Snow White in a new way in roles for children. Iii. Respiratory, speech, articulation warm-up.

Children read the first books slowly and reluctantly. The thing is that a little schoolboy is boring: you need to focus on the syllables, not to lose the line, and this is unusual for a child. A first grader does not know how to read with expression, so he does not see the meaning of a fairy tale. Teach this child.

In primary school, special attention is paid to the technique of reading: the more words a child reads, the higher his grade will be. Many parents are perplexed, because chasing after quantity children lose quality. Words fly by one after the other, and the storyline remains aside. Do not worry, this is only the beginning, reading fluency is still useful. By the end of the first class, when children already fluently make words from syllables, you can think about how to teach a child to expressively.

Fantasy makes it easier for children to understand, because it is closer to how they see the world, because they are still unable to understand realistic answers. Let's not forget that children give life to everything. For them, the sun is alive, the moon is alive, like all other elements of the world, nature and life. They believe in monsters, fairies, elves and all the creatures that adults come up with for them. If we tell her that the maid flew through a window mounted on a white horse, the children will believe and be able to do the same.

This is because fairy tales approach the popular content of the wisdom of man, is that they become so important and perpetuate themselves to this day. Characters exist, but they were not created by human laws. These are fairly natural phenomena. That is why they are enchanted creatures.

For children is very important example of parents. The first thing you need to introduce the young student is to tell him about punctuation marks. pupils elementary school   read monotonously, without stopping at points and commas. Interrogative sentences are also obtained with difficulty, because it is difficult for a child to immediately select the main word, which leads to the question. The easiest are the exclamations. Start with them. If you want to teach your child to read with expression, pick emotionally colored works. What other techniques exist for expressive reading?

Through the pleasures or emotions that the stories give, the characters act in the unconscious state of the child, acting gradually to help resolve normal conflicts at this stage of life. Through characters, we educate children with what is “right” and what is considered “wrong” in society, “let's think about good and evil, therefore children's literature books, in addition to teaching a student, to enjoy reading, provides educational services for children.”

"It is to the book, to the written word, we place great responsibility for the formation of the world consciousness of children and youth." According to the author, we find that from the very early age   we assimilate the idea of ​​peace, its progress, that is, the path to development, is a word that begins in children's literature. This initial phase is very respectable, because it has the fundamental role of change, which is to initiate the process of forming a new reader.

We read by roles

A child from an early age listens to his mother reading with expression: the bear in her speaks in a rough voice, and the sparrow squeaks; if it's scary, mom goes to a whisper, joyfully shows emotions in her voice and facial expressions. It's time for the little listener to read with expression. First you need to prepare:

  • the text should be familiar to the reader;
  • it is necessary to discuss the plot in advance, to highlight the main characters in the story, to determine the characteristics of their character;
  • to dwell on some points and remember how my mother read this text.

Through the use of stories, children learn about human problems and their solutions, and it is through them that cultural heritage is informed about children, making a large contribution to their moral education. Fairy tales can be decisive for teaching a child in relation to himself and the world around him. A form of judgment that divides characters into good or bad, beautiful and ugly, strong or weak, causes children to understand certain values ​​and human behavior for living in society.

Conclusion In order to bring the student closer to reading, the teacher must attribute literature to a pleasant purpose, and not just to perform duties at school or at work, since only then it will be possible to prepare readers for life. The initial reading of the child in children's education is necessary and important. We understand how important the mediating role of teachers is, since they are responsible for providing students with adequate reading spaces, turning these spaces into pleasant learning situations.

Offer a child read a fairy tale by roles: you will be, for example, an evil dragon, and your son will be a brave prince saving his beloved one. While reading, check the baby for attentiveness: start speaking in the voice of the wrong hero, change the plot. Will this notice the little reader?

There are additional methods of teaching reading with the expression:

Fairy tales are primary for learning to read and form the child, as these are stories that capture readers of all ages. The miracle of fairy tales means that magic, fantasy and images are gradually no longer regarded as pure fantasy, to be part of everyday life, including adults, allowing them to be transferred to this magical world from time to time, where life becomes easier and much less laborious.

