Summer mushroom and its dangerous counterpart name. Honey mushrooms false and edible photos

Autumn mushrooms - a friendly mushroom, does not tolerate loneliness and always grows in large families, for which there is little space on the ground and they climb the stumps and foothills of trees.

October - the month of rains - his favorite month, the weather is cloudy and already cold enough, the earth, sky, foliage, the whole world is saturated with water.

And here is the right time for the rotten hemp to appear for little honey agarics. strong and elastic with variegated specks and cute " skirt "under the hat they gradually fill the entire forest, grow, open their caps, prepare seeds. Colds are not terrible for mushrooms, they grow until the first frost, in a warm year they can be robbed even in November.

Search for Autumn Honey mushrooms needed where there is a lot of old, dead wood, on stumps and fallen trees, in thickets alder, aspen forest.

Rest assured that this mushroom will make you not only to repent to Mother Earth, but also to crawl along it on all fours, cutting off the forest harvest.

Taste and smell these uncomplicated mushrooms exceed all expectations, they are great for spinning in jars for the winter, and for frying, and for soup. It's just problematic to dry them for the winter, they, like the entire autumn forest, are saturated with rain and morning dew, when you try to dry them, they often begin to grow moldy.


Where the Autumn Honeydew grows

They grow both on dead and living trees, but they especially love birch. Expansion for autumn mushrooms - old birch forests with dry birches, on which mushrooms grow at a height of up to 5 m and higher, boggy birch forests with many lying trunks and stumps, birch clearings with stumps, boggy alder forests.

On coniferous trees, Autumn Honey mushrooms are less common.

What does the Autumn Honeycomb look like?

Autumn Finger Hat gray-yellowish or dirty brown with thin brown scales that fade with age. The plates adhered to the leg are white in young honey, then turn brownish-yellow.

Autumn Honey Leg long, thin, thickened downwards, with a filmy whitish ring in the upper part.

Spores of autumn honeydew white

Autumn honey mushroom - harvest time

Harvested in September - October. The period of abundant growth is short, usually about two weeks, most often in the first half of September.

How to distinguish Autumn mushrooms from false ones

False mushrooms include several types of mushrooms, very similar to edible mushrooms.

1. At Autumn Honey on the leg film ring... And all false honey agarics have bare feet to the toes.

2. The false mushroom cap is smooth, without "scales"

3. Hats false mushrooms are more brightly, loudly colored:

4. LPs false honey agarics are yellow, greenish or olive-black. At Autumn Honeycomb, the plates are creamy or yellowish-white.

(A - Autumn mushrooms. B, C - False mushrooms)

5. The smell of autumn mushrooms - pleasant mushroom, false mushrooms emit an unpleasant earthy smell.

Why is Autumn Honeydew useful?

There is almost the same amount of phosphorus and calcium in Autumn mushrooms as in fish. They also contain vitamins B2, C, E, PP, magnesium, sodium, potassium and iron.

Nutritional value of honey mushrooms: proteins - 2.2 g, fats - 1.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.5 g

The mushrooms contain mass of anti-cancer substances.

How to store Autumn Honey mushrooms

Autumn mushrooms are salted, pickled, boiled and fried.

It takes 30-40 minutes to cook honey mushrooms. Undercooked mushrooms can cause stomach upset

Autumn Honey mushrooms - interesting facts

Growing on stumps can be the cause of a curious phenomenon - glow of stumps at night! It is not the stumps themselves, not rotting wood that glow, but mycelium mushrooms, braiding the entire stump with a thin net.

However, if you confuse summer honey with autumn, it will not have unpleasant consequences, since summer honey is an edible mushroom. True, in terms of taste and nutritional qualities, it is attributed only to the IV-th category, and the autumn honey fungus - to the III-rd.

How to distinguish summer honey from autumn?

1 season

If autumn mushrooms appear only during the cooling period - at the end of August (usually in two or three waves with intervals of 15-20 days), then summer mushrooms can be found already at the beginning of summer - in June. Both summer and autumn mushrooms bear fruit until October.

2. Ecology

Summer honey fungus grows on rotten wood and damaged trees. It is rarely found on the trunks of living trees. He prefers hardwood trees, especially birch. Practically not found on conifers.

Thus, as you have noticed, neither the time nor the place of growth can be clear signs by which you can distinguish summer mushrooms from autumn mushrooms: both of them can be found in the fall in the same places.

