What should be able to 10 month old boy. Your child is ten months old: what he already knows and what he should be able to do at this age.

What should a baby be able to do at 10 months? The main achievement of the month is crawling on all fours. The world around us is now becoming more accessible. A child develops large and fine motor skills, develops mental activity, speech acquires a communicative function.

At 10 months, many children have a favorite activity - to dance to music, making springy movements with their feet. At this age, babies also love to be in nature, watching animals and birds. They like active games, fun with water and sand. Kids of this age can spend some time quietly, looking at pictures in a book or folding cubes. Psychologists recommend to encourage different types of educational games - passive and active. However, overloading a ten-month baby with techniques early development  not worth it. The most advanced tutorial - the worldand the best methodologist in the world is mother.

Motor skills

What should be able to baby in 10 months? What movements of large and small motor skills are fixed in him, and which movements are only forming?

At 10 months, the baby is already free to move around the house on all fours. It is important to give children this freedom, but at the same time do not forget about security measures. It is necessary to carefully examine the space at the level of the child’s eyes and remove hot, heavy, sharp things, medicines, and household chemicals from the field of vision and reach. In addition, be sure to put the plugs on the outlet, remove the wires, put the hooks on the cabinets with valuable, dangerous and fragile items.

Features of psycho-emotional development

Psycho-emotional development of infants can not be separated from the formation of its motor skills. Emotions, feelings, intelligence, speech, visual, auditory reactions and motor activity are interconnected.

  • The study of subjects. Previously, the kid could rotate the toy in his hands and not attach much importance to its shape, color, design. Now everything has changed. At 10 months, children can carefully examine the toy, distinguish between its large and small parts. For example, if you give a kid a doll or a soft toy, he will show where the eyes, nose, ears, etc. At this age, kids are interested in toys that can be assembled and disassembled, put in and put out, and rolled (pyramids, nesting dolls, cars, balls). Children of this age have not enough strength and understanding to disassemble some kind of toy into details. But they are interested in how the subject is arranged, what is inside it. Now the baby is familiar not only with the whole image of the object, but he also recognizes it by its details.
  • Mental activity.  The infant becomes aware of many of the causal relationships between objects and actions. He develops imagination, visual, auditory, short-term and long-term memory, spatial perception, logic. For example, to get the remote control that is on the TV, the child can first climb onto the sofa, and from there get to the TV. To see what lies on the table, you must try to climb on a chair, etc.
  • Communication skills and understanding of speech.  What can a child in 10 months when communicating with loved ones? He has an emotional sphere: a kid can express surprise, joy, interest, but also protest, anger, fear, resentment, wariness. At 10 months, infants can have a “dialogue” and understand their native language well. The crumb fulfills requests, correctly names parts of the body, knows the names of his relatives, the names of toys and household items.
  • Fears and distrustful attitude towards strangers.  Caution towards strangers began to manifest from about 7 months. Now even the most open and sociable babies are cautious and do not walk into the hands of strangers. This behavior is due to the formation of a sense of security and personal boundaries. Children begin to distinguish between people on "their" and "strangers." They also have a feeling of sympathy: they are smiling at someone, and they are very afraid of someone. Scare the kid at this age can unusual look  (hair, mustache, beard, makeup, fur collar or hat), as well as harsh sounds and actions. Some children at this age are still afraid of the sounds of working household appliances (hair dryer, vacuum cleaner, food processor).
  • Copying adult action. Children of this age funnyly repeat the actions of their parents. Sometimes you can see how a child brushes her hair, paints her lips like a mother. Also, kids try to help them in any adult activity: kneading dough, washing floors, “reading” magazines, etc. Such an initiative, if it is safe, only needs to be encouraged.

Surprisingly, a sense of humor is laid in a child already at this age. Many unexpected things will make him laugh: grimaces, sounds, unusual postures, animals, clothes, etc. In general, at this age, the baby smiles a lot and laughs.

Kid's speech skills at 10 months

What speech skills of a child are fixed in 10 months, and what new discoveries in speech occur?

  • Conscious repetition of syllables.  If the baby is seated on his lap and the syllables are pronounced clearly, he will begin to follow the articulation and repeat the syllables after the mother.
  • Meaningful pronunciation of syllables.  At 10 months, the syllables “give-give”, “ba-ba”, “ma-ma”, “well-well”, “bang-bang” children can pronounce with comprehension and lexical meaning. So the first words appear in the speech.
  • Intonation and voice power.  The infant skillfully masters intonation, allocates syllables by accents, pauses and power of voice. His babble is woven into the rhythmic pattern of native speech.

