-viral properties. Inflammation with these drops can be removed in a matter of hours. But longer than 14 days, do not use Dexamethasone.

Floksal has a wide range of effects and is able to help not only with bacterial, but also with viral conjunctivitis. Tobrex also helps with both types of illness.

What will help with allergic disease

Treatment for allergic conjunctivitis passes by eliminating the allergen, with which antihistamine drugs successfully eye drops.

The most popular of them are:

A drug Benefits disadvantages
Allergodil The drug has a depressant effect on mast cell degranulation, which inhibits the release of active allergens. All this gives a quick therapeutic effect. Children under four years old drip this drug is prohibited.
Cortisone The hormonal agent has both anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties. Allows you to get rid of the disease quickly and efficiently. It is possible to apply only after detailed consultation with a highly qualified doctor, because the product has many side effects.
Kromoheksal, Alomid Such drugs are prescribed for chronic allergic conjunctivitis. They stabilize mast cells and give a stable effect without discomfort. Age under four years.
Allergodil, Spersaller Treatment with these drops is to reduce the reaction to the pathogen, which gives an almost instant effect. You can also drip if the child is four years old.
Opatanol Allergy medication used for long-term treatment without any unpleasant consequences. Can only be used after three years.
Levocabastine Quickly and effectively removes all signs of the disease. These drops are not quite children, they are more suitable for adolescents who are twelve years old.
Lecrolin Fights against acute and chronic conjunctivitis, including the seasonal type of disease. Due to their mild action, they can be recommended even for babies of the first year of life. Perhaps a burning sensation of the eyes.

This disease, like any other, is much easier to prevent. After all, it is difficult for a child to explain why such an unpleasant procedure is necessary, like the instillation of droplets.

To preventive measures include:

  • observance of sanitary and hygienic rules;
  • regular cleaning in the children's room with cleaning all the toys;
  • the use of air purifiers and humidifiers;
  • the right diet with an abundance of vitamins that serve as immunostimulants;
  • prevention of colds, other ailments of viral and bacterial nature.

But if the baby is sick, the treatment of conjunctivitis in the child cannot be independently prescribed by the parents.

Only an experienced doctor will prescribe the necessary eye drops that will get rid of any type of ailment quickly and help preserve vision.

Choosing the right eye drops for conjunctivitis for children is necessary in order to quickly and effectively combat inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye.

The disease has many species, each of which is different in its cause. These can be viruses, fungi, various allergens, microbes, as well as autoimmune processes.

Children's drops from a bacterial infection - a list of the best

For the treatment of disease often use the most accessible and contact means. Drops can easily cope with this task, but when it comes to children, the medicine should be selected with great care.

Infants do not tolerate any heavy drugs. There is a list of the best drugs that are most often used to treat this disease.

In severe cases, complex therapy is applied, which includes taking various medications, but drops always remain the basis.

There are a huge variety of different medicines on the market, but not all of them can be used successfully. For proper treatment with drops, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis in order to accurately determine the type and specific causative agent of the disease.

Most bacterial instillation preparations contain a broad-spectrum antibiotic that allows you to quickly begin treatment.

Independently diagnose a bacterial infection is quite difficult. A clear sign of it is the presence of purulent discharge. In any case, you must visit a doctor.

  For kids infancy   and an older specialist is likely to advise the following drugs:

  • albucid;
  • levometsitin;
  • ciprofloxacin;
  • vitabact;
  • fuzzitalmik.

Most of the listed drops can be used in infants. Vitabact is a common remedy for infants because of its mild action. Albucidum has gained immense popularity as a means to get rid of conjunctivitis in all people over 3 years old.

Eye drops from viral conjunctivitis for children

The virus is a fairly common infection that is difficult to treat. Viral conjunctivitis in a child requires long-term and proper treatment. It also requires accurate diagnosis.

A fairly common phenomenon in this pathology is self-treatment, when the patient is treated incorrectly using antibacterial drugs. Accurate diagnosis is required to apply the correct drug.

Viral damage is manifested by severe redness and general malaise. Despite the severe course, there are no signs of suppuration. For the treatment of this disease may be suitable most antiviral drops, which are used by adults.

Viral conjunctivitis can be treated with the following drugs:

  • gloudantan;
  • florenal;
  • terbofen.

These funds can be used for the treatment of mild and severe forms of the disease in children of any age. In the second case, you will need to combine them with other medicines.

When therapy uses dosages that are specified in the instructions, most drugs are used in a dosage of 1-2 drops from 1 to 6 times a day. The instructions for specific drops must be carefully studied.

Highly important element   in defeating the virus is its own immunity. The doctor may recommend various immunostimulants, if he considers this appropriate.

Treatment of allergic eye damage

Allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye is often found in infants and children under 3 years of age. With age, it turns out the cause of allergy, so the relapse of conjunctivitis occurs less frequently or disappears altogether. Also with age, allergies to previous irritants disappear.

To instantly alleviate the allergic manifestation, it is enough to use specialized eye drops. They are composed of antihistamines or other anti-allergic substances.

Before you use antiallergic drugs, you must make sure that there is no infection at all. Their use in the course of an infectious disease can intensify a disease and cause a host of complications.

After the diagnosis, you can apply:

  • claritin;
  • lacrisifine.

Also, in rare cases, cortisone is prescribed, when the course of allergies is very strong. The drug is potent and is used in children only in a hopeless situation. For children over 4 years old, a medicine called allergodil has been created.

It is quite effective and quickly copes with its task. In some cases, they can prescribe potent dexamethasone drops, but they can be used only with a certain and confirmed type of allergy.

