Causes and treatment of bad breath in infants. Bad breath in infants

It begins to disturb parents and makes them wonder if there is a pathology and what inaction can threaten. Normally, no unpleasant sensations from the mouth of the child should not be felt. A breastfed baby will smell like milk. In the event of deviations from the norm in terms of smell in the mouth, it is recommended to urgently visit a doctor. Let's look at the features of the occurrence of pathology, let's talk about corrective measures and the prevention of occurrence.

A child’s mouth is normally represented by the following microbial environment: resistant and conditionally pathogenic, which are in balance. The composition of resistant microflora does not cause the development of diseases. Usually conditionally pathogenic representation of its activity in terms of launching the development of pathological processes does not show. However, under a number of conditions, this association is transformed into a pathogenic direction of exposure.
  Activation of conditionally pathogenic microflora is possible with:

  • Stress, overwork;
  • Malnutrition;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Frequent catarrhal diseases;
  • Weakening of the body's immune reactivity, immunodeficiency states;
  • The use of drugs.

Babies who are breastfed usually smell better. Lactobacilli that enter the oral cavity, actively inhibit the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. In older children, changes in terms of oral smells should also not be noted. If they occur, they need to be considered. possible reasons  or conditions that could contribute to this. There are odors in the mouth when the body is healthy and in the presence of chronic infectious processes.

Normally, altered breathing may occur with:

  • Tasting foods that cause a strong odor: noted when taking garlic, onions, radishes, cabbage, drinking a number of juices;
  • Unbalanced diet: the prevalence of protein in the diet. Since the protein is difficult to digest by the body, over time, putrefactive processes in the body start. Fermentation reactions occur if the child consumes carbohydrates present in fruits, grapes, legumes, above the daily requirement;
  • The use of hard cheeses: during the metabolism of the product there are sulfur compounds, which are felt when the child exhales;
  • Sweet foods: if consumed excessively, they can cause the growth of bacteria, which can lead to the formation of an unpleasant odor;
  • Experiences, stress can cause hypo-salivation, which changes the perceived odor from the mouth;
  • Poor oral hygiene: there is a delay of food debris on the teeth and tongue, tonsils. Over time, this leads to the formation of plaque. Plaque on the teeth accumulates in places difficult to clean with a toothbrush (fissures, cervical area, contact area). Plaque tends to be calcified against the background of a continuing supply of minerals from saliva, turning into stone. At topography in the language, the places of the greatest cluster are marked along the median line and in the branches from it. The tonsils, located in the posterior part of the oral cavity, are difficult to clean and therefore plaque, quickly accumulating on the surface, leads to putrefactive inflammation.

What should parents do when they smell?

If there is a desire on the part of both the child and the parent, then the elimination of the uncomfortable phenomenon passes fairly quickly. First you need to limit the taste of sweet. In the absence of an allergy to bees produced products, it is recommended to replace sugar with honey. Together with this, the dosages of the fruit and vegetables supplied should be increased in the child’s diet. It is preferable to use solid products (apples, carrots), because when they are used in parallel, the mucous membrane of the tongue and the oral cavity is massaged, and saliva is enhanced.

It is necessary to teach the child the correct method of brushing. At the reception, the dentist selects basic and additional hygiene products, teaches how to use floss to clean the interdental spaces. It is necessary to perform teeth cleaning at least 2 times a day, after each meal, rinse the mouth with boiled water or infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula). An older child can use special rinses for irrigation, as a part of which no alcohol should be present. If there is a smell when agitating or experiencing, it is recommended to increase water intake. Within a few days, this simple manipulation can save a child from discomfort in the mouth.

Changes in respiration in the presence of disease

Sometimes with all the requirements for the correction of nutrition, cleansing the mouth, removing the excitement, an unpleasant smell still remains. Then it is necessary to assume the presence of a chronic disease in a child. It is necessary to go to the doctor’s office and, when collecting complaints and symptoms of the child, try to describe the perceived breath from the mouth as accurately as possible. It is desirable to characterize the smell, to associate its manifestation with a specific product, since the pathology of some organs may be indicated by a specific manifestation of the smell in the mouth.