Babble - a repetition of the same type, multi-type, closed, open syllables. This is an important stage of the pre-speech development of infants, which is formed in the second half of the year. The loftyness of the baby depends on his temperament. But it is also important that adults talk to him: emotionally, gently, expressively, with different strength of voice.

What should be able to baby in 10 months? The most important skills of this age: the child actively crawls on all fours, rises with support, sits confidently. Also develops bilateral coordination and fine motor skills. Communication skills, communication with loved ones, thinking, emotions and speech are noticeably improved.

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The first words, the first steps with support, the first real tantrums - this is how the 10th month of a child’s life can be described. Now the baby needs not only care and care (to wash, feed, change clothes), but in education. In your face, he is looking for a good reliable friend who is ready to be understanding.

Child development at 10 months implies 4 eventful weeks, where the intellectual potential of the crumbs will be revealed more and more. The task of parents is to be close and help, to prompt, and sometimes just to watch from the side, without interfering.

Physical parameters

The activity of the baby is so high that the weight is getting slower and slower, only about 350 grams per month. Unlike the first indicator, the growth does not slow down, and the baby pulls up another couple of centimeters. Therefore, by the end of the month the main physical parameters are as follows:

  • weight approaches 9.5 or 10 kg;
  • height is 74 cm (± 2 cm).

Your baby is already standing on its feet, holding on to the support, dancing, especially if the music has started to play. Almost all children of this age have 4 teeth: two central ones on the top and two symmetrically on the bottom. The day regimen still includes actions that have become habitual by this point: feeding, walking, sleeping, playing, bathing, etc.


The feeding regimen remains five times a day, but now, when you have teeth, there is no point in grinding food. Instead, offer the child finely chopped food. If we talk about meat, go to the meatballs and meatballs that contribute to the development of chewing skills. In the diet, the presence of raw vegetables is mandatory, which positively affects the work of the digestive system.

At the 10th month they are trying to replace evening breastfeeding with complementary foods. Often the choice of dishes depends on individual circumstances. For example, if the crumb is losing weight, prepare a nourishing porridge for him at night. And if there are no problems with weight gain, they stop at kefir or vegetable dishes.

The baby menu is becoming much like an adult. Some parents use the method of pedagogical complementary foods when the child gets food from the table. Remember that children do not give anything fried, smoked, containing hot spices. Sausages, sausages, cocoa products are not suitable for the kid's digestive system. Do not force events if the crumb is not ready for changes in nutrition. Each dish should be introduced in a timely manner, taking into account the wishes of the toddler. .


Children, having reached this age, are awake longer than usual. Daytime sleep  reduced to one afternoon, and at night the kids sleep around 11 hours. The mode of bedtime largely depends on the biorhythms of the child. For those who go to bed early and get up, sleep in the afternoon begins a couple of hours earlier than that of dormice who like to sleep in the morning. Full walks in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep, helping to comply with the regime.

The child is already able to get up, relying on objects, and take a few steps.

Basic skills

  1. Rising on legs, the baby is some time without support. And if an adult takes him by both hands, he can make the first uncertain steps with you.
  2. At 10 months old crumbs it turns out to hold a spoon, a cup with both hands, he easily takes small parts with two fingers. It happens that a child prefers to use more with his left hand. Now it is impossible to fully understand the left-handed kid or not. Nevertheless, today the attitude towards such children has been revised, and more and more they are inclined to think that it makes no sense to force them to retrain. Another thing is when the child himself with the reminders seizes the right hand.
  3. Crawling skills - at the height. The baby moves quickly in the right direction, parents only have to manage to monitor security.
  4. Sits independently from a standing position.
  5. Attract any solid elevations: the threshold, sill, steps. 10 month old toddler loves to overcome obstacles, achieving the goal. If you haven’t taught him how to get off the sofa safely and safely, it's time to do it. Help him understand that, moving to the edge, you must first lower the legs, and only then the body itself.
  6. Rolls toys: ball, typewriter. He gladly opens the lockers, sometimes checks their contents, taking everything out.
  7. Able to parody the movements of adults, their actions, transferring them to "their own world." The kid can feed the doll, shake it, pretend to talk on the phone, roll the bunny on a typewriter, load the cubes into a dump truck.

