How to stretch the nipple for feeding hands. Flat or retracted nipple. How to help the baby take the breast

Lactation question bothers everyone future mom. Many pregnant women have to listen to a lot of advice and comments on this issue, including relatively flat nipples. It is believed that this feature makes breastfeeding difficult. How true is this statement, and how can the situation be corrected?

Signs of

First, we note that it is necessary to distinguish between flat and inverted nipples. In the first case, they do not rise above the areola and do not respond to stimulation. At first glance, the inverted nipples may resemble flat ones, but when touched they go deep. Try it yourself to slightly press the areola on both sides with your fingers to check the reaction. Besides, flat nipples   at the time of feeding, they can slightly straighten up, and those drawn in will only go deeper inside.

How to stretch the nipples?

Breast preparation for nursing can begin during the gestation period. Just keep in mind that stimulation of the nipples leads to contractions of the uterus, which can cause premature labor. Therefore, any of these actions can be carried out only for a period after 38 weeks, after consulting with your doctor.

Manual nipple stimulation. Squeeze the nipple at the base of the index and thumb and gently pull. To change its shape, it is enough in the morning and in the evening for a few minutes to carry out a similar procedure. Also try scrolling your nipple one way or the other. It is important to be careful not to overdo it, because this area is very sensitive. Any painful sensations are unacceptable. Also keep your hands clean or use sterile gauze wipes. Another method of stimulation is a cold massage. Take an ice cube and roll it over the nipple to make it swell and stretch.

Nipple Covers. On sale there are two options for such devices. The first ones are silicone imitations of the nipples and are designed to prevent the occurrence of cracks during feeding. There is no consensus among doctors about the need to use them, but they do save many women by helping them to pull out the nipple. The main disadvantage is the obstruction of air access to the skin, so they cannot be worn for a long time.

The second format of the lining has the form of a hemisphere with small holes. Their main purpose is to collect dripping milk during lactation. They are considered safer because they do not interfere with the free circulation of air, and the breasts do not abate in them. Such pads can be used during pregnancy or between feedings, putting in a bra. They are made of soft silicone, so the discomfort is minimal. But, unfortunately, their effectiveness is somewhat lower.

Devices for pulling nipples. For these purposes, designed a special device with a piston. You can make it yourself from a syringe of the desired diameter, cutting off the front part of it. With the help of a piston, a vacuum is created, and the nipple is forcedly pulled forward. A breast pump can also help. It is perfect for women with flat nipples, as it helps to correct their shape due to the vacuum mentioned above. In addition, it is possible to stock up milk for the future, freezing it in sterile containers.

Feeding with flat nipples

Surely there will be advisers who will assure that the baby will not be able to grasp physically the nipples of an unusual shape. However, remember that success breastfeeding   primarily depends on the mood and confidence of the mother. If there is a doubt, then you can contact a breastfeeding counselor, who will tell you how best to organize this process.

First feeding. Attaching to the chest immediately after childbirth is very important, as it helps to establish emotional contact with the child and make sure that flat nipples do not interfere with successful lactation. The nipple itself only serves as a kind of "beacon" for the crumbs, and he sucks not his, but the areola. To make it easier for your baby to grab the breast, push down a little with your thumb near the pigmented area. Make sure that the baby’s nose and upper lip are in line with the nipple, and the mouth grasps most of the areola.

If for some reason the first feeding experience was unsuccessful, do not despair. Squeeze the milk and give the baby a spoon. In case of a nipple problem, do not use bottles or nipples. Their shape is somewhat different from the female breast, and the sucking process requires less effort. As a result, a baby who has tasted milk from a bottle, even once, may refuse to breast.

Emotional mood when breastfeeding is very important, because the production and discharge of milk is controlled by hormones, the effect of which directly depends on mood. Any stress, including caused by feelings about the shape of the nipples, blocks the production of oxytocin, which is responsible for excreting milk from the breast. As a result, the crumbs will be doubly harder to suck.

Before feeding, try to relax: listen to pleasant music or sit in silence. Stroke a breast or ask your spouse to give you a back massage. In addition, warm shower streams increase milk production. Any stimulation of the nipples will help them straighten, as well as start the process of producing oxytocin, which will facilitate sucking. If the room is not cold, then undress the baby and attach it to your naked chest or abdomen, this will allow you to establish a physical connection and tune in to lactation.

Only in a small percentage of cases do flat or inverted nipples prevent the baby from being fed. Do not give up if the first time did not work to give the child a breast. In a difficult situation, a breastfeeding consultant or maternity hospital staff may come to the rescue. Fight for lactation, because it is the key to the health of the crumbs.

