The child is very often sick with colds Komarovsky. Why do children in kindergarten often get sick? What to do if a child is sick often

Of course they bother you as loving parents. When my child gets sick, he feels bad, it hurts, I can’t look at it, but I think I’d rather be sick.

If you are tired of it - stop healing. Otherwise, it will turn from an often ill person into a non-curing disease, and many diseases may turn into chronic ones.

Do not panic at the first sneeze, or a slight cough. Maintain the health of the child, create a comfortable, acceptable conditions for this. Children  often start to hurt because they are simply being treated incorrectly. All children are sick, who are more likely, who are less often, who are stronger, who are absolutely healthy children, are not realistic to find now. And this is influenced by many factors.

Who is so often sick child

Russian official medicine calls a child often ill, if up to a year he has an acute respiratory disease at least 4 times, up to 3 years - at least 6 times, up to 5 - at least 5 times, and after - more than 4 times a year. Such children are put on dispensary registration (should be put) and special attention is paid to the prevention of diseases. According to official data, almost every or every second child can be called often ill. In developed countries, the average child attending kindergarten is considered absolutely normal and healthy if he has an acute respiratory disease 8-10 times a year. Parents of these children believe that everything is in order with their children.

But unfortunately, such careless parents are very few, many mothers, such as I even imagine, how to be calm if every six weeks the child is sick, and if he is sick more often.

The reason for this low immunity, it must be raised. Therefore, to feed the baby with chemistry, to give them natural immunomodulators, this option is more acceptable for parents, more reliable, true. Walk more often with the child in any weather, temper him, develop the immune system and then the immunity will be “iron”.

As the baby encounters various germs and bacteria, its immunity will develop an increasingly strong defense against them. The more time passes, the more microorganisms child immunity can withstand. And finally, a teenager, and then an adult will start to hurt much less often than he did in childhood.

In general, it would be nice if you would make an approximate conclusion: it is normal that a child is often sick, because in this way he strengthens and improves his immune system. So you just need to survive the childhood sores. And if you also help a small body to get stronger faster and cope with attacks of viruses easier, then everyone will benefit from it. And it is best to do this — that is, help — from birth, not waiting for the child to become often ill.

Well, who of the parents would not want their children not to get sick? However, it is “more correct” to try so that they hurt easily and not too often. No matter how you harden the child (and this is necessary to strengthen the immune system and improve overall health), he should still be sick. It is impossible to achieve a state so that the child does not get sick - this is unnatural.

But there is, nevertheless, a difference, between 7-8 times a year and constantly. In the latter case, will have to revise their actions and actions. If the child literally does not get out of the sores - you are absolutely doing something wrong. This is called a conflict with the external environment. In fact, this means that the child lives and grows in inappropriate conditions. That is, food, drink, sleep, rest, climate (primarily in his room), and cosmetics, hygiene procedures and all other components necessary for the life of a child's daily procedures and tools are not provided and provided by you properly.

If the child began to get sick often, as soon as he went into the garden, this is not surprising. After all, there are billions of new microorganisms living for him, to which he must get used. But if after a certain time this does not happen, the baby falls ill again, as soon as you bring him into the group, most likely, in this garden they simply do not fulfill all the necessary conditions and do not adhere to sanitary and hygienic norms. If this happens at home, outside the garden, everything is the same, you should pay attention to the child’s environment, conditions and way of life.

There are, of course, cases when the immune system of a baby really requires artificial strengthening. But we are talking about a serious serious condition that occurs quite infrequently. And in such cases, the child is not just often sick, but sick with great complications, life-threatening, and hard to bear the disease. If not - do not touch the children's immunity, he will not be able to strengthen with the constant medicinal invasion.

So that the child often does not get sick

To parental happiness and joy, in order for a child to grow up normal, nothing special needs to be done, and even more so - in no case should he be treated endlessly. But unfortunately many moms and dads, you need to spend your time, effort and money as well. At once we want to note that the recommendations given below concern absolutely all children! And if you follow them, your children will be sick and recover correctly.

You should constantly pay attention to the following factors:

  Not everyone, of course, has such an opportunity, but oh-so-try very hard to provide the child with a separate children's room, or at least a corner. There should not be extra dust collectors (carpets, soft armchairs and toys), only natural fabrics and materials (wooden beds and wardrobes, cotton bed with a minimum of colors). Be accustomed to collect all the toys before bedtime and do a wet cleaning every evening except airing. Book books hide behind glass, and soft animals - in a hermetically sealed bag. Blankets, pillows and curtains should be washed frequently, dust wiped, moisturized. Vacuum cleaner - only with water filter.

Paints, household chemicals, deodorants, tobacco smoke, blooming lemon - whatever, in the children's room should not smell anything.

  This factor is crucial, especially during illness. At bedtime and after it is necessary to air the nursery intensively. Make sure that the air temperature does not exceed 21-22 degrees in it, and at night it does not rise above 18. Humidity - 60-70%.