  Kids love to roll cars and other toys on wheels

Psycho-emotional development

  1. Speech skills are honed. In the arsenal of some kids already have a few short words, but in their own language they babble without a word. They copy the sounds of animals (mu-oo-oo, woof-woof), the hum of trains (tu-tu), give subjects their funny names.
  2. Fulfills simple requests, does not always respond positively to bans, as if checking your "no" for strength. At this age, children are excellent psychologists, they “probe” every family member. Do not let them turn into manipulators. On the other hand, it is important not to forget to praise the child for the efforts that he puts on a daily basis in order to learn new things.
  3. The child remembers the "place of residence" of certain items, if necessary, knows in which direction to look for them.
  4. The motor skills of hands develop, and now the extension and flexion of the fingers is carried out consciously. Due to this, it turns out an excellent toy throw along a predetermined trajectory, and a strong grip helps him to hold on to his feet.
  5. Ready to be friends with other children, recognize friends with whom he has already played, stretches towards them with his hands.
  6. Understands the proportionality of values, is able to analyze situations. For example, if you offer him a big apple and a smaller one, he will most likely prefer the first option.
  7. A child observes with interest the people around him, the manifestation of their emotions. Strives to participate in "adult" affairs. Well, if the crumbs will have their responsibilities at home. For example, he is able to unload things from a washing machine, serve them to his mother during hanging, choose a book for reading.
  8. The formation of personality is an important stage of this period. Scarce confidently and loudly declares his desires with a cry, crying, index finger, insisting on his own. There comes a time when the illusion created by months before that the whole world revolves around it is crumbling. Now he has to reckon with the opinions of others. This social adaptation takes a lot of time and parental patience.

  Mum's assistant ...

We help to develop further

Talk to your baby as an adult.  Do not lisp, avoid mangling words. Maintain a conversation with the baby in response to his babble as a complete interlocutor. Ask him, tell him, speak his actions. Try to build short sentences from simple words, most of which are already familiar to the little one.

Carry on hand. Despite the fact that the child is showing more and more independence, he still needs caress. Gentle hugs and carrying on hands create a trusting atmosphere between the parent and the tot. Feel free to sing, it not only soothes the baby, but also stimulates the development of speech skills.

Teach your child a sense of humor. It is sure to be useful to him in adulthood, especially when faced with difficulties. The kid not only understands the jokes, but also tries to consciously make his own people laugh.

Freedom to crawl, but with restrictions. Crawling everywhere and everywhere and getting to all that your heart desires is quite normal for a 10 month old toddler. However, caring parents restrict such freedom to certain prohibitions. For example, they forbid touching an iron, explaining that it is hot. In this case, the child must understand in practice what it means hotly. The lesson can be held in the kitchen, allowing him to touch a cup of hot tea.

Draw and sculpt. At this age, laid the foundation for creativity. Therefore, drawing with finger paints is reduced to a wail at the drawing paper. Pulling the track, you can soak your palm in the paint and make an imprint, etc. Hug the child's pen with your hand, after taking the marker, and show what happens if you hold them on the paper. You can try to make a sausage, a ball out of soft plasticine. During classes, do not leave the baby alone.

  Do not leave your child unattended during his creative activities.

Read. Well-known fairy tales, such as “Chicken-pockmarked” and “Teremok”, children are ready to listen for hours. Every day, take the time to read, letting your child turn the pages. Over time, he will remember when the text on this page is over and it’s time to turn over. Well, if the shelf with books will be available to him, so that he himself could choose a subject for reading.

Examine your body. The peanut is quite capable of remembering and showing where his eyes, mouth, tummy, etc., are. For a change, you can ask where the mother has ears, nose, etc.

Build a tunnel. Build a tunnel out of the boxes, then stand at one end, leaving the crumbs on the other side. Bend over and call him, prompting him to crawl through the resulting passage to you. Such a game will cause a lot of fun.

Exercises on the development of fine motor skills

  1. A game with clothespins. Attach clothespins to a bedspread, a soft toy, or baby clothes. It will be very entertaining for him to unhook them.
  2. On the kitchen. Give the child a bowl of beans or pasta. It will “develop” while you cook dinner. If you started to bake pies or buns, let the crumbs draw on a tray with flour or semolina.
  3. We tear paper, preferably into small pieces. A color or unnecessary magazine will do.
  4. Give twist caps of different diameters on the banks (not glass); Kids also love to untie ribbons and laces.
  5. In the summer visit the sandbox with rake, shovel and bucket, teach your child to make paschki. In winter, try to sculpt from the snow.

