Analogue regulators for operating systems. Types of attachments for control systems

The regulator of the calculation of bad luck (the difference between the signal and the ringing signal) and the conversion to a high-flown inflow is similar to the singing mathematical operation.

The ACS has different types of regulators: proportional (P), integral (I) and proportional-integral (PI). Regardless of the type of reworked signals in the development of analog and digital controllers.

Analog regulators(AR) are implemented on the basis of operational inputs, digital- on the basis of special-purpose calculating attachments and microprocessors. Analogue regulators can only convert analogue signals without interruption for an hour. When the AR is passed, the skin mitigates the meaning of the uninterrupted signal.

For the implementation of the AR, the operating pressure (OU) is switched on behind the circuit of the driver, which is connected with the negative ringing ring. The type of regulator and the transmitting function is based on the circuit of the resistors and capacitors included in the lanterns at the inlet and at the ringing sound of the op-amp.

The proportional regulator (P-regulator) is implemented when the ringing ring of the op-amp resistor with the support R os is turned on to the lance. The whole regulator is characterized by a ratio of proportionality before As it can be more expensive, so it is less than one.

The integral regulator (I-regulator) is implemented when a ringing sound of the op-amp of the capacitor is included in the lance. The type of regulator is characterized by a permanent hour T.

Proportional-integral regulator (PI-regulator) is implemented when the ringing ring of the op-amp resistor is included in the lance with the support R of the axis and the capacitor of the axis. Such a regulator is characterized by the following parameters: before at the last hour T.

For all types of regulators in the implementation circuit є input opir R1.

Schemes for the implementation of the regulators, the amount of stress on the inputs of the regulator U out of the input U in that graphical image, as well as the formulas for the known parameters of the regulators in the table 1

Table 1 - Regulators

Explain, most importantly, the sensors of the struma, as they hang up to them. Guide the functional diagrams to the electric drive of the struma with a transformer strum sensor and a struma sensor on the basis of the shunt.

Struma sensors (DP) are used to deny information about the force of that directly to the dvigun struma. The following vimogs hang before them:

Linearity of control characteristics in the range from 0.1I nom to 5I nom not less than 0.9;

Evidence of galvanic connection of the power lance and control system;

Visoka shvidkodiya.

Coordinate sensor AEP structurally can represent the views of the last vyglyadіy z'єdnannya vimіryuvalny retyvoryuvach (IP) and uzgodzhuvalny attachment (SU) (Figure 1). Vimіryuvalny will rewrite coordinate X the electrical signal springs і(abo strumu i), proportionate X. Uzgodzhuvalny pristіy zdіysnyu re-implementation of the outgoing signal і The ІП signal of the ringing sound u wasps, which is due to the size and shape of the ACS.

Malunok 1 - Block diagram of the AEP coordinate sensor

Yak vimiryuvalny converts in the diesel fuel transformer struma, additional (compensation) windings of the throttle, scho iron, Hall elements, shunt.

Widely widened for vim_ryuvannya struma dvigun_wn built sensors struma on the basis of shunts. Shunt is a chotirizatiskny resistor і from an active support R w(non-inductive shunt), before the struma jams where the power lance is connected, and to the potential ones - the vimiruvalny one. (Malunok 2)

For weakening the flow of the shunt onto the passaged struma of the lancyug, the dviguna yogo opir is minimal. Nominally, the voltage drop on the shunt should be set to 75 mV, so you need to be able to support U. Both transformer and optoelectronic attachments are attached.

Figure 2 - Scheme of inclusion of a struma sensor based on a shunt

DP on the basis of transformers struma in the main vikoristovuyutsya in the AEP post-struma for vimiruvannya struma engines when alive from symmetrical bridge single-phase and three-phase vypryamlyachiv. For a single-phase vipryamlyach (Figure 3), one struma transformer (TA1) is used, and for a three-phase one - three transformers, connected to the star. To secure the robotic mode of transformers in the strum, which is close to short-circuiting, the secondary windings are wired with low-resistance resistors R TT (0.2 ... 1.0 Ohm). Reconstruction of the secondary winding springs can be adjusted with the rectifier VD1 ... VD4.

Figure 2 - Scheme of inclusion of a strumu sensor based on a strumu transformer

13. Guide the functional diagram of the EPC armature sensor, explain the principle of.

With low vimogues up to the range of regulation of the speed (up to 50), the head ringing ring in the electric drive will stop the ringing ring of the EPC. The principle of the EPC sensor of the armature is rooted on the calculated EPC motor.

The functional diagram of the EPC sensor is presented in little 1.

Figure 1 - Functional diagram of the EPC armature sensor

To change the armature springs, the driver must be installed on resistors R2, R3. For vimіryuvannya struma anchor dvigun vikoristovutsya dodatkova winding L1.2 throttle, scho zgladzh. Napruga and I through the window, RC-filter and repeating A1 to the summing device A2. A signal is sent to the A2 summator input proportional to the voltage drop on the armature winding R i. c ∙ i i.

Viraz vikhіdnoї sprugi u de pidsilyuvach A2 for robot mode, when standing up, maє viglyad

de before de - transmission efficiency of the EPC sensor,

e I am EPC anchors.

To reject the proportional pressure signal on the motor armature, the resistive pressure switch can also be switched on after the offensive circuit

Figure 2 - Diagram of the inclusion of the sprung sensor

Wikimedia Commons Dilnik Dorivnyu

The tension sensor of the edge of the speaker can also be attached to the galvanic connection.


14. To fix the diagram of a vertical single-channel system of pulse-phase keruvannya, to explain the principle of її dії behind the help of time diagrams.

To control the thyristors of the vypryamlyach vikoristovusya system of impulse-phase control (SIFU), like vikonuє such functions:

At the given moment at the hour, at which may appear, there are certain thyristors; at the moment of the hour the control signal is set to go from the ACS input to the SIFU input;

Formation of pulses, which are transmitted at the required moment on the basis of the thyristor electrodes and may be necessary for the amplitude, strain and triviality.

The robot can see the vertical single-channel SIFU, which controls the thyristors of a single-phase bridge rectifier (Figure 1).

Malunok 1 - Scheme of a single-phase bridge vipryamlyach

The generator of the alternating pressure of the DPN starts up when the input from the synchronizer of the pressure C (Figure 2). Tse vіdbuvaєtsya todі, if the thyristors are applied directly to the naprug, tobto. at the points of natural communication.

Malunok 2 - Scheme of vertical single-channel SIFU

At the exit of the GPN, the pilot-like form should be adjusted to the adjustment of the control unit, and it should be done with the control pressure U (Figure 3). At the moment of equalization of the pilot-like and keruyuchoic force of the US, the viroblya pulse, which, through the rotor of the pulses РІ, comes to the formuch impulses ФІ1 or ФІ2 іdі through the output formvach VF1 or VF2 on the thyristorium. The emerging formulas will be able to improve the forceful impulses for the toughness of the potential for the SIFU from the power unit. Yak US vikoristovuєtsya comparator, vikonaniy on the basis of the operational driver.

Figure 3 - Diagrams of robots SIFU

15. To guide the functional diagram of the electric drive with a three-phase zero reversible rectifier from the sleepers and to explain the principle of this.

In case of sleeping with thyristor sets, the pulses are immediately supplied to the offensive sets VS1, VS2, VS3 and VS4, VS5, VS6 (Figure 1). At the same time, there is one set of straight lines in the direct mode, and the last one - in the inverter mode. The anchor stream is projected according to the set, which is effective in the straightening mode.

Figure 1 - Sleeping keruvannya with sets of three-phase zero valves

reversible straightener

The thyristor control system is rectified by two SIFU (SIFU1, SIFU2) and analog inverter A1.

Yaksho VS1, VS2, VS3 work in straight mode, and VS4, VS5, VS6 in inverter mode, dvigun turn forward. Yaksho navpaki, dvigun turn back.

So, as the pulses are fed to the offense of the set, then in the circuit through two open valves, for example VS1 and VS6, the circuit of the two phases of the secondary winding of the transformer TV1 is closed.

The circuit has two phases of the secondary winding, which is lighted healthy EPC:

de e 1, e 2 - Straightened EPC sets VS1 ... VS3 and VS4 ... VS6 as appropriate.

Zrivnyalna EPC e ur svoryu educational strum I ur. The TV1 transformer is 100% efficient in the short-flicker mode, because active and inductive support of the transformer is small. In addition, the L1 and L2 energy reactors are switched on for the interconnection of the energy supply.

The limit of the inclusion of the tank reactors, the interconnection of the air tank, can be reached by the way of the narrow control of the sets, with any post-supply storage system. E ur back to zero, tobto.

E ur = E 1 + E 2 = E 0 (cosα 1 + cosα 2) = 0, (1)

de E 1, E 2- post-warehouses EPC e 1 ma e 2 altogether; E 0- after the warehouse in the straightened EPC at α = 0; α 1, α 2 - kuti displaying sets VS1 ... VS3 and VS4 ... VS6.

Umov (1) will be found if a 1 + a 2 = p. Tsia umova є the mind of the narrow control of thyristor sets.

Sleeping management of the new perevagi:

· Virіvnyuvalny strumi provide for the provision of a mill of both sets, regardless of the size of the strum, nascent engines and as a result of the linearity of characteristics (it is not possible to change the mode of parasitic strum).

· Visoka shvidkodіya, zavdyaki postіynіy readiness to reverse the strum, yaka is not tied to be-like jumbled in the scheme.

However, in case of a spilny control, it is necessary to install energy reactors, which have a large capacity, part and size of an electric drive. Proceeding of the power lancers and lowering the KKD of the vypryamlyacha.

16. Attach a structural diagram of an electric drive with a reversible rectifier with separate keruvans and explain the principle of її dії.

In reverse-directing with separate keruvans with robots one set of thyristors, in direct or inverter modes, there is a complete set of increased intelligence from robots (knowledge of impulses, which is generated). In addition to the whole secondary circuit of the passage of the ventilation system, it is also necessary for the ventilation reactors.

The structural diagram of an electric drive with a reversible rectifier with separate controls (RVRU) is aimed at little one 1. (The RVRU robot will be provided with additional elements of the system and thyristors: the sensor of the conduction of the valves (DPV), the switching control).

Malunok 1 - Block diagram of an electric drive with a reversible vypryamlyach

with separate keruvans

DPV of the values ​​for the value of the strum (vidkritiy abo zakritiy) thyristors vypryamlyacha that formulate a signal about їх flickering, which is equivalent to the visibility of the strum in sets.

LPZ vikonuє such functions:

Vibrating required set of valves "Forward" or "Back" (KV "V" or KV "N") is left behind from the necessary dvigun strum, which is set by the signal U zt

Zaboronyaє will appear impulses, which will be shown one hour in both sets of thyristors for additional keys "Forward" ("B") and "Back" ("H");

Zaboronyaє supply of open pulses to the set, which enters into the robot until quietly, while in the previous set to pass the strum;

The form of a time pause is between the moment of closing all thyristors in the set earlier and the moment of supplying pulses to the set, which enters into the robot.

The override characteristics serve as the narrowing of the unipolar regulatory characteristics of the SIFU α = ƒ (u y) with the reversible signal U y.

The reversal of the movement is to be repaired from the sign of the mastery of the shvidkosti, and from the sign of the sign of the master of the strum U zt. It is necessary to reduce the control force U y to a decrease in the control force, to increase the output of 1 thyristor in the set of valves "Forward", and also to decrease the EPC E 1 and, as a result, decrease the armature string to zero. The close of the valves is used for the DPV. When the signal from the DPV LPU is rejected, the supply of pulses to the thyristor of both sets (“B” is displayed) and one hour starts the timing pause. After the end of the LPU, the form sent to the supply of pulses, which is displayed, to the thyristor set of valves "Back" ("H" is stopped) and the mixing of the PH. Re-mixing the PX to change the polarity of the control voltage U at the inputs of the SIFU. At the same time, an impulse with the cut α 2 will be sent to the HF "N", which will give the robot a set in inverter mode. Oscillations EPC wrapping larger than E 2 then the armature strum is opposite to the ringing strand. Dvigun will be transformed into a generator mode of the robot, which is recuperative galmuvannya.

Rozdilne management of the new perevagi:

Vidsutnі vіvnyalnі reactors, which significantly reduce the size, weight and part of the reversible vypryamlyach;

An out-of-the-box fitness strum, which reduces the pressure in the straightening and advancing KKD.

In a few small portions of the food:

Recognition of the mode of the overridden strum, which requires linearization of the parameters of the control of the rectifier;

Large folding control system through the presence of LPZ, DPZ and PH;

Evidence of a strumless pause when mixing sets.

The guidance and description of the closed structures of the EP are prompted by the principle of compensation for the new growth and the principle of guidance. Attach the structural diagram of the double-circuit system and the ordered regulation to the electric drive of the post-strum and describe the blocks.

The closed structural EP will be based on the principle of compensation for the outburst and the principle of recovery, which is also called the principle of the ringing sound.

The principle of compensation is understandable from the butt of compensation of the most characteristic permanent drilling of the electric drive - the moment of the pressure adjustment Ms with the regulated speed ω (Figure 1a).

