Soups with meat recipes with photos. Soup with meat and potatoes: recipes are simple and very simple. Potato and meat soups: lean, chicken, beef, vegetable.

Currently, there are about two thousand different meat soups, and each national cuisine can boast of its culinary masterpieces. The main principle of cooking meat soup - of course, a large amount of meat included in the composition of the dish. It can be pork, beef, veal, offal, bacon, sausage, ham, lamb, etc. If you want to cook a delicious first course, you can get rabbit meat. Meat soups with meatballs - small balls of minced meat are very popular. As an additional ingredient, you can use noodles, rice, barley, buckwheat, beans, etc. In addition to the standard set of vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes and peppers), zucchini, cauliflower and broccoli, spinach, celery, eggplants and other vegetables are used. Meat can be immediately cut into portions and put to boil or cook the meat with a whole piece, then remove it and cut into small pieces. Serve meat soups with sour cream, herbs, cheese, bread and chopped garlic. Meat soups should be served hot.

Meat soup - preparing food and dishes

First of all, it is necessary to process the meat: rinse, remove the streaks and films and cut (you can cook and a whole piece). Ready broth is usually filtered. Vegetables are washed, cleaned and cut into cubes, straws or small slices. Potatoes are not recommended to cut too large. Separately prepare carrot-onion roasting with the addition of additional ingredients (tomato paste, zucchini, spices, pepper, etc.). If the soup is served with a lot of greens or cheese, it is necessary to sort out the greens in advance, choose only good and non-sluggish twigs and chop them finely. Cheese should be grated on a large or medium grater in a small bowl.

Cookware will require a saucepan, a frying pan, knives, a chopping board, a grater and other necessary cooking utensils. If the broth is required to filter, you need to prepare a clean ironed gauze. Serve meat soups in deep plates.

Meat soup recipes:

Recipe 1: Meat Soup

The composition of this meat soup includes fresh cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, onions and spinach. You can use any meat (pork, beef, veal, etc.). This meat soup is perfect for everyday meals, and if you cook a large pot at once, the soup will last for several days.

Ingredients Required:

  • A pound of meat, in this case, beef is used;
  • 400 g fresh white cabbage;
  • 400 g potatoes;
  • 2 carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • Parsley root;
  • 100 g of spinach;
  • 200 grams of tomatoes;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • 1 tablespoon vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat, cut into chunks, pour with cold water and set to cook. After boiling, remove the foam and reduce the fire. Cook the meat until cooked. Grind root, carrot and onion, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. With the cabbage remove the upper leaves, the rest is washed and cut into small squares. Put cabbage into boiling broth, after 10 minutes peeled and diced potatoes. After 15 minutes, lay out the roast and cook the soup until cooked cabbage and potatoes. Cut tomatoes into slices, wash spinach and tear with hands. Spread tomatoes with spinach and bay leaves for 5 minutes before the end of cooking. Add salt and pepper to taste, carefully stir the soup, turn off the heat and leave to infuse. Serve meat soup with sour cream and rye bread.

Recipe 2: Spanish meat soup

The composition of this magnificent first dish includes several meat products  (brisket, bacon, sausage, chicken, pork leg), vegetables and spices. This meat soup will especially appeal to men who prefer hearty and nutritious dishes with an abundance of meat.

Ingredients Required:

  • 400 g brisket;
  • 240 g lamb shoulder;
  • A pound of ham;
  • 120 g of bacon;
  • 4 pig ears;
  • 1 pork leg;
  • 120 garlic sausages;
  • 240 g chicken;
  • Peas - 120 g;
  • 1 clove garlic;
  • 100 g of potatoes, carrots and cabbage;
  • 80 g onions;
  • Salt;
  • Ground black pepper;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

Fill the peas with water and leave to soak for one day. We take all the meat (except chicken), put it in a saucepan and fill it with cold water. Bring the water to a boil and add the peas. Chop greens and garlic and add to the soup with salt. Cook the meat soup for about 2 hours on low heat. Then add the chicken and chopped garlic sausage and cook it all together for another half an hour. Then add chopped onions, grated carrots and shredded cabbage. Peel potatoes, cut and lay out after 20 minutes. Cook the soup until done. Then insist half an hour, take out all the meat and cut portions. We filter the broth itself. Put the meat and vegetables on a la carte plates and pour the broth.

