Child 3 months old cough snot folk. List of cough medicines for babies (what can you give your baby from birth)

Treatment of a child at 3 months from a cough

If your child begins to cough, remember: a child's cough should be treated for 3 months, but only under the supervision of a doctor. The first signs of the disease should signal that the child needs to be treated. To date, medicine has not yet created such a "golden pill" that would be able to cure the body at one time, therefore, treatment must be carried out in a comprehensive manner, and should be aimed not only at eliminating the cause of the disease and its symptoms, but also at increasing the immune system organism.

Regimen of a baby at 3 months during a cough

Since during an illness all the body's work is aimed at combating the disease, the child's regimen at 3 months should be quite gentle, but at the same time, it is impossible to completely limit the baby's motor activity. Since movements help to improve the cleansing of the bronchi from accumulated mucus, and, as a result, speed up the healing process itself. If the child expresses a desire to play, the child can and should play, but only in calmer games that do not force a large number of muscles to work. And babies require more frequent sitting in the arms of their parents, with a light pat on the back.

A sick child at 3 months can eat less and less often, let it not scare you, but he should drink enough, if not even a lot. Since the liquid not only allows you to avoid dehydration, but helps to improve the elimination of toxins from the body, and also allows you to liquefy and ultimately remove phlegm. The child needs to be interested. so that he drank more liquids.

How to treat a cough in a 3 month old child?

Effective treatment of a child at 3 months of age for coughing should be accompanied by humidification of the air in the room, which will allow sputum to go away much more intensively. In winter, it is enough to put a damp sheet or towel on the battery. But the most optimal is to use a special electrical appliance - an air humidifier.

To reduce the viscosity of sputum and improve expectoration, mucolytic drugs and expectorants are often used today.

A cough in a 3-month-old child can manifest itself against the background of ARVI, therefore, the use of expectorants of plant origin is very often recommended. It can be a decoction of coltsfoot, wild rosemary, elecampane (their preparation is carried out according to a special prescription in a water bath), black radish juice with honey is often used, plantain juice, anise and thyme fruit extract also helps.

Often, a cough manifests itself as a sign of infection in the body. There may also be an allergic cough. Babies often have this problem in the morning due to the large accumulation of phlegm. Of course, parents are worried so that the cough does not torment the child, and they are trying to cure him. However, self-medication in this case is very dangerous, because it is not known what exactly provoked this manifestation.

It is a mistake to believe that a child's cough can be easily cured at home. If this is a baby, then only a specialist who knows what funds should be given and in what dosage should be engaged in his treatment. The wrong dose can lead to unpleasant consequences. This must be taken into account and not risked independently treating the baby. If the child begins to cough frequently, then it is likely that he has:

  1. An inflammatory process of an infectious nature. It can be such diseases: angina, laryngitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.
  2. Bronchospasm.
  3. Allergies to wool, animals, tobacco smoke, chemicals.
  4. Pulmonary edema.
  5. A foreign body or a lump in the throat that irritates the throat.

It is very difficult to independently determine the cause, especially if there is no medical knowledge. Only a doctor can find out the nature of the cough, the cause and prescribe treatment. Therefore, if the baby's cough does not go away for a long time, you need to contact a specialist.

How to treat

Many young parents ask themselves: what can you give your child when coughing? It all depends on the cause of the cough, as well as on its nature. Treatment of dry cough must begin with the use of expectorants. You should also consider whether there is a temperature or a cough proceeds without it. Without temperature, treatment is much easier, since you can not only give drugs, but also inhale. If there is a runny nose and sore throat, then it is necessary to give medications that relieve these symptoms. It is necessary to be especially careful when choosing medicines for the baby, as some can harm him.

Often, when coughing, doctors prescribe Lazolvan, Bromhexine and Ambrobene. These are the most gentle drugs that are allowed to be given to children from the first months of life. They do not relieve the cough reflex, but only contribute to the separation of sputum. That is why they should be given when the child has a dry cough. Children should be given syrup or medicines to soften and coat the throat. Of course, there are no such funds that would not 100% harm the baby's body. There are only gentle medicines that can be given to babies.

