Filling in the liquor sheet 1s. … breaking the regime

Dopomoga z timchasovoy unpracticality can be paid both for the salary of robots, and for the salary of the FSS of the Russian Federation. Help the sum, which is insured, lie down due to the experience of the practitioner, expand yoga salary, give the cob of liquor Krіm moreover, do not forget about the increase in the minimum wage from 1 linden. At the statistic experts 1C, apply the rozrahunka to help with timchasovoi unpracticality and їх vіdobrazhennya in the program "1С: Salary and personnel management 8" edition 3 for the widest range of practice in practice.

The medical sheet is an important document. Vіn pіdtverdzhuє pravomirnіst vіdsutnostі svіvrobіtnik on roboє є pіdstavoi for rozrakhunku і vіplati d'opomogi.

Krіm zarobіtku for two years before the rozrahunok to help infuse experience and date on the cob of ailment.

Cheat sheet for the article edited by BUKH.1C for those who do not have time

1. The medical sheet proving the legality of the availability of the worker on the job and є pіdstavoy for rozrahunka and to pay for help.

2. On the rozrahunok, they pour in the experience, the date of the cob of ailment and the increase in earnings for two years ahead.

3. Spіvrobіtnik, scho zvіlnivsya, can take help, as if ill for a stretch of 30 calendar days from the day of the call.

4. Vitrati on likarnyam (crim for the first three days in case of sickness with injuries of the practitioner) check the accounts of the FSS of the Russian Federation.

Rozrahunok help…

… fallow of insurance experience

Vіdpovіdno to the Federal Law of 29.12.2006 No. 255-FZ “On obligatory social insurance for the period of incompetence and maternity” (given - Law No. 255-FZ) :

  • for 8 years and more - additional assistance is paid for the increase in 100% of the average salary;
  • for 5 to 8 years - 80% of the average salary;
  • up to 5 years - 60% of the average salary.

Amount of average income for a rozrakhunka is additionally insured in such situations

  • Vlasne ill (crim of professional illness); trauma (crim trauma, connected with an unfortunate fall on the spine); quarantine; prosthetics for medical indications; dolikuvannya at the sanatorium-resort facilities once after the hospital (part 1 of article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • looking after an ailing child on an outpatient basis and at a hospital (pp. 1, 2, part 3, article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ);
  • watch over a grown-up member of the family on an outpatient basis (part 4 of article 7 of Law No. 255-FZ).

A number of young people have to pay additional assistance to the increase of 100% of the average salary regardless of the length of service. Tse:

  • additional help with zv'yazku z vagіtnіstyu and canopies (Art. 11 Law No. 255-FZ);
  • professional illness chi unfortunate fallout of scams (Article 9 of the Federal Law of July 24, 1998 No. 125-FZ).

As for the practitioner, who was in contact with the organization, for 30 calendar days from the day of the illness, it came to an illness or an injury, then on the basis of part 2 of article 7 of Law No. 125-FZ, 60% of the average salary is paid

Rules for pidrakhunka and confirmation of experience for the purpose of rozmіrіv dopomogi z timchasovoi unpracticality, zvjazku z vagіtnіstyu and canopies approved by the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in 06.02.2007 No. 91 (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in 11.09.2009 - Rules).

Paragraph 21 of the Rules says that the calculation of the periods of work (service, activity) will be carried out in calendar order from the last months (30 days) and the last month (12 months). For each skin 30 days of designated periods, transfer at each month, and skin 12 months of these periods, transfer at each other. Tse does not mean that you need to convert the entire period into days, but then add it by 30 to 12. It’s necessary to see the same calendar periods: fates, months, and transfer the surplus to months from the 30th day to a month.

Example 1

The work experience for the period 09/14/2015-03/16/2016 is taken into account.

No. p / p Month Days at the moon
1 Spring 2015 17
2 zhovten 2015 31
3 leaf fall 2015 30
4 chest 2015 31
5 September 2016 31
6 lute 2016 29
7 birch 2016 16

If the number of days for the entire period is 185 divided by 30, then the experience will be 6 months and 5 days.

