Sore lower abdomen as during menstruation. How to normalize well-being during menstruation. Pain - a signal to run to the doctor

Very often women have a stomach ache as during menstruation, but they are still far away. Such discomfort can occur with ovulation, and is called ovulatory pain. Many women reproductive age  there are similar pain in the abdomen.

Causes of pain

At the beginning of each menstrual cycle, when it is still far to menstruation, in the right or left ovary, the process of follicle formation begins. A follicle is a component of the ovary that consists of an egg cell. In the first cycle of menstruation, 1 follicle matures and by the end of the second week of the menstrual cycle, it looks like a vial with a liquid, rather large in size. After a time, the egg is released from the follicle, breaking its wall. This may be the cause of discomfort in the stomach, at a time when "these days" are far away.

Also, when the wall of the follicle is broken, bleeding is possible. Small vessels are usually damaged and heavy bleeding does not occur. But in some cases a large vessel is torn. This can lead to a large outflow of blood into the abdominal cavity. Therefore, if the stomach hurts, and before menstruation is still far away, you should consult a doctor. After inspection, it will be clear if there is any threat or approach of menstruation is a normal reason for discomfort.

Duration of pain

Pain before menstruation can last from about a couple of minutes to several hours. In very rare cases, a woman experiences discomfort throughout the day. The pain can be both dull and acute. If the time period of pain has passed far over a day and is accompanied by nausea and fever, you should immediately consult a doctor.


During the initial examination, not every doctor will be able to accurately determine the cause of abdominal pain.

Therefore, the source of the discomfort associated with the approach of menstruation is determined on the basis of:

  1. female complaints of lower abdominal pain (especially physical exertion) weakness, bloody discharge;
  2. analysis of the history of the disease (monthly);
  3. analysis of menstrual function (the cycle cycle, duration, regularity, pain, etc.);
  4. general examination and palpation, that is, feeling the abdomen;
  5. basal temperature results (temperature in the vagina and rectum). During the period of ovulation, the temperature in these organs rises by one degree or slightly more. This may serve as an indirect confirmation that the painful sensations are associated with the onset of menses;
  6. examination of the pelvic organs by the method of ultradiagnosis.


Pain before menstruation is not considered a disease. Therefore, medicine does not provide for any treatment.

Not every woman has a high pain threshold. Therefore, such discomfort can limit it.
performance and she will not be able to go far and long. The doctor may prescribe special medications that relieve spasms. Also recommended:

  1. sexual abstinence (except for pregnancy planning);
  2. avoid heavy physical exertion.

In the vast majority of cases, similar pain in the abdomen to menstruation, women experience for 1-3 days. After that, the pain goes away.

Abdominal pain can manifest for various reasons, and they do not always mean deviation from the norm. Much depends on the time of the cycle in which they appear, accompanying the painful sensations of the phenomenon, the presence of any diseases. Consider the main reasons for which pulls the stomach and there is discomfort.

It occurs somewhere between 14 and 16 in the afternoon before the expected start of the next cycle and manifests itself in different ways. Spotting white discharge, sore nipples, increased sexual desire is all signs of ovulation.

  • If the lower abdomen pulls, as with menstruation, but before the menstruation is even more than a week - most likely, this is the body's response to the release of a ripe egg.
  • If the pain manifests as a slight indisposition, it is quite natural. Most of the time, it’s not the entire stomach that hurts, but only one side, where the ovary is located, in which ovulation occurs.


Sometimes during pregnancy, the lower abdomen pulls, as before, with menstruation, but there is no discharge, the pain is not very pronounced. You should not be afraid of this kind of pain: the uterus of a woman is a muscular organ, and the stretching of muscles, which inevitably occurs during pregnancy, cannot be painless.

If the pain is not severe and short-lived, then there is no need to worry, but with acute or long-lasting pain, it is better to immediately consult a doctor to exclude the possibility of termination of pregnancy.