Flat nipples not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the female breast. This feature of the body may lead to other troubles. During breastfeeding, the anatomical anomaly does not allow the child to take the breast normally, which disrupts the process of its feeding. A particularly difficult situation arises when the nipple is retracted.

Flat nipples not only spoil the aesthetic appearance of the female breast. This feature of the body may cause other troubles.

The irregular form forces parents to transfer the baby to artificial nutrition. This is one of the reasons why it is important to timely detect the problem and take all the existing methods to fix it.

Flat nipples can actually be sucked in. Check this feature is not difficult. External similarity disappears in the cold. Flat do not change their shape, if they have a mechanical or thermal effect. In the event that after being in the cold or after squeezing, the nipple is pulled inward even more, then it is considered to be drawn in.

The nipple may have a flat shape for various reasons:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • violation of the process of formation (growth) of the breast in the pubertal period;
  • constant compression of the chest tight underwear;
  • diseases of the mammary glands of various etiologies.

Some of the weaker sex are already born with this feature, while for other girls, the deformity appears over time. When the form does not change even after removing tight clothes or staying in the cold, it is recommended to consult a doctor for more detailed diagnostics.

To date, there are several different methods by which you can give the perfect breast shape. Surgical plastics is resorted to only in extreme cases when conservative therapy does not produce results.

  Flat nipples can actually be pulled

There are several degrees of inversion. In order to carry out the test, you must remove all the clothes to the waist and stand in front of a mirror. Need to put thumb   just above the nipple, and index located under the halo. Next, fingers need to squeeze the chest for a few seconds. The intensity of depression should not be great. The girl should not feel pain. To determine the degree of inversion, you need to monitor the response of the breast to a given mechanical effect.

  1. Grade 1 is characterized by a gradual return of the nipple to its former position after pressing. For some time it will be convex. Under these circumstances, the need for treatment rarely arises. The nipple is easy to pull out, which does not create problems in the process of breastfeeding. The abnormal structure itself can be triggered by a small proliferation of connective tissue inside the chest. Such changes do not require surgical intervention, but it is recommended to consult a doctor in more detail.
  2. For the 2nd degree peculiarity of the nipples is characteristic, which occurs with pressing of medium intensity. If you weaken the compression, the form immediately becomes the same. Inversion 2nd degree can be a problem during breastfeeding. It is recommended to start therapy immediately after the pathology is diagnosed. The reason for this feature of the structure may be hiding behind moderate fibrosis.
  3. At the 3rd degree, there is no reaction to compression, or the nipple is even more drawn inward. This anomaly makes it impossible to breastfeed the baby. In addition, significant fibrosis is at high risk of infection and development of the inflammatory process.

Flat and inverted nipples (video)

Professional diagnostics

If, after self-diagnosis, suspicions or obvious signs of anomalous structure appear, it is not recommended to try to take any action on your own. Initially, you should visit the doctor. A qualified specialist can easily determine the degree of inversion. Additionally, you will need to answer a number of questions, for example, how long have nipples become flat or is pain present. If the need arises, a more detailed study, such as mammography, can be prescribed.

When diagnosing grade 1–2, if there are no other serious health problems and the woman is comfortable with her breast shape, a specialist may recommend manual techniques for correcting anatomical abnormalities as prevention. These methods of correction can be practiced at home. If the flat nipple was seen already at the stage of carrying a child or after its birth, therapy should not be carried out independently. During pregnancy, any stimulation of this part of the breast affects the tone of the uterus. If manual therapy is not performed properly, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature delivery.

The presence of the 3rd degree of inversion requires a special approach to solving the problem.

  If after self-diagnosis there are suspicions or obvious signs of anomalous structure, it is not recommended to take any action on your own.

Manual nipple pulling methods

Manual exposure at grade 1–2 pathology gives positive results, provided that all medical prescriptions are followed. Well proven method Hoffman.

Before performing any exercise, it is necessary that the hands and body be clean. The room where the therapy will be performed must be warm. This will allow the woman to relax.

To perform the first exercise, you will need to cross your arms over your chest so that the fingers of your right hand take the left nipple and the fingers of your left hand take the right one. Next you need to alternately stretch the nipples in different directions. Initially, exercise is performed 2 times a day, gradually increasing the amount up to 5 times. With the presence of adhesive processes inside the nipple, such manual therapy will allow to get rid of them, and the deformation will disappear.

Any manual technique will be effective only with its regular implementation. Therefore, before sexual intercourse, you can ask your sexual partner that he should give more attention to the breast. But stimulation should not be excessive, that is, cause pain sensations.