Ale for the Rules, it is required to back up the new calendar period: 5 new months - from New Year 2015 to February 2016. They gave 17 days of spring 2015 to the date of 16 days of spring 2016. According to the rules, 33 days become 1 month (30 days) and 3 days. In this rank, the burning experience is 6 months and 3 days. The very same way I feel like a pidrahunok experience with the program.

Somewhere in the documents confirming the experience, no exact dates are indicated. Clause 27 of the Rules establishes that, if more dates are assigned without specifying exact dates, 1 date of the special date is accepted as the date, and if the number of the month is not indicated, then this is the 15th day of the special month. Tse means that it is necessary to specify in the program itself. For the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8", the experience is assigned to the card Spivrobitnik for help Labor activity.

Insurance experience for rozrahunka likarny folds over periods, by the stretch of which people were insured against temporary failure, and non-insurance periods.

Until the insurance periodіv, to carry Periodi Roboto Insurance for the work of the workforce, I keep in Civietary ABO Munіzitally in the service of this perisy, Іншойной илолості, пологонго голого муданина підлагав Oboko Social Social insured by Viprudasi Timchasovo Motherhood (part 1 of Art. 16 law No. 255-FZ).

Non-insurance period - the period of military service, as well as other service, transferred by the Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 No. of narcotic drugs and psychotropic speeches, established by the bodies of the criminal and vikonavchoi system, and those families, ”as a practitioner, passing from 01.01.2007.

Let's guess that the sight of non-insurance periods is connected with authorities in the order of financing and payment of additional assistance from the time of non-price. The presence of non-insurance periods can be spent up to a hundred years of average earnings until the repayment of additional assistance.

For example, without non-insurance periods, the experience becomes 7 years. Additional help is calculated from the cost of 80% of the average income. And if you add 2 uninsurable lives, then with the help of the insurance company, you will be insured for 100% of the average income.

In a slanderous order, vitrati on the likarnym (for the first three days of the first three days at the time of illness or injuries of the practitioner) are awarded for the expenses of the FSS of the Russian Federation. Retail sums to help, which winkla at the link with non-insurance periods, are additionally financed with additional funds from the federal budget (with additional inter-budgetary transfers from the federal budget, given for the purpose of the budget of the FSS of the Russian Federation).

When filling in data about the experience with the program, it is necessary to insure the foot on the form of the certificate of incompatibility. The field "Insurance experience" of the non-procedural list (divided "Required as a robot provider") - the total length of service, which is insured during the re-registration of medicinal sheets. This field corresponds to the field of the program Experience for paying for medical bills from the compensation of non-insurance periods. In the field “Zokrema non-insurance periods” of the non-insurance sheet, the next thing is to see only the experience of non-insurance periods.

If in the field Insurance experience for payment of medical bills, the program needs to designate the experience without non-insurance periods.

Example 2. Filling in data about the experience on the form of the medical sheet and the program "1C: Salary and personnel management 8"

The length of service for paying medical bills for rehabilitating non-insurance periods (“Insurance experience” - at the non-procedure sheet) 01/01/2006 - 05/31/2016 becomes 10 years 5 months. With whom, the spy was re-employed from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2014. The non-insurance period starts from 01/01/2007 and lasts until 12/31/2014, to become 8 years.

On the form in the “Insurance experience” field, 10 years of 5 months are indicated, and there is a non-insurance period, including 8 years (Fig. 1).

Mal. 1 Fragment of the blank sheet of non-sales data

For the program, at the card Spivrobitnik at the field, the length of service for paying for medical leaves for non-insurance periods must be specified 10 years for 5 months, and for the insurance period for paying for medical sheets, it is necessary to indicate the length of service without non-insurance periods, i.e. 2 years for 5 months. ).

Mal. 2. Information about experience

There is no difference for a spivrobitnik, what is the length of his experience without insurance periods, and the axis for the FSS is important.

Example 3

Assistance for non-procedure was given from 06/01/2016 to 06/18/2016. At the spіvrobіtnik Experience to pay for medical bills for compensation of non-insurance periods 10 years 5 months, including the non-insurance period 8 years

When filling out the document, the Liability sheet on the bookmark. Payment of the next ensign. At the field of Vіdsotok payment, 100% was automatically restored, even if the work experience was over 8 years. Ale in the field Higher payment without pensions - 60%, even without pensions, the experience becomes less than 2 years and 5 months, or less than 5 years. Retailing between years of experience and experience without pensions is paid from the federal budget for the three first days paid for by the robot provider.