On early terms pregnancy may have various complications, including due to fluctuations in hormonal levels. If the lower abdomen pulls, and there are no menstruations, you need to do a pregnancy test, and even better, go for a consultation to the gynecologist and pass the hCG test.

If the test or analysis is positive, then most likely, the pulling pain is a sign of hormonal disturbances and there is a threat of a pregnancy failure. If the nagging pain is accompanied by brown or bloody discharge, then hospitalization should take place immediately - there is a risk of miscarriage.

It also happens that there is no discharge and the test gave a negative result, but the pain continues, there is no menstruation. In this case, you should pass the analysis of hCG as soon as possible, and if it shows a positive answer, then, most likely, the ectopic pregnancy.

Gynecological diseases

If pregnancy and indisposition due to ovulation are excluded, and the lower abdomen pulls strongly and the pain does not subside within 1-2 days, you can suspect a gynecological disease. For the diagnosis will need to consider the following factors:

  • Is there any discharge from the vagina - they can be brown, brown, graybloody; with a sharp unpleasant smell  or without it.
  • Is the body temperature elevated?
  • Is pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  • Is there a burning sensation in the vagina, discomfort during urination and sexual intercourse.

Depending on the presence of accompanying pain symptoms, the gynecologist will be able to make a diagnosis. These can be genital inflammatory processes, cystitis, sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, etc.). At the same time, inflammation manifests itself in increased temperature, wandering pains in different sides of the abdomen, and not just below. And STDs always give a burning sensation in the vagina, abnormal discharge, itching and pain when urinating or having intercourse.

Perhaps the disease is not related to gynecology - it can be intestinal diseases (especially if there is nausea and vomiting). If the pain increases, sometimes worsens, appendicitis should be excluded.

After sex

Pulling pain in the abdomen may occur after sex. Afraid of this phenomenon is not worth it, it is regarded as a variant of the norm. Any sexual intercourse is a small injury to the vaginal mucosa, and sometimes, especially after rough sex, these injuries are stronger than usual.

There comes a nagging, pulling pain, perhaps even the appearance of brown spotting secretions that appear if the integrity of the mucous membrane was broken (this is coagulated blood). To raise the alarm because of such pains is not worth it - just to be a little more careful next time.

So, most cases when a woman pulls the lower abdomen, requires consultation with a gynecologist, and possibly - and subsequent treatment. If the pain does not subside, aggravates, then you should immediately go to the doctor.

It hurts the lower abdomen as during menstruation during pregnancy

Planning to be a mother. every woman worries about her health. If conception has occurred, and the pregnancy is desired, the woman listens to any signal from the body. The first sign that the desired event has come may be abdominal pain during pregnancy, as in menstruation. Every woman knows what it is, but the difference is only in the intensity of pain. Can painful sensations talk about conception or cause something else?

When not to worry?

Pain in the lower abdomen, as with menstruation, is considered by many to be a harbinger of swift bloody discharge, but in reality such a phenomenon is a completely different signal. After fertilization, the egg cell looks for a comfortable place after its introduction into the uterine mucosa. This process is quite important and long, because here the egg has to grow nine months. When the fetus settles in the abdominal cavity of the mother, pain occurs as during menstruation during pregnancy.

Often the process of finding a convenient place lasts for several days, in its process there is the likelihood of small bleeding, similar to menstruation. Sometimes pregnancy comes out spontaneously in the form of menstruation, and the girl does not even suspect about its existence.

Non-painful pains during pregnancy as with menses occur when:

There are also those reasons that should cause alarm and urgently run to the hospital.

Pain - a signal to run to the doctor

During pregnancy, the stomach hurts like during menstruation, which is a serious reason for going to the doctor immediately. Postpone the campaign is not worth it, because such an unpleasant symptom occurs in the case of:

  1. Fading pregnancy. The fetus has ceased to develop, it happens most often at 8-16 weeks. At this time, nausea passes, appetite reappears, chest becomes soft. Such precursors do not always force to go to the doctor. The body, on its own, tries to get rid of the frozen fetus, so it pulls up the stomach as during menstruation during pregnancy and the sensations turn into unbearable pain. This symptom will not be able to ignore, especially since the spasms are constantly increasing, there is a small spotting.
  2. Spontaneous miscarriage. Very often in the early stages spontaneous abortion also happens, the reasons for which are as follows: viruses and infectious diseases, malfunctioning of the hormonal system, early abortions, stresses and other pathologies. In the abdomen there are pulling sensations during miscarriage.