So maybe they can be easily distinguished by their appearance? Not always, especially when it comes to old mushrooms. It is not for nothing that the summer honey fungus is called Kuehneromyces mutabilis - changeable Kyuneromyces. In dry weather, it loses many of its characteristics, and then it can be confused with literally all mushrooms that grow in similar conditions. So, for example, it is advised to distinguish between summer and autumn mushrooms by the cap: in the summer honey mushroom, it is two-colored and, as it were, saturated with water, with a darker "wet" strip along the outer edge of the cap; in young honey agarics it is yellowish-brown, in old ones it is rusty-brown. However, in dry weather, summer mushroom caps will be dry.

In autumn honey agarics, the color is never aggressive. They are painted in soft, pastel colors: they vary from light brown and beige to dark brown with a yellowish tint.

Summer mushrooms (Kuehneromyces mutabilis)

Autumn mushrooms are larger in size than summer mushrooms: the diameter of the cap of the autumn mushroom varies from 5 to 10 cm, but can reach the size of a saucer - 15 cm.The hats of summer mushrooms have a diameter of 2 to 8 cm.In young autumn mushrooms, the surface of the caps and legs is all covered flaky scales.

Autumn mushrooms (Armillariella mellea)

Summer and autumn mushrooms differ in the color of the spores. In autumn honey agaric spores are white, and therefore the caps of old honey agarics are covered with white "mold" - this is a spore bloom. In summer honey fungus, the spores are brown. There are so many of them that the surface under the old summer mushrooms is covered with a brown coating. It also happens that the caps of the honey agarics of the "lower tier" are covered with a brown layer of spore powder from the upper mushrooms, and it seems that they are rotten. However, the color of the spores can only be determined in old mushrooms.

In conclusion, an important warning should be made regarding the summer honey agaric: due to its strong variability, it can look like a number of poisonous mushrooms. Moreover, there are no universal signs by which one could accurately distinguish summer honey from these mushrooms. One of the most dangerous counterparts of the summer honeydew is the fringed gallerina (Galerina marginata), which is as poisonous as the pale grebe. It only grows on coniferous trees. Therefore, to avoid accidents, do not collect honey mushrooms in coniferous forests and on coniferous tree stumps and never forget about the rule "Not sure - don't take it!"

Galerina bordered (Galerina marginata)

And in dry weather, summer honey agarics can be easily confused with false mushrooms - sulfur-yellow (Hypholoma fasciculare), brick-red (Hypholoma osublateium) and seroplate (Hypholoma capnoides). True, unlike edible mushrooms, false mushrooms do not have a pleasant mushroom smell, but only an experienced mushroom picker can distinguish mushrooms on this basis. To reduce the likelihood of a mistake, do not collect old summer mushrooms that already do not look like themselves!

We are glad to welcome you to the blog. Let's continue the mushroom theme, because the season is in full swing. The topic of conversation today will be mushrooms, the description of which you will find in the article. This mushroom has many varieties and inedible counterparts, so you need to know what ends up in your basket.

The hero of the article is not picky, the mycelium bears fruit for many years, without requiring special conditions. In addition to wild nature, mushrooms are bred at home, getting good yields. Honey mushrooms are marinated for the winter, cold and hot snacks are prepared from them. How did they deserve such popularity?

In Latin, the hero is referred to as a "bracelet". It is no coincidence that if you look at the mycelium, mushrooms grow around, in families. Look on old tree stumps, near weak trees, and in shrub fields. The growing area is wide, mushrooms cannot be found only in the permafrost zone.

The edible mushroom has a slender leg, which is up to 15 cm. The color varies: light amber to deep brown. The cap is lamellar, more often it is bent to the bottom, however, on adult representatives it resembles an umbrella. It has colors ranging from cream to red and yellow. On many varieties of honey fungus, a ring made of film on a leg is called a "skirt".

Below you will find a photo and description of the most popular types of honey agarics.

This mushroom is also called linden. It grows more often on deciduous trees, it likes weak and diseased trunks. The mushroom harvest is harvested from April to November.

The leg reaches 7 cm, from the bottom up it becomes lighter, the lower part is covered with scales. There is a skirt on the leg, which darkens with age, and sometimes disappears. The cap is yellowish matte, reaches a radius of 3 cm, with age it becomes flatter. The plates on the cap are frequent, darken over time.

The twin is smaller, it lacks scales on the stem.

Spring honey

Unlike its relatives, it grows in small groups on fallen trees and compressed leaves. Loves the society of oaks and pines.