Figure 1 - Closed structures of the EP

The main sign of such a closed structure of the EP is the presence of a lancet, according to the input of the EP at once due to the signal of the liquidity Uzz, which is asked, a signal is given proportional to the moment of engagement

Um = Km ∙ Ms, de Km-coefficient of proportion.

As a result of the control of the EP, it is connected with the summarized signal U ∆, which is automatically changed at the moment of the changeover, without the provision of the adjustment of the speed at the given level. Unimportant on the efficiency of the management of the EP for the whole scheme, it is easy to work through the presence of simple and high-level sensors at the moment of installation of Ms.

To that, in the greater part of closed circuits, the principle of visualization is vikorist, which is characterized by the appearance of a lance of a ringing sound, which is connected with the entrance of the EP at the entrance. In this case, when regulating the speed, a lance of the ringing ring is generated for the speed (Figure 1b), for information about the current value of the speed (signal Uos = Kis ω), it is sent to the input of the EO. The control of the health is received by the signal of failure U ∆ = Uzs-Uos (it is also called the signal of failure, if not for gratitude), which, when the speed is perceived as given, it is automatically sensed for additional information.

It is in the form of a regulated coordinate in the EP that the ringing sounds for shvidkistyu, provisions, strum, magnetic flux, force, EPC.

Easy regulation system.

To control the IO one, it is necessary to adjust the number of EP coordinates. For example, strum (moment) and shvidk_st. In a wide range of closed EPs, they will follow the scheme with adjusting the coordinates.

Malunok 2 - Structural diagram of a dual-circuit system and an orderly regulation

At the same time, the schemes for regulating the skin coordinates work with the power regulators (the system of the RT and the speed of the RS), as at the same time with the external bells and whistles with the functions K ost and K oss, to create closed circuits. The circuit is designed in such a way that it is the input signal for the circuit of the Uzt є the output signal of the input signal on the input circuit of the fluidity. In such a rank, the internal contour of the strum will be subordered to the annular contour of the fluidity - the main regulated coordinate of the EP. The signal U ∆ from the input of the RT is fed to the thyristor re-converting TP. Elektrodvigun ED performances in two parts: electric (ECHD) and mechanical (MCHD).

The main point of such a scheme of the field is the possibility of optimal tuning of the regulation of the skin coordinate. In addition, the ordering of the circuit of the stream to the circuit of the fluidity will make it possible to facilitate the process of interconnecting the stream to that moment, for which it is necessary to deprive the output of the signal to the outputs of the regulator of the fluidity of the stream of the pipe.

Explain, for the most part, the signs of static re-conversion of frequency with the industrial lanka of the post-strum (SPL PZPT). To guide the structural diagrams of the HRC PZPT, which is based on the method of regulating the tension on the AT stators.

HRC PZPT are designated for the re-implementation of a changeable stress with a constant amplitude that frequency in a variable pressure with a regulated amplitude that frequency.

There are three types of SPL PZPT fallen asleep according to the method of regulating the springs:

1.SPL PZPT with kerovanim vipryamlyach

In this circuit, the amplitudes are regulated at the outputs of the rectifier (Figure 1).

Malunok 1 - HRC PZPT z keroovanim vipryamlyach

UV - forcing vypryamlyach, converting the energy of the changeable strum to the energy of the post-strum.

F - filter, serve for smoothing the pulsation of the struma and springs.

I - inverter, to serve as a transformation of a post-strum into a transition strum.

SUV - Vipryamlyach control system.

CUI is a system of kerovans with an inverter.

FP - functional re-transformation, to serve as a re-transformation of the frequency signal U s. f. y signal zavdannya sprugi U z. u. fallow in accordance with the law of frequency control, which is realized.

It is in the form of a filter F in the lance of a post-struma, an autonomous inverter І extends to the AI ​​struma and AI springs. In RPLs based on AI struma, the filter is a reactor L with great inductance (Figure 2a). Such an inverter with a dzherel strum, that in the whole circuit with a keruyuch flow to the engine є the frequency of the stator strum.

Malunok 2 - Filters schemes

AI springs є with a dzherel sprung, for which the filter of the inductance should be replaced by the L capacitor C of great capacity (Figure 2b). Keruyuchim inflow on the dvigun in the system

2. SPL PZPT with a non-roughened vypravlyachim and re-converting with pulse-width control (PSHII) at the lance of the post-strum (Figure 3).

Malunok 3 - HRC PZPT with non-rooted vipryamlyach and PSHIU

In general, there is a problem of regulating the tension in the PSHIU, which will be installed between the non-roughened NV and inverter I. It is unregulated that the post-stress from the NV go to the PSHIU, de-regulate for the size, revert to the last of the direct impulses, filter with the filter F and go to the input of the inverter.

3. SPL PZPT with a non-roughened vypravlyachom and with a pulse-width modulation in the inverter (Figure 4).

Malyunok 4 - HRC PZPT with pulse-width modulation in inverters

In ts_y schemes for regulating the amplitude and frequency and are given in I. The pulse-width modulation can be reached behind an additional folding algorithm for switching valves and it can be realized only in converting with kerovated keys: with power transistors and thyristors with a piece commutation.

To simplify the process of stimulating the regulator to the struma on the operative pidsiluvachah of the reconstructed th PF (8), the next rank is:


The first step in (8 ") is the TV of the isodromic and aperiodic Lanka, the other is the aperiodic Lanka, the third is the Inertia Lanka, which differentiates.

Figure 10 - Regulator of the strum on the operational pidsiluvachah

The circuit, as it can be seen, is stored in three parallel locks, which is stalled by the inputs to the sumator, which is inverted, to the operational input, which is the output signal u 2 will be inverted from the input u 1 ... Consume uzgodzhennya u 1 і u 2 it is necessary to put an inverter on the inputs of the sumator. Tsei reception of the blocking at the middle of the head of the circuit, the aperiodic Lanka is prompted for the operational support, which is invert. The upper head is displayed for the PF
... Tvir of isodromic and aperiodic lanok is broken down by the way of the last connection of the circuits to inverting operating devices, so as the skin lanka inverts the signal, then the narrowing of the input and output of the upper bin is not. The lower head, which realizes the dynamically dynamic link, the input signal is not inverted.

Rosrahuєmo parameters of the circuit. Vidomo scho

Having asked R 1 =R 3 =R 5 = R 8 =R 12 =R 17 =R 18 = 500 Ohm, R 13 = 300 Ohm, R 14 = 50 Ohm otrimaєmo, scho Z 1 ==
= 240 μF, Z 2 =Z 3 ==
= 10 μF, Z 4 =
= 40 μF, R 2 = =
= 380 Ohm, R 4 =R 6 =R 9 =R 10 =R 11 =R 16 = 500 Ohm, R 7 = 110 Ohm, R 15 =
= =
= 310 Ohm.

2.3AmLahx - a program to induce asymptotic latch and synthesis of regulators by the method of bazhan lach

2.3.1 Headquarters about the program

The AmLAHX program is intended for use in the MatLab6.0 middleware, for all that you need to do this:

    MA GUI-interface;

    there will be asymptotic LACH of dynamic objects assigned to the viewers of the transfer functions;

    I will be in the dialogue mode for the owner of the LACH of the open system according to the criteria of quality, which will be set, including the program that allows the selection of large quantities of corystuvache (they have nailed) in the fallowness of the control in the form of LACH;

    without automatically displaying the LATCH of the open system and the LACH of the control system and prompting the LACCH of the regulator with such a rank, turning the corresponding frequency and finding the asymptotes, which allows you to easily achieve the automatic function of the automatic recording of the future;

    All LACCH will be due to the values ​​of the asymptotes, the corystuvach can itself form the color of the skin LACH okremo, as well as the format of the writing on the graphs (tovschina, visota).

2.3.2 Command row of programs

The next command row for starting the ma viglyad programs

yy= amlahx ( num,den, flag, param),

de numі den- according to the number and the standard of the PF of the control department, numі den by vectors, written in MatLab format (div. butt below);

flag- robotic mode (1 (for zamovchuvannyam) or 2);

param- a vector of 6 elements (numbers), 1, 2 and 3 elements, according to the type of LATCH OU, RS and UU, 4, 5 and 6 - colors of the LACH (for the suggestions, the level of all the LACH is the most expensive 1, color and green) ...

AmLAHX without parameters in practice in demo-mode, in general

num= ,den = ,flag= 2.

The ten thousand road is to be repaired from the first crocus.
(Chinese prisliv'ya)

On the right there was a bullet in the evening, there wasn’t a lot of work ... I wanted to sleep so fast. Take sob ... Electronne! .. Solder - so solder. Computer є, Internet is connected. Vibrating scheme. The first rapt appears, for the schemes for the intended subject - a car and a small visok. І all rіznі. Dosvid is dumb, knowledge is a lie. Yaky vibrati? Deyakі from them take revenge on yakіs rectangulars, tricycles. Pidsilyuvachi the same operation ... Like the smell of praise - nezumilo. Strange! .. A rapt to light up? Vibiraєmo, very simple, on known transistors! Vibrated, soldered, turned on ... HELP! Not pratsyuє !!! For what?

The one that "Simplicity is a penny for stealing"! Tse yak computer: the most sophisticated one - іgroviy! And for an official robot, there is enough and the simplest. So it is with transistors. It is not enough to solder a circuit on them. It is necessary to be able to do it. Zanadto a lot of "water stones" and "rakes". And for a person, it is often necessary to have a supply of no cob ryvnya. So well, kidati tsikave busy? Already niyak! There is simply no need to be afraid of the "tricycle-upright" cich. Behind them, pratsyuvati, appear, in the bagatokh vipadkah nagato is simpler, lower iz okremimy transistors. YAKSCHO KNOW - YAK!

Axis of cim: rosuminnyam, yak practical operation pidsilyuvach (OU, or English language OpAmp) at once and we are busy. At the same time, the robot is literally "on the fingers", it is practically not creepy with any formulas, just like Ohm's law: "The current through the lanceuga ( I) directly proportional to new ( U) and is wrapped by the proportional support ( R)»:
I = U / R. (1)

For the cob, in principle, it is not as important as it is in the middle. It’s just acceptable that I’m stewed, but I’m with a “black screen” with the filling there. At this stage, it is not discernible, and such parameters of the OU, such as "pressure of change", "pressure of suvu", "temperature drift", "noise characteristics", "performance of suppression of synphase storage", "performance of pulsation of suppression" "etc. All parameters will be important on the offensive stage of your vivchennya, if the main principle of your robot is in your head, it was" smoothly on the porch, she started talking about yari. "

It’s just permissible if the parameters of the op-amp are close to ideal and can be seen only if the signal is going to be on the first input, as if the signal was sent to the input.

Otzhe, the operational driver (OU) is a differential driver of a post-strum with two inputs (inverting and non-inverting) and one output. Among them are OU ma visnovka kharchuvannya: positive and negative. Tsi p'yat visnovkiv є in mayge Whether it is an OS that is fundamentally necessary for a robot.

OU maє majestic efficiency of feasibility, yak minimum, 50,000 ... 100,000, but really more. The one who is closest to him, you can get a little quicker, but because of the lack of inconsistency.

The term "differential" ("different" is changed from the English yak "development", "opinion", "development") means that the output potential of the OU is infused into the square from them absolute the meaning of that polarity.

The term "post-strum" means that, according to the OU input signals, they can be repaired at 0 Hz. The upper range of frequencies (frequency range), which the op-amp signals are able to accommodate for reasons such as the frequency characteristics of transistors, are stored, the efficiency of the circuit, prompted from the stagnant op-amp, etc. If you don't want to go beyond the primary knowledge of your work, you won't look here.

Enter the OU may even have a great input opir, which is worth tens / hundreds of MegaOhm, or even GigaOm (and only in the memory of K140UD1, the same in K140UD5 it became only 30 ... 50 kOhm). Such a great opir of inputs means that it is practically impossible to infuse a stench on an input signal.

That with a great step closer to the theoretical ideal can be respected, strum do not leak at the entrance ... Tse - persche the most important rule is how to get stuck for an hour to analyze the robotics OU. I beg you to forget to remember only OU itself, but not schemes from yo zososuvannyam!

What do the terms "inverting" and "non-inverting" mean? According to the question, why should the inversion start, but for the "zvryatko" such - signal inversion?

In the lath of the Latin one, the meaning of the word is "inversio" є "wrapping", "overturn". In other words, inversion - mirror image ( viddzerkalennya) to the signal from the horizontal axis X(Eight o'clock). Rice. 1 shows a spout from a plurality many options Inversion to the signal, denoted by the color of the values ​​of the direct (input) signal and the blue - inversions (output).

Small. 1 Understand signal inversion

Especially when it is meant, until the zero line (like Fig. 1, A, B) inversion of the signal not tied! Signals can be inverted and asymmetric. For example, offense only in the area of ​​positive values ​​(Fig. 1, C), which is typical for digital signals, either in case of unipolar vividness (it takes a long time), or offense in a positive area and in a small area - in negative areas (Fig. 1, B, D). Possible options. With a head wash є їхnya vzaamna mirroring There are also many similar rivnya (for example, a piece middle point; In other words, polarity the signal may be from the chief official.