  The baby should sleep in a cool place. The air during sleep is clean, fresh and warm. In winter, you can wear pajamas or cover with a warm blanket, but do not warm the room. In general, one should not wear a child warmer for the night than oneself (this applies not only to sleep, but to everything else - to stay at home, to walk outside). Bed and bed - hypoallergenic.

clothing  and toys.
  There is no need to buy a child a lot of clothes and a lot of toys. It is growing rapidly, and the blouse will soon become small, and toys will still bother, no matter how many, and the more child  more lost in them. But there is a need to buy quality toys  and clothing made from natural fabrics. If you care about your baby and want it to be really healthy, choose only good products. The same applies to shoes.

The same goes for food. No cheap sausage and poisonous crackers. Only the best and natural that you can only get. Of course, everything is relative, because even as meat you cannot be sure if you have not raised the animal yourself. Homemade meat pate would be a safer option than any store paste or pink sausage. A big role is played by food culture. We used to stuff our children with food. But you keep in mind that small children cannot and should not eat much, and it is extremely harmful to force and force-feed them. Ideal if the child asks to eat himself. If not, don't give it. But for this, cancel all snacks and nibbles of sweets between meals full of food. Relatively sweet, its quantity should also be controlled, however, as well as quality: fructose is better than sucrose. Honey and dried fruits - an ideal sweetness for a child.

  Especially during illness, the child should drink enough. If he does not eat, it does not matter, but if he does not drink, it is bad. Therefore, there must always be a drinkable liquid in the area of ​​its reach: non-carbonated non-boiled mineral water, fruit or dried fruit compote, fruit tea. Not from the refrigerator and not from the microwave, the usual drink at room temperature, which the child could quench their thirst, and not get drunk tasty (no kvass or lemonade).

  Take a shower or bathe, wash and brush your teeth a child should every day. Make sure that there is no sweet in the mouth, even if it still does not go to bed. Clean head, hands, nails and mouth, washing with plain water without soap, more often than twice a week to wash the child with soap is not necessary - all this is necessary.

  Make sure the child is moving enough. Vigorous activity is simply necessary for the little fidget. Best of all - in the open air, so you need to walk every day in any weather (except for the heat at 45 degrees and frost at minus 30). But sports activities in large teams in a closed space - an undesirable option. And do not overload children with circles and sections. If your daughter is only 4, and she does not have time to walk, because after the garden she has, if not English, drawing, then you can hardly speak about a healthy child.

  As frolicking, and the child should rest sufficiently. Try to prolong the habit of sleeping during the day for a long time. Make sure to child  slept a sufficient number of hours a day for his age.

Regarding recreation, there is nothing better to restore children's immunity than summer in the village with my grandmother. Fresh air, an inflatable pool with water and a pile of sand in the yard, berries from our own vegetable garden, washing with cold water in the mornings and walking through the dew - for a few weeks the urban baby’s immune system will perk up considerably.

  Do not be zealous in treatment. Having given an antibiotic to the child you, probably, will sleep more easy. But his health will be undermined thoroughly. If you provide all the necessary conditions for life (air, temperature, food, drink), as we discussed above, and add to this even instillation and washing of the nose with saline, the diet will recover more easily and faster, and health will remain more whole. From the temperature you can give children paracetamol, and only if there really is a need for this. Good doctor  can very easily explain to the parent, in which case it is necessary to bring down the temperature of the child. And until a critical moment, drinking plenty of water and wiping with plain water is enough.

Do not rush to lead him back to the garden or school after an illness, let the child’s body enter into a normal rhythm. From the moment when the body temperature has become stably normal, at least three days should pass. Week after illness child  should recover, with a lot of play, walk and move.

Do not be lazy to provide everything described to your baby. Let your parental love be expressed in actions aimed at taking care of his health, and not at buying numerous toys or traveling abroad. Make our proposed lifestyle common to the whole family, and you will certainly like it and will benefit.
  Let your favorite pups grow up as normal healthy kids!

No matter how much the author calls for parents to treat children's diseases calmly and philosophically, not as tragedies, but as temporary minor troubles, this is not all and not always possible. In the end, it is not uncommon for a situation where a mother simply cannot say how many times a year a child has had an acute respiratory disease - these acute respiratory infections simply do not end. Some snot smoothly flow into the other, stuffy nose goes into a sore ear, reddened throat fades, but the voice hoarses, cough is moistened, but the temperature rises again ...


They used to say: “What to do, such a freak” and added: “Have patience, outgrow”.

Now they say: "Poor immunity" and, as a rule, they add: "We must treat."

Let's try to figure out what does one have to do - to endure or treat?

Parents should be aware that congenital disorders of the immune system - so-called. primary immunodeficiencies are rare. They manifest themselves not just frequent ARVI, but very severe ARVI with dangerous bacterial complications that are difficult to treat. Congenital immunodeficiency is a deadly condition and has nothing to do with a two-month rhinitis.

Thus, frequent acute respiratory infections — in the overwhelming majority of cases due to secondary immunodeficiency — that is, the child was born normal, but under the influence of certain external factors his immunity either does not develop or is inhibited by something.

