Do prayers exist for conceiving twins? Useful video about multiple pregnancies. Twins or twins: what is the difference

  The birth of twins has always attracted particular attention. Previously, it was even believed that the appearance of twins was a miracle of nature, since for a long time science could not explain it. In our time, such an event is not uncommon. Therefore, many modern young families are interested in how to get pregnant with twins.  Basically, this is connected not only with the rise of the demographic indicator, but also with the desire to "shoot off" at a time. And this article will help to figure out whether you can really conceive two babies at once. And also, what is the probability of the birth of twins, if you use folk methods, pregnancy planning calendar and other methods.

In general, multiple pregnancies are considered rare. However, having familiarized with some methods contributing to this event, it is possible to significantly increase the probability to conceive twins.

Initially, you need to explain what a multiple pregnancy is in simple language. Pregnancy with one fetus occurs when one sperm fertilizes only one egg. But when the fertilized cell divides into two parts, or two different eggs fertilize the two most “snappy” spermatozoon, this is already considered a multiple pregnancy. There are two types of this, in terms of medicine, pathology:

  • identical
  • frail.

Fraternal twins - this is twins. They are born as a result of fertilization by two different sperm cells of two eggs at once. And, as a rule, they are not always similar, unlike identical ones, which are born as a result of the division into two embryos of one egg fertilized by one spermatozoid.

Science has so far not been able to establish the exact factors that make it possible for you to become pregnant with twins. However, a number of contributing factors to this point came out.

Factors under which two babies can be born at once

In response to a rather topical question: “I want to get pregnant with twins. how naturally  achieve this? "  There are 7 answer choices.

Genetic predisposition

Most likely to become pregnant with twins (twins) for those who in the family had similar cases.

On this topic openly a lot of controversy, because two parents. However, scientists have proven that the chances of a woman, like that of a man, are the same. Therefore, it does not matter which of the ancestors two babies were born at the same time. Often, this is the main factor, how to become pregnant with twins, naturally, without any effort.

Artificial Fertilization (IVF)

This is one of the ways to achieve the desired. With artificial insemination, the eggs are “planted” on a woman. The procedure is performed in order to increase the chance of getting pregnant. What is the probability of this method, you can see from the statistics. As a result, IVF twins and even triplets are born very often.

Woman's age

According to many studies, twins can become pregnant by natural means with age.

This is explained by the fact that in the body future mom  different hormonal disruptions are observed with age. And the level of gonadotropin (a hormone released during pregnancy by the placenta) in a woman’s body increases significantly over the years. Therefore, in women aged 35 and older, the chances of conceiving and giving birth to two babies at once are very high.

Non-standard structure of the uterus

In most cases, women whose uterus has a non-standard structure for various reasons may have twins.


In the course of studies that are conducted to determine the causes multiple pregnancyIt was found out that such a factor as nationality also matters. For example, the likelihood of becoming pregnant with twins naturally in Asians is less than in African women.

Fertility Cures

Cases where two babies can be born at the same time as a result of taking medications for infertility are not uncommon. This is due to the fact that such drugs contain high levels of hormones. And multiple pregnancies are the result of abrupt termination of their admission.

The duration of the menstrual cycle

Twins can become pregnant most often women whose menstrual cycle lasts twenty days.

Proper nutrition increases the chances of multiple pregnancy

Oddly enough, but it is likely to conceive twins among those who prefer to eat right. This is due to the fact that multiple pregnancies contribute to foods that contain a lot of protein. Therefore, for those wondering "What should I eat if I want to give birth to twins?"Here is a list of suitable products:

  • Lean meat. This item provides for the use of lean meat, which is considered dietary (beef, chicken, turkey, rabbit). It is better to cook steamed or using the grill. It is not recommended to eat smoked meat, sausages, sausages and similar products;
  • Milk, yogurt, kefir, cheese;
  • A fish. By adding to your diet fish meat (except smoked), you can become a mother of twins;
  • Fruits are high in protein (except plums) and natural juices.