Display the op-amp on important schemes in a simple way. Behind the OU cordon, earlier they were pictured, and at the same time more often yak of the ryvno-femoral tricot was pictured (Fig. 2, A). The inverted input is a minus symbol, and the non-inverting input is a plus symbol in the middle of the tricycle. Tsi symbols do not mean, but at the main inputs the potential is more positive or negative, not more positive. The stench is just vkazuyut, as the potential reacts to the input on the potential, which is served at the entrance. The results can easily be combined with grappling hooks, which can appear as unsupported rakes, especially for cobs.

Small. 2 Variants of smart graphic images (UGO)

In systems of intelligent graphic images (UDO), before typing the honors of GOST 2.759-82 (ST REV 3336-81), OUs were also displayed at the viewer of the tricycle, only entered, which invertu, - the symbol of the inversion - with a lace at the front 2). B), and now - at the viglyadі rectum (Fig. 2, C).

When the op-amp is designated on the diagrams, the inverting and non-inverting inputs can be made in small pieces, as it is so conveniently, traditionally, the input, which is inverted, is displayed on the mountain, and the non-inverting one is at the bottom. Visnovka kharchuvannya, as a rule, depend on one method (positive in the mountains, negative - at the bottom).

OU may be hungry for circuits with negative ringing (OOS).

The effect of the submission of a part of the wicked force of the driver to the input is called a vicious call, it is devilishly algebraic (with the sign of the sign) to be summed up with the input. About the principle of summing up signals, see below. It is also because of the fact that an input signal is sent to an OS, if a part of an output signal is fed to an inverted input (Fig. 3, A ), if a part of the output signal is sent, apparently, to the input, but not inverted (Fig. 3, B).

Small. 3 The principle of forming a ringing ring (OS)

At the first display, the feedback signal is inverted according to the signal before the input, but it is visible from the input. The cascade will go down through the hallway. Another vypadok - pidsumovutsya with the entrance, beyond the power of the cascade to move.

At the first glance, you can see that PIS is a positive effect, and OOS is absolutely marnous vitivka: now, is it possible to reduce it? The same was done by the US patent examiners, since 1928 p. Harold S. Black having tasted patented OOS. However, sacrificing to the strength of our strength, I will reduce the most important parameters of the circuit, such as, for example, the linearity, the frequency range is too small. More than OOS, less than the characteristics of the whole circuit are found in the characteristics of the OA.

And the PIS axis (vrahoyuchi is more powerful than the power of the OU), the main flow to the characteristics of the circuit and the most uncomfortable - viklikє її self-excitation. Vaughn, obviously, can be easily learned, for example, in generators, comparators with hysteresis (report pro cess - dal) scanty, but injected into the robot of the power supply circuits from OU shvidnogo negativnogo taїvnya

OU flasks have two inputs, which can be the main type of inclusion from the OUS victories (Fig. 4):

Small. 4 Basic circuits of the op-amp

a) inverting (Fig. 4, A) - the signal is fed to the input, which is inverted, and the non-inverting one is switched on without prioritizing the reference potential (not victorious);

b) non-inverting (Mal. 4, B) - the signal is fed to the non-inverting input, and the inverting input is switched on without prioritizing the reference potential (not victorious);

v) differentiation (Fig. 4, B) - signals are given to the offense to enter, both inverted and non-inverted.

For the analysis of robotic circuits slid vrahuvati friend more the rule, which order the robot OU: The exit of the operative driver is pragmatic before the difference between the two inputs is zero.

At the same time, be-yake a formuluvannya maє buti necessary and sufficient, you should be able to enclose all of them, you will be able to grow up. The formulation has been introduced, for all the "classics", but not even for the same information, which is from the inputs of the "pragmatic" view. Go out from it, go out, so that you can see them at their entrances;

Yaksho respectfully look at Mal's schemes. 4 can be noted, but OOS (through Roos) for all types is set to output only to the inverting input, but let us reformulate the rule as follows: Straining on outputs of the OU, protected by the OOS, pragmatically before the potential at the inputs, which is inverted, with the potential at the non-inverting inputs.

Vyhodyachi z tsiy viznachennya, "provid" for any inclusion of OU with OOS є non-inverting input, and "vidomim" - inverting.

When describing a robot, an OU potential at its input, which is inverted, is often called "virtual zero" or "virtual middle point". The translation of the Latin word "virtus" means "uyavny", "uyavny". The virtual object is close to the behavior of analogous objects. However, "virtual zero" є we will not limit it to vipad, which is not enough for a bipolar harchuvanny OU. With a victorian unipolar vivification (forgiveness it can be found below), there will be no zero at the input, not on non-inverting circuits. Let us be home, well, the terms are not stagnant, some of them will be added to the cob-like intelligence of the principles of robotics.

The axis from the first glance and the diagram is analyzed, pointing to Fig. 4. At the same time, for the sake of forgiveness to the analysis, it is acceptable that the life force is still bipolar, equal to one for the value (say, ± 15 V), from the middle point (the back tire or "earth"), which is also viral springs. On the other side, the analysis is carried out to the post-strum, because The changing signal, which changes, at the skin moment can often be presented as a vibrating value of the post-strum. In all vipads, a ringing ring through Roos is connected to the output of the op-amp to the inverting input. The reason for the field is only in that, on which you enter, you will be served an input.

a) Inverting included (Mal. 5).

Small. 5 The principle of robotics OA in inverting included

Potential at the entrance, which is not inverted, is zero, because vin connections to the middle point ("ground"). The input signal, equal to +1 from the midpoint (from GB) is applied to the left side of the input resistor Rin. It is acceptable that you support Roos and Rin equal one to one and make 1 com (for the sum of їkh opir dorivnyu 2 com).

According to Rule 2, at the input, which is inverted, there is the same potential, as is the zero-inverted non-inverting one, tobto, 0 V. From the same, up to Rin, a force of +1 V is applied. Iin.= 1 V / 1000 Ohm = 0.001 A (1 mA). Directly piercing the struma is shown with a arrow.

Oskilki Roos and Rin are turned on by the driver, but because of Rule 1 they do not work with the OU, then in order for the sphb at the middle point of the dialer to turn 0, to the right plug Roc is applied to the strum minus 1, and the counter is according to the new strum Ioos also maє dorіvnyuvati 1 mA. In other words, between the visnovkom Rin and correcting the visnovkom Roos is applied with a force of 2 V, and the strum, which is opposite to the other dialer, is 1 mA (2 V / (1 kOhm + 1 kOhm) = 1 mA), so that. I in. = I oos .

As soon as at the entrance of the tax there will be negative polarity, at the entrance of the OP there will be positive polarity. All those same, only arrows, show the passage of the strum through the Roos and Rin will be directed to the opposite bik.

In such a rank, if the nominal values ​​Roos and Rin are equal, the pressure on the outputs of the op-amp will be sent to the input for the value, but not in polarity. І were made inverting repeating ... The circuit is not easy to get stuck, if it is necessary to convert the signal, to remove the additional circuits, such as inverters. For example, logarithmic signals.

Now, let's take the nominal Rin, equal to 1 com, and increase the value of Roos up to 2 com with the same input signal +1 V. At the th middle point, the potential 0 (equal to the potential of the non-inverting input) is lost, through Roos it is guilty of the same strum (1 mA), but through Rin. Otzhe, when the springs fall on Roos (springs on the outputs of the OS), it will be set at 2 V.

Zbilshimo nominal Roos up to 10 rooms. Now the pressure on the outputs of the OU for the quiet minds becomes even 10 V. Oh-oh-from! Nareshty mi were rendered inverting pidsilyuvach ! Yogo vapruga is more important (in other words, the efficiency of the strength of the Ku) in the style of development, in the case of development of the opir Roos more, lower opir of Rin. Since I didn’t swear not to write the formula, let’s all the same be vividly tse at the viglyadi rivnyannya:
Ku = - Uout / Uin = - Roos / Rin. (2)

The minus sign in front of the fraction of the right part of the rivnyannya means only those that the outgoing signal is inverted according to the outgoing signal. And nothing more!

And now, let’s optimize Roos up to 20 kOhm and analyze it as soon as possible. According to the formula (2) at Ku = 20 and the input signal 1 on the output is not enough for the output of 20 V. But it’s not there! We have previously accepted the boil-off, but the power supply of our OU will become less than ± 15 V. "Vishche head (naprugi zhivlennya) is not a stribnesh!" At the result of such a figure above the nominals of the scheme, the output of the OU "fit" into the supply of life (the output of the OU is included in the population). The balance of the equilibrium of the strum through the Dilnik RoosRin ( Iin. = Ioos) fail, at the input, when it is inverted, there is a potential, which is shown to the potential at the non-inverting input. Rule 2 cease days.

Incoming opir inverting driver road support Rin, splinters through a new path through the entire strum of the input signal (GB).

Now let's replace the constant Roos with a change, with a nominal, say 10 kOhm (Fig. 6).

Small. 6 Scheme of a driver

With the right (behind the circuit) position of the dvigun, the stronger becomes Roos / Rin = 10 kOhm / 1 kOhm = 10. Changing the dvigun Roos alone (changing this opir) will make the circuit more powerful and will decrease and change, if the extreme position the number at the point of view of the formula becomes equal to zero at be someone the value of the banner. At the output, there will be zero also for any value and polarity of the input signal. Such a scheme is often stagnant in schemes for enhancing sound signals, for example, for mixers, de-regulating them to be able to do so from zero.

B) Non-inverting included (Mal. 7).

Small. 7 The principle of robotics OA at a non-inverting switch

The input signal Rin of connections to the middle point ("ground"), and the input signal, equal to +1, is fed directly to the non-inverting input. Oscillations of nuance to the analysis of "rozzhovani" vishche, here I will pay respect to deprived of the suttuvim vіdmіnnosti.

At the first stage of analysis, it is also acceptable to support Roos and Rin equal one to one and store 1 kOhm. Because at the non-inverting inputs the potential becomes +1 V, then for Rule 2 such potential (+1 V) is guilty of but at the inputs, which is inverted (shown on the small one). For the right-hand connection of the resistor Roos (output of the op-amp), there is a supply of +2 V. Strumi Iin.і Ioos, Рівні 1 mA, now flow through the resistor Roos і Rвх at the rotary voltage (shown by arrows). We have viyshov non-inverting pidsilyuvach s to the strength, equal 2, fragments of the input signal, equal +1 form of the output signal, equal to +2 Art.

Wonderful, what's wrong? They were nominated as well, as well as in inverted included (as the signal was sent to the first input), but it was stronger in explicitness. Razberemosya in a whole lot of years.

Now zbіlshuєmo nominal Roos up to 2 rooms. Schob preserve the balance of the struma Iin. = Ioos The potential to the input, which is inverted, is +1 V, at the outputs of the op-amp, it is already +3 V. Ku = 3 V / 1 V = 3!

Even if the value of Q is adjusted when it is not inverted, it is not inverted, when the Roos and Rin values ​​are quiet, it’s possible to get the performance in all cases more by one. Vivodimo formula:
Ku = Uvich / Uin + 1 = (Roos / Rin) + 1 (3)

Why do you think so? So, it’s as simple as that! OOS does so by itself, as if it is turned on, but it’s right with Rule 2, to the input potential, which is inverted, in the non-inverting turned on, the potential of the non-inverting input is expected to be reached.

So, well, with a non-inverting included, it is not possible to reject the strength, but is it expensive 1? What is not possible - it is possible. Let's change the nominal Roos, similarly before we analyzed Fig. 6. When the value is zero - short-circuited the input from the inverting input (Fig. 8, A), right from Rule 2, at the output there will be such a spill, the potential for the input, which is inverted, the input, the input is not available. Otrimumo: Ku = 1 V / 1 V = 1 (!) Well, but some inverted input to the struma doesn’t work and the potential difference between them and the input doesn’t work, then some kind of strum in a whole lancet doesn’t contradict it.

Small. 8 Scheme of inclusion of OU yak repeating springs

We will take Rin, because vіn is connected in parallel until navantazhennya, the yak is guilty of the preexisting of the OU and through a new absolutely free gift of the other. And what if you want to catch Roos, ale clean Rin (Fig. 8, B)? Todi in the formula for stronger strength Ku = Roos / Rin + 1 opir Rin theoretically becomes close to non-termination (in reality, obviously well, ni, because of the round trip on the board, that input stream of OU would like to be dearly nevertheless, ale door), and the rate of return Roos / Rin is adjusted to zero. The formulas have less one: Ku = + 1. Is it possible to reject less than one for the whole scheme? Ні, less will not go out for the current circumstances. "Zayvu" one in the formula for the strength of the crooked goat is not about ...

In addition, since we have cleaned up all the resistors, go to the circuit non-inverting repeating , shown on small. 8, Art.