Sick child regimen

When a child has a cough, he needs to create conditions in which he will quickly recover. It is important here not only to ventilate and clean the apartment regularly, but also to monitor its daily routine. The following is of great importance:

  • protect the child from sources of infection. If there is flu in the garden, it is better to leave the child at home;
  • dress your baby for the weather. You should not wrap the child tightly, even in severe frost, as this will only harm him;
  • treat it strictly according to the doctor's recommendations;
  • do not let the child frolic too much. Better to organize neutral entertainment;
  • periodically give the baby a chest massage for the early discharge of sputum;
  • make sure the baby drinks a lot of water.

By observing these rules, you can quickly and effectively cure a cough in infant... The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky recommends not to stuff infants with drugs. It is enough to give herbal remedies. In general, it is better to consult a doctor before starting treatment for a child, so that the therapy is quick and successful. In the first months of life, the body of the crumbs is weak, so it can easily pick up viruses and infections. That is why you need to especially carefully monitor the baby, protecting him from sources of infection.

A cough that appears at 3 months of age in a child can seriously alarm parents. There really is a reason for alarm, for so early age the phenomenon is not always harmless. That is why moms and dads should know the reasons for this condition.

A cough in a 3 month old baby can appear for many reasons. The thing is that during this period his immunity is weakened, he simply cannot resist many diseases. Acute respiratory diseases are diagnosed especially often.

When there is no reason to panic

As much as the parents do not like the cough, its main function is to protect the body from various pathogenic pathogens, thus, they will leave the respiratory tract. If 3 month old baby cough, it can be a symptom of some diseases. It also happens that the baby simply chokes on milk from here and a cough arises.

Another reason that a cough appears in a three-month-old baby is strong salivation. The kid may suddenly choke on saliva, since he does not have time to swallow it in such a volume.

This can occur due to many reasons:

  1. - the process of their formation often occurs in the first months of life.
  2. Check... Despite the fact that parents believe that the salivary glands are not yet fully formed, they are already working. In this case, one can observe how drooling "flows like a river". But it should be noted that the phenomenon is temporary and will soon disappear on its own.
  3. Saliva acts as a defense against the entry of harmful bacteria... As soon as they enter the mouth, drool begins to flow strongly.

In the video in this article, you can clearly see how much babies salivate. Of all the reasons listed above, only when teething can cause unpleasant symptoms: the body temperature rises, the general condition becomes weakened, the child coughs.

Children of this age are sensitive to environmental changes. It is possible to observe a cough in a child at 3 months after he enters a room with dry air. The nasopharyngeal passages dry out, the body coughs to respond to them. This can also happen if the child has breathed tobacco smoke.

Disease symptoms

If a child has a cough at 3 months, only a doctor can decide how to treat it.

Such symptoms may appear due to the development of certain diseases, among which the following can be distinguished:

  1. ARVI - the most frequent illnessoccurring in children at this age. The cough is rare and dry and gets worse over time. Children cough more often at night, during the day the symptom subsides. The duration of the cough can be several days, after which time the cough becomes wet. When such a symptom appears, it is recommended to visit a pediatrician or call him at home.
  2. Infection affecting the upper respiratory tract... Diseases are accompanied by the development of the inflammatory process. Tonsillitis, rhinitis, pharyngitis can enter here. A 3-month-old baby has a cough at night and during the day. The first symptom is a runny nose, the baby cannot sleep, eats badly. Wheezing and whistling may indicate that the sputum did not come out, but entered the bronchi, the phenomenon is considered dangerous and requires immediate assistance.
  3. Cough 3 months in a child may appear due to allergies... Most often, this affects children suffering from diathesis. However, coughing is not the only symptom; the body temperature may rise, and hypertension on the skin.
  4. Penetration of a foreign object into the human body, coughing and sneezing is present. It is dangerous to get an object without special knowledge and skills, a specialist should do it.
  5. Ear diseaseseg inflammation in the middle ear. You can find out whether your baby's ear hurts or not, you can on your own, for this it is enough to put pressure on his earlobe, but carefully.

If a child coughs for 3 months, it should be shown to a pediatrician in order for him to conduct an examination, it is dangerous to ignore the signs. The photo below is an example of how the diagnosis goes.

What to do for parents

If a child coughs at 3 months, the first thing that parents should remember is that in no case should he be treated on his own. Such a process as diagnosis and treatment should be under the strict supervision of a specialist.