Planning the date of conception using the calendar

Popular methods of replenishing the family include a calendar that helps determine how to get pregnant with twins. Containing special information, it will help to find out the most suitable day, in which you will be able to conceive two babies at once.

Taking the calendar, pay attention to the three summer months. Experts advise those who want to become pregnant with twins, to start the "production" in the summer. Since the increase in the reproductive abilities of a person falls on summer time, this will contribute to multiple pregnancies.

Using the calendar, it is worth knowing that a high probability of conceiving twins exists on days when the Moon is in Pisces and Gemini.

You can start to realize the dream of pre-moon. During this period, chances of having same-sex twins are especially high. If you get down to business before the new moon, then the couple can be born heterosexual children.

Of course, it’s not particularly worth relying on the planning calendar and the moon. But if you believe the observations and study all the nuances, then it is quite possible to perceive it as an element that increases the chances of conceiving twins.

Folk family planning methods

While science is trying to determine the exact origin of multiple pregnancies, traditional medicine puts forward its versions. The main ones used by our ancestors were:

  • Those who want to conceive and give birth to two children at once, you need to use folic acid. There is an opinion that the probability of becoming pregnant with twins is high among those who took this substance. It is advisable to use this acid 4-5 months before the planned date of conception;
  • Previously it was believed that if a woman breastfed her first child, then the chances of having a twin during the next pregnancy increased;
  • One of the opinions, which originated in the old days, says that it is necessary to have sex very often, if you want to become pregnant with twins.

Of course, scientific facts and folk methods, including the calendar, cannot guarantee an absolute result. However, they may well instill hope for couples who want to know how to become pregnant with twins.

To figure out how to conceive twins, think a little about what happens in the body. Usually one egg matures once a month in the ovaries of a woman, she leaves it and moves to the uterus, if she encounters a sperm cell on her way, then the fertilization process will occur.

We will understand how it turns out to conceive twins. Sometimes an egg cell is divided into two or more separate parts, and then multiple pregnancy is possible. These will be unique identical twins who will have the same sets of chromosomes, that is, they will look like each other "like two drops of water." Such children are very rare, only 25 multiple pregnancies out of a hundred are identical.

Conception of twins can occur from two ovules magically ripened in one cycle, fertilized by two spermatozoa. These children may be completely different, since their chromosome sets are not identical. Such a pregnancy is also rare. It happens in one percent of cases.

No one can answer such a question how to conceive twins in a natural way, since this process is only corrected by nature. However, there are some tips on how to plan the conception of twins, or at least increase the chances of success. To do this, you need to know some of the circumstances in which the birth of twins is more likely:

  • Conception of twins and twins has already been encountered in your family tree or in a partner family. This suggests that in the genus there is a rare gene, thanks to which it can happen again.
  • The future mother has crossed the mark of 35 years. After this age, the content of one of the hormones in the female body increases, which is responsible for the activity and behavior of the eggs.
  • After artificial insemination, the percentage of multiple pregnancies is very high.
  • After you stop taking it, in which hormone production is suppressed, the body tries to restore balance. During this period there is a surge, because of which the possibility of conceiving twins naturally increases.
  • If your menstrual cycle is small and about 22 days, the fertilization rate of two eggs is higher.
  • During the period of breastfeeding, female hormones are produced very intensively, so there is an opportunity to “get” two more babies during this period.

In addition, for those who want to know how to conceive twins in a natural way, there is universal advice: you need to have good health, monitor your diet, start six months before the planned conception.

How to conceive twins: folk ways

Popular observations will always prompt how and when to do something. Some of these signs will make sense, sometimes they are based on simple coincidence. Believe them or not - you decide. But, as they say, "in war, all means are good." The main thing - the mood for success.

Some of the folk signs will concern such topics as conceiving twins, how to conceive twins of boys or girls, here are a few of them:

  • Food: eat more potatoes, especially sweet, and also yams, walnuts, eggs. In fact, these products are natural ovarian stimulants that trigger the appearance of eggs.
  • Seasons: more likely to conceive twins in spring or summer. This also makes sense, since in the warm period hormones are elevated.
  • Visualization: you need to believe in your dream, and it materializes. After all, the power of thought is enormous.

