“The impact of modern gadgets on the human body. The impact of modern gadgets on children (pros and cons)

Recommendations for using a PC, laptop, tablet. Use no more than one hour per day. Sit correctly: -Do not throw your legs over your legs, they should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees and rest against the floor. - Keep your back straight or lean back. -Hands should be bent in elbows a little more than 90 degrees, and the keyboard and mouse should be at a level slightly higher than elbows.

Recommendations for using headphones - “earplug” When using headphones-earbuds, the time of safe listening is no more than half an hour. In a noisy place, do not use headphones. -Do not make loud music in headphones, trying to drown out the external noise. Give your ears a rest.

Memo classmates 1. Try to talk on your cell for less than 5 minutes. 2. It is better to hold the mobile phone in a bag, a pocket of outerwear or in a hand. 3. Apply the phone to your ear only after connecting to the subscriber. 4. Use a PC, laptop, tablet no more than one hour per day. 5. Sit correctly: - legs bent at an angle of 90 degrees, propped on the floor; - keep your back straight; -Hands bent in elbows a little more than 90 degrees. 6. Limit the time you use headphones to 30 minutes a day. 7. Do not make the sound in the headphones too loud.

   Literature: 1. Take care of yourself from diseases - M., 1992 2. War on mobile phones: news about children // Health S Zakharchenko E.N. New Dictionary of Foreign Words, 2010, Modern Writers. 4. Internet resources akademia.ru/publ/lekcii/pediatrija/vlijanie_mobilnykh_telefonov_na_detej / cheloveka.html 5. Leonovich A.A. I know the world. Encyclopedia for children. Physics, 2001 6. A. Fedorov. Deaf from a mobile phone? / / Health S Encyclopedia "From A to Z", M., 2000.

, about how much work they consume energy, at first glance, seemingly insignificant. Today we talk about their impact on our health.

At the beginning of the 2000s and thousands with the widespread introduction of digital media into our lives, warnings about their harmful effects on our health began to appear in the media.

I will say right away, due to the fact that gadgets suddenly and abruptly burst into our lives just some 10-15 years, there are no exactly confirmed and scientifically based medical reports on the harm of the same mobile phones and offers to ban this or that device. All that I was able to find concerning the harmful effects of radiation devices, almost five years ago. That is, it turns out that the relevance of talking about the dangers of radiation has passed. On the other hand, to truly state the harmful effects of something on human health - it takes time and a lot.

Although, for example, in the “Wikipedia” this section begins with the information that a number of foreign scientists conducting research were convicted of lobbying activities paid for by mobile phone manufacturers. Perhaps partly because all the conclusions were made in favor of the phones. Those. They try to hide the true harm of gadgets from the consumer, from us.

Of course, in our turbulent times, there can be no question of abandoning these modern devices. Telephone, pager, headphones, computer  inseparable from us, or rather we are with them. And yet it is useful for everyone to once again remind about the dangers of modern electronic devices.

Harm mobile phones to human health

So, at the heart of the work mobile phone are radio frequency (RF) and electromagnetic (EM) fields, which, unlike ionizing radiation, being even powerful, cannot cause ionization or radioactivity in the body.

Meanwhile, their harmful effects on the human body have been established:

As a rule, such a negative impact is felt by the body if the telephone conversation lasts more than 3 minutes  or is over 30 minutes  daily.

About the harmful effects of fields on the body of children is indicated in the study - the study of Horseva N.I., Grigoriev Yu.G., Gorbunova N.V. and voiced at the IX international interdisciplinary congress "Neuroscience for Medicine and Psychology". The data of this study, see below, in the comments of Vladimir from 12/04/14.

Mobile phones were widely accused of provoking cancer. However, international independent studies conducted by the British Cancer Research Institute, the Center for Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of Leeds, English, and the Danish Cancer Epidemiology Institute in Copenhagen found that evidence confirming that cell phones increase the risk of leukemia or tumor in the head, eyes or salivary glands. not found.

But already the harm of gadgets is manifested at the level of our brain activity at our work. Scientists say that modern man loses the ability to hold the necessary information, shifting this function to gadgets. So our assistants gradually began to take away from man, given to him by nature - to think. By straining his memory, a person forces his brain cells to work. Putting it on gadgets, people lose their associative connections, start to grow stupid. So in this part, progress brings us the beginning of a regression and it is not known how the “hajification” of our life will turn out in general for mankind.

