Early term development. Virtual school for children - preschoolers. Reasonable approach to early development or how not to bend

Previously, no one especially developed children, there was enough of what was given kindergarten. Yes, and began to engage with the child in four years, and now everywhere they talk about the development of diapers. Advanced mommies start choosing early development courses when the baby has just begun to crawl. What is the earlier development of children and why is it needed? Let's try to figure it out.

We visited the nursery in Sofia, where, with the permission of the parents, we shot the children during their activities. And, according to the director of the institution, the new changes will be positive. He also showed us how to care for the development of children. Rack Dimova - director of kindergarten 56 added: Assessment mental development  for children from 1 to 3 years. The new one that is in regulation is a bit more complicated. A year and a half, 2, 2 and a half, What else is new, and it will save us a little more. This is a difficult, convenient specialist for us.

I was particularly impressed with the section on thin and motor skills in the section “Self-service, it can use a fork and a knife”. However, the standards are not restrictive, and before April 6 there is a public discussion of the Ordinance. Remo Largo: The most valuable thing for your child is your time.

When they talk about early development, they mean that the child, in its pace of development and level of knowledge, is ahead of peers with whom no special classes are held. What exactly includes the “early” complex for a child - no one knows for sure, because there are a huge number of methods, and each considers the measure of development something different.

The famous Swiss pediatrician Remo Largo does not believe in programs to promote the early development of children and their benefits. QUESTION QUESTION: Professor Largo, does it make sense to encourage the early development of children who need to transfer their knowledge of English, mathematics or rhetoric?

But it is still difficult to put forward arguments against these courses, because the desire of parents to raise their child arises from the parent's response to fear. Parents forget to listen to their intuition and therefore tend to adopt such a fashion. In addition, today the child must be successful in all circumstances that parents can illuminate.

Modern parents are trying to begin to "develop" the child as soon as possible. Some are already before birth (yes, there are also such techniques!). It seems that all parents are divided into 2 camps: some do not think about any early development, then recollect themselves in front of the school, while others take on the development of children with such zeal that they feel sorry for the children.

This creates even more pressure. What factors determine the child's intelligence? What are the optimal learning conditions? Grass does not grow faster when we pull it. Knowledge is a process of accumulation. It is important for a child to enter and accumulate their own knowledge. This requires attention to all feelings and the constant collection of new knowledge. But for this purpose, the child needs free spaces that he can no longer be given.

Today, childhood is strictly organized. There is no accumulation of rich experience, like playing with other children. This is a general requirement for acquiring basic competencies such as language, social behavior and motor skills. Everything else the child goes to school later.

The truth, as always, is somewhere in the middle.

Let's try to figure out if we need any kind of developmental courses and special classes for kids.

Many authors of early development techniques (Doman, Montessori, Suzuki, Zaitsev, Nikitin, Trop) insist that the theories, which are commonly called early development techniques, are no longer early, but just timely. The most intensive development of the child’s mental and creative abilities occurs in a period of one and a half to three and a half years. Scientists have determined that by 3 years of development of brain cells is completed by 70%, and by six - by 90%. Then many of the innate mechanisms with which nature rewarded man die off.

What advice do you give to parents? Attitude before education! The most valuable thing you can give your child is your time. No one in the world learns more than the knowledge that can be gathered in nature. And talk to your child about it. Pedro Remo Largo considers the aspirations of parents to become “creators of their children” for arrogance. Many parents want to increase the chances of their children in the knowledge society and start downloading them when they are too small. Should the child still need to be burdened when he or she is supposed to play.

According to Remo Largo, the child’s early work does not carry anything. In their observations, scientists participating in the study of the human brain, came to the conclusion that a person’s abilities and character are not predetermined by birth, but most of them are formed at a certain period of his life.

For example, few people know that all hearing children are born with absolute ear for music, therefore, among the thousands of noises, they are able to recognize the sound of the beating of the mother's heart. But if the musical abilities do not develop, by the age of six, many children lose this gift.

