Yak make miso soup in your home minds. Japanese cuisine

Miso-soup is a traditional dish of Japanese cuisine, which seems to be around 2000 years and lasting for an hour, the basis of the ethnic society. Dish to take revenge on the minimum calorie, ale majestic quantity vitamins, microelements and other cinnamon speeches. The recipe for cooking miso-soup in the Japanese regions of Japan grows, protects in any way in a new way to add miso pasta.

The traditional recipe for Japanese soup is very simple, prepared for a loan for an hour. For a wide range of offensive components:

  • Ribnium bouillon - 1.5 liters;
  • Tsibulya green (pir'ya) - 1 piece;
  • Soy sauce - 3 tablespoons;
  • Lokshina "Ramen" - packaging;
  • Spinach - 15 g;
  • Sir tofu - 200 g;
  • Olive olia - for demand.
  1. Rosіgrіti ribniy broth, add in new soy sauce і 1 tsp. olive oil.
  2. Trochi rosіgrіti, vsepati dіbno chopping onions.
  3. Add tofu to cubes, grease on pink olive oil, zmishany for 1 tsp. soy sauce.
  4. Have a boiling broth to add lokshin and boil the trocha.
  5. Dodachi smeared with tofu into the broth.
  6. Let the trocha soup stand on the main fire.

You can serve it to the table!

Chicken miso soup

Chicken miso soup

Prepare the whole recipe for miso-soup vi shvidko in your home minds. For the whole visit:

  • Fillet of chicken - 300 g;
  • For the broth: cibulin, carrots, perfume pepper, bay leaf.
  • Miso pasta, soy sauce and rice osette - 3 tablespoons each;
  • Cybula is green - 1 bunch;
  • Lokshina rice - packaging.

How to prepare offensives:

  1. Make a bouillon z chicken meat Seasoned with pepper, vegetables and lavrushka.
  2. Take out all the seasonings from the broth, carrots and tsibulya, the stench will not be needed anymore.
  3. The meat is split into fibers or made into great shmatki.
  4. Add miso-paste and water growth to wakame in the broth, bring to a boil.
  5. Fill Lokshin with sprinkles.
  6. Have broth for meat, add lokshin and soy sauce.

Take a drink from the fire, pour it into portions.

Recipe for Ribon Miso Soup in Home Umov

Ribny miso soup

To prepare the following products:

  • Wakame (water growth) - a bundle (you can be-yaki);
  • Tofu - close to 50 g;
  • Salmon anyway be-yak chervona riba - 100 g .;
  • Sesame - 1 tsp;
  • Miso - 1 tbsp

How to prepare offensives:

  1. Take water sprout and fill it with cold water for 10-15 quilins.
  2. From salmon to shkiru, vidalyti dibnі tastes, porіzati the meat with shmatochki.
  3. Add tofu to cubes.
  4. See the water growth and porosity in any other way.
  5. Have a broth on the basis of water growth, salmon, tofu.
  6. Have a small amount of broth razchiniti misu or pour into boiled soup.
  7. Dati boil, dodati sesame, shout with a cry and put it on the fire.

Boil at least 10 chilines and can be served to the table.

Miso soup with seafood

Miso soup with seafood

This unseen and delicious miso-soup is suitable for all lovers of seafood and exotic cuisine. To prepare a visit:

  • Water - 1 l.;
  • Sir tofu - 150 g .;
  • Miso-paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • Khondashі (granulated ribnium broth) - 2 tablespoons;
  • Konbu (water growth) - 30 rubles;
  • Shrimps (more beautiful) - 10-12 pcs;
  • Cybula is green - 1 bunch.

How to prepare offensives:

  1. In boiling water, soak dry ribnium broth, lower the water growth, give it a lot.
  2. Reduce the water growth and warm up the fire.
  3. Water growth is poured into thin straws.
  4. At misci with a hot broth, dilute the misu pasta to a one-sided camp.
  5. Narizati tofu cubes, tsibulya dribno.
  6. Cook shrimps in salt water.

At the skin tarіlka for tofu, sprout and shrimp, pour broth, drink cibulea. Can be served to the table.

Fixing gotuwachi miso po soup classic recipe The water growth of the combu needs to be flooded with cold water approximately on the ground. In a whole hour, lay the holes on small smuzhki and tofu with a cube.

After the end of the hour, the kombu will swell and soften.
Replace the water growth of the kombu on a hole, as it turns out to be for roles, not to see it ... If the kombu is unavailable, then try to cook the soup with rib, shrimp, mushroom or vegetable broth, only if it isn’t superb.

Bring the water at once from the combu to the boil and know the fire. See the water growth, don't wipe it, if you plan to get Dasha's second broth.