Adults have a wonderful opportunity to plunge into childhood with their baby. Joint pastime and classes give unforgettable impressions and have a positive effect not only on the child, but also on the parents who watch their beloved son or daughter grow up before their eyes.

A child can understand simple words and phrases at 10 months. You need a ten-month baby expressively repeat his words several times. If a baby asks for “let-let”, for example, gently reinforce the correct pronunciation by asking, “Do you want a bottle?”

What should be able to child in 10 months

By 10 months, the baby already understands a lot and is able to become more independent. The child likes communication with new people. The baby happily tries to fulfill the instructions and requests of the parents.

Character traits are developing: perseverance or pliability, goodwill or hostility are revealed. At ten months, the child begins to use one hand more often than the other. It becomes visible on the baby that he is right-handed or left-handed.

By 10 months, children can:

  • independently drink from a mug and eat with a spoon;
  • walk, holding the support;
  • sit long;
  • get up without help;
  • climb on a sofa or bed;

A child in 10 months remembers where his toys are. The kid makes a choice in favor of the book that he wants to watch or listen to. Now the crumb not only scatters everything, but also collects items in the box. The baby can roll the machine, put the dolls to sleep, collect the pyramid, make a house of cubes.

Both the boy and the girl at 10 months speak short words, understanding their meaning. Realize the meaning of the words "no" and "no". Babbling, inventing their own language.

Dr. Komarovsky draws the attention of parents that the child must independently want to walk. Excessive load of 10 months on the spine leads to its deformation later. Let the baby crawl one more month. Till one year it is not necessary to specially train the kid in walking.

Child development at 10 months

At this stage of the game, it is better to try to avoid the tendency to use baby talk, which is fun, but hearing the right words at 10 months is more important for the development of the child. You may feel silly talking to your baby, but this is a great way to encourage language skills.

Soon you will notice that some words and gestures, you actually understand, as well as other forms of communication, such as audition and grunting. Call the items to which the child has independently indicated. Play with the baby, describing what you are doing - whether it is cutting an onion for dinner or folding laundry.

When you put him in a pram, say, "We are going to the park." You can also sing songs by demonstrating the actions that come out with the words: saying goodbye and waving your arms. In the near future, he will clap his hands when you drive, and may begin to say "mom", looking at mom and "dad", bringing dad into the room, although at the moment he is still more likely to use two words without parsing.

Motility hands

Baby's fingers become more flexible at 10 months. Using them as claws, he can pick up small objects between the thumb and forefinger. The kid can take solid food with his hands and throw it at his feet. He is intrigued by tiny things and still tries them on the tongue. It is beautiful, as long as they are edible and not so small that it can suffocate. A good rule to avoid aspiration is not to let a child take something that will not dissolve in water, raw carrots, whole grapes. Cooked vegetarian sprats, cheese, peeled and sliced ​​fruit are great products for fingers.

More mobility

By 10 months, the baby should be able to crawl well. Many children try to crawl before, but only now master skills. Some kids love to crawl down the stairs. At 9 months, the baby managed to sit confidently and even walk, holding on to the furniture, perhaps letting go for a moment and stand without support. The baby will try to go himself with support. These magical first steps to independence and much more are a test for you !. Most babies take their first steps somewhere between nine and twelve months, walking well for 14 or 15 months.

What can baby in 10 months

The child still needs plenty of care and support, but his growing independence is manifested in the ability to stand. The kid can walk, holding hands, will hold his hand or foot to help you dress him.

While eating, the baby can take a cup and drink from it on her own. The child will also intentionally throw the necessary items, probably so that you take them away. If you are tired of this game, take the item for a few minutes and try to distract the child with something as tempting, such as playing cuckoo.

Child social skills

The child is established among his brothers and sisters in the tenth month and begins to engage in a parallel game. Informal children's play meetings are a great way to encourage your kid to develop social skills.

Children of this age do not understand what friends are. The child will receive new game ideas from their first buddies. Bonus: Mom will get some help and support from parents of other babies.

your child Nutrition and baby careSleep and safety

Educational games

Learn items by touch

  Game 1. "We are looking for treasure"

The game is aimed at improving the tactile perception of the child. The recognition of objects by touch is an important source of information about the world and the basis of subtle movements. Thanks to him, the child’s actions will become more accurate in the near future, and he will be able to perform some of them without visual control. It is necessary for self-dressing, hygiene, playing musical instruments, etc.

You will need

Deep bowl or small basin with a diameter of at least 30 cm, 4 small rubber bath toys, 1 kg of buckwheat.