And now, having learned this fact, the parents begin to vigorously develop the child, defining one and a half crumbs at the same time into English, rhythm, a logic course, to the pool and another to the artistic circle, and at home hanging rooms with Doman cards. Many parents are so inspired by the idea of ​​educating a genius that they build up a child’s development according to the principle “what if we don’t have time?” What if we didn’t do something? ”After all, you want to say with pride to the mother of another baby:“ How is it that yours is not yet reading? (he does not go to the pot himself, does not learn English, does not count to 10, etc.) and we have been doing it for half a year already! ”

Myth 1: The brain is fully developed from birth. Reality: the brain is the body that develops the longest. Before a baby is born, its brain develops at the level of vital functions. In the first 7-10 years of human life, nerve cells form more connections than they are needed. The child literally "absorbs" the environment. Gradually, these unused links are removed. In this sense, it is important that the already formed mental structures of the child are constantly and more and more enriched.

Myth 2: Early development is changing standard curricula in more early age. Reality: early development is based on stimulating the child’s cognitive abilities, which is based on the child’s preferences. His goal is to create the most favorable conditions for the development of his potential. It is directly related to balanced nutrition, sensory and motor development, to the formation of the physical and mental health of the child.

Before you take up classes with your child or take him to some courses, decide what is leading you: the desire to help your child understand the world or parental ambitions. If you, first of all, want to experience pride in the parental achievements in the field of child's education, then all the child’s failures will become your personal defeat, confirmation of your own inconsistency. And then the child will begin to suffer, on which the parents put their hopes, but he, alas, did not justify.

Myth 3: Early development is an external concept. Reality: Innovations in the early development of children are the result of the experience and research of teachers from all over the world: Italy, Germany, France, Japan, the USA, Russia and many other countries. Early development has existed for many years in Kenya and Peru, and Latin Americans consider it their invention and contribution to the global education system.

Myth 4: There is no need for early development. Traditional development also gives good results. Reality: Of course, many geniuses discovered their abilities, developing traditionally, but many talents remained undetected. The child has the right to show his abilities not in the conditions in which he develops, but because of them. The more responsible you are about the early development of a child, the greater the chance of developing a capable and successful person. Of course, you need to learn a lot to speed up your child’s early development.

So what to do? Do not develop a child? Wrong too.

Early child development  - this is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity dictated by the needs of the modern technological world. Traditional pedagogical science does not want to admit that the potential of the child is much higher than the simple coloring of the coloring or modeling of carrots, which is done with the kids in kindergarten. Without special classes, children come to school without special skills and a harmonious system of knowledge. First, it initially puts them at a disadvantage. Imagine how painful it is for a child of 6-7 years to realize that they did not take him to a good school, because he does not know something and does not know how - that is, that he is more stupid than others! Secondly, the child still has to catch up. It is especially unpleasant if this happens in grade 1, when a child does homework for hours, with which his classmates cope in 10 minutes.

But as parents, people have always learned a lot. Assuming that there is no need to train for a parent, most people most often make mistakes made by their parents in relation to themselves, and generate perverse behavior patterns for their children. As a result, the positive development and learning progress required by the modern world has not been achieved.

Myth 5: Early child development is too expensive. In poor countries, the problem of survival is much more important than early development. Reality: Let's ask: expensive compared to what? Neglecting the development of early childhood not only reduces the developmental potential of the child and the prerequisites for his potential life, but also leads to the formation of a passive attitude towards life, as well as to a low social, cultural and economic status in his life. The same conclusions lead to observations of the development of children whose parents are poor and have a low social status compared with children from relatively wealthy families.

Of course, each child develops at his own individual pace, mastering his own capabilities gradually, step by step. However, if you systematically work with your child using various methods of early development, then the development of abilities occurs more intensively than in those children with whom no classes are given.

What is the preferred method? What exactly to do with the child? at what age to start? These questions torment parents.