Throw in the hot broth from the kombu bonito - tse dry tuna shavings. Bagatyou know about the rolls, є option, if the roles are called rice, they will collapse in the ribnoy shaving, or she will get into the hot roles.
Let the broth infuse five quills and a process. For the production of bonito shavings, it is suitable for preparing a second broth for Dasha.

Have a porcelain soup tart or a bowl to put a portion of miso mouth.
Pour a small amount of Dasha into the broth, mix and pour the broth into a few portions of the broth. Mix again.

Serve a serving of nori and also tofu. For bazhannyam, sip the miso soup, chop it with green cibulea. Add a taste of miso with a soy sauce, as it turned out to be too salty. Serve miso soup right away.

In Japan, miso soup is usually served at any hour of the day: for lunch, for dinner or for a supper.

The second broth Dasha will go svitlishe for a glance and we will eat a little for gusto, or still be suitable for preparing miso soup.
After trimming the second Dasha, fill the vicoristan once with the water of the combu and the bonito in the same amount of water, as for the first broth. Program for a mid-range fire close to 10 minutes and a process. As soon as the nearest hour gotuwati miso is not planned, freeze otrimany broth for a while.

A simple and healthy variety of soup with mushrooms, vegetables, rice, and ale and the base is unimportant. And we cooked miso soup for a classic recipe.

Super cinnamon for string figuri Japanese miso soup - cook in your home minds using our recipes!

The recipe for miso soup is really simple, as and a lot of Japanese cuisine, you can cook it at any hour without finishing the process of great zusil.

  • 6 tbsp. ribnium broth
  • 1 PC. Zelena Tsibula
  • 3 tbsp Soy sauce
  • 1 pack. Lokshina Ramen
  • 15 gr. spinach
  • 60 gr. tofu
  • Olivkova olia

For a cob of cooking meat soup, then put a ribbon or vegetable broth, in which it is necessary to add 2 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of olive olive and otherwise add a green cybula.

Leave the broth to a boil, add small cubes of tofu and 5-7 quilines in a sum of olive oil and 1 tablespoon of soy sauce.

As a result, the tofu otrima ice-creamy golden appearance and seep out with a sauce.

At the boil, broth followed by 1 pack of lokshini ramen and continue to vidvaryuvati broth at once with lokshina.

Yak tilki lokshina ramen will become myakoyu, ready-made miso soup with spinach leaves is added in mayzha, you can lay it whole. When bazhanna, you can add spinach, ale tse neobovy'kogo croc.

Put it in the soup with tofu smeared with tofu and the ready soup is immersed in a sprinkle of hilin, for which the dish can be poured into tartars.

Recipe 2: miso soup in homemade minds

  • chicken breast - 1 pc;
  • tsibulya, carrot, bay leaf, ground pepper (for broth);
  • water growth wakame - 0.3 pack;
  • miso pasta - 3 tablespoons;
  • rice oset - 3 tablespoons;
  • soy sauce - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • green tsibula - 1 Puch.;
  • rice lokshina - 50 g;

Cook chicken breasts with carrots, pepper and bay leaves.

Bring everything to the broth, vegetables and specials of vikinuti.

Chicken breasts are narizati great shmatki.

І third of a package of wakame algae.

Dodaimo in broth, brought to a boil.

Rice lokshina zazochumo soak in sprinkles.

The soup has smoked meat.

Dodaimo rice lokshina, rice oset, soy sauce, znimaєmo z vogne.

Dodaimo tsibulyu, curled up with a cry and yes, insist 5-10 khvili.

Serve miso soup, also adding greens onions into a skin tart.

Recipe 3: yak cook miso soup (pokrokovo)

  • Miso pasta - 2 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons
  • Lokshina wheat dovga - a bunch with a diameter of a coin 5 kopecks
  • Mushroom shiitake dried - 6-8 medium pieces
  • Water growth wakame dried - 4 tablespoons
  • Sir Tofu - 200 gr.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Bilokachanna cabbage - trochas, for a lot of carrots
  • Water - 2.5 liters

Put the water to a boil in the casseroles.

Dry mushrooms shiitake with a knife and give in water. Cover the casserole with krishka.

Yak only boil water - give it a lokshin. Boil over. The hour of war will be found in the variety of vikoristovuvanoi lokshini. We took a lokshin from hard varieties of wheat, an hour of brewing, which would be 15-20 khvili. Iakshcho vikoristovuvati more tonka lokshina, or for rice lokshina an hour of war, it is necessary to speed up to 10 hvili.

