Unacceptable smell from the body - why work? How to improve the natural smell of your body? How do you smell good without perfumes? How to grow, how to get the smell of the body.

Let us know about the rules of special hygiene! І nachebto dotremuvatsya їх not smoothly! And yet, sometimes you want to tell people and women about just accepting cleanliness!

If a woman (woman) were not beautiful, but if an unacceptable smell comes out of her (yogo), then a normal person (woman) should not marvel at her (yogo) beak. So that you don’t jump into such an unacceptable situation, learn from this article, how to tell, how to smell good if you doby.

Let the women (person) grow, so that they smell good!

  1. Take a shower the next day after waking up in the evening before going to bed. If you go in for sports, then after training, you can wash yourself with water and remove the unacceptable smells of sweat from yourself.
  2. So that the body smelled good, vicarious deodorant after the wounded soul, and even if it is necessary to prolong the day, but remember that if you apply deodorant on an unclean body, you can eliminate the healing effect.
  3. Wear only clean clothes with a pleasant smell, so that if you wear a blouse with a smell of sweat on a clean body, then you will smell unacceptably.
  4. Control the smell of your nigs. If you see a special sweatiness on your feet, then you can go as far as such tricks:
    Vykoristovyte talc for nіg.
    Carry spare scarves, underwear, tights.
    Don't dress up on your bare feet
    Perveryatya on the subject unacceptable smell in front of him, like clothes її.
    For training, start vicorating another pair of vomit.
  5. Follow the smell of your mouth, even if you don’t have good dental hygiene, you can easily remove an even unpleasant smell, which definitely won’t allow you to smell good forever. Refresh the breath to help:
    Mint zukerki.
    Rinse the mouth with water, or with special rinses afterward.
    Ignoring products with a strong odor, for the sake of the cibulus and the watchmaker.
  6. Koristaytes yakіsnym perfume. But apply perfume as needed correctly and carefully, so as not to overdo it. For whom to drip on that part of your body, where you can smear a pulse, for example, on your temples, neck, wrist, dimple under your knees, bend your elbow.
  7. If your shampoo doesn't have much of a smell, then you can add a little of your favorite scent to it, just as your hair smells like your skin. And you can also win the ethereal oliya with a pleasant aroma.

And remember, so that you smell good, not enough work is one of the lists of other joys. The best option, tse dotrimanya all significant moments, in which case the miraculous smell of the body is guaranteed to you.

Vzagali, knowing that, how to smell like a breeze and sparkle, it will be brown to inspire the most beautiful beauty. Therefore, for a skin representative of a woman’s status, to be accommodating and instilled in her, it’s important not to deprive her mother of accepting the callousness, to “be friends” with the water, and to sleep properly, and to keep the smell of the smell.

It's not a secret for Adzha that smells often add to the human "self-portrait" and, like melodies, which are appropriate, mіtsno and for a long time are remembered. And nothing can be compared with the fact that a person, having caught, by example, knowing the reception of the aroma of women's spirits, instantly becomes homely in the visual image.

Here it’s good to guess a funny anecdote. One priest had a bula, burnt by him, a young retinue, yak, yak and more of the ninth young women, the culinary arts were brought to the list of tedious and cumbersome to take. Therefore, whether the culinary process in her kitchen ended either with the preparation of the product, or with the motherland, which she boiled, or else we will reoil.

Out of will, the priest's squad fell ill with a heavy ailment and died rapt. Ale, an hour later, for the joy of the dbailivih parathians, the clergyman, having taken himself for the retinue of the master's widow, as, before that, the smallest dear, to wind up our hour, for nothing - to prepare for the miraculous. Prote, all the fears who are preparing for it, I think, did not receive the praise of a new man. And it went on like this until that hour, until one time a new squad gave you porridge for a snack, which was burnt. Squeezing this wound, the priest whined in a rapt voice: “Nareshti you smelled that smell and relish, which I love so much!”

And such a visnovok - pahoschi, which comes out of a woman, is guilty of being always individual and unforgettable. Well, obviously, let's accept tezh. Hoaringly kissing the kohan with kisses, the man sticks with the majestic "bouquet" of the most intriguing smells that a woman sees.

Representatives of a weak state calmly value less choice and plow. It is rare for a woman to give respect to the beauty of the sound of a movi or manners of moving, and the axis of the mother cloth, which has no analogues, and charіvna, domineering only їy, pakhoschі pragne, mabut, leather.