Mobile phone manufacturers have identified a special indicator characterizing the degree of electromagnetic radiation effects on human tissue in 1 second, the so-called specific absorption rate (SAR).  This instrument ratio should be in the range of 0.28 to 1.5 W / kg.- For Russia. The smaller this indicator, the better. In Europe, it is considered valid when the value is 2 W / kg. Certification of cell phones before importing them into our country implies security expertise. Hopefully that’s the case.

How to protect yourself from harmful radiation

Based on the foregoing, in order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of mobile phones, you should consider the following recommendations:

  1. The duration of a conversation on a mobile phone should not exceed 3 minutes.
  2. In conditions of unstable reception, the power of the device automatically rises to the maximum value. In this case, it is better to refrain from long negotiations,
  3. The wired headset softens the radiation effect, it slightly breaks the “antenna-head” connection, as it were.
  4. When buying a phone, choose the model with the lowest radiation power. Pay attention to the SAR. (From 0.28 to 1.5 W / kg.)
  5. Eliminate the possibility of children using the mobile phone.
  6. Carrying a mobile phone is better in a bag, a pocket of outerwear or in your hand. Do not wear the phone on the belt (for men) and chest (for women).
  7. Do not use the phone in transport, because with fast movement, the transmitter power of the phone is close to the maximum.
  8. The more expensive the phone, the more likely it is that it has greater security. The high sensitivity of the receiver allows not only to provide a more confident connection, but also allows the use of a lower power transmitter at the base station.
  9. It is recommended to turn off the phone at night or at least keep it away from yourself.

That's all that is known about the dangers of cellular communication. More accurate results will give research according to the program "Cosmos"  - the most ambitious project to study the effects of mobile phone radiation on human health. Volunteers there are more than a quarter of a million mobile phone users. The results of this project will be summed up only in thirty years.

In addition to mobile phones, what other electronic devices can have a harmful effect on our body?

Cellular antennas

Antennas, receiving and transmitting signals of mobile phones (they are cells), are sources of electromagnetic radiation that can penetrate the human brain. However, evidence that this is somehow associated with an increased risk of tumor formation in the head or neck is also not detected.

I want to add that these studies were conducted at a very remote distance from such towers, outside the settlements. It is necessary to remember how dangerous such came out close.

Wi-Fi - harm to health

The wireless Wi-Fi network that we use to access the Internet is used in virtually every home. The signal that emit these settings does not have much power, but is also not completely safe.

Wireless devices such as laptops, mobile phones and tablets use routers to connect to the Internet. The router emits WLAN signals — electromagnetic waves that can be detrimental to health.

Often we ignore this fact because we know practically nothing about it. However, throughout the entire time, these signals continue to harm the body. So a study by the UK Healthcare Agency showed that Wi-Fi routers slow down the growth of people and plants.

  • The consequences of Wi-Fi exposure:
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Ear pain;
  • Lack of concentration;
  • Frequent severe headaches;
  • Trouble sleeping

How to protect yourself from the effects of Wi-Fi

We cannot live without such technologies - this is a fact. But we need to know more about how to protect ourselves from the harmful effects. Here are some tips on how to safely use a Wi-Fi router or at least mitigate potential harm. How to protect children from electromagnetic waves:

Turn off Wi-Fi before bedtime;

Turn off Wi-Fi when not in use;

Replace your home cordless phone with a good old cable;

Do not install a Wi-Fi router in the kitchen and in the bedroom. The router that provides Wi-Fi in the apartment, it is better to put in the deepest corner.

And if all your neighbors have routers in your high-rise building, the load increases significantly.


A laptop  also has a harmful radiation, because it is built in the same Wi-Fi. The degree of exposure depends on where the antenna is located, and if it is under the keyboard, the effect of electromagnetic radiation will be stronger, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women. Because it is better to avoid finding a laptop on your lap. It is recommended to choose a computer with an aluminum case, which shields the radiation effect.


Studies conducted by EU experts have shown that people who constantly listen to music through a player are candidates for purchasing a hearing aid. After all, the usual volume of our conversation is about 60 decibels, and the sound of music in the headphones is almost twice as high. Exposure to the volume of such a force for an hour a day can cause deafness in the next two to three years, according to WHO experts.