Morkvin and cabbage thinly shatkuvati. More beautiful than the roboti for the help of a special grater-cleaning yak in the photo.

For 5 hvili until ready, lokshini dodati in miso soup add vegetables.

Have 2 tablespoons of miso spoons on the stick. Scoop up the broth from the castruli opolonic and kindly spread the miso in the bowl at the same time with the broth. Poki vіdstaviti.

Dice sir tofu.

Yak tilki lokshina will be ready to add 4 tablespoons of algae wakame and tofu to the soup. I let it boil.

Add 4 tablespoons of soy sauce to the soup and add miso pasta earlier. Bring to the point of sale immediately and immediately.

Miso pasta is not easy to digest, and all the brown ingredients are fed from it.

In Japanese cuisine, it is permissible to go to food, but the vegetables are cooked and crunchy - so in them there are more vitamins, so the vegetables are ready to be tasted without the need, smut, cooked up.

Salt in miso-mouth and soy sauce is guilty enough, but soup buv solonim. Alle, lay everything in all sorts of sauce and pasta, like vikoristovuute. To that end, taste the soup for strength and give it as soon as you need it.

Let the soup stand and serve until the table. Your miso soup with lokshinoy, mushrooms and tofu is ready.

Recipe 4: Japanese miso soup with salmon

  • water growth to wakame, dried or canned (for less dried) - trocha;
  • sir tofu, shmatochk gram 50;
  • salmon 100 grams;
  • sesame nasinnya - a teaspoon;
  • miso pasta - a tablespoon.

For a cob, we take a lot of water and a bay with cold water, so they get soaked.

Now there is a salmon cherga. Honestly, it seems, I don't have shmats, but I especially don't see one of them. The axis is such a piece.

Visually from the skin and from the cream of the tassels and the trocha broth is cooked on them. The pulp is diced and brought to the side. Nothing is salty!

Now cherga siru tofu. Itself, by its very own, is absolutely delightful. Ale in soup miso grau has its role. Narizaimo i yogo with cubes

Tim in the hour of water growth, wakame were smoothed out and about 4 times in the community

From them I will use my hands to take over the riddle;

Protsіdzhuєmo zvarynіy hour ribny broth, a part of yogo, approximately pіvsklyanka, put on the sidelines. A great large part of the trimati is sold on the smallest wagon and by the way:

water growth

Now we are taking presentations earlier in the direction of the bouillon, and a spoonful of miso mouth was placed in the new table.

Commonly with soup, certainly sesame seeds, heated, do not boil.

Zakryvaєmo kryshkoyu, vimikєmo vogon and surplus khilin for 10 walk to condition.

Well, axis, miso soup with salmon is ready!

To be overwhelmed when pouring it into tart-bowls and to regain satisfaction in the wonderful relish and aroma of this skimpy dish.

Recipe 5: yak properly gotuwachi miso soup

  • 4 bottles of vodi,
  • 100-150 grams of siru tofu,
  • 2 tablespoons of miso to mouth (for my savor, I take dark), or you can take a light,
  • 2 tablespoons of hondashi (ribnium broth in granules),
  • 30 grams of konbu (sea water),
  • 12 pieces of great shrimp,
  • 1 small bunch of green tsibula.

I boil water dodati konbu (sea water) and prokip'yatiti with a stretch of 10-15 khilins.

Viloviti і change the fire.

Bouillon with algae dodati dry ribnium bouillon (hondashі).

The water growth is porous.

I have prepared a bowl of 2 tablespoons of miso mouth.

Spread with hot broth.

Narizati tofu with diced cubes.

Dribno narizati green tsibulya.

If all the ingredients are cooked, gotumo soup.

At the bottom, water growth was poured.

Dodachi tofu.

Viklasta cooked shrimp.

Pour with broth.

Have some tsibulei. Delicious!

Miso-soup is not an upside-down classic of traditional Japanese cuisine. The dish itself is wonderful for those who are quiet, who eat a vegetarian or low-calorie diet, as well as recipes for a soup to fill up a lot, middle of which are delicious and vegetable options with minimal fat.

In addition, it is wonderful to mix soup miso or mixosiru in the quality of a lively, hot dish, as well as in a new addition of pork, or salmon fillet in the dish with skips of maple and rice.

Ale, like і in a dietary vegetable recipe for meat, so і in a bigger soup with meat shrimps abo ribi, the main Ingredient є soya paste miso, which I gave also exclusively.

Miso can be of different kinds through a drop of food in new beans and cereals, which is also poured into the color of the pasta, for example, pasta was prepared for rice and soy, and the axis in the dark can be seen as a sum of possible supplemented wheat. This is a perfect dressing for soup є fermented and can be taken in a closed view for up to 3 months. In addition, trochas of salt and water are also supplied to the miso warehouse, I want to eat liquorice.