The doctor may adjust the dosage in a smaller or larger direction. If the medication instruction does not indicate how it is used in infants and adults, the doctor often adjusts the dosage to the lower side.

Preparations for use in children under 1 year

Children over 5 years old can use almost any means. For nursing babies there are some limitations. Most drugs indicate a minimum age of 1 year.

  Doctors prescribe drugs that are either specially designed for use in babies, or have a positive experience of use in infants.

For treatment bacterial conjunctivitis   apply classical means with an antibiotic in the structure. Sometimes a pediatric ophthalmologist reduces the dosage. There is a positive experience of using fucitalmic drops.

They can be used after 1 month of life, but this should be done with great care. The composition is a natural antibiotic, which gently affects the shell of the eye.

Very rarely, infants are faced with fungal lesions of the mucous membrane of the eye. For treatment is applied drop form or classic ointment. Medicines should contain mild antimycotic substances. The cure for this species with the right approach is the fastest.

For babies with allergies, drops should be used that are practically not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not cause side effects.

An excellent medicine that can be used in children from 1 month is fenistil. With it, you can quickly get rid of eye mucous allergies. The drug should be kept with you, especially if you know that your baby has an allergy.

Before using any medicinal product, it is necessary to visit the pediatrician, since in addition to allergic conjunctivitis, babies may be allergic to substances that are in the composition of medicines.

It is required to test the reaction before use, causing the drug in small quantities. This will help not to get serious complications in case of incompatibility.

Useful video on the topic

Terms and dosage of use

Many adults do not like the instillation procedure. When it comes to children, this procedure requires maximum perseverance and patience from parents.

Proper instillation of drugs

In order to get the effect of the therapy, it is necessary that the maximum amount of the medicine be in the preputial sac. It is quite problematic to do this, as children twist their heads and cry.

It is possible to agree with more adults, but for babies it is necessary to apply special tactics.

To drip drops in a child under 1 year old, you need to follow the following algorithm:

  1. At the very beginning it is important to distract the child so that he does not cry and is calm. This can be done with the help of a favorite toy or some other means.
  2. After that, you need to prepare the medicine, continuing to distract the baby, to drip it. If the baby does not cry, then the procedure can be considered successful.

If, in the opinion of the parents, it was not possible to inject the medicine correctly, you should not try to do it again.

Even if the baby starts crying, and initially he was calm, the active substance will already be where it should be. A repeated instillation procedure can lead to an overdose and side effects.

Duration of treatment for babies

An important issue for many people is how to apply medicine to get the maximum effect. When it comes to children, you need to fully adhere to the instructions, in no case should not exceed the norms specified in it.

Adjust the dosage can only be a doctor, most often he does it in a smaller way. The number of instillations is selected on the basis of the patient's individual data, therefore, you should first visit the doctor.

Features of the drug Tobradex

Tobradex is a combined agent that has in its composition corticosteroids and antibiotics. Therefore, the drug must be applied with great care.

It is used for therapy only in people older than 12 years, but according to the recommendation of a doctor, it can be used at a younger age.

The features of its use are:

  • constant control;
  • visiting a doctor before starting therapy;
  • precise dosage control.

During use, many people note the quick effect, which is noticeable after the first use. Using it you can quickly cure conjunctivitis of unknown etiology.

The drug is suitable for the treatment of autoimmune inflammation, while it does not give an infection. But most often it is used to treat infectious inflammation. Corticosteroids in the composition quickly relieve all the symptoms that can greatly interfere with a person.

  These drops help to quickly get rid of the infection, but cause side effects. Corticosteroids that are in the composition, can only enhance the effects of pathogenic flora.

This can happen due to the fact that the antibiotic will not be able to fight a certain type of infection, for example, a virus. Therefore, before applying it is important to fully ensure the diagnosis.

Usually, treatment of uncomplicated conjunctivitis with Tobradex drops does not require more than 1 week. Dosages and period of treatment should be strictly observed, therapy should not be stopped after the first positive results.

Levomycetin for getting rid of simple microbial inflammations

Levomitsetin - one of the most popular and affordable drugs. It can effectively combat conjunctivitis, which is caused by various bacteria.

It is convenient to use, to achieve the effect, only 1 drop 3 times a day is sufficient. It is used by people of any age, often prescribed to infants (under the supervision of a physician).

Its effectiveness is due to a balanced composition. Broad-acting antibiotic levometsitin is effective against most bacteria, except protozoa and clostridia. Thanks to this, you can count on quick treatment.

When applied, side effects rarely occur, as the drug is poorly absorbed into the systemic circulation. The effect of therapy comes in the first days, after which you need to apply the medicine for several more days in order to achieve a complete cure.

The duration of treatment of conjunctivitis with chloramphenicol eye drops is determined by the doctor. The instructions do not clearly indicate the period of use. Usually, only the limit of use is indicated. Since these drops belong to the group of antibiotics, they cannot be used for longer than 1 month (it is possible to exceed this period only according to individual indications).

This drug should be kept in its first-aid kit, as it has a low cost and also is stored for 2 years, after which it will be possible to purchase it again.

It is important to know that therapy with antibacterial drugs carries some risks, since the substances that are in the composition of each medication can cause side effects. Also, with the unfinished treatment, there is a high probability of getting a stable eye infection.

Dexamethasone treatment

Drops of dexamethasone are quite a dangerous tool that is used only as a last resort. It is used to treat severe allergic conjunctivitis.

It is a corticosteroid, so it gives an effect quickly, but against the background of its use, eye infections can occur.

In some cases, its use is the best solution. Independent admission is strictly prohibited.

With the penetration of active substances into the systemic circulation, weakness, headache and nausea can develop.