At the age of three or four children from the middle class have a much higher level of knowledge and intelligence than the children of poor parents. Because middle-class children receive a great deal of sensory and intellectual stimulation even in the first months. They have access to more diverse items for the game. Their mothers provide them with these items, allow them to deal with them, encourage them to experiment and at the same time talk to them. Early development is the most powerful weapon in the struggle for existence.

Myth 6: Early development deprives a child of a happy and carefree childhood. Reality: Young children love to learn the most. Only the deprivation of the ability to learn and perceive new things makes the child unhappy. Children learn continuously every minute of their day. Educational and educational games - the best way  spend a few hours a day. The child knows no more pleasure.

Many developmental systems have come to us from abroad and cannot be adapted to the Russian mentality. For example, the system Masaru Ibuki called “After three is already late” is built in Japanese traditions: there is a lot of attention paid to aesthetic and musical development and foreign languages. At the same time, in this method there are no tasks for the development of physical activity, which is also important for the full development of the child.

Myth 7: As a result of early development, the child will overtake school programs and be bored at school. Children, with whom he worked from an early age, are much more susceptible, more curious and have no problems with learning and memorizing the material. Do not worry that the child will be bored at school: if the lessons are boring, they will be the same for all children.

Myth 8: Early development should occur in a strictly defined direction. Reality: early development is based on stimulating the child’s cognitive abilities, a prerequisite for which is the preference of the child himself, who should not be sacrificed for parental ambitions. Early development implies a comprehensive familiarity of the child with the outside world.

All children are individual. Therefore, what is suitable for one child may absolutely not be suitable for another. It is best if a personally-centered system is created for the child, based on the individual characteristics and needs of this particular child. It is useless to try to chaotically shove maximum information into a child, it is impossible to emphasize reading or, on the contrary, artistic and esthetic development. The main task of the early classes should be the diversified development of the child's personality, his logical and abstract thinking. That is, it is important not only to reveal the fundamentals of science to children, but also to teach children to independently comprehend the world and independently draw conclusions and discoveries.

Myth 9: Early development is possible only at home. The baby should look at home as long as possible. Reality: Most experts point out that children attending kindergarten develop on average 5 times faster and more efficiently than children raised and brought up at home. The family has the greatest impact on the life of the child, but attendance can greatly enhance his preparation and significantly advance. The ability to communicate with peers is also necessary for full personal development.

Experienced professionals can provide special assistance to the child, which parents are not always capable of. Autism is a “spectral” disorder, a group of disorders with similar symptoms, but with symptoms from child to child. The “spectrum” of autism refers to the variety and combination of symptoms, not the severity of the burden. Disorders in the spectrum of autism include.

Child development should be harmonious. Everything has its time, you must follow the path of the natural development of man.

By nature, each child is gifted in some area, and the goal of teachers and parents is to find these “Sparks of God” in each child, unlock the potential of the child and teach them to independently develop their natural abilities.

While the symptoms of autism differ, a common theme in the spectrum of autism is the difficulty with social interactions - in fact it is a sign of Asperger syndrome. Autism is a highly volatile neurological disorder that affects social contact, verbal and non-verbal communication. Many children with autism have learning difficulties, almost always due to delayed language skills.

Many autistic children do a good job with basic language tasks, including vocabulary and spelling. However, complex language functions, such as understanding a figurative language, can be difficult for children with autism. Our program for children with autism accelerates hearing development, helping to process the language more effectively so that a student with autism can follow and think while listening. Children with autism make the same mistakes when reading as children without autism, but simply make more of them.

You can not focus on the development of only the strengths of the child and his talents, because in this case we get a disharmony of development. For example, a little “nerd” or an intellectually limited athlete. In principle, it is impossible to set a goal to raise a genius from a child, because in the pursuit of results, you can “overload” a child, and constantly demonstrating these results to others, you can spoil the character of the child. Comprehensive development is much more important than a record in one direction, because it provides the basis for the formation of a harmonious personality.

Exercises for reading and understanding in children with autism

For children with autism, reading with understanding is often a problem. This is because reading is a language skill. Although children with autism differ significantly in their reading skills, lack of understanding of the language can be an obstacle to reading. Our program first uses language skills, and then improves the reading skills of children with autism.