Krym such a dressing miso-soup, you can cook on the basis of dashi rib broth, which is cooked from dry powder or granules of the Japanese sardine species under the name nibosi. However, it is not necessary for the soup to be indispensable on the Ingredianti, it is necessary to remember that the meat should be served immediately when it is cooked and cannot be stored in the refrigerator.

Yak prepare miso soup - 15 types

Cei misosiru is a classic version of soup with added milk jaws of miso. The recipe for the original Japanese version of the soup will be an excellent option for a savory and simple meal.

Ingredinti on 2 ports:

  • broth dasi (rozchinniy) - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 600 ml .;
  • light miso-paste - 1 tbsp with hot water;
  • potato - 2 pcs.;
  • a bunch of green tsibula;
  • wakame - 2 tbsp (one spoon per serving).


I make cleansing and smudge the potatoes in small cubes, then let the potatoes boil in the casserole until ready.

Tim for an hour, don't forget to add 1 tbsp. dry broth dashi yak until boil water in casseroles.

In order to boil the potatoes in the broth, it is necessary to add the water to the wakama, in a proportion of 1 tbsp of water per serving.

Then you can safely tidy up the casserole from the stove. First, add miso pasta to the warm soup, carefully diluting 1 tbsp. l. graze in a soup with soup - do not forget that soup dal is not required to boil it.

Lively, fragrant miso-soup with low pork skips, vegetables and tofu. Such a soup will become a savory evening for all the motherland.


  • miso paste - 4.5 tsp;
  • tsibula shallots - 2 heads (or a bunch of green tsibula);
  • broth dasi - 1.75 flasks;
  • pisne pork fillet - 200 g;
  • mushroom shiitake - 4 pcs.;
  • sir tofu - 140 g .;
  • sesame oil for greasing;
  • sesame seeds - 1 tsp;
  • parsnip 1 pc. abo gobo - 15 cm;
  • konniyaku - 0.5 package;
  • daikon - 50 g.


For the cob, it is necessary to cut pork with other shmatochki, approximately the size is not larger than the postage mark.

For what it is, it is necessary to clean and cut the parsnips with 1 cm shrimps.

And also, on the chotiri portions of the small parts of the mushroom droplets of shiitake (no need to see).

For that, as all ingredinti narizan, proceed to the processing of the conniyaku: a sprinkle of scalded in sprinkle of 1 quilin, to put it on a sieve and check it out in the chill.

Then fix the gotuwati base of the soup: pour a troch of sesame oil into the casserole and turn it to purple serpentine; Lightly grease the pork, for which for the maybutnoy grease it is sent from the warehouses of sir tofu, conniyaku, vegetables (daikon, parsnip) and mushrooms.

Yak only pork in a golden color, pour in the broth dasi and bring the soup to a boil, for which to cook more than 15 chilines on a weak water.

And, of course, change the miso-pasta for 4 tablespoons of soup (even hotter in the dish) and add it to the main dish. Before serving, pour the green shallots or dal into containers. Serve hot and sour sesame seeds from the top with pork meat.

Easy and quick recipe for miso-soup with thin syringes of tofu and lively wakame algae. The simplest recipe for preparing the popular Japanese soup miso.


  • water - 300 ml .;
  • sir tofu - 80 m abo adigey sir;
  • miso pasta - 2 tsp;
  • water growth wakame - 7 gr.


On the basis of these recipes, there are options for preparing Japanese miso-soup and adding the traditional broth dashi. A sprinkle in a casserole should be placed on the dry water of the wakame (tse approximately 7 grams) and boil the stench until boiling. If you want to take the casserole out of the fire, and add the miso pasta to the hot soup, and until you are ready to cook it again.

Before the speech, for great versatility in the miso-soup, you can substitute the classic tofu Adigean sir, or make a synergy mix from the two kinds, so that you can make a Japanese dish for wondrous "siromaniacs".

Appetizing and hot meal, prepared according to the Japanese recipe, will become a rodzinka on a table. Oat miso soup with daikon and aburaage (boiled sove masa with butter and soy sauce) is the fault of the skin gourmet.


  • broth dasi - 3 flasks;
  • aburaage - 3 pcs.;
  • dipping straws daikon - 1 glass;
  • miso-paste - 3 tablespoons


For vegetable miso-soup, it is necessary to cut the aburaage and daikon into small cubes, before the aburaage should be lowered by 1 chilin in the environs for non-fattening.

We pour into the ready-made broth dasi dodaste add vegetables and cook from 3 to 5 chilines.