When using dexamethasone in children, a serious complication called secondary cataract may occur. To prevent this, you should accurately monitor the dosage, as well as time to finish the treatment.

However, with proper use, even local side effects are a rarity.

Compliance simple rules   during therapy will help to get only the benefits of this medication. It is important to discontinue the drug if the therapeutic effect is noted 5 days after the start of treatment.

If no effect is noted, then you need to consult a doctor for re-diagnosis, as well as for the appointment of a new treatment.

Opatanol for effective allergy relief

A balanced drug for the treatment of allergic reactions is opatanol. With it, you can quickly get rid of allergic conjunctivitis.

It is applied from 3 years, only in exceptional cases it is prescribed for children. It is very convenient to use, just 1 drop in each eye 2 times a day is enough to get rid of an allergic reaction.

When used rarely overdose occurs, it also interacts well with other medications. This medicine can be used for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis during pregnancy and lactation, but under the strict supervision of a specialist.

This type of medication, regardless of its composition, rarely causes serious common side effects.

Most often, everything is limited to local manifestations, namely:

  • redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • itching;
  • peeling;
  • reversible vision loss.

Using drops you can quickly get rid of inflammation of any origin. Compliance with the instructions and recommendations of the doctor will quickly give the result. Most serious drugs are prescription drugs, so you should definitely visit an ophthalmologist before starting treatment.

Conjunctivitis is called inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctiva, which is caused by various infections, viruses and allergens. We will understand how manifested in children. The treatment will also be described in detail in this article.

Functions and features of the structure of the conjunctiva

The conjunctiva is a thin mucous tissue that covers the anterior part of the eye and the inner surface of both eyelids, forming a peculiar pocket on the upper and lower fornix. A large number of glands in the tissues around the eyes produce a tear fluid and a special protein compound, mucin. Together, they form a strong protective and moisturizing tear-like medium that provides the eyeball with visual ability and mobility.

Despite its relative subtlety, conjunctiva is a complex, multi-layered organic tissue that passes into the corneal epithelium. The vessels of the eyelids and eyelashes provide blood supply to the conjunctiva, the network of lymphatic vessels forms a layer of protective lymphoid tissue, the lacrimal and optic nerves provide the sheath with high sensitivity. Thus, not only the condition of the eyes, but also visual acuity depends on the normal composition and functioning of all the components of the conjunctival tissue. That is why bacterial conjunctivitis is so dangerous. Symptoms and treatment in children require special attention.

Conjunctiva is the first protective barrier for the eyes and the most vulnerable part to exposure to various external irritants, bacteria and allergens.

In addition, the nasolacrimal duct not only lowers the tear fluid, which absorbs dust and bacteria captured from the air, but also initiates a reverse process when infection, viruses or allergic pathogens rise to the eyeball and irritate the conjunctiva from the inside. Bacterial conjunctivitis occurs (a photo in children of the manifestations of this disease you see in our article).

It is useful to know that during seasonal virus outbreaks or when in contact with patients with dangerous viral infections (for example, measles or rubella), the protective mask does not help, as viruses freely enter the body through the nasal duct through the eyes.

Conjunctivitis symptoms

So, how does bacterial conjunctivitis manifest in children? The treatment is selected depending on the symptoms.

In a normal healthy state, the conjunctiva provides the eye with sufficient moisture, freedom of movement in the tear pocket, puts a transparent protective barrier that does not reduce the visual and light-perceptive ability of the eye.

In the case when itching, burning, increased tearing, begins in the eyes, a network of dilated blood vessels appears on the surface of the cornea, foreign inclusions are felt and eye movement is painful, the eyelids swell or the skin around the eyes can be inferred by inflammatory processes . Conjunctivitis is the most common disease that affects the mucous membrane of the eye.

How to treat bacterial This issue will be discussed below.

Types of conjunctivitis

Depending on the nature and source of infection, there are three types of conjunctivitis, which require completely different approaches to diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

1. Bacterial conjunctivitis - caused by various bacteria, such as staphylococcus, chlamydia, etc. They fall on the mucous membrane of the eye both from the external environment with insufficient hygiene, mechanical damage or weakening of the immune functions of the conjunctiva, and from the pathogenic microflora of the organism itself during the period of transmission of infectious diseases. If there is bacterial conjunctivitis in children, treatment should be aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

2. Viral conjunctivitis - affects the conjunctiva on the background of adenoviral and enteroviral infections, influenza, herpes, rubella, chickenpox. Often the viral type of inflammation is accompanied by rhinitis, pharyngitis, or parallel bacterial conjunctivitis.

3. accompanies almost all forms of allergic reactions of the body to chemical, food, biological allergens and is a concomitant inflammation in allergic rhinitis, dermatitis and asthma.

Bacterial conjunctivitis in children. The reasons

Conjunctivitis in children is a very common disease and up to 5 years of age is diagnosed in 30% of all ocular pathologies. This is due to the peculiarities of the child's body and the immune system, which is actively formed and does not effectively protect the body from the effects of adverse factors. Equally important is the specificity of children's groups and conditions of life.

A high risk of infection on the mucous membrane of the child’s eyes, which still gives little attention to hygiene and basic sanitary standards, the activity of children during the incubation period, when a sick child continues to communicate with peers and becomes a source of further spread of infection, the psychophysical characteristics of small children’s life are all contributes to the frequent occurrence of infectious inflammation, including the eye. So there is bacterial conjunctivitis in children.

In newborns, conjunctivitis occupies a special place, which arose during the passage through the birth canal of a mother with non-treated venereal diseases - gonorrhea or chlamydia. Such conjunctivitis manifests itself within a few days after birth and can have serious consequences, including blindness and loss of the eye, if appropriate treatment is not performed in time.

