Breastfeeding rules. Proper breastfeeding

Mother's milk is the most suitable food for an infant. It gives it the necessary energy for harmonious growth and development, protects against allergies and infections, enriches the body with vitamins and nutrients, forms a strong immune system. To breastfeeding not only benefit, but also the joy of mother and baby, it is desirable to know some simple rules   and basics breastfeeding. About them and will be discussed in this article.

A diversification scheme that begins with diversification is also the key to success. Over the years, nutritional recommendations for children have been changing, especially because of health problems that have increasingly become common among the population and especially among children.

If 30 years ago, food diversification began with cereals, now that obesity in childhood has reached alarming levels, new international recommendations first send parents to vegetables and fruits. But what does the pediatrician do when the mother gives the cereal diversification scheme, the mothers on the block gave them some carrot juice and aunt's soup says what is best for early diversification?

The most important principle of breastfeeding is the positive attitude of the mother and her sincere desire to feed her treasure with her milk. After all, lactation is a hormonal process, subject to the strong influence of the girl's mood. Frequent stress, depression, lingering sadness and other women's sorrows can reduce the amount of milk produced. Therefore, it is extremely important to be in a consistently good mood. In addition, mother's anxiety is transmitted to the baby, and he may begin to worry at the breast, and sometimes even temporarily abandon it.

Evgenia Dobrescu, a nutritionist, discusses each of the diversification schemes that mothers can hear, which gives them the opportunity to choose what they consider best for their child. Before, however, Eugenia’s recommendation should discuss with the pediatrician of the child and the nutritionist a scheme that wants to start diversification, asking many questions and carefully analyzing the information received.

Diversification scheme with vegetable soup. Vegetable soup   includes boiling in a certain amount of water for 2-3 vegetables at a time. If the child has an allergy reaction, you will not know what he is reacting to. At the same time, the nutritional value of this soup is very low.

Properly organized breastfeeding does not cause discomfort, rejection or fatigue in the mother. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to start this process right away, and often the girls simply do not know who to ask for advice. Breastfeeding issues are often addressed in courses and lectures for pregnant women. Great if future mom   will be at least theoretically savvy in this matter: such knowledge will greatly facilitate the establishment of feeding after childbirth. In the same place, girls will learn the basic rules of breastfeeding:

Fruit juice diversification scheme. Fruit juice is not the best food for the child's stomach, with which you can begin to diversify. This is due to the high concentration of sugars and the lack of fiber contained in the pulp of the fruit itself, which helps the digestion process. In addition, the sweet taste of sweet over time creates the child’s preference for sweet foods, and this can have many implications for his health.

Grain diversification scheme. Given that obesity has increased dramatically in recent years, new nutritional recommendations do not tell people to start taking particles with grain only in special cases, children whose weight, respectively, does not increase in terms of health or suffer from certain gastrointestinal disorders.

  • Feeding on demand. Frequent stimulation of receptors on the nipple contributes to the production of more milk. Those. demand is equal to supply (the more often the baby sucks, the more milk is produced). It is especially important to frequently apply the baby in the first weeks after birth, when the mother's body is engaged in the formation of lactation and determines how much milk the newborn needs. Rare sucking can lead to the fact that in the future an older baby will not have enough nutrition, and it will be quite difficult to increase the production of milk.
  • Free access of the baby to the breast, no restrictions on the duration of sucking. Newborns have a strong need for sucking and close contact with their mother. If possible, refuse to use breast substitutes (pacifiers, bottles) or give them a crumb in extreme cases, because usually these items replace attachment to the chest, which means that the number of receptor stimulations is reduced and the volume of milk decreases. In addition, sucking nipples and female breast fundamentally different. The baby may begin to confuse her mother's breast with a pacifier, and the wrong grip threatens with nipple injuries and pain when feeding.
  • Proper attachment. In order for a child to be able to effectively remove milk from the breast, he must properly capture it. This will be discussed below.
  • Comfortable posture for feeding. There are many provisions for feeding, but the most popular postures are the crib and lying on its side.