At a glance, such a scheme is not a practical sense: most of the time, it is necessary to have a single, non-inverted "strength" - well, you can't just send a signal to ??? On the other hand, such schemes are often stagnant and the axis of what. Rule 1 strum at the entrance of the OU does not flow, tobto, input opir a non-inverting repeater is even greater - that is, tens, hundreds and thousands of megohms (also refer to the diagram in Fig. 7)! And the axis of the vyhіdny opіr is even smaller (Ohm’s parts!). Vykhid OU "pikhak shosili", magayuchis, zgіdno s Rule 2, add the input, the inverted, the same potential, as in the non-inverting. Obezhennyam є deprived of the permissible output strum of the OU.

And the axis of the threesome is easy to understand and clear to the power of the external strings of the OU.

For a large OS of wide storage in the technical parameters, it is meant that the operation, connected before the output, is not to blame less 2 rooms More - the price is better. For a smaller number of wonders, set 1 room (K140UD ...). The price means that for the best minds: the maximum voltage of life (for example, ± 16 V or a total of 32 V); tsyu strum through a warehouse: 30 V / 2000 Ohm = 0.015 A (15 mA). Not so, there are few schobs, ale and not much more. At the same time, there is a greater OA of a wide struma in the range of excitation from the transposition of the vyhid struma - the type of value of the maximum vyhid struma becomes 25 mA. Zahist zahist zapobigє overheat and output of the OU for fun.

If the pressure of living is not the maximum allowable, then the minimum description of the installation can be proportionally changed. For example, if you eat 7.5 ... 8 (total 15 ... 16), you can get 1 room.

v) Differentiation included (Fig. 9).

Small. 9 The principle of robotics OA in differential connection

Otzhe, admittedly, with the same nominal values ​​Rin and Roos, equal to 1 kOhm, on the offense input circuits of the same pressure, equal to +1 (Fig. 9, A). Oscillations of the potential on the side of the resistor Rin equal to one to one (the springs on the resistor to the door 0), the strum does not go through it. Otzhe, dorіvnyє to zero і strum through the resistor Roos. Tobto, the two resistors of the same function do not vikonuyut. By day, we actually rendered a non-inverting repeater (compare from Fig. 8). Apparently, at the entrance, we can accept it as well, as at a non-inverting entrance, tobto. Now, between the closures Rin, a spring 2 is applied through the new flow of the strum Iin= 2 ma In order to compensate for the strum, through the Root, the strum is guilty, which is 2 mA. And for those who are on the go, OU maє buti napruga +3 st.

The axis is de-vyavivsya єchidny "grin" of the same oddity in the formula of the coefficient of strength to the power of the driver, but not invert. Go for such a thing forgiven Differential included, the difference in performance is consistently increased output signal by the value of the input potential, but not inverted. Problem h! However, "Navi as you are z'ili - you all need to be left as minimum two as you go." Otzhe, we are in the rank of demand for improving the performance of the inverting and non-inverting inclusion, and for “neutralizing” the unit.

For the whole supply of an input signal to the input, but not inverted, not without, but through the Rin2, R1 connector (Fig. 9, B). Acceptable nominations are also 1 com. Now on the non-inverting (and that means, on the inverting also) inputs of the op-amp there will be a potential of +0.5 V, through the new (i Roos) against the strum Iin = Ioos= 0.5 mA, to ensure that the output of the OU is secured, there is a napruga, so it is 0 V. Foo-uh-uh! We reached what we wanted! If the signals at both inputs of the circuit are equal in magnitude and polarity (in this case, +1 V, but it will also be true for minus 1 V and for any digital values), on the outputs of the op-amp, there is zero voltage, signals

The process of the world can be revised by applying negative polarity minus 1 V to the signal, which inverts the input (Fig. 9, D). With a tsom Iin = Ioos= 2 mA, most likely on the input of maє buty +2 U. Everything is approved! The level of the output signal is indicated by the difference between the input signals.

Apparently, due to the equilibrium of Rin1 and Roos (apparently, Rin2 and R1), we can make it possible. For a whole lot of requirements, the nominal values ​​of Roos and R1 were used, as they were used during the analysis of the OU before switching on (I will not repeat it), and it is guilty suvoro dotrimuvatisya spivvidnoshennya:

Roos / Rin1 = R1 / Rin2. (4)

How is it practical to make such an inclusion practical? And we will recognize this miracle of power: it’s impossible to lie down in absolute values ​​of the input signals, as the stench is equal to one after the magnitude of that polarity. On the way out, there is no more difference (differential) signal. Do not allow even as little signal as possible on the wrong side, but, nevertheless, enter on the offense. For example, the signal from the dynamic microphone at the induction of the industrial frequency of 50 Hz.

However, it’s a pity that I have a spoonful of honey. In a word, parity (4) can be trimmed even more strictly (up to ten, and one hundred and one hundred!). In addition, there is no change in the balance of the strum, so that the circuits are working, and also, in addition to the low-frequency (anti-phase) signals, the signals will be matched and received (in-phase) signals.

Let's get rid of the day of these terms (Fig. 10).

Small. 10 Zsuv phase signal

The phase of the signal is a value that characterizes the earwaxing as the signal is heard every hour. Oscillations and ears of corn at least one hour, and ears of corn during the period are vibrated sufficiently, phase of one periodic a signal with a physical zmistom. However, the phase difference is two periodical Signal - the whole value, but a great physical change, the image of the recording of one of the signals from the other is displayed. Scho vvazati cob period, not a lot of value. Period can be taken as a point of cob zero value іf positive heel. You can - the maximum. Everything is in our possession.

Rice. 9 is a worm-name for the values ​​of the output signal, green - for the period of the period, for the period of the period, and the synonym for the period of the period. How to tweak the red and blue curves with curves on Mal. 2, B, you can take it, but the smell is great inversni... Including, "in-phase signals" - all signals, where one-on-one at their skin points, and "antiphase signals" - inversion one to one.

At the same hour, understand inversion shirshhe, nіzh podnitya phasie since stop to stop until regularly repeated, periodic signals. And the understand inversion stasis before any signals, including non-periodic, such as, for example, a sound signal, digital severity or post-stress. Schob phase of a possible value, the signal may be periodically desired for an interval. In general, the phase and period are reimagined in mathematical abstraction.

In other words, non-inverting and non-inverting inputs are included in the differential switch when the nominal values ​​are equal Roos = R1 and Rin1 = Rin2 will be the mother of different input supports. When the input opir of the entrance, the inverted one, the visa is designated only with the nominal Rin1, then the non-inverted one - with the nominal lastly inclusions Rvx2 і R1 (they haven’t been screwed yet, why don’t they come in to the struma?). At the sight of the sight, the stench becomes, apparently, 1 and 2 com. And if we have better Roos and R1 for rejection of the secondary pisiluval cascade, then the growth is even faster: at Ku = 10 - up to, apparently, also 1 kOhm and a whole 11 kOhm!

It's a pity, it's practical to put the nominal values ​​Rin1 = Rin2 і Roos = R1. However, it’s okay, only when the signal for both entrances was dimmed. outbound opir... Іnakshe vono utvoryuє dіlnik іz vhіdnim Prop danogo pіdsilyuvalnogo cascade and oskіlki koefіtsієnt podіlu such "dіlnikіv" rіznim Buda, the results are evident i: diferentsіalny pіdsilyuvach of such nomіnalami rezistorіv not vikonuvatime svoєї funktsії strangled phase (poєdnanih) signalіv, abo vikonuvati Qiu funktsіyu.

One of the ways in which this problem may be raised is the inconsistency in the nominal resistors connected to the inverting and non-inverting inputs of the op-amp. And the same, schob Rin2 + R1 = Rin1. Another important point is the achievement of the exact targeting of equality (4). As a rule, it is necessary to use a path of R1 for two resistors - permanent, change 90% of the required nominal and change (R2), which determines to become 20% of the required nominal (Fig. 11, A).

Small. 11 Options for balancing differential pressure

Go to the reception, alas, well, with this method of balancing it is not big, but it doesn’t change the entrance to the entrance, but it isn’t an inverted one. A more stable option with the inclusion of a pilot resistor (R5) lastly with Roos (Fig. 11, B), some Roos at the form of the input support to the input, but not taking part in the inversion. Head - to save the accounting of the nominals, similar to the option "A" (Roos / Rin1 = R1 / Rin2).

If we started talking about the differential inclusion and guessed it again, we wanted to describe one circuit diagram (Fig. 12).

Small. 12 Scheme of inverted / non-inverted repeater, which can be changed

The input signal is sent one hour to the offense of the input circuit (inverting and non-inverting). The ratings of all resistors (Rin1, Rin2 and Roos) are equal to one to one (at times the actual values ​​are 10 ... 100 kOhm). The non-inverting input of the op-amp with the SA key can be connected to the rear bus.

In the closed position of the key (Fig. 12, A), the resistor Rin2 in the robot circuit does not take part (through the new only "marno" flow Iin2 from the signal to the signal I will go out the bus). Otrimuєmo inverting repeatable from the strength of the equal minus 1 (div. small. 6). And the axis with the open position of the SA key (Fig. 12, B) is acceptable non-inverting repeatable from the strength of the equal +1.

The principle of robotics The whole circuit can be shaped in a different way. When the SA key is closed, it’s right, yak pidsilyuvach, that’s invertu, with the strength, equal minus 1, and when it is open - overnight(!) і as non-inverting as possible, minus 1, as non-inverting as possible +2, sounds: Ku = +2 + (–1) = +1.

With such a view, the circuit can be victorious, if, for example, at the stage of designing the polarity of the input signal is not known (say, from the sensor, which I can’t access to the cob, I’ll attach it). How is the key vikoristovuvati transistor (for example, poloviy), shading from the input signal for help comparator(about new mova it is known below), then we can synchronous detector(Synchronous vypryamlyach). The concrete implementation of such a scheme, obviously, we will not go beyond the framework of the cob learning about the robot OU and here again we will not look at the report.

And now let’s understand the principle of summing up the input signals (Fig. 13, A), and at the same time we’ve got rid of the resistors Rin and Roos, but they are guilty in reality.

Small. 13 The principle of robotic inverting sumator

It is taken as a basis for the already displaying the power supply, which is inverted (Fig. 5), only before the input of the op-amp there is not one, but two input resistors Rin1 and Rin2. Leave it, at the "head" targets, accept support of all resistors, including Roos, equal to 1 kOhm. On the lines of Rin1 and Rin2, the input signals are supplied, equal to +1 V. Through the resistor, they flow through the strum, which is 1 mA (shown by arrows pointing the right to the right). For the input to the input, which is inverted, of the same potential, as in the non-inverting (0 V), through the resistor Roos, it is guided through the strum, the equal sum of the input strings (1 mA +1 mA = 2 mA), the readings are connected to the direct voltage (right to left), for whom on the outputs of the OU maє buti napruga minus 2 tbsp.

The same result (output from minus 2 V) can be canceled, if at the input of the driver, as an invert (Fig. 5) to return to +2 V, or the nominal R input to change the output, tobto. up to 500 ohms. Zbilshimo sprung, applied to the resistor Rin2 to +2 V (Fig. 13, B). At the entrance, we can accept the minus 3, which is the main source of the input.

There may be not two entrances, but rather expensive ones. The principle of the robotics of this circuit does not change: there is no change in the flow in any kind of drop, but it will be directly proportional to the algebraic sum (due to the loss of the sign!) їх number.

Well, at the inputs of the inverting summator of the signal, equal to +1 V and minus 1 V (Fig. 13, B), then the struma that passes through them will be clearly direct, the stench will be compensated for at the input resistor R 0 V. such a vipadku Strum will not be opposed. In other words, the strum, which is contrary to Roos, is algebraically summed up with enter strumas.

There is also an important moment: they operated with small input springs (1 ... 3 V), the output of the wide operating device was completely fixed at a glance (1 ... 3 mA) for Roos; If the input signals go up to the maximum allowable (close to liveness), then go out, all the outgoing stream goes to Roos. For navantazhennya nothing is lost. And who needs a pedal cascade, which is really good for itself? In addition, the nominal input resistors are equal to only 1 kOhm (apparently, when starting the input op. To that, in real circuits, the opir Rin should vibrate not less than 10 kOhm, but not more than 100 kOhm, but at a given efficiency, do not set Roos above a great nominal. If you want the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bI not є absolute, but deprive them, as it seems, "at the first close" - all to lay down in a specific scheme. In any case, it’s not bad, but through Roos through the strum, I will change 5 ... 10% of the maximum output strum of a given specific OA.

Signals can be sent to the input, but not inverted. Go non-inverting combiner... In principle, such a scheme is practically exactly the same, like a summer, which is inverted, at the output of any signal that is directly proportional to the input voltage and back proportional to the nominal output resistors. Protest, it is practical to vikoristovuєtsya nagato rіdshe, tk. to take revenge on the "rake", which is a slid of vrahovuvati.

Oskilki Rule 2 is only for the input, but it is inverted, on which the "virtual potential of zero", then on the non-inverting potential, the equal algebraic sum of inputs. Otzhe, I enter a sponge, so є on one of the entrances, I pour it on a sponge, so I come to the entrance. Adzhe "Virtual Potential" on non-inverting inputs is dumb! The results are achieved with additional circuitry and cunning.