With age, the rate of ocular pathologies in children begins to shift towards various refractive disorders, such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism.

Diagnosis of bacterial conjunctivitis in children

Today, methods of diagnosing, treating and hygiene of various diseases in children from the famous pediatrician Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky are very popular. His school, which has television and print versions, has received wide acclaim from viewers and all responsible parents. The simple, understandable, confidential manner of presenting information and the effectiveness of the methods of the famous doctor help to raise the conscious and cultural level of the population raising the younger generation.

A scientific approach to explaining the most frequent problems with children's health and the availability of the proposed solutions give parents the opportunity to independently study all aspects of complex medical reports and assess the need to seek help from specialists.

The distribution, activity and periods of exacerbation of bacterial conjunctivitis in children are difficult to accurately fix, as the frequency of the processes, the relative ease in most cases of getting rid of inflammation, the positive experience of previous treatments - these factors cause a rare appeal to doctors.

Diagnosis depends on how bacterial conjunctivitis manifests in children. Symptoms can be varied.

It is usually possible to diagnose bacterial conjunctivitis without an appropriate qualification, since its course is not specific and the main difference from other types is the presence of mucopurulent or purulent secretions at the edges of the eyelids or frequent dried crusts on the eyes. Redness of the eyelids and corneas of the eyes, swelling of the skin, increased tearing, and itching may also be associated signs.

Children complain of a burning sensation in their eyes, they often rub their eyes with their hands, become lethargic, tearful. Perhaps a slight increase in body temperature. These signs are already in the early stages of inflammation give signals to attentive parents and allow you to quickly and independently arrest the spread of infection.

If, with other unpleasant symptoms, the characteristic signs of a bacterial variety of conjunctivitis are not observed, all circumstances in which the child could get inflammation should be analyzed.

For example, attending mass events, new food, animal dander, dirty toys, laundry detergent, swimming in the pool, long walks, causing hypothermia or eye contact with large amounts of dust - these factors will help to establish signs of allergic or viral conjunctivitis.

In the event of the appearance of more dangerous symptoms (pain in the eyes, photophobia, blurred vision, blistering on the eyelids), contacting a pediatrician or a family doctor will allow you to begin treatment faster and avoid irreversible consequences. To establish an accurate diagnosis, the doctor finds out all possible circumstances and symptoms of the course of the disease, examines the organs of vision, skin and mucous membranes, and if necessary, gives a referral to an ophthalmologist.

Taking a smear from the conjunctiva for cytological examination and biomicroscopy can make an unequivocal conclusion and select the necessary drugs for treatment.

There are also specific research methods - for example, the Gram and Giemsa methods, which with a high degree of probability will attribute inflammation to one of the varieties of conjunctivitis. Thus, the detected neutrophilia in the mucosal scraping indicates the bacterial nature of inflammation, lymphocytosis will unequivocally confirm the viral nature of conjunctivitis, and eosinophilic inclusions - allergic.

So, the child has bacterial conjunctivitis. Treatment in children Komarovsky advises to carry out under the supervision of specialists.

Varieties of bacterial conjunctivitis

Recent studies prove that the formation of the microflora of the mucous membrane of the eye occurs after birth, and not during the passage of the birth canal, as was previously thought. In addition to bacteria characteristic of normal microflora, a certain amount of pathogenic microorganisms, such as staphylococci and dipteroids, are present in the eye.

Despite the fact that it has numerous protective components (immunoglobulins, lysozyme, lactoferrin), the epidermal staphylococcus has successfully adapted to overcome such a barrier and is consistently present in the conjunctival mucosa. As a result, bacterial conjunctivitis occurs. Treatment in children Komarovsky recommends using antibiotics.


The use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs - ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin - in most cases gives quick positive results. However, the frequent occurrence of allergic reactions and strains resistant to such antibiotics is an argument for more precise isolation of the microorganism that caused conjunctival inflammation, and the selection of a drug with a narrower spectrum of action. So serious can be bacterial conjunctivitis in a child. Treatment reviews cause positive.

Diphtheria and gonococcal varieties of conjunctivitis require specific local therapy. Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, which have proven effective in combating bacterial varieties of conjunctivitis, other than streptococcal and pneumococcal, are now becoming widely spread. It should be noted that the resistance of a number of bacteria to these drugs also increases rapidly. This is the treatment difficult for the diagnosis of "bacterial conjunctivitis in children". Drops in therapy are used quite often, more on this below.

Application drops

An effective system of suppressing inflammation is the combined use of polymyxin-B in the form of drops and ointments. Drops are prescribed with an interval of 2-3 hours to 2-3 drops in each eye, ointment - 3-4 times a day, and are used until the child is fully cured, that is, from 5-7 to 10-14 days.

When the causative agent is established, pneumococcus infections are prescribed by washing with a solution of boric acid, since these bacteria multiply in an alkaline environment, therefore acidification of the eye microflora will halt the development of pathological bacteria. Some types of bacilli are affected by 0.25% -0.5% zinc sulfate solutions, which are used 4-6 times a day. This is the diagnosis of "bacterial conjunctivitis in children" treatment.

An effective way to treat chronic conjunctivitis is combinatorial steroid and antibiotic use. But given the high percentage of complications after the use of such drugs, they are prescribed only for severe inflammation, and in the case of acute conjunctivitis they are not used. In any case, if within 2-3 days the clinical picture from the use of drugs does not change for the better, treatment should be stopped and look for hidden causes of negative consequences.

