The shape of the planet Earth for children. Form, dimensions and geodesy of the planet earth

The whole part of Vsesvit є is visible to us, according to the day, lifeless emptyness, like the soundless and soundless flow of the kam'yani kuli ...

Everything, except for one small small colorful bag, which is just violated by the miracles of life!

UFO SVIT took a good note of tsikavikh vidomosti about our majestic little house - the planet Earth.

1. These are the colors of the sky

Polarly, once the particles are charged, they walk towards the Sontsya, the magnetic field of our planet rushes to the upper spheres of the atmosphere and the poles. Particles become active in the period of maximum activity of the Sontsya, as they appear cyclically on the skin of 11 rocks. Near the northern pole of the polar region, people are more likely to be able to support them through those who are rarely on the Uzbek coast of Antarctica.

2. Who has reached the Pole Pole?

Perchauyu people, yaka successfully flew the Antarctic clew, to reach the Pole, the Norwegian Roald Amundsen. Winn and another 4 individuals behind a sled, which were pulled by dogs, the poles at the breast 1911 rock. Amundsen said that he was successful in making a business plan.

3. Naybіlsh dry mіsce

A very dry place on the planet, de ludin appears - the Atacama heestrel in Chile and Peru. At the center of the wilderness, the board has not been fixed. I do not want a million rockies in the Dry Valleys of Antarctica.

4. Open space

People who like to love on their own, please viruses to Greenland. On the whole island there is the lowest density of population on the Earth. So, in 2010, on an area of ​​2,166,086 square kilometers, a total of 56,534 individuals lived. Most of the inhabitants of Greenland can develop more Uzbeks.

5. Naybilsh densely populated place

Do you not like a densely populated place? Todi is not happy for you until Manila. Tse Misto - the capital of the Philippines - is the most densely populated place of the planet; The census of the population in 2007 is based on 38.55 square kilometers of 1,660,714 people!

6. Nimenshe ssavets

On the Earth, there is a great number of creepy things, the organism of those from them is deprived of a single clerk. Alle the found creatures-ssavtsyam, you can name the pig-bore a kazhan. It is a very spicy look of every bag in the early stages of Asia. Misha's reach is close to 3–3.3 centimeters and close to 2 grams. Tsia Kazhan can compete with the dwarf toothed tooth, which is approximately the same size.

7. Most organisms

The most common organisms on the planet can be called mushrooms. The majority of the fungal organism is captured by the earth. In 1992, we reported in Nature magazines about those opinoks in Oregon, occupying an area of ​​0.89 hectares.

8. Dikhalny giganty

If we think about the best living things on the planet, whales and elephants fall on the mind. Giant sequoia "General Sherman" є for the largest tree on the planet, growing in the National Park "Sequoia", Kalifornia. Stovbur of a tree to accommodate 1486.6 cubic meters of material.

9. The largest pool

The largest ocean basin on the planet is the Pacific Ocean basin, which borrows an area of ​​155 million square kilometers and covers half of all water on Earth. Great wine, so all continents could have settled on this very area.

10. Nypotuzhnishe volcano

The most prominent vyverzhennya, the witness of a ludin's bully, became at the square of 1815 on the mountains of Tambora, in Indonesia. On the VEI scale, the price went up to 7 points, with the most attractive point on the scale є number 8. Behind the reports of eyewitnesses, the sound of a volcano, like a gurgle, you can feel like a trip to the islands of Sumatra in 1930. The vyverzhennya took the life of close to 71 thousand people, the club and the black dim can be spastered on the islands, which have grown far from the volcano.

11. The most active volcano

The most active volcano can be called the volcano Strombola, which grows on a volcanic island in the Middle Earth Sea, at the first entry from Italy. For the rest of 20 thousand rocky volcano, the volcano has been changed. Near the temryava plant, the volcano can be poured from the sea with lava, which is why they call it "Seredzemnomoria's Lighthouse".

12. Confirmation of gir

If the shari breed wants to move, they are called tectonic plates, which are taken from our eyes, the results of their hands can be poured on the surface of the planet. Mіzh Іndієyu and Tibet roztashovanі Hіmalaj, as they come from the country 2900 kilometers. Tsey dovgy girskiy lantsyug pretended to be approximately 40 and 50 million rocky in that, if India and Eurasia through the collapse of the slabs came.

13. Supercontinent

To get involved, in 4.5 billion rocky years, our continent's planet has become known, the Earth has become one continent, and then it has spread out again.

Newly built on the same continent, Bula Pangea, which is about to arrive at warehouses for about 200 million years ago. Vcheni allow, for the Maybut continent to know how to pick up at once.

14. Osvita Misyatsya

A lot of pre-eminent things vvazhayut, how great things have long ago drifted from the Earth, while on the planet there was a glimpse, from which a miscellaneous was formed. It’s not exactly clear, which will be ob'kt to a planet, an asteroid by a comet, but even if it’s okay, it’s the planet Teia, like the size of the planet, which is visible to Mars.

15. Get up to the star

The land is located approximately 150 miles away from Soncy. In order to reach the surface of our planet, the sleepy light needs 8 chilins 19 seconds.