The importance of brain processing

Treatment difficulties are a biomarker for autism. Early detection means that autism and related therapies can start earlier. This new discovery opens the door to a new way of treating autism. Brain processing is a cognitive skill that can be used and improved.

Ratuya for early development, parents need to be reasonable and be wary of new-fashioned methods, proclaiming that they should teach the child to read before they walk. Man, first of all, a part of nature, and in us, as a biological unit, a certain development plan is laid down, which is wrong to violate.

One year old child  you need to learn to own your body and strive for knowledge of the world, and not to sit down for numbers. At the age of about two years, the child must be taught to acquire knowledge and analyze information, to develop his speech and the desire for knowledge of the world. Closer to three years, the child must learn to classify data, draw conclusions, that is, it is important to develop logical and abstract thinking, as well as to lay the foundation for security. That is, everything has its time, its age.

One has to wonder what kind of porridge is formed in the head of young parents who have read magazines about early development. Although all parents love their children and try to give them maximum attention, very few people can work with the kids from week to week according to a certain system. Having neither special knowledge, nor pedagogical abilities, parents make a lot of mistakes, which then have to be corrected by professionals. That is why in order for a child to grow up clever, it is worth defining it for developmental development at a children's center or some kind of studio.


Happy child 27.02.2016

Irina27.02.2016 Early Childhood Development - Pros and Cons

Dear readers, at the birth of children and grandchildren, each of us wants to see them happy, strives to develop their abilities, to give them everything in our power. So much now there are different methods for the early development of children, so many wonderful materials can be found for this. How much does it cost all of us to dive into this topic, whether we need to load our children from childhood - that’s what we’ll have today.

We will discuss all the pros and cons of early child development. Meditating on this topic will be leading column, which recently opened on my blog, Anna Kutyavin. Give her the word.

Hello, dear blog readers Irina! The desire to give your child the best is the norm for a loving parent. We begin to take care of our crumbs in the prenatal period, protecting them from negative emotions, poor ecology and excessive fatigue of the mother. We sing to them lullabies and count the days until the “X” hour, worrying that everything goes the best way and choosing the best helper for the baby to come into the world. And now the crumb comes into the world, so dear, so small and so defenseless ...

It is difficult to describe with words that sea of ​​tenderness that sweeps over the head of the parents of the newborn. At this moment they are ready to do everything in the world, if only the baby was safe and everything was in order with him. After all, he is completely defenseless!

But here passes some months, the baby grows up and celebrates the first anniversary - half a year. He is no longer the helpless baby who came with us from the hospital! The kid already knows a lot of things, is interested in many things. Every day his achievements are becoming more and more vivid and serious. And it was during this period, until the tiny one-year-old, that mothers usually think about early development issues. After all, it is fashionable, it is heard, and every parent tries to keep up with the issues of improving the future prospects for their children, right?

Methods of early child development

There are many different methods of early development. Surely, you know or heard about the Montessori, Zaitsev, Doman, Lupan, Shichida, Nikitin, Danilova, Waldorf pedagogy, etc. methods. All of them are so differently aimed at developing the personality of the child in the very "tender" age. After all, early development is, in fact, an intensive development of the abilities of a child at an early age (from 0 to 3 years).

In the matter of the need to use methods of early development, scientists often disagree. The authors of the methods themselves and many experts argue that the crumbs need to be developed, moreover, quite intensively, not just from birth, but from the perinatal period. Other scientists say that every child should have a carefree childhood, without any “scientific methods” there. Which of them will be right?

Basics of early childhood development

But, before moving on to the arguments for and against the early development, let us recall a little, what is the general development of the crumbs in the period from birth to three years?

The main changes in the life of a child at an early age occur in three areas: the subject activity, major motor skills and speech development. Let's talk more about these areas.