Game plan

1. Pour the buckwheat in a bowl and distribute it evenly over the bottom. 2. Show your baby two toys and bury them in buckwheat in front of his eyes. 3. Express surprise at the disappearance of toys. Ask the child where they hid? 3. Start looking for toys in buckwheat with the baby, and then give him the opportunity to do it yourself. 4. When the child finds toys, rejoice with him. 5. Repeat the game with another pair of toys.

Parents for a note

1. Instead of a pelvis or bowl, you can take a rectangular box, but it will be difficult for a kid to find toys if they are in the corner. 2. Toys may not be made of rubber, but they must be streamlined so that buckwheat has nowhere to clog. The game was prepared by Maria Baulina - a neuropsychologist, candidate of psychological sciences, a specialist in children's neuropsychology and problems of the development of the child’s psychological functions.

Education and communication :: watch the baby

At this age, boys weigh 8.2–10.2 kg with an increase of 71.0–75.6 cm, the corresponding figures for girls are 7.5–9.5 kg and 69.0–73.9 cm *.

Many children already know how to stand and are very proud of their new skills. Often, in the morning, a crumb welcomes parents standing in a crib: holding on to a side, he babble loudly, inviting mom and dad to share with him the joy of victory. Other children do not want to start walking as quickly as possible, but instead improve their “slider” abilities, because a confidently crawling baby moves around the room faster than a peer who takes the first steps.

There is no direct relationship between mental abilities and motor skills in children. The kid who went earlier will not necessarily learn to read or solve examples faster than his peers. Do not rush things, every child will learn to walk when he is ready for this.

A new achievement of the kid - the ability to tear the paper. You will have to remove away all valuable books and photo albums. Give your child several multi-colored magazines for training. Take care that it does not hurt the edges of the magazine sheets.

Children of this age like not only to empty all kinds of containers, but also to put different objects in them. Removing a few toys in a box is not difficult for a child, then trying to put one mold into another can end in failure. Crumb is still difficult to understand that from two similar items you need to choose a smaller one and place it in a larger one.

Many babies already know how to stack cubes, but they still like to destroy them more than they build.

A ten-month-old baby is distinguished by the voice of everyone with whom he often communicates, and he notices changes in the mood of the people around him by the intonation with which they speak. At this age, it is already possible to teach a child to empathize with the emotions of another person: for example, to feel sorry for a mother if she is tired, stroking her head or hugging her neck.

  * Based on data provided by experts of the World Health Organization (WHO) on the results of the Multifocus Growth Standards Study (MEDR).

It was attended by children whose care complied with the rules of health adopted by WHO, such as breastfeeding and quitting the mother for example. Today the results of the MGRS are recognized world standards with which it is possible and necessary to verify the development of children regardless of their place of residence, type of feeding and belonging to different ethnic groups and cultures.

Learning and communication :: we understand the baby

At this age, children are sometimes so absorbed in their activities that they almost do not notice the presence of the audience. Smiles, tender touches and words of support from parents are still important for the baby, but not to the same extent as before.

Kids games are gradually becoming more complex. Not long ago, the child liked activities that were based on communication, and now games with a variety of subjects come out on top. The kid can independently get a toy from a box and bring it, initiating game. At the same time, he invites parents and guests to play according to certain rules, for example, to transfer an object from hand to hand or roll it on the floor.

A ten-month baby is usually friendly and sociable, especially in “his” territory. He is happy to "talk" with a new person, however, using his own incomprehensible language. But communicating with loved ones, the baby may try to pronounce "real" words, the meaning of which he already knows.

If before the movement of the crumbs completely depended on the parents, now he can independently decide where to go. Baby boldly leaves his mother and explores new places. As a “security guarantor”, the child will take with her a favorite toy, especially if the expedition's goal is another room or a place where the mother is not visible.

Outside their homes, not all children are so determined and ready to continue to explore the world around. At first, the child will feel relatively safe only near the parents. If the baby still decides to go away, he will look for his mom and dad with his eyes and periodically call them to make sure that they are nearby. Some children prefer not to part with their parents in unfamiliar surroundings. If someone else enters the room, they will cling tightly to their mom or dad until the stranger leaves.

Baby care

Ten-month-old children move actively and spend a lot of time playing on the floor. Therefore, you can bathe your child more often - not only before the evening sleep, but also before the daytime. During the day you can rinse the child in the shower. Bathing water temperature should be close to the baby's body temperature - 33-34 ° C.