16. Cosmic saw

Everywhere on the surface of our planet there is a space saw: about 100 tons of interplanetary material (even at the saw). If you find small particles, you see comets, if the ice starts coming up close to Sontsya.

17. Baggage of our planet

In the largest seas of the planet, there is 20 million tons of gold, which is not so easy by the way. The gold on the floor is unaffected by the sea water, but in the middle of the skin lithium, it is possible to recover from a 13-milliard part of a gram of gold. Gold in an untouched viglyad is captured gliboko in the rocks of the breed, at the bottom of the ocean, that kind of vigil is unhappy. Alle yakby tse trapilia, skinny people on the planet could become a potential master of 4.5 kilograms of expensive metal;

18. Water light

The oceans cover close to 70% of the earth's surface, but people have left behind only 5%. Ludina did not bathe 95% of the ocean.

19. Natural electricity

Thunder and blisk are one of the most terrible manifestations of nature. As soon as one blow of the blaze can heat up to about 30 thousand degrees Celsius, it can be very wide and wide, and there is also a strong gurkit, which is called thunder.

20. Vona bula violet

Collect the Earth of a violet violet, wanting to change colors for greens, allowance for Shil Dassarma, microbial geneticist from the University of Merilend. The old microbes, in his words, could vikorovuvat not chlorophyll, but іnshі molecules in order to tidy up the sleepyhead. Such molecules could press on to the appearance of the cells.

Dassarma vvazhaє, that chlorophyl vinic is thought to be sensitive to the light of the molecule under the name retinal, as it has already disappeared on the young planet. The retinal of the season can be found on the membranes of the plum colora of the photosynthetic microbe halobacterium, the clay is green light and appears to be red and purple, and when it changes, there is a purple light.

21. Vimiryuvannya viku lodovikiv

People leave their signs on the planet in different ways... For example, in the 1950s, radioactive particles were released into the atmosphere until the end of the 1950s. They fell off in the ice-dwellers, they de-formulated the verses, which will turn into ice.

21. Drinking water

In the wintry climate of ice dwellers, the ice is consumed, so that they can bring the sea to the ocean before it grows. Yak viyavilosya, as soon as there is one single ice-cream, there is a small amount of this water for 10 vids. Canadian ice hockey player mіzh 2004 і 2009 rocky already threw in a lot of ice, like re-making on the water, for a lot, which will bring 75 miles to Lake Erі.

22. Vibuch of the lakes

Lakes can also be vibuhati. In Cameroon, on the cordon of the Torn and Democratic Republic of the Congo, there are 3 dangerous lakes: Nios, Monun and Kivu. All the crater lakes, the stench rose on the tops of the volcano. Magma from above the surface carbon dioxide gas, scho accumulate at the balls on the bed of the lake. Yakshcho gas in carbon dioxide virvetsya at will, be it for someone, who will appear close, will not chim dikhati.

23. Nynizhcha point of land

The lowest point on land can be easily reached. Tse the Dead Sea, roztashovani between Jordanin and Izrail. Rivn water is 423 meters below the level of the sea, moreover, it will fall approximately 1 meter to the river.

24. Niglibsha Point

Naskіlki gliboko in nadra Is the earth good enough for a man? The most important point on the planet is the Marian depression, a depth of 10,916 meters below the sea level. The most important point of the planet, not included by the ocean, is located at a depth of 2555 meters below the sea level, but it is hardly possible to reach it. The middle of Bentley's depression, in Antarctica, is filled with a ball of ice.

25. Naybagatshi ecosystems

Coral reefs attract the greatest number of living things on one area, not be it the other ecosystems of the planet. They can be used for hiba scho tropic foxes. Reefs are stored in cryhite coral fields, as there will be structures. Smell є the largest living structures of the planet, as you can pamper yourself from space. It’s a pity, through the ecology of the environment and the climate of the coral reefs, we’ll go all the better.

26. Found Girskiy Lantsyug

If you would like to bite the one who found the girskiy lantsyug, you had the chance to sink deeply into the water. Underwater lancers can stand up to 65 thousand kilometers - the goal of waterborne volcanoes that operate on the Earth. Lava vivergayetsya on the bottom of the oceans, settling under the waters of the mountains.

27. Stone for a walk

The stones are crumbling over the surface of the planet, taken on the surface of the dry lake Racetrack-Playa, in the Valley of Death, California. Inodіnі wіter building damage wіth mіstsіa mіnіnіya wаy dozens і navіtі hundreds of kilograms. Nayimovirnishe, the clayey surface of the plateau becomes slimy, if in the nearest mountains there is a tane snig. Tse allow vіtru shtovhati and ruhati stones on the surface.

28. The Earth can have one Misyats

Deyakі vchenі vverzhuyut, so the Earth is more than one companion, krim Misyatsya. Today, the results of such boules were published for the past rock in the ICARUS magazines, cosmicly with a size of at least 1 meter to wrap in orbit of the Earth, be it. To be sure, it’s not just one of those times, but so called “timchasovі mіsyatsі", it seems to me. According to the theory, the gravitational field of the Earth, you can swallow asteroids, which spill not far from our planet, and beast around Sontsya. If a small asteroid comes nearer to the Earth, it will start to turn around it and rotate 3 revolutions, it will be in orbit for about 9 months, and then it will be seen again.

