How much are drops from conjunctivitis. Antiviral eye drops.

The disease of the mucous membrane of the eyes - conjunctivitis, familiar to almost everyone. To determine the resulting inflammation is not difficult - redness of the sclera, tearing, or vice versa, dryness, purulent secretions, itching, discomfort, photophobia, soreness - all these symptoms make it possible to reliably determine that conjunctivitis has occurred. The disease differs according to etiology of origin - viruses, bacteria, allergens can cause it. Treatment of inflammation is based precisely on the destruction of pathogens, therefore, in different forms, eye drops are used, differing in the composition of their components.

Valaciclovir in the form of tablets for oral administration. The ointment is injected for the lower eyelid in a volume equal to the volume of rice grains, 5 times a day until the cornea is completely healed and 3 days after that. Ophthalmic gel Ganciclovir 0, 15%, one drop, 5 times a day until the cornea heals, and then one drop three times a day for the next 7 days.

Drops of 1% trifluridine, 1 drop every 2 hours until the cornea heals, and then one drop, 5 times a day for the next 7 days. In some cases, instead of the treatment described above, doctors may prescribe acyclovir or valacyclovir. In case of ineffective treatment with antiviral drugs, interferon drops can be used.

Types of conjunctivitis

By carefully fixing all the symptoms and identifying the changes occurring before the eyes, the shape of conjunctivitis can be determined independently.

  • Bacterial conjunctivitis  - inflammation occurs at the time of development in the eyes of staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia. The bacterial form often occurs in children, this is due to frequent contact with a sick child and his personal items in children's institutions and with low protective forces. In addition to redness and tearing, purulent discharges are noticeable, sometimes they are so abundant that the child, waking up in the morning, cannot open his eyes. Bacterial conjunctivitis often proceeds as bilateral.
  • Viral conjunctivitis  caused by enteroviruses and adenoviruses that are airborne. Viral inflammation usually occurs in conjunction with respiratory infections and affects both eyes at the same time. Mucous discharge is light, components of pus join in with secondary infections.
  • Allergic Conjunctivitis It develops as an intolerance reaction to pollen, drugs, cosmetics, house dust. Inflammation affects both eyes, the mucosa is hyperemic, there is tearing, intense itching and swelling of the eyelids.

Pick up eye drops  for the treatment of conjunctivitis is necessary based on the form of the disease, that is, the bacteria are eliminated with antibacterial agents, viruses with antiviral drugs, allergy symptoms disappear after reducing the effect of the allergen and instillation of antihistamine drops.

Necrotic stromal chelate or disc endothelium

The first 48 hours of treatment. Acyclovir, 400 mg, 5 times a day for 7-14 days. Valacyclovir 500 mg twice daily for 7–14 days. Dexamethasone drops out 0, 1%, 1 drop 6-8 times a day for 4-6 days, and then a gradual decrease in the drip rate by 1 drop every 3-6 days.

It is necessary to achieve the maximum dose of efficacy, which provides corneal transparency and a good overview. The total duration of treatment may be several months. If prolonged use of glucocorticoid hormone drops is necessary, consider replacing this. medicinal product  drugs cyclosporine.

Only an ophthalmologist will be able to accurately diagnose and therefore, if you want the treatment to be as quick as possible, you must first undergo an appropriate examination.

Pharmaceutical companies produce a lot of eye drops for the treatment of conjunctivitis, their choice should take into account indications, contraindications, age and tolerability of therapeutic components

After the initial course of antiviral drugs and during the treatment of a drop of glucocorticoid hormones, prophylactic antiviral treatment should be carried out in accordance with the following schedule. Acyclovir 400 mg twice daily. Valaciclovir, 500 mg, once a day.

Necrotic stromal chelate or severe endothelium

If the disease recurs during the period after stopping treatment, the possibility of the prophylactic treatment described below should be considered. Because of the high risk of serious complications, the treatment of these forms of ophthalmic herpes infection usually requires the patient to be hospitalized and treated under the supervision of specialists using antiviral medications such as intravenous injections.

