What to play with children 9 10 years at home. Games at a children's party

Girls at the age of 10 are actively engaged in gaming activities, both individually and as a group. Although today the games of girls at the age of 10 differ from those in our childhood, but the general tendencies can still be traced. For the full development of ten-year-old girls, we need both mobile, street games, and developing, intellectual, group games.

Unfortunately, today most of the 10 years old children's games are focused on modern gadgets  (tablet, laptop or phone). Most of the games offered today for girls are online games. Of course, they can help in intellectual development, the cognitive sphere and the development of thinking, but they need to be carefully filtered by their parents themselves - many of the games that are age-oriented for 10 years are in fact completely inappropriate. In addition, these are games that significantly strain the organ of vision, while using gadgets, the girl sits or lies motionless, sometimes with a non-physiological position.

Parents need to strictly monitor the fact that girls play 10 years, limiting the time of online games, and spending more time playing on the street, mobile or team.

Together you can pick up interesting games  for girls for 10 years. These include rezinochki, known to all mothers, which you can teach your own daughters. Also here are games with jump ropes, hopscotch and salki, catch-up, bouncers. It is important to explain to girls that the rules of the game can vary from simple to complex, depending on the number of players in a team. In winter, it can be snowballs and skating on ice slides or ice sleds, the construction of snow towns or snow women.

There are also many games for a small group of girls - this is the “little ring”, “you will go to the ball” and others.

Games for children 10 years old at home

Among the girls' games at home, undoubtedly, dolls of various series, as well as interactive pets like ferbies, hamsters and other creatures prevail. Useful home  will be board games, developing, coloring and logic tasks. In many of these games, you need to be smart, quick-witted, perform a task for a while, and be as accurate as possible. Useful will be the game "jenga" in it can be played both alone and with girlfriends. The essence of it is to build a tower of parts without dropping it. The game hones the fine motor skills dexterity and logical thinking.

Educational games for girls 10 years

A useful lotto game can be a useful educational game for a girl. It can be played with a fan with a family or with friends. Interesting for a group of girls will be the "mafia", an unusually popular game now among children and adults. Useful will be the game "who am I" with cards on the forehead and guessing on the tips. A fun game for two girlfriends will be a "sea battle" on ordinary leaves in the box. He can take a lot of time in battle girls. Interesting will be the game in "contact" or "crocodile", they are entertaining and reckless when there are several players.

Interesting will be word games like “gallows” or “field of miracles”. They develop memory and thinking, speed of reaction.

What to play together with a friend? What can you play together with a friend? I'm 12 and she is 9

  1. aTP for advice
  2. can be in mother's daughters
  3. in warcraft of course
  4. Sea battle, catch-up, kettle boils, gallows, guess the word ...
  5. for example, you can hide it
  6. dance, see comedy, play cards or just talk and tell about yourself or in a deaf phone it turns out funny
  7. we had a great time with my friend! Thank.
  8. By meditate)
  9. Play store print price tags and money.
  10. We blew a balloon and played volleyball. Design clothes for dolls.
  11. Talk on any topic.
    You can read the usual or e-book (for example: the book of terrible stories)
  12. Attempt striptezro no older than 15.
  13. you can draw to cook eat sew clothes for dolls or dance
  14. i do not know
  15. i do not know myself I think !!!
  16. Play cards. think up your game in maps. and make your own rules. what would remember the rules for writing on a sheet of paper or cardboard.
  17. you can just sit and do nothing
  18. Take a video. Scary stories, vlogs, chellendzhi
  19. 1. If the apartment is large, you can play the standard games: hide-and-seek, blind man's buff, hot and cold.
    2. You can shake each other on the phone pictures and music.
    3. Play the word chain.
    4. Play this game: one speaks a word, just moving his lips silently, and the other guesses it.
    5. You can do this: hide some object so that she does not see, and then search for it using notes. For example, you put a note on the window sill, and it says: "Next tip on the fridge." You put a note on the refrigerator, and there, for example, a card with a cross on the spot where the next hint is hidden. So you put all the notes, and she is looking for.
    6. You can draw together: this is quite interesting.
    7. Play board games: checkers, cards, lotto.
    8. Turn off the music and dance, watch the movie.
    9. Get your own secret diary, where each of you will take notes.
    10. Compose your song, and then sing it loudly.
    11. Sea battle, tic-tac-toe. What are not options?
    12. Take cubes, bottles (not glass, from lemonade, for example) and beat them down with something round! Get the towns.
    13. Play like this: Shove a bunch of pieces of paper in your hat with words that can be shown, depicted in action, and then push them out one by one. Try to show this word in action, and let your friend guess.
    14. Many people like to play Minecraft online. Play and you!
    15. Arrange a photo session: pofotkayte each other, and then process the pictures in some photo editor.
  20. hide-and-seek