On the deposit Indemnified (fig. 3) The indemnification of the medical expenses was insured with a total sum of 13,767.15 rubles, including for the federal budget - 5,506.80 rubles.

At the expense of 4-FSS, the bills for the help of the federal budget are automatically seen.

Mal. 3. Reimbursement for a medical sheet for compensation of non-insurance periods

... fallow on the cob of ailment

For the whole of 2016, the maximum average daily income for all trips in the Crimea for admission at the link with the salary canopies will be 1,772.6 rubles. When raising the average daily income in 2016, it is necessary to insure the entire income for 2014, for which the insurance contributions were redeemed, but not more than 624,000 rubles. The average daily income comes out as a sum of 2016 for 2 years by 730. In a number of cases, the minimum wage is added to the increase in help, and in 2016 the year of vin changes.

On January 1, 2016, the minimum wage is 6,204 rubles per month (Article 1 of the Federal Law of December 14, 2015 No. 376-FZ), and on July 1, 2016, the Federal Law of June 2, 2016 No. 164-FZ was introduced. It is necessary to secure the change in the minimum wage

from 07/01/2016, like a spivrobitnik ...

… average salary for the previous two years below the minimum wage

As the average salary of a doctor, insurance for 2014 and 2015 (in the salary for the last calendar month) is lower than for the minimum amount of payment for work, then additional support is paid for the wages of the minimum wage. If the date on the cob of ailment falls on the period from 01/01/2016 to 06/30/2016, then the minimum average daily income, charges from the minimum wage is 203 rubles. 97 kop. (6204 rubles x 24) / 730 = 203.97 rubles). For sickness, which came to an end on 07/01/2016, the minimum average daily income is 246 rubles. 58 kop. (7500 rubles x 24) / 730 = 246.58 rubles).

Example 4

To restore respect, which in this important moment is the date of the beginning of non-practice. The ailment has come in the linden, so the minimum wage is 7,500 rubles. Yakby dated the cob of the ailment until 07/01/2016 and the ailment was in the linden, then the vikoristovuvsya used the minimum wage of 6,204 rubles.

… less experience

If the work experience of the employee is less than six months, then in addition to help with incompetence and vacancy, it is not possible to exceed the minimum wage for a leather calendar month.

Example 5

Spivrobitnik D.V. Boroviy started working on 04/01/2016 on the minds of a new working day at the enterprise in the territory without a district coefficient (RK). Conclusion about the income from the front robot worker in 2015 roci confirms the amount of 500,000 rubles.

The license sheet was issued for 2 days: 06/30/2016–07/01/2017.

On the day of the cob of ailment, the experience is less for the first time and the amount of additional help, with which you are not separated by the boundary value of the base for accruing insurance premiums, but by the maximum amount of daily allowance calculated from the minimum wage.

Actual average daily income: 500,000 rubles. / 730 = 684.93 rubles. The experience is less than five years, so the average daily income is between 60% and more 684.93 rubles. x 60% = 410.96 rubles. Ale oskіlki experience is less than pivroku, those vins are intermedium with the maximum amount of daily assistance for chervnі: 6,204 rubles. / 30 \u003d 206.80 rubles, I in the line 7500 rubles / 31 \u003d 241.94 rubles.

In this rank, for 2 days, 206.80 rubles were earned for help. + 241.94 rubles. = 448.74 rubles. (Fig. 4).

Mal. 4. Paying for a medical sheet from the minimum wage

Return respect, helpers from vagity and polog_v get ready for the next leg and as a sp_vrob_tnitsa went to maternity leave up to 1 lime and before the new minimum wage was approved. Moreover, if the admission fee is three after 1 linden, then it is necessary to help the sum of money to resurrect the new minimum wage and pay the retail price.

The need for a pererakhunka vinikaє, as if to help at the connection with the vagіtnіstyu and the canopies, is surrounded by the maximum amount of daily assistance, similarly to Appendix 5 through those whose experience with the spіvrobіtnitsa is less than pіvroku. For vykonannya pererahunku program need to vodkrit creations and payments before the document Likarny sheet. Behind the button Vipraviti create a new document. Bookmarked by New Pererakhunok of the past period revoke before the deposited sum, but in the mortgage Narahovano (reporting) new narahuvannya appear. For results, a new document shows the price, for times - the amount before additional payment.