Bacterial conjunctivitis caused by other purulent-septic diseases, such as otitis, tonsillitis, pyoderma, besides local treatment, certainly requires the treatment of infections that provoked this type of conjunctivitis, and usually goes away with its termination.

Tips from Dr. Komarovsky

If bacterial conjunctivitis is diagnosed, the symptoms and treatment in children are interrelated.

When the first child must be isolated from other children, refuse to visit children educational institutions. After the appointment of an ophthalmologist or pediatrician of treatment as closely as possible adhere to the formulation and methods of use of drugs. Do not apply dressings or prolonged compresses on the eyes, as this prevents normal blinking, which means washing the mucosa with tears and removing purulent deposits from the tissues around the eyes.

Eye rinsing with chamomile, calendula, boric acid or furatsilin solutions is carried out 5-8 times a day, with wadded discs that are abundantly moistened with different eyes for each eye. Wipe from the outer edge of the eye to the inside. It is advisable to drip solutions with a rounded pipette, without touching the eyelid or cornea of ​​the eye, in order to avoid infection in the pipette.

Also, without contact should be under the lower eyelid to lay the ointment prescribed for treatment. When bacterial conjunctivitis prescribed drops with chloramphenicol, albumin, tetracycline or erythromycin ointment.

Since virtually all varieties of bacterial conjunctivitis are accompanied by dry skin around the eyes, which, when used with antimicrobial drugs, only increase, it is useful to use tear substitutes to maintain a stable moisture of the mucous membrane of the inflamed eye, for example, Sistain and Vidisik. So you can defeat bacterial conjunctivitis in a child of 6 years. Treatment, of course, must be agreed with the pediatrician.

Prevention of conjunctivitis in children

Most effective prevention   An unpleasant disease is the constant teaching of children to personal hygiene. Frequent washing of hands for babies, processing of toys and interior for disinfecting surfaces, food culture, explaining the importance of pre-processing of fruits and vegetables, cutlery during meals will help get rid of frequent recurrences of eye infections.

It is useful for older children to teach themselves to bury their eyes and apply ointment, since children are intolerant of any effects on painful areas, especially eyes, therefore the child’s personal participation in treatment will speed up the healing process. You need to be attentive to measures aimed at a general increase in immunity: walking, playing sports, a balanced diet, consuming vitamins while weakening the immune system, tempering procedures.

Expectant mothers should be examined for urogenital infections before delivery and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment with antiseptic treatment of the birth canal, take care of the examination and special treatment of the baby's eyes immediately after birth.

  Treat conjunctivitis in children must be timely. It is believed that this is the most common eye disease in children.
  It proceeds symptomatically and painfully, it is almost impossible to confuse it with another diagnosis.

Urgent measures taken to help the child depend on the knowledge of the parents, in which this article will try to help.

Causes and symptoms of conjunctivitis in children

Causes of conjunctivitis is always a series of predisposing factors, both external and internal. In children, often catching cold, or not fully cured, they cause colds, immunodeficiency.

In other cases, the disease may be characterized by:

  • contaminated bacteria;
  • viral infection;
  • the presence of chlamydia;
  • allergies;
  • tuberculous disease.

Recognizing this disease is very easy. Even before the pronounced signs of the disease become clearly noticeable, the child will begin to show anxiety, rub his eyes, become capricious. Older children will complain about specific pain sensations   and inconvenience.

  The main symptoms of the disease, which you need to know:

  • feeling cramps in the eyes; wiggling the eyeballs causes pain;
  • redness of the eye proteins, eyelid swelling, especially of the lower eyelids;
  • yellowish dried crusts in the inner corners of the eyes, especially well visible in the morning;
  • intolerance to bright light;
  • after sleep, the eyelids are hard to peel, cilia dry on the skin;
  • purulent corks accumulate in the corners of the eyes;
  • the child refuses to eat, crying for no reason.

Children who can explain their feelings with words complement the signs with such complaints:

  • it becomes poorly visible; eyes, as if clouded by a cloudy film;
  • there is a feeling that a cilium has turned up in the eye, or dust particles have fallen;
  • there is a burning sensation, pain.

How to treat this pathology of the eye

Given that conjunctivitis is a treatable disease, it is dangerous for parents to hope for their own conclusions. The fact is that this disease has several types. And each of them requires appropriate therapy.

Determining the etiology of the disease is the first step to a quick cure.

It is not always possible for a doctor to be examined on the day when the child first signs of the disease are noticed. Therefore, having decided on the day of the visit of the ophthalmologist, it is necessary to decide on how to treat the child at home.

The following are considered valid actions:

  1. First, you must recognize the type of conjunctivitis, guided by the principles below.
  2. If symptoms are similar to bacterial or viral conjunctivitis, 1-2 drops of albucide should be dropped into each eye. Then, every three hours, the eyes can be washed with a solution of furatsilin (1 tablet per ½ glass of warm water). Moistened with a cotton pad, eyes cleaned in the direction from the outer corner to the inner. On each eye - a separate disk, so as not to transfer the infection.
  3. If there is a suspicion that the disease is of an allergic nature, it is not necessary to bury, rinse eyes. Wipe your eyes dry cotton pad. Then, it is enough to give a pill antihistamine.

The big mistake of some parents is to put a sterile bandage on the child’s eyes, ostensibly to prevent infection. Under the dressing, the bacteria will multiply even faster, and the dressing will have a traumatic effect on the eyelids.

Before applying eye drops, you need to check with the expiration date.

Even if the time limit is specified permissible, but the bottle was opened more than a month ago, no drops can be used!
  Often children resist the procedure of washing and burying not because of whims, but from the rejection of others' touching their eyes.