Eye drops for conjunctivitis with a bacterial infection

  • Eye Drops Levomitsetin belong to drugs with a wide range of effects. Their use adversely affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens of inflammation. The components of the drug act locally and in a small amount penetrate the bloodstream, so Levomycetinum is not used for problems with blood formation, renal and hepatic pathologies. The drug can be used in the treatment of conjunctivitis in children from the age of two. Drops Levomitsetin for the eyes are different and most budget price.
  • Eye drops Tobreks  contain an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, with a broad spectrum of antibacterial action. Tobrex can be used to treat conjunctivitis caused by streptococci, diphtheria, Escherichia coli, staphylococcus bacteria. In the acute period of inflammation, drops for instillation can be used every hour until the main manifestations decrease. The drug Tobreks is also suitable for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children from birth.
  • Albucid  - Antimicrobial drug from sulfanilamide antibiotics. The positive effect of the treatment is achieved due to the violation of the synthesis of substances necessary for the development of such bacteria as E. coli, chlamydia, pathogenic cocci. For treatment in adulthood, a 30% solution is used, in pediatric practice - 20% Albucidum. It is possible to use the drug for the prevention of neonatal biliary disease.
  • Floksal  - antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pseudomonas bacillus, chlamydia. It can be used not only in the treatment of conjunctivitis, but also for the treatment of keratitis and blepharitis. It has a pronounced positive effect in the development of barley, with such inflammation, in addition to drops, it is advised to use an ointment of the same name. The course of treatment is not recommended to exceed more than two weeks. Floksal prescribed and to eliminate inflammatory reactions in the eyes of children.

Antiviral eye drops

  • Aktipol - eye drops, the main active ingredient of which is aminobenzoic acid, which has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Actipol is used for viral conjunctivitis caused by adenovirus, except for the destruction of the causative agent of the disease, the drug has a regenerating effect on the cells of the eye mucosa. The drug can not be simultaneously used with Albucid and Enkad. Actipol to achieve full effect in the treatment of conjunctivitis is recommended to be used after achieving a noticeable improvement within a week.
  • Poludan  - eye drops, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. The drug is designed to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection. The positive effect is achieved by stimulating the production of interferon in the tear fluid and in the blood. The components of Poludana penetrate well into all layers of the eye, and they are quickly eliminated from the body. You can use the drug with antibacterial drops. Poludan is also used to treat viral conjunctivitis in young children.
  • Ophthalmoferon  contains interferon and diphenhydramine. The combined effect of these components on the inflamed mucous membrane of the eye has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, local anesthetic and antihistamine effects. These actions allow you to use Oftalmoferon to eliminate the phenomena of viral and herpetic conjunctivitis, allergic reactions. The drug can be used for a long time.

Eye drops from allergic conjunctivitis

  • Cromohexal  - The main active ingredient of the drug is acid cromoglycic prevents the release of inflammatory mediators with allergies. The drug is prescribed both in the acute phase of the development of allergy, and for its prevention in chronic conjunctivitis. Kromgesal can be used throughout the duration of exposure to the allergen. It is not recommended to use the medicine in children under 4 years of age, while carrying a child and breastfeeding.
  • Eye drops Opatanol  inhibit the release of biological substances involved in the development of an allergic reaction. The components of the drug do not penetrate into the bloodstream, act only at the local level, with the maximum therapeutic effect observed in the second week of therapy. Opatanol well eliminates itching, swelling, redness of the eyes, for the treatment of conjunctivitis in children under three years of age and pregnant women need to consult a doctor.
  • Allergodil blocks the production of histamine, has a long prolonged action. The drug is well tolerated, has a pronounced and rapid antihistamine effect. Allergodil used for the treatment of year-round conjunctivitis, while it can be used up to six months, then after a short break, use again. In the treatment of conjunctivitis in children under 12 years of age is used a short course.

Basic rules for using eye drops

The effectiveness of the use of any medication increases, if you follow the recommendations of doctors. In the treatment of conjunctivitis to the main rules attributed:

Preventive treatment regimen

Acyclovir 400 mg twice daily for 6–12 months or valacyclovir 500 mg once daily for 6–12 months. Non-conservative moisturizing eye drops, drop 3-5 times per day during the treatment period. If, after stopping the use of glucocorticoid hormones, the symptoms of the disease turn, you should talk to your doctor about a gradual transition from corticosteroids to cyclosporine eye drops or cyclosporine drops, at least to a parallel dose at the lowest dose of corticosteroids.

  • Using two preparations for instillation into the eyes, it is necessary to sustain an interval of at least 15 minutes.
  • Wearing lenses is not recommended during treatment.
  • Rinse eyes thoroughly before dropping.
  • Using a dispenser bottle or a single pipette, do not touch the mucous membranes and tissues of the eye with them.