… breaking the regime

As a spivrobitnik without good reason, having broken the prescription of the doctor, the regimen, or as a lack of practice has come after an alcoholic chi drug addiction, then the rozrahunok is carried out in a similar way to another drop.

It is clear that this trend is in the wake of the previous time, that when the regime of additional help is broken, the minimum wage is built up, starting from the day of the appointed damage, and before that - wild rules with the adjustment of the actual average income.

How can I help the spivrobitniks with the timchas’ unproductiveness - “drugs”

Before setting the parameters for the appearance of the program 1C 8.3 (div. Golovnya / Adjustment / Parameters for the appearance), it is necessary to enable the appearance of permits, licenses and other documents.

Now the magazine has a bad job - in the same place, where documents are created for a six-month salary increase - you can create a document "Likarny sheet".

  • The number of the invalidity sheet.
  • As if this list of medicines is a continuation of the previous one, a special sign is placed, and the required document is selected for the request.
  • The reason for the inappropriateness. Selected from the list prescribed by the program - illness or injury; entry at the link with airflow and canopies or other.
  • The term freedom from work. Dates must be indicated on the medicinal sheet.
  • As for the medical sheet, there is a record about the violation of the regime, for which document the program should indicate the date of the reduction in assistance.
  • Vіdsotok payment. For promotions, the program will charge 60.00. You can change for the consumption of vіdsotok.
  • Sumi narahovanoї help that average income. The stench is already insured and zapovneni, on the basis of recent data from the program about the salary of the spy worker from the front two rocks. According to strict legislation, as the cause of the liquor bulo, illness or an injury to the doctor (crim of injuries in the workplace), payment for the first three days of non-delivery of the program is paid for the work of the robot, and the rest of the days - for the work of the Social Insurance Fund.

Reimbursement of liquor from the wages

After the end of the month in 1C, it will be necessary to send a document for salary accrual. With this automatic filling, the column “Vidpuski/…” will show the sum of the total sum of the contributory help. The same document is being paid and paid for by the PDFO, I’ll help you to pay for the salary (as it remains to be paid by the PDFO).

At the rozrahunkovy leaflet of the employee (div. Salary and personnel / Salary / Call from salary) there will be a dispensation for the salary of the robot and for the salary of the FSS.

Narahuvannya for a medical sheet from 1C Accounting 8.3

The program "1C: Accounting 8.3" edition 3.0 allows the accountant to help the assistants with timchasovoi unpracticality, as we call it "likarnyanim".

In front of the adjusted parameters in the form of the program 1C 8.3 (div. Home / Settings / Appearance parameters) it is necessary to include the possibility of the appearance of the permit, medical and other documents.

Now the magazine is in trouble - there, where documents for a six-month salary increase are created, it is possible to create a document "Likarny sheet".

Creation of a new medical sheet for 1C 8.3 Accounting

At the head of the document, note the month of hire, the date of registration of the practitioner.

On the tab "Golovna" indicate:

  • Sheet number inappropriateness.
  • Yakshcho dani medicinal sheet - continuation of the front, put a special sign and the necessary document is selected by force.
  • The reason for the non-procedure. Selected from the list prescribed by the program - illness or injury; entry at the link with airflow and canopies or other.
  • The term svіlnennya s work. Dates must be indicated on the medicinal sheet.
  • As for the liquor sheet, there is a note about the violation of the regime, for which document the program has been marked date of reduction of assistance.
  • Vіdsotok payment. For promotions, the program will charge 60.00. You can change for the consumption of vіdsotok.
  • Sumi earned help and the average income. The stench has already been insured and zapovneni on the basis of the data received from the program about the salary of the worker in the previous two years. According to strict legislation, as the cause of the liquor bulo, illness or an injury to the doctor (crim of injuries in the workplace), payment for the first three days of non-delivery of the program is paid for the work of the robot, and the rest of the days - for the work of the Social Insurance Fund.

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If the data about the income from the program is daily, the helper is automatically repaid from the minimum wage. For the consumption of the income of the spy worker for the previous years, you can enter it manually, for which you should go for the help of "Change" (order from the sum of the average income).