There are also such summarizing observations as the table of conception of twins, from which one can calculate the month and day of the alleged conception of twins, as well as “adjust” the sex of the children.

And even the calendar of conception of twins is used, which can be calculated on the basis of possible favorable days. For example, following some calendars, conception should occur in such conditions:

  • when the moon is in fish or gemini;
  • on days of solar or lunar eclipses;
  • on the eve of the moon;
  • conception, occurring before the full moon promises a boy and a girl.

Is there a secret how to conceive twins boys

If you so want two sons, the observations suggest some details:

  • Poses for conceiving twins should be chosen with deeper penetration, where male sperm cells, which are known to “run” faster, but live less, will have more chances.
  • Sexual intercourse should be directly on the day of ovulation, or the day before.
  • Boys are more likely to appear after a female orgasm.
  • When eating, you need to adhere to the following rules: less dairy products, shrimps and crabs, baking and cabbage, nuts and cocoa, more tea and coffee, meat and fish, sausage, fruit and dried fruits, chocolate. Lean on canned and salty.

The pose for conceiving female twins is desirable “missionary”: when a man is on top. In this case, the sperm will go a long way and more viable "girls" will win.

And in food - more sweet, spices, with the restriction of salt and coffee.

In fact, a healthy balanced diet is a significant factor for the successful conception, and the two are even more so. In the body of a woman for the intensive production of hormones should be amino acids, fats and carbohydrates. Therefore, eating meat, dairy products, protein-rich seafood is necessary for a woman who wants to become pregnant.

Only comprehensive health care, a correct lifestyle without bad habits and a positive psychological attitude will help the body. And if you really want to - maybe very soon you will see your twins!

The twins are fraternal twins. They are born as a result of the fertilization of two different eggs. Twins are born as a result of the division of a single fertilized embryo cell. The twins may not be very similar to each other, but the twins are like two drops of water.

Why identical twins are born is still unknown for sure. But the reasons for the birth of twins modern science has learned. There are seven main factors that increase the chances of conceiving twins.

How to conceive and give birth to twins

Genetic predisposition plays a major role in the possibility of conceiving twins, and only women are carriers of the gene responsible for the development of two eggs at a time.

If a man in the family was born twins, he can pass on this feature to his daughter. That is why they say that twins are born in a generation. If a woman in a family has twins, her chances of having two babies at once increase by 2.5 times.

Prolonged use of hormonal contraceptives can also cause conception of twins. If the pregnancy occurred immediately after the abolition of birth control pills, then it is quite possible that the pregnancy will be multiple. Female ovaries have the ability, after a long medication "rest", to work with a vengeance. That is why during this period several eggs can ripen at once for one ovulation.

Scientists have revealed a curious pattern: with each subsequent birth, the probability of having twins increases. Incredibly, after the fifth pregnancy, the chances of conceiving twins are increased fivefold.

In vitro fertilization will help twins to appear with almost a 100% guarantee. The fact is that during IVF, up to 6 fertilized eggs are transplanted into the uterus to a woman in order to increase the probability of conception. Often parents resort to this method in order to acquire two babies simultaneously.

As the female body approaches menopause, ovulation becomes irregular and more and more often there are times when a woman after 35 years can mature two eggs at once. The chance to give birth to twins in women 35-38 years sharply increases.

It turns out that the season in which conception took place plays an important role in the birth of twins. In the spring, the activity of sex hormones increases, and the likelihood of the maturation of two eggs at once becomes much higher.

There are many different diets that supposedly increase the chance of conceiving twins. Science is still unknown products that may affect the maturation of several eggs at once. It is only known that malnutrition and a strict diet make it impossible for a woman to produce two babies at the same time.

For twins on the edge of the world

In India, there is a unique village located in the state of Kerela, where there are 500 pairs of twins per 2.5 thousand families, and their number increases every year. This phenomenon does not find an explanation. The locals themselves assure that all this is happening thanks to the god Rama.

There is a similar place in Russia. Denisovka village in the Rostov region, where 19 pairs of twins are born for 500 inhabitants.