We note that there is no need to wait for the formal education of young children to participate in the reading of fairy tales. Parents can and should, in a family environment, immerse the little ones in the magical world of children's literature, and thus the child will know the reality of the world without any ambiguity in it, reading fairy tales.

  • if we read roles, we offer children to change heroes;
  • use the comparison method: read with expression and monotonously;
  • change the pace of reading;
  • experiment with tone, emphasizing different words in the sentence;
  • in order for the child to understand the importance of reading with expression, invite him to speak without emotion. This will amuse the child, because such communication will be monotonous and incomprehensible.

Joint activities will help the child understand how to read with expression. Having begun work with prose, in the near future proceed to poetry, because this is the most emotional form of literary expression of thoughts.

Children's literature, Tasks and beans. Basic Education Secretariat. Handbook of curriculum for teaching young children. National curriculum parameters: Portuguese, Brazil, psychoanalysis of fairy tales. And the current one. School, reading and text production.

From the world of reading and reading of the world. 6th ed. Learning to read and educate readers for life. There is a country called "Childhood," whose location no one knows for sure. You can stay where Santa Claus lives, at the North Pole, in the south of Ecuador, where there is no sin; Or in the forests of the Amazon or Mysterious Africa, or even in old Europe. The inhabitants of this country move along sidereal ships, sink deep into the ocean, hunt lions, and dragons conclude. And then, exhausted, they lay down on the bed.

(A play in two acts based on the tales of the Brothers Grimm)

Wife of the Giant


they are:
ANAHAY - evil spirit

The next day more adventures. Is a country called “Childhood” available to all children? Failure, violence and neglect are part of the lives of many of them around the world. However, through Tales, everything is possible. Heroes always win, each princess has a happy ending in the arms of her prince, her bedroom can turn into a beautiful castle, feelings unconsciously awaken, all are taken in art and imagination.

A school is a social institution whose goal is to develop students' physical, cognitive, and emotional abilities through procedures, relationships, knowledge, and values. It is here that the student spends most of his life, so he must be a pleasant and interesting environment so that the experiences live inside in favor of development and are not negatively reflected in the adult life of his visitors.

(A fairy tale play in two acts)


Ivan Tsarevich
Vasily, Prince
KOSHEY, emperor of 25 kingdoms, 25 states

(Fantasy on Georgian fairy tales)

CAJI - water spirit
GVELESHAPI - serpentine dragon
MASTER PASHKUNZHI - half-half, half-bird with the head of a lion and wings of an eagle
BABY PASHKUNJI - all in mom

Because it is an environment in which a variety of “types” of people live daily, prejudice can arise from racial, ethnic and cultural differences, as well as issues that are part of different areas of life, such as family, personal, emotional, professional, and student conflicts .

It is in this context that a qualified specialist is required to solve these problems: the “Education Counselor”, whose goal is to think about best ways   supporting the teacher to facilitate the process of teaching and learning; Promote continuing student learning.

(Crazy fantasy)

DRAGON (without words)

(Tale for puppet theater)

  Wife taco

Reading or listening to stories will have a positive impact on children’s world vision, helping them to overcome learning difficulties, low self-esteem and discrimination of any kind that they suffer or that can cause someone to suffer, not allowing their quality of life to risk Future adult life.

This monograph proposes to show how Children's Literature will be a great ally to the educational adviser in building values ​​and improving self-esteem, stimulating and awakening taste and habits by reading, facilitating the learning process, thus thinking and courageous creatures will be designed to withstand society and his adversity.

(Based on English fairy tales.)


CLUTH - old witch

(A fairy tale play in one act, possibly for a puppet theater)
Based on fairy tales Beatrix Poter.


JOHNNY is an urban mouse.
TIMMI VILLI - Country Mouse
LIZZY - older sister johnny
KITTI is the average sister of Johnny.
BEATRIX - younger sister Johnny
Robin - the middle brother Johnny
RICK - Johnny's younger brother

The work was divided as follows: the first chapter dealt with the adviser on education in general, that is, its historical context, its formation, powers and competences, as well as the enormous problems that its implementation preserves. The second chapter shows how fairy tales can help the pedagogical practice of the adviser on education and a short story about fairy tales and their main authors.