Eye drops from conjunctivitis for adults and children

Antiviral drugs in the form of eye drops, ointments or gels

Before the advent of antiviral drugs in the 60s of the last century, the possibility of herpetic keratitis was extremely limited, and therefore, in many patients the disease progressed rapidly and led to serious eye damage, including the development of blindness.

The first antiviral drugs proposed for the treatment of herpetic keratitis were Idoxyuridine and Vidarabin. Later, new generic antiviral drugs appeared, which are more effective and safe to use. All of these drugs are available in pharmacies.

Conjunctivitis is a fairly common eye disease. Both adults and children suffer from it. Redness of the mucous membrane, itching, pain, purulent discharge - these are the characteristic symptoms of the inflammatory process.

For the treatment of conjunctivitis in pharmacies there are many eye drops for adults and children. How to understand this variety and choose the right ones? To do this, you need to know exactly the reason that caused the inflammation of the conjunctiva, and in accordance with this, select medications.

Below we look at the advantages and disadvantages of these drugs. Interferon is a special protein molecule that is produced by human immune cells in response to various viral infections. In some studies, it was found that interferons have pronounced antiviral activity and make healthy tissue cells resistant to viral infections. Thus, interferons are a natural analogue of synthetic antiviral drugs.

Medicines use drugs containing interferons from the blood of blood donors, as well as drugs that stimulate the production of interferons by cells of the immune system. There is no accurate data on the effectiveness of drugs containing interferons of blood donors in the treatment of herpetic keratitis.

All eye drops for conjunctivitis are divided into several types, each drug is suitable for the treatment of a certain type of conjunctivitis:

  1. Bacterial - easily treatable with antibiotics, in the form of ointments, drops, and in some cases tablets.
  2. Viral - drops eye antiviral and antiviral drugs of general effect.
  3. Allergic - passes as soon as the effect of the allergen on the mucous membrane of the eye stops.

The first two species are infectious, so always use caution when dealing with people who show signs of sore eyes. Among ointments and eye drops for various types of conjunctivitis, there are both cheaper and more expensive remedies. The choice of a drug should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the available contraindications and effectiveness in each case.

Currently, only some reports or data from small studies are available indicating that interferon may be effective in treating herpes keratitis. The report describes a case of herpetic epithelial keratitis that is resistant to treatment with acyclovir and other available antiviral drugs at the time that developed in a 46-year-old immunocompromised man who had undergone transplantation from the kidneys.

The introduction of interferon alpha-2 in the treatment regimen of this patient led to a quick healing and restoration of the cornea. In another study, it was shown that in the group of people with herpetic epithelial keratitis who received treatment with interferon acyclovir, corneal healing occurred on average for 4 days, whereas in the group of people who took acyclovir placebo, healing was slower and average for 7 days.

Drops of bacterial conjunctivitis

The choice of effective eye drops in the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis is quite wide.

The most commonly used eye drops such as:

  1. Albucidus - 65 rubles. Available in the form of a 20% solution used to treat conjunctivitis in children and 30% for adults.
  2. Levomitsetin - 35 rubles. Treat to drugs with a wide sphere of influence. Their use adversely affects the development of gram-negative and gram-positive pathogens of inflammation.
  3. Tobreks - 190 rubles. The main substance is tobramycin, which fights staphylococcus, intestinal, pyocyanic and other bacteria.
  4. Tsipromed - 140 rubles. They contain ciprofloxacin - a fluoroquinolone antibiotic with a wide spectrum of action, including active against gonococci, spirochetes and Klebsiell.
  5. Floksal - 180 rubles. Antimicrobial eye drops containing the antibiotic ofloxacin, which has a bactericidal effect on streptococci, fungi, staphylococci, Pus bacillus, chlamydia.

These drugs are essential for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis in children and adults, but the choice must be made by a specialist, taking into account the severity of the disease and individual characteristics.

Although the description of such drugs indicates that they have a pronounced property of inhibiting the replication of the herpes virus, we have not found proven clinical data on the actual effectiveness of these drugs. In the foreign medical literature there is no mention of the possibility of using such agents in the treatment of herpetic eye infections.