Subject activity   - it's all a lot of manipulations that can be carried out with objects around us: add, shift, disassemble, assemble, iron, pour, roll, knock, close and open, tear, find, lower and raise, etc. Thanks to such actions, the baby understands that all objects in his environment are different in composition, shape, size, material, color, purpose. This forms the basis for the further development of the child’s intellect - visual-effective thinking.
  Therefore, it is very important to explain everything to the child, to pronounce, to tell the purpose and function of objects, their composition and differences from others, etc.
  It is good to draw with the child, to make applications, to be engaged in designing - all this will help him to master the world of objects and develop fine motor skills.

Major motor skills . As soon as the baby gets on his feet, there are great opportunities for him to learn and explore the world around him. After all, there are so many things in the world that you can touch, taste, reach, study. And our task as parents is to give the kid as much as possible objects to explore.

Speech development. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of speech in the life of a baby, right? Indeed, for the most part, thanks to her, the crumb learn to interact with other people, receive new information about the world, and declare their needs.

The best ways to develop speech are conversations with the kid about everything. About what he sees, what is happening now, what it is called and what “it” does. Over time, the monologue turns into a dialogue when we ask the toddler questions, and teach him to answer them. First monosyllabic, then little by little simple sentences, etc.

It is important for the development of speech with the baby to read books, tell and play with fairy tales, sing, play finger games.

And, generally speaking, the methods of early development are precisely aimed at these three main areas, and operate with such tools as motor skills, fairy tales, various games, and creative activities.

Early child development: against

So, the arguments of opponents of early development:

Accelerated development of intelligence to the detriment of other areas of the child’s life. According to the camp of opponents of early development, the intensive occupation of only the child’s cognitive sphere leaves aside other equally important areas - the emotional, social, as well as the sphere of the mental life of the child, which cannot be “hurried”. The same thing happens if you focus only on the physical development of the baby.

Temporary and energy consumption. Indeed, the introduction of many techniques requires special materials, the preparation of which requires a lot of time for parents. Yes, if the main profession of mom and dad is called "parents", and there is no need to do anything else, then this option is not bad. But for working parents all this is not easy. Of course, you can buy ready-made materials for educational games or take your child to special children's centers, where a specialist will work with him. But all this is also not cheap.

Threat to the health of the child due to the acceleration of natural processes. In other words, everything should happen at the proper time, and if you try to “pump up” this or that function ahead of time, you can only harm the crumbs. And in general, why disturb the natural course of events? After all, we somehow grew up, nobody accelerated anything, and grew up the same!

Lack of future prospects. According to numerous observations of opponents of early development, the majority of children — and those with whom they have been involved a lot, and those who have no idea of ​​early development at all — are leveling off in school. That is, why waste your energy if the result is still the same?

I'm afraid to grow a prodigy!  In fact, such an argument takes place. After all, we all understand that raising a gifted baby is very difficult. Not only do we constantly have to correspond with it, grow with it, so also its future often seems not very attractive to us. Recall examples of famous geeks. Often they have no friends, because everyone is just jealous of them. Yes, and the child himself, due to advanced development, is not easy to build relationships with peers. Are we, as parents, willingly doomed our child to loneliness?

Do not deprive a child of childhood!  All the “learned wisdoms” of the kid will be taught in kindergarten and at school. And now it's better to let them just roll the cars and play with dolls, without worrying about anything. Time will always learn, but early childhood will not be repeated.

Of course, with many convictions, the “camp of the opponents” is difficult to argue. Especially if we consider the situation in an exaggerated version, when early development takes a lot of time and effort for both the baby and the parents.

Early child development: for

And now let's consider how supporters of early development are responding to the arguments of their opponents. Surely they have something to say.

Early development should not exclude the development of the baby in other areas.. That is, in parallel with the development of the cognitive field, it is very important to pay attention to the emotional development of the crumbs, his communication with his peers and seniors, and the training of the toddler with everyday skills. All this is very useful in his life. After all, the most important thing that a child needs at an early age is the harmonious development of the personality, close connection with close adults and a joyful knowledge of the world around.