The third and last chapter came to stimulate “storytelling” with its own methods and books suitable for each type of mediation that the Counselor could use. Leadership is a practice that has always been present in a person’s life. Through elders, parents and community leaders, leadership, leadership and guidance have already been practiced by these people to help and organize the coexistence of social groups. Discovering the vocation of a son or grandson at the time was not such a difficult task, because through the leadership some parents and grandparents could already imagine the future of their loved ones.


Evil wizard
OLD WOMAN - the kind sorceress.
LISA - the maid

(A fairy tale based on Mordovian fairy tales in 2 acts)

  YURTAI - tailor
  BABY NAY-NAY - evil creature
  VIR-AVA - the mistress of the forest
  BAD-AVA - the mistress of water

His main goal was to orient students in relation to their professional choice, however, faced with so many difficulties and uncertainties, it was necessary to expand their activities, preparing them for personal and social life.

The orientation that was practiced in schools did not worry about the development of the student, but she had to qualify him for his professional life, thus becoming a necessity for the school system, and not for the school. The educational orientation went through remarkable periods of evolution of its concept, and in this walk she received several characteristics corresponding to the historical moment in which society was at that time.

(play-tale in 2 acts)

Merchant's daughters

(Fairy tale play in 2 acts)


The top
ESHKIN CAT - (just a cat)

(The play in 2 acts)

Thus, in order to understand the perspectives of the activity being developed, the author explains that the Tutorial went through six different moments where it dates and characterizes them: the first period was the performer, where the main goal of the Guide was to help students in Professional choice and help in the integral formation of his personality . His work was poorly defined.

The second, nominated as an institutional period, was subdivided into functional and instrumental, and precisely where the legal requirement of orientation in schools occurred, which, thanks to the efforts of the Ministry of Education and Culture, sought to make it dynamic, to conduct courses that were engaged in the preparation of educational consultants.



A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose and verse, for children from 5 years and older.

The prince and the princess saw each other in a dream and fell in love. And it would be their happiness and reality, but the evil magician Dragon also loves the princess. With evil witchcraft, he separates the lovers, luring the princess into his home. The princess wants to run away from him, but the all-seeing magic magician diamond finds her everywhere. And only the skin of a white monkey can hide the princess from the evil sorcerer. Putting on the skin of a white monkey on herself, the princess runs from him into the forest. In the forest, she is met by a prince, who mourns the loss of the bride and takes the monkey to his palace. Much of what else happens to our heroes, but in the end, as it should be in a fairy tale, evil charms are scattered and good triumphs over evil.

The transforming period that the Educational Guide brings with it, characterized as educational, begins to appear in class events, at congresses, and during this period it acquires space in psychological matters. Having at its core an orientation, from the outside to the inside, from the dynamics of the group and the activity that incites conflicts within the school.

At the same time, Orientation should work with the school curriculum, forcing its consultants to question their teaching practice. In this scenario, the guidelines pointed to a sociological and collective view, on the contrary, the professionals fit into the psychological point of view.

Fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose and verse. For children over 5 years old and adults.

ROLE: female - 2; men - 4.

It is sad in the kingdom-state because the king’s daughter is perfect Nesmeyana. And the king issues a decree: whoever makes the princess laugh, he will marry her! Who will make her laugh? A merry fellow, a passer-by, Ivan, or an overseas prince?

The fifth question is a decade. During this period, the issue of educational orientation is more questioned: learning and practice, since the 80th year brought great changes that influenced education and, therefore, in the form of leadership. The sixth and last period, leadership, presumably, the period of "orientation" to the intended education.

Then an educational orientation will be organized: in the mobilization of knowledge; Drawing up reality and purpose; By surveying individual and group presentations; In building the identity of a citizen who is crucial, participates and is aware of his rights and obligations; In matters of affection and cognition, the characteristics are interrelated with the individual.

Fairy tale in 2 acts. In verse. For younger children.

ROLE: female - 7; men - 1; as well as machines of the girlfriend, geese, swans, frogs, little mice and a hut on chicken legs.

