Why does lower abdomen ache in early pregnancy? Why does the stomach hurt in early pregnancy

Hurts stomach on early terms  pregnancy for various reasons. In some cases, discomfort can be attributed to physiology, and in other cases it is a symptom of a dangerous pathology.

In numerous female editions one can read that almost every woman in the first trimester experiences pain sensations  in the area of ​​the uterus. For some, it even becomes the first sign of pregnancy. It is believed that this is due to the rapid growth of the uterus, but this is hardly true. Rather, this phenomenon is due to changes in hormonal levels. But more often doctors call the threat of miscarriage. Although not always the case. If there are no pathologies, then it will be very easy to normalize your condition. Usually it is enough for this to lie down and calm down a little, any pain is exacerbated by nervous excitement. In extreme cases, doctors recommend using the drug No-Shpa (or its equivalent, antispasmodic) and rectal suppositories Papaverine. If there is no bleeding and brown discharge from the vagina, that will be enough. If there is a discharge, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor or immediately call an ambulance (with heavy discharge).

Another option is associated with intestinal problems. For example, in the early stages of pregnancy pulls the stomach with poisoning - the main symptoms are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Sometimes cramps can cause bloating. In general, every expectant mother should carefully consider her diet, exclude from it not only potentially harmful products, but also those that can lead to any intestinal disorders. Since even banal bloating provokes the tone of the uterus, which is not safe, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy, when even in a healthy woman is quite high.

Not uncommon, when the lower abdomen begins to hurt because of gynecological diseases, for example, ovarian cysts. The doctor will be able to determine this pathology with the help of a gynecological examination and ultrasound. In addition, pain is possible with ectopic pregnancy. Therefore, all those expectant mothers whose uterine pregnancy is not confirmed and have pains should quickly contact a gynecologist.

And finally, more options - these are various diseases that are not related to the reproductive system. For example, appendicitis - inflammation of the process of the rectum, pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, intestinal obstruction and various surgical pathologies.

As you see possible reasons  why when early pregnancy hurts the stomach very much. And only a doctor can be diagnosed after an examination.

If the stomach does not hurt in early pregnancy, is it normal?

For each woman, the gestation period has its own differences and preferences. The reasons can be both in age and in the nature of the course of pregnancy, and in complications. Many future mummies are interested in the question - should the stomach hurt in early pregnancy and is it bad for an unborn baby or not? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, since many factors can influence this process, consider some of them.

Causes of abdominal pain in early pregnancy

Hormonal restructuring of the body

For any woman, the first pregnancy is a stress for the body and a novelty to which it can react in different ways. Someone has toxemia, someone makes a baby without any deterioration in health at all. The very first stage that reacts to the process of fertilization of an egg is an increase in the blood of the expectant mother, the hormone progesterone. That is why the stomach may hurt, because the body is quite difficult to restructure.

Intestinal disorders

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman can dramatically change her gastronomic addictions. I constantly want something new and in uneven doses. This can cause diarrhea, indigestion and many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and then - stomach ache.

Active stretching of the abdominal muscles

With each week, the size of the fetus increases, respectively - the uterus in size, too. This contributes to the gradual stretching of the muscles, but sometimes this process causes discomfort in the future mother.

Urea Inflammation

This process subsequently arises of any external factors, but during pregnancy, the fetal pressure on the urethra is sufficient. When the child begins to actively develop, he puts pressure on the internal organs and bladder. That is why there may be inflammation that causes a nagging pain in the abdomen.

Surgical pathology

The pain can be caused by diseases that existed before pregnancy, their exacerbation. These can be diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, organs of the small pelvis. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, you need to undergo a thorough physical examination to eliminate the occurrence of pathologies.

Obstetric Causes of Abdominal Pain During Pregnancy

To this list should include all diseases and complications that affect the process of pregnancy:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy;
  2. Exfoliation of the placenta;
  3. The threat of miscarriage and many other diseases.

This type of causes of abdominal pain in a pregnant woman can be complicated by bleeding, dizziness, and loss of consciousness. In this case, it is better to carefully monitor the course of pregnancy and regularly visit a gynecologist, who will tell you if there are problems and how to get around them.

Pain during pregnancy can be. If they are not there, then this should not be considered a disadvantage. But it’s simply not possible to feel discomfort in this state. There are few women who do not complain of pain, but rather a consequence of the pathology associated with the fetus.