✔ Main conclusion:

if a child born from birth does not climb out of diseases, then he has a conflict with the environment. And there are two options for help: try to reconcile the child with the environment with the help of medicines or try to change the environment to suit the child.

The formation and functioning of the immunity system is primarily due to external influences. All that is perfectly familiar to everyone, all that we put into the concept of "lifestyle": food, drink, air, clothing, physical exercise, rest, treatment of diseases.

Parents of a child who often has an acute respiratory disease should first of all understand that it is not the child who is to blame for this, but the adults around him who cannot figure out how to answer the questions about good and bad. It is very difficult for ourselves to admit that we are doing something wrong - not so feed, not dress well, not so rest, not so much help with illnesses.

And the saddest thing is that no one can help such parents and such a child.

Judge for yourself. The child is often sick. Where should mom go for advice?

Let's start with the grandmother. And what we will hear: he eats you badly, also my mother, I cannot feed the child; who is dressing like a child - a completely naked neck; it opens at night, so you need to sleep in warm socks, etc. We will feed you with songs and dances. Very warm scarf tightly shook. We wear socks. The frequency of acute respiratory infections from all this will not decrease, but it is easier for grandma.

We turn for help to friends, acquaintances, colleagues. The main advice (wise and safe) - be patient. But we will surely hear the story of how “one child was sick all the time, but she did not spare money and bought him a special and very biologically active vitamin complex with additives of crushed horns of a high-mountainous Tibetan goat, after which everything disappeared like a hand - ORZ stopped, the adenoids were resolved, and the famous professor said that he was shocked and bought the complex to his grandson. ” By the way, Claudia Petrovna still has the last package of these vitamins, but we must hurry - the goat hunting season is over, new arrivals will be only in a year.

Hurried. Bought. Began to save the child. Oh, how easy it was! It is easy for us, parents - after all, we do not regret anything for the child, we, the parents, are correct. Does rho continue? Well, this is such a child.

Can we still turn to serious doctors?

Doctor, we have 10 ARIs in a year. We have already eaten 3 kg of vitamins, 2 kg of cough medicine and 1 kg of antibiotics this year. Help! It’s no use to our frivolous pediatrician Anna Nikolaevna - it requires a child to harden, and how can he be hardened by such a “non-immune” one! We certainly have some terrible disease started up ...

Well, let's explore. Let's look for viruses, bacteria, worms, determine the state of immunity.

Examined. They found herpes, cytomegalovirus, Giardia, and staphylococcus in the intestine. A blood test with the clever name "immunogram" showed numerous abnormalities.

Now everything is clear! It is not our fault! We, the parents, are good, attentive, caring. Hooray!!! We are normal! Poor Lenochka, how many things immediately fell on her - both staphylococcus and viruses, horror! Well, nothing! We have already been told about the special medicines that will necessarily exhaust all this filth ...

And what's nice, you can demonstrate these analyzes to your grandmother, she probably never heard a word like that - “cytomegalovirus”! But at least stop criticizing ...

And we will definitely show the analyzes to Anna Nikolaevna. Let him be aware of his errors, it is good that we did not obey her and did not become hardened with such a terrible immunogram.

The saddest thing is that Anna Nikolaevna does not want to admit delusions! Claims that staphylococcus is a completely normal intestinal inhabitant in most people. Says that it is impossible to live in the city and do not have antibodies to Giardia, herpes and cytomegalovirus. Persists! Insists that all this is nonsense, and refuses to heal! Again and again trying to convince us that not herpes staphylococcusses are to blame for everything, and we are parents !!!

The author is aware that you can be very upset and even close this book. But Anna Nikolaevna is absolutely right with the greatest possible degree of probability - it’s really you, your parents, who are to blame! Not by malicious intent, not by harm. By ignorance, by incomprehension, by laziness, by gullibility, but you are to blame.

If a child often suffers from acute respiratory infections, it is impossible to solve this problem with any pills. Eliminate conflict with the environment. Change your lifestyle. Do not look for the guilty - it is a dead end. Your and your child's chances of escaping from the vicious circle of eternal snot are quite real.

Once again: the magic pill "from poor immunity" does not exist. But there is an effective algorithm for real practical actions. We will not talk about everything in detail - the answers to questions about how it should be, and without that many pages are devoted, both in this and in other books of the author.

Nevertheless, the most fundamental points we now list and emphasize. In fact, this will be the answers to questions about what is good and what is bad. I fix attention - these are not explanations, but already ready answers: there were already so many explanations that if they did not help, then that means you can’t do anything, although it is a pity for Lenochka ...

Clean, cool, wet. Avoid everything that smells - varnishes, paints, deodorants, detergents.