The hat is convex, flattens over time. The color is brown, although it brightens with age. The leg is slender, up to 9 cm, slightly thickening towards the bottom. The pulp and plates are white, sometimes with a slightly yellowish tinge. The first harvest appears in May, the spring honey leaves in October.

Autumn mushroom

The second name of the lamellar mushroom is real. The mushroom is edible, it grows on stumps, trees and shrubs in families. Once every three years, the mycelium gives the richest harvest.

The cap reaches 10 cm, at first it is spherical, becomes convex over time. It is dull due to the scales, cloudy yellowish or ocher brown. The plates are yellow and brown over time. The skirt is white with yellow edges. The pulp is white, with a pleasant aroma. The harvesting season for autumn species is from August to November.

False mushroom is similar. But it appears later, it smells not so pleasant and is bitter.

The second name is obvious and logical - winter mushroom. It grows more often on deciduous trees (linden, poplar) and stumps, less often in coniferous forests.

The hat is up to 10 cm wide, at first it is convex and then flat. It is yellow or brown with a reddish tint. The leg reaches 6-7 cm, yellowish. The plates are ocher-white, frequent. The pulp is white, with a shade of yellow. The skirt is missing.

The winter mushroom appears in September, and lasts until December, sometimes longer if the winter is warm. It has no inedible counterparts, but it contains more toxins than its congeners, therefore it must be carefully processed.

The cap is convex at the beginning, then flattens, and the edges become uneven, a tubercle remains in the middle. The color of the cap is brownish yellow, the center is darker. In wet weather, the hat becomes slippery.

A leg up to 10 cm long is similar in color to the cap, it is dense and thickened towards the bottom. The plates of the fungus are rare, light. The pulp is light, smells like cloves. Meadow myceliums are harvested from May to October.

Normal edible meadows are confused with mushrooms that look like honey agaric: forest-loving colibia and furrowed talker. The first double has a dense leg, frequent plates and bad smell... The second double does not have a characteristic tubercle on the cap, its color is bleached.

Other types of honey agarics

Below are the name and photos of edible mushrooms, which are less popular, remember. Better yet, save the article in bookmarks so as not to be confused. Types of honey agarics:

  • Fatleg

  • Slimy

  • Garlic ordinary

  • Pine

Useful properties and contraindications

Honey mushrooms are appreciated by doctors, they are even used as a natural antibiotic. The wide range of medicinal properties is due to the rich composition. Let's see how the benefits of the product are expressed:

  • Used as an antiviral agent.
  • Helps to cope with malignant tumors.
  • Fights intestinal infections.
  • Improves the process of blood clotting. A small portion has a daily intake of zinc and copper in the stave.
  • Thiamine helps to improve reproductive function and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Phosphorus and potassium are contained in the mushrooms as in fish. Regular consumption of mushrooms will have a positive effect on bone health.
  • Some species increase immunity.
  • Honey mushrooms improve the condition of hair, nails and skin.
  • Calorie content (22 kcal), therefore they are suitable for diet food.

It should be remembered that mushrooms are difficult to digest. Do not give to children under 12 years of age. It should also be introduced with caution into the diet for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcers.

What is prepared from honey mushrooms

In the culinary world, honey mushrooms are a valuable favorite product. If you follow the rules of preparation, the mushrooms end up being crispy, appetizing and tasty. In the kitchen, the autumn mushroom mushroom is more often used, it is not for nothing that the second name is "real". Unlike summer and winter mushrooms, it belongs to the first category in terms of nutritional value.

A huge number of dishes are prepared from honey mushrooms. Served salted, boiled, stewed, fried. They make excellent soup, hodgepodge, julienne, snacks and sauces, salads, caviar. Honey mushrooms are used for decoration - dried and frozen.

How to cook mushrooms at home and how many minutes to cook? Before you start cooking the mushrooms, you need to sort out, rinse and put in slightly salted water. You need to cook mushrooms for 1 hour. As the water boils, it darkens and foam appears, change the broth and cook the mushrooms for another 40 minutes.

I suggest watching a video - how to quickly rinse and clean mushrooms.

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One of the most popular varieties autumn mushrooms honey agarics are: in Russian forests in especially fruitful years there are so many of them that in one collection you can take a whole car trunk out of the forest. However, when going in the fall for mushrooms, be careful: along with edible species, their dangerous counterparts appear at this time, tasting which you can get food poisoning.