To strengthen the immunity can be carried out tempering procedures: air baths at an air temperature of 18-20 ° C for about 30 minutes; wet wiping or, if the baby likes to swim, douche.

When drenching your baby with a shower, keep the watering can at a distance of 20-30 cm from the child. The initial water temperature should be no more than 36 ° C, every week gradually lower the temperature by one degree and bring it to 28 ° C. It is this temperature that is optimal for hardening a child under one year of age. Start dousing from the back, then water the tummy and chest, then the left and right shoulder. No need to water the baby’s head. After dousing, be sure to dry the crumbs dry.

Douche can be carried out after 20-25 minutes after charging or massage, immediately after sleep, or 30-40 minutes after feeding.

Fresh air is needed throughout the year. Going outside, wear the baby for the weather. Children's clothing for active activities should be comfortable and not hamper movements.

If a ten-month-old child prefers to sleep sweetly in his stroller during a daily walk, make sure that he feels comfortable. Warm weather is often deceptive: in the summer, take a spare blanket for a walk in case of a cold wind. In the cold season, wrap your baby warmer and do not allow sudden changes in temperature. If you have to spend some time in a warm room (for example, in a store), remove at least one layer of clothing from the child. Do not forget that overheating and overcooling can be equally dangerous.

Learning and communication: we are engaged with the baby

A trip to the supermarket, a trip to the grandmother or a walk in the park will not only diversify the life of the mother and baby with interesting impressions, but also help to acquire new skills.

In good weather, messing with the baby on the ground or in the sandbox. Collect a collection of stones or sort the leaves and twigs. Show your child that pebbles or leaves can be not only of different shapes, but also of different colors.

Molds or cups that can be inserted into each other will help the child to understand what size and quantity are. Put in front of a tiny toy and show how the smaller mold fits into the bigger mold. Start with two molds and gradually increase their number.

To acquaint the child with the concept of form, play a find-treat game with him. To do this, take three boxes - two square and one round, in front of the child put the cookies in a round box, then close all the boxes with lids and place them in front of the baby. Perhaps, the kid will need a hint first, but soon he will learn to distinguish objects by shape and memorize exactly which jar you put a treat.

Tie the ribbon to your favorite baby toy and fasten the other end of the ribbon on the handle of the highchair. Crumbs like to pull the rope to get a toy. A little later, the child learns to carry the machine, holding the rope in his hand, and this will become one of his favorite games.

The kid already knows close relatives by sight, and he likes to recognize them in photos. Browse family albums together, have your child show grandparents, moms or dads in different pictures.

Children love music and start moving when they hear a rhythmic melody. Dance with your baby, use a tambourine or maracas, so that your baby can feel the rhythm better.

Help your baby to develop coordination different groups  muscles in his new upright position. The kid would be happy to get a toy from the bowels of a large empty box, leaning behind it over its edge. You can put your favorite children's toys higher - on the table or sofa: to get them, the child will have to stand on tiptoes and reach for the toy with both hands.


At this age, the child needs 400-500 g of breast milk daily (or adapted milk formula in case of impossibility of breastfeeding).

If your doctor has approved the introduction of complementary foods, then at ten months the baby can already be introduced to a variety of products, mainly in the form of mashed potatoes. Food is of great interest to children, not only in terms of taste. Any products they need to touch, smudge, crumble and see how they will look on different surfaces. This is a completely natural process, as children study the properties of various objects. Be patient, do not scold the crumb for his "research" and stock up with oilcloth, paper towels and a special apron for the baby.

A rough version of the combination of breastfeeding and complementary foods for a ten-month-old baby might look like this: first breakfast - breast milk  (200 g); the second breakfast - porridge (180 g), half of egg yolk and fruit juice (30 ml); lunch - meat puree  (70g), vegetable puree  (130 g), fruit juice (40 ml); afternoon snack - biscuits (5 g); dinner - fruit puree  (130 g), cottage cheese (50 g), and breast milk as a supplement; late dinner - mother's milk (200 g).

Add pieces of fruit or berries to the porridge, such as a banana, apple, strawberries or blueberries. Also in the porridge, you can add half an egg yolk, which contains minerals and vitamins necessary for the health of the baby. Children who are prone to constipation, you can prepare mashed prunes for dinner and add prunes to morning porridge.

Remember that children under the age of twelve months are not for nothing called "breast": in the first year of life, the main and most useful food for a baby is mother's milk.