A child of primary school age is completely permissible to carry out the entire process independently. Parents can control the correct sequence of actions, but it does not cause him a sense of constraint.

Children's viral disease

Childrens viral conjunctivitis usually begins with a commonplace respiratory disease or tonsillitis. The disease itself is transient, like any virus, so that a child can often bring it from kindergarten   or schools.

Symptoms of the disease are common, but the following are most clearly highlighted:

  • corneal inflammation, bright redness from the inner corners of the eyes;
  • tearing.

In turn, viral conjunctivitis is also divided into subtypes:

  1. The adenovirus subtype sharpens during off-season periods, is transmitted through the air and through personal items (towels). It is noted by high temperature. The incubation period of the disease is 8 days.
  2. The herpetic subspecies is a variety of herpes. The main indicator of this particular type of viral conjunctivitis is the formation of vesicular eruptions on the lower and upper eyelids. Both eyes are rarely affected.
  3. The epidemic subtype is extremely contagious. In children, it is less common than in adults. It is characterized by common signs with a possible increase in lymph nodes. The incubation period is up to 7 days.

For the treatment of viral conjunctivitis, local antibiotics are used: “tsiprolet”, “l-optician”, “tobrex”, “sulfacyl sodium”.

If a patient has viral, treatment with drops is the first way to get rid of the disease.

In addition to exclusively local treatment, it may be necessary to use complex selected drugs. They are appointed by the doctor, individually.

Purulent conjunctivitis in babies

With wind or unwashed hands, dirt particles from time to time are brought into the eyes of a child. If the environment of the contamination on the cornea is contaminated with bacteria of an infectious nature, a purulent inflammatory process begins.

  It does not matter how the number of bacteria, and the reason for their entry into the eye. An infection in one or two days will surely spread to the other eye and hit it as much as the first.

The most unpleasant consequences is infection with a pyocyanic stick and chlamydia. They contribute to the development of acute conjunctivitis, and in a few days the cornea becomes covered with purulent growth.

Symptoms of purulent conjunctivitis accurately reproduce the picture of the general symptoms. There is only one small difference characteristic of younger children.

Purulent form of the disease falls on the cheeks of a child. The skin redden, swell, there is a burning sensation. High temperature may rise.

When the conjunctival cavity is full of pus, any drops are completely useless. Best remedy   cleansing purulent bags will be repeated washing with potassium permanganate, chamomile infusion or strong brewing of black tea.

At night, you should wash the eyes of the child with special care, and immediately before going to bed to lay under the lower eyelid tetracycline ointment. It will prevent the growth of germs.

It is necessary to use ointment in a state of rest of the child, in no case when he shouts and tries to escape. The tip of the tube is sharp and can injure the cornea.

Apply the ointment, pulling the lower eyelid of the child, in one continuous strip, without touching the tip to the eye. Then the child should be asked to close and open his eyes, look right, left, etc.

Useful video on the topic

Bacterial type of disease

Caused by purulent-septic diseases, bacterial conjunctivitis requires complex treatment.

The main focus of the treatment process is to counteract the infection that caused conjunctivitis. With the deactivation of the infection go and concomitant diseases.

It should be remembered that a child who is sick with conjunctivitis may infect other children in the team. Insulation in this case is a measure of first importance.

Therapy of this type of conjunctivitis involves daily, at least five times washing the eye mucous with infusions of medicinal herbs (calendula, chamomile) or furatsilina solution.

The rules of washing do not differ from the general hygienic requirements: from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, individual, impregnated with a solution, napkins.

Both drops, and ointment are applied only on doctor's prescription. As a rule, this is a standard set of tools: chloramphenicol drops, albumin, erythromycin and tetracycline ointment.

The feeling of dryness, hard, painful blinking is another very unpleasant moment of bacterial conjunctivitis. These symptoms only worsen the overall picture of the disease, because without the natural moisture retention, there can be no complete health of the eye.

Allergic disease subtype

Allergic conjunctivitis is the most common type of conjunctival disease. Almost a quarter of the world's population is susceptible to it, since pathogens-allergens exist everywhere. For the reagents, in this case, there are: pollen of plants, dust mites, etc.

Children whose immune defenses revolts against seasonal allergic pathogens are ill, from late April to June - during the beginning of flowering. Children whose allergens are dust tend to react to stimuli all year round.

Seasonal conjunctivitis, which manifests itself in spring, is one of the most serious of all forms.

By gender, for unknown reasons, a greater percentage of the incidence belongs to boys. Coverage of age at the same time, from five to twenty years.

The occurrence of seasonal conjunctivitis almost always entails the aggravation of accidents diseases. As a rule, this period is characteristic of allergic children with asthma attacks, drowsiness, skin rashes, etc.

On the part of the conjunctiva, any of these allergies is determined by the release of gelatinous mucus from the inner corner of the eye. Its quantity is very abundant, so this creates an inconvenience for the eyes.

Drying, the substance forms a crust along the lower eyelid. There are cases when manifestations of vernal conjunctivitis caused coronary ulcers in children.

In not running cases for the treatment of allergic forms of the disease, drops connecting the antiallergenic properties - “antazoline”, “pheniramine”, and also, vasoconstrictor, such as “naphthizine” help.

Effective methods of treatment in children under one year

In young children, conjunctivitis occurs mainly on the background of colds and allergies. The first symptom of the disease, which attracts the attention of parents, is swelling and redness of the eye.

The remaining symptoms fit well into the classic picture and are not characterized by any age indicators:

  • varying degrees of swelling, redness of the eye;
  • excretion of gelatinous mucus mass;
  • increased tearing accompanied by anxiety;
  • the child is trying to close, shielded from the sunlight, while squinting painfully;
  • after a day or night sleep, the eyes hardly break up due to the mucus that has dried on the cilia;
  • the baby often cries, eats little.