Dosi looked at the diagrams at the OU with OOS. And what will it be? For such a reason, we will comparator(Fig. 14), tobto, pristіy, scho tied for absolute values ​​two potentials at their inputs (from the English word compare- Porivnyuvati). On the first step, there will be a spurt, but it will come close to one of the springs of life, because any signal is more for the last one. Call the input signal to be given one from the inputs, or to the last one - after the input, with the input signal (so-called "supporting the pressure"). You can be yak, for that number equal to zero potential (Fig. 14, B).

Small. 14 Scheme of inclusion of op-amp yak comparator

However, not everything is so good "in the Kingdom of Denmark" ... But what will happen if there is a spill between the entrances to zero? For id, at the entrance, there may be zero, but for the sake of it - nicoli... If the potential at one of the inputs would like to overhaul the potential of the latter, then it would be enough if the chaotic streaks came out through the droplets, which would be aimed at the inputs of the comparator.

For the sake of it, be a signal є "noisy", because Ideal can be of value. І in the area, close to the point of equality of input potentials, a packet of output signals will appear at the outputs of the comparator to replace one clear commutation. To fight against the cymbal phenomenon in the comparator circuit, it is often necessary to introduce hysteresis by way of the branch of a weak positive PIS from the input to the non-inverting input (Fig. 15).

Small. 15 Principle of hysteresis in comparators for the PIC test

Analyze the circuit diagram to the robot. Strains її zhivennya to become ± 10 (for rivny rakhunku). Opir Rin door 1 room, and Rpos - 10 room. Yak will support a spine, come to the inverted input, reverse the potential of the middle point. With a red curve of the readings, the input signal, which comes up to the livy visnovok Rin (input schematics comparator), blue is the potential at the non-inverting input of the op-amp and green is the output signal.

As soon as the input signal has a negative polarity, at the outputs there is a negative voltage, as through R after the input signal is sent to the input signal in proportion to the nominal values ​​of the output resistors. As a result, the potential of a non-inverting input in the entire range of negative values ​​by 1 (beyond the absolute values) changes the level of the input signal. As only the input potential, but not inverting, is matched with the inverting potential (for the input signal, it will become + 1 V), the voltage on the op-amp outputs will shift more and more from negative polarity to positive. The total potential at the non-inverting input will increase avalanche creating more positive, adaptable processes of such a change. In the result of insignificant noise of input and reference signals, the comparator simply cannot be “fouled”, the odors of smell will be much smaller by the amplitude, the “convergence” to the input potential is described below, but not inverted, in case of overmixing.

When the input signal is lowered, the output signal of the comparator is reversed when the input signal is input, minus 1 V. hysteresis... The greater the opir Rpos stosovno Rin (less than the glybin POS), the lesser the hysteresis of the mixing. So, at Rpos = 100 kOhm, VIN becomes all 0.2, and at Rpos = 1 Mohm - 0.02 V (20 mV). Vibrate hysteresis (glybin POS), from the real minds of the function of the comparator in a specific circuit. In yak and 10 mV it will be a lot, and in yak - i 2 a little.

Unfortunately, it is not a skin op amp; Specialized microcircuits and comparators are issued for the narrowing of analog and digital signals. Part of them is specially designed for connection to digital TTL-microcircuits (597SA2), part of them - digital ESL-microcircuits (597SA1), protest є tz. "Comparators of wide zasosuvannya" (LM393 / LM339 / K554CA3 / K597CA3). The main view of the op-amp polarity is in a special attachment of the output cascade, which is displayed on a transistor with an output collector (Fig. 16).

Small. 16 Output cascade of comparators in a wide range
that yogo connection to navantazhvalny resistor

Tse vimagak obovyazkovy zasosuvannya zovnishny navanazhny resistor(R1) without any kind of output signal, it is simply not physically possible to formulate a high (positive) output signal. Voltage + U2, until the voltage resistor is connected, it can be, below the voltage supply + U1 of the comparator microcircuit itself. Allowing, by simple means, to prevent the output signal of the required level - chi vin TTL chi CMOS.


In large comparators, but which can be connected to the side of the LM393 (LM193 / LM293), or just the same for the circuitry, but the LM339 (LM139 / LM239) switches, the transistor of the output stage from the power supply At the connection from the circuit, I would like to turn the respect to the comparator LM31 (LM111 / LM211), an analogue of the output 521 / 554CA3, in which case it is a collector, so there is an internal transistor that can be used comparator. One and only one short-term is deprived of those, which in the 8-type (one in the 14-type) corps is deprived of one.

We looked at the diagrams, for which the input signal came to the input (s) through Rin, tobto. all the stinks bully redefining input springs in outgoing spins f. When the input strum flows through Rin. And what will it be, how can you accept it as zero? The scheme will be as it is, as if it looks like an inverted signal, only as Rin will serve as a signal (Rvih), but we will redefine input struma v outgoing spins(Mal. 17).

Small. 17 Scheme of re-vyvoryuvach struma on a naprugu on an OS

Oscillations at the inputs, which are inverted, the potential is the same as for the non-inverting (in this case, for the “virtual zero”), the entire input string ( Iin) through Roos between the input and output of the signal (G) and the output of the op-amp. The input definition of such a scheme is close to zero, but it allows it to be based on micro / micro-ampermetry, but it is practical not to pour it on the strum, but to push it along the lance, but to be able to use it. Mabut, Unim to interchange є the permissible range of the input voltage of the OU, which is not a trace of perevischuvati. With this help, you can also, for example, linearly transform the strum of the photodiode in a sparse of the rich schemes.

We looked at the main ambush of the op-amp's functionality in other schemes of its inclusion. One more important food is stuck: їх liveliness.

Yak bulo it is said vishche, OU typically has 5 vysnovk_v: two enter, vikhid and two vivedennya vivlennya, positive and negative. Zagalom vikoristovuєtsya bipolar harchuvannya, tobto dzherelo zhivlennya maє three visnovki with potentials: + U; 0; -U.

Once again, all points of view of the baby are respectfully discernible, but close to the point of view of the middle point in the educational institution НІ ! For a robotic internal circuitry, a won is simply not needed. On some diagrams, from a middle point, a non-inverting input is returned, however, it is not a rule.

Otzhe, overwhelming more special OUs for food UNIPOLAR struggle! Winning regular food: "And most of all, it is necessary to have bipolar food", as it was so invented and with enviable persistence they pictured him on the little ones?

To appear, it’s just douche by hand for practical purposes for offensive reasons:

A) For securing a sufficient struma and a wide range of vykhіdnoї springs through navantazhennya (Fig. 18).

Small. 18 Transition of a vyhidny struma through navantazhennya in case of new variants of living of OS

It’s not easy to see the input (і OOS) lancers of schemes, images on the little one (“black screen”). It is acceptable that the input is supplied with an input sinusoidal signal (black sinusoid on the graphs) and the same sinusoidal signal should be output at the outputs, as measured by the input to the input color on the sinusoidal graph.

When connected, the power supply Rheat. mіzh input ОУ that middle point of the dz'єднannya dzherel vivlennya (GB1 and GB2) - Small. 18, And the strum through the nascent counter is symmetrical to the middle point (apparently, red and blue napivhvili), and its amplitude is maximum and the amplitude of the stress on Rload. as much as possible - you can reach the maximum amount of living. The stream from the dzherela live of the same polarity is frozen through the OU, Rheat. that dzherelo lively (chervona that blue line, which shows the passage of the struma in a straight line).

OUs of internal opyr dzherel vivlennya OU is still small, the strum, which must pass through navantazhennya, encirclement of deprivation її support and the maximum outbound strum of the op amp, which is typically set to 25 mA.

When the OU is alive with a unipolar force yak zagalnoy shini vibrate to vibrate the negative (minusovy) pole of the livelihood, until another closure is connected (Fig. 18, B). Now the strum through the navantazhennya can go only in one straight line (shown by the red line), in the other, there are simply no sounds taken directly. In other words, the strum becomes asymmetric (pulsating) through the nesting.

Undoubtedly, it is not possible to carry out such a variant of scandal. As soon as the head is dynamic, it’s unambiguously disgusting. However, there is no powerless connection, if the connection is made between the OS output and one of the live buses (as a rule, of negative polarity), it is not only acceptable, but only one is possible.

If it is nevertheless necessary to preserve the symmetry of the flow through the strum in case of unipolar vivification, then it is galvanically connected to the output of the OU with a galvanic capacitor C1 (Fig. 18, U).

B) For securing the required strum for the entrance, for the invert, and also bindings input signals before pretty much collected rivnem, accepted for the support (zero) - the setting of the OS robotic mode by the post-stream strum (Fig. 19).

Small. 19 Connecting the input signal dzherel for new versions of the OS life

Now the options for connecting the input signals are now visible, when the connected signals are displayed.

The connection of inverting and non-inverting inputs to the middle point of the return connection (Fig. 19, A) was seen when analyzing the previous schemes. If the non-inverting input of the strum does not work, and it just accepts the potential of the middle point, then through the signal (G) and Rin, turn on last, the strum protested, it stalled through the seemingly live! And the splinters of the internal support are sparingly small in proportion to the input strum (a lot less, lower Rvx), then it is practically impossible to repair the spills of the living room.

In this way, with a unipolar OA life, it is possible to quickly formulate the potential, so that it can be supplied to its non-inverting input, behind the auxiliary R1R2 (Fig. 19, B, C). Typically, the nominal resistor values ​​should be 10 ... 100 kOhm, and the lower one (connections to the external minus bus) in the edge is shunted with a capacitor of 10 ... 22 microfarads, so that the suttuvo can reduce the potential for injecting the pulsation voltage into this. by piece middle point.

And the axis jerked to the signal (G) to the whole piece middle point of the switch in the edge, all through the same input strum. Let's figure it out. Navigate to the nominal values ​​of the filer R1R2 = 10 kOhm and Rin = 10 ... 100 kOhm, input string Iin it becomes at times 1/10, and to the girshom - up to 100% of the strum, which passes through the bottle. Otzhe, on the style and "floating" potential at the input, but not inverted, at the input (in phase) with the input signal.

If the signal is turned on, when the signal is turned on, for the signal the signal should be organized and the potential of the piece midpoint is formed by resistors R3R4 (Fig. 19, B). dzherelo to the signal from the input, which is inverted, by the capacitor C2 (Fig. 19, B).

It means that in the hovering diagrams (Fig. 18, 19), they took the hovering as a reference, but the outbound signal is symmetrical to the middle point, or the piece middle point. For the most part, do not get hungry. It is often necessary to deliver, the output signal is either positive or negative polarity. This is not necessary, but the negative polarity of the polarity is not necessarily the case, but the polarity is positive and the vividness is equal to the absolute values. Some of them can be significantly smaller than the absolute values, below the bottom - only so that the normal functioning of the OU is not ensured.

Vinikak natural food: "And yakim sama"? To accept a new, shortly discernible range of input and output signals from the op-amp.

For any OU, the potential for input cannot be visible, there is no potential for a positive life and less potential for a negative life. In other words, you cannot go beyond the boundaries of life. For example, for OU OPA277, there is a spike when supporting the installation 10 k less than the sprung of the positive tire of life by 2 In and of the negative tire of life - by 0.5 V. factors, such as circuitry of the output stage, op. Check the OS, as there may be dead zones and the minimum, for example, 50 mV each before the tire life at a voltage of 10 kOhm (for OPA340);

On the other side, for a wide op-amp for a wide input signal, the signals are also not guilty of changing the liveness, but for people they are less than xx by 1.5 ... 2 V. , as it can be done not only because of the negative feeding, ale to change the "minusovish" yogo by 0.3 V, when the suttuo will fall down with a unipolar hankering from the backward negative tire.

Let's make a choice and look at the cich of "bugs-spiders". You can sniff and lick. I allow it. The most common options available to radio operators-cob are easy to understand. Tim is bigger, as it is brought to vipoyuvati OU with old equipment.

For OU old people, who, in a general order, require new lanterns for frequency correction, for self-excitement, they are characterized by the appearance of pre-existing ones. Deyaki OU through the price did not "intermeddle" up to 8-type hull (Fig. 20, A) and were prepared in 12-type round metal plates, for example, K140UD1, K140UD2, K140UD5 (Fig. 20, B) but in 14- In the main DIP cases, for example, K140UD20, K157UD2 (Fig. 20, B). DIP abbreviation for fast English viraz "Dual In line Package" and change over like "case with double-sided roztashuvannyam visnovkiv".

The round metal-bonded case (Fig. 20, A, B) was stagnant, as the main one, for imported OUs approximately until the mid-70s, and for Western OUs - until the mid-80s; "Vyskovyh" Zastosuvan ("5th Priymannya").

Some of the most recent OUs were moved to the end of the "exotic" buildings in Danish hour: 15-hour straight metal-glue for the hybrid K284UD1 (Fig. 20, D), in which the key was added 15, which were in the given building. Of course, the planar 14-type buildings (Fig. 20, D) were not specially designed for the placement of OUs in them. The stench was stagnant for digital microcircuits.

Small. 20 Corps of Operational Operations

It’s a very good idea to put the corigular lanterns right on the crystal, which allowed a minimum number of visnovks to be bypassed (for example, a 5-way SOT23-5 for a single OA - Fig. 23). Tse allowed in one building to change two or more squares (in addition to the out-of-town buildings) OU, to be prepared on one crystal.