It will not be a secret for anyone that every woman wants to become a mother. Someone wants to endure a girl first, someone wants a boy. However, there are women who want to get such a jackpot - to become pregnant with twins. How to conceive naturally twins: what to do and whether to take such a step - I want to talk about all this in this article.

Concept definition

At the very beginning it is necessary to clarify a little bit how exactly the twins differ from the twins. Identical twins are obtained in the event that one egg is fertilized and then divided into two parts. Twins, however, are produced if, for a definite reason, the woman's body has produced two ova ready for fertilization, which “process” two different spermatozoa.

Medicine to help

The first thing to say is that there are different ways pregnancy planning, including multiple pregnancy. Start better with medical options. So how can you conceive twins? The likelihood of this fact increases in the event that a woman is done All because, for insurance, doctors grow several eggs (in reserve). Also, the ability to conceive twins increases when a woman is treated for infertility and takes certain stimulant drugs that are designed for egg growth, rupture of the follicle, etc. With such an intervention, the body naturally receives a jolt and can create several eggs, which can also fertilize easily. There is also an opinion that when taking certain hormonal drugs also increases the likelihood of conceiving twins. However, I would like to say that taking such drugs on my own only in order to give birth to twins is at least unwise and harmful to one's own health. And if the lady still decides to choose this method, she must consult with a doctor about it.

What do you need?

However, women are often interested in questions about how to conceive naturally twins, and what to do. So, there are several points that nature itself predetermines and it is simply impossible to provoke:

  1. Hereditary factor. Especially important in this case is the female line of the race, because the genetic predisposition to conceive twins is most often transmitted from mother to daughter.
  2. The second and each subsequent pregnancy. According to doctors, if a woman has already given birth to a child, each subsequent pregnancy increases her chances of conceiving just twins. Everything is explained very simply: after birth, mother's weight increases, and this is also considered to be a predisposing factor to multiple pregnancies.
  3. Age indicators. In this case, statistics come into play that state the following: at the age of 20 to 30 years, the probability of conceiving twins is only 3%, after 40 - 6%. Therefore, advice on how to conceive naturally twins is not to be afraid of “late” to give birth.
  4. Geography. Experts also argue that African women have the most chances to conceive twins. Then follow the women of the Middle East, then the Americans and then the Europeans.

What can be done?

How to conceive naturally twins? So, there are quite simple tips, to follow which is absolutely not difficult for every woman:

  1. According to popular beliefs, it is easier to conceive twins to women who are still breastfeeding their first child and are not protected from subsequent pregnancy.
  2. The people also believe that there are more chances to conceive twins in those women who for a long time were protected by hormonal drugs and stopped doing it. So, it is believed that the body can, for a greater likelihood, produce more eggs, which are fertilized.
  3. Another tip, how to get pregnant with twins naturally: you need to try to conceive children in the spring. Everything is simple: in women at this time hormonal changes are being rearranged, and the body's production of “spare” eggs increases significantly.

About nutrition

Are there any other tips on how to conceive twins? Folk methods  recommend trying to regulate this process of nutrition. So, it is believed that you need to eat meat (perfectly stimulates the work of the ovaries), boiled or steamed chicken breasts, dairy products, whole grains and walnuts. Our grandmothers can also give practical advice: they will recommend eating as many potatoes as possible, especially sweet potatoes. In confirmation of this, we can give an example of African tribes that consume a lot of yam (an analogue of our potato): they have quite often twins. With regard to drugs, gynecologists to increase the likelihood of conceiving twins are recommended before pregnancy, during planning, to start taking folic acid (this is a vitamin, it is completely harmless and will go to every woman only benefit). And, of course, you need to give up all bad habits and stop accepting food that is dangerous for the body: chips (as well as crackers, crisps, etc.), carbonated drinks, convenience foods, and fast food.


Well, the simplest, but far from the most useless advice, how to conceive twins: you just need to really want this. After all, it will not be a secret for anyone that self-hypnosis has great power and often leads to the desired, although not always the expected results. If a woman constantly thinks that she will have twins, most likely it will be so!