How to smell pleasantly

It’s good for someone, respectfully to follow oneself, women to know for sure what is badly used perfumes, shampoo and honey can make the result even unacceptable smell. At the same time, respect and cosmetic firms were turned away - the stench is trying to take it from the order of the day problem, for a long time now we have been creating perfume sets

The next step, on which one should pay respect when planning the singing of various aromatic speeches, is how much their presence is when living. Women, “stuffed” with plowed floorings, followed by a “smelly” bagatometer train, as a rule, call out to the overwhelming panic, especially the inlet. And the axis of the woman is elegant, which adores the vicorist perfumery, stuns the person, and feels all the power of the foul aromatic breeze only at the moment of a kiss, or for reaching close proximity.

A trace of memory: the skin covering the skin of a person may have a specific smell. Applying like cosmetics on the skin, we evoke the same reaction between the aroma of speech and the smell of your skin, after which a combination of two aromatic components is formed. І yakshcho zasіb cosmetics correctly pіdіbrany, vіn, as a rule, naє natural smell shkіri sche more privablivosti. Albeit with the choice of a few viyshov prorachunks, then the smells “deafen” the two-sided “viyskovі diї”, in front of them you will recognize the “hurt” otochuyuchi.

Like a pleasant smell of women

Fallen due to the "falling" fashion, temperament, and smut due to the natural smell of the damp fur of the skin, which "gets angry" with the aroma of perfumes, which are victorious, the woman is to blame for the "own" smell (or the "bouquet" of smells) in the other direction on the fixation of the bagan mental reflex it is important for your partner to rozrakhovuvati. Vibranium aroma - an invisible part of a woman's sexual sensibility - can attract a partner. The smell, power cohanies, duplications in її whiteness, odors and bedtime speeches, calls out in a person's speech association to the image of the woman herself.

Selected for sexual arousal by aromatic means, it should be less likely to take place during the process of love contacts, and it should be less necessary in the areas of erogenous zones. Varto pіdkresliti, scho kozhen, an appeal for sexual zaluchennya, the aroma is undoubtedly responsible for zbudzhuvati _interest and to sweet smells. The woman is not guilty of smelling only of perfumes, of toilet water that sweet - їy, first for everything, it is necessary to smell like yourself. Otzhe, dotrimannya a little more peace at the cost of perfumery cats may cost the first mist.

Smell of yourself - tse, zvichano, miraculously, prote slid firmly in your possession, that the receiving smell of us is in front of you to lie down for special hygiene. And if a woman underestimates, then the unacceptable “aromas” will be troubling, and she will not give in to help the most expensive perfumery products. Until then, such smells can be more easily accessible to power: people, such as "aroma" to lay, do not smell. And the axis is for quiet, who feels yoga, tse torturi.

Summing up, significantly more times, that the smell is like a zachіska, the choice of the style of behavior is blaming on the uniqueness of the charm and the originality of the skin woman. And I think that our today's rozpovid about those who smell like that squeaky skin of a woman smell, bring you some basic information.

Once in a while you go down the street and raptly think, you start to choke. Tse povz defied the full extent of the adequate woman of reception, but with such an aroma, she wore half a bottle of perfumes on herself.

Buvae and navpaki, nibi and no pungent smell, but turn your head next and try to enjoy a light, pungent aroma.

How deliciously smell, sobe not to look at people and not call out aggression in them, but on the contrary, enchant and sigh with your aroma?

First secret moreover, it smells delicious. It’s not a secret, but it’s a fact for everyone, everything is simple and elementary, but I’m wondering if some girls are like that .... smell of sweat. So the first secret to smell deliciously is in the fact that in the first black you don’t need to stink. Take care of body hygiene, take a shower every day. І before going out on the street, use a deodorant for the body, preferably a bagless odorless one.

Another secret in order to smell delicious. Tse do not wag on yourself a pivflacon of perfumes or toilet water. Often tsim to grish the ladies at the vіtsі. Doesn't require a lot of work. Seeing that the sight of you stinks on the whole street, I will not become better for anyone.

Third secret. In order to smell delicious, it is necessary to go after eating and these drinks, as you live. So, albeit not paradoxically, ale ta zha ta napo, yakі ve їmo ta p'emo, give our body either a pleasant aroma or an unacceptable smell. If you see you are fat, greased, gostr zhu, it’s not a plus for you.