In situations of eye disease in infants, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The main task of a pediatrician or an ophthalmologist is to determine the nature of conjunctivitis, correctly relating it to one of the species.

  Doctor's advice, excluding the nuances of the individual course of treatment, is standardized as follows:

  • eye wash requirements: wash every 2-3 hours with warm, boiled water with a furatsilin tablet or chamomile extract diluted in it;
  • after a week, the amount of eye wash can be reduced to two times per day;
  • eye instillation with albumin on an individual schedule;
  • in severe cases, a small amount of tetracycline ointment will be required for the lower eyelid of the baby.

Even if the inflammatory process is expressed on one eye of the child, all therapeutic actions are exactly reproduced on the second.

Home fight

Application folk remedies   for the treatment of conjunctivitis is almost always due to the good susceptibility of the body.

The lower the age of the child, the more neutral the remedy is chosen for its treatment, the solution becomes less saturated.

The following is a list of the most innocuous folk recipes, proven to be effective:

  1. One Art. spoon hot chamomile herb, pour hot water (250 ml) and on a water bath, stirring, hold for 15 minutes. Cool under the lid, strain. Use for rinsing eyes.
  2. 3 pcs. of crushed bay leaf pour 250 ml of boiling water, insist to cool, strain. Use for washing and instillation.
  3. A tablespoon of cornflower pharmacy pour a glass of boiling water, leave to cool, strain. Flush eyes up to six times a day.

For viral conjunctivitis, a child needs special remedies:

  1. Fresh aloe juice for oral administration. Without diluting, give the child 1 tsp. three times a day. They, you can bury eyes in the morning and evening for 1-2 drops.
  2. 2 chicken egg whites stir in ½ cup of warm boiled water, and for one hour, insist under a napkin in a dark cool place. The resulting water wipe the eyes of the child for the night.
  3. Wash one medium raw potato thoroughly and rub it together with the skin on a fine grater. Mix with a grated apple in a homogeneous mixture. Separate 1 tsp. masses in two gauze envelopes and three times a day to put compresses on the eyes for 10 minutes.
  • washing the child's eyes with warm water with a solution or infusion of medicinal herbs;
  • then, each eye must be wiped with a separate cotton pad, away from the inner corner;
  • now, with a prepared, pharmacy, or home-cooked means, drip the eyes of a child.

How many days does the treatment last?

As mentioned above, the disease conjunctivitis in children can be a variety of severity and different etiology. And this means that the terms of treatment will not have a certain framework.

Chronic, consistently recurring conjunctivitis, characterized by periods of remission and exacerbations, their course is unpredictable.

Spontaneous diseases, most often pass a week after the manifestation of the first sign. For extremely severe cases, this period may take up to three weeks.

Conjunctivitis is more common in young children. The main cause of this disease is also SARS, because the infection, once in the eye, develops very quickly. Dr. Komarovsky conjunctivitis in children offers to get acquainted with his methods of treating babies, willing to share the secrets of treatment.

The danger of conjunctivitis is a violation of visual function. The acute form of the disease occurs suddenly and with timely treatment quickly passes. Chronic disease is more common in older people, it is slow and frequent recurrences are possible.

  What is conjunctivitis?

The name refers to the inflammatory process affecting the mucous membrane of the eye. The disease is accompanied by a strong redness, swelling of the eyelids, the presence of mucous or purulent secretions.

The diagnosis can doctor-ophthalmologist, when examining the patient. If the symptoms do not appear sufficiently, a smear taken from the conjunctiva of the eye is sent for analysis. The results of the smear test will unambiguously determine the nature of the disease, and it can be: viral, bacterial, allergic.

Bacterial perpetrators may be streptococci, staphylococci, chlamydia, gonococci that have penetrated the eye. In newborns, the disease is transmitted from the mother through the infected environment of the birth canal. Characteristic symptoms are conjunctival redness, discharge of tears, severe irritation and pus. The disease is associated with poor or inadequate eye hygiene, ingress of dirt or untreated water into them.

Allergic conjunctivitis develops under the influence of an allergen, causes severe itching, redness of the eye and tearing. Identification in this case is necessary, since no treatment will help completely, conjunctivitis will return.

Often the disease develops in the spring-summer period during the flowering of plants, this is seasonal conjunctivitis. The disease can occur all year round due to animal fur or dust. Papillary - a type of allergic conjunctivitis caused by a foreign body in the eye.

Viral conjunctivitis develops on the background of the disease. It can occur in a person with weak immunity, with long-term treatment of the nasopharynx with the defeat of her mucosa, through tear ducts.

This type of conjunctivitis is highly contagious, more than 60% of those infected are hospitalized and treated in hospital. In patients with impaired vision, there is an unpleasant sensation in the eyes. In addition, the eyes are sensitive to light, tired, after sleep it is difficult to open the eyelids, as the pus dries out and forms a crust.

Treatment of the disease must be completely carried out by a doctor. When using folk remedies, you need to inform him, get consent.

Treatment of conjunctivitis in children, according to Komarovsky, is falsely conducted by a specialist, self-treatment can lead to the development of chronic, loss of vision and other eye diseases. In addition, most conjunctivitis are contagious and others can suffer.

  Causes of conjunctivitis

The appearance of conjunctivitis is associated with many factors that provoke the disease in its various forms:

  • Effects of irritants: dust, chemicals or smoke.
  • The development of the disease in contact with a viral or fungal infection.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • Incorrect use.
  • Intolerance to some drugs.
  • Increased eye fatigue, lack of eye hygiene.
  • Deficiency and metabolic disorders.
  • Visual impairment: astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia.
  • Some chronic nose problems.