Small. 21 Noble plastic housings and custom op amps for visual mounting (DIP)

In some cases it is possible to install op-amps, spaced out in single-row 8-type (Fig. 22) and 9-lead packages (SIP) - K1005UD1. SIP abbreviation for fast English viraz "Single In line Package" and change over like "case with one-sided roztashuvannyam visnovkiv".

Small. 22 Single-row plastic housing of external op amps for visual mounting (SIP-8)

The stench of cracking for the minimization of the mission borrowed on the payment, alas, unfortunately, "got lost": up to the whole hour, cases for surface mounting (SMD - Surface Mounting Device) were widely used to carry payments right to the road 23. However, for the cobbles, the victorious ones are suttuded.

Small. 23 Housings of custom-made op amps for surface mounting (SMD)

Even more often, the microcircuit itself can be "packed" with a virobnik near the small case (Fig. 24).

Small. 24 Variants of distribution of one and the same microcircuits at small buildings

Drawings of all microcircuits may be numbered last, so that they are drawn from the TV. "key", scho I will order the roztashuvannya vivedennya pid number 1. (Mal. 25). Have be someone at times, yaksho roztashuvati corps with visnovki see yourself, їх numbering according to growth against godinnikova shooter!

Small. 25 Razm_shennya visnovkіv operatsіnykh pіdsiluvachіv
at small buildings (basement), top view;
directly numbering is shown by arrows

In round metal-bonded cases, the key is for the lateral visor (Fig. 25, A, B). The axis of the roztashuvannya tsyogo key can be great rake! In vіtchiznyani 8-vivіdnyh buildings (302.8) the key is removed from the first vivedennya (Mal. 25, A), and in the imported TO-5 - against the eighth vivod (Mal. 25, B). In 12-vivіdnyh hulls yak vіtchiznyanyh (302.12), so and і imported key for sewing mіzh Perm and twelve visnovki.

Name the inverting input for round metal-sklyny, so in DIP-cases, for the second one, non-inverting - for the third, the output - for the 6th, the minus for the living - for the fourth, plus the hook - from the 7th. Protest, є th vinyatka (more than one possible "rake"!) At the base of the OU K140UD8, K574UD1. The stench of the numbering of the visnos is housed in one counter-year-old shot against the most popular types, so to speak. with the stench of stench, yak at the import buildings (Mal. 25, B), and the numbering is given by the vitchiznyanim (Mal. 25, A).

By the rest of the rock, a greater number of OUs of "by-end designation" began to change in plastic cases (Fig. 21, 25, V-D). In the case of qih cases, we key є either the loss (point) against the first vivod, or viriz at the end of the case with the first ones, 8 (DIP-8) or 14 (DIP-14) fasteners, or the chamfer of the first half of the windings (Mal. 21, in the middle) ... The numbering of visnovki in the cich buildings is also trivial against godinnikova shooter shaking from above (with visnovka to itself).

Yak bulo it is said vishche, OU with internal shortcuts may be deprived of five visnovks, for which there are three (two enter that vykhid) ​​to overlap with the skin surrounding OU. The price allowed in one 8-type case to grow on one crystal, two on two sides (for some reason, plus and minus living, but there are more two cases) OS (Fig. 25, D), and in the 14-type case - there is little . 25, E). As a result, in the Danish hour, a large number of OSs are issued as a minimum in health, for example, TL062, TL072, TL082, cheap and simple LM358 and ін.

Similar to the LM324 (K1401UD2) analogue, there are one more "rake": if in LM324 plus the liveness is entered on the 4th visnovok, and the minus is on the 11th, then in the K1401UD2 navpaki: plus on the 11th installments - on the 4th. Protest, the common folding from the divorcees, the opinion is not a wikipedia. Oscillations of the base of the OS windows is more symmetrical (Fig. 25, D), you just need to turn the case 180 degrees, then the 1st visnovok is in the middle of the 8th. That mustache.

A couple of words for the marketing of imported OUs (that is not deprived of OUs). For low rosettes of the first 300 digital values, it is accepted to designate the group of qualities of the first digital code. For example, OU LM158 / LM258 / LM358, comparator LM193 / LM293 / LM393, adjustable three-way stabilizers TL117 / TL217 / TL317 and increase the identical range for internal temperature structures. For LM158 (TL117), set the operating temperature range from minus 55 to + 125 ... 150 degrees per Celsius (so-called "boyovy" high range), for LM258 (TL217) - from minus 40 to +85 degrees ("promises" ) range) and for LM358 (TL317) - from 0 to +70 degrees ("byte" range). At the same time, the price on them may be absolutely not similar to such gradation, or rather insignificantly ( inappropriate prices!). So kupuvati їkh is possible with being-yaky markuvannyam, accessible "for a swarm" of ears, especially do not hanker for persha "triykoyu".

After completing the first three hundred digital markups of the group, the reliability became individual letters, which are deciphered in datasheets (Datasheet can be translated as "Danih table") of these components.


Axis mi y vivchili the "alphabet" of the robotic OU, trochs of the comparator. Dal 'need to read, put together from the cich "letter" the words, the speech and the order of comprehension "create" (original schemes).

It is a pity, "It is not hard to touch lightly." As far as the wickedness in the whole statty material is added to the intelligence, as in the process of the “black boxes”, then it’s farther away from being lost in the breakdown of the “filling”, pouring in the incoming, outgoing and outgoing characteristics of the old ones. Information about the report and thoroughly vicladen at the helpless literature. Yak kazav dіda Viljam Okkam: "It is not necessary to multiply the day it is necessary." Few of them have already been well described. It is only necessary to not line up and read it.

11.http: //

Then let me bow, with the help of that in., The author Oleksiy Sokolyuk ()



An important function of the current automation systems is the regulation of coordinates, so that the adjustment with the necessary accuracy of the necessary values. The whole function is realized for the additional great number of young elements, which are first and foremost in the middle of the regulator.

Regulator a visualization of the key signal, which is similar to the mathematical operations necessary for the minds of the robotic system and regulation. Prior to the typical necessary operations, such a signal is reconfigured: proportional, proportional-integral, proportional-integral-differential.

The basis of the analog regulator is to become an operational pidsiluvach - a pidsiluvach of a post-strum, which, due to the presence of the ringing bells, makes a high efficiency. The most significant amount of money is to know the operation of the integrated presentation. Operational support є with a cascade structure, in which it is possible to see, input differential pressure ( DC) with inverted and direct inputs, UN), realizing a high efficiency of strength, and strength of strength ( ROSUM), you will need to install an operational driver. The functional diagram of the operational driver is shown in Fig. 4.1. One-crystal small-sized display of the operative driver will increase the stability of the parameters, which allows you to reduce the high efficiency of the post-strum. Vivedenі zі point diagrams Kl, K2, KZ designations for connecting ring-shaped lancers, for lowering the performance at high frequencies and for increasing the performance of robotic power transmissions with ringing sounds. Without corriguval lantsyugiv at high frequencies, if the delay has accumulated, in phase 180 °, the sign of the ringing ring changes, and with great performance, the operation is able to self-excite. In fig. 4.1 Victory is the following: U p- spill of liveness of a pidsilyuvacha; U uї- the input of the keruvannya by the inverse input of the driver; U pack- the keruvannya is entered at the direct entrance of the driver; U wih- Vykhіdna sprue pіdsilyuvach. Effortlessly, the growth springs up to the dart of the bipolar dart.

The schematic of the inclusion of the operational driver is shown in Fig. 4.2. Differential cascade of the operative power supply unit has two control inputs: direct with potential U pack that inversion with potential U uї(Fig. 4.2, a).

The driver's response is to start with a little more efficiency to improve the potential of the driver's inputs, tobto

U vih = k уо (U уо - U уі) = k уо U уо,

de k yo- differential efficiency of the operative power supply; U u- differential input for the driver, so that the input is between direct and inverted inputs. Differential efficiency for improving the integration of integrated operations for the duration of the ringing sounds.

Schodo vhidnykh vprug U vhpі U whi vyhіdna fruga viznitsa

U out = k up U in - k ui U in,

de kofіtsієnti for a direct entrance k pack that on the inverse input k уї Viznachayutsya scheme of inclusion of the driver. For a circuit for connecting to a direct input, shown in Fig. 4.3, b performance improvement start for a formula


and for the circuit of turning on the inverted input, shown in fig. 4.3, v, - for the formula

To induce the development of the regulator circuits, a circuit for the inclusion of an operational driver with an inverted input is used. As a rule, regulate the mother's decal inputs. Input signals are sent up to point 1 (Fig. 4.2, v) through individual input supports. The necessary transmission functions of the regulators are to go beyond the complex active-smart supports in the lance of the ringing sound Z os that at the input lancers Z in... Transmitting function of the regulator, whether from inputs without control

. (4.1)

Regardless of the type of transmission function, the operational control can be seen as the same functional regulator. For the implementation of the regulators, it is necessary to see if the circuit is connected to the inverted input.

Proportional regulator (P-regulator) - tse operts_yny pidsiluvach іf a hard ringing sound, hovering in fig. 4.3, a... Yogo transfer function

W (p) = k П, (4.2)

de k P- Coefficient of the P-controller's strength.

Yak vyplyaє with the transmission function (4.2), in the interfluxes, the transmission of the operational signal is the logarithmic frequency of the amplitude (LAPH) of the P-controller parallel to the frequency axis w and the phase goes to zero (Fig. 4.3, b).

Integral regulator (I-regulator) go to the included capacitor at the turn signal, as shown in fig. 4.4, a, when you see the integration of the input signal and the transfer function of the regulator

, (4.3)

de T i = R in C os- Post-integration.

Yak vyplyaє z (4.3), phase zsuv of the output signal to the road - p/ 2, LAPR is -20 dB / g, and the logarithmic phase frequency response (LPFC) is parallel to the frequency axis w(Fig.4.4, b).

Proportional-integral regulator (PI-regulator ) walk along the path of parallel P-and I-regulators, tobto

The transmission function (4.4) can be trimmed on one operational switch-on to the first ringing of the active-mnisny support Z os (p) = R os (p) + + 1 / (C os p), Yak is shown in fig. 4.5, a.

Todi valid until (4.1)


de T 1 = R os C os; T І = R in C os; k P = R os / R in.

The logarithmic frequency characteristics of the PI-controller are shown in Fig. 4.5, b.

Proportional-differential regulator (PD-regulator) run parallel to the data of the P-controller and the differential D-controller, so that

W PD (p) = k P + T D p = k P (T 1 p + 1). (4.5)

The transfer function (4.5) goes along the path of connecting the capacitor to the input resistor of the operating driver, as shown in Fig. 4.6, a... Todi z urahuvannyam (4.1) maєmo

de T 1 = R in C in; k P = R os / R in.

The logarithmic frequency characteristics of the PD controller are shown in Fig. 4.6, b.

Proportional-integral-differential regulator (PID-regulator). The whole regulator is adjusted by the parallel connection of three regulators - P-regulator, I-regulator and D-regulator. Yogo transfer function of ma viglyad

. (4.6)

The transfer function (4.6) may be implemented in parallel to the connections of the PD-controller and the I-controller, which may, apparently, be the transfer function (4.5) and (4.3). At the same time, the circuit of the PID-regulator can be used on three operational pidsiluvachah. The first driver implements the function of the PD controller (Fig. 4.6, a), the other pidsiluvach is the function of the I-regulator (Fig.4.4, a), third pidsiluvach (Fig. 4.3, a) - the function of summarizing the output signals of the first and other signals.

Yaksho on the parameter k P, T Іі T D naklastya obmezhennya

then the transfer function (4.6) can be written in the viewer

, (4.7)

de k П = (T 1 + T 2) / T І; T D = (T 1 T 2) / T І.

The PID-controller with the transmission function (4.7) is the last time the PD-controller and the PI-controller are switched on, and it can be implemented on one operational driver with the support of the lance of the ringing ring

Z os (p) = R os + 1 / (C os p)

that support at the entrance lance


With a large number of hours of the regulator T 1 = R in C in, T 2 = R os C os, T 0 = R in C os.

The diagram of the PID-regulator on one pidsiluvachi is shown in Fig. 4.7, a, And the logarithmic frequency characteristics in Fig. 4.7, b.

The diagrams of the PD-regulator and the PID-regulator are visible at the input lances of the power supply capacitors, as for high-frequency ones, the transition code є opir, close to zero. To adjust the speed of the regulators, after the capacitor, it is possible to turn on an additional resistor with a small support (not less than one order of magnitude smaller than the capacitor support).

Regulators, іх and technical implementation of the reports are displayed in / 1 /.

Power supply for self-revision

1. What function do I have to see the regulator of automation systems?

2. What are the types of signals that control the controllers of the automation systems?

3. What is the basis for encouraging more modern analog regulators?

4. What are the main powers of the attached operatives?

5. What are the input coordinates of a typical operational driver?

6. What is the input coordinate of a typical operational driver?

7. Who do the folding workers enter into the functional diagram of the operational driver?

8. Name the types of circuits for the increase of operational drives.

9. What is the standard scheme for the inclusion of an operational driver to get involved in the implementation of regulators?