Satellite dish

In this regard, I want to note that although the satellite dish does not belong to the category of electronic gadgets, it has become widely used in our everyday life. So it is completely harmless, because it does not emit a signal, but only receives it.

The life of a modern person no longer appears without such things as a tablet, phone, computer. Children, watching the life of adults, from diapers begin to be interested in gadgets: since mom and dad pay so much attention to these things, it means they are really interesting. The attitude of parents to the introduction of gadgets into the life of a child is ambiguous: some actively use them, others persistently try to protect the child from modern trends.

Do not rush to extremes, because the truth, as usual, is somewhere in between. A child is born and grows in modern worldand modern life makes quite high demands on people. Already in primary school  the child will need knowledge of the computer, so it is not very prudent to carefully prevent the child from acquiring various electronic devices. Uncontrolled use of gadgets by the child also does not lead to good, so gadgets should be in the lives of children, but dosed out and under parental control. Let us consider in more detail what are the pros and cons of using gadgets.

Advantages of using gadgets

  1. The way to temporarily occupy the child in the "field" conditions. Children have a rather hard time waiting in queues, a long road, standing in traffic jams. Toys, books, markers and an album can by no means always be at hand, but adults will not part with the gadgets, and here they will be very useful. Smartphone or tablet with cartoons, games or interesting applications  help to brighten up the child painful minutes and hours.
  2. Development of cognitive processes and obtaining new knowledge.   Some computer games and applications really contribute to the development of attention, memory, logical thinking, they are taught to read, count, draw. There are also educational cartoons that allow the child to get new knowledge about the world. The catch is that there are not so many high-quality educational games and cartoons, most of them only declare a developing effect.

Kids aged 2–3 years (at this particular time, children are beginning to be interested in new modern devices) can be installed on a laptop or tablet, educational games, age-appropriate. The main thing is that parents control the time spent by the child with the gadget. Children up to 3 years old to work with devices no more than an hour a day, every 20 minutes you need to take a break in order to rest your eyes. An older child can have a longer “chat time” with gadgets, but you should also take breaks after 20–30 minutes of classes or games.

Cons of using gadgets

  1. "One-sided" developmental effect. Since we started talking about the fact that gadgets contribute to the development of the child, it is worth mentioning the reverse side of the coin. For a child early age, whose figurative thinking is still being formed, the developing effect of cartoons and programs tends to zero. When a child is actively exploring the world of objects, it is important that he had all the perception channels involved. To understand that the cube is square, and the ball is round, it is not enough for him to see the images - you need to touch it, feel the edges and edges of the cube with the handles, the roundness of the ball. As a result, the developmental video gives a one-sided effect: the child formally remembers something, but does not actually master the information deeply and efficiently.
  2. Negative effects on health and physical development.   First of all, it is about the deterioration of vision. If the child is regularly more 20 minutes a day looking at a computer monitor or a screen of a phone or tablet, then after six months, his visual acuity begins to decline. The second aspect of the negative impact on health is related to the fact that children who spend a lot of time playing games and cartoons move much less, and this has a systemic effect on the state of the whole organism. Children at a computer / tablet / laptop sit often stooping, and this provokes a curvature of the spine and problems with posture in the future. READING DETAIL:
  3. Reduced creative activity. No games and applications will ever replace spontaneous creativity, work with real materials and vivid color. In real life, the child fantasizes. He glues, sculpts, cuts, colors, combines, finds the most unexpected solutions. Virtual space deprives him of creativity, because there he can act only within the options provided by the manufacturer of the program.
  4. Repression of interests, relationships and attachments in the virtual space. This is a very serious consequence, and it occurs only with the abuse of gadgets. The child literally falls out of real life: all his interests are focused on the virtual world. In this case, we can talk about dependence on gadgets.
  5. Rarely, but it is possible to observe and mental disorder.   If a child often plays games where there is a lot of blood and horror.

Dependence on gadgets and how to avoid it

If the gadgets occupy the entire consciousness of the child, we can say that the dependence is formed. You can recognize it by the following features:

  • The child ceases to be interested in real life: does not play toys, does not seek to communicate with peers.
  • Relationships with parents go to the background for the child, and instead of sharing classes, he also prefers to spend time with a tablet or computer.
  • Attempts to limit the time for games and cartoons provokes violent protest and hysteria.