At the form, which was shown, we have fields for entering a monthly salary for two calendar days ahead. If you sumi an accountant, you can fill it in on the basis of official data (for example, the worker has been working in the organization for the time being, but it has not yet appeared in 1C), so on the basis of the tax, the conclusions about the earnings from the front robot giver. The 1C Accounting program automatically pays the amount of the average daily income, as it will be transferred to the medical list after the “OK” pressure.

On the “Dodatkovo” deposit of the medicinal sheet, there may be a type of additional assistance exchange. Behind the margins, the marginal value of the base for accruing insurance premiums has been established, as well as the available options “at the MMOP expansion” or for the maximum amount of the monthly insurance premium.

Immediately for consumption, you can specify the district coefficient (for format 1, XX) and the bills that you need.

On the deposit "Narakhuvannya", an accrual is displayed, its result is that period. The sum is available for manual editing, in which case the result of editing will be shown on the “Golovna” tab.

Under the hour of the "Likarnyany list" vykonuє ruhi for rahunki bukhoblika, or postings. The amount of help for the account of the robot is to be shown by the program on the same accounting account, which is the salary of the given spivrobitnik (with obvious payments), in correspondence with the loan. 70. The amount of additional assistance for the account of the FSS was credited to the debit of the account 69.01 “Rotary allowances from social insurance”.

Summer after night and winter - Imovirnіst fall ill at any time of fate. Well, if you already have an illness, then you need to take medicine, and not go to work, infecting colleagues and companions on the way to work. Let's look at how the program "1C: Salary and Personnel Management" edition 3.1 and "1C: Business Accounting" edition 3.0 shows the payment and repayment of the drug list.

Likarny sheet at "1C: Salary and personnel management" ed. 3.1.

The examination of the dispensary is carried out both at the “Kadri” branch, and in the “Salary” branch - the column “Likarnyany leaves”.

At the expense of the average income, the income earned by the practitioner for the previous two years is forfeited. As a practitioner, having propagated at this organization less, it is necessary to pay for the average income by hand: we go to the bookmark “Golovne” and press on the olive white of the graph “Average income”. A part of an irregular working day is automatically saved from the work schedule of the worker, which is restored to the receptionist.

  1. We choose how the payment is to be made: in advance, at the repayment period, or from the salary. It is also possible to indicate the date of payment, so that the return of calls for taxes is added. The date of the withdrawal of the surplus will be the date of payment, and the date of the document for the calculated contribution from the first surplus will be the date of the document.
  2. Likarnyany not vpline on the salary increase, but there will be orders from the rozrahunk sheet of the spivrobitnik.

Likarnyany at "1C: Accounting" ed. 3.0

"1C: Accounting" is not a payroll program, so there is no need to ask for a license sheet here. On the back of your hand:

We looked at the coverings, which are necessary for filling that rosette of the medicinal leaf. If you need more food for the rozrahunka of the likarnyakh - we will advise you without cost, a consultation.

Be healthy, practice at 1C with pleasure!

Instructions on how to collect drugs from the program "1C Accounting for Ukraine".

"Narakhuvannya zarobitnoї pay to practitioners of the organization" - the main document, by which all rozrahunki are conducted according to the medical lists of spіvrobіtnikіv organizatsії. The little one shows the path to the first document.

Ale in front of him, as if to look at the drug lists more often, it is necessary to reconsider, which is more likely to be done according to the drug list at the “Plan of seeing the roses”. You can find the necessary data using the following scheme:

  1. V_dkriti 1C in mode 1: Acceptance;
  2. Select the menu item "Operations";
  3. Click on the button “Plan vidіv rozrahunkіv;
  4. Vіdkriєtsya vіkno;
  5. Here is the option “Basic recruitment of organizations”, which you need to choose.

After that, as you have done everything, you will see a good fortune in front of you. The new one has the main problems in the organization. In order to choose only the drugs of abuse, you need to choose one of the options:

  • First - likarnyany for rahunok pіdpriєmstva;
  • The other one is for likarnyany for social insurance.

For registration of the liquor for the reception of the reception, it is necessary to fill in all the details. The report shows the little one below. How much is sufficient, if it is necessary to issue a standard medical certificate for a rescuer.