Recipe 3: Swiss cheese meat soup

A small amount of ingredients in this dish does not mean that the soup will turn out to be unsaturated or not sufficiently nourishing. On the contrary, this meat soup with several varieties of cheese is very refined, sophisticated and tasty.

Ingredients Required:

  • 600 grams of meat (pork);
  • 700 g Swiss cheese;
  • 2 tablespoons of grated green cheese;
  • 4 chicken eggs;
  • 1 stale roll.

Cooking method:

Meat washed, pour water and set to cook until tender. We filter the ready broth. Cut the crust off the bread, and rub the bread on a coarse grater. Cook eggs hard-boiled, separate the whites from the yolks, rub the yolks on the grater. Cheese rubbed on a coarse grater. All the ingredients are put in a bowl, pour a small amount of broth and mix thoroughly. Then gradually pour the mixture into the broth, stirring continuously. Cook the soup for another half an hour. Serving ready meal with pieces of boiled meat.

Recipe 4: Bacon and Zucchini Meat Soup

Delicious bacon meat soup. The dish can be served to the festive table and just cooked to diversify the usual weekday menu. The soup consists of vegetables, bacon, beans and rice.

Ingredients Required:

  • 60 g of uncooked bacon;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l chopped parsley;
  • 2 leaves of sage;
  • 4 small celery roots;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 4-5 potatoes;
  • 1 small zucchini (about 120 g);
  • 250 grams of cabbage;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 tbsp. l butter;
  • Half a cup of dry beans;
  • One and a half cup beef broth;
  • Half a cup of rice;
  • Salt, black ground pepper - to taste;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of grated parmesan.

Cooking method:

Carrots, potatoes, celery and zucchini clean and cut into thin strips. Parsley, sage leaves and bacon finely chopped. Thinly chop the cabbage, remove the skin from the tomatoes and cut the flesh into small cubes. Put a piece of butter in a large pot and spread onions, carrots, celery and bacon. Stew all ingredients for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then lay out the potatoes, zucchini and undercooked beans and pour all the meat broth. Cook the soup under the lid closed for half an hour. Then add tomatoes, cabbage and rice, salt and pepper the dish to taste, add sage and cook the soup for another 20 minutes. Serve the dish with chopped parsley and grated parmesan cheese.

Recipe 5: Capers Meat Soup

This simple meat soup can be cooked at least every day. The dish is cooked on meat bones, onions and capers are also included.

Ingredients Required:

  • Meat on the bone - 600 g;
  • Capers - 300 g;
  • Onion - 2 pcs .;
  • Tomato puree - 80 g;
  • 1 tbsp. l fat;
  • 80 g sour cream;
  • Third of lemon;
  • Salt;
  • Green onions.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat, pour water and put the broth to boil. As soon as the broth is ready, take out the meat and set aside in a separate plate. Shred onion, ferment and lay out in boiling broth, also add tomato puree. 10 minutes before the end of the preparation lay out the capers. Green onions cut into small rings. Meat is separated from the bone and cut into small portions. Serve meat soup with a piece of meat, a slice of lemon, sour cream and green onions.

After boiling broth should be carefully removed foam skimmer, ready broth is recommended to drain;

When cooking broth, you can add a few parsley or celery roots, a whole peeled onion and carrot. From the finished broth roots and vegetables are removed;

The most dietary meat soups come from rabbit, veal and giblets. One serving of lean meat soup contains only about 50 calories;

To make the dish cleaner, more useful and low-calorie, after the first boil it is recommended to drain the water, pour the fresh water over the fresh water and boil the broth again;

On average, the meat is cooked for about 40 minutes - during this time you can prepare to cut the rest of the ingredients;

Meat soups cooked in pots are obtained not only fragrant and rich, but also very elegant. This dish can be safely served to the festive table;

To make the broth clear, clean and without unpleasant taste, you should not allow a strong boil. You also need to periodically remove excess fat.