Normal intellectual and personal development in this situation is impossible, because it can occur only in real relationships and in the real world. To prevent dependence on gadgets and reduce their negative impact, it is important to use them wisely and adhere to the following rules.

  1. Do not exceed the allowable time spent at the computer / tablet. For each age it is different. Perhaps the child will protest, but parents should be firm. Do not forget that you are an adult, and the responsibility for the life and health of the little creature lies with you.
  2. Follow age recommendations for games and cartoons. You should not overload the child with the information that he can not perceive.
  3. Do not use gadgets to "get rid" of the child unnecessarily. In some situations, they really are salvation, but if a mother, for example, is going to cook dinner or do household chores, it is better to include the child in this process than to turn on the cartoon.

All-Russian competition of abstracts "Krugozor"

Municipal educational institution

secondary School № 9

Full address: 666784, Irkutsk Region, Ust-Kut,

per. School, 2.

Research topic:

"The impact of gadgets on human health"

Galeyeva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Grade 11

Scientific adviser: Irina V. Fedotova,

physics teacher.

2013-2014 academic year

Relevance ………………………………………………………………………… .3

Goal and Objectives ……………………………………………………………………….… 4

1. Research ……………………………………………………………………… .5

1.1. Questioning ………………………………………………………… ..... 5

2. Diseases caused by gadgets .. …………………………………………… 7

2.1. Somatic diseases ………………………………………… 7

2.2. Mental disorders ……………………………………… .10

3.1. Somatic diseases …………………………………………… ..12

3.2. Mental disorders …………………………………….… ..12

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… ...… 14

References ………………………………… .. ……… .15

Appendices ………………………………………………………………………… ..16

appendix 1 ………………………………………………………………… ..16


Over the past two decades, gadgets have become an indispensable attribute in human life. Various devices, such as computers, computer tablets and phones, very much help people in everyday life. For example, quickly find the information you need or send a text message to the other end of the world, but do people not overestimate the usefulness of gadgets and do they not give them a lot of time? It seems to us that it will be interesting to conduct a study and find out whether people are dependent on their gadgets, and how gadgets can affect their health.

Targets and goals

Do research

Find out how many people have a tendency to addiction or there is a dependence

Communicate to people how gadgets can affect human health

Give advice on how to get rid of addiction

  1. Study
  2. Questioning.

We set ourselves the task of finding out how much influence gadgets have on children in such a technologically advanced age. Are modern schoolchildren so dependent on various devices? To answer this question, we conducted a study. We offered the students of the seventh, tenth and eleventh grades to answer the questionnaire questions (Appendix 1), the main task, which was to find out how many guys have a tendency to addiction or have a dependency. A total of 100 people participated. Children from six classes, namely 11th, 10th and 7th, were given a questionnaire with simple questions (Appendix 1), to which they had to answer only "yes" or "no." Then we analyzed the responses of each student and evaluated the results of the study on the following scale: 0-4 positive answers meant that there was no cause for concern, 5-6 ?? There is a predisposition to addiction, and 7-10 ?? The child is completely dependent on gadgets. During the work, it turned out that out of 100 people, 52 are completely free from the influence of electronic devices, 28 ?? have a tendency to addiction and 20 people do not represent their life without devices. We translated this data into a percentage and reflected it in the diagram.

Thus, we conclude that the life of almost 50% of the children (given the 28% who tend to be dependent), gadgets have a significant impact. Every year the number of schoolchildren using modern technologies in everyday life more often than they should for healthy lifestyle  life is growing. Guys prefer computer games and virtual communication, instead of walking in the fresh air and lively contact. Therefore, we would like to show what such computer “slavery” can lead to and offer several recommendations in order to avoid serious diseases.

  1.   Diseases caused by gadgets
  1. Somatic diseases

BlackBerry Thumb Syndrome

BlackBerry Thumb Syndrome (BlackBerry Finger). The disease has received this name thanks to BlackBerry smartphones withQWEPTY -keyboard The cause of the disease is the constant use of thumbs for typing on smartphones. The disease is classified as an inflammatory process. thumb. Its main symptom is a strong throbbing pain in the thumbs. First of all, such symptoms were manifested in individuals for whom typing electronic texts on portable keyboards is very frequent. Doctors found that pain is a consequence of the disease, expressed in the clamping of nerves passing through the wrist, swelling of tissues and musculoskeletal injuries. There is no exact statistics for this disease, but the number of such cases is growing. That is why some manufacturers of such devices already include in the instructions a warning about the risk of finger damage in cases of abuse when using the keyboard.