Drink 3 tbsp. miso in opole and add it to the soup.

Serve hot mesoira in cups or large containers, decorating with greenery.

A fragrant, ribnium Japanese soup, which I will turn over for its savor іnshi hot food with seafood. If you want to delight not only yourself, but also your friends with a savory miso soup with seafood, then it’s absolutely delicious and simple to prepare food.

Ingredinti for 1 portion:

  • chicken broth - 200 g;
  • miso-paste - 2 tablespoons or 30 g;
  • concentrate Hon Dashi - 10 rubles;
  • rice lokshina vidvarna - 20 g .;
  • hazelnuts - 5 g;
  • sesame seeds - 5 g;
  • syomga - 25 rubles;
  • shrimp 16/20 - 2 pcs.;
  • мідії - 2 pcs.;
  • tsibulya green - 5 m


Spice up the chicken broth, into which the miso-paste is sucked in until it is re-cooked. Then pour the Ribbon concentrate Hon Dash into the broth immediately and cook the sum to boil. At the same hour, lightly add the boiled rice lokshin, straighten the hazelnuts, and at the same time with the sesame seeds, put everything in a large container.

Yak tilki boil broth - give this seafood and cook from 1 to 2 chilin. Try to wickle a sprinkle of seafood in a bowl of lokshina, greenery, sesame seeds and hazelnuts, and pour everything into a broth - a soup with seafood ready!

Unsatisfactory, nutty miso-soup with added tricky and shrimps, which can be added to the savory gusto, and the base is based on kombu and dark miso-mouths.


  • water growth kombu - 1 plate;
  • shrimp - 12 pcs.;
  • filet triski - 150 g .;
  • dark miso-paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 4 bottles;
  • tsibulya green - 5 m


Wipe the dried water with vologo and clean ganchirka, to put them on the bottom of the casserole, and fill it with cold water.

Put the casserole on a weak fire, and then in an hour add the filet of trisky, about 8 of the same shrimps, and at the same time, with peeled shrimps, add the file to the casserole - boil the soup until boiled.

In order to make the soup boil, it is necessary to cook the kombu and add it, bred it with a bouillon, miso-paste.

Once again, bring the soup to a boil, then serve it all at once hot from the green.

One of the most popular types of miso-soup, which tastes appetizing, meaty relish and for every type of Japanese dish - high calorie. Such a recipe is suitable for cooking soup in cold weather, if the body needs a lot of calories and lively microelements.


  • minced pork - 113 g;
  • tsibula shallot - 1 pc.;
  • sesame seeds (nasinnya) - 1 tbsp;
  • sesame oil (for lubrication) - 1 tablespoon;
  • root іmbiru syroї - 1 tbsp;
  • hourglass - 2 teeth;
  • soy sauce - 1 tsp;
  • miso-paste - 3 tablespoons;
  • broth chicken broth - 4 flasks;
  • sil - 1 tsp;
  • bell pepper - 1 tsp;
  • zukor - 1 tbsp;
  • sake - 1 tablespoon;
  • lokshina ramen - 40 gr. (2 portions).

For filling:

  • corn (edvarna or canned);
  • boiled egg;
  • water growth;
  • tsibula is green;
  • іmbir pickles;
  • meat bowl (kilka skibochok);
  • salad with sprouted kvassol.


Before cleansing the roots of the іmbir and the cibula shallots, alternately change and change.

Then add two cloves to the chalk. Okremo rosіtrіt into powder dry sesame grains.

Sumy the іmbir, tsibulі and put the chanteur in the casserole, and give a troch of sesame oil for lubrication.

Put the minced pork at the top of the pork and grease it, leave the pork, do not replace the color.

For what, in frying for the soup, you will need to add bean sauce, miso-paste, melenoi sesame seeds, zukor, a spoonful of sake and chicken broth, also do not forget about the sil and pepper.

For what, put the ramen in a large container, and pour the soup. Before serving on the glass, give the topping to your own approval for the wonderful relish of the gravy.

Chergov's simple recipe for Japan's head soup - miso. You can prepare such a savory dish with a simple recipe for literally 10 khvili, and at the same time, smack the soup with your unique relish and aroma.


  • small perch - 4 pcs.;
  • mega (vegetable from Japan) - 2 pcs.;
  • khachomiso - 2 tbsp;
  • broth dasi - 700 ml;
  • sіl і conazanso seasoning for relish.


Brush the perch on the grill until golden brown. Add a subtly fragrant mega and pour water on a spike of quiline.

Tim for an hour put the casserole with broth dasi and bring to a boil, for which it is necessary to add miso pasta.