Pain before childbirth

Before the baby should be born, it also often pulls the belly. But the pains most often resemble contractions, their intensity then increases, then subsides. This is a harbinger of a speedy start. generic activity. How to distinguish them from pathology, why in 38 weeks the stomach hurts like during menstruation?

Pain in the stomach during pregnancy as during menstruation

Why does the stomach ache during pregnancy, as with menstruation

The stomach hurts during pregnancy as during menstruation - this complaint of expectant mothers is an indication for some preventive actions. Especially if besides painful sensations bloody discharge from the genital tract appear. This happens with the threat of miscarriage. We will understand in more detail when it is worth going to a doctor or even to call an ambulance, what kind of emergency help you can find yourself.

Why does a stomach ache during pregnancy as during menstruations usually ask young girls. Perhaps they didn’t even plan a pregnancy and were sure that menstruation would begin, there were all signs of its early onset, including painful sensations in the uterus area. But there is still no bleeding, but the pregnancy test produces a second strip.

Many women believe that when a pregnancy comes the stomach hurts as before menstruation in the first weeks and this is the norm. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Of course, barely noticeable discomfort is unlikely to lead to miscarriage, but severe spasms of the muscular layer of the uterus can even provoke the detachment of the ovum. But if during pregnancy in the days of menstruation a stomach ache is not the norm. Although this may be, according to statistics, more often in 4,8,12 weeks of pregnancy.

The most effective remedy The fight to preserve pregnancy is vaginal or oral administration of the drug progesterone. It is the lack of this hormone that leads to detachment of the ovum and strain of the uterus. But in a matter of minutes or hours, the drug will not help. Therefore, doctors tell their patients who have a lower abdomen pain as during menstruation, what to do is to take two tablets “No-shpy” and rectally use the candle “Papaverina hydrochloride”. Plus physical and sexual peace.

Don't worry if u future mom  The uterus painlessly stiffens. And it happens irregularly and lasts a short time, without causing physical discomfort. This kind of muscle tension does not harm the child and does not lead to the opening of the cervix. After 30 weeks this is generally the norm, these are the so-called preparatory fights of Braxton Higgs.

Causes of pain as during menstruation during pregnancy in the early stages can sometimes be caused by severe swelling of the intestine, which squeezes the uterus. Less often, and at any time, such uterine fibroids of large sizes lead to such pains.

Call an ambulance should be if there was bloody discharge from the genital tract. At the same time, if you have 1-2 days of delaying menstruation and such discharge appeared, you need to be prepared that the ambulance will not come, as the fact of pregnancy has not yet been established by doctors, and your symptoms will be treated as regular periods. If they, of course, will not be too heavy (if not 1 strip per hour gets wet), or the pain will not be unbearable. But such a rarity in very early pregnancy. More often, everything ends in miscarriage, and the woman does not even suspect that she was pregnant, if a pregnancy test was not done.

If you have a longer period, 2 or more weeks of delaying menstruation, and you have already been to the doctor, then you know for sure that you are likely to be taken to hospital, the department of pregnancy pathology. Spotting may indicate a partial detachment of the ovum. This is a threat, but not yet a miscarriage. If the bleeding is strong, from the cervical canal will seem gestational egg  - save the pregnancy will be impossible.

Many girls and women are faced with the fact that the lower abdomen hurts like during menstruation, but they are not. Remember that to leave such a symptom without attention is categorically impossible, because not in all cases it is not so harmless.

To understand whether such pain is related to pregnancy, you need to visit a specialist from the antenatal clinic as soon as possible. It is likely that the doctor will determine the reason that you have a stomach ache when ovulation occurs.