Acne and dermatitis.

After analyzing many studies of microbiologists, we can conclude that gadgets are the main breeding grounds for microbes and bacteria. Mobile phones are simply completely covered with bacteria that move on your face while you put it on your cheek and ear to talk, namely, pathogens cause various skin diseases, one of which is ?? acne.

Also, with frequent use of gadgets, especially laptops, a disease such as erythema ab-gene may occur. Erythema abnagene - chronic dermatitis due to prolonged heat exposure (above 50 centigrade) on the skin, accompanied by elastosis in the dermis. Previously, this disease was common among the elderly who are constantly sitting at the stoves and other heating devices, but now this disease is “younger”. The reason for this is that young people hold laptops when using laptops. Symptoms ?? itching and burning.

Pain in the back and neck.

The incidence of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine is increasing. One of the main reasons ?? Constant and widespread use of mobile phones, tablets, laptops and smartphones. This is due to the fact that tablet devices make us look down. The neck is in a non-physiological position because of this. If the work is delayed for several hours, muscle spasm occurs, in some cases ?? pinching nerve endings. This causes pain.

In confirmation of the existence of this problem, one can cite the work of scientists from the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the Hong Kong Association of Physical Therapy, who conducted a joint study on the health effects of smartphones and portable electronic devices. The results showed that out of 1049 respondents, 70% of adults and 30% of children and adolescents have problems with the musculoskeletal system caused by the use of electronic devices.

Impaired vision and hearing.

Doctors say that long-term concentration of vision on a small object can cause eye irritation, and this, in turn, is fraught with inflammation or infection. Also, almost everyone who has schoolchildren watching the screen all day has poor eyesight. This is confirmed by statistics: already 5% of first-graders have vision problems, but by the 10-11 grade this figure rises to 25-30%.

As for the hearing, the loud music in the headphones can trigger the so-called induced hearing loss, when it is problematic for a person to make out speech, especially in the presence of background noise. The fact is that many headphones that come with the device do not provide close contact with the ears, so people are forced to turn up the volume so as not to be distracted by other sounds. Also, listening to explosive melodies through headphones can cause hearing impairment.

Headaches and sleep disturbance.

Eye strain due to prolonged peering into the computer screen can cause not only visual impairment, but also a headache. All gadgets ?? these are radiation sources. Electromagnetic waves negatively affect the work of the whole body and can cause headache, insomnia and even disorders of the immune system.

Speaking separately of sleep disorders, radiation is not the only cause of insomnia. The same cause of troubled sleep is the artificial light from the screen that suppresses the production of melatonin in our body - a hormone responsible for sleep.

  1. Mental disorders

Narcissistic Disorders

Studies show that people who depend on social networks show narcissistic personality disorders. A person with such disorders has a conviction in his own uniqueness, special position, superiority over other people, an overstated opinion about his talents and achievements. He needs to constantly talk about himself and hear someone else's approval and admiration. In social networks, this disorder is expressed in the dependence of a person on retweet, likes, admiring comments. In life, almost always these people have a lot of complexes and fragile self-esteem, so they are especially susceptible to stress and depression, which are expressed in a feeling of emptiness and insignificance of life.

Phantom Call Syndrome

Phantom calls syndrome ?? This is when a person hears a call or feels vibration from a mobile phone, even when the phone is missing or disconnected. According to a study by Dr. Larry Rosen, the author of the book iDisorder, 70% of people who cannot imagine their life without a mobile phone, do they really hear the signal or vibration of their device from time to time ?? even though there is no signal at this moment.