Vikladіt in a bowl of greased perch, megu and pour the soup. Sip on top of the conazanso dish for more savory gusto.

Appetizing variety of the original Japanese miso soup with fat trout fillets and traditional shiitake mushrooms for Asian cuisine.

Ideal soup for lovers of ribi and Japanese strains.


  • filet trout - 150-250 g .;
  • water growth wakame - 2-5 tsp;
  • shiitake - 50-150 g .;
  • soy sauce for relish;
  • sesame seeds - 20-50 g .;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • miso-paste light or chervona - 2-3 tbsp.


For miso soup with trout, it is necessary to first grind the ribs into small pieces and boil them in boiling water for 5 chilines.

For an hour to cook the ribs, pour them with straws (approx. 0.5 cm). Grib shiitake and brew a small amount of water and miso pasta.

In addition, the yak trout has been boiled for the required hour, add miso-pasta and mushroom skips to the casserole - boil the soup for more than 5 chilines.


Prepare a spravzhny Japanese dish for 5 khvili? Now the whole thing is real. Try the easy one sheep soup Miso with shmatochki Ripi and you will be the enemy, as you can quickly and simply grow popular in the country with restaurants in Japanese cuisine.


  • rip bila z leaves - 5 pcs.;
  • miso-paste - 1.5 tablespoons;
  • broth dasi - 3 flasks;
  • sil - 1 \ 4 tsp;
  • syu - 1 tsp


Clean the ripe and cut the skin into 4 parts, do not forget to replenish the ruby ​​leaves.

Yakshcho leaves are not opinil їkh can be remembered for spinach or chrysanthemum.

Then it is necessary to pour the broth dasi into the casserole and add to the new season, as well as sil. For someone to put in the broth, add a soup and cook on the main fire, close to 5 chilines.

Tim for an hour mix the meat with a small amount of broth and pour the pasta into the soup, continue to cook it with a sprinkle of chilin. Strava can be served on a glass immediately hot with fresh greenery.

An adversarial collection of tropical fruits and exotic Japanese miso-mouths. Gotuvati such a soup can be made at any hour, if it’s just for the quiet, and it’s not just for the figurine, but for the health.


  • tomachi - 2 pcs.;
  • avocado - 1 pc.;
  • coconut juice - 200 ml;
  • lemon - half 1 pc.;
  • chervone miso - 1 tbsp;
  • іmbir - 1 tbsp.;
  • hourglass - 2 teeth;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • green tsibula - 5 m for decoration;
  • orange juice - 450 ml.


Gotuwati such a soup is simpler than a simple one and for a blender, in a blender.

For a cob, peel a lemon, an hourglass and a root of an embiru. Then, at the same time with the іngredієntami soup, put all the blender, except for the green cybuli.

Blender all warehouses in blenders to remove one-sided mass.

Wonderful soup with rice, as well as a lower fillet of salmon, which will be prepared for the evening, for example in Japanese style. Such a misosiru can be gotuwati without a drive - just enjoy the exotic and delicious taste of the season. At the same time, the mother does not need a special talent in cooking, even preparing such a soup will be as simple as possible.


  • sesame seeds - 1 tablespoon;
  • soy sauce 2 tablespoons;
  • drying tuna - 1 tablespoon;
  • rice - 200 g;
  • fillet of salmon - 500 g;
  • nori - 1 plate;
  • miso-paste - 1 tbsp;
  • іmbir -15 p.;
  • sil for gusto.


Marinate the salmon on the grill for about 12 years later, rinse it and grease it on the grill.

Rice needs to be cooked, and then eat with greased salmon. Dal, add them with other small pieces and pour water into the casseroles - bring to a boil. For what, reduce the miso-pasta, soy sauce and dried tuna until it is sorted.

Boil yak tilki broth - roll yogo in rice with salmon, on top of the soup you can sprinkle sesame seeds and add trohi іmbiru.

Shy, savory and simple - the yak axis can be described by the miso-soup options. Stock up on groceries and prepare a wonderful soup for all your motherland at once!

Ingredinti soup for 1 portion:

  • water growth for wakame - 0.5 tbsp;
  • miso paste - 1/4 bottle;
  • tofu - 1/4 flask;
  • water - 2 bottles;
  • dasi powder - 1 tsp;
  • Soba for gusto;
  • leek for relish;
  • ready music.


Pour some water into the casserole and pour the dashi powder into the bowl, mix and cook another dash of quiline for the middle water.

Add tofu cubes to the broth and soak in water to wakame.

The soup can also be cooked with sobu and miso, brewed with broth. Then you can serve soup with meat and leeks at once.