The play in verse written in the plot of Russian fairy tales. The girl Masha runs after geese-swans, trying to save brother Ivanushka. Along the way, they come across an oven, an apple tree, a milk river. Everyone is trying to help Masha. Baba Yaga helps her with a mother mouse and a little mouse, and a hut on chicken legs. In the end, even the swan geese, whom the evil Yaga keeps on running errands and does not feed at all, help her ...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose and in verse, written for the songs of fairy tale heroes. For children from 6 years and adults.

Merchant Martiros arrives in the city of Alep to profitably sell his goods in it. But he meets fraudsters who trick them into deceiving him. And in Alep Martiros meets the girl Narine, who helps him and return the goods and find love ...

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. Half in prose, half in verse, for children from 8 years and adults.

Roles: female - 5, male - 4.

A merry play in prose and verse, about how the three daughters of Baba Yaga, sat up in the maids and started to get married.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts.

Roles: female - 3, male –2.

A fairy tale traditional in all aspects: the naughty Nastya is led away into the forest by a woman-Yaga. Older sister Alyonushka goes to her rescue.

The play is easy to produce and subject to the laws of the genre, ready to endure more than one year of hire. In the children's playbill of the Vologda Drama Theater, more than ten seasons have been played.

The lyrics of the song numbers inspired some musical theater teams to create musicals from the play.

The wonderful music of the songs for the play was written by the director of the Vologda drama Dina Fedorovna Bortnik.

A fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose with verses for songs. Children from 6 years.

ROLE: female - 5; mens 4.

The play consists of two one-acts "Wolf, Fox and Summer Wonders" and "Wolf, Fox and Autumn Wonders" (Summer Tale and Autumn Tale). If in the first action the Wolf helps the Fox in her wiles, for which he has been punished, in the second action he takes on the mind and refuses to help the redhead cheat. Moreover, he helps the Squirrel, the Bear, the Hare, Leshem and the Mermaids to bring the fox cheat to the clear water ...

or "Ivan Tsarevich, Gray Wolf and others"

A fairy tale play in 2 acts in prose with lyrics for children from 7 years old and adults.

ROLE: female - 4; men - 4.

The gray wolf inadvertently eats his horse from Ivan Tsarevich, and therefore decides to help him get youthful apples for the priest-king. However, Koschey demands a higher price for apples - a golden-maned horse, which is located in Helen the Beautiful, as well as the wise. And the commotion begins in which Baba Yaga and the learned cat and the mermaid are sitting on the branches. And Elena is beautiful, but quite wise. Koschei is defeated by common efforts, everyone is happy and hopes to be happy ...

Fairy tale in 2 acts in prose.

For children from 5 years and parents.

ROLE: female - 2, male - 4.

Although the author uses the theme of the Russian fairy tale "Rejuvenating apples" - the play is quite original, both in the plot and in the characters. The action is played by “buffoons”, which in the course of the narrative turn into one or another character of the fairy tale.

Fairy tale in 2 acts. In prose and with poems for the songs of heroes. For children from 6 years and adults.


women - 5; male -5.

The fairies who bring up our not sleeping beauty are dissatisfied with their student. Instead of quietly sleeping and waiting for the prince, when he comes and wakes her up with her kiss, the princess runs through the woods, does housework, dreams of a sea that makes noise outside the windows of her castle, so beautiful and attractive. It does not occur to anyone that the sea may bring trouble: pirates enter the castle of the princess and kidnap her. And the prince, who came to wake her with a kiss, has nothing left but to wake up to a pirate ship, and join the battle with the pirates ...

The play is a fairy tale in 6 pictures in prose and with verses for songs.

For children over 6 years old.

ROLE: female - 2, male - 6.

The play is a journey from start to finish. Together with the main character, the viewer follows the tale from one character to another, doing good deeds, making mistakes and performing feats. At the end of the play, the hero awaits the victory over Koschey and the love of Vasilisa the beautiful.

Fairy tale in 2 acts. In prose. For children from 8 years old and adults.