At the slightest opportunity to organize a child's personal nursery. There are no dust collectors in the nursery, everything is subject to wet cleaning (ordinary water without disinfectants). Regulator on the radiator. Humidifier. Vacuum cleaner with water filter. Toys in the box. Books behind the glass. Folding everything scattered + mopping + dusting are standard bedtime activities. On the wall in the room - a thermometer and hygrometer. At night, they should show a temperature of 18 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%. Regular airing, mandatory and intense - in the morning after sleep.

In a cool, wet room. On request - in warm pajamas, under a warm blanket. White linens, washed using baby powder and thoroughly rinsed.

Never, under any circumstances, force a child to eat. Ideal to feed, not when there is an agreement, but when I beg for food. Prevent feeding between feedings. Do not abuse overseas products. Do not get carried away with a variety of food. Natural sweets (honey, raisins, dried apricots, etc.) prefer artificial (based on sucrose). Ensure that there is no food residue in the mouth, especially sweet.

At will, but the child should always be able to quench their thirst. Pay attention: do not enjoy the sweet soda, namely quench your thirst! Optimal drinking: non-carbonated, unboiled mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, fruit teas. The temperature of the drinks room. If everything was previously heated, gradually reduce the heating intensity.

Enough minimum. Remember that sweating causes disease more often than hypothermia. There should not be more items of clothing on the child than on his parents. The decrease is gradual.

Carefully monitor the quality, especially if the child takes them in his mouth. Any hint that this toy smells or gets dirty - refuse to buy. Any soft toys - accumulators of dust, allergens and microorganisms. Prefer washable toys. Washable wash toys.


Daily, active. Through the parent "tired - I can not - I do not want." Very desirable before bedtime.


Ideal outdoor activities. Any sports that involve active communication with other children in a confined space are not desirable. Swimming in public pools is impractical for the frequently ill child.


Good at the place of permanent residence, when the state of health does not allow to leave the house. First you need to stop being often ill and only then begin to visit a choir, a foreign language course, a visual arts studio, etc.


A child should take a break from contact with a lot of people, from urban air, from chlorinated water and household chemicals. In the overwhelming majority of cases, rest “on the seas” has nothing to do with the recovery of a frequently ill child, since most of the harmful factors remain, plus catering is added and, as a rule, the worst housing conditions in comparison with home ones.

The ideal rest of an often ill child looks like this (every word is important): summer in the village; inflatable pool with well water, near a heap of sand; uniform - panties, barefoot; restrictions on the use of soap; feed only when shout: "Mom, I'll eat you!". A dirty naked child who jumps out of the water into the sand, begging for food, breathes fresh air and does not contact with many people for 3-4 weeks restores immunity damaged by city life.


It is highly unlikely that a frequently ill child would be constantly supercooling or eat ice cream in kilograms. Thus, frequent illnesses are not colds, they are ARVI. If Peter on Friday is finally healthy, and on Sunday he again has a stuffy nose, it means that in the interval from Friday to Sunday, Peter found a new virus. And his relatives are definitely to blame for this, in particular, his grandfather, who took advantage of an unexpected recovery in order to urgently take his grandson to a circus.

The main task of parents is to fully implement the recommendations set out in more detail in Chapter 12.2 - “Prevention of SARS”. By all means avoid unnecessary contact with people, wash hands, maintain local immunity, and vaccinate all family members from the flu.

If a child often suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, it means that he is often infected.

The child can not be to blame. This is a model of the behavior of his family. So, it is necessary to change the model, and not to treat the child.


Treat ARVI - this does not mean giving medication. This means creating conditions for the child’s body to cope with the virus as quickly as possible and with minimal loss of health. To treat acute respiratory viral infections - this means ensuring the optimal parameters of temperature and humidity of the air, heat them up, do not feed them until they ask, actively water them. Saline drops in the nose and at high temperature  body - an ample list of drugs. Any active treatment prevents the formation of immunity. If a child is sick often, so does any drug should be used only when it is definitely impossible to do without it. This is especially true of antibacterial therapy, which in most cases is carried out without any real reason - from fear, from fear of responsibility, from doubts about the diagnosis.


It is very important to remember: the improvement of the condition and the normalization of temperature do not at all indicate that the immunity has been restored. But after all, quite often the child goes to the children's team literally the next day after improving the condition. And even earlier, before the children's team, he goes to the clinic, where he is watched by a doctor who says that the child is healthy.

In the queue to the doctor and the next day at school or in kindergarten, the child will definitely meet with a new virus. A child with immunity that has not yet become stronger after an illness! A new disease will begin in a weakened body. It will be heavier than the previous one, with a greater likelihood of complications, will require the use of drugs.

But this disease will end. And you will go to the polyclinic, and then to the kindergarten ... And then you will talk about the often ill child who is “so born”!

It became better - it means you have to start living normally. Normal life is not a trip to the circus, not a school, and certainly not a children's clinic. Normal life is jumping, jumping in the open air, feeding appetite, healthy sleep, restoration of mucous membranes.

With an active lifestyle and the maximum possible limitation of contacts with people, a full recovery usually takes no more than a week. Now you can in the circus!