WHO recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months. Breast-feeding  is an the best way  providing perfect nutrition for healthy growth and development of children infancy; it is also an integral part of the reproductive process with important consequences for the health of mothers.


At this age, children usually sleep 13 hours a day *. Some babies persistently try to give up their pre-dinner sleep or reduce it to 20 minutes. Most moms still manage to keep their daily routine: a long night's sleep and two breaks to sleep during the day.

Even an independent and independent child, who did not require much attention during the day, the presence of parents is necessary before bedtime. Sometimes the crumb refuses to close his eyes, fearing to lose sight of his mother, or wakes up in the middle of the night and starts crying and screaming for no apparent reason.

In varying degrees, all children pass through the stage of “fear of separation” with their parents. Be patient and help your child outgrow their fears. If the child burst into tears - be sure to caress him. If the baby usually sleeps in his crib, help him calm down and fall asleep by taking his arms.

The kid feels much more confident if you follow a certain sequence of events, so the regime occupies an important place in its “correct” picture of the world. Try not to disturb the rituals associated with sleep that have developed in your family.


(*) The above norms are averaged, the duration and time of sleep depends on the temperament of the baby. The main criterion of the “norm” is always the well-being of the baby, smiles and cheerfulness. If you still have any doubts, consult your pediatrician.


Parents of ten-month-old discoverers have a hard time keeping a balance between “useful” and “safe”.

For the development of fine motor skills and organs of touch, it is helpful for babies to tinker in the sand, earth, play with pebbles and twigs. Be prepared for the fact that the child gets dirty, do not interfere with his digging and pour sand and pick up a variety of objects from the ground, but at the same time carefully watch that nothing harmful is in your baby’s mouth.

After such games, the baby’s hands should be immediately wiped with a damp cloth or washed, as the baby can pull them into his mouth or rub his eyes with his fists on the way home. Do not forget to wash your child's eyes before bedtime: after active walks and playing outside, dust or sand may get into them.

Any mom in the bag will always have a pack of wet wipes and a bottle of water.

The ability to tear the paper into pieces - an important milestone in the development of the child, but the printing ink may contain harmful substances, and the edges of the paper can injure the delicate skin. All experiments with paper, foil, newspapers and magazines can be carried out only under the strict supervision of adults.

Since the baby does not sit quietly for a minute, falls and minor abrasions are inevitable. Be sure to include in the list of things necessary plaster. In order to reassure the little one if he gets hurt, choose a patch of bright cheerful colors and be sure to tell the child that the magic cats, bears, fish, bunnies, etc., painted on the patch will help the finger, palm or knee to get better.

A child at any age should develop harmoniously. Modern pediatrics focuses on the mental development of the baby - this concept is adhered to by foreign scientists, while domestic pediatricians have always considered the physical performance of the child more important. The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Each baby grows in its own way, slightly lagging behind or ahead of the norm. However, there are indicators characterizing the "middle ground".

The skills and abilities of children depend primarily on their individual development rates. However, it’s still worth comparing the available figures with the norm.

Social skills

A child of 10 months creeps well, able to overcome obstacles. Some babies bypass the crawling stage, immediately becoming on their feet - in this case, learning to crawl is no longer worth it, because it all fits into the existing developmental norms. The kid acquires social skills:

  1. Listens to the speech of others, repeats sounds and simple words. The child knows the meaning of many words, relates them to objects. The word "mom" associates with mom, knows his name.
  2. Boys are becoming more independent and enterprising. They try to explore everything, not paying attention to the discontent of their elders. Girls, on the contrary, strive to earn praise by doing what they are taught.
  3. The child actively copies adults, repeats their gestures and movements. During this period, you must be very careful, otherwise the child may get a habit from which it will be difficult to wean him. But he can be taught new games - for example, he will willingly roll a typewriter or a lull doll if he sees how parents do it. But he himself will not learn to play like this, a new game must be shown.
  4. A child of 10 months is more interested in small toys and objects than large ones. At the same time, hand motor skills develop, which has a positive effect on mental development. The child must be closely monitored, as he can shove the toy in his nose or mouth, swallow it.
  5. The kid begins to be interested in other children, enjoys playing with them on the playground, although for kindergarten  he is still too small.

  Touches, smiles and gestures are additional ways of communicating a 10-month-old toddler with other babies and adults.

Physical parameters

The age of 10 months is the time to consolidate the previously acquired knowledge, as well as to move forward on the path of development. For successful lessons with the baby, parents should take into account some features of the period.