Someone dreams of giving birth to a worthy heir and protector for the Fatherland, someone with all her heart seeks to give birth to a little princess and thereby bring a little beauty into the world, however, there are those who live with dreams of having two children at once. Of course, such couples are in the minority, and it will not be easy to conceive twins. By pike, in my desire, your belly does not occupy twins. To become happy parents of twins, you need to put a lot of knowledge and effort. Of course, the maximum effort is entirely up to you, but we will provide you with the necessary knowledge.

What is the probability to conceive twins

If you and your spouse really plan to conceive twins, then you need to know: how high are your chances for the realization of your plans? Let's start with statistics, and she, as they say, is a stubborn thing. So, the birth of a couple of babies at once is in 1 case out of 80. You will agree - this is not enough, but no one said that this is impossible.

So, what women have chances to produce twins higher:

  1. those women in the family who have twins or twins were born are more likely to conceive twins;
  2. it is believed that the race of the future mother plays an important role in the conception of a child of a certain sex. For example, it is scientifically proven that the probability of becoming pregnant with twins is higher in women of the Mongoloid and Negroid races;
  3. ladies taking certain time  before conception, hormonal drugs, for example, the same contraceptive pills, can often become pregnant with twins than those who did not use hormones and did not use pills as contraceptives, but any other means;
  4. women who have already given birth to a child, and whose age ranges from 30 to 40 years, are more prone to conceiving twins than dead ones, up to 30 years old;
  5. there is a perception that two babies are more capable of getting pregnant at once than those of the fair sex who have slightly overweight. Thin young ladies conceive twins will be more difficult.

How to conceive twins or twins

Before you figure out all the possible ways to conceive twins and twins, it is worth figuring out who is who. Not all future parents can draw a thin line between twins and twins, but this is not exactly the same thing. If you want to know exactly - who are you planning to plan, then the difference between future children is still worth knowing.

So, how do twins differ from twins? In order not to confuse you in complex medical terms, we will simply explain. In general, in medicine there is no such thing as "twins", there is only the term "twins". Gemini are identical (identical) and fraternal (dizygotic). The latter are popularly called twins.

The twins are identical to each other, like two drops of water and they appear as a result of the fertilization of one egg, which is subsequently divided into 2 independent embryos. The formation of twins is not associated with the subsequent division of the fertilized egg. At conception of multi-rater embryos, 2 eggs are fertilized at once, with two different spermatozoa. Twins are always born of the same sex, and twins can have different sex characteristics.

How to conceive twins naturally

In itself, conceiving two children at the same time is a rarity. Not every couple is given such a chance - to become parents of two babies at once. However, many women are planning to conceive exactly twins, in order to “be tormented”, as they say, once and not to think about how to get pregnant successfully, to take out and give birth to healthy children normally.

Ways that are 100% able to help you conceive single or fraternal twins cannot be found, but you can try your luck and try, at least prepare your body psychologically and physically for conceiving twins. Perhaps one of the ways will be effective.

So, what can be done to conceive twins:

  • determine ovulation and, taking into account the time of its occurrence, calculate the most suitable days for conceiving twins;
  • during sexual intercourse, a pose in which you will conceive a child can play a big role;
  • calculate the days for conception according to the blood renewal method;
  • adhere to a special diet that can help conceive children of one or another sex, for example, twins of girls or twins of boys;
  • use traditional medicine to conceive twins.

We will talk about all these methods in more detail in order to maximize, the ghostly by nature, chances of successful conception of twins.

How to conceive girls twins on ovulation

Ovulation is a special and quite reliable (but not 100%) way to conceive a child of a certain sex. Considering the onset of ovulation, it is possible to calculate favorable days for conceiving a girl or a boy.

If your goal is the birth of two little princesses, then unprotected sexual intercourse should be accomplished no later than 2-3 days before the start of ovulation. That is, in those days when a rather acidic environment is still preserved in the woman's vagina, which allows the female X chromosomes in the male sperm not only to “survive”, but also successfully fertilize the eggs. Y-chromosomes (male) contained in sperm cells cannot survive in an acidic vaginal environment, they will die when they first enter the vagina.