Do not forget that contact with people is risky, especially on the premises. Games with children in the open air, as a rule, are safe (if not spitting and not kissing). Hence, it is an acceptable algorithm to visit the kindergarten immediately after recovery - to go there when the children go for a walk. Walked, all for lunch in the room, and we are home. It is clear that to realize this is not always obtained (mother works, the teacher does not agree, kindergarten is far from home), but this option can at least be borne in mind.

And in conclusion, we note the obvious: the algorithm of “actions after recovery” applies to all children, not only to those who are often ill. This is actually one of the most important rules that helps a normal child not to become often ill.

Well, since we started talking about “all children”, we note that when we go to the children's team after an illness, we must think not only about ourselves, but about other children. In the end, ARVI can occur in a mild form, when the body temperature remains normal. Snot ran, you sat at home for a couple of days, and then went to kindergarten, while remaining infectious!

Antibodies to the virus are produced no earlier than the fifth day of the disease. Therefore, it is possible to resume a visit to the children's team no earlier than the sixth day from the onset of ARVI, regardless of its severity, but in any case no less than three days should pass from the moment of normalization of body temperature.

Kindergarten plays a huge role in raising a child and becoming his whole person. There he meets other children, learns the norms of behavior and goes through the first stages of socialization.

And it is in kindergarten that children begin to get sick of various kinds of colds and infectious diseases, because the viral environment that lives in it manifests itself more aggressively and more severely than in home stays. In addition, the types of viruses are updated with a regular frequency: with the arrival of new children, new types of bacteria are brought in, and so on in a circle. But before kindergarten, many parents do not even suspect the existence of such diseases as otitis, adenoids, rotovirus infection and tonsillitis (in all its manifestations).

Causes of child morbidity

Why is this happening and what are the reasons that a child is often sick in kindergarten? The answer to this question is quite simple. The child comes to the children's team and brings with them his "viruses". But with him about 20-25 people go to the group, which means that children with different levels of immunity gather in the same room.

Together in one room, our children form a “viral” space around them. And as long as all of them one after another do not get sick, their immunity will be weakened. It usually takes about a year for this kind of grinding, so many mothers stay at home, of course, whenever possible, until their maternity leave. There is even the concept of “norm” regarding the frequency of children visiting a kindergarten: when they are more than 8-10 times a year.

The first year is the most difficult

Children are beginning to get used to the new daily routine: early ascent, meals according to a fixed schedule, no long walks. In addition, the child learns to live without the constant presence of parents and, moreover, to obey some kind of “aunt” completely alien to him.

During the first year, the child suffers from respiratory infections almost every month. And so it lasts about six months (if without complications such as otitis of the middle ear, inflammation of the adenoids, or infection with the rotavirus). The second year is more stable, but if the incidence of diseases decreases, the degree of progress of the disease worsens dramatically. Therefore, the more often a child goes to kindergarten - the faster his immunity to cope with infections and will begin to develop a stable perception to the huge number of viruses that live not only in the kindergarten, but also in other public places.

That is why it is not necessary to stuff a child without special need with antibiotics, as if putting experiments on it: will the medicine work or not. Immunity, already weakened by respiratory infections, is further affected by pills. And most often their action is directed not only to treatment, along the “path” many medicines have a negative effect on the functioning of the digestive organs or cause allergic reactions.

What to do so that the child does not hurt?

All parents ask themselves a similar question, especially those who need to go to work. After all, not every boss will like it if his subordinate takes a sick leave to care for a sick child at intervals of 2 times a month.

No need to panic if the child suddenly snot flowed and began to cough. If they are not accompanied by a temperature increase, feel free to take him to the garden.

So the body "gets used" to new viruses and not always these symptoms are an indicator of the disease. And to maintain well-being, you can hang around his neck a kind of key chain with garlic. Usually plastic containers of chocolate eggs are used for this.

Do not leave the child at home too often, if he has already started going to the kindergarten and moreover, he likes being there. Such behavior does not contribute to strengthening the baby’s immunity. He will not attend kindergarten — he will not “get over” with infections, and when he goes to school he will feel the effect of being completely missed (unlike those children who have already gone through this stage of “addiction”).

Previously, children were given in a kindergarten for up to a year - yaselki, and it must be said that many of them grew up with a much stronger immune system than those who went to kindergarten at a later age. Pediatricians claim that the right time is 4.5 years, when immunity is strong enough. But the reality is that our kids start visiting preschool institutions  in more early age - in the area of ​​2.5-3 years. And this is the time of the first transitional age and the separation from the mother, being outside the native walls and getting used to the strict daily routine immediately fall upon the child. It is especially strange for them that now they are not the “best” and not the “first”.

There are also a number of other reasons that affect the fact that the child begins to get sick very often. For example, his state of mind. Sadik is a time of constant stress, because the adaptation period is different for everyone. Some children calmly tolerate changes in their usual way of life, others cry and make everyday tantrums, which, of course, cannot but affect their health.