It is important for a nursing mother to eat a varied and tasty diet, preferring fresh and wholesome food. Drinking mode is set according to needs (preferably drinking clean water, compotes). From the first day try not to burden yourself with household chores - relax with the baby and enjoy pleasant closeness.

Diversification scheme with fruit puree. Starting with the diversification of fruits, this is a good option. The taste of fruit, with which diversification can begin, is sweet. Since breastmilk has a sweet taste, most babies easily take fruit. The problem in this case would be the child’s preference for sweet taste and the increased possibility of discarding vegetables that are not so sweet.

First of all, because vegetables are introduced alternately, starting from the root of carrots or parsley. In this way, we can immediately detect food that can cause any allergic reaction. At the same time, we do not add the baby’s stomach to additional efforts, and we turn to the most complex table to imagine what is not as pleasant as the milk produced. So for healthy, born child   we begin to diversify when the baby is ready, and shows several signs that he is ready at this stage with vegetable puree.

Breastfeeding Technique

In order for the child to capture the breast with high quality and to suck effectively, it is necessary to help him properly attach to it:

  • take the child in your arms so that its spine is straight;
  • the whole body of the baby is turned towards the mother;
  • head not upturned and not deflected to the side, down or sideways;
  • with your thumb and forefinger, hug the baby's head at the base of the skull, putting his spatula on your palm;
  • with the thumb of the other hand, slightly pull the areola up on the chest that is going to feed the baby. The remaining fingers support the chest from the bottom;
  • lift the breast and nipple stroke the lower sponge of the child, you can squeeze a couple of milk droplets in your mouth;
  • when the baby starts to open his mouth wide and make search movements with his lips, he is ready to suck;
  • place the breast on the baby’s lower sponge and with a thumb “roll in” the nipple into his mouth;
  • the chin of the child is pressed against the mother's breast.

With the right attachment, you will soon hear the crumb swallow. His mouth will be wide open, his lower lip turned out, and you can see his jaws moving.
Many mothers are concerned about the question of when the first breastfeeding should take place. It is desirable for this to occur within the first hour after delivery, but not before. Usually by this time the child is already rested and ready to take the breast.

Subsequently, the fruit table is gradually introduced, as well as breakfast and cereal flour, as well as dinner. However, these 3 solid dishes will be in the range of 6-12 months, with a maximum of 20% of all baby dishes, the basics of breast milk. Then the nutrition of a child under 2 years old is the last brick at the heart of a healthy diet. At this stage, the child’s daily menu should contain various foods that give him enough energy to use in all his activities.

As children grow up, their daily menu becomes closer to adults. The number of dishes should be 3 - breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you like a cute and energetic child, you can also order 2 snacks to replenish energy. They are not mandatory, and if they do not exist, especially because the baby eats well at the main meals, the better.

Following important moment   - This is the duration of breastfeeding. WHO recommends feeding infants exclusively breast milk   during the first 6 months of life and further up to 2 years, depending on the desire of the mother and child. In reality, each mother independently decides how long the breastfeeding period will last for her baby. The duration of this process depends on many factors, so there is no universal answer.

As a rule, the time between two meals should be at least 3 hours for the food to be digested. Between meals and snacks they give small water and unsweetened or slightly sweetened teas with honey. The food combination rule is also very important when parents set a child's daily menu. Ideally, the child's menu should be like that of the whole family, and therefore, at this stage of life, many adults overestimate their daily menu and make changes for the better.

Respect for food is suspended, bearing in mind the awakening of the child and the sleep time. The amount of food placed on the plate should correspond to the volume of the fist, that is, no more than the child can hold in her hand. Thus, the ability to digest well preserved and if the combinations are not the best.