The essence of the disease is that a person is afraid to be without the Internet or without a mobile connection. Confirmation of the existing disorder are feelings such as irritability, fear and anxiety, which appear if the mobile phone is forgotten at home or discharged. Also, the patient does not part with his gadget for a minute, he takes it everywhere and constantly holds it in his hands. Danger of illness: the boundaries of personal space are erased, because the call can be heard at any time. Irritability, bad sleephallucinations. This is the way nomophobia pursues those who are addicted to a smartphone.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Also common among gadget-dependent people (especially adolescents) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Due to the constant flow of information received daily from the Internet, a person cannot single out the most important thing, therefore information is assimilated in “chunks”. As a result, a person has insufficient attention span, low degree of concentration, distribution problems and poor switchability of attention, increased activity, inappropriate behavior and a strange expression of feelings.

Schizoid disorders

Very often, dependence on the Internet, social networks and online games is associated with the development of schizoid personality disorders. This type of psychopathy is characterized by a significant decrease in social contacts. Patients show low level  emotionality. They have no friends and no social circle, as they like to be alone. Young people are immersed in virtual worlds, completely isolated from reality. Recent studies have shown that the more a person sits on the Internet, the higher is the risk of schizoid symptoms.

Decreased mental abilities

Gadgets can also lead to lower mental abilities. With regular use of the Internet, a person has a need to constantly update any information; their knowledge and memory are replaced by computer ones. The main danger lies in the fact that a person reads a lot, but remembers almost nothing. As an example, you can bring drivers who constantly use GPS-navigators, over time, they lose their orientation skills in space. Just like students looking for the answer to each question in "Google , reduce their ability to learn.

  1. Recommendations

3.1. Mental disorders

Learn as much as possible, reduce the use of the phone, take it in hand only if it is really necessary.

Set a time frame when other people can call you (for example, from 8:00 to 23:00).

Stop looking at yourself with other people's eyes and constantly think about how it will look on my social page.

Choose live communication, not a game on a smartphone or computer.

Set days without a computer — don't turn it on at all.

For questions, contact professional people or simply the older generation, not the Internet.

3.2. Somatic diseases

Speak hands-free or use a headset and keep your phone away from your face.

Handle your smartphone, player, tablet or keyboard with disinfectant.

Use a touchscreen phone if you have a very large number of text messages.

When you work on your computer for a long time, do simple physical exercises from time to time.

Use a special tablet stand to keep it on your lap.

Choose headphones that suit you.

When listening to music through headphones, do not increase the volume by more than 80 decibels.

Do not use gadgets in poorly lit places.

Increase the font tex to comfortable for you.

Choose before bedtime reading a printed book instead of an electronic one.

Going to bed, put the device as far as possible from yourself.


We hope that this work will help students find out what the excessive enthusiasm for various gadgets can lead to, what diseases they can cause, teach them to minimize the harm they cause, and will make it clear that even in our information age there is no need to put various technical means at the head of human life.

List of used literature

1. M.G. Gain, N.K. Lysenkov, V.I. Bushkovich. Anatomy of Man.- 12th ed., Pererab. And additional-SPb .: SPbMAPO Publishing House, 2010. -720с., Il.

2. Sapin M.R. Atlas of Human Anatomy: Tutorial.

Publishing house "Medicine", 2006.-252с. silt

3. Great Encyclopedic Dictionary (ed. Prohorova AM) Ed. 2nd, pererab., Ext.

4. B. G. Meshcheryakova, V. P. Zinchenko. Large psychological dictionary.

Publisher: AST Moscow.

5. Natalia Fursova. An article from the newspaper "Arguments and Facts": "Readers, mobile phones, tablets: What is the least spoil your eyesight?"

6. Malvina Korzh. An article from the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda: "Three mental disorders caused by the Internet"

6. Internet resources:

Test to determine the degree of dependence.


http://www.medicalj.ru/diseases/psychiatrics/111- schizoid-personality-disorder



annex 1

  1. I can not spend a day without a computer, smartphone and other technical means.
  2. When I do not use the gadget, I get nervous.
  3. I can not limit the time of classes, I always sit with a smartphone more than I plan.
  4. I prefer the game on a smartphone, a computer, a meeting with friends, a walk.
  5. Sometimes after the time spent on technical devices, I have a headache, my eyes are cut and watery, my sleep is upset.
  6. I demand that parents purchase (install) new versions of games, other modern devices.
  7. When I spend time on my smartphone, computer, I have a good mood, a feeling of euphoria.
  8. I dream to be alone with my gadget, I always want to use it.
  9. I lie to my parents, how much time I spend with my gadget.
  10. I postpone important things, lessons to do something on the gadget.