It is advisable to explain to the baby that in the kindergarten is “good” and you should not cry when he (or she) goes to the group. Saving the child from unnecessary experiences, we thereby preserve his emotional state, and a good mood is the first step in maintaining immunity.

Problems between parents (having become ill, the child seems to unite the quarreling mother and father),

Lack of primary self-care skills and ability to communicate with other children,

Problems with food - it can be difficult for children to eat what is not cooked by their mom (or dad). Well, that in kindergarten, as more than in any educational institutionThe collective principle is highly developed.

Sometimes the cause of frequent diseases can be the appearance in the family of another baby. Parents, for obvious reasons, are beginning to pay more attention. small child, and the eldest (he becomes automatically so), there is nothing left to do, how to get sick (and this is not done on purpose). There is a feeling that the body itself is trying to "help" him: when he gets sick, he seems to be trying to attract the attention of parents to the problems of the baby.

Output: explain to the child that he is still loved as much as before.

There is an opinion that children can get sick because of ... the carelessness of the caregiver and the poor care for them at the moment when they dress in the street. Is it so? Perhaps there are some allowances on the part of the staff, but think for yourself - after all, there can be more than 20 people in the group at the same time and each should be dressed.

Of course, someone may not wear a scarf, someone will forget tights or something else. After all, it is only at home caring mothers and fathers will check if their baby is fine. Therefore, it is important to instill in the child the first self-care skills. And more importantly, the clothes on the baby were comfortable: quickly removed and dressed (at least buttons, locks, bows and ruffles that hinder the manifestation of independence).

It is much worse if the garden workers themselves provoke an increase in the incidence in the group: who would like to constantly be in the same room with a crowd of people running, screaming, fighting and crying children. Therefore - the boys ran, sweated - once, open the vents, two - who are weakened - got sick. The result - the next day it was not 20, but 10 people. This, of course, is difficult to allow, but they say "there is no smoke without fire ...".

We strengthen the immune system

So, if you can not answer the question why the child is sick, think better about how to strengthen the child's immunity. For this there are preventive and drug measures.

The disease is easier to prevent, therefore it is desirable:

As much as possible to walk with the child on the street, providing him the opportunity to run and jump, lie in the snowdrifts or walk through puddles;

Do not force to eat food;

Ventilate the room in which the child is located;

Maintain normal humidity in the room.

It is important to understand that excessive cleanliness and greenhouse living conditions will be detrimental to the immature. child's body  and harmful to the immune system. But letting everything take its course should not

Even before the appearance of the disease, you can use a number of drugs that help cope with viruses. These include vitamin and mineral complexes that help strengthen children's immunity. True, they should be drunk long before going to the kindergarten. A positive effect in the fight against viruses is shown by: oxolinic ointment (protects the nose), immunomodulators (Viferon suppositories) and Bronchomunal tablets, as well as antiviral drugs: Ergoferon, Kagotsel, Anferon, etc.

Non-medicinal methods of dealing with colds help to cope with the disease at an early stage.

Saline solution - will help to clear the nose (you can make it yourself or buy it - drugs like "Aqualor", "Otrivin" and "Aquamaris").

Infusions of chamomile and sage - used for gargling (however, it is not forbidden to take them inside);

Warm drinking - tea with honey (a little, only for warming), fruit drinks (lingonberry, cranberry) - to maintain immunity;

Radish with honey - as a prophylactic agent of a very broad spectrum of action.

The most effective method of treating a child for the flu virus, according to doctors, is prophylactic vaccination. She, of course, is considered a panacea for this kind of disease, but still, it is better to carefully weigh all the existing opinions of others. In addition, not always supplied vaccination helps to avoid the possibility of infection.

It turns out that there is no “ready-made” method that would strengthen the child’s immunity in a few days, or at least weeks. Parents need to understand that their children are healthy, you need to make maximum efforts and ensure a comfortable stay both at home and in the kindergarten, do not abuse drugs, allowing the body to cope with the infection on its own (but always keep a “finger on the pulse”).

Remember that frequent diseases at an early age (not in severe form) are not a deviation, but the norm! In this way, the child's body learns to live in an adult world.

Some snot smoothly flow into others, stuffy nose goes into a sick ear, reddened throat fades, but the voice hoarses, cough is moistened, but the temperature rises again ...

Who is to blame?

They used to say: “What to do, such a freak” and added: “Have patience, outgrow”.

Now they say: "Poor immunity" and, as a rule, they add: "We must treat."

Let's try to figure out what do you still need to do - to endure or treat?

Parents should be aware that congenital disorders of the immune system - so-called. primary immunodeficiencies are rare. They manifest themselves not just frequent ARVI, but very severe ARVI with dangerous bacterial complications that are difficult to treat. Congenital immunodeficiency is a deadly condition and has nothing to do with a two-month rhinitis.

Thus, frequent acute respiratory infections — in the overwhelming majority of cases due to secondary immunodeficiency — that is, the child was born normal, but under the influence of certain external factors his immunity either does not develop or is inhibited by something.