What causes pain

Pain during ovulation, during the formation of the cycle, according to statistics, more than one-fifth of the women experience. Usually, the reason for this type of discomfort is that a follicle rupture is needed to release an egg. It is he who provokes such pains.

Later certain time  monthly already acquire regularity, and then the lower abdomen with time ceases to hurt itself, without any intervention of a specialist. However, if you can no longer tolerate, you can eliminate the problem and ensure the normalization of the cycle.

How to normalize well-being during menstruation

In this case, it may be useful special drugs, which are ways to normalize hormonal levels, as well as the menstrual cycle. Also, they often normalize severe bleeding during menstruation and reduce the level of their pain.

Sometimes these are homeopathic preparations, but in any case, before using any of them, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

Is pregnancy possible?

If you feel severe pain  in the stomach, however, you don’t have menstrual periods, you don’t need to sweep away the pregnancy option. The primary easy way to determine this is to do a pregnancy test.

Having received the results of a positive nature, go to the gynecologist, as such painful sensations that are characteristic of menstruation, can talk about improving the tone of the uterus.

Such a condition may cause spontaneous abortion. Therefore, of course, it is important that the pregnancy process is monitored by a doctor, watching the pregnant woman and, if necessary, prescribing toning up with special medications. Also, in the presence of pain, similar to menstrual, you need to prevent the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

What other causes can cause pain?

Do not forget that the strong pain in the abdomen and spasms that do not depend on menstruation can be symptoms of certain diseases, which can be very serious.

If pregnancy is excluded, there is no menstruation, and the pain continues, then it is likely that we are talking about an ovarian cyst.

Among these types of problems, the corpus luteum cysts are most common, as well as follicular cysts.

Almost always, such problems are quite easy to cure completely in a few months. If the pain is very prolonged, then we can talk about the risk of ovarian cancer.

Also a source of the problem can be autoimmune diseases of the pelvic organs.

Of course, the main cause of lowering abdominal pain may not be as serious as indicated above, however, this issue requires control.

Anyway, do not ignore such a symptom. Do not forget that going to the gynecologist on time will help eliminate many serious risks and maintain your health.


Often a woman turns to the doctor with complaints that she has. There are various reasons why it hurts in this area. In some cases, it can be quite physiological manifestations. In others - serious illness, even with a threat to life.

One of the common causes is premenstrual syndrome. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation, it also manifests itself as emotional lability, nausea, headaches, pressure fluctuations.


During pregnancy, the appearance of discomfort in the lower abdomen, resembling menstruation, is due to different reasons:

  • physiological;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • threat of interruption;
  • premature birth.

The occurrence of such a symptom in a pregnant woman always requires close attention.

Within about 1-2 two weeks after fertilization, the embryo implants in the uterus. Sometimes this is accompanied by a feeling of soreness in the lower abdomen, as well as by smearing brown secretions and is not a pathology.

In the second trimester, pain in the lower abdomen is caused by constipation, which occurs due to errors in the future mother's diet.

Pain in the lower abdomen and sides in the late period of pregnancy is disturbed by the growth of the uterus and stretching of the anterior abdominal wall, the peritoneum. Unpleasant sensations bring careless movements, turns, sharp rising. Increases the load on the back and there are pain in the lower back, reminiscent of menstrual pain.

Pathological manifestations

In a woman who lives sexually, the next menstruation may begin with the appearance of brown discharge, pain in the abdomen of a pulling nature, in the lower back, back. This is often a sign of ectopic pregnancy.

A terrible symptom is the appearance of a sharp pain in the lower abdomen, pallor, pressure drop. These are signs of ectopic pregnancy. This pathology is a condition requiring emergency care.

If in the late period of pregnancy hurts the lower abdomen, there are brown discharge, contractions, these are signs of premature birth or placental abruption.