And, of course, as with other activities, it is also possible to “overdo it” with early development. Without in-depth knowledge of the age psychology of the baby, understanding of the features, you can simply “pump up” the child with some concepts, but the brain may not yet be ready for such information. In this case, such training is unlikely to benefit.

In addition, the desire to “stuff up” a child with as much knowledge as possible can lead to intellectual overload and even to severe stress. And, therefore, in this matter, as in any other, a sense of proportion is important.

Yes, early development takes time. But not so much that it was impossible to carve it out even for a busy person. And here we are assisted by time management skills and the ability to prioritize. All, as in any other cases. There would be a desire.

The same with materials. Not all methods imply a lot of additional benefits. In addition, most of them can be made by themselves, without much difficulty. Yes, not in five minutes. But maybe it's worth it?

New living conditions make us new demands. Yes, of course, the wise nature has already conceived the harmonious development of the baby in normal conditions. And, perhaps, if he is not further developed, he will learn most of the skills. That's just our life is not as predictable and constant as it was a few decades ago. And that means you need to know a lot and be able to succeed in being a successful person. It is very important to preserve for life the inquisitiveness, the desire to learn, learn new things. And all this we help the child to do from an early age.

Yes, not so many parents who really want to raise a prodigy. But we don’t want to grow mediocrity, right? In addition, the talent of the child is influenced not only by the training and education, but also by a number of other reasons - natural inclinations and talents, heredity, and diligence of the child himself.

The education of a child prodigy is not the main goal of early development. The main thing that the techniques offer is the opportunity for the crumbs to manifest and realize the data that is embedded in it by the wise nature. And, means, he can grow up harmonious and happy adults. And we, as parents, support this aspiration in him.

It may well be that children will even out at school. But the point is not in the amount of knowledge and skills. And, rather, in the habit of achieving goals, to be successful and happy since childhood. Agree, this is much more than just “pumping” knowledge.

Early development does not deprive a child of childhood. On the contrary, it makes it more saturated and vibrant, interesting and fun. No one forces the crumb to sit at the desk ahead of time. But knowledge of the methods of early development helps to combine walks with learning and knowledge, and turn games into developing ones.

And in any case, early development does not involve learning through power! If a child is not interested in classes, it means that the approach has been chosen incorrectly, and we must try something else. Maybe stop the lesson and choose another method.

In general, the arguments of one and the other sides sound quite convincingly. And, then, we can only have one thing - to check all this on personal experience. Without fanaticism in terms of abundance of methods and self-blame for the lack of systematic training. Just try and choose what suits us and our children. Personally, I see that this is exactly the clue.

After all, the main thing is not to suppress the curiosity’s natural curiosity, his thirst for knowledge. And, therefore, we must answer all his questions. And here any method will hardly help. Only personal contact with the baby, our feelings and emotions, actions and actions. As well as parental flair. All this is very important for our children. After all, they will still be like us, right?

Friends, what do you think about the early development of children? Is it worth it to additionally deal with the child, and if so, how?

Anna Kutyavina.

Of course, I tried to teach them to study music. But it turned out, as they say - shoemaker without shoes. I saw that they were not interested. I, as a teacher, they did not perceive. The teacher who taught us set too big tasks for the children and me. I will miss the details, but it turned out that they were not interested in music at all. Although we touched her.

But I saw their ability to draw, and, in our family, no one drew. Began to develop this direction. And one daughter had an interest in learning languages. Of course, this is already further, not the earliest development. And yet, such creative potential did not pass by and further helped to open up in other areas. So I always say that we should listen to our heart, talk to children. Do not go blindly along the path to the embodiment in the children of all our unrealizable desires and dreams. Every child has talent. Just need to see and hear it. And, of course, as far as our knowledge, experience, develop the best in children.

Not so long ago, I published an article on the blog. This was my interview with one very interesting family. For all who are interested in the topic, I invite you to read the article.

And for the soul, we will listen today to the performance of the Chinese pianist Lang Lang with his student. They will perform Schubert's military march .

I wish Joy to all of us and our children! And happy, harmonious, bright childhood to our children and grandchildren!

see also

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