In a different way, the mug of a hedgehog gives a heavy smell.

Thirdly, napoї, yakі vy p'єte, so shy of your contribution. As if you drink a lot of cavi, you have an unacceptable smell coming from your mouth, which you, better for everything, don’t notice. I'm not talking about alcoholic drinks, here everything is so clear.

As for food, special hygiene and spirits, you have a mustache, tobto. take a shower today, eat healthy, don’t drink and don’t smoke, lead an active way of life and don’t wag on yourself in a bottle of perfume, then let’s get to the head secrets of how delicious it smells.

The fourth secret. Before entering the street, especially since the check on you is significant for you,
drip one drop of perfume on the palms. Tse to add to your palms a light, irresistible aroma, like
get lost in the valley at the spymaster and tell me about you.

Sixth secret. Open your dress wardrobe, remove your hangers and spritz them with your perfumes or toilet water. In short, as the hangers will not be plastic, but at least wooden or velor.

Somy's secret to how delicious it smells. To infuse a fabric bag or a hustka and put it on yoga in a box or a box with white.

If you rinse the whiteness after the morning, drop a little perfume in a basin with water.

Eighth secret. Before going to bed, drop a drop of perfume on the stretch. Just don't overdo it, otherwise you'll get a headache. One drop is enough.

Yes, people, forget about any important things, that stink smells wonderful. Why stink to achieve such an effect? A bath of trojans? In fact, everything is richer trivial. A good smell, like a good pickling, for example, has its own formula. Those who smell good, often lie down not only because of how often you take a shower and how often you take a shower and how often you put it on your body, but also because of your way of life. For goodness sake, it’s time to reach the natural beauty, even richer, and we chose finds for you.

1. Get the right diet

The phrase “these are the ones that you are”, nareshti, may be true by the facts. Definitely, everything that your body dies with the prolongation of the day, and sees a smell like that, it is necessary to follow for it that you are. Vzhivannya gostroy їzhі, tsibulі, chastnik and navіt red meat - tse, obviously, priemno so brown, but not for the smell. Depending on the intensity of your natural activity, you can see the smell of these products up to 48 years.

Before speech, їzha, which is added to your natural aroma, you can also add it to the perfume, which you wear, changing its structure and promoting the smell. Therefore, a diet of fresh products, fruits, vegetables and pure proteins is the key to a burning smell. The skin becomes pure and lower, but it is a powerful base for any fragrance. Negative influx on the natural smell is given and alcohol, in the process of getting used to it, tsukor is seen, creating a tedious aroma, which is far away from the reception. So scho more natural juice.

2. Don't forget about marriage

Water can become your best friend and not less than what, in principle, is good for health. Water is naturally blessed, and if you want it, if you want the perfume to last longer, the shkir is guilty of being littered with the stretch of the day. The dry coat is clayed after application, the aroma is thicker, especially since the wines are made up of natural ingredients, not synthetic ones.

3. Vicorous powder

This point is supposed to be obvious, but there are some nuances, about which no one suspects a lot. I realized that your clothes can be cleaned, only if your natural smell will be fresh, but better, that those who speak correctly in their speech are more important for perfume. The right powder and good polish can play a vital role in creating the aroma, which will be your stretch of the day. Choose your own with additional flavorings, in some clothes you will smell fresh richly, and the aroma itself will be more accepting and thin, lower than the wonderful Taidu.

4. Apply perfume correctly

The process of applying perfume to the body turned into a routine, so that all women know the main areas, which are most suitable for smelling roughly, seemingly rudely. But it’s true, the one who disperses perfume on himself has a singing system. Aroma, application on the body, the power of rozkrivatisya, and this process goes downhill, so it can be sensible to apply perfume not only on the neck and hair (and the rest, it is not recommended to use it, only you are not ready to support all on the dance floor, waving hair), but give respect to the lower part of your body. Yak told Coco Chanel, put perfume on there, wherever you want, kiss you.

In this case, there is a part of the truth, even your erogenous zones often zbіgayutsya zbіgayutsya shkіri zdіlyanki, on which the smell is revealed as much as possible, and all through a rush of blood that thin shkіri in tsikh special places. Oh, let's go down the hill. Apply the perfume most often on the following areas: ankle, area under the knee, pubis, vitality, breasts, area under the lobes, sweating, wrist and, especially, temples. Tsі m_stsya vvazhayutsya "hot" through the constant circulation of blood, so just as your pulse changes, the smell is more widened. Such a quantity of perfume on the top can be given over the world, so you can skip the next month, choosing the “downhill” scheme, and more headily, apply the perfume for the first five days before leaving the house.