In the 10th month, the baby develops a little slower physically. He still sleeps 12-14 hours, adds about 400 grams per month. Everything does better what it has learned before, but it acquires less new skills.

By the beginning of the 11th month, the baby should confidently sit down without help, stand up and stand, walk, holding the furniture and the walls with handles. It can easily roll from back to tummy and crawl. Those children who do not like to crawl can still get to the toys of interest to them in this way. If the child does not like to crawl, do not insist - the baby may like to move on all fours, while he already tears his knees from the floor.

At 10 months, it's time to start teaching your child to walk, but it’s best to keep him under the arms. The baby's legs are strong enough, and he can make his first steps. At this time, it's time to think about buying comfortable shoes. Shoes should be slightly larger than the actual size of the legs - so that the big finger does not rest against the wall. Shoes without a backdrop should not be purchased, it can not fix an unstable leg yet. Making the right choice will help your baby develop a healthy gait, on which the future condition of the spine depends.

  The first pair of baby shoes should be not only touching, but also practical, comfortable, soft

Mental and speech development

A baby at 10 months old not only copies adults, imitating their gestures and facial expressions, he manifests his own taste, especially in food, he insists on his own. Often parents see this as only the whim of a child, and he learns to defend their own independence.

  • The baby knows the names of most items in the house, can show them in response to the spoken word. He finds out in the pictures toys, cars, animals, he likes to look at the books.
  • Often, kids in this age react to music. They like to hold their feet and stand on their legs, “dance” to the beat of the melody - some sway, others try to squat or just nod their heads. It is useful to develop this tendency, and you can also choose a melody that the child likes, and let him listen to it.
  • By 11 months, the child begins to make meaningful sounds, for example, “ma”, “give”, “am”. It is already possible to talk with the baby “for real”, to receive answers to simple questions. A child can show what kind of bucket or what kind of shovel he wants to take for a walk, what kind of jacket to wear to him. It is very important to give the child the opportunity to make a choice, make a decision.

At the age of 11 months, the child will enter, already knowing how to eat and drink from the dishes, clap her hands, wave the pen to her mom or dad, collect the pyramid and put the cubes together. He is able to fulfill the simplest request of an adult: to give a toy, lift a pen or leg when dressed.

The kid can not only that. He can already deal with two objects at once: with a spoon he collects porridge in a plate, moves the cube with a stick, collects small objects from the table with his fingers. Parents should help the baby to know the world around them, inventing interesting games  and workouts.

Little explorer

Children at this age are not so clumsy, better control their body. A child of 10 months easily grabs a toy suspended above the crib. The kid likes to explore all the available places, to find different objects and play with them - he likes the finds much more than his own toys.

For normal mental development  It is important for the child to make such discoveries from time to time. Therefore, it is better to prepare future finds for the child, putting bright books, elegant towels or just beautiful boxes in convenient places. Let the child find what the mother prepares, and dangerous objects should be removed higher to protect the baby from injury. It is advisable not to forget about electrical outlets - they should be put on the stub so that the kid could not play with them.

If the baby gets a difficult toy in his hands, he will try to open it to see what's inside. The same applies to objects not intended for games.

Do not forget that a 10-month-old baby pulls everything in his mouth that he finds. Consequently, if the baby plays with small objects, you cannot leave him unattended, but you can give him an apple or a carrot, which he will gladly nibble.

So what should a child be able to do?

Baby can:

  • sit down and sit without help, play toys;
  • can sit on the pot and knows what it is intended for;
  • crawl, crawl in the chosen direction;
  • holding on to something, get up on your feet;
  • walk when he is being held;
  • imitate gestures and facial expressions, pronounce meaningful sounds;
  • play with toys, perform simple actions: swing a doll, put rings on a pyramid, fold cubes;
  • climb on a low bed and get off of it;
  • perform simple requests from adults: show mom, do ladies;
  • to drink from a cup, to type porridge from a plate in a spoon;
  • know the names of household items, recognize toys and animals in pictures;
  • lift the toys with two hands and throw them, throw them out of the crib;
  • understand what he is being told, including the words “no” and “not” if adults used them in conversations with him;
  • laugh with adults;
  • respond to your name, making sounds or turning the head;
  • take small objects with fingers, put small objects into large ones;
  • play with other children;
  • make a simple choice - which blade to take for a walk.

If parents are concerned about whether their child is developing correctly, it makes sense to watch the video of Dr. Komarovsky’s school. This most popular expert today will answer many questions that concern moms and dads.