29. Two Misyatsya?

If the Earth had two great companions - two months. Another companion with a diameter of close to 1200 kilometers, behind them, turned around our planet, the docks did not touch Misyats. This catastrophe can explain why the two sides of the bitter Misia are so strongly perceived as one of the same.

30. Zmіna directly to the magnetic field

Over the last 20 million rocks, on our planet, the skin is 200-300 thousand rocks, but at the very least there is a change directly to the magnetic field, which wants the process not to be especially periodic. The snake cannot become mittєvo. The whole process will require hundreds and thousands of rockets.

31. Nayvischі gory

Mount Everest abo, as I call it Chomolungma, є a nyvish mountain. The summit is located at a height of 8848 meters above the sea level. However, if you move the mountain all the way up to the top - vona syaga 17,170 meters.

32. Magnetic field

The earth has a magnetic field that creates an ocean of hot and rare metal, which is concentrated near the solid zalizny core. All the while, because of the rare metal, I open the electric strum, which I set up a magnetic field at my hand. In the 19th century, the Earth's magnetic pole was destroyed by 1,100 kilometers for the first time, rightly with NASA's predecessors. The swiftness of the ruins grows, when there is a single pole, it collapses from the speed of 64 kilometers to the river. At the 20th century, winners have collapsed with a speed of 16 km / rik.

33. Wonderful gravitation

Through those who our planet is not an ideal cure, the mass grows unevenly. Masi wake up call gravitation wake up call. One of the butt of anomalous gravity є Hudson inflow in Canada. At the tsіy galuzі gravіtatsіya lower, nіzh at іnіsіh mіstsya planet. In 2007, the rotsі vchenі viyavili, and with all the wine of the lodoviki, they roasted. Ice, like at the period of the rest ice age having crooked the region, rosttanov, the protest planet did not rise to renew the message of the whole burden.

34. The Greatest Stalagmite

The most stalagmite in the world is known in Cuba. Tsia osvita maє visota 67.2 meters.

35. Extreme Continent

Samy The Great Continent- Antarctica is the edge of the Earth. Krizhana cap of Antarctica will have 70 weights of fresh water on the planet and 90 weights of light ice.

36. Nayholodnish point

There will be no lack of knowledge that the coldest place on the planet is in Antarctica. However, the thermometer's thermometer is there to descend to the nebuvalu value. The temperature rise can reach the minus 73 degrees per Celsius. Alekstremalnіsha temperature was recorded on April 21, 1983 rock at the Russian station Skid and went down the minus 89.2 degrees Celsius.

37. Nayspekotnishe misce

The most famous fellow of the planet is Libya, a thermometer showing 57.8 degrees Celsius at zero near the spring of 1922. It is possible, here at the barrens of the є speckotnіshі point, protest to be found behind the fringes of the front stations.

38. Strongest Earthquake

The most powerful earthquake, which was fixed by the current seismologists, was the earthquake in Chile, which was placed on May 22, 1960. Yogo pulling became 9.5 points.

39. Misyacetrusi

Moonwalkers, or "earthworms on Misyats," can also trawl, but not so often and not with the same intensity, as on Earth. All in all, they are tied with the tidal forces of the Sontsya and the Earth, as well as for other reasons. Mysyats can be seen on a great path and on the surface of Misyats' and її center.

40. Vіk Zemli

At the time, they flew to the Earth, until the very old breeds and meteorites, like the bullets on the planet, were seen. Meteorites and the Earth will be set at approximately one hour, since the Sonyachna system was formed. For the tribute of the winners, the Earth is already 4.54 billion rocky.

41. Podorozh navkolo Sontsya

The earth wraps itself around its axis, and also collapses around the Sontsya of God, behind our worlds, shvidkistyu - 107,826 kilometers per year.

42. In Russia

You will be built, but you stand unruly, but for the better you will collapse and even more quickly. Falsely because in which part of the Earth you are known, you are in the development of society. Nishvidsha people are collapsing like they are on the ekvator.

43. Planet maє taliyu

Mati Zemlya maє taliyu - dovzhina її stake to become 40,075 kilometers.

44. Plus shape

The earth has an irregular shape. The process of wrapping gravity is straight to the center of the planet, and the central force is going to be ubik. Through the wrapping on the planet's equator, opacity is spreading, so the equatorial diameter is larger, lower than the diameter between the poles, by 43 km.

45. Third planet

Our native planet Earth is the third planet from the Sonja and the single planet of the sleepy system, de think, the atmosphere is seen in the wilderness, є the ocean of rich water on the surface and most of all, on the life є.

> Planet Earth

Everything about the planet Land for children: as she appeared, she pretended, tsikavi facts What is there to be stored in the photo and in the little ones, the wrapping of the Earth, Miscellaneous and life.

Talk about the Earth for the youngest It is possible that we are alive on the third planet from the Sontsya. Daddy for readers in schools blame bully explain to children it gave me a little more. Aje Earth is the whole planet of the Sleeping System, where the atmosphere is hidden from the ocean, the ocean on the surface and life.