The eldest daughter Alfia decided to have a party for her friends from the courtyard - seeing off the summer. Our cousin Sabina from Nizhnevartovsk is spending summer holidays with us, and they have friends in common. The party was prepared together. On the table - juices, cola, chips, sandwiches, fruit, watermelon. Entertainment program also prepared in advance. Inspired by the experience with my youngest daughter, I also looked at developing games for children of 10 years for girls.
  True, my daughter is already 12, but there are games that are interesting at any age, especially among the guests there are girls both older and younger.

Practice speed thinking

I’ll say right away, if you have a teenage daughter asking to be allowed to have a party, and promises to finish at 11 pm, do not hope that it will be so  We walked until four in the morning ... True, it was agreed in advance that our guests would spend the night, but I’m in vain I waited for them to go to bed ... Well, well, the main thing was for them to have fun. Of course, they sat in front of the computer, climbed in “Kontakte”, then turned on the films - comedies and horror films, but did not watch, and started playing. Of course, I did not play with them (my daughter did not want to leave me at home). But some games from the side watched. Unlike kids, the energy of games in adolescents was increasing.
They began with guessing the names of objects. The facilitator tells one of the players in the ear the name of the object, and he tries to explain the word with gestures, looks, body movements. Who guesses, that leader. According to the rules of the game, you can not point the finger at the object. There were funny and difficult tasks, for example, the flower on the windowsill did not want to guess. TV guessed the lead, the computer - on the mouse.
  Games for children of 10 years old are usually for the development of logical thinking, or for a reaction, more simply, for intellectual or physical development. Since all this was happening at home, the girls did not play the games for physical development. I remember the game "Changelings", very funny! This is when the presenter calls the "inverted" names of well-known films, TV shows, or proverbs, sayings. Surely you have already played it, but I will give as an example the most ridiculous options.

Good morning, old men! (Good night, kids!), Nightmare Cave (Field of Miracles), Radio stomachs (Teletubbies) - TV shows, Dog in mittens (Puss in Boots), Dressed beggar (Naked King), Green boot (Little Red Riding Hood), Rusty padlock (Golden Key ), Flower Maid (Snow Queen), Gray Shrub (Scarlet Flower), Dead Fatal (Koschey Immortal) - the names of fairy tales.
  “With laziness you get a bird from a tree” (“You can’t take a fish out of a pond without effort”), “I started entertainment - work timidly” (“Finished business - walk freely”), “Rest is a lamb, run to the fields” (“Work - not a wolf; he won't run away to the forest ”),“ A man on a cart - a horse is harder ”(“ A woman with a cart - a mare is lighter ”) - proverbs.

From what I found on the Internet, I want to advise especially liked games. For example, these games for children of 10 years will be interesting for older children, even adults.

"I know ten names ..."

This game can be played by the whole class, or by a large yard company. Good game for school holidays. We stand up in a circle, one of the players - the ball. He begins: “I know ten names ...” and sets the topic of a chain, for example, a river. After the words "I know ten names of rivers" the leader (the child with the ball) quickly passes the ball to the neighbor. He must quickly come up with the name of the river and pass the ball on. So there is a chain, until 10 names of the rivers are typed. If there are more than ten people in a circle, then after the tenth name the player with the ball also comes up with the theme of the chain, for example, the names of boys, girls, the names of cities, countries, mountains, the names of writers, the names of fairy tales or films. He who cannot quickly come up with a word or repeat a word that has already been spoken, leaves the game. After playing a bit, we had to increase the number of words to 20, because the first ten names are invented very easily, more difficult, when the most famous names are already said.
  This game strengthens memory, trains reaction speed, helps to remember the school curriculum in geography, literature, etc. Gives a chance to show off knowledge  For a more adult company, you can complicate the task, for example, ask to name the rivers of Russia or the states of America, cities of Europe, the names of historical personalities.