The appearance of odors in the mouth in correlation from the affected organ:

  • Feeling rotten eggs: gastritis, peptic ulcer;
  • The appearance of sour odor from the mouth of a child: may indicate an increase in acidity in the stomach, the beginning of inflammation in it. It is noted during gastritis. Another reason for a change in breathing is reflux. When food comes back from the stomach into the esophagus, heartburn occurs, because the mucous membrane of the esophagus is not adapted to the components of the gastric environment, which gets into regurgitation with food. The child also has pain in the hypochondrium;
  • The smell of rot: the defeat of the esophagus, stomach against the background of reducing acidity;
  • Sensation of acetone: diabetes;
  • Ammonia: with kidney problems;
  • Sweet taste in the mouth of a raw liver: liver pathology (hepatitis, cirrhosis);
  • The sensation of boiled cabbage or manure in children: a hereditary defect of metabolism;
  • The smell of chlorine: in combination with the sensation of metal is observed in periodontal disease;
  • Yeast flavor: with candidiasis. Pathology may not always manifest itself only in the oral cavity, lesions may also appear in the stomach;
  • The sensation of iron in exhaled air: and metallic taste indicates iron deficiency anemia. May cause these changes and gastritis, increased acidity, dysbacteriosis, other pathology of the digestive system;
  • The smell of bile: in violation of the outflow of secretion from the gall sac.

Other causes, the development and action of which occurs in the mouth, can also cause the birth of an unpleasant smell:

  1. Adenoid vegetation: accumulations of lymphatic tissue, begin to grow in the nasopharynx. Occurs prolonged inflammation. On the surface of the adenoids deposited mucus, causing an unpleasant odor. As the tonsils are enlarged, nasal breathing becomes difficult and the child prefers to breathe through his mouth. With this type of breathing, the mucous membrane located in the mouth and throat quickly dries out and then easily injured.
  2. Diseases of the throat, oral cavity, previously noted or existing at the moment: sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis. And also contributes to the emergence of discomfort pathology of the respiratory tract of acute or chronic course.
  3. Diseases of the teeth, periodontal tissues, mucous membranes during infection with fungi are often also the cause of changes in exhaled air. In the normal state, the oral mucosa contains a small amount of the fungus of the genus Candida. Under a number of conditions provoking the decline of the immune reactivity of the body and enhancing the action of pathogenic microflora, fungus activates and grows, candidiasis occurs. On the mucous membranes of the tissues and tongue appears white bloom, with a specific smell, causing discomfort.

Bad breath in children, which is not eliminated after hygienic procedures, may indicate various diseases or malfunctions in the body. This phenomenon is called "ozostomy" or "halitosis". The smell from the mouth is varied - sour, sweetish, putrid, yeast, acetone. If the child’s smell is permanent, it is a good reason to see a doctor.

Causes and elimination of sour smell from the mouth of a child under 1 year

In children infancy  the digestive system is still insufficiently formed, and the basis of their diet is milk, therefore in children under the age of 1 year it is considered the norm to have a light, pleasant milky smell from the mouth.

If it starts to smell more sharply and the smell becomes unpleasant, this may indicate that the child has increased acidity or reflux. This is not the only reason for the appearance of an unpleasant smell in children, so you should certainly show the child to the doctors.

If the baby eats breast milk

Most often it smells sour in infants. The diet of children of this age usually consists of breast milk. An imperfect digestive system in infants can sometimes provoke a fetid sour smell. This may occur after regurgitation and belching. Sometimes this smell may appear in the morning, but this is a feature of the human body. If the baby’s sour breath doesn’t pass, then this problem should not be ignored. The child should be examined immediately and find the cause of the stench from the mouth.

