God's ladybug bites people. God's Korivka

God's Korivka- tse object of childish fairy tales, pisenok and lichilok, tse symbol of good luck in the minds of wealthy people. Tse korisnі stvennija, yakі zhavyutsya shkіdniki roslyn and sound to live on the open air. And wanting more sonia, not too small for a common medium, it has recently been revealed that one species that bears the name Harmonia axyridis, or Asian sonia, is a wine.

In fact, beetles are part of the largest group of beetles. For certain types of sonechok, their diet is composed of 50% sawing. You see, how to get files, they start to look at what they can do to get the left, so that they can drink a ticket after that, like wine.

Through their diet, lady beetles develop as a form of natural control over crops, so gardeners can get a bigger harvest. But the axis is great food: what are you buying and bugs? If you buy them for your garden, experts say: you can booty. To that there is even a real chance that, just like you call these beetles, the stench just fly, settle here and multiply. In fact, there is no guarantee that the colony, as you buy, will bring mischief to your garden. Your sus_d may end with a lot of worries, as long as you wear your coat.

What are the orange apples?

A lot of people are vvazhayut that the orange sonechka is bruised through their colors, but it’s not so. Like the greater number of other species of sonechok, the stench of the blast is only for the singing species of creatures, and not for people. Crila sonechok covered with "shell". And so, qi beetles can fly.

The zhorstka ovnіshnya husk protects їkh krill, so it also looks like a nakryla. These wings are tied to the pronotum, as if representing a part of the body, right under the beetle's head. Sonechka curls her wings in front and behind and on high wings up to 85 times per second.

Retail between good and bad sons

At first glance, you can easily look at each other with your own eyes, and in the Asian sonechka, all the signs are practically the same, as in others - the color range can change from orange to bright-red, it looks so practical. And more respectful sight to allow you to show your authority, for example, I used a badge behind my head. Some of the individuals of this species have dark patches on their wings, others have a light stink, and some of them have no flames. This species of sunflower was used for imports to the Successful States of America from Asia in the past century as a way of blaming rural poor people, such as popelitsya and shields. Numbers of sonia were released in decal states, and yet they migrated actively, so now you can know them throughout the United States. However, the cream of purposeful importation, the stench was smuggled into the territory of the Successful States vipadkovo on board the ships, which, for the most part, became the reason for such a wide and successful migration.

From what has been said, as you see, come and see these beetles, change your mind, that you have chosen a species that is suitable for your region. And change your mind, that you have a lot of flocks, to make them happy. In another time, stench will be shukati in another place for the hedgehog. As an alternative to buying these beetles, you can get them in your garden. Garniy way sprout tse - plant a lot of flowers. Lady bugs supplement their babies with sawdust and nectar, so the stench will surely come and be depleted for a day, as you have a sufficient supply of both.

A tree, an aster, a flower of a cone and a dormouse - all the same attractors of a sonechok, to the one who gives the stink to him, the stench will not be smelled. Lady bugs also love Asclepius, alisum and penstemon. What a waste of time, stench vvazhayut for better carrots, cilantro, cibula and krip. Planting these flowers, herbs and vegetables will help to turn the sonechka into your garden and help them get out of the way.

When stinks land, their wings fold neatly under their shell. So, ale, in the shortest vipadka, you see yourself troch dribkoy. Lady bugs make chewing mandibles, which means that stinks can technically taste. Ale, they don’t have much to wipe off the line, or a sting, the bite doesn’t mean anything to you, except for an insignificant tease.

Sonechka is not addicted to biting people, so you can’t use the stench in self-defense. Navit todi, stink, better for everything, bleed on people, which fills the hospitable smell. As if you weren’t spared that you are boxing with a sun, you can know calm, knowing that these beetles infect posture with the transmission of ailments or parasites, and the stench will not be choking on your blood. You will be mother to the right with a bite to the right with a bite, a kind of three sprat of days.

Shkidlivy sonechka

However, quietly fir yak tsі sonechka were released in the Happy States, they managed to reach out to a great number of different, unacceptable parties. For example, stinks for the winter can climb into the least cracks in wooden houses and build concrete booths to cross the cold there. And if the temperature drops too much, the stench can get in the middle of the booth, so it adds warmth. And having leaned in the middle, the stench will steadily climb along the stele, walls and podlogs. I want to instill the presence of these beetles in the booth by itself, they are unacceptable, as if to disturb them, the stench can be released offensive odor And also wobble with a yellowish motherland, as you can wander your surfaces. Some people may be allergic to these beetles, especially if they are rich. Among the most common reactions are eye problems, sinus fever, cough, asthma, and kropivyanka. You can start the process as a contact with beetles, so just get over them in one place. The Asian sonechka can be aggressive and taste good, like appearing on the skies. Tse mozhe be like a self-defender, so it is natural to bite in the jokes of a hedgehog. And if you want to help them help out in the garden or in the city, stench can become a problem in the vineyard, so they are often picked at once with grapes, which in the bag ends up with an unacceptable smell and taste of wine through the sour reaction.