ROLE: female - 2; men's -2.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about Tsarevna the frog, into which Koschey the immortal turned Elena the Wise into a frog, and how Ivan Tsarevich saved her. But it was a long time ago in ancient times. And if Koschey and Yaga live in our days? Such inconspicuous grandmother and grandfather walk through the forest, gather mushrooms and it will never occur to anyone that Baba Yaga and Koschey. And if Koschey, having met Lena in the forest, suddenly turns her into a frog, then who will free her from the hated frog skin? After all, the princes we now do not have. Ivana is still found, but they are not princes at all ...

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose. For children from 6 years old and adults.

Based on the Italian tale "Evil fate".

ROLE: female - 8; men - 3.

Princess Santine has an evil fate. Because of this, all unhappiness falls on her and her family. So they would be showered on the head of a poor princess all her life, but her kindness and diligence make even her evil fate take pity on the unfortunate one and help the prince to love and happiness for her sister, mother and herself ...

Fairy-tale playbook in 2 acts, in prose and with verses for the songs of heroes. For children from 5 years and their parents. Based on English fairy tales.

ROLE: female - 2; men - 2.

Every Englishman is well aware that the terrible Mr. Myakki puts his naughty children in his bag and takes him to his terrible house in the woods, where his dear little wife Mrs. Myakki cooks some of them for her beloved hubby soup. Tom does not believe in it, until he finds himself in the house of the terrible cannibal. But is this cannibal so terrible? Yes, and if he is a cannibal? Kind Mrs. Sally, Mr. Myakki's wife, cannot be so cruel to children, even if they are very naughty. Anyway, Tom is saved himself, rescues his sister Mary, and moreover, they become good friends with Mrs. and Mr. Myakki.

The play-fairy tale in 1 act about friendship. In prose and verse. For children from three to a hundred years.

Fox cub and Leveret are friends. But they want to be friends only together, with each other, so that there are no third ones superfluous. So they chase away both the Hedgehog and the Bear. But the Wolf invades their friendship. He does not consider himself to be the third extra. Moreover, he considers the third superfluous Bunny, and wants to make soup from it. It would have disappeared Little Rabbit with Lisenky in the big Wolf pan, if the Hedgehog and the Bear Cub didn’t come to their aid and didn’t prove to the whole vet that there’s no third person in a friendship.

The play is a fairy tale in 1 act. In prose.

For children over 6 years old and adults.

ROLE: female - 3; men - 3.

One of the plays about Fox and Wolf. "Spring Tale".

A squirrel and a hare were found in the forest, on a katal hill, a sleigh with a stuffed carnival. And in the sleigh there is a tub with pancakes and a pot of butter. Fox wants to take away the find from them. Calling for help Wolf. And Squirrel and Bunny awaken the Bear. Mirit same forest inhabitants Spring-red.

A cautionary tale in 2 acts based on the Toelius fairy tale.

For younger children and older.

ROLE: female - 6, male - 2.

The play is written based on the fairy tale Topelius "The Magic Pearl of Adelmina." But at the same time, the play is an absolutely independent work. Rather, the author was influenced not by the love of the drama of Evgeny Schwartz. True, the play of this turned out to be somewhat instructive and, as it seems to the author, too prim and verbose. However, in reading the play is perceived by listeners with interest. Delivered and is in Voronezh TYuZe.

Fairy tale based on Kazakh fairy tales.

The play in prose and with verses for the songs of heroes.

For children 6 years and older.

A somewhat detective story makes it interesting for adult viewers.

ROLE: female -2; for men - 3. + Karakhan’s nukers and the khan's judge’s nukers.

Ilyas is in love with Malik. But stepmother Malika wants to give her to marry the rich Karahan. One thing holds her - the word given to father Ilyas. And then someone in the night steppe kills Father Ilyas. Khan's judge, biy, promises to find the killer. And finds. Biy punishes the guilty, and Ilyas marries Malik.

The play-tale in 2 acts. based on the tale of V. Gauf.

ROLE: female - 3; men - 4.

I think there is no need to acquaint with the plot of this work - who since childhood does not know this beautiful story told by Wilhelm Hauff?