Do not forget also that the data must be entered not only in the “Zagalni” tab, but also in the “Basis for rozrakhunkiv”.

As soon as all the fields are filled in, check the correctness of the entered details and other data, and then you can close the card and write down the input element.

After that, it is necessary to add an element to the doctor under the name “likarnian for the FSS rahunok”. For this contributor, you need to remember all the fields. How to do it correctly is shown in the little one below. This information will be sufficient for you to apply for a standard medical examination with the majority of applicants.

Remember about those who need to fill in data not only in the "Zagalni" tab, but also all the fields in the database for rozrakhunkiv are also due to collect the necessary data.

Now you can go over the correctness of the data again. If everything is correct, close the card and write down the tell-tale element.

If all the necessary work has already been completed, you will need to create a special document - the payment of wages to workers of the organization.

Even before that, as the remuneration will be taken from the reorganization of the medicinal leaves, the filling of all documents will be carried out according to the sizable scheme, as the award will be made from the remuneration of the salaries of the organization's practitioners. Sob it was understood and inadvertently, we could look at the peculiarity of narahuvannya, vikoristovuyuchi like the butt of one practitioner.

Just as all of you followed the splendid scheme, the librarians were not insured by the system, so it was necessary to do it manually. For whom it is necessary to enter the following data:

  • period of liquor;
  • Kind of narahuvannya;
  • Base period and other important information.

Also, do not forget to correct the base period, which is changed: it is necessary to correct the value back right up to the quiet value, as if it were the month.

On this account, the repayments will not end, even if it is necessary to redeem a few days to raise the salary, and to repay the number of days that fell on the period of the dispensary.

Change, that the checkmark "Sign of the car rarahunk" is tidied up, as if not, pick up її. Then you can click on the "Open" button, or select "Open according to the practice." The system will tell you ahead of time about those that need to be re-documented (it will also be re-recorded, everything will be stored in the files). You will need to wait in advance for the completion of the rozrakhunkiv.

It is shown on the little one, what we see after the residual molding of the narahuvan.

Do not forget to also carry out a reset and re-store the data according to the speller at the song bookmarks:

  • Contributions and contributions FOP;
  • PDFO and more.

The process follows the same scheme, as it was in the first bookmark. So you select the tab, if you know the required list, then the scheme is as follows (as the robot goes in the list warehouse):

"Retrieve" -> "Retrieve by practitioner" -> "Deposit" -> "Deposit by origin".

Do not forget to check again the correctness of the data entered, and then form the postings on the deposit.

There is more left to do and the work will be completed. For which press the "Record" button, then wait a minute with "OK", then - post the document. The axis is now narahuvannya likarnyakh, who have insured taxes and contributions, re-registered. Now you are left only with a fee for the additional document “Salary before payment”, and do not forget to indicate the applicable fee. On whom everything.

Hello, new readers of the blog. This material should be prepared with a low temperature and an unacceptable cough, let's talk about fermentation today dopomogi s timchasovoy unpracticality in the program 1C Salary and Personnel Management. Іsnuє specialization document for this -. Before the speech, recently a document for the rozrahunka likarnyakh appeared at the configuration of 1C Business Accounting. You can read about it at the article Yak narakhovuvat likarnyany at 1C Business Accounting 3.0.

And in today's publication, we will analyze the features of the work with the document. "Narahuvannya for the medicinal leaf" at ZUP 2.5, there is a fundamental theoretical basis for the payment of fees for medicinal sheets. In this article, I also stumble upon the low topics of the uninterruptedly connected with the rozrakhunka of the liquor:

  • Document favicon "Don't get out of the organization" for the not yet confirmed inability to leave through the ailment,
  • Implementation of automatic completion of seniority;
  • The introduction of statements about the earnings of the previous robots for the correct calculation of the average earnings (document " Conclusions of other insurers about earnings»).