Children's holiday will be fun

There are also such educational games for children of 10 years, which will suit the children both a little younger and older. For example, if many children came to a children's party or birthday of your child, and they do not know each other very well, then you can arrange a game of acquaintance. To better remember the names, you need to play this game. We get up in a circle, the first participant calls his name. The second, which is next to him, calls the name of the neighbor and his name. The third one calls the name of two neighbors and its name. As a result, when the queue returns to the first player, everyone already learns who is who. We can offer this continuation: after the first round, the guys add some movement, clapping, jumping, squatting, etc. Each next player again calls the name and adds movement, and then names the names and adds movement of all previous ones. Everyone wins because they quickly get to know each other, and the most attentive wins.
  After such a warm-up you can play the next game. The leader gives the task: to change places, lining up in a certain order. For example, so that all names are arranged alphabetically; so that everyone stands up according to their hair color (on the left - brunettes, on the right - blond); for everyone to stand tall (on the left - small, on the right - large).
Another game is mobile. It is better to play on the street in a large area.
  Children are divided into pairs. Each pair becomes their backs to each other and joins hands in elbows. In this position, children must run 20-30 meters to the finish line and, without turning around, return to the start. Thus, each player in one direction runs forward in person, and in the other - back.
  In one family supermarket I read this interesting quote: "73 percent of children think that spending time with their parents is much more interesting than watching TV." Children are happy when parents play with them. By the way, in America, parents spend as much time with their children as possible, and it’s accepted that parents work as volunteers in their children’s schools. And we often do not find time to go to a meeting once a quarter, not to mention participation in school events .. Good luck to your children in the new school year!

Birthday is always a suitable holiday for kids to have a little fun. Schoolchildren need to be already in an “adult” celebration, therefore you must approach the planning process seriously. In order to invite not suffer from boredom, come up with fun contests. The main difficulty faced by many inexperienced moms in the experience of holding such events is that they forget about the age and interests of their baby.

Children of secondary school age will refuse to spend leisure time with toys, therefore it is desirable to organize outdoor games and competitions for them. Implement the organization of such events is only possible in the courtyard. At home or in an apartment, the miser simply does not have enough space, since the small footage of the room hampers their movements. Because such a holiday will be boring and uninteresting. You can organize a party for children in a private house or in the open air. If you like the second option, find a safe and not dirty place in the park or a similar clearing in the forest. Make sure that the children have enough space to play at the festival, but do not get trash or broken glass in the way.

Video: Contests, games and entertainment

Preparing a place for a holiday

To make the birthday party bright and memorable for everyone without exception, arrange a surprise for the child. Prepare in advance all the necessary props, write a script and decide where you will congratulate him. If the event will not happen at home, think in advance how you will deliver everything you need to the scene.

Parents of disabled children are skeptical of the statement that the holiday for such children can be fun and memorable. However, this is a misconception. Outdoor games are replaced by intellectual or funny quizzes. In the vast web you can find many examples of such fun and scenarios that are suitable for special crumbs. To please the little birthday boy and his guests by decorating the room with balloons.

Before each entertainment begins, explain the rules for disabled babies as clearly as possible. Do not forget that every kid should play the role of a leader and a participant during each game.

Along with this, they are looking for and reading:

Do not forget about entertainment

Children's fun should be different variety. Therefore, successfully combine movable and mind games. Little clever people can play in the salki, if the space of the place where the celebration is held allows. But do not think that active games can be organized only in open areas. You can simply redo them a bit so that in the end you don’t get a mayhem in your own home. Ordinary salki correct as follows: the leader can catch only those guys who stand with their feet on the floor. If they managed to climb on a sofa or chair, then the presenter cannot touch them.

Another great note for schoolchildren at home is bowling. Purchase in advance a set of children's pins (light, plastic) and rubber (plastic) balls. (balls) If you did not find the pins in the store, make them yourself. To do this, take a plastic bottle, pre-fill them with sand or grits. So you can create weighting. The best player who knocks out the most strikes should get a valuable prize.

Replacement bowling can be a game of "ring". The essence of this exercise is well known to both adults and children: it is necessary to throw a ring over the holder. To achieve the goal, you can buy a children's set, which includes a set of multi-colored rings and a variety of holders. Throws are made by little clever men from a distance of one to two meters. The victory for the player who managed to throw the maximum number of rings.

The next game is also surely familiar to many. This is a toy target that you need to hit with sticky balls. There are sets with the same principle of action, but the balls in them come with suckers. Our advice - get the balls with stickies, as they are safer to hold.