The hormone oxytocin from marital infidelity. When the hormone oxytocin is produced

Hormone oxytocin  is a substance that protects against adultery. Such conclusions were made by German scientists about the hormone oxytocin. But, in addition, this hormone has other effects. What exactly, you learn by reading the article. Good all the time of day and a new 2013! With you, Dilyara Lebedeva - the author of the blog "Hormones are normal!".

Because sexual dysfunctions are also becoming more frequent. False beliefs about childbirth. If modern childbirth is becoming increasingly difficult, the misplaced hospital environment of which we know is probably its largest part. The difficulty in birth is also associated with dominant cultural conditioning, which is harmful, explains Michel Odent. There are a number of beliefs about childbirth. For millennia, our societies have been influenced by these cultural conditions. They serve women who give birth because they introduce false ideas into their minds.

The problem of adultery has always troubled humanity. That only it did not use to prevent this: love spells, potions, etc. magic. Since scientists are not inclined to believe in all these miracles, they are looking for another way out of the situation. Scientists are trying to link all our actions with the biochemical processes in the body.

And indeed, hormones rule our senses. Numerous experiments and studies are carried out with these substances that are not fully studied and they find new effects that we have not thought of before. The hormone oxytocin is also studied. And such interesting Facts  in the process of this study are detected.

According to Michel Odent, these false beliefs are diverse. A woman needs energy when she gives birth. False. Adrenaline is a harmful hormone for childbirth. Immersing women in a stressful situation, the delivery process can be blocked, because when she releases adrenaline, a woman cannot release oxytocin. Currently, it is believed that women need energy for childbirth: sugar, honey, etc. This belief is not true, says Michel Odent. In order for childbirth to be established correctly, a woman must have a very low level of adrenaline.

A little later, I will talk about this study, and now I want to briefly tell you about the hormone oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone of the hypothalamus - the organ of higher regulation of the entire endocrine system. It is in it that the nervous and endocrine systems interact. After the synthesis of oxytocin in the hypothalamus, the hormone is directed along the processes of the nerve cells in the posterior lobe of the pituitary.

If she is not in a state of relaxation, labor does not begin. You should talk to a woman who gives birth. During labor, silence must be privileged. Man is different from other mammals because he has developed - at the end of his brain - the neocortex. But when a woman gives birth to a child, everything that stimulates her brain can interfere with the process. During labor, the neocortex should rest. That is why when a woman gives birth, she gives the impression of cutting off from the world. It behaves in a way that is generally considered unacceptable in the civilized world.

Together with oxytocin, the hormone vasopressin is synthesized in the hypothalamus, which has an antidiuretic effect. There are articles on the blog and in which it is told about pathologies in violation of the secretion of this hormone.

These two hormones differ in only two amino acids in the composition, and they perform completely different functions. retains water in the body, and oxytocin stimulates generic activity.

She finds herself in the most bizarre positions; she says stupid things; she dares to cry, swear, become impolite. A woman who gives birth, therefore, must be protected from any stimuli of her brain. The tongue is a stimulant and activates the brain. It is better not to ask questions to the woman who gives birth. Women can not give birth alone. This belief has been rooted in people's minds for thousands of years. From generation to generation, rituals are transmitted and perpetuate this belief. All these rituals make it necessary to have an agent of the cultural environment during the delivery.

The hormone oxytocin is produced in both women and men, only having a slightly different effect. In a woman's body, the main role of oxytocin is the contraction of the muscles of the uterus and milk ducts of the mammary glands, thereby ensuring the contraction of the uterus during labor and the separation of milk during feeding. Milk is produced when exposed to prolactin, but it is separated under the influence of oxytocin.

In many societies, we rush to cut the umbilical cord as soon as the baby is born, and we think it is necessary that someone cut off this cord there. However, the woman giving birth should not feel surrounded, observable. It is important to avoid the light. Cultural conditionality that is growing.

Obviously, these different beliefs are not without consequences and are detrimental at the time of delivery. Today we are at a turning point in history, ”explains Michel Odent. If we are in such a critical period, this is due to the fact that since the mid-20th century, these conditions have grown at an enormous rate. Why were there so many accelerations, both atrocious and spectacular? First, because the woman is used to no longer give birth. Then the conditioning was enhanced by visual messages. Today we are in an era of photos, videos, films, screens of all kinds, ”says Michel Odent. For some time now, an epidemic of so-called “natural” generic videos has been on the Internet.

This hormone is actively used in gynecological and obstetric practice to stop uterine bleeding, stimulate childbirth, after gynecological operations.

For men, this hormone has a slightly different effect. It is believed that this hormone affects the erection of men. Also, oxytocin is considered a hormone that causes a trustful and benevolent attitude towards people, towards the words of the interlocutor, increases the ability to recognize the mood of the interlocutor and look at the conversation in the eyes. It helps to establish good and trusting relationships with a couple or friends. He also regulates the attachment to their children and sexual partner.

We see a woman giving birth, surrounded by several people watching her. It is called " natural childbirth“Because it happens at home, because the woman is on all fours or in the pool.” As a result, the message is always the same: a woman who gives birth should be surrounded by people who bring her experience or energy.

To get out of the pit, we must consider supply-related methods. During childbirth it would be better to limit the tongue to avoid light. Women should feel safe. The ideal situation would be that there is no one around a woman who gives birth, except for an experienced and silent midwife, perceived as a protective maternal figure. When you are in the presence of a stressful person and release a significant amount of adrenaline, you cannot calm down. Therefore, a midwife should have a very low level of stress.

Hormone oxytocin in experiment

And now I will talk about the very study that proved that this hormone can prevent adultery. A group of German scientists decided to experiment with the hypothalamic hormone to prove or disprove the effect of oxytocin on the loyalty of partners in monogamous relationships.

Best of all, she practices relaxing activities in the corner of the room. Knitting, for example. It would also be useful to analyze the keywords such as “help”, “leadership” used today during childbirth, and replace them with the concept “protection”.

We must also trust modern science, advises Michel Odent. It can undoubtedly change thousands of years of cultural conditioning. In a very short time, science has really contributed to the development of the mentality. It used to be that the newborn did not need his mother. Mothers believed that their child, when he was born, urgently needed to take care of another person. There was no close contact with the child. He was "given" to a third party. This ritual led to the separation of the mother from the newborn and the postponement of the beginning breastfeeding: at the time, doctors believed that colostrum was bad for a child.

A group of healthy men was recruited at random. Then parts of them were given oxytocin solution as a spray, and the other part was given a placebo. After 45 minutes, a young woman was introduced into the room, which all men found attractive.

After that, scientists began to ask at what distance from the woman they feel more comfortable, that is, what distance they consider to be optimally comfortable. Given that oxytocin is able to increase the credibility of people, scientists thought that a woman would be able to come closer to those who were given oxytocin. But their wait was not correct.

Modern science neutralizes poor cultural conditionality. She found that the period immediately after birth is a critical time and that at this moment the child needs her mother. This moment is very important for the attachment of mother and child. Scientists also found it necessary to breastfeed for one hour. The baby can also find his mother's breast. Moreover, ideally, the body of the newborn must first be colonized by germs from the mother.

No one knew this until half a century ago. So many changes in such a short time indicate that a safe bet that modern science will continue to change mentalities and that practices related to childbirth will develop gradually.

Those participants who were married or in a stable relationship and who were given a hormone, chose to be 10-15 cm farther away from the woman than bachelor men or men who received a placebo. Eye contact did not matter.

After the woman was replaced by a man, the experiment was repeated, and the difference in distance between the groups disappeared. Based on this study, scientists propose to consider this hormone hormone monogamy and marital fidelity.

As for childbirth, as in other areas of medicine, today it is very difficult to critically look at various scientific discourses that are not necessarily consistent. The woman in this case is alone and must find the criteria for judgment. In practice, the most reasonable attitude is probably to make the first opinion according to the values ​​and type of medical practice that are preferred, some readings or conversations with other women who have already given birth and then rely on a trusted doctor.

How to increase hormone levels oxytocin without pills?

The lack of this hormone does not cause serious disruptions in health, if it does not concern generic activity  or breastfeeding. In pathology, a solution of oxytocin, which is administered intravenously, is used. In such cases, this measure is mandatory and justified.

And how to increase the level of the hormone to improve the quality of communication, relieve stress, reduce anxiety levels without injections? It is believed that this helps massage well. Moreover, an increase in oxytocin is observed in both the recipient and the recipient. Touching and stroking - important elements  in the process of increasing this hormone.

In the end, the birth of a child is a natural event, and, apparently, it happens in a general atmosphere of trust on the part of interested parties, be it a midwife at home or a guardian. medical team at the hospital. In this way a woman is likely to return her childbirth.

Oxytocin or love hormone promotes social connections. In a new study, German researchers suggest that it acts directly on the brain and encourages people to be faithful. Human relationships are partly guided by hormones. Oxytocin, for example, a molecule secreted by the pituitary gland, promotes the development of a strong bond between a mother and her child. The love hormone, it is also produced during sexual intercourse and accompanies the birth of affection for love. It also facilitates social relationships and can even be used to treat shyness and lack of confidence.

Also important is the frequency of strokes. The optimal frequency is 40 strokes per minute. Scientists have proven that it is with the frequency that we choose instinctively that we stroke children or pets.

One more effective way  increasing hormone levels oxytocin is sexual intercourse between loving people, especially in the process of orgasm in both men and women.

But his role does not stop here. Several studies have shown that oxytocin promotes loyalty in a relationship. Unlike most other mammals, this small rodent is strictly monogamous and devotes its existence to the well-being of its partner and offspring. This devotion, very rare in the animal kingdom, favors the release of oxytocin in the brain.

In contrast to the mountain vole, the meadow vole is monogamous. To go from rodents to humans, there is only one step. In a recent paper, a group from the University of Bonn in Germany examined this issue. She showed that men in pairs with high levels of oxytocin tend to distance themselves from pretty women. Thus, like in a field vole, this hormone will make people more faithful.

Here is such a difficult hormone. Let's draw conclusions, friends! Hug with friends and family more often, more tender and gentle touches, and also engage in sensual and high-quality sex with your loved one. Be happy, because a happy person will not unleash conflicts with others, and will try to live in peace.

Oxytocin, a love drug?

Their results lead to the same conclusions: the hormone increases the feeling of attachment to its companion. What effect does oxytocin have on the brain? To answer this question, scientists have scored 40 heterosexual men in stable relationships. They showed them pictures of their partner or other women and injected a solution of oxytocin or placebo using a nasal spray. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, they were able to observe the brain activity of the participants during the experiment.

When subjects receive oxytocin, looking at their lovers, certain areas of the brain are activated, especially the reward chain, the brain system that provides people with the motivation to survive. It is through him that we like to eat or have sex. On the other hand, observing the faces of other women, known or unknown, does not occur. “The reward chain is activated only when people look at their partner,” says Dirk Scheele, lead author of the study. In other words, knowing a woman is not enough; you also need to share a relationship with her.

With warmth and care, endocrinologist Dilyara Lebedeva

Natural hormone Oxytocin and human feelings

In each of us, a very important hormone lives, which acts as a kind of neurotransmitter (a chemical substance that participates in the transmission of nerve impulses) in our head. As only scientists do not call it with a sense of humor: both “embrace hormone”, and “trust hormone”, and “love molecule”. The strictly scientific name of this hormone is Oxytocin.

According to Rene Herlemann, director of the team, oxytocin acts as a drug that binds a man to his wife. “These results may explain why some people get depressed when they are separated from their partner,” he says, during the separation, oxytocin secretion in brain drops and the reward scheme is no longer stimulated. They then have a feeling of lack.

At the moment, such an experiment has not been conducted among women, and it is difficult to draw conclusions. "On the other hand, in animal studies, we often find that behavior differs in women and men," the researcher adds. Additional research is needed to shed light on this mystery.

Oxytocin is a chemical that Paul Zack, a Ph.D. from the United States, originally called the "molecule of morality." In his book, The Molecule of Morals: The Source of Love and Prosperity, the scientist argues that oxytocin is responsible for trusting, sympathetic and benevolent attitude towards people around. At the same time acting as both a hormone and a neurotransmitter, it affects many aspects of human relationships:

It is known that the “love hormone”, oxytocin is much more. In addition to promoting social interactions, it helps reduce blood pressure and cortisol levels, increase pain threshold, reduce anxiety, and stimulate various types of positive social interaction. It also promotes growth and healing.

The effect of oxytocin, as in other chemicals in the brain, is more dependent on its presence in certain areas than on the absolute level. Oxytocin helps us respond adequately to environmental issues and critical situations. Changing concentration levels in different areas of the brain. Therefore, instead of concentrating on the oxytocin levels in general, it is good to ask how to get it at the exact times in order to benefit from its effects. In some situations, such as during sexual intercourse or delivery, oxytocin is released naturally.

Oxytocin is an elixir for lovers.

Oxytocin imperceptibly participates in love relationships and helps us feel sympathy and sometimes attraction to each other. During hugs and kisses with a loved one, the level of oxytocin increases dramatically in the blood. This hormone makes loving couples look into each other’s eyes for a long time, it increases sexual appetites, and floods the brain and the entire body during orgasm. But oxytocin has a small by-effect  - Excessive blood levels cause drowsiness. After orgasm in men, the amount of this hormone in the blood increases several times. Therefore, some "irresponsible" men after sex turn away from the wall and fall asleep, which their partners are very offended with.

Of course, it is impossible to explain the relationship of lovers solely by physiological processes in their organisms. Natural Oxytocin only strengthens the existing sympathy, confidence. Of course, we are different from animals, but, nevertheless, oxytocin is most likely closely related to human psychology and feelings. For example, scientists believe that this hormone, among other things, is responsible for the feeling of affection, so many people (it’s a pity that not all) are monogamous, that is, they are able to stay together for a long time.

Oxytocin can be produced even when looking at a photo of a loved one or when talking with him by phone.

Oxytocin and parental care.

In 2000, the American neuroscientist and psychiatrist, director of the National Institute of Mental Health, Thomas Roland Insel, conducted a series of unexpected experiments on rats. He drew attention to the fact that some pairs of rats cared for their offspring and remained “marital fidelity” to each other, while others mated and fled. Comparing analyzes of rats, he found that the difference in their behavior is due to the level of oxytocin in their blood.
  The level of oxytocin was high in “highly moral” rats, and “lecherous” and irresponsible, respectively, low. The scientist began to consistently block and increase the level of this hormone in rats and the behavior of animals changed dramatically. For example, as oxytocin levels increased, irresponsible rats became exemplary parents. When blocking the synthesis of this hormone, rats forgot about their offspring.

Of course, people are not rats, but another study conducted in Israel showed the importance of this hormone for young mothers. Israeli scientists have found that women with low level  oxytocin, after childbirth there were problems with lactation and some tension in the relationship with the newborn. Accordingly, women with high levels of oxytocin quickly found contact with the baby. In addition, the high level of this hormone helped women cope with postpartum depression.

Pregnant women are prescribed oxytocin, as a rule, to facilitate or accelerate labor (stimulate the contraction of the uterus) and to increase lactation. Even the name of the hormone - oxytocin is translated from Latin as “quick birth”. However, this study also revealed a close relationship between oxytocin and maternal instinct.

The child receives oxytocin along with the mother's milk, he feels maternal care and becomes attached to his mother. This is another argument in favor of the fact that the baby should be breastfed and no milk formulas will replace the mother's milk.

The natural level of oxytocin also has an effect on paternal love, on the relationship between father and baby. Therefore, it is considered useful if the father is next to the child after birth or is present during childbirth. In this case, the dad from the very beginning of the child's life feels emotional affection and love, and he also vigorously produces oxytocin. This phenomenon is associated with empathy - the ability to comprehend the emotional state of another person, in this case, mothers. In the future, this will help the newly minted father build a harmonious relationship with his child and it is easier to transfer the stress associated with the appearance of a baby in the family.

Oxytocin helps relieve stress.

A problem for many people. In a critical situation, the level of cortisol in a person's blood rises sharply. Enhanced secretion of cortisol is aimed at mobilizing the internal reserves of a person at the time of danger. So, in a stressful situation, a person activates memory, decreases sensitivity to pain, increases immunity. Simply put, cortisol (the stress hormone) is responsible for the instinct of self-preservation. But after an emotional surge, the body needs a period of relaxation in order for cortisol to return to normal. Otherwise, the stress hormone will harm our health. In this situation, oxytocin can be called "anti-stress first aid." His action can be illustrated by the following example: after the troubles at school, the girl comes home and complains about her "hard" fate to her mom. The daughter is upset, as a result, she has high levels of the stress hormone cortisol in her blood. But mom calms her, strokes her head and hugs her. As a result, a “hug hormone” is synthesized in the girl's body - oxytocin, which blocks cortisone and the daughter calms down. Therefore, oxytocin helps relieve stress by reducing cortisol. Sometimes, to relieve stress, it’s enough to talk to a close friend on the phone. Even the voice of a friend or mother can be a stimulus for the production of oxytocin.

Oxytocin and trust.

Scientists conducted a fun experiment with two groups of students. Students from the first group were allowed to breathe oxytocin, and the other with an absolutely neutral gas. After that, strangers asked students to lend them money. Most of the students from the first group lent money. From the second group did not give a single person. Apparently, oxytocin is not for nothing called the hormone of trust. Without it, it is very difficult to love others, to help those in need. Under the action of oxytocin, a person becomes capable of empathy, that is, the ability to empathize, sympathize, enter into the position of a stranger. So, blood tests of volunteers naturally showed a high level of oxytocin in their bodies.

Oxytocin increases sociability.

Oxytocin reduces the level of anxiety and stress of a person when in contact with other people, therefore, this hormone increases sociability. Oxytocin helps to cope with shyness and self-doubt, that is, it helps a person to become open to communication. He also contributes to the restoration of friendships after a quarrel.

Forms of release of drugs based on oxytocin.

Oxytocin secretion occurs naturally in the human brain, then is delivered through the blood to all organs. The pharmaceutical industry produces the hormonal drug Oxytocin as a solution for injection, intramuscularly or intravenously. The names of drugs based on oxytocin abroad are NeOxyn, Obcin, Orasthin, Orastina, Otoxin, Oxtimon, Oxybro, Oxyla, Oxystar, Partocin, Pitocin, Piton-S, Syntocinone, Toesen.

Oxytocin is also available in pill form. Less commonly, this drug is released as a nasal spray. Most often, this hormone is prescribed to women in the event of a post-term pregnancy.

It seems that our the sensesmeet hormones. This is partly true, but if, for example, to feed an unfaithful husband with oxytocin, it is unlikely that he will change. We, all the same, differ from experimental mice.

An experiment with students showed that inhalation of oxytocin makes a person more generous, but its action is short-lived. By taking oxytocin regularly, it is impossible to make a trouble-free person from a miser.

The hormones synthesized in our head are a consequence, not the cause of our thoughts, our desires. Sometimes artificially created hormonal drugs can help us cope with various diseases, with stressful situations, or, for example, help a woman give birth to a child and feel like a caring mother. But in order to change the character, temperament, moral principles of a person, something more is needed.