The main conclusion:

if a child born from birth does not climb out of diseases, then he has a conflict with the environment. And there are two options for help: try to reconcile the child with the environment with the help of medicines or try to change the environment to suit the child.

The formation and functioning of the immunity system is primarily due to external influences. All that is perfectly familiar to everyone, all that we put into the concept of "lifestyle": food, drink, air, clothing, exercise, rest, treatment of diseases.

If a child often has an acute respiratory disease, it is impossible to solve this problem with any pills. Eliminate conflict with the environment. Change your lifestyle. Do not look for the guilty - it is a dead end. Your and your child's chances of escaping from the vicious circle of eternal snot are quite real.

Once again: the magic pill "from poor immunity" does not exist. But there is an effective algorithm for real practical actions. We now list and emphasize the most fundamental points.


Clean, cool, wet. Avoid everything that smells - varnishes, paints, deodorants, detergents.


At the slightest opportunity to organize a child's personal nursery. There are no dust collectors in the nursery, everything is subject to wet cleaning (ordinary water without disinfectants). Regulator on the radiator. Humidifier. Vacuum cleaner with water filter. Toys in the box. Books behind the glass. Folding everything scattered + mopping + dusting are standard bedtime activities. On the wall in the room - a thermometer and hygrometer. At night, they should show a temperature of 18 ° C and a humidity of 50-70%. Regular airing, mandatory and intense - in the morning after sleep.


In a cool, wet room. On request - in warm pajamas, under a warm blanket. White linens, washed using baby powder and thoroughly rinsed.


Never, under any circumstances, force a child to eat. Ideal to feed, not when there is an agreement, but when I beg for food. Prevent feeding between feedings. Do not abuse overseas products. Do not get carried away with a variety of food. Natural sweets (honey, raisins, dried apricots, etc.) prefer artificial (based on sucrose). Ensure that there is no food residue in the mouth, especially sweet.


At will, but the child should always be able to quench their thirst. Pay attention: do not enjoy the sweet soda, namely quench your thirst! Optimal drinking: non-carbonated, unboiled mineral water, compotes, fruit drinks, fruit teas. The temperature of the drinks room. If everything was previously heated, gradually reduce the heating intensity.


Enough minimum. Remember that sweating causes disease more often than hypothermia. There should not be more items of clothing on the child than on his parents. The decrease is gradual.


Carefully monitor the quality, especially if the child takes them in his mouth. Any hint that this toy smells or gets dirty - refuse to buy. Any soft toys - accumulators of dust, allergens and microorganisms. Prefer washable toys. Washable wash toys.


Daily, active. Through the parent "tired - I can not - I do not want." Very desirable before bedtime.



Ideal outdoor activities. Any sports that involve active communication with other children in a confined space are not desirable. Swimming in public pools is impractical for the frequently ill child.


Good at the place of permanent residence, when the state of health does not allow to leave the house. First you need to stop being often ill and only then begin to visit a choir, a foreign language course, a visual arts studio, etc.


A child should take a break from contact with a lot of people, from urban air, from chlorinated water and household chemicals. In the overwhelming majority of cases, rest “on the seas” has nothing to do with the recovery of a frequently ill child, since most of the harmful factors remain, plus catering is added and, as a rule, the worst housing conditions in comparison with home ones.

The ideal rest of an often ill child looks like this (every word is important): summer in the village; inflatable pool with well water, near a heap of sand; uniform - panties, barefoot; restrictions on the use of soap; feed only when shout: "Mom, I'll eat you!". A dirty naked child who jumps out of the water into the sand, begging for food, breathes fresh air and does not contact with many people for 3-4 weeks restores immunity damaged by city life.


It is highly unlikely that a frequently ill child would be constantly supercooling or eat ice cream in kilograms. Thus, frequent illnesses are not colds, they are ARVI. If Peter on Friday is finally healthy, and on Sunday he again has a stuffy nose, it means that in the interval from Friday to Sunday, Peter found a new virus. And his relatives are definitely to blame for this, in particular, his grandfather, who took advantage of an unexpected recovery in order to urgently take his grandson to a circus.

The main task of parents is to fully implement the recommendations set out in more detail in Chapter 12.2 - “Prevention of SARS”. By all means avoid unnecessary contact with people, wash hands, maintain local immunity, and vaccinate all family members from the flu.

If a child often suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, it means that he is often infected.

The child can not be to blame. This is a model of the behavior of his family. So, it is necessary to change the model, and not to treat the child.


To treat acute respiratory viral infections - this means ensuring the optimal parameters of temperature and humidity of the air, heat them up, do not feed them until they ask, actively water them. Saline nasal drops and paracetamol at high body temperature is an ample list of medications. Any active treatment prevents the formation of immunity. If the child is often sick, then it means that any drug should be used only when it is definitely impossible to do without it. This is especially true of antibacterial therapy, which in most cases is carried out without any real reason - from fear, from fear of responsibility, from doubts about the diagnosis.