If you love sire, especially tofu, then this miso soup will become your favorite dish. Fragrant, original with crunchy skibochki greased siru miso-soup - a delicious version of the tasty and delicious meal.

Ingredinti soup for 2 portions:

  • rice lokshina - 150 g;
  • miso-paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • tofu - 0.5 kg;
  • sum for 5 specials - 1.2 tsp;
  • Narizana Chinese cabbage - 1/4 bottle;
  • roslinne oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • sheep broth - 1 liter;
  • leafing coriander - 1/4 flask.


For a cob, distribute tofu on small pieces and turn it into servetka. Go ahead, change the miso-paste and sum with the specials, coat the tofu skibki.

Rosette the frying pan with butter, on the yaku wicklade tofu - grease the sire with a stretch of 5-7 quilins, and also do not forget to grease the Chinese cabbage.

Lokshin needs to be poured with sprinkles for 2 chilini and soaked in cold water. Vikladit lokshina in tarilki and add cabbage and tofu lubricants to it.

Pour the garnir with hot vegetable broth, sip on top of the prepared soup with coriander.

If you want to try an exotic and even more savory dish of Japanese cuisine, even the crown meat-salmon from Gordon Ramz will borrow the position of your favorite dishes. Spicy, aromatic, sausage soup, yakim really nemaє rіvnykh. You can prepare a masterpiece of culinary art in your kitchen, following the simplest projects.


  • salmon fillet with shkiroyu - 0.5 kg;
  • chervonia chili - 1-2 pcs.;
  • root іmbiru - 3 cm;
  • kaffirlaym - 2 leaves;
  • Ribnium broth - 750 ml .;
  • broccoli - 150 g;
  • mushrooms enokі - 2 small grons;
  • sesame oil - 1 tsp;
  • Pak Choi - 1 pc.;
  • seafood for gusto;
  • leafing coriander for decor.


Fill the miso-pasta in a frying pan, add ribnium broth as often as possible, and gradually bring the miso-sauce to boiling point.

Give us a different kind of chili and іmbir, as well as a kafferlime leaf.

In a frying pan with otrimanim sauce vicladіt salmon fillet on a hot surface; Prepare the riba on the bread, steadily watered with the miso sauce, stretching 8-10 quilines.

Razrіzhte navpіl broccoli. In addition, if the salmon is cooked, it is necessary to pick the riba with the sauce and bring it to the boil.

Add a sprinkle of broccoli to the boiled ribnius sauce, through the pivkhilini of the Pak Choi stem, and only 1-2 chilins, add the leaves of the roslin.

Boil such a sauce-soup for more than 1 chilin and half of the mushrooms should be added before serving.

Serving the gravy is simple: peel the salmon from the skins and cut them into small pieces, rub the sesame oil on the sesame oil, the soup-sauce will be poured, and the ribbons are ready and half of the mushrooms.

Then pour the salmon and mushrooms into the cooked vegetable soup.

Miso soup is a very classic Japanese dish. You can do it on a dream, on an obid, or to find a substitute for an obed. At the new minimum calories and mass of brown speech. Until then, miso soup is cooked very quickly and simply.

He has no meat and butter, so he must go to see for Great Lent. One minus miso soup is not a win, you need to get it right away.

Miso soup warehouse

The basis of the soup is tse bouillon dasi. Wine is the basis of Japanese herbs and soups, as a rule of thumb you can cook from dried dry nibos sardines. Do the soup dried mushrooms shiitake and water growth combo. Even more often, for the sake of life, put in the soup a variety of ribs and shrimps, as well as potatoes and vegetables. Alle the warehouse for the broth to rob the soup uniquely and vibrate freely. For example, you can add pork thinly to the dish in order to trim the dish.

Miso - fermented soya bean paste with rice, barley, wheat, silt and water. The skin region of Japan has its own options for the mouth. The stench is called. Color can vary from white to brown, mostly black. Rizni mouth and relish. Enzyme mixes from decilkoh mіsyatsіv to decіlkoh rocks. Light pasta with rice. There might be liquorice, or no worse. Offensive options for meat soup. Chervona is so much a vikoristan for preparing soup and marinades. It will take up to 3 months.

Yak prepare miso soup budinku

Gold is the rule of preparing first-class miso soup - ingredinti guilty harmoniously.

Basic recipe for miso soup

1 l of water (in portions)
1-2 tbsp Dashi (dry ribnium broth)
1-2 tbsp graze miso (dark or light for relish)
mushroom shiitake (for gusto)
dried water growth (for relish)
Zelena tsibulya (for gusto)
Tofu (for gusto)

Yak cook miso soup?