But some activities can still be performed at home:

  1. Ventilate the room several times a day, it is recommended to humidify the air. But keep in mind that when the room is ventilated, the child should not be in it. It is not difficult to increase the humidity, you can wet the diaper and hang it up, and also put some kind of container with water.
  2. Ensure that the child has a full sputum discharge. A child cannot cough up mucus at this age; you can help him with this with the help of massage. You can carry out the procedure at home, as it is simple. Place the baby on your knees, tummy down, lightly touch your hands and stroke your back. Just 15 minutes a day is enough, and the child will feel better.
  3. If the symptoms of the disease persist for a long time, the child should be given to drink as often as possible. The water must be boiled.
  4. Strengthen your body, walk more often in the fresh air, but dress appropriately for the weather.

As mentioned above, the attending physician must decide.

Treatment methods

If three one month old baby coughs, while he is worried about other unpleasant symptoms, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without drugs... But how to treat a cough for a child at 3 months old? As mentioned above, only a specialist can solve everything in this situation.

The condition of the baby, the cause of the symptom and other factors should be taken into account.

The list of those drugs that can be given at this age is not wide:

  1. Among the drugs with an expectorant effect, only two can be noted - Prospan and Gedelix, produced in the form of a syrup. They are based on a component of plant origin - ivy extract.
  2. Homeopathic remedies may be prescribed - Stodal or Otsilokoktsinum.
  3. At elevated body temperature, Paracetamol, Cefikon suppositories or Eferalgan syrup may be prescribed.

All medications should be considered in more detail, they can be divided into several types:

  1. Antitussives - allow you to get rid of paroxysmal, dry and debilitating cough. Already starting from two months, you can give Sinekod. The instructions for admission are in the package, but it is better to first discuss it with the doctor.
  2. Mucolytics - help get rid of a wet cough, can be prescribed if wheezing is present. The mucus is irritated, after which it comes out unhindered. For coughs, a child at 3 months can be given Flavamed and Lazolvan.
  3. Expectorants... More often, plant-based syrups are prescribed - Dr. IOM, Dr. Tice and others.

Many syrups can cause an allergic reaction, which is why you cannot give them yourself. In case of suspicious symptoms, you should seek help from the hospital and stop further treatment.


If a 3 month old baby is coughing, it can be treated with passive inhalation with essential oils or herbs. Take a bowl of hot water and place it close to where your baby is. Add a few drops of essential oil to the water, as well as a pinch of baking soda, this will increase the steam release.

Important! For children of this age, steam inhalation with potatoes or soda is prohibited.

A good effect in treatment can be achieved in the following way: you can add a decoction of chamomile or sage to the bath where the child is bathing. However, before using such methods, you should make sure that your child is not allergic to medicinal plants.

Serious errors

If a three-month-old child has a cough, how to treat it cannot be decided independently. There are many cases when many parents take the initiative in treatment, which subsequently leads to disastrous consequences.

The information below should be taken very seriously:

  1. Antitussives should not be given alone. Imagine the cough is not dry, but with phlegm. When a child coughs, he tries to get rid of the accumulated mucus, but what happens if you give him such a drug? The phlegm will not be able to escape, but will begin to accumulate in the lungs and bronchi.
  2. Do not give antitussives and expectorants at the same time. This is the biggest mistake in treating children. One remedy increases the amount of phlegm, while the other turns off the cough center. After such procedures, children are most often hospitalized.

If a child coughs at three months, in no case should the symptom be ignored. Take your baby to a doctor as soon as possible.


In order to protect a child from various diseases, parents must follow some simple rules:

  1. When going for a walk, you cannot put on many things on the child. If his feet and palms are dry, then the clothes are dressed correctly, the baby will not sweat or freeze.
  2. In order to increase the child's immunity, it should be tempered from childhood. It is recommended to take air baths.
  3. During the winter season, during outbreaks of diseases, it is not recommended to visit crowded places, thus, the risk of infection will be reduced. If this is not possible, you must wear a mask.
  4. Even at this age, you should monitor the baby's nutrition.
  5. Spend as much time as possible in the fresh air.

Coughing in the first months of life is not the norm. When the child is 3 months old, the doctor determines how to treat the cough, therapeutic measures should begin in a timely manner.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor

Cough treatment

My three-month-old daughter was ill, we gave her inhalations, as prescribed by the doctor, the phlegm then disappeared. The cold symptoms were over, but the dry cough remained. Do I need to continue to do inhalation?

If the cough is rare and dry, then nothing needs to be done. If sometimes the baby coughs, you can do inhalations with physical. solution, but not more than three days. Massages can also be done to improve circulation.