Causes of conjunctivitis in children are primarily associated with poor hygiene and cleaning.

There are some requirements that can reduce the risk of conjunctivitis in a child:

  • Careful and timely hand hygiene.
  • Clean bedding and towel. The child should have a separate towel.
  • Daily walk in the fresh air.
  • Observance of cleanliness in the children's room, airing and humidifying the air, if necessary.
  • Proper healthy eating, providing a growing body with all necessary and minerals.
  • Protect the child from unhealthy people, including family members.

Observe the personal hygiene conditions of the baby must be with the utmost care. Newborn babies, which are just forming immunity, are at a constant risk of developing various diseases, if the child lives in adverse conditions.


Signs of conjunctivitis in adults and children are similar. But children become whiny, moody and restless during illness.

Symptoms of childhood disease:

  • Eyes blush and.
  • Often tears flow.
  • Pus is released from the eyes.
  • Eyes react to light (fear of light).
  • By morning, the child's eyelids stick together.
  • Crusts of dried pus on the eyelashes of the baby and the corners of the eyes.

In children of school age, there is a violation of visual clarity (blurriness, vagueness). The child feels discomfort in the eyes, such as itching, burning and discomfort.

In allergic conjunctivitis, the eyes are very irritated, but never fester. This type of disease is not dangerous to others, because conjunctivitis is caused by an individual irritant.

  How to cure conjunctivitis?

Delay with a visit to the doctor when the disease can not be. But leaving the child without treatment at the very beginning of the development of the disease is not worth it. If the doctor takes it by appointment, or the disease falls on a weekend (or for other reasons, the visit to the doctor is postponed), you can safely take some action.

Washing the eyes with broth or furatsilina solution is safe even for newborns. The procedure will help get rid of pollution and secretions, as well as stop the inflammatory process. Each eye needs a separate sterile washcloth. The movement of the hands during the procedure is always: from the temple to the nose!

In the first days of treatment, washing should be done as often as possible, at least five times a day. When reducing purulent discharge, the frequency of the procedure is reduced to two to three.

After washing it is necessary to drip into the eyes Albucid, which has an antimicrobial effect. It is safe for children and adults, but always watch very carefully for babies of infancy.

If an allergic form is suspected, it is imperative to give the child an antihistamine suitable for their age.

What drugs can a doctor prescribe? Treatment of the disease involves getting rid of germs or viruses that have got into the eyes, or the use of antiallergenic drugs, that is, it completely depends on the type of conjunctivitis.

The simplest treatment is conjunctivitis. It is necessary to exclude the allergen, and take medication for allergies (Suprastin, Zodak, Zyrtec and others). But there are complications in this form of the disease. In this case, corticosteroids are prescribed (for example, Prednisolone).

Viral disease should be treated with drops (Levomecitin, Albucid). In case of complications, antibiotic-containing drops (Ophthalferon) are prescribed. In the presence of symptoms of viral diseases (cough, runny nose) treatment should be carried out comprehensively. For antiviral ointments, the doctor may prescribe Florenal or similar drugs.

It is much easier to fight bacterial conjunctivitis. For this treatment is carried out with antibacterial agents. Pus is removed by rinsing.

The use of eye drops has several nuances. Drops should fall strictly below the lower eyelid, so you need to open it up. There is very little space under the eyelid, so no more than 1 drop of the drug is needed. It is advisable to use an ointment for the night, as the bacteria multiply very quickly over a long period of sleep.

For these purposes is well suited ointment. If only one eye is affected, the second one also needs treatment.

Only an ophthalmologist can accurately determine the type of disease, and it should be brought to his home, since most forms of conjunctivitis are contagious, and communicating with other sick children in a medical institution can also add a disease (viral or infectious).

Traditional medicine offers hundreds of treatments. Well helps washing the eyes with strong tea or decoction of chamomile. Tea and chamomile have antimicrobial properties and are completely safe for children.

In the treatment of conjunctivitis can also help: cucumber juice, decoction, dill water, honey (diluted in milk or water), aloe juice, infusion of bay leaves, baking soda. These products are used for washing and lotions, but not all of them are suitable for the treatment of children.

  How recommends treating conjunctivitis pediatric Komarovsky, a famous pediatrician

The well-known pediatric doctor Komarovsky advises treating conjunctivitis with the safest methods, especially if a child is ill up to the age of one. Treatment of children's conjunctivitis should be completely carried out by an ophthalmologist.

General tips during the treatment of the child:

  1. Personal baby towel and handkerchief to wipe your eyes. After the disease, such things are boiled and ironed carefully.
  2. Ensure that during washing the chlorinated water does not get into your eyes.
  3. Daily wet cleaning in the room and airing.
  4. Daily walk in the fresh air without contact with other children.
  5. A more wholesome diet rich in vitamins. Refusal of products that may cause allergies in a child.
  6. Ensure lack of contact with other children.
  7. In the evening, wash the toys with which the child plays.

For recovered - hardening and daily physical exertion.

Acute children conjunctivitis with proper treatment for a few days, so do not delay with a visit to the doctor.

Viral and bacterial conjunctivitis can be transmitted to other family members, so it is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene at this time.

An important factor in recovery is fresh air, you need to walk with your child for at least two hours and carefully ventilate the children's room. To avoid recurrence of the disease, all things of the patient need treatment. For the disease, it is important to wash your hands often with soap and use only your own laundry and a towel.

Treatment of conjunctivitis: Komarovsky advises - watch the video: