How does the ultrasound on the 12th week of pregnancy. Video to help mom. Food poisoning - how to be

Your diet during this period should be quite varied: focus on fruits and vegetables. The body needs fiber more than ever.

10 facts of pregnancy, the wonders of the development of the child in the womb!

Drink up to 2 liters of water per day, do not buy sweet soda and juices in boxes. Restaurants where fast food is prepared are also better off.

Tell people about your pregnancy.

It is currently available privately. As soon as the scan ends, you are likely to die to announce your pregnancy to the nearest and dear person. You may be surprised by some of their reactions. Try to remember that people may have their own reasons for a slightly unexpected answer - perhaps they were trying to find a child without success. It’s hard to say someone you know will be upset. If you are worried, perhaps consider telling them yourself, not in a group, or send them a text first so they can receive the news privately.

Do not skip meals, do not gorge on the night (otherwise the heaviness in the stomach and frequent visits to the toilet will interfere with sleep).

Ultrasound in the 12th week of pregnancy

Now is the time to do. Be sure to donate blood from a vein to biochemistry. All studies at this and subsequent stages of pregnancy are absolutely safe for the health of the baby and the health of the mother.

Of course, there are others who simply have foot syndrome in the mouth and are best ignored. You also need to decide when to tell the employer. You are not required to tell them up to 15 weeks before your child owes. You can work when it corresponds to your scheduled date, going on the Sunday before this on your calendar, and then returning 15 weeks.

Most women decide to tell their employer before this stage. As soon as your employer is informed about this, they are required to ensure that you and your child are safe at work, performing any necessary health and safety checks and making changes to your work, if necessary.

It is time for the first scheduled. A doctor during this procedure will examine the condition of the uterus, its tone, determine the localization of the placenta, and be able to establish a preliminary date of delivery. During the first estimated, the dynamics of its development.

The doctor also receives critical information: examines the risks of possible developmental pathologies or chromosomal abnormalities. To skip this can not be - its information is difficult to overestimate.

In addition, you can’t start counting your countdown to maternity leave in a big red pen on the wall of your office until they are informed. It's hard to believe, but true: your baby can already yawn during the week of pregnancy, suck a finger and frown.

The size and development of your child

Already formed a week of pregnancy and limbs of your child. Now 45 grams are heavy and 5 inches tall. At the same time, tiny fingers and toes will disperse and nails begin to grow. Your child’s organs and brains are already working. But they are still ripening. The pituitary gland is produced, the vocal cords are formed, and the bones strengthen more and more.

Feelings in the 12th week of pregnancy

Surrounding still not see how your tummy was rounded. But the future mother herself, standing at the mirror, notes the visible changes. Often it is during this period that a woman begins to abandon trousers with zippers and buttons, preferring clothes with an elastic, stretching top. Very often there are "tightness" in the abdominal cavity, even when clothing does not fit tightly to the body.

Your child can already smile and suck thumb. He moves back and forth, moving his head or turning. Delivery to your child and back gives you everything you need as well as transporting waste. The larger the embryo becomes, the larger the placenta grows. A week of pregnancy is the size of a fist. By the way, your child's heart beats from 120 to 160 times per minute, twice as fast as your own.

If you often wonder if everything is in order or you even have a fear of being in the neck, then take a deep breath. A week of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage falls sharply and is now less than one percent. This critical phase is definitely done! If you still feel vomiting in your stomach on a regular basis or even have pain in your stomach, you need not worry. However, if you are really worried, contact your doctor or, if you already have, your midwife.

The chest poured more and increases in size, causing the skin may begin to itch. Perhaps it's time to change the bra. Here it is worth noting the importance of the quality of the material from which to make clothes for pregnant women. It should be as natural as possible, contain cotton fibers and not cause unpleasant contact with the body.

Beauty and belly: how to change

Second check

  Weight and blood pressure are determined here, urine is examined and checked in addition to scanning the uterus, heartbeat and the position of the baby. If you decide to go beyond screening, you can do it now or negotiate with your doctor over the next few weeks.

If you have not heard of this, you should start looking for a midwife no later than during the week of pregnancy. Unfortunately, because of the current trend, fewer and fewer midwives are in obstetric care. However, if you need a documentary midwife, which you can already find out during pregnancy and build trust. Then you have professional and familiar birth support, which can also contribute to birth. Chemistry should be between a midwife and a pregnant woman.

Already on the skin of the body and face pigment spots may appear, and they will disappear after birth. Seeing a dark strip on the stomach, you should not be afraid either, and it will disappear after the birth.

It’s time to change your wardrobe, choose a cream from stretch marks and enjoy your amazing state, some new ones are very pleasant and contribute to a good mood. The most successful stage of pregnancy has begun - the second trimester.

Girl or boy - do you want to know?

You still need some patience. Week of pregnancy, it is too early to determine the sex of your child with confidence. Apparently, you can make a specific statement between the doctor and your doctor. Spend time, but one day, to worry about whether you want to get acquainted with sex at all or it should be a surprise.

Week of pregnancy: colds

Author: site Last updated. Reached the end of the first trimester. Soon your environment will perceive your pregnancy for your physical changes. The pancreas begins to produce insulin, and the liver secretes bile. The neck is so mature that it can support the head while moving. Although your child’s eyelids are still closed, they can already distinguish very bright light and darkness. Also begin to form the vocal cords.

Entries on the 12th week of pregnancy
The test for determining the sex, showed the boy, we are waiting. ANNAYA yesterday could not draw him in! Can this be called a belly from pregnancy, but not from buns? It is clear that I am not skinny, but I do not have such a "betrayal" from my tummy ... M? P ??? That's what I had to brag about, that my belly grows only where it is supposed to, like today ... NIFIGA .... he fell all for show! In the morning I drank only tea, and then ... M? R ??? I was very afraid of him. My knees were shaking, hands were sweating. First, go for blood donation. quickly painless, but the result is only a week later: (Then we got a good time and we went to the ultrasound ... fruit weight 19 grams

At the 12th week of fetal life, many important events occur. Kidneys begin to work. Periodically, the baby pees, and urine is excreted in the amniotic fluid. The muscles of the chest of the fetus begin to rhythmically contract. These movements are a kind of training for breathing after birth. At the same time, the amniotic fluid does not penetrate into the respiratory organs, as the glottis close.

The fourth month begins - the first trimester is made!

Finally, the critical twelve weeks are over, and you already have the first trimester of pregnancy after you. If you still have no complications, pregnancy is usually considered safe from the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy. The risk of suffering, because the fetus is rejected by the body due to genetic defects, is very low. When you see your little man, you will recognize the whole child. However, the organs must grow even further. Therefore, it remains exciting even in the question of the unborn child.

From the 12th week of pregnancy, the fetus begins to ingest the amniotic fluid. The development of the digestive system continues. The intestines actively change: folds form on its inner surface (as in an adult), the first peristaltic movements appear. Such trial contractions of the intestines are preparation for the digestion of food. The liver of the fetus, in addition to blood formation, begins to produce bile.

The answer gives the calendar of the Chinese concept

Will our child be a boy or will we have a girl? All couples deal with this issue during pregnancy. Because you still have to be patient, until the floor can be reliably recognized. we have something for you to shorten the time. From the Chinese concept calendar, it is stated that the age of the mother at the moment of conception and the month of conception indicate the sex of the child. The calendar was published in the century by Chinese scientists.

For many women, the second trimester you are in is best time  of pregnancy. Discomfort is reduced, and the stomach is small enough to feel fit. The adjustment time is over and your body is accustomed to pregnancy. By the way, the size of your chest is playing, contrary to all rumors, it does not matter.

The nervous system continues to evolve. Connections are formed between the big hemispheres and the spinal cord. By the end of the week, the fetal brain is a reduced copy of the adult brain.

In the blood, starting from the 12th week of pregnancy, not only erythrocytes are present (as in the previous weeks), but also leukocytes (cells that protect the body from infections).

Even if you have small breasts, you can. As your uterus has grown, your stomach will not hide so well. You must report your environment and your latest information about your pregnancy so that you can also enjoy the rights associated with pregnancy.

Due to nausea and vomiting, many women do not get significant results in the first trimester of pregnancy. However, the week of pregnancy will change no later. On average, most women get 10 to 15 kilograms during pregnancy. Does your normal clothes get too tight for you? Even if that was enough to leave the button on the pants open, this will change soon. So look for something more appropriate. It is not only convenient, but also looks good and fits without pinching.

The fruit periodically opens the mouth. His hair is formed. They are soft and colorless, located mainly in the eyebrows, eyelashes, above the upper lip and in the chin.

At week 12, the placenta is fully formed. She begins to work fully, providing the fetus with oxygen and nutrients.

Although your calorie requirements will decrease, this does not mean that you now need an additional portion and you have to fill yourself. Even some pieces of fruit per day cover this need. Unfortunately, your child is still so small and swims well in it, so you still do not feel it. Until then you must be patient. Several mothers who are already familiar with the sense of movement of the children sometimes give it in yes, but the fruit is only about six centimeters, it is in fact barely noticeable in the uterus.

Do not allow yourself to be confused - all in due time! Click to see how the weight, age, and length of the fetus are calculated. The eyelids grow and the eyes close soon and then remain closed for several months. The liver, intestines, brain and lungs begin their work. The head slows down growth - giving the chest, arms and legs the opportunity to develop appropriate proportions to the head. The soles of the feet were exactly opposite to each other, but now the body is stretched, and the soles of the feet are turned away from the body.

Photos on the 12th week of pregnancy

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Medical examination of a pregnant woman


  • Consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist is necessary when any complaints appear to the pregnant woman. If the expectant mother has not yet been registered, then this must be done at week 12.


  • "Double test" - a survey aimed at identifying fetal malformations. If the analysis is not submitted at week 11, then it is necessary to do it now.


  • Ultrasound - if it was not performed at 10 or 11 weeks, you must go to the 12th week of pregnancy. In the course of the study, the doctor will find out whether the development of the fetus is in accordance with the term, assess the state of the internal organs of the baby and determine the place of attachment of the placenta.

Possible abnormalities

  • Photo, ultrasound and video

What sensations does a woman feel?

You are beginning to realize that your pregnancy is a reality. The risk of miscarriage is reduced. Now you can safely open your position to relatives, boss and colleagues. A rounded tummy can cause feelings in your partner that you have never guessed before (for example, sensitivity and the desire to protect you).

The taste now grow 20 small dental buds. By the end of the week, the intestines returned to the abdominal cavity, ceasing the umbilical hernia. The small intestine is folded together, and the growth of intestinal villi begins - after birth, nutrients from the food will be filtered out. The muscles of the digestive system begin to work; they contract and practice pushing food through the intestines.

The uterus sticks out above the pubis, and you can feel it. In the amniotic membrane, the fetus is very lively, it often moves a lot. A small heart beats twice as fast as a mother’s, namely 150 times per minute. The ultrasound image above shows the profile of the fetus and the tiny hand.

  • Morning sickness gradually pass;
  • The need for frequent visits to the toilet has decreased;
  • But the hormonal effect on the mood remains. You still sharply perceive surrounding events. Easily annoyed or suddenly start feeling sad;
  • This week, the placenta takes on a major role in hormone production;
  • Now constipation problems may occurbecause intestinal motility decreased its activity;
  • Increases blood circulation in the body, thereby increasing the load on the heart, lungs and kidneys;
  • Your uterus is about 10 cm wide.. She becomes crowded in the hip area, and she rises into the abdominal cavity;
  • Using ultrasound, the size of the fetus, the doctor can more accurately determine the duration of your birth;
  • You may not have noticed, but your heart starts beating more often at a few beats per minute to cope with the increased blood circulation;
  • About once a month and a half future mom need to be tested for bacterial infections  (for this they will take a smear from the vagina).

Here are the feelings women share on the forums:

At the end of this week: from now on the risk of miscarriage is very low. Anyone who has not told anything about pregnancy to his relatives and friends will surely break his silence. Many pregnant women have to constantly urinate because the uterus presses on the bladder. Some people mistakenly believe that they have cystitis, but you should check with your gynecologist, because infections can cause a premature birth! Normally everything is fine.

With Doppler sonography, the gynecologist can now record the fetal heart sounds. For a pregnant woman, this is a great experience when she hears the rumble of a small heart. Unpleasant by-effect  pregnancy, which many women celebrate, alters digestion. You feel crammed and uncomfortable. This is due to the release of the hormones progesterone and estrogen, which have a relaxing effect on the muscles. In principle, this effect is good: slow digestion ensures optimal utilization of nutrients from the diet.

Everyone told me that by this time nausea would pass and appetite would appear. Maybe I put the wrong time? So far, I have not noticed any changes.

This is my second pregnancy and I am now at week 12. My condition is excellent and I always want to eat pickles. What is it for? Just returned from a walk, and now I will eat and lie down to read. My grandmother's first child is on vacation, so I can enjoy my position.

Necessary medical observations, tests and examinations

One way meditation can be. If you do not like it, you may prefer to just stay in everyday life and think about the fruit. Of course, no one can say with accuracy, if the germ will notice it - on the other hand, it can in no way hurt!

Chances are not so bad that you are now - in the case of very few women, this phase lasts longer than 12 weeks. However, if you vomit more than three times a day for three days in a row, if you lose weight rather than gain weight, then you should talk to your gynecologist. Your child may not get all the nutrients he needs. She is often hospitalized in the hospital.

I recently learned about pregnancy, because I had no menstruation before. I was shocked, but now I don’t know what to grab. I had no nausea, everything, as usual. Strange, I'm pregnant.

Toxicosis was still that week, only to the toilet I run every 1.5 hours. The chest has become so lush, there is nothing to wear to work. What is not a reason to update your wardrobe? This week I am going to announce my pregnancy at work. Hopefully, they will treat it with understanding.

Well, that's why I postponed a visit to the dentist before? Now I do not know how to go there. I'm afraid, but I understand what is needed, but it is harmful to be nervous ... A vicious circle. I hope that everything is fine with me, although sometimes my teeth ache.

Fetal development in the 12th week

The baby is becoming more and more human, although its head is still much larger than the body. The limbs are still small, but they are already formed. Its length is 6-10 cm, and weight 15-20 g.

  • Internal organs formed, many are already working, so the fetus is less susceptible to infections and the effects of medicines;
  • Fetal growth continues rapidly - over the past three weeks, the child has doubled in size, his face acquires human features;
  • Ever formed, now they close their eyes;
  • Earlobes appeared;
  • Fully limbs and fingers formed;
  • On the fingers marigolds appeared;
  • The muscles develop, so the fetus moves more;
  • The muscular system is already sufficiently advanced, but the movements are still involuntary;
  • is he knows how to clench fists, purse lips, open and close mouth, make grimaces;
  • The fruit can also swallow the liquid that surrounds it;
  • is he can urinate;
  • The boys begin to produce testosterone;
  • BUT the brain is divided into right and left hemisphere;
  • The impulses are still flowing to the spinal cord, since the brain is not sufficiently developed;
  • The intestine no longer goes beyond the abdominal cavity. The first cuts occur in it;
  • If you have a boy, the female reproductive organs of the fetus have already degenerated, giving way to a male element. Although all the basics of the body have already been laid, there remain several final touches.
  • At week 12, you can watch a bra that will support your chest well;
  • Try to eat a variety of, preferably fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink enough water and eat fiber rich foodsThis will help avoid constipation;
  • By all means visit the dentist. Customize yourself that this is a necessary event. And do not be afraid! Now the gums are becoming too sensitive. Timely treatment will help to avoid caries and other diseases. Just be sure to warn your dentist about your position;
  • Announce your pregnancy to your order to avoid misunderstandings in the future;
  • Be sure to check with the gynecologist or in the clinic, what free medicines and services you can count on;
  • If possible start swimming. And also do gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • It's time to find out about availability schools for future parents  in your area;
  • Every time, passing by the mirror, look into your eyes and say something pleasant. If you are in a hurry, just say: "I love myself and my baby." This simple exercise will change your life for the better. By the way, you need to approach the mirror only with a smile. Never scold yourself in front of him! If you feel unwell or have a bad mood, then it is better not to look in the mirror. Otherwise, you will always receive from him a negative charge and bad mood.

Photo of the fetus, photo of the tummy on the 12th week, ultrasound and video

It looks like the fruit on the 12th week

Video: All about the development of the baby on the 12th week

How does a baby develop

By the end of the twelfth week the child is fully formed, now it remains only to develop and gain strength to start a new life outside of mother.

  • The brain of a baby is a miniature of an adult. Cells actively divide and differentiate. Even after birth for a short time, the baby’s nervous tissue will be able to regenerate.
  • At the crumbs appeared sucking reflex, he actively swallows amniotic fluid. The liver synthesizes bile, which is secreted into the intestine. It is because of her baby original feces (meconium) black or dark green.
  • Formed all the small facial features and even earlobes. Eyes tightly closed for centuries, they will open later. During the 3D ultrasound, you can capture the first portrait of the baby.
  • The boy's genitals can already be easily examined by ultrasound. The problem with the definition of gender can occur only if the cunning baby turned his back to the sensor.
  • The placenta is fully functioning as a bridge to communicate with the mother, as well as an endocrine organ that synthesizes progesterone.

The weight of the child is 30-40 g, and height - about 13 mm.

Photo of the fetus in the 12th week of pregnancy

What happens to mom

Let's sum up the first trimester:

  • Weight gain in normal amounts to 1.5-4 kg, depending on the initial weight of the woman.
  • Increased breast size and abdominal volume. It's time to switch to special clothes for pregnant women, which does not squeeze the most tender places.
  • With problem skin, acne and acne may appear, this is due to hormonal changes.
  • Pigmentation appears along the midline of the abdomen, which will pass after childbirth.
  • Stretch marks are often formed on the hips, lateral surfaces of the loins, and the anterior abdominal wall, so it is advisable to use a special cream for pregnant women.
  • Mood swings are becoming less common, and well-being improves. There comes the easiest period - the second trimester.
  • Abundant vaginal discharge may be troubling, if they are odorless and colorless, then this is a normal reaction of the body to changes in hormonal levels. If they are accompanied by itching or discomfort in the perineal area, then you should consult a doctor and hand over a second smear. It is possible that against the background of a weakened immunity any infection or thrush has developed.
  • Due to the increased load on the legs, varicose veins often appear. If this happens, it is necessary to see a vascular surgeon, who will give recommendations.

Almost all pregnant women were registered at the antenatal clinic by this date. What experts recommend to do more:

  • The doctor has determined the approximate date of delivery and may recommend prenatal training courses. It is also time to think about which hospital you want to give birth to.
  • If you have not done the first trimester screening, then you must pass an examination. Having stretched for another week, it will not make much sense to carry it out, since the reliability of the result will significantly decrease.
  • According to the testimony of a gynecologist may prescribe a multivitamin complex. With increased emotionality and palpitations will motherwort.
  • At the twelfth week of pregnancy it is not recommended to lie on the stomach and strain the press. Exercises can be performed only specially designed for this period and after consultation with the doctor.
  The risk of miscarriage is significantly reduced, but with hypertonicity of the uterus, the baby’s nutrition may suffer, leading to hypoxia and delayed development. In this situation, the doctor may prescribe a no-shpa, which is harmless to the mother and child, and relieves the spasm of the smooth muscles of the uterus.
  • Ended the first trimester and pregnancy now can not hide.
  • It is necessary to register with the consultation and undergo screening.
  • The baby can already be called a little man, he is fully formed.
  • With a 3D ultrasound, you can clearly see the face, you can print the first image.
  • There is a danger of hypertonicity of the uterus and fetal developmental delay.

Photos of stomachs on the 12th week of pregnancy

Click to enlarge the photo of tummies. If you want to see your photo here, write to [email protected]

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Pregnancy 12 weeks

This week is the last in the whole first trimester. Your child’s organs already exist, but some of them are still being formed. Toxicosis has almost receded, however, if the pregnancy is multiple, then it may continue to bother you further.

Pregnancy 12 weeks. Nutrition.

When your pregnancy has already reached twelve weeks, nutritionists together advise everyone to eat more vegetables and fruits. After all, they are the main source of vitamins. And vitamins are the main catalyst for metabolism. At this time, pay special attention to taking vitamins C and E. This will prevent premature rupture of the placenta. Eat more seafood. They contain a large amount of iodine, which is also necessary for your body at this stage. Iodine is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. From the twelfth week you will have to limit yourself to salty. Your diet should be complete, contain the necessary amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals. You will have to limit yourself in pastry. They, certainly, tasty, but do not contain useful substances. It is better to replace them with dried apricots, raisins, dates, a small amount of honey. It should eat more meat, but it should not be fat and not fried. It is advisable to eat one boiled egg per day and eat more cereals. Eat a few slices of bread a day. Eat avocado, pumpkin, lentils, parsley. They contain large amounts of folic acid, which is especially necessary for pregnant women. The future mother should eat only natural products, be attentive to the product in supermarkets and study their packaging.

Pregnancy 12 weeks. Photos of tummies

Pregnancy 12 weeks. Sensations.

With toxicity, irritability, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms that arose due to the restructuring of the female body also disappear. But still sometimes pulls the stomach, and quite often. The dream worsens. He becomes superficial, disturbing dreams appear. A pregnant woman should exclude viewing programs that excite nervous systemshould drink a soothing herbal tea. Try to keep your calm. After all, the calm state of the mother favorably affects the general condition of the fetus. Leucorrhea should be normally light - milky, homogeneous, in moderate quantity. If purulent discharge is present, it may indicate an infection. Now, on the twelfth week, it's time to undergo treatment, since the fetus is formed, and the threat to it is much less than for more early terms. Your heart starts beating more often at a few beats per minute. This is due to increased blood circulation. Try to stand always straight. This will become a habit and will help you in later pregnancy. Also, your chest has become painful, but still the waist volume is still what it was. The intestinal function slows down, so constipation is possible. Try to fight them with natural laxatives. Although there are positives. Urination becomes much less frequent, as the uterus rises higher and already less pressure on nearby organs.

Pregnancy 12 weeks. Ultrasound Photos

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Pregnancy 12 weeks. Features

The development of the brain continues in the baby during this period. The liver is already able to produce bile, forming marigolds on the arms and legs. The muscular system is almost back to normal. The intestine has already fallen into place and is no longer in the abdominal cavity. The heart is already four-chamber and makes up to 160 beats per minute. Already formed bone sky and milk teeth, vocal cords. The body of the baby more and more demands from the mother's body of nutrients and has an increasing impact. After all, it has already been formed and now the matter remains practically only for an increase in size and preparation for getting acquainted with mom. If you wait for the boy, then his reproductive organs have already degenerated. Already got the upper hand over all the masculine. So far, only on ultrasound the movements of the child are visible, but soon you can already feel them yourself. Already the baby can be caught sucking fingers. He can bend and unbend the arms and legs, turn the head. He already sees and hears, his vestibular apparatus is formed. He can already cover his ears with a strong noise, close his eyes, if the light is directed to the place where his eyes are.

Pregnancy 12 weeks. Fetus size.

The length of your baby is already 61 millimeters, and the weight is from 9 to 13 grams. It is about the size of a large chicken egg.

Pregnancy 12 weeks. Fetus photo

View the built-in photo gallery on the Internet at:

At this time you need to clearly define - where you will be observed before delivery. Already the doctor can tell you the approximate date of birth. But still you should know that only a small number of babies are born at the appointed time. You should be aware of the date set by the doctor, but be aware that the child may want to be born at any time. And do not forget about nutrition and general recommendations of the doctor.

  •   5-6 weeks of pregnancy fetal size photo

Read in this article:

Such phenomena as nervousness, anxiety, mood swings, and increased emotionality are still observed in most pregnant women. The risk of losing your baby at week 12 is significantly reduced. From this date, the future mom should be seen by the doctor every three to four weeks. At 12 weeks of pregnancy, the child begins to actively develop, grow. Palpitations at week 12 increase as a result of increased blood circulation. A woman should not be overworked, there is too much, as the load on the kidneys, heart and other organs increases. The rate of weight gain is 500 grams each week.

With the consent of the doctor, you can perform simple gymnastic exercises, they will only benefit. Scientists have proven that walking, dancing, swimming have a positive effect on the future mom's state of health and on the fetus. At each stage, the doctor will select a set of exercises. Falling asleep or waking up, do not forget to stroke the tummy, say sweet words to the baby. The future mommy may notice an increasing tummy, which will force her to put on more comfortable, non-constraining clothes. The material from which the clothes are made should be natural and not cause discomfort. You can do a change of wardrobe.

Some women have an unpleasant itching sensation in the abdomen. If the stomach is itchy, you must buy moisturizers in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. Do not worry if there are large pigment spots on the body, red spider veins on the legs, or a dark stripe going down from the base of the navel. After birth, all these phenomena disappear.

It is recommended to diversify your diet. Eat vegetables, fruits, drink up to two liters of water. Eliminate sparkling water, hamburgers and other harmful poor-quality food. You should not bite sandwiches, convenience foods. Do not eat at night - otherwise there may be heaviness in the stomach and frequent urging to the toilet. Eliminate constipation will help decoctions of prunes, dried apricots, the use of dried fruit. Heartburn from 12 weeks is quite normal, and you will not get rid of it, you will have to adapt. Avoid food that causes bloating, indigestion. Dairy products (kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt) should be present daily in the diet, they will help to fill the body with calcium.

Doctors recommend from 12 weeks to sign up for pregnant women. Future moms will get a lot of useful information, prepare for the upcoming birth, learn to care for a newborn baby. It would not hurt her husband to attend several classes. You can make a photo of your rounded tummy on the period of twelve weeks of pregnancy to capture this unforgettable time.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the doctor strongly recommends that the pregnant woman undergo the first planned ultrasound scan. During this procedure, the size of the fetus is determined, the condition of the uterus, the number of fetuses, a preliminary date of delivery, and the dynamics of the development of the fetus are examined. A specialist will look at whether there is an ectopic pregnancy, which is a serious threat to the life of a woman. Such a procedure will help determine the sex of the future baby, but a more accurate result will be known a little later. During the ultrasound at the 12th week of pregnancy, the woman meets her baby, it is mandatory.

On this term  photo doctor can do at the personal request of mom. Let this picture be the first in the life of the baby. Often, a photo of the fetus can capture the tiny nails of the fingers. Ask as many questions to a specialist as possible, he will explain where things are located. After the results of the ultrasound are ready at week 12, the gynecologist will continue to compare them with the results of the following planned ultrasound examinations. The doctor compares the results with the data of normal indicators in order to make sure that the pregnancy is without pathologies, and notice any deviations in time. At the conclusion of an ultrasound scan in week 12, two terms are written: obstetric (since the last menstruation) and the term by conception.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, doctors strongly recommend to undergo an ultrasound, since the study will help to avoid severe malformations. It is believed that this period is small, and, if there is evidence, it is not too late to terminate the pregnancy. In medical practice, there are cases when doctors recommended an abortion, and as a result an absolutely healthy baby was born. But even if the baby has a pathology, this is not a reason to end the pregnancy. After all, when a baby is born sick, we treat it and no one in the head comes to kill him. In the tummy, the future mummy also already has a tiny crumb, which has practically been formed.

Features of fetal development

From 12 weeks the doctor prescribes screening, which implies a comprehensive examination, the main task of which is to study the development of the child. It will determine the likelihood of having a baby with developmental defects. A blood test is being investigated. Despite the short gestation period of 12 weeks, any genetic or chromosomal abnormalities can be identified. The 12th week of the first trimester screening will determine if the fetus has an organ development disorder, genetic abnormalities, Down syndrome, etc. Not all cities have a mandatory screening.

As a rule, the examination is prescribed depending on the environmental situation, pregnant women over forty, if the expectant mom suffered an acute respiratory viral infection in the first trimester of pregnancy, came in contact with radiation, took dangerous medications, had miscarriages. When registering, it is necessary to pass all required tests and be examined by the doctor’s prescription. The health worker determines the list of tests that the future mom must pass.

Characteristics of the fetus

The fetus at 12 weeks has almost been formed, which is confirmed by the results of ultrasound. Fingers are divided, the child begins to compress the fists, facial features are determined, the baby is able to swallow some fluid, sucking and swallowing reflexes appear, the kidneys are filled with urine, and it enters the amniotic fluid, the liver produces bile, muscles develop, the heartbeat accelerates by several beats per minute, the thyroid gland and the pituitary gland begin to work, immunity is improved, a down appears, which is the germ of the appearance of hairs on the body.

The fetus at 12 weeks can already suck a finger, move in the belly of mommy. The approximate size of the fetus - 7 cm, weight - 15 g. The size of the uterus increases substantially, the approximate width is 10 cm. The uterus gradually begins to rise from the pelvis. 12 week should not be accompanied by pain in the abdomen. Allowed only mild discomfort, mild pain. This is due to the fact that the muscles that support the expanding uterus are stretched.

At week 12, the baby forms the basis of his future abilities and talents. It is extremely important for the future mom to experience positive emotions, to be more often in nature, to rest as much as possible from the hustle and bustle of the city, listen to calm music, read books. A woman can embroider, make bead jewelery, draw pictures or do another kind of creativity. All this will help lay the foundation for the development of an intelligent, talented, capable kid. The future mommy will not hurt to read books about pregnancy and about leaving a newborn baby. It is necessary not only to take care of your health and nutrition, but also to pay attention to the mental and emotional state.

Features of the pregnant woman

Pregnant women may complain of lumbar pain. They are connected with the fact that the tummy grows and, therefore, there is an additional load on the spine. But still, if the pain does not go away, you should consult a doctor who, if necessary, will send for examination. If the pain does not pass more than two hours, consult a specialist. If you have twelve weeks and there is bloody discharge, there is a risk of miscarriage. Such phenomena should alert the future mom and need to react in time in order to avoid losing the baby. Discharge with blood, appearing after having sex, is likely to signal the presence of cervical erosion.

This fact is a reason to consult a doctor. 12 week of pregnancy may be accompanied by a milky discharge with a sour smell. A sign of infection may be the appearance of cheesy discharge, pus, mucus. All infections need to be cured in time, in order not to harm the crumbs. At the end of this period, some diseases are no longer terrible to the baby.

At week 12, the future mom's blood volume increases, the veins in the legs become noticeable, and the legs may swell. Therefore, it is not recommended to sit at work in one position for a long time. You need to do gymnastics, move as much as possible. It would not hurt to put your feet on a stool. You should wear comfortable shoes.

Urgently refer to a doctor

Up to 12 weeks, you should especially take care of yourself and it is extremely undesirable to get sick in the first trimester of ARVI. At 12 weeks, a mild cold can lead to a lack of oxygen in the fetus, cause vices, anomalies, irreversible processes in the development of the baby. In no case can not be treated with ARVI drugs, as they can cause adverse effects. You can try to be treated by folk, proven for thousands of years, means (honey, raspberry, herbal tinctures, cranberry drinks, decoction of chamomile, dogrose, garlic, etc.). Only before use need advice from a doctor.

If the period of 12 weeks and SARS does not pass more than four days, then you need to re-contact a specialist. If the temperature stays at no more than 38 degrees, this is normal, meaning that the body is fighting infection. If the temperature is high for a period of 12 weeks, it is worth sounding the alarm and immediately consult a doctor. Heat  endangers a child's life. Against this background, pregnancy may stop. Paracetamol and other temperature-lowering medications are recommended for use as prescribed by a physician. He will prescribe a dosage of medication that does not harm the child.

We carefully monitor their behavior.

For a period of 12 weeks, as well as throughout pregnancy, the use of alcoholic beverages should be excluded.

At this time, the brain has not yet fully formed, and how alcohol affects this process is not known to any doctor. Alcoholic beverages can destroy some of the baby’s brain cells that are not regenerated. In large doses, alcohol poisons the body, including the unborn baby. For a period of 12 weeks, intimate relationships are not contraindicated, so do not refuse intimacy partner.

Smells of acetone and other toxic substances should be avoided, gloves should be worn when cleaning with detergents and detergents, it is necessary to work in well-ventilated rooms. Starting from the twelfth week, the future mother is recommended to go to sleep on her back in order not to harm the baby during sleep. In medical practice, there were cases when pregnant women from the 12th week begin to see disturbing dreams, sleep becomes more sensitive. Going to bed, it is not recommended to watch exciting gear, you can drink a soothing herbal tincture. It is necessary to ensure a calm state of the nervous system.