How to look at the size, we take a moment to see it (less, і, ale more і).

The diameter of the planet Earth is 13,000 km. I have a colossal shape, so gravitation draws in matter. If you want it and not ideally, then wrap the snarling planet and cuddle at the poles and expand on the square.

Water borrows approximately 71% (most of the ocean). 1/5 of the atmosphere is stored in sourness, like roslini. The rest of the capitals have embraced the planet, the space apparatuses have allowed them to look at the cosmos. Lower schoolboys and children of a healthy age can look at the facts about the Earth and draw up a new description of the third planet from the Sontsya with photos and pictures. Ale slid nagadati, so the Earth is less class, and more precisely the planetary type - skeletal tilo (also kryzhani and gas giganti, which are based on the characteristics).

Characteristics of the Earth's orbit - explained for children

Schob dati povne explanation for children, dad guilty of criticism of the axis. There is a line going through the center of Pivnichniy to Pivdenny Pole. One wrap around is 23.934 years old, and for a navkolosonyachnu orbit - 365.26 days (earthly age).

Children guilty of the nobility, as the earth is hung up to the area of ​​ecology (the surface of the Earth's orbit near Sontsya is clear). Through the chain of pivnichna and pivdenna pivkuli inodi turn and exit from the Soncya. It’s to bring up to the change the feast (change the amount of light and heat).

The orbit of the Earth is not ideal, but an oval ellipse (which is dominant to all planets). To get close to Sontsya on the cob of the present and to see the lime trees (I want it less to pour into the heating and cooling, but not to nag the earth's axis). Slid explain to children the value of moving the planet around the zone. The whole distance, allowing the temperature to cut water from the small mill.

Orbit and wrap around the Earth - an explanation for children

  • Average distance from Soncya: 149 598 262 km.
  • Perigeliy (closest distance to Sonts): 147 098 291 km.
  • Afeliy (last distance from Soncya): 152 098 233 km.
  • The triviality of a sleepy day (one axial obig): 23.934 years.
  • Triviality to fate (one visit to Sontsya): 365.26 days.
  • Equatorial nahil to orbit: 23.4393 degrees.

Formation and Evolution of the Earth - Explained for Children

Explanation for children lose yourself inappropriately, yaksho describe the Earth ob_yde pered_stor_yu. Prescribers vvazhayut that the Earth was formed at once from the Son and the largest planets 4.6 billion years ago. Todi looked up from the majestic gas that washed down with gloom - sleepy fog. The force of the hard step-by-step ruined її, nourishing more than the speed and form of the disc. Most of the material was attracted to the center and began to form.

Інshі parts were slipping and z'єnuvali, making up more and more. Sleepy wind is such a force that it has extended the wickedness of light elements (water and helium) from the most recent sights. The very fact that the Earth and іnshі planets became skeletal.

In the early history, the planet Earth for children is built up as an inanimate shmat of skeleton. Radioactive materials and vice, as they grew from the mountain, gave enough heat to melt the inner space. Through the chain of chemistry, the name was splashed, fixing the water, and they became atmospheric gases. For the rest of the data, the crust of that oceans could appear in 200 million rocky years to form the planet.

Children guilty of the nobility, the earthly history is divided into 4 units: Chadean, Archean, Proterozoic and Phanerozoic. The first three took over 4 million rocky and at once called themselves Precambrian. Prove that they have vyavili in archaea close to 3.8 billion rocky in that. Ale life was not like a riches to Phanerozoic.

The Phanerozoic period lasts for 3 epochs: Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Persha demonstrated the appearance of baguettes of various kinds of creatures and roslin by the seas and on land. The Mesozoic pressed the dinosaurs, and the Cenozoic axis is literally our era (ssavtsi).

Most of the scum in the Paleozoic are spineless creatures (corals, trilobites and molluscs). The ribs were dated to 450 million rocks, and the amphibians - 380 million rocks. Majestic foxes, swamps and early reptiles populated the Earth 300 million years ago.

Mesozoic became the period of the life of dinosaurs. If you want scam'yanіlostі ssavtsіv also mali vіk 200 milionіv rokіv. From time to time, Vlad has bought a lot of roslini (and continue to use it).

Cenozoic, having started close to 65 million years ago, since the dinosaurs were dead (this can be attributed to the cosmic infusion). Ssavtsyam in the distance to see, and the stench has become the head of the world on the planet.

Warehouse and structure of the Earth - explanation for children


Warehouse: 78% nitrogen and 21% sour with small houses of water, dioxid in coal, argon and other gases. More nowhere near the Sonyachny system, you do not know the atmosphere, reminiscent of the willowy sour. Aje same tse viyavilosya is important for our life.

The earth will drain away, melting thin in the world of visibility from the surface. At a height of 160 km, the walls are thin, so the companions have to pay only a little more. And if the atmosphere is still there, you can see it at a height of 600 km.