The sour smell appears due to the reproduction of microorganisms in the oral cavity, which inhabit the body of every living creature.

Microflora consists of both “good” and “bad” bacteria. There are more “good” microorganisms than “bad” ones, and when this balance is disturbed and the “bad” ones start to dominate, then an unpleasant smell appears. Reproduction of pathogenic bacteria can be caused by the following reasons:

  • weakness of the immune system;
  • the consequence of hypothermia;
  • fasting;
  • overeating;
  • overwork and fatigue;
  • Acute respiratory infections and colds.

Milk (“good”) bacteria begin to actively struggle for survival, as a result of which breath becomes stale, with pronounced sourness. Pleasant and unique smell baby  can spoil the sharp smell from his mouth, which can be caused by:

All these reasons are easily eliminated, it is enough just to correct the mother's diet, wash and moisten the nose, give the child a drink and the smell goes away. In the case of dysbacteriosis or other diseases, you should contact a pediatrician who will refer the child to specialized specialists.

If the baby is an "artificial"

Babies who are deprived of mother's milk and fed with special mixtures may have problems with bad breaths due to a lack of fluid in a small body or problems with the ENT organs. Often the cause of sour smell is a runny nose and inflammatory processes in the maxillary sinuses (sinusitis). Sour breath can also be provoked by sour food residues in a child’s mouth if parents do not properly follow oral hygiene.

"Artificial" as well as those babies who are breastfed often burp, especially the first months of their lives. It can also cause bad breath. It is important to ensure that the child receives the required amount of the mixture and does not overeat.

Poor hygiene as a factor in bad oral smell

Every person has been accustomed since early childhood that morning must begin with brushing and rinsing the mouth. Daily hygiene helps keep your teeth healthy, and the smell from your mouth - fresh and pleasant. To teach a child to take this procedure seriously can be started by teaching him from infancy.

If you do not follow the purity of the mouth of babies, then food debris in the mouth creates an ideal environment for the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. To follow the rules of hygiene is necessary from birth, even for those children who still do not have teeth. For this purpose, special silicone brushes designed specifically for this purpose have been developed. If such a device is not at hand, after each feeding should give the baby to drink clean water, which will wash off the remnants of milk or a mixture.

From the moment the first tooth erupts, the child’s oral hygiene becomes even more thorough, since we are already talking about the health of the teeth. It is a mistake to believe that if the baby teeth are damaged by caries, they will fall out, and the molars will be healthy. In the body, everything is interconnected, and it depends on the state of milk teeth how healthy permanent teeth will be.

Unpleasant smell diseases

If a child has an unpleasant smell from the mouth, this may be not only a result of improper or insufficient hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth, but also a symptom of various diseases.

To begin with, it is important to find out the reason why it smells so from the mouth in order to promptly start treatment and eliminate this defect. Diseases of the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract can provoke an unpleasant smell.

Caries and other dental problems

Stale breath is in any case a consequence of the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria. Often the center of the stench is in the mouth of the child. One of the most common causes of halitosis is tooth decay. In this case, the bacteria multiply in the affected areas of the teeth. Caries in young children may appear due to poor oral care or abuse of sweets and soda water.

This category of diseases should also include thrush (candidiasis) and stomatitis, which are also often found in babies up to a year old and a little older. Eliminate these unpleasant and painful diseases that cause an unpleasant sour smell by contacting a pediatric dentist and following all his recommendations and appointments.

Diseases of ENT organs

If the caries in the child is not detected as a result of a medical examination and the source of the stench is not found, the child should be shown to the otolaryngologist. The cause can also be diseases of the upper respiratory tract:

Diseases of the digestive tract

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also cause bad breath in a child. The most common are:

  • inflammatory processes in the stomach;
  • gastritis;
  • the initial stage of peptic ulcer disease;
  • the flow of bile into the esophagus (reflux);
  • helminth infection;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • dysbacteriosis and others.