How to conceive twins boys on ovulation

By nature, the male Y chromosomes contained in the male sperm are faster and stronger than the female X chromosomes, therefore they always reach the egg cell and fertilize it faster. But the only weakness of the male Y chromosomes is their “fear” of the acidic environment. They die in it, initially having no chance of "survival."

Alkaline microflora of the vagina, which is formed immediately before ovulation and lasts throughout all ovulation days (recall that ovulation lasts no more than 24-48 hours), is considered the most optimal environment for male sperm vital functions.

Therefore, if you want to conceive two beautiful children, then you should try to throw all your strength on such a laborious process directly on the day of ovulation and the next day after it. Then your chances of conceiving boys can be considered quite high.

Pose for conceiving twins

There is an opinion that the posture during lovemaking affects the successful conception of a certain sex child. How effective this method is can only be understood in practice, but from a medical point of view there is a logical explanation. For example, for conceiving twins, those poses that assume deep penetration are considered the best, because then spermatozoids are more likely to reach the egg cell and fertilize it.

And then it's up to nature. If, after fertilization, the egg begins to divide, then you can expect identical twins to appear. But, if two eggs are released during ovulation (which is extremely rare), then you will have a huge chance to give birth to two beautiful twins.

If you want to plan not only the number of children born at the same time, but also their gender, then the posture can also play an important role. For example, to conceive twin girls, it is necessary to abandon deep penetration. The missionary position is best suited. But for the conception of two boys, deep penetration is extremely necessary, since the male Y chromosomes "live" less. Therefore, in order to shorten the path of male sperm to the egg and not allow them to die prematurely, it is necessary to use "deep" poses.

How to conceive twins in blood

One of the reliable ways to conceive a child of a certain sex is to calculate the renewal of blood of future parents. Of course, provoking the conception of twins in this way is impossible, but with his help you can try to influence the sex of the unborn child. Make this conception method additional, that is, one that will accompany the main way of planning a double pregnancy, this method will be discussed a little further in the article.

So, how to calculate the sex of the child by the method of blood? In fact, everything is quite simple. It is only necessary to count - who has the latest blood in your pair, of that sex, most likely, and children will be born. Calculations are usually carried out from the date of birth of each spouse, taking into account the fact that women renew their blood every 3 years and men once every 4. However, if you or your partner had a lot of blood loss, for example, childbirth, serious operations, etc., then you need to keep an account of the update not from the moment of birth of the one who lost a lot of blood, but directly from the day of blood loss.

How to conceive twins on a special diet

Nutrition in any situation plays a special role. But can a correctly formulated diet affect the gender of a child? Theoretically, yes, but doctors do not make big bets on the favorable outcome of such a grocery experiment. But it’s still possible to increase your chances of conceiving twins of a certain sex, especially since it doesn’t harm your health.

What the future mom needs to eat to make twin girls:

  • fragrant herbs;
  • jam;
  • fruits (oranges, pears, etc.);
  • spices;
  • sugar;
  • all types of fish;
  • baking without yeast and salt;
  • various vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, eggplants, etc.);
  • berries (strawberries, raspberries) and many other useful products.

The diet of the future mother, planning to conceive twin boys, will differ significantly. It should not include:

  • sweet;
  • milk products;
  • raw cabbage, dill, green salad, green beans;
  • crabs, caviar, shrimp;
  • bread and other pastries;
  • waffles, cocoa, etc.

The best option proper nutrition  at the planning stage of conceiving twins, boys will use such products as: fruit juices, tea, coffee, mushrooms, peas, lentils, sausages, canned goods, semolina, rice, potatoes, etc. And most importantly - try to consume more dishes, containing yeast and high salinity.

If the sex of the children for you does not play a special role, and you just want to give birth to healthy twins, then boldly lean on the use of bee products, wheat germ, walnuts, chicken and quail eggs, soybeans, dairy products and yams (tuber culture, much like a potato). According to many experts of traditional and traditional medicine, these products contribute to the conception of twins.