It is very important to remember: the improvement of the condition and the normalization of temperature do not at all indicate that the immunity has been restored. But after all, quite often the child goes to the children's team literally the next day after improving the condition. And even earlier, before the children's team, he goes to the clinic, where he is watched by a doctor who says that the child is healthy.

In the queue to the doctor and the next day at school or in kindergarten, the child will definitely meet with a new virus. A child with immunity that has not yet become stronger after an illness! A new disease will begin in a weakened body. It will be heavier than the previous one, with a greater likelihood of complications, will require the use of drugs.

But this disease will end. And you will go to the polyclinic, and then to the kindergarten ... And then you will talk about the often ill child who is “so born”!

It became better - it means you have to start living normally. Normal life is not a trip to the circus, not a school, and certainly not a children's clinic. Normal life is jumping, jumping in the open air, feeding the appetite, healthy sleep, restoring mucous membranes.

With an active lifestyle and the maximum possible limitation of contacts with people, a full recovery usually takes no more than a week. Now you can in the circus!

Do not forget that contact with people is risky, especially on the premises. Games with children in the open air, as a rule, are safe (if not spitting and not kissing). Hence, it is an acceptable algorithm to visit the kindergarten immediately after recovery - to go there when the children go for a walk. Walked, all for lunch in the room, and we are home. It is clear that to realize this is not always obtained (mother works, the teacher does not agree, kindergarten is far from home), but this option can at least be borne in mind.

And in conclusion, we note the obvious: the algorithm of “actions after recovery” applies to all children, not only to those who are often ill. This is actually one of the most important rules that helps a normal child not to become often ill.

Well, since we started talking about “all children”, we note that when we go to the children's team after an illness, we must think not only about ourselves, but about other children. In the end, ARVI can occur in a mild form, when the body temperature remains normal. Snot ran, you sat at home for a couple of days, and then went to kindergarten, while remaining infectious!

Antibodies to the virus are produced no earlier than the fifth day of the disease. therefore you can resume visiting the children's team no earlier than the sixth day from the onset of ARVI, regardless of its severity, but in any case no less than three days should pass from the moment of normalization of body temperature.



The situation in which a child becomes often ill only after he starts attending kindergarten is absolutely typical. Up to three years, he was practically not sick, walked, tempered, never treated with anything. In three years I went to kindergarten - and over the winter, five acute respiratory infections ... Did you already understand who was to blame? Definitely not a child.

When the phrase “up to three years was not ill” is pronounced, so this phrase is stated - we have absolutely normal, healthy baby. The environment has changed - the disease began.

What to do? First, to recognize the fact that it is impossible to begin to actively communicate with children and not get sick. Yes, you, in fact, were ready for this, but did not think that the diseases would be permanent. Persistent illness means either you are in a hurry to return to the children after the illness, or something fundamentally wrong in the kindergarten itself (they accept sick children, do not air out, walk a little, etc.).

Do we have the opportunity to influence the kindergarten? As a rule, we do not have. Can we change the kindergarten? Sometimes we can. But it is not easy and expensive.

Can we not take the child to kindergarten, if the authorities at work require us, and the doctor does not intend to extend the sick leave?

Can not. We can not change the garden. Do not take in the garden can not. We withdraw. We get sick. We are getting better. We withdraw. We get sick. Suddenly we understand that everything earned at work, we spend on childhood diseases!

And then someone from the others utters the phrase: your child is “Nesadikovsky”. And all of a sudden it becomes clear. We throw the work. We stop going to kindergarten. And indeed, after 1-2 months, we stop being a frequently ill child.

We stopped going to kindergarten because we could not find a normal kindergarten.

We stopped going to kindergarten because we could not recover a child after an illness.

Please note: "we could not ...", "we had no opportunity ...".

Conclusion:there are no non-Sadik children. There are nesadikovskie parents.

We did not find a normal kindergarten because it simply does not exist.

We did not have the opportunity to restore the child after an illness, because such a possibility is not provided for by our pediatrician’s instructions and the Labor Code.

Conclusion: there are no non-Sadik parents. There is a non-Sadik society.

But in fact, everything is not so dramatic at all. Since even very frequent acute respiratory infections with proper treatment does not affect the health of the child.

Got sick. Moistened, aired, drank, dripped nose. Recovered. Like two days in kindergarten. Got sick. Moistened, aired, drank, dripped nose. Recovered. We have not done anything dangerous, bad or harmful.

But if every sneeze is a reason for prescribing a dozen syrup pills, for bullying called “distraction procedures”, for injecting antibiotics, for a thorough examination, for consulting a dozen experts, each of whom considers it necessary to add a couple of other drugs to the treatment, such ORZ is an unambiguous and obvious Evil and such ORZ does not pass without a trace and does not outgrow without serious consequences. And for such a child, kindergarten is dangerous. And parents are dangerous. And the doctors ...

If a child has an acute respiratory disease often, even very often, but he does not recover with the help of medication, but in a natural way - so let him be ill, let him go to kindergarten, let him do what he wants.

It is not harmful - so sick and so recover!