If August is characterized by the peak of the collection of tubular mushrooms, then September is the peak of the collection of lamellar mushrooms and, above all, autumn mushrooms. There is a whole army of mushroom pickers looking forward to the season of harvesting autumn mushrooms. It is known that it is these mushrooms that give the maximum mushroom yield by weight. Autumn mushrooms can appear first in separate places on stumps and fallen trees, or they can grow immediately in huge forest areas.

In the first two to three days, they are about the size of a match and a pinhead. On the fourth day, they can already be the size of a ruble, and after a week - in full force, depending on the subspecies - from one and a half to seven centimeters in diameter of the cap.

About what kinds of autumn mushrooms there are, and where they grow, is described in detail in this material.

Edible varieties of autumn mushrooms

Autumn honey fungus, or real (Armillaria mellea).

Habitat: coniferous and mixed forests, on coniferous wood, stumps, fallen trees, grow in huge groups. Favorite mushrooms among the population.

Season: August-November.

The cap is 3-10 cm in diameter, at first round-convex, later prostrate, sometimes with a tubercle in the middle. A distinctive feature of the species is a yellow-brown or brown-reddish cap with numerous small brown scales. The edges of the cap are first rolled inward, later flattened, striped. In young specimens, the cap is connected to the stem by a white film, which later hangs in a ring around the stem.

Stem 4-12 cm high and 6-15 mm thick, dense, cylindrical, at first flaky-scaly, later almost glabrous, slightly widened near the base.

Look at the photo - these autumn mushrooms have a well-defined ring with a fringed edge in the upper part of the leg:

Photo gallery

The leg usually has exactly the same color as the cap.

The plates are sparse, adherent, slightly descending along the stem, thin, frequent, whitish-yellowish in young specimens, brownish at maturity, often covered with rusty spots.

Variability. The cap can be light yellow-brown in dry weather, in wet and cold weather the color of the cap darkens to dark brown.

Similarity with other species. This edible autumn mushroom is similar to the inedible gray-lamellar mushroom (Hypholoma capnoides), which is distinguished by very frequent plates of a grayish or gray-brown color, and also similar to the brick-red falsefoam (Hypholoma sublateritium), which is distinguished by frequent plates of olive-brown color with a purple-violet color.

Autumn honey agaric, northern form (Armillaria mellea, f. Borealis).

Habitat: these autumn mushrooms grow in coniferous and mixed forests, on coniferous wood, grow in huge groups.

Season: August-November.

The cap is 2-7 cm in diameter, at first round-convex, later prostrate, sometimes with a tubercle in the middle. A distinctive feature of the species is a creamy yellow or yellow-brown cap with numerous small brown scales that look like brownish dots. The cap has 2-3 concentric zones. Each zone has a predominant color: cream, light brown, yellow-brown, mustard. The edges of the cap are first turned inward, later flattened, striped. In young specimens, the cap is connected to the stem by a white film, which later hangs in a ring around the stem.

Stem 4-10 cm in height and 5-10 mm in thickness, dense, cylindrical along the entire length, at first flaky-scaly, later almost glabrous. In the upper part of the leg there is a well-defined ring with a fringed edge. The leg usually has exactly the same color as the cap. The second distinctive feature of the species is crowded growth, mushrooms grow in "clusters" of many pieces together. In this case, the legs often grow together at the rhizome.

The pulp is dense, thin-fleshy, white, does not change color at the break, with a pleasant smell and taste.

Variability. The areas of the cap can be light yellow-brown or bright mustard in dry weather, in damp and cold weather the color of the cap darkens to dark brown.

Similarity to inedible species. This honey fungus is similar to a seroplate pseudo-foam (Hypholoma capnoides), which is distinguished by significantly more frequent plates of gray or gray-brown color with an unpleasant odor.

Cooking methods: frying, marinating, boiling.

Autumn honey mushroom, mustard form (Armillaria mellea, f. Sinapina).

Habitat: these mushrooms grow in coniferous and mixed forests, on coniferous wood, grow in huge groups.

Season: August-October.

The cap is 3-8 cm in diameter, at first round-convex, later prostrate, sometimes with a tubercle in the middle. A distinctive feature of the species is a mustard-colored cap with numerous small brownish scales. The edges of the cap are first rolled inward, later flattened, striped. In young specimens, the cap is connected to the stem by a white film, which later hangs in a ring around the stem.

Stem 4-10 cm high and 5-12 mm thick, dense, cylindrical, slightly widening at the base. The second distinctive feature of the species is the color of the leg - it is mustard, but not as even as on the cap, but has lighter zones on top, and denser and darker zones at the base. In the upper part of the leg, there is a well-defined whitish ring with a fringed edge.