Fatty meat soup is loved by many. Each national cuisine has its own soup with added meat - borsch, shurpa, lagman, shulum and many others.

These soups are made from different types of meat - pork, beef, lamb, goat meat. You can use for this dish as a tenderloin and liver. Soups with meatballs and ready-made meat products (smoked meat, sausages, sausage) are delicious.

For the diet menu suitable soups from rabbit, poultry or offal. If you make a soup of low-fat meats, then in one portion will be approximately 50 calories. To make the dish less caloric, it is necessary after the first boiling of meat to drain the water and pour the meat with new water. You can cook light soup in vegetable broth, adding to it separately cooked meat or lean meatballs.

Cooking meat soup - the process is not very fast. Meat is cooked for at least 40 minutes, so you can cook this dish in an hour and a half. Various ingredients can be added to this soup. The meat goes well with vegetables, legumes, cereals and noodles. More often meat first  dishes cooked with potatoes, carrots, cabbage, rice and noodles.

Especially fragrant soups cooked in pots. They are not only very tasty, but also look beautiful on the table.

You can serve meat soup with croutons, black bread or crackers. Sour cream, greens and crushed garlic will give this dish additional flavors.

Simple and delicious meat soups are considered indispensable dishes. In traditional recipes of each nation there are at least a dozen recipes with meat, which you will definitely try in every country. These incredibly fragrant meat delicacies will not leave you indifferent. Every adult and child knows that a hot meal must be present in the daily diet. The first with meat is not only useful, but also very tasty, only a staunch vegetarian and an opponent of eating meat can disagree with that. For those who do not know how to cook a hearty lunch, there is only one correct option - this is a recipe for meat soup. Its preparation is quite simple, the recipe is often quite simple, there are a lot of them, but all of them are always very tasty. And about how to cook such a meat dish is delicious, our masters will tell and show in their recipes with the photo on this page. Here we have prepared for you a selection, which includes all kinds of the most delicious meat soups, so that you can diversify your daily lunch with a new dish with meat. Cooking the same recipe with a photo will help to cope with the recipe, even a novice.

How to cook meat soup

How to cook soup with meat so that the children like it? We all know that feeding a child with a hot dish with meat for lunch can be extremely difficult. Any child would give preference to sweets, so each mother has on hand her own recipe for meat soup, which is like her child. If you do not know how to cook meat soup for children, then look through this selection of recipes. Here you will find many ways to cook meat soup, which children will surely eat with pleasure. Meat soup recipes allow you to cook both fat and non-fat dietary meals  with meat. Someone prefers a light soup made from chicken meat, and someone appreciates the rich and delicious meat soup made from lamb or pork. There are also a lot of technologies for their preparation, because each meat soup soup recipe for cooking broth is completely different. Tired of the usual recipes for the first meat dishes? Look here for recipes of meat soups with photos and you will learn how to cook meat soup in a completely new way. Here you are waiting for only proven recipes with photos, which are easy to prepare and does not take much time.