When it occurs, young and inexperienced parents grab their heads and do not know what to do. The physiological peculiarity of newborns is expressed in the fact that they are characterized by immaturity of the respiratory muscles, in this regard, the pathology of cough drainage is observed. In such a situation, any parents wonder what to do so that the child stops coughing and what can be given to infants from coughing so as not to harm.

Attention! Before giving medicines to newborn babies, you should consult your doctor! This review is for informational purposes only.

The whole process of treating cough in the smallest children should be reduced to creating a cool and humid air for the child, and above all - drinking plenty of fluids, which helps to eliminate the pathological loss of fluid in the baby's body.

However, in modern conditions, it is difficult to deny the achievements of medicine in the field of pharmacological cough suppressants. So, which of the medicines for coughs can be given to an infant.

Acceptable cough medicine for babies

Mucolytic drugs are often prescribed by pediatricians. Among them:

  1. Ambroxol - is a mucolytic drug that helps to thin the phlegm in the lungs. This medicine is effective for coughs with viscous sputum that is difficult to separate. ( See article ). A pleasant-tasting syrup can be given from the first month of a baby's life. Dose: from 0 to 2 years, 2.5 mg after meals 2 times a day. The best effect is observed with plenty of drinking, so you need to give more juices, water, compote .. According to the instructions, the syrup should not be consumed for more than 5 days in a row.
  2. Lazolvan - perfectly helps with a wet cough, the child is good at coughing up phlegm. The drug is available in the form of a syrup. From the age of 6 months, the child can take ½ teaspoon with breakfast and dinner with water or juice. Additionally, it is recommended to use Lazolvan for inhalation. Drink syrup for an average of 5 days.
  3. Ambrobene - it is allowed to give the baby in the form of syrup from the first month of life. Effective as a remedy for dry coughs, liquefies and removes phlegm. The dosage depends on the form of release. The syrup is given to the baby in 2.5 ml, the solution is in 1 ml after meals in the morning and in the evening.
  4. Bronchicum - can be given to babies from 6 months on half a teaspoon in the morning and evening. It contains thyme (thyme) herb syrup, which is excellent for dry coughs. You can drink the medicine for up to 14 days.
  5. Fluimucil (contains acetylcysteine) - a drug that can be given to children from 1 year old in the form of granules. Also used as a solution for inhalation.
  6. Bromhexine for children - prescribed for children under six years of age in the form of syrup, over 6 years old - tablets. Also used as a mixture for inhalation.

Doses and the procedure for taking drugs that thin sputum are prescribed strictly by a pediatrician.

The next group of drugs is represented by expectorants. These drugs relieve cough by separating and removing phlegm from the lungs due to the fact that liquefaction occurs and the ciliated epithelium is revitalized. They are used for acute and chronic inflammation of the respiratory organs, in which the cough is not viscous, thick and is not accompanied by difficult to separate phlegm. These medicines are mainly represented by herbal preparations. These include:

  1. Gedelix - with persistent dry cough in the form of syrup, it can be given from birth. Herbal preparation. Daily rate - 1 time half a teaspoon. For babies, it can be diluted in a bottle of water or juice. Drink plenty of fluids.
  2. Mucaltin - in the form of tablets. Not assigned until one year.
  3. Liquorice root - syrup is prescribed for children under 2 years old.
  4. Dry cough medicine for children - approved for use from 6 months. Dissolve the powder (1 packet) in 20 ml of boiled water. Give the resulting mixture 15 drops after meals in 4 doses per day.
  5. Linkas -Reduces cough, promotes thinning and better sputum discharge, relieves sore throat. Approved for use from 6 months. Give the baby half a teaspoon to drink for a week (up to 10 days).
  6. Stopussin - presented in the form of drops. For dry cough, starting from six months, give after meals. A single dose depends on the weight of the child: if the weight is less than 7 kg, 8 drops are diluted; with a weight of 7 - 12 kg - 9 drops in half a 200 - gram glass with water, tea, fruit juice. Taking medicine three to four times a day. The child can drink less than 100 g, but the dose of dilution liquid cannot be reduced.
Pediatricians and parents should be very careful in prescribing cough medicine to infants. Note that the cough that has arisen with ARVI is a condition that passes by itself, only a certain regime must be observed: humidifying the air and plentiful warm drinks. Treating coughs in young children is not limited to taking various medications alone.