Additional characteristic symptoms in the form of vomiting, nausea, heartburn, frequent eructations, various impurities in the feces, bloating, etc. may indicate gastrointestinal diseases. If you respond in time to the appearance of an unpleasant pungent smell from the child’s mouth, you can early stages  detect the development of serious diseases and start effective treatment, which increases the chances of success by several times.

Any adult remembers how nice it smells from young children. Milk. This lactic acid bacteria is working hard, which does not allow any germs to grow in the baby's mouth. However, this idyll is not always, the smell from the mouth of a child can be unpleasant. What is the reason, how to identify and eliminate the cause of try to understand. In general, caries are often considered to be the main cause of bad breath. But after all, such a nuisance happens with babies (babies), who have no teeth yet. So there are a lot of sources of bad smell, and today we will tell about the most common.

Causes of odor

Immediately it should be said that any person - an adult or a child - has a huge amount of bacteria in the mouth, most of which are not pathogenic. Pathogenic, or pathogenic, microorganisms in the presence of favorable conditions for their development multiply very quickly and cause various diseases in humans. As a result of a slight weakening of the immune system (as a result of medication, fatigue or stress), pathogenic microbes are activated, causing the appearance of a bad smell.

The odor from the mouth that occurs in the morning is also associated with bacteria. At night, the production of saliva is significantly reduced, which is an excellent reason for the reproduction of these microorganisms. From here and unpleasant morning plowing.

  • Food

Some types of food can ruin the freshness of breath for a long time. Eating foods with a strong and unpleasant odor invariably contributes to the appearance of bad breath in a child. This can be attributed with confidence:

  1. carbohydrate food, which causes the smell of decay due to its slow processing by the body.
  2. all kinds of fruits and vegetables that cause the fermentation process.
  3. onion and garlic.
  4. sweet food that helps the pathogens multiply.
  5. products that emit a specific odor during digestion (corn or cheese, for example).
  • Poor hygiene

There is no need to prove something. Improper or inadequate oral hygiene will invariably cause an unpleasant odor.

Note that children need to brush not only the teeth, but also the tongue. In “toothy” children, this can be done with a brush in the process of brushing your teeth; in infants, you can wipe it with wet gauze or clean it with a teaspoon.

Encourage your child to brush his teeth properly, cleaning out any gaps between them, and rinsing his mouth after eating.

  • Mouth breathing

Some kids somehow got used to breathe through their mouths. Because of this, the oral mucosa dries out, which also causes an unpleasant smell. The fact is that saliva is able to destroy microbes, and its absence is a very favorable factor for the reproduction of bacteria. Insufficient production of saliva may be a pathological condition of the body, and may occur as a result of dehydration or taking certain medications.

  • Stress

Constant excitement or being under stress can ruin the freshness of breathing, because in such situations saliva secretion is reduced.

  • Insufficient drinking

Oddly enough, this is one of the reasons for the appearance of a strong odor from the mouth of a child. By consuming a sufficient amount of fluid, your baby will rinse your mouth from food debris and improve the digestive process. Therefore, children over one and a half years should drink about 1.5 liters of water per day. Note - it is pure, spring water, and not juices or compotes!

  • Foreign body

Little researchers can stick anything in their nose. Before looking for the cause of an unpleasantly smelling mouth in something else, check the baby's nose. It is possible that you will find there a foreign body, which caused the smell.

  • Disruption of the digestive system

Indigestion and increased gas can cause a peculiar smell in the baby’s mouth, because the body accumulates gastric juice and changes the level of acidity. In children, these problems most often occur during periods of growth: in girls it is 6-7 years and 10-12 years, in boys - 4-6 years and 13-16 years.

  • Respiratory diseases

Tonsillitis (inflamed tonsils, glands) leads to the accumulation of actively multiplying pathogens, suppuration, the formation of mucus, and can often be accompanied by a very unpleasant odor.