Beetroot soup is the younger brother of borscht. Cooking is much faster and easier. If in our family borscht, as a rule, I cook, then the beetroot loves my wife to cook. Read a very simple soup recipe from her. Ingredients for beetroot: meat broth 1.5 liters with 500 gr. veal; medium beet; medium carrot; medium onion; a pair of medium potatoes; salt; pepper; Bay leaf; vegetable oil for fat. Cooking beetroot soup: Cook meat broth. If you take veal, the cooking time will be 50-60 minutes. Peel vegetables: beets, carrots and onions. Carrots and

I did not think that I would spread this soup in the diet version. But it is necessary, it means it is necessary. We will cook soup based on diet broth. And the rest, everything is very simple. And despite the modest range of ingredients, it turned out very tasty. If you are not dieting, you can fill the soup with browned onions and carrots. Ingredients for dietary soup with egg: 1.5 liter diet broth, 3-4 potatoes, a couple of tablespoons of rice, one egg, salt, pepper. Cooking

  I don’t know what had an effect on me, roofing felts Novosibirsk spring, at least according to the calendar, roofing felts something else. But I wanted a light, simple soup. I wanted broth broth and something to float in it. So this recipe appeared. Ingredients for potato soup: veal 500 gr., Two medium potatoes, one medium carrot, one small onion, a little dill, salt, vegetable oil for frying, water for broth. Cooking Potato

Anyone who has ever been to sanatoriums, pioneer camps, or lay in hospitals knows this soup. And even in the performance of the dining room cooks you can eat it, moreover, for my taste it is quite tasty. And there is cooking soup "Field" at home and from the right ingredients, it turns out just delicious. Ingredients for Field Soup: Two liters of water or meat broth, 120-150 gr. bacon or bacon, half a glass of millet (grains), medium onion, a couple of medium potatoes, salt,

  When you need to cook delicious soup very quickly. That, to help you come recipe soup with meatballs. Me, the parents fed this soup since childhood, now, I myself am preparing such soup for my children. Ingredients for the first recipe for soup with meatballs: minced beef or homemade 150-200 gr., Onion 1 onion, carrots 1 pc., Cabbage 100 gr., Buckwheat 2 tbsp. spoons, bay leaf, salt, pepper.

I have already written a couple of recipes, how you can quickly cook soup with meat on the water, without broth. Now it's time to talk about real, nutritious, rich and very delicious soups. Before cooking such soups, you need to boil the meat broth. Ingredients for broth: beef meat on the bone, water. Cooking broth: I take, for broth, beef knuckle. If a

Another taste from childhood. For some reason, the mushroom soup, my mother always cooked with pearl barley in exactly this version, as I will now tell. I think it turns out a very good combination of the taste of the consistency of mushrooms, pearl-barley and fresh potatoes. Ingredients for mushroom soup  with barley: Boiled mushrooms (boletus or aspen mushrooms - best of all), two tablespoons of pearl barley, a couple of fresh, medium potatoes, medium onion and a small carrot, 500 gr. meat, bay leaf, salt, pepper, vegetable oil. Cooking Mushroom

Dear guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Simple Soup with Meat. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later ask:. Especially for you was written a simple recipe that briefly and clearly explains how to cook a simple soup with meat at home. Here, all recipes are painted in simple clear words, so even the most inept chefs can easily cook Simple soup with meat. To do this, create special recipes with detailed photos and step-by-step descriptions of the cooking steps. Following the written recipe, you can easily cook this tasty dish and feel it beneficial features  and impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material, have not understood, how to cook a simple soup with meat, we offer to see our other recipes.

The answer to the question: how to cook soup with meat - you will find with us. After all, we have published more than 50 recipes for meat soups. The selection includes the best recipes of national cuisines of various countries of the World. And we will cook on the basis of beef, pork, lamb and other types of meat (tenderloin or liver).

Such soups, as a rule, are very rich and nutritious. They have a lot of energy and strength. They like a large number of people and eat them everywhere.

We will tell you how to cook traditional, classic and everyday meat soups. Serve them always hot and with fresh bread. Usually, they are still filled with sour cream.

How to cook soup with meat? Put a piece of meat in the water. Bring to a boil, remove the foam and boil until cooked. Then add ingredients depending on what kind of soup we want to get. But usually it is potatoes, carrots, onions and vegetables. Do not forget about cereals, pasta, spices.

Do everything with taste and soul - then every member of the family will appreciate your soup and will ask for supplements. Stay tuned for all our recipes for meat soups.