Seriously, you can buy ladybugs online and have a live colony delivered to your doorstep. You can also know the cost of the dzherel, to buy a sonny. The greater vipadkivs are more likely to bathe with the miserable postal worker, because they have more chances for mother sonny.

What is a sonechka without plyam?

Have you ever succumbed to the sonechko without plyam? The stench may name the non-melting sonechka, and their markings on their heads help to differentiate the types. Do not boast - these lads are not shy and do not harm your roslins. The stench is just є raznovidom without plyam.

The oskelki of the sunflower are painted for farmers and gardeners, they were praised by a rich variety of cultures and are respected as symbols of good luck, although the symbolism of the sunflower can vary between cultures. In some cultures, the luck of a sonechok is estimated by the number of flames on її shells. Skin flame is a month of good luck.

Ale beetles-beetles have also become a symbol of Zakhistu. Guess the story, how did we tell earlier about Catholic farmers? History itself has turned these red-bellied beetles into a symbol of protection, prosperity and joy. Actual quotes from sonechok are also allowed, if you want to land on a woman’s hand, you will be a stretch of fate.


The shortest way to protect the sun is the basic safety precautions, which include the laying of all openings in the walls, like windows and so on, doors and ventilation openings. Reconsider that all your windows and doors are firmly closed.

Sonechka with brown clods, especially in the garden. The stench is a symbol of good luck, and the stench will not hurt your house, or else, like other komakhs. With the improvements of what has been said, it is possible to become infected with these beetles, especially when they are taken, if the stench is ready for winter. At that hour, you can blame the calmness of them, respectfully remember that as soon as spring arrives, the stench will fly and can fly into your garden to catch the birds. Don't stink of anything in your house, and you can give them a bigger porch until spring arrives.

If the beetles-beetles are not bad for a person, they can taste the stench, and the stench let out a brudna zhovta homeland. These bites are not shrill and more similar to drіbku. At the end of the day, sonechka is our friends, and we work a little more, help your garden flourish.

Sonechka started a little. Navit yakscho vy opitetsya in the colony of these beetles in your booth for the winter, the stench will not harm your house. The stench is not safe for the poor, but it can be even better for people and their gardens. Z urahuvannyam said, yakscho vy vipadkovo їste sonechko, you can be in tsmu surprise - tsі іstoti attack a foul.

Lady beetles are alive and well in most regions of the world. Ale, there is one species, which vvazhaetsya mayzhe vimerlim: nine dancers sonechko. Tsya sonechko practically appeared in Pivnichniy America through the introduction of alien species of sonechok, as if you could see the moon.

Sonechka in the booth

As soon as the sonechka has already climbed up to your house, you can spite them for the help of a pylososa or a special sticky line. In order to escape the inhospitable smell and flames, you do not need to try to mend or spread these coma. Also, they use special pesticides, which will allow you to get rid of these sonia, even if other ways do not help, and their number is only growing.

In fact, a red son with black dots on the back is taken in by lucky charms. However, those who, in the given hour, sail on the German seas, are treated by people like a plague. The stench climbs into millions - everywhere. Behind the words of the professor of the theory of zoology Greifswalder Jan-Peter Hildebrandt, bite, about yak_ podomlyayat v_pochivayuchi, absolutely not shkidli and superficial. "A person does not fit into the bug-beetle bjil scheme." There is only one plague in each group. The axes seem to be aggressive earlier.

Now, osikovі storms, rage and sleepy light can be seen from the horizon to the German litas. Ale, sonechko, like a tortoise, is given a new one. “Introduced into oman, marijuana beetles gradually get into larger groups,” explains Gerlindi Nachtigall of the Julius Kühn Institute, the Federal Research Institute for the Cultivation of Plants. There vchenih tsіkavlyat beetles-marі, more chervoniy gardeners komakh are really lucky.

Sonechka is respected by brown clods, because the stench is eaten by poor people, such as popelits. Popelits vysmoktuyut sik z roslin, which can lead to serious or fatal injuries. With beetles, beetles, like thousands of them shkіdnikі in the stretch of their lives, the stench can be superbly beautiful for roslin.

The stinks are also eating other clods, like chagars and trees, that stinks of friends in the forest. Ladybugs can be found and spider-like mites, as they can succumb to the growths, which are aquatic. Spider-mites sound infect beans, dino, midnight, peas, houseplants and tomatoes, so the sonechka is especially beautiful for these plants and people.