10. To guide the transmitting function of the operational driver for the circuit of switching on the input, which is invert.

11. What is the element to replace the proportional regulator at the lance of the ringing sound of the operating driver?

12. What is the element to replace the proportional regulator with the input lance of the operating driver?

13. Guide the transmission function of the proportional controller.

14. What kind of amplitude frequency and phase frequency characteristics of the proportional regulator?

15. What is the element to take revenge on the integral regulator at the lance of the vocal sound of the operational driver?

16. What is the element to take revenge on the integral regulator at the input lance of the operational driver?

17. Guide the transmission function of the integral regulator.

18. How big is the logarithmic frequency of the amplitude and the frequency of the integral regulator?

19. What kind of ma phase frequency characteristic of the integral regulator?

20. What is the element to revenge the lance of the ringing sound of the operating pressure of the proportional-integral regulator?

21. What is the element to take revenge on the input lance of the operational driver of the proportional-integral regulator?

22. Guide the forward function of the proportional-integral regulator.

23. What is the element of revealing the lance of the ringing sound of the operational driver of the proportional-differential regulator?

24. Guide the transmission function of the proportional-differential regulator.

25. Is it possible to implement the parameters of the proportional-integral-differential regulator on one operational drive for any change in the parameters?

26. What is the element to take revenge on the input lance of the proportional-integral-differential regulator, which is assigned to one operational input?

27. What is the element of revealing the lance of the ringing sound of the proportional-integral-differential regulator, which is set on one operational drive?

Intensity sensors

A typical unit, which is set, in control systems for electric drives and in other automation systems. integrating pristіy abo intensity adjuster(3I). Management ZI - formulate a smooth change in the signal, which is set, during the transition from one level to the last one, and itself the line increase and decrease of the signal at the required rate. The mode has a voltage on the inputs of the intensity generator for the road traffic on the input.

In fig. 4.8 shows a block diagram of a one-time integration ZI, which can be stored in three operating units. All inputs are included behind the circuit with the input, which is inverted. First pidsilyuvach Y1, cool without a ringing sound U 1, I can characterize the rectangular form, the yak is guided without urahuvannya inversion vyhidnoy spruce in Fig. 4.9, a... Another operation pidsiluvach U2 practical integration with a constant rate of integration


The pace of integration can be adjusted by a change R in2... Third pidsilyuvach U3 form

. (4.9)

When filing at the input, springs, scho set U s The spillover is linearly growing slowly (4.8). At the moment one o'clock t = t p, if U s = - U os,іntegruvannya to lean back, і vyhіdna spins, like wiping s (4.9), reaching the value , Become overwhelmed by the invisible. With the knowledge of the entrance of the springs ( U s = 0) the process of a linear change in the dislocation stress to zero value is observed (Fig. 4.9, b).

The swiftness of the change of the wicked pressure of the ZI, like the drink of the (4.8), can be changed for the change in the amount of the pressure U 1, for example, by the way of the vibration of the stabilizers at the lance of the ringing sound of the driver Y1 with the help of stabilization, for the necessary value U 1, for the greatness of the creature R in2 C os2.

In fig. 4.10, a another circuit of a one-time integrated ZI, a viconan based on a bipolar transistor, connected behind the circuit with a backbone base, is induced. At tsіy circuits for the power of the transistor ( T) yak pidsilyuvacha strum. Capacitor overcharge ( Z) be sure to see if the collector flow does not change before, which should start with a given strum of the emiter i e... With a great speed of change, the hour spins u wih at gateway ЗІ du vih / dt| = before/C... Control characteristics ЗІ u wih = = f (t) shown in fig. 4.10, b... The speed of the output signal can be adjusted by the change U e, in proportion to how the strum changes i e i, apparently, strum before, for a change in the capacity of the capacitor. In the mode, after standing up, the capacitor starts charging before u in... Vypryamny mіst will ensure the continuity right across the strum of the collector of the transistor, just across the sign of the spill. u in... 3 reports are displayed at / 1, 7 /.

Power supply for self-revision

1. How do I mark the intensity generators in the automation circuits?

2. What is the input and output coordinates of the intensity generator?

3. Why should there be a static efficiency of the intensity generator?

4. How can you change the tension on the inputs of the intensity regulator, how do you integrate one-time, in case of frequent changes in the input stress?

5. On the basis of what factors are there going to be integrated generators of intensity?

6. Skіlіkіy operatsіy pіdsiluvachіv, included in the inverted input, is necessary for the implementation of the generator of intensity, but is it a one-time integration?

7. To indicate the characteristic of the skin with three operational signals in the types of circuits of a one-time integrated generator of intensity, viconano on microcircuits.

8. What parameters are injected into the speed of the change of the originator's force, what is the one-time integration, the intensity on the three operational signals?

9. Who can reach the line of change of pressure on the capacitor in the circuit of a one-time integrated transistor generator of intensity?

10. What parameters are injected into the fluidity of the change in the output voltage of a one-time integrated transistor generator of intensity?

Uzgodzhuvalny elements

Functional elements at the warehouse of control systems can be differentiated according to the type of signal, the kind of strum, for the supports and for the other indicators. In addition, with the receipt of elements, the definition of uzgodzhennya їkh characteristics. Tse zavdannya virіshuyut uzgodzhuvalnі elements. Phase detectors can be applied to a whole group of elements, so that they can use the same signal, digital-to-analogue and analog-to-digital conversions, which can use the type of signal, they repeat the type of signal, and how to use the same type of signal. The function of narrowing can be used to identify elements that are normally associated with their goals. For example, in clause 4.1, the operative driver appears to be an international repeat of the non-inverted input when the input is connected to the input, which is inverted.

For galvanized podil, you can use, for example, vicoristany transformer pressure sensor. Such and similar elements before them will appear obvious and will not be seen.

Easy to understand folding types of uzgodzhuvalny elements.

Phase detector(FD) in the scientific and technical literature, having lowered the names: phase sensitive, phase sensitive, phase sensitive, phase discriminator, demodulator.

Appointment of FD - the re-creation of the input stress of the wicked struma U in I wake up with a post-strum U wih, polarity and amplitude of how to lie in the phase of the input j... In such a rank, the FD can produce two input coordinates: the amplitude of the input U in m that phase of the input j that one input coordinate: the mean value of the output spring U wih... There are two modes of PD robots: the amplitude mode, if the phase of the input stress is lost continuously, take one from two values ​​0 or p, U in m= var that U wih = f (U inx m); phase mode, if U in= const, j= var that U wih = f (j).

In the amplitude mode, the PD stagnates like converting the signal of the ineffectiveness of the changing strum into a solid signal at the drives of the permanent strum, which is being watched, as converting the output signal of the tachogenerator of the changing strum and so on. In the phase mode, the PD stagnates in the control systems, in which the controlled and critical value is the phase, which smoothly changes.

On the phase detector, call up, do not rely on the function of the strength of the springs.

To that, the efficiency of the FD is close to one. In fig. 4.11 is shown a diagram of the replacement of a two-way FD. The circuit is converted to zero rectified circuits, in which valves are replaced by functional keys. K1і K2. Opir navantazhennya R n, on which one can see the wandering springs, from the middle point a, 0 keys and dzherel EPC control e у. In the skin contour, an internal opyr of the dzherela EPC control has been introduced R y. The key mill is controlled by the support EPC e op according to the algorithm: for e op> 0 K1 inclusions, tobto yogo

commutation function y к1= 1, and K2 enabled, to switch the function y к2 = 0. For e op< 0 y к1 = 0, a y к2= 1. The Danish algorithm can be represented by the formulas

y up to 1 = (1 + sign e op) / 2; y up to 2 = (1- sign e op) / 2 . (4.10)

Obviously, for a closed K1 vikhidna EPC e wih mіzh dots a, 0 door e y, and when closed K2 e wih = - e y, tobto

e wih = e y y k1 - e y y k2. (4.11)

Installation (4.10) at (4.11) give

e vih = e y sign e op . (4.12)

Similar to the algorithms (4.11) and (4.12), the diagram of the change of the electronic EPC is pointed at the small 4.12.

e op = E op m sinwtі e у = E у m sin (wt - j),

de E op m,E y m- amplitude value of the reference EPC and EPC control; w is the cut-off frequency of the reference EPC and EPC control, then the mean value of the direct output EPC

. (4.13)

So yak E у m = k п U вх m the mean value of the wickedness , then with urahuvannyam (4.13)

, (4.14)

de k p- Coefficient of transmission from input power to EPC control. It is determined by the peculiarities of a specific FD scheme.

For j= const = 0 abo j= const = p mє mісce the amplitude mode of the PD robot, for which the characteristic of the control straight line:

U out = k FD U in,

de s urahuvannyam (4.14) efficiency of FD strength in amplitude mode


At j= 0 value of wickedness U wih positive, and when j = p Significance of negative spillovers.

For U in= const ma j= var maє mice phase mode of PD, which characteristic of control

U out = k "FD cosj = k "FD sinj",

de j "= p / 2 - j and the ratio of the transfer of the PD to the phase mode from the parameters (4.14)


With malikh j " control characteristic

FD robot, їх indicators and important schemes are displayed in / 1 /.

Digital-to-analogue conversions(DAC). To redefine the digital part of the system and the analogue keruvannya. The input coordinate of the DAC is two-way bagator-size number A n = a n -1 ... a i ... a 1 a 0, and the output coordinate is a spill U wih, which is formed on the basis of the support spring U op(Fig. 4.13).

The DAC circuits will be based on a resistor matrix, for which additional input is generated, or so, that the output is proportional to the input number. At the DAC warehouse, you can see three main parts: a resistor matrix, electronic keys, kerovan in an input number, and a power supply, which can be used as a form. In fig. 4.14 induces a simple non-reversible DAC circuit. Skin discharge of the input double number An vidpovida opir

R i = R 0/2 i, (4.15)

de R 0-Opir young rozryad.

Resistor R i connect to dzherel living with support U op via electronic key K i, like closures at a i= 1і open at a i= 0. Obviously, a i opir of the input lance for i- for a series of urahuvannyas (4.15) be recognized as a viraz

R i = R 0 / (2 i a i). (4.16)

Todi for and i= 0, tobto lancers, and for a i= 1 lance of inclusions і maє opіr R 0/2 i.

The circuits in Fig. 4.14 operational support Have pidsumovuinvidnі strumi and її вvіdnu vprugu z urahuvannya poznachenie schema and virazu (4.16)

Viraz (4.17) mind U vih = f (A n)- Tse characteristic of DAC control. Wonderful form with discreteness behind a spruce, so that one of the youngest ranks,

ΔU 0 = R os U op / R 0 = k DAC.

The magnitude ΔU 0є one hour and averaging the DAC forward performance k DAC.

Analog-digital re-revolution(ADC) virіshu zvorotne zavdannya - I will re-create without interruption in the form I enter into a number, for example, two. Cutaneous viral bagatorazryadny double number A i variable range of input tension:

, (4.18)

de U еi = ΔU 0 i- the standard value of the deviation, which is related to the deviating twofold number A i; ΔU 0- the discreteness of the vychidnogo napruga, which is based on one of the youngest vychidnogo number.

At n-bit ADC dagger number from zero to the same level as from one ΔU 0, to the maximum target tenth number N = 2 n - 1... Oskіlki kozen rіven U е i, zgіdno (4.18), they carry information about the number, then in the robot ADC it is possible to see the main operations: the adjustment of the input and standard tension, the value of the number of the line, the formation of the input number in the given code. The averaging of the ADC transmission efficiency starts as the value of the DAC transmission efficiency is turned around:

k ADC = 1 / ΔU 0.

The current characteristics of the ADC control can be recorded as

The characteristic of the control of the ADC can be formulated.

The ADC implementation circuits can be divided into two main types: parallel and last.

The main conversion of the ADC in parallel is the shvidkodiya visoka. Reconstruction of the analog input voltage for dozens of large-scale numbers is displayed in all for two clock cycles of robotic digital elements of the circuit. The main shortcoming of such ADCs is a large number of analog comparators and triggers near the warehouse circuit, which is 2 n - 1 it is too expensive to rob bagator-sized ADC parallel to the type.

Quite a few hardware vitrati are required in the ADC of the last day. In fig. 4.15 the circuit of the late ADC is shown, which can be referred to the group of circuits of the last day. On the diagrams of vicoristan, it was not guessed earlier than that: GTI- clock pulse generator, Wed- reversible filler, Before- comparator, R- Wikipedia register. Significant logical elements І,CHI NI welcome.