Every woman should know that her milk is the most complete food for her child in the first 6 months of life, and according to some individual observations, during the first year of life. Therefore, she should strive to follow the rules of successful breastfeeding in order to provide her baby with health, as well as the best conditions for the growth and development of his body.

As a rule, the nutrition of the child should also take into account the age, biological rhythm of the body and the needs of each stage of age, effort and environmental conditions. For the optimal amount of food at the table, there is also a biblical recommendation that is of great importance: “get you off the table, hungry, slightly hungry”!

In this state, mechanics and digestive chemistry can work on optimal parameters! All these 3 stages, 0-6 months, 6-12 months and 1-2 years - this is the time when a child learns everything about food, the very fact of food, the joy of dining with loved ones, eating and many more, ”said Yevgenia Dobrescu, nutritionist.

1. The joint content of mother and child in the same ward.

2. The correct position of the child at the breast, which allows the mother to avoid many problems and complications with the breast.

3. Learning to properly attach   includes not only correct position   at the breast, but also the mother’s ability to control the child’s behavior at the breast and to take the breast properly.

Reading labels for children's products, and for adult products - a real art! And, like any art, it must be studied! This art must also be passed on to our children in order to lay down their foundations for healthy life. The ranges of ingredients are produced depending on their quantity in food from the largest quantity to the lowest quantity! We must learn to choose our food based on the ingredients they contain! Unfortunately, sugar is omnipresent, from sausage to candy and is in the top three of the main ingredients of the finished product.

4. Feeding at the request of the child. It is necessary to put the baby to the chest for any reason, giving him the opportunity to suckle when he wants and how much he wants. This is necessary not only for the saturation of the baby, but also for psycho-emotional comfort. For psychological comfort, the baby can be applied to the breast up to 4 times per hour.

The label should not encourage the consumer to mislead the ingredients and effects of the food product! In the case of foods designed to diversify the nutrition of the child, an important role in the understanding of nutrients is a statement about nutrition. Fats, sugars and salt are nutrients commonly used in products with this purpose and which we should give them with great importance given their impact on the health of babies. There are foods that do not indicate the amount of sugar per serving.

These sugars quickly enter the bloodstream and lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, forcing the pancreas to secrete insulin to achieve a balance in the body's blood sugar levels. These sudden changes in the body on glycemia cause only medical conditions, such as diabetes, obesity and, thus, explain the increase in the number of excess or obese children, said Dr Univ. Dr. Kostel Stancuu, president of the Professional Consumer Association.

5. The duration of feeding is regulated by the child:   do not tear the baby off the breast before he releases the nipple, if he holds the breast correctly (and it doesn’t hurt you). If the baby during the feeding process changed the position and took the breast incorrectly, it is necessary to take the breast and again suggest the child to take it.

6. Night feeding baby   provide a steady lactation and protect a woman from the next pregnancy to 6 months in 96% of cases. In addition, night feeds are the most complete.

We, the parents, are the main examples in the eyes of children. That is why the responsibility for eating habits largely depends on adults, children are a mirror of parents' habits. Breastfeeding and breastfeeding are very natural, innate, and instinctive activities, but women often fear that their babies do not breastfeed, they face many problems, they face various problems. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some basic rules of breastfeeding.

During the first three days of the baby’s life, it is recommended that the baby be breastfed, lying on its side — this will be most convenient for a newcomer, a little scared little person and mummies concerned about motherhood. Lay on the side of the child should lie next to him, with one hand, slightly raise his head, hold it and turn the smiley face so that it appears right in front of the chest. On the other hand, you should keep the chest, nipple and the surrounding hernia with the lips of a child - the child instinctively moves and puts his lips on the tube.

7. The lack of supplementation and the introduction of any foreign liquids and products.   If the child wants to drink, it should be more often applied to the chest.

8. Complete rejection of nipples, pacifiers and bottle feeding.   Sometimes one bottle feeding is enough to stop the baby from taking the breast correctly. If necessary, the introduction of additional feed, it should be given only from a cup, spoon or pipette. Each use of the bottle confuses the child’s manner of grabbing the breast.