The pulp is dense, thin-fleshy, white, does not change color at the break, with a pleasant smell and taste.

The plates are adherent, slightly descending along the pedicle, thin, of medium frequency, whitish-yellowish in young specimens, brownish at maturity, often covered with rusty spots.

Variability. The hat can be bright mustard, but it can also be light yellow-brown in dry weather, in damp and cold weather the color of the hat darkens to mustard brown.

Similarity to inedible species. According to the description, this autumn honey fungus is similar to a gray-lamellar pseudo-froth (Hypholoma capnoides), which is distinguished by much more frequent plates of gray or gray-brown color with an unpleasant odor.

Cooking methods: drying, cooking, pickling, salting.

Here you can see photos of autumn mushrooms, the description of which is given above:

Photo gallery

The healing properties of autumn mushrooms

It should be noted that honey mushrooms have extremely useful and healing properties, especially against cancer... It should be borne in mind that the healing properties of mushrooms are manifested in the absence of their heat treatment, for example, during salting or drying.

The healing properties of autumn mushrooms:

  • They contain minerals based on zinc and copper, which are essential in the process of hematopoiesis.
  • Traditional medicine uses the ability of honey agaric to relax the stomach.
  • In ancient times, warts were removed with the help of honey agaric juice.
  • It was revealed that in honey agarics proteins are endowed with the most effective tumor-fighting properties. In 81% of cases, these proteins inhibit the growth of sarcoma, carcinoma, breast cancer, tumors nervous system, as well as the development of leukemia. In patients in most cases, after the use of honey agarics, the tumors ceased to progress and metastasize. The active ingredient of winter honey agaric is polysaccharides in the form of a white powder.
  • They sharply activate the immune system, restoring the level of protection.
  • They kill pathogenic microflora in places of inflammation.
  • Honey mushrooms also have another remarkable property - they stimulate the formation of thrombocyte-dissolving enzymes. As a result, in some cases, complex operations can be avoided.
  • Tincture or decoction of honey agarics has long been used as a medicine for liver disease and diabetes, as well as an impurity for cooking drugs to enhance their impact.
  • The substances contained in mushrooms also fight against simple influenza viruses. Acceptance of honey agaric tincture, safe for humans, during a flu epidemic, in many cases, can save you from this disease.

In general, autumn and winter mushrooms have a number of beneficial healing properties:

  • activation of the immune system; destruction of pathogenic microflora in areas of inflammation;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • restoration of microflora of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowering blood sugar and cholesterol;
  • improving the condition of the blood vessels; activation of the brain and creativity;
  • antitumor and anticancer action;
  • antiviral effect.

Autumn mushrooms are amazingly tasty mushrooms in any form: in soup, fried with onions and potatoes, pickled and even salted. After the peak of growth of these fungi on trees and stumps, a second wave of their growth appears on the roots of trees. From the outside, you might think that they grow on the ground, in fact - necessarily on the roots or forest floor.

Honey mushrooms are the favorite mushrooms for many mushroom pickers. If porcini mushrooms are attractive for first and second courses, then honey mushrooms are the most desirable for mass harvesting. The reason for this lies in the huge amounts of autumn honey agaric, which in the "mushroom" years grow throughout the forest, especially on tree stumps. The harvest of autumn honey agarics from one place can be from 0.5 to 10 kg! These mushrooms are so beautiful, clean, strong and at the same time have a mild smell and wonderful taste. Therefore, it is understandable why at the end of August and in autumn huge armies of mushroom pickers go out into the forest "after mushrooms." It is necessary to be very careful when collecting a large number of mushrooms, since inedible mycenae, false mushrooms (sulfur-yellow false foam - Hypholoma fasciculare, brick-red false foam - Hypholoma sublateritium) or other poisonous mushrooms can grow next to the mushrooms on one stump.

Dangerous autumn mushrooms brick-red

Dangerous false mushrooms appear at the same time as autumn mushrooms. You should be especially careful when collecting autumn mushrooms, as there are a lot of them, and people begin to tear or cut them without looking around. As a result, inedible and even poisonous mushrooms can be plucked at the same time. We will not consider the cases described on the Internet about the edibility of certain types of false mushrooms, but we will adhere to the generally accepted Sanitary Rules of the Joint Venture 2.3.4. 009-93, where they are definitely not edible. The fact is that a single use of mushrooms is not an indicator of the use of the species as a whole. Scientists mycologists have an understanding of the long-term use of mushrooms and the absence of the accumulation of harmful substances for repeated use. Certain types of false agarics mentioned on the Internet did not pass this parameter.