Antiviral drugs for oral use

Due to the lack of proven data, we cannot recommend interferon inducers for inclusion in the treatment of herpetic keratitis. Currently, acyclovir is the main antiviral drug in the form of tablets for the treatment of herpetic keratitis. This drug is able to block the division of the herpes virus into infected cells.

Viral conjunctivitis drops

Eye drops from viral conjunctivitis designed to enhance the immune system and prevent the reproduction of the pathogen in the tissues.

A sample list of good antiviral eye drops:

  1. Aktipol. Solution with antiviral, antioxidant and regenerative properties. The active ingredient is para-aminobenzoic acid (interferon inducer). Average price - 220 rubles.
  2. Poludan. The drug is designed to eliminate adenovirus and herpes infection, developed on the basis of a polyribonucleotide complex. Price 120-130 rubles.
  3. Ophthalmoferon. A drug containing alpha-2 interferon. It has antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Helps relieve inflammation and reduce pain sensations  with conjunctivitis. Average price - 294 rubles.

It should be understood that a viral infection is quickly transferred from one eye to another. As a result, in the presence of inflammation on the one hand, the second eye must also be dripped.

Valaciclovir and Ganciclovir

The effectiveness of acyclovir in the treatment of various forms of herpetic keratitis has been tested in several clinical trials. Although no major research has yet been done where the efficacy of acyclovir was compared with that of ganciclovir and valaciclovir, current evidence suggests that valacyclovir may be more effective.

In particular, it was found that valaciclovir penetrates into the blood in much larger quantities than acyclovir, and therefore creates a higher concentration, and ganciclovir can suppress the reproduction of certain types of virus that are insensitive to aciclovir herpes.

Allergic conjunctivitis drops

Such drops are used in conjunctivitis of allergic origin, as well as in infectious inflammations of the conjunctiva to reduce unpleasant pathological manifestations - itching, redness, etc.

Here are some antiallergic medicinal solutions for the eyes:

Anti-inflammatory drugs

Drops with glucocorticoid hormones

  Glucocorticoid hormones have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, they greatly inhibit the activity of immune cells and block their aggressive effects on eye tissue.

The effectiveness of drops with glucocorticoid hormones in the treatment of herpetic stromal keratitis has been demonstrated by some clinical trials showing that adding 1% drops of prednisolone to the treatment regimen accelerates healing and increases the effectiveness of treatment.

  1. Allergodil. Powerful antiallergic drug, has a long lasting effect and almost does not cause side effects. Price 310-330 rubles.
  2. Cromohexal. The main active ingredient of the drug acid cromoglycic prevents the release of inflammatory mediators with allergies. Price about 100 rubles.
  3. Opatanol. Potent antihistamine drug, contains olopatadin. Price 380-420 rubles.
  4. Lecrolin They prevent the release of mediators of an allergic reaction and effectively relieve the symptoms of allergies, including cromoglicic acid. Price within 120-135 rubles.

The main components of the above drops are antihistamines.

What are the side effects of treatment with glucocorticoid hormones?

In clinical observations, it was found that glucocorticoid hormone drugs can cause serious side effects. Cataract - it was found that the risk of developing cataracts occurs when long-term drops of glucocorticoid hormones are administered.

Increased intraocular pressure. According to clinical studies, a more or less significant increase in intraocular pressure is observed in almost every third person using drops of glucocorticoid hormone for 4-6 weeks.

Conjunctivitis drops for children

Eye drops from conjunctivitis for children as such does not exist. Treatment of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the organs of vision in a child should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

  1. For bacterial infections, antibiotic based eye drops are indicated.
  2. When viral infections are prescribed drugs that have antiviral action.
  3. With allergic conjunctivitis  antihistamines are shown. Symptoms of the disease disappear immediately after the elimination of the allergen.

Means of local application are the safest for children, since they are practically not absorbed by the body and do not cause side effects from its various systems.

The greatest risk of a significant increase in intraocular pressure is observed in people who have suffered in the past or are suffering from glaucoma while reducing glucocorticoid hormones. In the initial stages, glaucoma may not show any symptoms, so a normal external condition of the eyes should not be considered a sign of normal intraocular pressure.

The researchers note that the increase in intraocular pressure using glucocorticoid hormones is temporary. Within 2-4 weeks after discontinuation of treatment, intraocular pressure is usually normalized. Intraocular tension, increased for a long time, can disrupt the eyes and cause serious complications.

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