With a handful of need to boil water and visipati this dry ribny broth dasi or dry ribnias plastic. The bouillon varto tasted delicious. Vin is not guilty but solonim. Salt the soup in the middle of the mix. You can add more water.

Miso soup recipe

Bring the broth to the boil. Before the front, soak the shiitake, serve them with smiles and throw them into the broth. If the mushrooms get ready, then pick up a trocha broth in the vicinity and brew there a mixture of pasta. Know the soup from the plate, pour it into a new mix and stir until re-crunching. Dalі dodamo dry water growth - the stench quickly take in water. The soup is ready.

When serving a glib bowls for a relish, lay sir tofu diced with cubes, pour over it with soup, you can decorate with a sprinkled green cibule and serve the dish to the table.

It means that when you cook the soup you can add a strong smell. The whole thing is normal. When you cook the dish, it smells even worse and is okay. Whilst, overwhelmingly, the smell of seafood in the presence of the hour is getting ready for the bagatyokh of Japanese stras.

Yak gotuwati miso soup like that, yak lord of Japanese budinks? Here it is unambiguously seen as dumb. Recipes are laid down during the stay and in addition, in the stocks of the booth. This is where the experiment is going. In tasty snacks, it is wonderful to go onigir (gravy from delicious rice). After an hour of posting, dashi can be substituted with a bouillon from a cube, in which ribi it doesn’t matter.

Miso soup with shrimps and squid

1 liter of water for the broth miso light (for gusto)
Dashi (with gusto)
for canned squid - one carcass per chotiroh
5 pieces of shrimp per tarіlka
1 egg for 4 dishes
dried water for gusto

Prokip'yatit water and give it to Dasha. The relish of the bouillon is guilty of buty liquorice and slightly salty, but it is possible to add miso in it. Put the water sprout, and when the stench grows, it is sprinkled in a tariltsi egg. Pour it with a thin stream into the boiling broth and slowly stir. One opolonic broth is poured into a cup and bred into a new miso paste.

Portions of shrimp and squid. I will add the pasta to the soup, once it is mixed with vimika. Dali soup is bottled in tartlets and served on steels.

Miso soup with lamіnarіyu

1 liter broth
60 gr paste miso
200 g of canned shiitake mushrooms
50 gr canned lamina

Promiti lamіnаryu and porіzati її on small shmatochki. Distribute miso pasta in a part of the broth. In parallel, rinse the mushrooms with cold water and put them in the broth. Give the lamіnaria at the very last moment, and the country is ready.

Cybulevium miso soup with tofu

700 ml broth
15 g rice paste
250 gr white hard tofu (soy sir)
great green onions (for gusto)

Zakip'yatit broth dasi. Top with miso pasta. Then put the diced tofu and cook the chilin soup. Heat the green cibula with thin, sharp rings and add it to the casserole.

Boil the soup with a sprinkle of hilin and, do not bring it to a boil, turn on the burner. Varto trohi insist soup and serve yogo to the table.

Miso soup with tofu and seaweed

4 vodi bottles
2-3 nibosi (hanging Japanese anchovy)
100 grams of tofu
1 pickled sea cabbage
more meat for gusto
Trochi green cybuli

Immersed in the water and put on the fire. Brought to the point. Give vityaguєmo nibosi and add one tablespoon of white miso. As soon as it comes to nibos, it’s no worse than yakisny, then powder for rib broth for Dashine-moto (abo dasi) is added.

A slid of dodamo narizan sea cabbage, as well as very small cubes of tofu. Yak only thick splash, vimykaєmo vogon, oskіlki miso pіd or kipinnya impresses its aroma. The strava is ready. Serve Yogo Varto with Narizano Green Cibulea.

500 ml dasi
60 g soy mouth
50 g sea salt cabbage
half a package of shiitake

Clean and rinse the sea cabbage, distribute it on shmatochki, 3 centimeters of leather. Then wash your shiitake in water. Heat it in casseroles and add the paste to the soy, making the base for the soup. Then add shiitake and seaweed to the casserole and put the soup in cups.

Miso soup with pork and spinach

350 ml dasi
1.5 tbsp to graze
50 grams of thinly sliced ​​pork
1 to 2 bindings to spinach
mushroom enokі (third of the palitsі)
one teaspoon of butter

Pork the pork with shrimps and spread directly in the casseroles. Cook spinach undercooked and put it in cold water. Dalі narіzhte on shmatochki by 4 centimeters of leather. Heat the rice broth in the casserole and add the soy paste. Give me some and pork, cook and put on the stove.

The editors of the site are encouraged to guide the recipes here to help you become a master in preparing mixed soup with small Ingredients, and you can spoil your guests with Japanese cuisine.
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