Bronchitis. In the bronchi and bronchioles accumulates a large amount of sputum that comes out when coughing, which has an unpleasant odor.

A runny nose, infectious or allergic in nature, is always accompanied by a plentiful formation of purulent masses that break down under the action of bacteria and have an extremely unpleasant odor.

Bad smell as a symptom of the disease

Nasty bad breath can indicate the presence of certain diseases that have not yet manifested themselves in other ways.

  • Rotten smell

In most cases, inflammation of the stomach is accompanied by a rotten smell that appears in the mouth. The same smell can occur due to gastritis, problems with the esophagus, increased gas formation, dehydration with intestinal upset.

The smell of rotten eggs accompanies various liver diseases.

  • Sour smell

With increased acidity of the stomach, your child will emit a sour smell from his mouth. An acidic smell may indicate such troubles as the discharge into the esophagus of gastric juice.

  • Smell of rot

First on the list, of course, caries. But bad breath can appear as a result of such diseases as: periodontal disease, stomatitis, sore throat, periodontitis, herpes, pharyngitis and others.

Such a smell is caused by the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth or mucus in the nasopharynx. Smelt can smell and plaque on the tongue, the cause of which is able to find out only a specialist.

From the child can smell like rot and during a cold. The reason is simple - the same over-dried mouth (after all, the nose is stuffed up, we breathe incorrectly) and the mucus that has accumulated in the nose.

Inflammation of the adenoids often accompanies the smell of pus. Tonsils (glands) can accumulate in their folds the remnants of food, which also invariably leads to a bad smell.

The rotten smell comes from the baby and with low acidity of the stomach.

  • Sweet smell

Food rich in starch, antibiotics, radiation therapy and a temporary decrease in immunity can cause a fungal infection (candidiasis or), which is manifested by white spots in the mouth. The smell in this case will be sweet.

The sweet smell of raw liver is a sign of hepatitis or cirrhosis. The child's liver smells from the mouth and in other pathological conditions of this organ.

  • Ammonia smell

The smell of urine is an absolutely unpleasant phenomenon, but it can point to existing problems with the kidneys. The stronger the smell, the more problems accumulated in the body of the baby. There is such a smell because the function of the kidneys is impaired, and they are not able to remove waste products in full.

  • The smell of iodine

The smell of iodine from the mouth is observed in those babies whose bodies are supersaturated with this trace element. This may be due to a long stay at the sea, for example. Sometimes iodine odors in the mouth are caused by high sensitivity. child's body  to this substance or its intolerance. In any case, this breathing of your child should be the main reason for a complete examination of the thyroid gland.

  • Acetone smell

Often colds accompany the smell of acetone from the mouth in children. The same smell occurs with diabetes mellitus, acetonemic syndrome and problems with the thyroid gland. It is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • Other odors

The various “inhabitants” inhabiting the child’s body are also capable of causing bad breath. Here are meant pinworms, roundworm and Giardia.
  Even a metabolic disorder in the body can ruin the baby's breath. In such disorders, crumbs from the mouth will blow boiled cabbage or even manure.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant smell

First of all, the child should be examined (visit the ENT doctor, dentist, pediatrician) in order to exclude or confirm the presence of any of the diseases listed above. In this case, measures to eliminate bad breath will be reduced to the treatment of the disease.

If unpleasant smelling breath is not associated with the disease, then you must first remove the irritant and teach your child the rules of oral care.

  • We follow the rules of hygiene

From an early age, teach your baby to brush their teeth twice a day. Rinsing the mouth after eating should also become a habit for the baby. For greater pleasure, you can buy a baby in a pharmacy "delicious" conditioner or use decoctions of chamomile or sage. ( see links to articles above)

  • We limit sweet

We understand that for some it is almost impossible, but we must try. After all, the "pleasantness" of your child's breathing depends on your perseverance, and there will be little chance for caries. This does not mean that the child should forget about sweets forever. Not at all. You just need to try to replace them with natural products.