When you push the child harder, gently squeeze his chest in your mouth. It is very important that the baby embraces not only the nipple, but also the breast hormone. If the child reaches only the nipple, the milk will almost disappear, the child will not succumb, the nipples of the breast will quickly become painful, will begin to crack.

Very hungry or just eat babies, often squeeze the chest, sometimes their nose compresses, so watch the baby and, if necessary, lean slightly to the head and slightly retract it. True, you do not need to worry, because the nasal nerve of small children is slightly oblique, so they can still breathe and feel quite comfortable.

9. Do not shift the child to the second breast before he sucks the first breast.   If the mother hurry to offer the baby a second breast, he will not receive late milk rich in fats, as a result, the baby may have problems with digestion: lactase deficiency, frothy stools. Long sucking will provide full work   intestine.

The basic rules for proper breastfeeding. An adult child is most comfortable for most moms while sitting, but it is important to find a position that is most comfortable for you and your child. Breastfeeding should not be stressful, the whole process should be full of peace and harmony.

Get into bed, a comfortable folding room or chair. After your backs, elbows, pillows on the road and in the footsteps, also give a pillow, a box or a bench so that your knees are a little higher. It is important that your body relaxes, so that the child’s content does not lead to additional muscular tension.

10. Avoid washing the nipples before and after feeding.   Frequent washing of the breast leads to the removal of a protective layer of areola fats and the nipple, which leads to the formation of cracks. Breast should be washed no more than 1 time per day during the hygienic shower.

11. Refusal of frequent and control weighings of the child.held more than 1 time per week. This procedure does not provide information about the nutritional value of the infant. It only irritates the mother, leads to a decrease in lactation and the unreasonable introduction of the supplement.

The little one should lie on its side, his whole body turned to his mother, his ways should rest on your body. A baby's smile should be right in front of the breast, and his lips in front of the nipple. If you are comfortable, place the nipple on the baby’s lips and the baby will begin to eat.

The milk is poured only when pressing on the breast cancer, so it is important that the child embraces not only the nipple, but also the halo. Feeling that the baby is trying to feed the baby in the wrong way, gently insert the face into the baby’s cornea and carefully pull out the nipple. Repeat the chest on the child’s lips and try again.

12. Elimination of additional milk expression.   After 2-3 weeks after birth, with properly organized breastfeeding, milk produces exactly as much as the baby needs, so there is no need to express after each feeding. Squeezing is necessary in case of treatment of mastitis, engorgement of the breast, with a lack of milk, in case of forced separation of the mother from the child.

If breastfeeding causes pain, make sure the baby’s lower lips are not thin. Sometimes, even with a good bracelet, the touch of a child gets stuck, so when he presses, he causes pressure on the nipple and causes pain. If this happens, gently press the baby's chin to release the lips.

Genetic factors are considered the most exposed to milk, but the quality of milk is related to the mother's diet. Nursing mothers need to eat a balanced, healthy, fresh food in order to limit or completely abandon allergenic foods, get rid of bad habits.

13. Up to 6 months, the baby is exclusively breastfed and does not need additional nutrition and the introduction of complementary foods. For individual breastfeeding studies, without prejudice to his health, he may be up to 1 year old.

14. Support for mothers who breastfeed their children up to 1-2 years.

15. Education for child care and breastfeeding technology is necessary for a modern that she can without hassle with the convenience for herself and the baby and raise him to a year. Advice on breastfeeding will help to arrange care for the newborn and teach the technique of breastfeeding to the mother. The sooner a mother learns motherhood, the less frustration and unpleasant moments she will suffer along with the baby.

16. Save breastfeeding until the child is 1.5-2 years old.   Feeding only up to 1 year is not a physiological period for stopping lactation, therefore, when weaning, both mother and child are affected.