How to conceive twins: folk remedies

  From time immemorial, many of their problems, women trusted it to traditional medicine. After all, where the traditional can not help, folk, sometimes, works incredible miracles. Since in itself conceiving twins is a real miracle, then why not try to ask for help folk remediesthat will best influence the planning of twins.

So, what folk healers advise future mothers of twins:

  1. eat right.

    According to traditional healers, the nutrition of women who plan to conceive twins should be enriched with protein.

    After all, this substance stimulates the work of the ovaries, and accordingly, contributes to the development of female sex hormones. Thanks to this well-coordinated work of nutrition and the body, a woman can produce two or more eggs during one ovulation, which directly affects the birth of two embryos at once. Foods that contain protein include: poultry, cheese, shrimp, mussels, veal, pork, milk, brine, etc .;

  2. the process of conception must be postponed for the summer. It is believed that the most favorable period for conceiving two babies is summer. In the summer, the female body is more filled with useful vitamins and minerals, and the activity of the female sex hormones is much higher in the summer compared to other time periods;
  3. sometimes, herbalists advise women to take certain infusions and decoctions that will provoke the appearance of twins. However, the reception of such natural medicines purely individual, he should not be uncontrolled. You have to find out what, besides conception, the remedy affects, and it would be desirable if you had passed an examination in advance and found out if you have any contraindications, individual intolerance to the components of the remedy, and a tendency to allergic reactions.

This is necessary in order not to harm your body, which in the case of conception of twins, will require you a lot of physical and moral costs.

How to conceive twins: reliable ways

Do you want to conceive twins and are looking for methods that will give, if not 100%, but a greater likelihood that the conception of twins will happen? Then you need to know everything about the two methods, resorting to which, you increase your chances of pregnancy with twins.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

IVF is considered, at the moment, the most reliable way to conceive twins. However, this procedure is not a natural, but an artificial conception process. The essence of IVF is that pre-fertilized eggs are placed in a woman's uterus. Children whom a woman gets help will be biologically her and her spouse.

Simply the process of fertilization will not occur naturally, but with the help of special technologies in specialized laboratories of the reproductive clinic. This method is usually resorted to those couples who are not able to get pregnant on their own.

Why twins are born with IVF? Everything is explained quite simply. For the purpose of safety, a woman is given several embryos at once, and if one dies, then the other may have good chances of intrauterine survival. However, it often happens that two embryos survive, in this case, we can safely speak about the birth of long-awaited twins. But the essential disadvantage of such a procedure is its cost, and not all couples can afford to resort to such a method.

Taking birth control pills

This method is less cheap, which means it is more affordable for average couples. The essence of this method lies in the fact that a woman, taking a long time of birth control pills, inhibits ovulation, which makes it possible for the ovaries to “take a break” and for some time not to excrete oocytes.

But as soon as the woman abruptly stops taking such hormone pills - the ovaries begin to work in double mode, respectively, and the release of the eggs also doubles. This is a real chance that when you first ovulate, after taking pills, two ovules will stand out at once, which, when fertilized with sperm, will be able to give you long-awaited twins.

However, with the use of contraceptives, you must be careful. After all, these are, as a rule, hormonal drugs that can harm your hormonal background, menstrual cycle, ovulation, and also give a lot of unwanted side effects. Therefore, try to consult with a specialist about what best contraceptives for protection should be used, so as not to harm your health.

If you take other hormonal drugs, for example, for the treatment of infertility, such as Utrogestan or Duphaston, then you also have a higher chance of conceiving twins than ordinary women.

In general, conceiving twins is not an easy task that only the elect can handle. The nature of not all women has endowed the ability to give two babies to the world at once. However, this does not mean your failure or inability to achieve the desired goal. It is just that nature pities you and protects you from excessive loads, rationally dividing the gravity of one pregnancy into two simpler ones.

It has been scientifically proven that women who are pregnant with twins are much harder to tolerate toxicosis, they are more likely to develop varicose veins, and childbirth usually begins before 40 weeks, moreover, it helps to give birth to many cesarean section. Twin children are often born weak and with underdeveloped lungs, because they still need some time to nurse.

How to conceive twins

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