For example, any candy can be replaced with honey (in the absence of a child, of course). Also, instead of sweets, you can offer the child fruit. Excellent qualities for cleaning the mouth have ordinary apples.  In our case, any other acidic fruits are suitable, which increase the process of salivation and help eliminate the unpleasant smell.

  • Drinking mode

Observe it is necessary, and it is not discussed. Only here the choice of drinks must be approached with all responsibility. In the diet of the child should prevail natural products - fruit drinks, juices and tea. But it is best to use ordinary drinking water. Any carbonated drinks should be banned - they cause fermentation in the body and, accordingly, unpleasant smell from the mouth.

  • Psychological attitude

The problem of stale breath is very delicate and even painful for many children. Here it is important to create a positive attitude and focus on a good result. Explain to the baby that it is not he who is to blame for the problems, but the state of his body, and do not forget to mention the importance of brushing your teeth.

Try not to voice the problem in public, the child may have a complex or resentment towards you.

Now you know that the cause of a nasty smell from a child’s mouth can be both a serious disease and completely harmless temporary factors. In any case, it is urgent to identify the “culprit” of the bad smell and take timely measures to eliminate it. Remember that any disruption in the body of the baby, ignored, will bring you and your baby many problems in the future.


The pediatrician, Candidate of Medical Sciences, mother of three children Tatyana Prokofieva tells about the reasons for the smell.

Komarovsky tells

Well, for everyone, both children and adults, how to get rid of bad breath?

Each mother is anxious about the health of her child, so any changes in his condition cause her concern. And one of these changes in the body of the child is the appearance of bad breath.

Causes of Bad Breath in Children

Normally, in the oral cavity there is a large number of different microbes. Some of them are called conditionally pathogenic, i.e. does not cause the development of the disease in a healthy body. The second part is non-pathogenic, which does not cause the development of pathology under any circumstances. Those and others are in balance with each other. However, various factors, such as stress, starvation, fatigue, hypothermia, frequent colds, various disorders in the immune system, medication are the cause of the imbalance. And then conditionally - the pathogenic flora begins to be activated and causes the development of changes in the oral cavity.

Normally in children who are on breastfeeding  from the mouth should smell like milk, because At this age, lactic bacteria actively work in the body, which suppress the development of harmful microflora. Older children should also not have any bad or peculiar smell from the mouth and, when it suddenly appears, it is necessary to analyze the situation and try to understand why this happens.

If your child does not suffer from any chronic illness, do not rush to sound the alarm. Even in healthy children, altered breathing may occasionally occur. This is due to such reasons:
  - eating a certain character with a strong odor (garlic, onions, radish, some juices, cabbage). Often this smell accompanies the child the next day;
  - improper, unbalanced nutrition. The use of large amounts of protein foods contributes to putrefactive processes, because it is digested for a long time in the stomach. Abuse of large amounts of carbohydrates (fruits, grapes, legumes) leads to fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  - hard cheese during digestion causes the formation of sulfur compounds, which are released with exhaled air;
  - excitement, emotional stress cause a decrease in salivation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  - unwillingness of the child to brush teeth regularly and regularly;
  - the formation of plaque, which occurs when the delay of food particles in the folds of the mucous membrane of the tongue and tonsils, and as a result the development of putrefactive microbes;
  - Sweet food causes the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, which have a specific smell.

How to get rid of bad breath

If the parents and the child wish, these factors can be easily eliminated. To do this, eliminate or reduce the consumption of sweets. If there is no allergy to bee products, honey is useful instead of sugar. In parallel, you need to give your child more vegetables and fruits. Apples and carrots are especially good, they clean the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums, increase salivation.