5. Experiment with richness

A lot of perfumery productions can be ruined this year, but natomista is better than vicarious different products, sob to reinforce your smell. Choosing a perfume, you can look at the option of adding a body lotion, cream or spray with the same smell, so that you can add your aroma to a rich and spicy scent.

In order not to promote your natural smell, it is better to use perfumed products with preservatives or synthetic additives, but to replace them with aromatic oils, as a supplement to your perfume. Universal option - ce musk. Vіn vіdmіnno podhodit for be-yakoy pore rock, harmoniously join with spirits, and also serve as an aphrodisiac, your scent is more deep, persistent and sexy.

6. Reapply perfume

Our skin is a living organ that absorbs moisture and oils, to the fact that the smell is known throughout the day, brainwashing physiology. If you want, if the aroma is trimmed better, then varto should try the perfume, and not the toilet water, whose consistency is richly strong. Likewise, varto starve respect for such natural notes, like sandalwood, tyutyun and vanilla, like more tedious, lower, say, citrus fruits. This smell will last longer. Ale tse zovsіm does not mean that your favorite perfumes will happen to be replaced. Everything that you need to grow - to smell the smell for a long day, three times, it will be more than enough, so that your aroma will be saved independently from the intensity of your life.

7. Sprinkle not only on the body

Your smell lies not only because you put perfume on the skin without intermediary, but also because of the smell of speech, with which your body sticks with the stretch of the day. Sprinkle a small amount of perfume for cool weather in cold weather - you can use a good idea, so that you can always take care of the receiving smell, and also, you can add fragrant notes to the elements of your decor: sip a couple of drops on the bedding for a dry hour, get aromatic with vechka and odorous sticks all to give its fruit.

Golovne, it is necessary to remember, that it is practical to be a kind of perfume to avenge alcohol, and it means that it is necessary to protect, smelling the objects that you will smell. Sob not to spray priceless perfumes into the wind, add a fragrant spray and vicorist yoga to create that scent in your apartment.

8. Roby is the right choice

Well, the main point of creating an ideal aroma, which can become your business card - correct choice. To spend the next hour, to correctly pick up the smell, which ideally develops on your body, which goes with other cosmetic procedures, like a victorious one, and does not vibrate with your image and style. Appreciate what suits you in your spirits. First, buy new, respectful ingredients that are repeated in all your perfumes, and do not forget that for the skin season it has its own smell, and in another - do not try to experiment.

If we want to see the receiving aroma, then sing it up to the perfume bottle. It's a pity, good perfumes are costly, and their smell is not enough natural and very important, especially to piss them off. Also, guess about chemicals, like the overworld, in a bottle of store perfumes or cologne. What is the job of such a time? Know how to smell good without perfumes.

1. Baby powder

A thin ball of baby powder on the skin gives off a weak, intrusive aroma. Its smell is so light and fresh, which is suitable for any vapadka. It’s especially good to hurry up with a child’s sip, first break down to the gym. Prisipka vbere part of the sweat, which will take an hour to appear on the shkirі pіd.

2. Efirnі olії

To smell good without perfumes, carry a bottle of essential oil with you. If you care for the need, apply an ethereal oliya for the ear. The smell will be fresh and natural.

3. Chicken

Don't fire! The smell of smoke can seep through the clothes, and in the presence of a stagnant smell you won’t lie

find the strongest perfumes.

4. Shampoo with a strong smell

Sob not to be perfumed, but smell good, add shampoo with a strong smell, which is saved after you wash your hair. It's even sexier in the hair, like it smells like that, nibi yogo was so kind. Navischo override the smell with perfumes?

5. Fragrant body lotion

Whisk a fragrant body lotion. In the case of body lotion with a clearly pronounced smell of skin, a weak aroma is observed, lower in the form of perfume. Perfume can smell even more intrusive, especially in smoky weather. Fragrant lotion for the body gives only a faint touch to the smell.

6. Bath, shower, deodorant

Take a bath or shower today and use deodorant. So that it smells good without perfumes, it is necessary, so that the body is always kept clean, without the smell of sweat. Try to take a shower or a bath every day of the month and in the evening after work.