For the cob I would like to see highlights, yakі it is necessary to know that remembrance at the rozrahunka of payments for timchasovy nepritsezdatnіstyu:

  • Rosrakhunkovy period(the period, for the sub-bags of which the liquor sale is required) includes two calendar dates, yakі to change the rozrachunk's roci (for which we vvazhaemo likarnіnі);
  • Like a practitioner at the front two calendar rocks in front not maw earnings otherwise the average earnings for a month turned out to be smaller for the minimum wage, then the average earnings are equal to the minimum wage;
  • Average daily income = sum of money svrobіtnik for the previous two calendar days (and yakі to enter the base for the payment of insurance premiums to the FSS) dilena on the 730;
  • First 3 days additional help from timchasovoy unpracticality is paid for rahunok koshtiv robots, advance for the financial expenses of the Social Insurance Fund;
  • For rozrahunku help from timchasovoi unpracticality the earnings of all robots are guaranteed, for some pratsyuvav pratsivnik for two basic calendar dates. For whom the practitioner can give a final approval to the in-line robot supplier.


  • Calendar Rocks, for the pіdbags of such a spіvrobіtnik, likarnias are insured, can be replaced. It’s possible, as if in one or two of these calendar dates, she would change from the guard to the link with the air and canopies and / or from the guard on the lookout for the child. For the statement of the practitioner, there can be one or two replacements, for you know what cause an increase in help to the world;
  • The maximum amount of earnings, depending on which additional assistance is provided, is covered, and it is impossible to overestimate the coming sums:
    • 2014 rіk - 624,000 rubles;
    • 2013 rіk - 568,000 rubles;
    • 2012 rіk - 512,000 rubles;
    • 2011 rіk - 463,000 rubles;
    • 2010 rіk - 415,000 rubles;
    • 2009 rіk - 415,000 rubles.

Features of rozrahunka when a worker is employed by a small number of roboticists:

  • Yakshcho spіvrobіtnik buv employment in front of two calendar rocks at the same time robots, th at the moment of rozrahunka of the liquor, then the additional help is in all areas of work. At this obmezhennia at the sum of the river incomes, they are insured in the skin robotic okremo;
  • Yakshcho in front of two rocks spіvrobіtnik buv employment with other/less robots(-іv), the spіvrobіtnik is guilty choose, I will help you with any of the current robotic providers z timchasova nepratsezdatnosti, tobto. wages are paid from the employed robots at the borders of the borders, made earlier;
  • Yakshcho in front of two rocks spіvrobіtnik pratsyuvav yak in today's robots, so in others, then the practitioner can vibrati be-yaku z vishchezgadanih schemes rozrahunka.

Nareshti naytsіkavіshe theoretically - tse order of rozrahunka for help due to timchasovoi unpracticality. Otzhe, we marvel:

  1. Average daily income = total income for 2 previous calendar days / 730
  2. Do not forget about the maximum basis of oblіkovogo income.
  3. Rozmіr daily help = Average daily earnings * Vіdsotok(Install stalely due to experience and reasons for non-practice);
  4. Rozmіr dopomogi \u003d Rozmir of daytime help * Number of days(Period of non-procedure).

Peculiarities of rozrahunka for help with timchasovy unpracticality in 1C ZUP

CHECK-LIST for re-checking the payroll for 1C ZUP 3.1

Salary compensation at 1C ZUP 3.1
Pokrokov's instruction for pochatkivtsiv:

Father, rozrachunkovy document "Narahuvannya for medicinal sheets" it is necessary to enter after that, as a spіvrobіtnik to give the accountant a sheet of non-sales data. If, until the moment of the salary payment, the practitioner changes to a liquor without having pressed a certificate of non-proceeding, then it is necessary to file another document "Don't go to the organization". Tim himself, when the salary is paid, the days of illness will be paid, and the salary will be paid in proportion to the days of work. In practice, we can look at the same situation from the selection of these two documents.

Let the spіvrobіtnitsa Sidorova be ill from the 28th of March to the 14th of April 2014. Approximately 8 o'clock on 9 April, the rozrokhunnik begins to pay wages for the month of 2014.

I’ll immediately designate that I should work up to the repayment of the main part of the salary with a document "Narakhuvannya salaries to workers of the organization".

Document "Don't go to the organization" Next, select the month of recruitment Berezen 2014. In the tabular part of the document, add a row and turn the reference to Sidorov. Yak kind of nevihodu vibemo "Visutnіst z nez'yasovannі reason" oskіlki officially mi until not maєmo dokumentіvі, scho pіdtverdzhuyut ailment. Well, let's say the period from 28 February to 14 April. The program, when you ask for a month, split the rows of the documents and follow the proposition, wait a minute.