The lower sphere of the atmosphere is the troposphere. Vaughn didn’t pull back his ruin and think about the weather. Sleepy light warms up the atmosphere, fills the warmth of the mood. It will expand and cool because of the change in vice. Children guilty of the intelligence, as it gets colder and chilling, it’s going to go down, so it’s growing in the lower balls.

At the height of 48 km. the stratosphere has been rocked. A whole lot of an unruly ozone ball, folded with an ultraviolet light, then they used three atoms to form an ozone molecule. For the youngest We will be aware of the fact that ozone itself will take over us as a large part of the not safe ultraviolet viprominuvannya.

Carbon dioxide gas, water vapor and other gases absorb heat and heat the Earth. Yakbi not tsey " greenhouse effect”, Then the surface of the bullet would be cold and would not allow life to grow. If you want the wrong greenhouse, you will be able to transform us into a pekelny analogue of Venus.

Companions in near-earth orbit have shown that the upper atmosphere expands during the day and changes at night through the processes of heating and cooling.

Magnetic field

The magnetic field of the Earth is set off in streams, which resemble the radiant ball of the earth's core. Magnetic poles tend to collapse. The magnetic pole will accelerate up to 40 km on the river. Through a few ten years, I will be able to surrender Pivnichnu America and even Siberia.

NASA is concerned that the magnetic field is changing in the same direction. In all, the light has weakened by 10%, as well as in the 19th century. If I want to transform, it’s insignificant, if I’m dying in the far past. Once the field turned upside down, the small poles were turned upside down.

If the particles are charged with sleep, the particles fall back against the magnetic field, the stench breaks against the molecules of twist above the poles, and they establish themselves - pivnichne and pivdenne.

Chemistry warehouse

The most widening element in the earth's crust is muslin (47%). Allow silica (27%), aluminum (8%), zalizo (5%), calcium (4%), and 2% calories each, sodium and magnesium.

At the warehouse of the core of the Earth in the main: nickel, gold and light elements (syrka and kissen). The mantle is broken from silky rocks, rich in gold and magnesium (a combination of silicon and sour - silica, and materials, to avenge him, are called silica).

Internal structure

For schoolchildren and children of a healthy age, the memory of the Earth's core is 7100 km wide (as many as half the Earth's diameter and approximately the same size as Mars). Nayviddalennish balls (2250 km) are born, and the axis of the inner є firmly and reach 4/5 the size of Misyatsya (2600 km in diameter).

Above the core, the mantle of the zavtovshka was laid 2900 km. Children maybe a little in schools But it’s not so hard, it can flow even more often. The earth's crust is full of it, so wiklikas are practically uncomfortable for the deserted continents. True, people learn to see the earthworm, volcanoes, how to wander, and the formation of mountain ridges.

Є two kinds of earth measles. The dry land of the continents is built up here from the granite of those light silky mines. The ocean surface is a dark and thick volcanic rock - basalt. The continental crust is 40 km long, if you want it to grow fallow to a specific area. Oceanic growth is less than 8 km. The water is reminiscent of low dilyanka basalt and the shape of the ocean. The earth is rich in water, so I will remember the ocean basins. Reshta is a continental train.

Chim is closer to the core, tim is warmer. At the very bottom of continental measles, the temperature reaches 1000 ° C and increases by 1 ° C with a skin kilometer. Geologists estimate that the core is roasted up to 3700-4300 ° C, and the inner - 7000 ° C. The price is hotter, lower on the surface of the Sontsya. Only the majestic grip allows the structure to be secured.

Recently pre-existing exoplanets (for example, NASA's Kepler mission) allow for Earth-type planets to appear in all our galaxies. As many as a quarter of sleepy eyes, who are spared, can mother potential populations of the earth.

Earthly Misyats - an explanation for children

Children are not guilty of forgetting, so the Earth is a true companion - Misyats. Zavshirshki reach 3474 km (approximately a quarter of the earth's diameter). Our planet is less than one companion, if Venus and Mercury are dumb, and in deeds - two and more.

Mysyats was formed because of the fact that a giant ob'єkt rises to the Earth. Vіdіrvanі ulamki and became the warehouse material Misyatsya. Vchenі vvazhayut, scho ob'єkt buv approximately in size from Mars.

Poki vidomo, so the Earth is one planet at Vsesvit, inhabited by lives. Find a few million of houses from the greatest ocean bottom to the best atmosphere. Alas, it seems as though not everything has been revealed (about 5-100 million, for which only 2 million have appeared).

Today we see that it’s the first population of the planet. Among them is Saturn's companion Titan and Europe Jupiter. While the precursors are still thinking about the processes of evolution and being created, Mars has all the chances for the manifestation of organisms. Dekhto thinks that the Mars meteorites themselves fell to the Earth, and our life was born.

Our planet is vvazhaetsya most vivchenoy, which until the Earth has been led by the primordial tribes up to the present. Without lich tsikavikh sciences to understand the characteristics of the planet from the sides. Geography of the Land of the developed land, the geology of the vivchai warehouse and slabs, and the biology of the living organisms. Schob kids bulo tsіkavіshe to the Earth, pick up your friends or google pictures, as well as our online telescopes. Do not forget that the planet Earth is a unique system and for the rest of the world. To that її it is necessary not to deprive everyone of vivchati, but to oberіgati.

The Earth is a unique planet! Surely, it’s right in our Sonyachny system and not only. There is nothing to be spared by vchiny to think about what the planet is, like the Earth.

The Earth is a single planet, wrap around our Sontsya, de, yak mi know, isnu life.

Yak niyaka іnsha planet, ours is a green tree line, a majestic blue ocean, to sweep over a million islands, hundreds of thousands of lines and a rychok, majestic masses of the earth, which are called continents, mountains, ice-covered ice

The deyakі form of life can be known practically in the skin ecological nіshі on the Earth. Navigate the colder Antarctica, showcase the microscopic prices, the crisp-free comas live near the beaches of moss and lichens, the growth of the weeds and the bloom of the pike. From the top of the atmosphere to the bottom of the oceans, from the cold part of the poles to the warm part of the adequate life of the process. Until the end of the day, no sign of life on any planet has been known.

The land is majestic beyond its dimensions, close to 13,000 km at a diameter, and a weight of approximately 5.981024 kg. The land in the middle becomes 150 million kilometers from Sontsya. Yakshho the Earth will go more and more, at its 584-million kilometer-long rise near Sontsya, the orbit will become larger, and there will be more distant from Sontsya. As soon as it will be far away from the higher population zone, all life will remain on Earth.

As soon as the trip will become three-fold in its orbit, the Earth will collapse closer to Sontsya, and if it will collapse so close, all life will collapse. The land will rise in price near Sontsya in 365 days, 6 years, 49 years and 9.54 seconds (sidereal rik), it will take more than a thousand fractions of a second!

Even the average temperature on the surface of the Earth will change by only a few degrees, or close to that, a larger part of life is on the ground, becoming greased or frozen. It’s a big change to destroy the water-ice creeks and the important balance with catastrophic results. As the Earth wraps itself up over its axis, all life will die in one hour, or else it freezes at night through a lack of heat from the Sontsya, or it sleeps through the day because of a great amount of heat.

In such a rank, our "normal" processes on the Earth, mindlessly, in the unique middle of our Sleepyard system, and, it’s worth it, it’s well known, in all the Allworld:

1. Vaughn is a planet. There is a single planet in the Sonyachniy system, as we will adapt life. We form life directly from other microscopic organisms to the great terrestrial and marine creatures.

2. The average temperature is from 18 to 20 degrees per Celsius. It’s not so speculative, like on Mercury and Venus, and not so cold, like on Jupiter and Pluto.

We are all alive on the beautiful planet Earth, about how people have already gotten to know even more richly, even more, like and earlier, it’s haunted from us and in due time, leave the princely people until they realize that all our minds are not open.

Global views about planet Earth

Zgadaimo, we see about the planet Earth. The Earth is one planet in our sleepy system, and moreover, it is one planet in life. The Earth is the third planet, as you can see from Sontsya, in front of the Earth and two planets Mercury and Venus. The earth is wrapped around Sontsya and nahil the axis of wrapping and Sontsya become 23, 439281 °, for such a nagging we can help with stretching out the rock to the pir rock. It takes 149600000 km to go from the land to Sontsya, but it takes 500 seconds or 8 khvilins to go from the Sontsya to the Earth. Our planet also has a companion, Misyats, which can wrap itself around the Earth, just like before, like the Earth can wrap itself around a dream. Go from the Land to Misyatsya 384 400 km. The speed of the Earth's crust beyond its orbit becomes 29.76 km / sec. The earth is wrapped around its wasp in 23 years and 56 minutes and 4.09 seconds. For the sake of efficiency, it is taken to respect, but in addition to 24 years, or even to compensate for an hour, having lost it, in the calendar every 4 days it will take another day and call it a leap day. The day will be finished in a fierce month, in which you are called 28 days, a leap year 29 days. In 365 days and 366 days with a leap year, there is a regular cycle of the winter season (winter, spring, summer, autumn).

Earthly dimensions and parameters

Now transferred from space to the very planet Earth. For that, on the planet, there are many factors and minds, and they create a friendly environment for living organisms that inhabit the Earth. For the sake of more knowledge about our sleeping house, we can readily understand the foldable and thorough organism of the planet Earth. There is a lot of fun, everything has its own place and its own important role is introduced to the skin.