Brick-red false froth (Hypholoma sublateritium).

Habitat: these mushrooms grow in autumn in deciduous and mixed forests, more often on decaying birch and oak wood, in large groups.

Season: July-November.

Medicinal properties:

  • Brick red false honey is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Used as a laxative.
  • Used as an emetic.

The cap has a diameter of 3-10 cm, at first it is spherical, later it is convexly prostrate. A distinctive feature of the species is a red-brown or yellow-orange, smooth convex cap with a lighter yellowish edge. On the edges there are light flakes from the remainder of the bedspread. The center is darker, sometimes with a reddish-brown spot.

The leg has a height of 4-10 cm, a thickness of 4-13 mm, even or slightly narrowed near the base, it is curved, dense, fibrous, at first solid, later hollow, at the top it is pale yellowish, at the bottom it is brownish.

Pulp: thick, dense, yellowish, odorless, but with a bitter taste.

The plates are frequent, adherent, at first whitish-gray, then yellowish-brown or olive-brown, later olive-brown, sometimes with a purple tint.

Variability. The color of the cap ranges from brick red to reddish brown, tan and pinkish orange.

Similar species. The pseudo-froth is brick-red in size and shape, similar to Psathyrella velutina, which has a velvety texture on the surface of the cap.

All connoisseurs of mushrooms know how tasty mushrooms are fried, pickled and any other form: mushroom soup, caviar, pies. But in order for the food to be a success and not lead to unpleasant consequences, it is important to know how to distinguish mushrooms from false mushrooms.

We will learn to understand the differences between real mushrooms and their unsafe relatives in order to protect ourselves and loved ones from poisoning.

All lamellar mushrooms with caps growing on trees, deadwood and stumps are called mushrooms. Some of them are edible, fragrant and tasty, others are bitter and dangerous to health, and sometimes life. Consider the main differences between real mushrooms and false ones, which are visible to the naked eye and will be understandable even to inexperienced mushroom pickers.

Mushroom leg

There is a ring on the leg. Inedible honey agarics have no ringlet or there are residual signs of it (traces of the ring, tissue fragments). In addition, the leg of a real honey fungus is low (except for adult specimens) - 4-6 cm, and a false one reaches 10 cm.

The exception is edible meadow mushrooms, whose legs grow up to 30 cm tall!

Mushroom plates

Genuine mushrooms are distinguished by pale yellow or creamy plates, false ones - yellow, later - green, dark olive and almost black.

Mushroom hat

Regardless of the environment in which they grow (light or dense forest, wet or dry place), their caps do not differ in brightness: they are usually pale brown, with small dark scales (adult mushrooms with darker hats and no scales).

And the caps of false honey agarics are always bright: yellow-gray, rusty-red or red-brown, and without scales.

Honey mushroom taste

Some false mushrooms are no less tasty than genuine mushrooms: not all poisonous mushrooms have a bitter taste. But this does not mean that they can be safely cooked: there are only a couple of exceptions - Candol's mushroom and poppy mushroom.

Honey smell

Edible mushrooms have a pleasant harsh mushroom aroma, while poisonous mushrooms smell like mold or damp earth.

The reaction of the mushroom to contact with water

If in doubt about the authenticity of the mushroom, put it in water: the false mushrooms will turn black or blue.

Summer mushrooms, unlike their autumn counterparts, can bear fruit in spring, summer, and autumn. Summer honey agarics, as a rule, grow long legs and large caps. How to distinguish them from poisonous mushrooms?

  • Summer mushroom hat. Although its diameter is sometimes 10 cm, its walls are thin, and the edges are slightly bent inward, where the mushroom tissue resembles a cobweb. The color of the hat is yellowish-brown, there are scales.
  • Summer mushroom plates. The color of the plates of a true honey fungus is whitish, rusty or brown (they darken as the fungus grows).
  • Summer mushroom leg. Sometimes its leg grows extremely long - up to 30 cm, but at the same time it remains brown, with a ringlet.

False honey agarics have no rings, the caps are bright and smooth, without scales.

Now you know how to distinguish mushrooms from false mushrooms. If you have doubts about a mushroom, it is better not to cut it off at all or conduct a water test at home. Gradually, you will gain mushroom experience, and you will know exactly where the edible mushroom is and where the poisonous one.