Urinary tract infections

One of the reasons for imitating pain, as in menstruation, are infectious inflammation of the urinary system. When cystitis hurts lower abdomen above the pubis. This pathology is characterized by increased pain during the filling of the bladder. A woman is worried about frequent painful urination, urine becomes cloudy due to impurities of pus.

When jade pain occurs in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, the general state of health worsens, nausea, vomiting, marked fever. The pain can be dull, dull, paroxysmal. Urine becomes the color of meat slop or becomes dark, like beer.

Hormonal disorders

Malfunction of the endocrine glands (hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, disorders of the pituitary gland) or hormonal medication, chosen incorrectly, often causes irregularities in the menstrual cycle. As a result, pain appears as during menstruation, which is permanent. But at the same time pathological symptoms are also added: brown or, scarcity or abundance of vaginal secretions.

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs

These diseases include adnexitis, colpitis, endometritis, salpingitis. They manifest as a pulling, dull pain in the lower abdomen. They are also characterized by painful urination and the appearance of scanty or heavy discharge of atypical color.

Painful intercourse

Approaching the menopause period is sometimes accompanied by pain during intercourse. This is due to insufficient moisture in the vagina due to the gradual extinction of the functions of the reproductive system, reducing the concentration of sex hormones.

One of the causes of the pain is anchoring conditioned reflex  after an unsuccessful sexual experience. The first painful sex, pain after an inappropriate posture, rudeness of the sexual partner - all this can provoke psychological reasons.

The cause of a sudden sharp pain during sex may be ovarian apoplexy. Pain and brown discharge after sexual intercourse are among the symptoms of cervical erosion.

Chronic sensations during sex are caused by inflammation in the reproductive organs with a chronic course: adnexitis, cervicitis, endometritis.

If a woman has undergone surgery in the past in the abdominal cavity or small pelvis, the pain of intimacy can cause adhesive disease.

One of the pathological phenomena is vaginismus - this is a sharp painful spasm of the vaginal muscles, making sexual contact impossible.

Cycle violations

Normal menstrual cycle should not be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. If there is pain and discomfort during the menstruation or instead of them, the menstruation is over, and the stomach continues to ache and ache, this is one of the manifestations of a violation of the cycle.

These symptoms lead to dysmenorrhea (painful periods), oligomenorrhea (rare periods), hypomenorrhea (scanty periods). All these disorders, as a rule, are manifested by pain in the lower abdomen.


With an atypical course of the disease or its development during menstruation, the symptoms may resemble pain during menstruation. A woman begins to mistakenly think that abdominal pain is menstrual.

Its characteristic symptoms help to reveal the disease: the pain starts near the navel, and after a while it moves to the right lower abdomen. The discomfort is aggravated by a sharp release of the arm, after pressing on the stomach. There is a worsening of the general state of health, constipation, vomiting, the abdomen becomes tense and hard, and fever occurs later.

Appendicitis is cunning by the so-called period of imaginary well-being, when a noticeable relief suddenly comes. The woman thinks that the pain was caused by menstruation and was gone by itself. In fact, the disease is progressing at this time.

Diagnosis and treatment

The first step is to contact a gynecologist, a surgeon. It will be necessary to pass a general analysis of blood, urine, gynecological examination. To identify pathology, the doctor will recommend an ultrasound scan, an abdominal MRI scan, and colposcopy.

The laboratory uses the PCR method to detect pathogens, determine the concentration of sex hormones in the blood. In the case of pathological secretions take swabs.

Treatment depends on the underlying disease that caused these pains. Thus, infectious and inflammatory pathologies are eliminated with the help of antibiotics, antihistamines, and vitamins. Disorders of hormonal balance require hormone correction.

Many diseases require hospitalization and surgery. Additionally prescribed physiotherapy, sanatorium treatment.


The appearance of complaints of soreness in the lower abdomen, as before menstruation, always requires careful attention to yourself. In some cases, a survey will not reveal a reason for concern, and pain will have well-explained reasons. But it can also be a manifestation of a serious disease that poses a threat to the health and life of a woman. That is why you should not postpone the visit to the doctor.

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