Each mommy, while waiting for the birth of the baby, always listens to her feelings. And this is right, because in the body there are changes that can be alerted.

If something bothers you in the early stages of pregnancy, you should always consult a doctor. The fact is that it is in the first few months that the further course of the pregnancy is determined. A timely visit to the doctor will help prevent undesirable consequences and make a healthy baby.

This article will help you to find out why lower abdominal pain may occur in the first months of pregnancy.

Physiological causes of pain

Pain may occur due to physiological changes that occur during pregnancy. If the nature of the pain is pulling, concentrated in the lower abdomen and lower back, do not worry. Most likely, the cause of the pain is the tension of the ligaments supporting the uterus. The latter, increases in size, which causes an unusual pulling pain.

Therefore, such low-intensity pains are completely harmless and cannot be regarded as a threat to the health of the mother and child. It is worth noting that the pain of this type often occur in women who previously suffer from painful periods.

Incorrect bowel function

At first, women may experience problems with the work of the intestine. There is increased gas formation, bloating and as a result - pain in the lower abdomen. Violations in the intestines occur due to hormonal changes in the body. Already with 3-4 months the pain passes by itself. To stop experiencing discomfort, it is recommended to adhere to the proper diet recommended by pregnant women. The diet should not include foods that cause increased gas formation. These include dried apricots, legumes, flour, sweets, carbonated drinks.

The above two causes of lower abdominal pain caused by natural processes lead to physical discomfort, but they are not dangerous. However, more serious circumstances may cause pain. In order to preserve pregnancy and the health of the fetus and mother, it is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Ectopic pregnancy

Among the most serious and life-threatening causes of pain may be an ectopic pregnancy. If the fertilized egg is not fixed in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube or ovary, it is dangerous for the health and life of the woman. This pregnancy can not be saved.

External signs  ectopic pregnancy is similar to normal. The test shows a positive result, the woman may have nausea, vomiting, general weakness, etc., however, if the fetus is fixed outside the uterus before a certain period, it develops normally, and then the fallopian tube ruptures. For this reason, suspicious soreness in the lower abdomen should not be ignored. The earlier it is possible to recognize an ectopic pregnancy, the greater the chances of preventing unwanted effects. The location of the fertilized egg can be determined by ultrasound.


Due to the fact that during pregnancy a woman’s immunity weakens, her body becomes more vulnerable than before. For this reason, pregnant women often develop inflammation of the female reproductive system. Determine the presence of disease can only be a doctor based on the results of studies.

Risk of miscarriage

If you feel pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of abortion. To do this, you must consult with the gynecologist, who observes the course of pregnancy. In most cases, it is possible to correct the situation, but only if the visit to the doctor happens in a timely manner.

Other causes of pain

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a natural state of the female body, so during this period of life, troubles can occur that have arisen not only because of an interesting situation. In particular, lower abdominal pain can occur if appendicitis, bladder or food poisoning has become inflamed.

As you can see, the causes of pain during pregnancy can be many. At the first symptoms of ailments, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can determine their true nature and prescribe the correct treatment if necessary.

If the pain is accompanied by bleeding and the temperature has risen, no need to wait for the reception time of the local gynecologist, but urgently call an ambulance.

When abdominal pain occurs in early pregnancy, most often the first reaction future mom  becomes panic and worries for the safety of the fetus. Those who already have the experience of motherhood recognize the nature of the pain and know when it is possible to remain calm and when it is necessary to sound the alarm. But during the first pregnancy, a woman is most often lost, panicked and afraid of every new sensation. Naturally, a doctor should be consulted for any pain in the abdomen, at least for the preservation of his calmness and minimization of stress, as a maximum for taking prompt measures to preserve the fetus. What should I do if my stomach hurts in early pregnancy? When to worry, and when to take pain as by-effect  the joys of future motherhood?