Budova planet Earth

Zagalom has 8 planets in our sleepy system, 4 of which can be transferred to the planets of the terrestrial group 4 to the gas group. Planet Earth is the largest planet of the earthly group that is the greatest mass, scholarship, magnetic field and gravity. The structure of the Earth is not uniform and cleverly її can be divided into balls (rivnі): the earth's crust; mantya; core.
Crust - Finding the ball of the hard shell of the Earth, win at his sergeu to three balls: 1) siege ball; 2) granite ball; 3) basalt ball.
Tovshchina earthly measles can be found in the boundaries of 5 - 75 km of coal Earth. Such a growth can be found in the middle of the world, for example, at the bottom of the ocean, the region is minimal, and on the continents, on the mountainous massifs, it is maximal. As they said, the earth's crust is divided into three parts, the basalt ball is formed by the first, to the lowest, there is a granite ball, which is visible on the ocean bottom, and the upper sedimentary ball. The siege ball will form and appear permanently, and I will not stop playing a role for people.
Mantia - The ball, the onset of the earth measles, which is most likely to be the largest, is close to 83% of the land and about 67% of the mass, the mantle of the mantle reaches 2,900 km. The upper ball of the mantle, which is 900 km long, is called magma. Magma є melted minerals, and also called lava.
Core - The center of the planet Earth, it’s going to be different from the ground and the nickel. The radius of the earth's core is approximately 3500 km. The core is also subdivided to the final nucleus of the starter 2200 km, the structure is very small and the inner core, the radius of which is close to 1300 km. The temperature in the center of the core is close to 10,000 ° C, on the surface of the core the temperature is lower than 6000 ° C.

The shape of the Earth. Diameter of the Earth. Masa Earth. Vіk Zemli.

How to put food, "what form is the Earth?" Geoid, by the point, є elipsoid wrapping. The shape of the planet has made it possible to precisely set the diameter of the planet Earth. So, the very diameter of the Earth through the irregular shape of the їх see the chain:
1) the average diameter of the Earth to become 12742 km;
2) the equatorial diameter of the Earth is 12,756.2 km;
3) the polar diameter of the Earth is 12,713.6 km.

Dovzhina kola behind the ekvator should be 40,075.017 km, and beyond the meridian of trocha less than 40,007.86 km.
Masa Zemli є to reach an admirable size, as it constantly changes. Warehouse soil 5.97219 × 10 24 kg. Masa zbіlshut for a rakhunok deposition on the surface of the planet space saw, falling meteorites only, zbіlshutsya massa zbіlshua about 40,000 tons. And the axis, through the growth of gases near the space of the Earth, will decrease by about 100,000 tons per day. It is also on the waste of the Earth's mass that an increase in temperature on the planet is injected, as well as a greater intense thermal collapse and a turn of gases near space. Chim is less than the old masa of the Earth, less than the old weight and the less time it is less difficult to reduce the atmosphere around the planet.
The directors of the method of radioisotope data set the distance in the distance to the Earth, win to become 4.54 milliard rock. Vіk Zemli bіlsh-mensch exactly in terms of values ​​up to 1956, with the development of technologies and methods in vimіryuvan tоkhi corrected.

Our views about planet Earth

The area of ​​the Earth's surface will become 510,072,000 km, the vast expanses of the open water will occupy 361,132,000 km, which will become 70.8% of the Earth's surface. The land area is 148940000 km² and 29.2% of the Earth's surface area. Through those where the water is more curved than the surface of the planet, logically name our planet Water.
The volume of the Earth is 10.8321 x 10 11 km³.
Finding a point on the surface of the earth above the sea level is Mount Everest, which is 8848 m, and the most important place near the ocean is the Marian depression of the level of 11022 m. average depth of ocean 3800 m-code.
The acceleration of the great fall is that the accelerated force of the heavy in the small parts of the planet is threefold. On the square g = 9.780 m / s², it gradually grows, reaching at the poles g = 9.832 m / s². The average value of the accelerated fall is set to g = 9.80665 m / s²
The warehouse of the atmosphere of the planet Earth: 1) 78.08% nitrogen (N2); 2) 20.95% -oxide (O2); 3) 0.93% -argon (Ar); 0.039% - carbon dioxide gas (CO2); 4) 1% water bet. In insignificant numbers of є elements from the periodic table of Mendeleev.
Planet Earth is great and tsikava, well, unaffected by those who already see us about the Earth, there is no stopping us from diving in with these mysteries and incomprehensible, who will continue to stick with us.

Characteristics of the planet:

  • View from Soncya: 149.6 million km
  • Diameter of the planet: 12 765 km
  • Doba on planets: 23h 56hv 4s*
  • Rik on the planet: 365 days 6g 9хv 10s*
  • t ° on the surface: mid-planet_ + 12 ° C (In Antarctica up to -85 ° C; near the heath of the Sahara up to + 70 ° C)
  • Atmosphere: 77% Nitrogen; 21% kissen; 1% water vapor and іnshі gases
  • Companions: Misyats

* period of wrapping around the power axis (for the earthly dob)
** period of orbital beating near Sontsya (near Earth dob)

In order to develop the civilization of people, the culture of the Sontsya, planets and stars. Ale most viklikak interest is the planet, as is our sleeping house, the Earth. Revealed about her at once with the development of science, the very understanding about the stars and the planet, about the stars and the mind at a time, it was formulated only if it was too little to cope with the Earth itself.

Presentation: planet Earth

The third planet is Sontsya, which has become our booth, our companion is Misyats, and it can enter a group of terrestrial planets, such as Mercury, Venus and Mars. Planets-giganti are often seen from them on physical authorities that budova. Ale nave such a cryhitna in the context of them, the planet, like the Earth, mannemovirnu for the comprehension of the mass - 5, 97x1024 kilograms. Vona wrap around in orbit in the middle of the city from the Sontsya in 149 miles of kilometers, wrapped around her axis, which is the cause of the wandering of days and nights. And the very eclecticism of orbit characterizes the porosity.