After which it is planned to pay for the document "Payroll". You can read the report about the planned arrahuvans at the article. The salary will be paid in proportion to the working days, from which days of work are excluded. Marvel at the drawing.

On April 14, the spivrobitnik complains of illness and turns to work with a sheet of incompetence, which is to bring to accounting. If anyone has a right to speed up the document "Narahuvannya for the medicinal leaf." Access to this document can be taken on the tab "Payroll" working style of the program (set in the middle column).

Documents need to fill in the following fields:

  • Month of arrahuvannya - Kviten 2014 - the birch salary has already been insured, so the likarnians should drink at the kvitnev;
  • Spivrobitnik - Sidorova;
  • The reason for non-praxis - (01, 02, 10, 11) Illness or injury (injuries on the basis of disease);
  • “Date of the beginning of non-practice” and “Zvіlnennya s work z ... to ...”;
  • Experience - in the first field to lay down a hundred of liquor.

How to automatically complete the seniority

Seminar "Life hacks from 1C ZUP 3.1"
Exploring 15 life hacks in 1s ZUP 3.1:

CHECK-LIST for re-checking the payroll for 1C ZUP 3.1

Salary compensation at 1C ZUP 3.1
Pokrokova instruction for postcards:

Previously, I had already designated that one of the parameters, which without intermediary, is poured into the support, the experience. Before the examination of the likarnian, it is necessary to send a report about the experience of the doctor. For whom it is necessary to add Sidorov in the report “Spivrobitniki” and ask for “details about a physical person” to go to physical. individual. І there open the form by pressing the button "Labor activity". In this form, it is necessary to add a row in the tabular part of the “Experience of a charismatic character”. For this, right-click the mouse on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tabular part and in the context menu, click on "Add". Install "Looking at the experience" "Insurance experience to pay for medical bills" and specify the date, for which the length of service is to be determined (for example, the date of admission to the organization), that number of years, months and days of experience, as if the interviewer had the same date.

The document will be paid for the minimum wage, there are no records in the database about the salary of the worker in the previous two calendar years. Broken down like this:

2629.44 \u003d 5554 (minimum wage) * 24 (2 years) / 730 * 18 (days of non-production) * 80%

How to send information about earnings from previous robots

After the filing of the document, a notification was sent "For the appointment of rozrahunkov's fates, data on income were not revealed!".

This appointment came about through those who recruited the worker to work before this organization in 2014, and in 2013 and 2012 worked in another organization. In order to make a statement about earnings, follow the specialization document "Suggestions of other insurers about earnings". The entitlement to the document is on the bookmark "Payroll" work table programs at the distribution “div. likewise." In the document, it is necessary to indicate the payroll and send the previous organization, and in the tabular part, indicate the earnings for 2012 and 2013.

Varto signify that the appearance of the salary of a worker for qi two years is in this program, then, obviously, there is no need to enter this document. The salary will be reimbursed automatically.

Don't forget to post the document. Then let's turn to the document of the rozrahunka of the liquor. Check the checkbox for the document "Check the tick of the front insurers" And once again we press "Rozrahuvati".

7574.76 \u003d 384000 (income for 2 years) / 730 * 18 (days of non-proceeding) * 0.8 (years to lay down in the experience)

Document "Narahuvannya for the medicinal leaf" also to avenge one more bookmark “Razrahunok of the medicinal leaf, to avenge information about the rozrahunok of the middle. In fact, with automatic opening, there is no need to edit data on this bookmark. Ale, for a flashy development, we marvel at what you represent.

Give respect to the red rows at the table part. Qi rows reflect the vіdomosti entered by the document "Don't go to organizations".

Now let's bookmark the "PDFO", for which you can use the sum of the insured PDFO.

І one more bookmark "Razrahunok of the average income". On this page, we would like to inform you about earnings, which were entered into the document "Suggestions of other insurers about earnings".

Call the document "Narakhuvannya for the medical sheet"

The warehouse of the document “Narakhuvannya for the medicinal sheet” has a low number of other forms. Vіdkriti їх it is possible for the button "Druk", raztashovanuyu in the lower right corner of the form. The most victorious form "Razrahunok average income from 2011 year".

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