Oral care is very important for fresh breath. Brushing your teeth and tongue should be at least 2 times a day, and better after each meal. During the day, pat your mouth after eating boiled water or infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula). Teach a child to use dental floss that cleans interdental spaces well. Older children are allowed to use special, alcohol-free compositions for rinsing the mouth. During serious agitation, suggest drinking more fluid. Such recommendations will allow for a few days to relieve your child from bad smell.

Diseases accompanied by bad breath

If all the conditions are met, and the bad breath is still persistently persistent, you need to consult a doctor for more serious reasons. To do this, it is necessary to determine and be able to describe to the doctor the characteristic of the smell, its similarity with a specific substance. This will help the doctor to guess which system of the body has failed. For example, for some diseases, specific symptoms are typical:

The smell of rotten eggs from the mouth with inflammation of the stomach, peptic ulcer
  sour smell when casting the contents of the stomach into the esophagus, with increased acidity of the stomach
  putrid odor in diseases of the esophagus and inflammation of the stomach with low acidity
  smell of acetone in diabetics
  ammonia smell in children with kidney disease
  sweet smell of raw liver with liver diseases
  smell of boiled cabbage or manure in children with hereditary metabolic diseases

If we talk about the causes of the pathological odor from the mouth, then there are many others.

This can be facilitated by the presence of adenoid vegetations in a child - growths of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx and its chronic inflammation. On their surface accumulates mucus, which has an unpleasant purulent smell. Enlarged adenoids impede the free passage of air into the respiratory tract through the nose, so the child begins to breathe through his mouth. The mucosa of the oropharynx dries out easily, and then it is injured.

Transferred or recurrent diseases of the throat and oral cavity (sore throats, stomatitis, pharyngitis), as well as acute and chronic respiratory diseases are accompanied by an unpleasant smell.

Caries of the teeth, inflammation of the gums, the oral cavity of the fungal nature are often the cause of altered breathing. Normally, on the mucous membranes of the human body there is a fungus of the genus Candida, which under certain conditions causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. This happens in the oral cavity. On the lips, gums, tongue appears white plaque, which has a specific smell and contributes to unpleasant sensations.

There are a few more reasons for bad breath:

To find out the cause of bad breath, first of all, you should contact a pediatrician who will talk with the mother and child, carefully examine the second one and draw up a survey plan, during which the child will be diagnosed with a particular pathology. Examination should include a study of blood, urine, feces, ultrasound of internal organs, consultations of narrow specialists.

Pediatrician Sytnik S.V.

The smell of breath in infants can occur for a number of different reasons - these are stressful situations and problems with the digestive system. Halitosis also appears in violation of hygiene rules (untimely cleaning of the teeth, dry mouth). After timely cleansing and moisturizing the symptoms may disappear.

What to do if the unpleasant smell appears constantly? The answer to this question is one - it is necessary to urgently consult a specialist, because halitosis is often the precursor of more serious diseases. A visit to the dentist to check the gums and teeth of the child is desirable. If everything remains unchanged, you will need the help of a pediatrician.

Varieties of smells and their causes

The smell of vinegar or acetone

If the child smells of chemical solvent from the child’s mouth, plus he has a fever, he should call an ambulance as soon as possible. Acetone odor may indicate acetone syndrome, which affects children of different age categories. Before the visit, the child should be given boiled water in a small amount, but often.

A faint smell of acetone from the mouth indicates the following problems:

  • possible disease of the renal system;
  • malfunction of the pancreas;
  • the appearance of worms;
  • the occurrence of dysbiosis;
  • first signs of diabetes.

Whatever it is, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Smell of rot

It occurs as a result of a lack of hygienic measures of the oral cavity or in the presence of angina, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. Along with an unpleasant smell, one can observe the presence of white bloom on the tongue, nasal congestion, and the appearance of cough.

Often putrid odor occurs when diseases of the digestive system, the appearance of stomatitis, as well as if the acidity of the stomach is reduced.

To eliminate the cause, it is necessary to turn to specialists, carry out a systematic cleansing of the oral cavity, ensure drinking mode.