Our planet has a unique role in the Sonyach system, and the Earth is one planet, on a life! The Earth was shaking up in the distance in a row. There will be an increase in the price of an orbit on the rise of 150,000,000 kilometers from Sontsya, and this means only one thing - There is enough warmth on the Earth, so the water was collected in a wild viglyad. Because of the hot temperatures, the water is simply vaporized, and in the cold it will change to ice. Only the Earth's presence is the atmosphere, where there are many people and all living organisms.

Іstriya vinyknennya of the planet Earth

Viewed from Theory Great Vibuhu and when they are close to earth measles, it is to become close to those who are half a million of rocky, and close to the Sontsya. So itself, like the whole galaxy, the Sonce was established as a result of the gravitational squeezing of the gloom of the saw, and behind the saw the planets were set up to enter the Sonyach system.

The establishment of the Earth itself as a planet, the very formation of the people, and the formation of three hundred million rockets and took place in several phases. In the phase of populace, in accordance with the laws of gravity, a great number of planetesimals and great cosmic powers fell on the growing surface of the earth, which for the year drove practically all of the earth's mass. After such a bombardment, a rise was brought up, and then a melting of the planet's speech. Under the influx of gravitational forces of important elements, such as ferum and nickel, they opened the core, and the earth's mantle was established from the rest, the crust from which to lie on the surface of the continents and oceans, and the atmosphere, as a result, was very much connected.

The interior of Budov Earth

From the planets of its own group, the Earth has the greatest amount of energy, and that has the most internal energy - gravitational and radioogenic, due to the flowing processes in the earth's crust, it can be seen from the volcanic and tectonic actions. If they wanted to assert themselves magmatic, metamorphic and siege rocks, they formulated the contours of the landscapes, as they step by step appear to change.

Under the atmosphere of our planet, a solid surface was shaken out, which is called the earth's crust. Vona dwell on the majestic shmatki (plate) of hard breed, which can collapse when Russia conceives and shtovhati one one. As a result of such a collapse, the earth's surface burns.

The earth's crust is 10 to 50 km wide. The bark "floats" on a rocky earth mantle, a mass of which warehouse 67% of the mass of all Earth and stretches in a depth of 2890 kilometers!

Behind the mantle next to the bottom is the core, which stretches into the depth of 2260 kilometers. Cei ball є we crumbling and building a kind of electric strumi, like and opening the magnetic field of the planet!

At the very center of the Earth is the inner core. It’s even harder and harder to take revenge on the impossibility.

Atmosphere and surface of the Earth

The Earth is one of the smaller planets of the Sonyachnoy system, the ocean, - the stench pokryvayut over the 70s of the surface. A lot of water, which is in the atmosphere at the viglyad bets, played a great role in the illumination of the planet - the greenhouse effect of increasing the temperature on the surface by tens of degrees, which is necessary for the emergence of water in the early days of the photo, and in the next day. ...

In space, the atmosphere is created by a blakitnoy oblyam_vkoyu near the planet. Qia naitonsha dome is stored at 77% for nitrogen, 20% for acid. Rashta - the price of the sum of profitable gases. The Earth's atmosphere is to take revenge on more sourness, not be it the planet. Kisen life is necessary for creatures and roslin.

A priceless phenomenon is possible to roztinuvati as a miracle in vvvazhimnimovy zbіg vypadnosti. The ocean itself has given the ear for the birth of life on the planet, i, like the inheritance, the recognition of homosexuality. Wonderfully, the ale of the ocean is taking over the bezlich tamnits. Growing up, people prodovzhu vivchati space. Going to the near-earth orbit, giving the opportunity in a new way to comprehend the rich geoclimatic processes, how to go to the Earth, farther away from the village, as if to lay more than one generation of people.

Companion of the Earth - Misyats

Planet Earth is a single companion - Misyats. First, having described the power and characteristics of Misyats, the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, described the mountains, craters and ravines on the surface of Misyats, and in 1651 the astronomer Giovanna Ricciola wrote a map of the visible side of the month. At XX century 3 of the fierce 1966 rock on Misyats for the first time, the device Misyats-9 landed, descending, and after 21 years of 1969 rock on the surface of Misyats the foot of the people stepped forward.

Misyats is turned to the planet Earth, depriving one of its sides. On the most visible side of the Misyatsya you can see the small "seas", the lancers of the mountains and the numerical craters of the small regions. Insha, invisible from the Earth, the side of it on the surface is a great purchase of gir and even more craters, and the light, which is seen from Misyatsya, can be found in the middle of the month, every night.

Planet Earth and companion Misyats are strongly aware of the authorities, moreover, the development of stable isotopes is sour on the planet Earth and companion Misyats is becoming. Carrying out radio-metric preliminaries showed that heavenly til however, approximately 4.5 billion rocky. Tsі danі victories about the trekking of Misyatsya and the Earth from the same speech, which spawns a few tsіkіk hypotheses about the trekking of Misyatsya: from the trekking of the same protoplanetary chmari, captured by the earth until the end of Mtwiens