Any pain is an extremely unpleasant symptom. A pain in the abdomen during pregnancy, especially in the early stages - is also restless. For some reason, many women, experiencing pain in the uterus (sometimes at the same time in the lumbar region), immediately think of a miscarriage, forgetting that after conception the body is rebuilt under new conditions. And these changes can also be accompanied by abdominal pain. Simply put, not every such symptom is alarming, and some of the symptoms are completely normal and natural for an interesting situation. So why does the stomach hurt in early pregnancy? The reasons for this phenomenon may be:

  • Stretching the uterus;
  • Expansion of the abdominal muscles;
  • Tonus (hypertonia) of the uterus;
  • Risk of miscarriage;
  • Freezing pregnancy;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Injury of the cervix during examination or sexual intercourse.

About natural symptoms

In the first two or two and a half weeks of pregnancy, a woman may not even guess her position. But the fruit grows, develops, and for this it needs space. The abdominal muscles expand, the uterus stretches - and any stretching of the muscles is invariably accompanied by painful sensations. In addition, the uterus, like any muscular organ, is prone to shrink (come to a tone), and this natural property also provokes pain. On the tone of the uterus is still being debated. In developed countries, there are certain norms of indicators in the countries of the former USSR, uterus tone during pregnancy is almost equal to the disease, and hormone therapy is prescribed. Such measures are appropriate in the case of hypertonus, which is characterized by permanent pain. And if these pains are also accompanied by a bloody bloody discharge from the vagina, urgent hospitalization is necessary - such symptoms may indicate a threatened miscarriage.

Spontaneous abortion

Miscarriage, also known as spontaneous abortion, is the most common occurrence in early pregnancy when the placenta is not yet formed. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon can be very different:

  1. Stress.
  2. Transferred infectious disease.
  3. Heavy physical exertion (including sexual intercourse).
  4. Hormonal disorders in the body.
  5. The presence of bad habits.

Since stress is one of the most common factors causing miscarriage, it is extremely important in the early stages to minimize the risk of stressful states. It is also recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse and severe physical exertion  - such effects can lead to hypertonicity of the uterus and, as a consequence, to the fact that the muscular organ simply pushes its contents.

Ectopic pregnancy

If the lower abdomen does not just hurt, but also reacts painfully to any touches, and the very nature of the sensations changes from dull to sharp and cutting, this can be a signal of ectopic pregnancy. The fetus does not develop in the uterus, but directly in the fallopian tube. The manifestation of this development in a place that was not originally intended for carrying is pain. Ectopic pregnancy requires mandatory surgical intervention, so with these symptoms, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

Fading pregnancy

If the pain in the abdomen is in the nature of a feeling of heaviness, smelling discharge with an unpleasant odor appears from the vagina, and the mammary glands cease to swell and become softer to the touch, these are true signs of fetal death (death) in the womb. Such cases also require surgery. The operation to clean the uterus is not difficult, and after a couple of hours the woman is discharged home. But, in contrast to ectopic pregnancy, which in almost all cases results in the impossibility of having children, fading is not a sentence. In most cases, after qualified therapy, a woman who has survived a missed abortion may, after a while, conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

What if my stomach hurts?

First of all - stay calm and do not panic. Early stress is especially dangerous for the fetus. To begin with, it is necessary to determine the nature of the pain and note the presence or absence of other accompanying symptoms.

  • Pulling pains that resemble menstrual pains are most likely a sign of physiological changes in the body. Hurt stretching muscles, increases the space for the full development of the unborn child.
  • Cramping pain is a sign of probable spontaneous abortion and a signal of immediate medical attention.
  • Acute pain in the ovaries and appendages may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. An urgent operation is required.
  • The severity of the uterus is one of the signs of fading.

It is also necessary to monitor vaginal discharge. The fact that they completely cease, and any appearance of them promises trouble - nothing more than a myth. A certain amount of discharge is also present when the pregnancy is completely normal. This amount may increase slightly after intercourse. If the selection does not have unpleasant odors  and blood, nothing to worry about. But if there is blood and "daubing", accompanied by abdominal pain - this is an emergency when you need to go to a health facility immediately.

If in the early stages pains in the abdomen appeared, but the other indicators were normal, there is no reason to worry day and night and worry that “something went wrong”. In normal tests, it is enough to keep track of the frequency and nature of the painful sensations, and immediately report any changes to the doctor. Needless to say, self-administration of analgesics is contraindicated. If the pain is associated with physiological changes and pesters so much that it makes it difficult to live fully and go about their business, a specialist will recommend the means to remove it. In all other cases - you must immediately contact the doctors.