Smell of pus

The appearance of this type of smell indicates chronic inflammation, an increase in the number of lymph in the nasopharyngeal cavity. When the tonsils are covered with bloom of pus, traffic jams appear, which serve as a source of bad smell. The process is accompanied by fever, the throat is covered with bloom, a runny nose, tongue lining occurs.

Parents need to take the child, especially if he is a newborn, to the pediatrician for examination. Perhaps he will be prescribed antibiotics. When the disease passes, an unpleasant smell will disappear along with it.


Increased acidity or the beginning of the process of inflammation in the stomach is often accompanied by the appearance of sour breath from the baby. In this situation, you will need the help of a gastroenterologist - perhaps the baby has gastritis.
  Sour and fermented milk smell can also occur due to the penetration of gastric juices into the esophagus. Accompanied by heartburn and pain in the hypochondrium.


The occurrence of liver disease is often accompanied by a cloying, sweet smell from the mouth. If you experience this symptom, you need to contact a gastroenterologist - it will help you decide on the disease.


The presence of the chemical component indicates problems with the digestive system, gall bladder.

The most common symptom occurs with biliary dyskinesia.


Increased bleeding of the gums, the occurrence of periodontal disease leads to the appearance of chlorine odor with a metallic impurity. Addressing the dentist, checking the gums and teeth will help get rid of the disease.


Often occurs with a high content of iodine in the body - it means you need to be examined by an endocrinologist. May cause malaise for many days rest in the sea climate, taking iodine preparations, the development of thyroid disease.

In infants, it may occur with Klebsiella. The bacterium is able to enter the body with poorly washed fruit, which leads to diseases of the stomach and intestines.


Poor bile flow results in a gallbladder odor from the mouth. It is necessary to consult a doctor for an ultrasound of the organs located in the abdominal cavity, and to pass the necessary tests.


Iron deficiency, causing anemia, leads to the appearance of metal taste and iron smell from the mouth. It is necessary to conduct a blood test and determine the level of hemoglobin.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the vitamin complex is prescribed, containing a sufficient amount of iron.

There are other reasons leading to its appearance: gastritis, increased acidity, dysbacteriosis, disease of the gastric system.


An unpleasant ammonia flavor indicates kidney problems or the onset of diabetes. Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, low insulin levels are the main causes of diabetes.


Smelling baby feces - an extremely rare phenomenon and is associated with heredity. It may occur when the metabolism is disturbed, and in acute intestinal dysbiosis.

The correct diagnosis can put an endocrinologist or a gastroenterologist.

The smell of hydrogen sulfide

Belching, accompanied by hydrogen sulfide odor, the appearance of white plaque - all this indicates a possible gastritis, ulcer, liver disease, disruption of the bile ducts.

If you find such symptoms, you must be examined by a gastroenterologist.


Candidiasis is accompanied by just such a smell. Diseases of the stomach - another reason for the appearance of yeast flavor. Install it can only be an expert, he will appoint the necessary examination.

Ways to troubleshoot the problem

Special measures are most often not required. It is necessary to periodically perform a thorough cleaning of teeth and gums, balance the food, reduce the consumption of sweets, provide the baby with enough drink. If everything is done correctly, the symptoms disappear on their own.

If the disease continues, you need to go for help to specialists.

Preventive measures

To prevent the appearance of unpleasant aromas, the following steps should be taken.

  1. To observe the hygiene of the oral cavity, brush the teeth of the baby 2 times a day, the first tooth is barely cut through. When a child learns to rinse his mouth, you can do it with herbs - for example, with chamomile.
  2. Adhere to a healthy diet. Baby breast  should eat the required amount of vegetables and fruits containing products of phosphorus and calcium.
  3. You can not eat sweets. Instead, you can give honey, if the baby is not allergic to him.
  4. Provide the child with drinking in the right quantity.
  5. Periodically visit the dentist.