You can independently influence the nipples throughout the day, as soon as the opportunity arises. You need to take the index and thumb of the nipple and twist it a little.

Chest cups

To give this part of the chest the correct anatomical shape, manual exercises can be supplemented using special devices. Chest cups can be purchased at the pharmacy or in stores for pregnant women and young mothers.

Nozzles on the nipples are presented in the form of concave discs, which are made of soft material, which once again does not hurt the chest. In the center of the nozzle has a hole in which you want to put the nipple. The structure of the breast cups is such that they themselves will contribute to the stretching of tissues. Some women are advised not to remove them, even in the process of feeding the baby, if their nipples immediately after removing the disc becomes flat.

Lining can be worn under clothing. If the fabric of clothing is dense, then they will not stand out on the general plan even in the absence of a bra. During the purchase of chest cups should pay attention to the size of the holes. There are several types of products. Some models are designed specifically for women with inflamed nipples.

If it becomes necessary to stretch the flat shape due to the lack of the possibility of normal breastfeeding, then it will be necessary to put on the lining no later than 30 minutes before the start of feeding.

Despite the fact that chest cups are used to normalize the process of lactation, wear them all the time is not recommended. It is necessary that the epidermis also receive enough oxygen and the blood circulation process is not disturbed. If a rash appears at the point of contact between the cups and the skin, you should stop using them. Cover plates must always be kept clean.

Unusual nipple shape (video)

Breast pump or syringe

Flat nipples can be pulled out with the help of a breast pump. Especially convenient method will be for those women who breastfeed the baby. The use of this device will make it possible to avoid stagnant milk, will stimulate lactation, and also correct the shape of the nipples.

The flange of the breast pump is leaned against the breast so that the nipple is fully captured and located in the center of the lining. This point should be considered when buying a device. If the flange will not be able to completely capture the entire halo, then in addition to the lack of a positive result from the procedure being performed, the woman will experience pain.

After the flange is attached to the chest, you need to press on the breast pump. If the device is electric, then choose the appropriate pumping mode, which does not cause discomfort in the nursing mother. Strained milk can be given immediately to the child if sterilization of the bottles and other details of the breast pump has been previously carried out.

An alternative to the previous version is a syringe, the volume of which is not less than 10 ml. The calculation is based on the size of the nipple. Before use, the syringe must be cut from the side of the needle. Its diameter should allow to fully capture the nipple. The cut side is applied to the chest and slowly delays the piston. The pressure created will force the flat nipple to stretch forward. The piston is tightened until the woman feels discomfort.

In order to remove the syringe, you will need to relieve the pressure. It is necessary to slightly push the piston in the opposite direction, and the chest is easily released. A syringe, like a breast pump, requires constant and thorough care.

  Flat nipples can be pulled out with a breast pump.

Nipple correctors

Proofreaders are special caps that are put on the chest and are used in any convenient place. They work on a similar principle with a breast pump or syringe.

Before you put on the corrector, carry out all the necessary sanitary and hygienic measures. The breast is smeared with a special gel and only then a cap is applied. A syringe is inserted into the existing valve and air is drawn off. The gel applied earlier makes skin adhesion more reliable.

The syringe piston needs to be moved carefully so as not to cause pain. As soon as the nipple becomes convex, the air pumping stops. Initially, wearing a corrector is recommended no more than 2 hours. Time increase gradually. The maximum residence time overlays on the nipples is 8 hours. In order to remove the corrector, you will need to break the vacuum by pressing the valve. The noticeable results of such treatment will be visible in a few weeks.


If there is a flat nipple structure that is not amenable to conservative adjustment methods, a surgical method of solving the problem is recommended to the woman. Thanks to advances in modern medicine, it has now become possible to carry out surgical correction without damaging the milk ducts.

Surgical treatment does not apply to particularly dangerous procedures and is performed under the influence of local anesthesia. The woman does not even need hospitalization, everything can be done on an outpatient basis. Return to everyday life will be possible in two days.

Surgical correction of the shape of the nipples is carried out after all the necessary data on the patient's general health status have been collected.

The success of such treatment is almost always positive. The exceptions are those cases when complications occur in the postoperative period. As a rule, they are caused by improper care of the operated area.

How to feed the future baby, how to prepare the breast for breastfeeding is a question that many mummies are interested in, especially those for whom this is the first birth. To make the feeding process as comfortable as possible for you and your baby, there are several recommendations on how to prepare your breasts for feeding. You need to start training during pregnancy. Special attention to preparatory procedures should be given to women with a flat, retracted nipple shape and an overly sensitive breast.