Porivnyannya U inі U e visit a combined analog comparator with two outputs: "more" (>) and "less" (<). ЕслиU in - U e >ΔU 0/ 2 then a single signal appears on the input>, at a certain element I 1 to carry out the clock pulse on the input (+1) of the reversible switch Wed Growth rate Wed, and it seems to be growing U e, to form a DAC. Yaksho U in - U e < ΔU 0 /2 , then a single signal is sent to the input< , при этом импульсы от генератора тактовых импульсов через элемент I 2 pass to the entrance to the entrance (-1) of the hospital Wedі U e change. For wash | U in - U e | = ΔU 0 /2 on both outputs Before you see zero signals and elements I 1і I 2 vyavlyayutsya closed for clock pulses. The clerk has pinned the rakhuvati, and when you go out on the go, the number of times you go to the register R. Dozvіl to write a number in the register yes a single element signal ABO-NOT included for two outputs Before. Looking at qiu schematic diagram U inі U e, it is possible to set up the ADC, which is closed on the input coordinates, the control system with the regulator Before relay action. The system is driven by a standard force on the DAC outputs the change of the input force is accurate, when it is set ± U 0/2і vidpovіdaє to digital input number, U in. The ADC, well, quilting, allows you to quickly re-do it just to finish the change of input.

The main inadequacy of the analyzed ADC is shvidkodiya filth. For the most uncomfortable person, if the maximum pressure is set at the entrance, for displaying a specific value in a digital code, it is necessary 2 n - 1 tact. Deyaki circuits of the DAC and ADC of that robot are displayed in / 1 /.

Power supply for self-revision

1. For whom to be vicarious in the automation systems of Uzgozhuvalny elements?

2. How can I use a phase detector?

3. Do any modes have a phase sensor?

4. What is the input coordinate of the phase detector?

5. What is the position of the phase detector?

6. What is the amplitude mode of the robotic phase sensor?

7. What is the phase mode of a robotic phase detector?

8. What can you do with phase detectors in automation systems?

9. Introduce the formula for the characteristics of the phase detector, which is applied in the amplitude mode.

10. How will we be able to re-create digital-to-analog?

11. What is the input and output coordinates of the digital-to-analog conversion?

12. What are the main parts of the digital-to-analog conversion scheme?

13. Introduce the formulas for the development of the characteristics of the digital-analogue conversion of the same average transmission efficiency.

14. What kind of characteristic is the control of digital-to-analog conversion?

15. How to re-create an analog-to-digital re-make?

16. What is the input and output coordinates of the analog-to-digital conversion?

17. Introduce the formulas for the development of the characteristics of the analog-to-digital conversion of the same average transmission efficiency.

18. What types of analog-digital conversions?

19. Who has the main challenges and shortcomings of analog-to-digital conversions in parallel projects?

20. Who has the main challenges and shortcomings of analog-digital re-innovations in the last day?

21. For whom in the scheme of an analog-to-digital reworking, how can a digital-to-analog reworking be quilted, victorious?

22. To what is the absolute maximum pardon for reworking analog-digital reworking?


Power supply for self-revision

1. What is the input and output coordinates of the sensor for turning?

2. What is the input and output coordinates of the sensor of the badness?

3. In which systems can the sensors be stuck and the sensors are used?

4. Winding windings that de ma three-phase contact selsyn?

5. What is the input and output coordinates of the selsin?

6. In which modes, can you perform selsyn?

7. What is the amplitude mode of robotic selsyn?

8. What is the phase mode of robotic selsin?

9. Introduce the formula for the development of the characteristics of keruvannya with selsyn in the amplitude mode of the robot.

10. Introduce the formula for the development of the characteristics of the keruvannya selsynom in the phase mode of the robot.

11. Yakim bureaucrats do not start the static mistakes of the selsin, how can they create this characteristic of management?

12. Chim viklikana shvidkisna hijacking the kuta sensor to the turn of the selsin urahuvannyam?

13. In which operating mode the selsyn-pickup and selsyn-pickup are used in the sensor circuit of the wedge of inconsistency, where does the value of the EPC of the selsin-pickup rotor and the phase of the EPC circuit?

14. Introduce the formula for calculating the characteristics of the sensor's performance on the basis of two steps, which is applied to the transformer mode.

15. What are the main shortcomings of the sensors in the cut to the turn of the selsin?

16. How do I mark at the inputs of the sensors in the cut to the turn of the turn to lower the gearbox?

17. How do I mark at the inputs of the sensors in the cut to the turn to turn on the gearboxes, how can I move?

18. How can you make a mistake?

19. How many discrete sensors of kuta are completely victorious?

20. What are the main elements є in the design of the digital sensor for turning on the basis of the code disk?

21. What is the characteristic of the digital sensor keruvannya turn on the basis of the code disk of the character?

22. Impose the formula for the resolution of the discreteness interval of the digital cutter sensor to the rotation on the basis of the code disk.

23. To guide the formula for the absolute movement of the digital sensor to the rotation on the basis of the code disk.

24. Is it possible to change the size of the digital cutter sensor by turning on the basis of the code disk with clear constructive approaches?

Kutovoy fluidity sensors

Tachogenerator of post-strumє an electric machine of a stationary strum with independent power supplies or permanent magnets (Fig. 5.6). Input coordinate TG-kutova shvidkist w vihidna - napruga U wih, which can be seen on the support of the installation.

E тг = kФw = I (R тг + R n),

Transmitting function TG, V / rad; k = рN / (2p а)- constructive post_yna; F- Magnetic energy boost; R tg- Opirnaya winding and pinch contact.

The transfer function of the TG, strictly apparently, does not become permanent when the speed changes through the non-linearity of the support of the pin contact and the reaction of the armature. In addition, in the characteristics of management, there is a strong lack of linearity in areas of little and great fluidity (Fig.5.6, b). Irregularity in the area of ​​low fluidity to change the amount of metalized shims from the malformed sponges. The non-linearity of the characteristics through the reaction of the armature is reduced to between the upper parts and the lower support to the support. For vykonannya of the values ​​\ u200b \ u200bof the control characteristics of the TG vvazhatimutsya practically straightforward.

Operations in one of the main components in modern analog electronic attachments. Establishments of the simplicity of the structure and of the given parameters, the operation of the lungs in the stasis. They are also called differential pedagogues, the odor of the building smelt will make the difference between the external forces.

Particularly popular is the performance of operative music in sound technology for making music speakers stronger.

Designation on the diagrams

In the building of the pidsilyuvach, call for five visitors, for that number two visitors - come in, one - go, and two - live.

Principle of dії
There are two rules that add to the intelligence principle of the operational signal:
  1. The exit of the operative driver is almost zero growth at the entrances.
  2. Come in pidsilyuvacha do not turn off the strum.

The first entry of the meanings "+" is called non-inverting. The other entry of meanings with the sign "-" is used as inverted.

Come in pidsilyuvacha mayyut a high opir, which is called impedance. It allows vitrachati strum at the entrances of the nanoamper. At the entrance, an estimate of the size of the spill is displayed. Still from the center of the assessment of the signal.

Great value is the efficiency of the power, which is within the reach of the millionaire. This means that if you want 1 millivolt at the input of the tax, then at the input of the tax, the large quantities are spontaneous. To that, the operatives cannot stop without a ringing sound.

Come in for the offensive principle: if there is a spill at the entrance, but not invert, if there is a sprint at the inverting entrance, then the most positive spill appears at the entrance. There will be the most negative significance for the ringing situation at the exit.

Negative and positive springs on the outputs of the operative pressure can be made through the vicorian dzherela vivlennya, which is split into a bipolar sprue.

The life of the operative driver

If you take a finger battery, then there are two poles: positive and negative. If the negative pole is rakhuvati beyond the zero point, then the positive pole will show +1.5 V. It can be seen from the connected one.

Take two elements and plug them last, the next step is the picture.

If you take the negative pole of the lower battery for the zero point, and put the voltage on the positive pole of the upper battery, then set it to +10 volts.

If you take the middle point between batteries for zero, then go dzherelo bipolar springs, so as є sprung positive and negative polarity, which will cost +5 volts and -5 volts.

Find out the simple circuits of blocks from split living rooms, how to use them in the designs of radio amators.

Living on the scheme is given as a by-by-beat fancy. The transformer will lower the strum to 30 volts. Secondary winding in the middle of the display, for the additional output of +15 and -15 of the straightened spring.


There is a simple set of different schemes of operational signals, which can be readily reported.

Pidsilyuvach, scho invertu

This is the main scheme. A special feature of the scheme is that the operators are characterized by a limit of strength, and a change in phase. The letter "k" stands for the strength parameter. The graph shows the fuel injection for the circuit diagram.

The blue color represents the input signal, and the red color represents the outgoing signal. Performance for different roads: k = 2. The amplitude of the signal at the inputs is greater than the signal at the inputs. Outbound signal for inversions, sound of the name. Operational support, which is inverted, may be a simple scheme:

Such operating systems have become popular due to their simple design. To calculate the strength, use the following formula:

It can be seen that if the operator is able to lay down at the support R3, then it can be unique. Here, win stasis for a zaistu.

Operational support, but not inverting

The circuit is suitable before the front, visibility and visibility of the inversion (inversion) signal. Tse means saving the phase of the signal. The graph shows the signal strength.

The coefficient of performance of a non-inverting driver is also expensive: k = 2. A signal is sent to the input at the form of a sinusoid, at the output the amplitude has changed.

The qia scheme is not simple, below the front, they have two supports. A plus signal is sent to the input signal. For the development of the efficiency, it is necessary to use the following formula:

It can be seen that the performance is not less than one, the signal will not be detected.

Vidnimannya scheme

The circuit gives the possibility of opening two signals at the inputs, which can be stronger. The graph shows the principle of the differential scheme.

Such a scheme is called a visualization scheme.

I have a folding design, on the view of the earlier schemes. For rozrahunku vikhіdnoї sprains reproach with the formula:

Liva part virazu (R3 / R1) is the basis for performance, and the right part (Ua - Ub) is for a difference.

Supplement scheme

Such a scheme is called “integrated pidsiluvach”. Vona protylezhnaya schema vіdnіmannya. A special feature is the possibility of processing more than two signals. On this principle, sound mixers work.

This diagram shows the possibility of receiving several signals. For roshaunku spongi stagnate formula:

Integrator scheme

As soon as the circuitry has a capacitor at the turn signal, then we see an integrator. There is one more pristіy, in which vikoristovuyutsya operatsіynі pіdsilyuvachі.

The scheme of the integrator is suitable up to the inverting switch, with the addition of the unit to the ringing ring. It is necessary to produce robotic systems to the extent of the frequency and signal at the input.

The integrator is characterized by with a special personality transition between signals: when a direct current signal is transformed into a three-phase one, further signals are transformed into a sinusoidal one. Rosrahunok performance is carried out according to the following formula:

In tsіy formulas change ω = 2 π f to increase the frequency of the increase, the higher the frequency, the lower the efficiency. In addition, the integrator can be used as an active low-frequency filter.

Differentiator circuit

At the tsіy schemes go to the ringing situation. At the inputs, the unit is switched on, and at the ringing bell, the opir is switched on.

Judge from the name of the scheme, її principle of robotics in the field. The greater the efficiency of the signal, the greater the value of the efficiency. This parameter allows the opening of active filters for a higher frequency. Coefficient of strength for the differentiator to be insured according to the following formula:

Tse viraz back viraze the integrator. Coefficient of strength to move in the negative direction from the growing frequency.

Analog comparator

When the comparator is adjusted, two values ​​are needed to translate the signal at low or high values ​​at the input, and I’ll be hard at work. The system includes digital and analog electronics.

A special feature of the system is the visibility in the main version of the ringing sound. Tse means that the support of the loop is even great.

A signal is given to the plus input, and the main input is given to the minus input, as it is set by the potentiometer. The efficiency of the beep to the end of the day is overwhelming.

With a change in the input of the size of the main support stress, the input is the most important stress, as it will lead to a positive stress in the life. If at the entrances there will be less for the support, then the outward meanings will be negative for the supply, which will lead to the growth of life.

The analog comparator circuits have a short value. When the value of the stress on the two inputs is one to one, you can often change the stress on the robot, so call up the relay to overflow and malfunction. How can you cause the destruction of the robot's possession. For the first time, use the scheme with hysteresis.

Analog comparator with hysteresis

The little one shows a diagram of a diy diagram z, which is analogous to the previous diagram. Those who are recognized and included are not able to be recognized under one load.

Directly on the arrows on the graph, in order to directly move the hysteresis. When looking at the graph of the right-handed driver, you can see that it goes to the lower level when Uph is loaded, and if the right-hander collapses, you can see that it goes to the lower level when Upl is loaded.

This principle should be brought up to such an extent that when the values ​​of the inputs are high, the camp cannot be changed at the outputs, so as for the snake it is necessary to increase the value of the sutta.

Such a robotic circuit can be produced to the effect of a system's inertness, to a safe process, to display a circuit without hysteresis. Call this principle of being fixed in the heating attachments because of the thermostat: plates, praska and in. On the little one is a picture of a pidsilyuvach with hysteresis.

Straining to get rid of the following deposits:

Repeated springs

Operational conditions are often stagnant in schemes of repeated stress. The main feature of these annexes is those that do not appear in them to be stronger or weakened the signal, so that the efficiency is stronger in the whole range of road units. Such a special feature is tied in with the fact that the loop of the ringing ring can be used, which is expensive to zero.

Such systems are repetitive and most often used as a buffer for the improvement of the anti-aging strum and the attachment. Oscillations of the input strum of approaching to zero, the strum at the output is stagnant in the form of a signal, so that there is a possibility of removing weak jerel signals, for example, of some sensors.