Any manipulation of the breast requires prior consultation with a doctor. He will talk about the methods of preparation for feeding that are right for you, and also help to avoid the most common mistakes among young moms.

What is your nipple shape?

Some moms who have flat nipples or inverted nipples start to panic that this will somehow interfere with feeding, which will be uncomfortable for the baby. In fact, it does not hurt. You just need to prepare the nipples in advance.

The first thing to do is check the form. Perhaps your suspicions are unfounded, and the form is all right. Take the nipple halo with two fingers (index and big) and press down slightly - if the nipple is pulled in, then the shape is not quite right, if the nipple protrudes forward - it is convenient for feeding the baby. Also, a normal nipple is pulled forward by the action of cold and acquires a convex shape, retracted - it is drawn into the areola, flat - does not change form at all.

Flat or inverted nipples

  • Massage. But it is in your power to change it slightly so that it is more convenient to feed the baby. A quite effective method is massage. The first and simplest is stretching and twisting the nipples. With two fingers, gently pull out the nipple, slightly twisting it. Probably, there is no need to remind that at the same time hands should be cleaned and nails cut and filed? But do not overdo it - the skin on them is very delicate, you can damage it. Also too much twisting of the nipples can cause increased uterine tone.

There is also a method of Hoffman, which can be used to pull the nipple. Two thumbs need to be placed at the base of the nipple and start soft rubbing movements with one finger up, the other down, then to the side. Thus, the adhesions at the base of the flat (or retracted) nipple weaken, and it is brought out. Recommended to do this exercise   several minutes 2-5 times a day. This method is a bit controversial, some experts consider it effective, others strongly oppose it.

  • Special bra with special inserts and correctors nipples.   Bra gradually changes the shape of the nipples, making them more convex. Also in the pharmacy, you can find special correctors that operate on the principle of a pump. But often they can not be worn - start wearing correctors a month before the birth of the child for about 5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 30 minutes, and before you engage in such procedures, consult with a specialist. After the baby is born, continue to wear the correctors before feeding for 15 minutes. Proofreaders and pads press on the areola area and help the nipple to stretch.

  • The third method is the breast pump. Use it after the start of feeding, but consult in advance if you have any contraindications for pumping. It also helps nipple stretching.

In no case do not listen to "advisers", recommending to move to bottle feeding   if the shape of the nipples is too flat (do not use a pacifier and a bottle with a nipple for additional feeding. Remember that in the case of inverted nipples, after the bottle with the nipple, you will definitely have to deal with the “nipple confusion” of your baby;). Even if you did not have time to prepare the breast for feeding before the birth of the baby - do not worry, the crumb will do everything himself. In the process of feeding the movements of the lips, he will gradually change the shape of the nipples. In this case, try to use bottles, nipples and pacifiers to a minimum.

What to do with nipple hypersensitivity

Nipples with hypersensitivity make every feeding a torture. You are distracted by the unpleasant sensations, and this interferes with comfortable feeding the baby. Getting rid of the problem will help preliminary training nipples. There are several ways to do this.

  1. Bra from coarse fabric. The fabric should not be too hard, so as not to injure the skin, but it is coarse enough to help the halo to get rid of excess sensitivity.
  2. Walk more often without a bra - every day for 10-15 minutes, arrange air baths for your breasts (walk bare-chested around the apartment). You can go to the nearest store without a bra - 10-15 minutes just enough. In warm weather, you can bare the chest on the street in their summer cottage.
  3. Another way is a massage with imitation of baby feeding. Take the nipple with two fingers, squeeze slightly and start to pull. But do not press on the mammary glands too much - the body may seem that the time of feeding has already begun.
  4. Do not rub the nipples and do not apply lotions containing alcohol! These manipulations break the protective layer of the areola and injure the nipples.

Even if you do not have any problems with nipples, there are several recommendations for preparing them for feeding, which should be followed:

  • Try to avoid getting soap on the nipples, so as not to overdry the skin - wipe the halo with a damp towel;
  • During pregnancy, the breasts increase in size. To keep your chest from drooping, you need to wear a properly selected bra. It should not squeeze the chest, preventing proper blood circulation. It is recommended to choose underwear with wide straps made of breathing hypoallergenic natural materials;
  • Breast skin care. Breast preparation for nursing includes proper skin care. In the later stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the use of aggressive cosmetics, leading to drying of the epidermis;
  • Compresses. You can make natural decoctions of oak bark or strong black tea, moisten cotton wool in the solution and apply to the halo for a few minutes. It strengthens them and prevents the appearance. Repeat the procedure several times a day;
  • Hardening For the future mom, it is very important to harden the breast, since it is in constant tension when feeding. The easiest way is air baths. You can also pour cold water on your chest. Gradually reduce the temperature - it is impossible to start pouring on the nipples of ice water from the first procedures. Pouring the chest alternately with cool and warm water has a tonic effect. Another way is to wipe the chest with ice cubes. You can make a frozen decoction of chamomile, oak or a series that is useful for the skin of the nipple halo. Ice can not be held for a long time to prevent hypothermia;
  • Special bra. Its shape is specifically designed to prepare the female breast for feeding the baby. When wearing such a bra avoid tight and too tight clothes;
  • Massage. Periodically massage the breast, making circular movements around the breast. This increases blood flow and prevents pain during feeding ();
  • Communication with the doctor and other moms. The waiting period of the baby is very exciting. Many questions arise in my head, including how the feeding will take place. You can talk about this with your doctor. Ask him about everything that interests you. Also try to talk about this topic with other moms, ask about the problems they have encountered, and learn from their experience. You can go to special classes for young mummies, where you will be shown how to properly attach the baby to the breast, how to prepare it for feeding and how to take care of it after that.

If during pregnancy you responsibly approached preparing your breasts for future feeding, after the birth of the crumbs the process will be comfortable and painless for you. As soon as the baby is born, he will feel the maternal warmth, and your body will start the processes responsible for the production of milk.

How to keep breast shape

  • It is recommended to wear a special bra, as during pregnancy. It is impossible that he squeezed the chest. Excessive squeezing of the mammary glands can lead to the fact that milk disappears completely. Do not buy it “for growth” - it is better to get a new one every time the breast increases or decreases. It is advisable to buy a bra with wide straps;
  • Do special exercises. Squeeze out from the floor or wall, squeeze any object with your palms, placing them inside with each other, as during prayer, cross your arms in front of you. But exclude jumping and running for a while;
  • Do not sleep on your stomach when the breast is filled with milk;
  • Do not try to lose weight dramatically in the first time after the birth of the child;
  • Feed your baby in the correct position ();
  • Do regular breast massage with natural oils.

What not to do

  • Rub the breast with a rough cloth, a towel, put a rough cloth in the bra (so that the nipples become less sensitive), as doctors advised a few decades ago,   can't   . From this, the skin around the nipples is erased and cracked. Nature originally made female breast   ready to feed the baby, you only need to slightly adjust, if necessary, some moments for personal comfort and ease of feeding your baby;
  • It is impossible to force, massage the nipples, as well as expose them to too much manipulation in the later stages, otherwise you can cause an increased uterus tone and provoke premature birth;
  • Smear the nipples with cream too. Natural breast lubrication is produced independently - this is enough. Do not trust the beautiful jars in stores and pharmacies with the inscription "cream for softening nipples" - this is a skillful marketing ploy. An exception - the cream may be necessary if cracks have appeared on the nipples, but subject to prior consultation with a doctor. Also do not use alcohol lotions.

Video consultation

Do I need to prepare the breast for feeding the baby? What myths surround breast preparation for breastfeeding? Need to rub the nipples cloth during pregnancy so that they are hardened? What causes nipple cracks? What you need to know and what to be ready before you begin to breastfeed? Do I need to smear the breast to prepare it for feeding? Why breastfeeding hurts?

Our newborn daughter does not suck her mother's breast, because she cannot grab the nipple, since it is completely flat. She tries, but only gasps in her mouth and, disappointed, begins to act up. Given that the mother has enough milk, the child has to be fed expressed from a bottle. It bothers me, because I would very much like to establish normal breastfeeding, but, alas, we haven’t yet found another way out. Tell me what you can do in this situation. I would be grateful for any useful advice.

Answer: Flat or retracted nipple. How to help the baby take the breast?

The nipple just before feeding can be formed using a breast pump or special silicone linings. When the breast pump starts to work, it pulls out not only the milk streams, but also the nipple itself. The lining has the shape of an “ideal nipple” at all, and the girl will easily be able to clasp her mouth and suck her breast, but through the lining. After a few minutes, you can try to quickly remove the cover and put an already stretched nipple on my mother’s breast into the baby’s mouth.

In addition, you definitely need to exclude from use a bottle with a nipple. Even if it is not immediately possible to achieve the formation of a nipple, and for some time you will use expressed milk, feed your daughter from a spoon. It is necessary to adhere to the rule: “Only a breast can suck a baby!” Neither a pacifier, nor a nipple on a bottle, but only a breast, even if it is not quite convenient for this.