Tales of remaking for a drunk company by role: impromptu. Snowball - "how and what to read to children."


  • to consolidate the skills of correct speech, observing the speech rules;
  • exercise in reading the text in compliance with logical pauses, rhythm, intonation;
  • continue work on the development of general speech skills;
  • to develop the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;
  • continue training in muscle relaxation;
  • continue work on the development of cognitive activity.

Class progress

1.Organizational moment.

2.Checking homework.

Reading the poem "Zhadina" by roles. (See lesson number 60)

3. A message on the topic of the lesson.

Do you guys like fairy tales?

What tales do you know, name them.

Today in the lesson we will talk about fairy tales, about fairy-tale heroes. We will learn to read the fairy tale by roles.

4. The main part.

a) A conversation about a fairy tale.

Guys, what do you think, what is a fairy tale? (Answers of children).

That's right, a fairy tale is a story about what does not happen in life, about various miracles and magical adventures. In fairy tales, not only people talk, but also animals, trees, flowers, various objects.

b) Reading a poem by role.

Guys, guess who is coming to visit us now.

Methen on the barn, scrapped on the barn.

He left his grandmother, and left his grandfather.

Before the wolf did not tremble, ran away from the bear,

And the fox got caught in the tooth ... (gingerbread man)

(A picture of a kolobok is shown.)

What fairy tale is this character from? (From the tale "Gingerbread Man")

Let's read the poem by roles. (Work with cards.)

Where have you been, gingerbread man?

I was in a fabulous country

Tales have given me a lot.

Make friends with me -

I’ll tell you one and all.

Read what you asked the bun. What intonation did you use when reading?

Read what the bun has answered. What intonation should these lines be read with?

c) Description of the bun.

Guys, you all very well know the tale "The Gingerbread Man". Let's try to describe the kolobok, try to compose his verbal portrait. Which bun?

(Description of appearance, form, character, behavior.)

d) Reading dialogues from the tale "Gingerbread Man".

Please recall who first met the bun. (With a hare)

Let's read what happened there.

A kolobok rolls along the road, and towards him a hare:

- Gingerbread man, gingerbread man, I'll eat you!

- Don’t eat me, oblique, I’ll sing a song for you!

d) Formation T.p. nouns.

What happened then? Who else did the gingerbread man meet with? (With a wolf) etc. Children remember fairy-tale characters and read dialogs, imitating the voice of animals and the bun. Pictures of animals are shown along the way: hare, fox, wolf, bear.

How did the fairy tale end? Why was the fox able to eat a bun? (Answers children)

f) The game "Find an Extra Word".

Fox, fox, leaf, fox.

Hare, hare, hare, castle.

Wolf, shuttlecock, wolf cubs, wolf cub.

Medok, teddy bear, bear, bear.

Vocabulary work: explain the meaning of the words shuttlecock, medoc.

Sound and letter analysis of these words, making sentences with these words.

5. The development of respiration.

7. Development of facial and articulatory muscles.

g) Guessing riddles.

Guys, now I will make riddles, and you will have to guess them.

In the dark forest at the edge, In the hat of a little blue boy

All lived together in a hut. From a famous children's book.

Children awaited mom, He is a silly woman and a know-it-all,

The wolf was not allowed into the house. And his name is ... (Dunno)

This tale is for guys ...

(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

I'm a wooden boy

That’s the golden key!

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina -

They are all friends with me.

Everywhere I stick my nose long

My name is ... (Pinocchio)

A kind girl in a fairy tale lived

I went to visit my grandmother through the woods.

Mom sewed a beautiful hat

And I didn’t forget to give pies with me.

What a sweetheart girl

Her name is ... (Little Red Riding Hood)

(Pictures of fairy-tale heroes are shown.)

g) Reading by the speech therapist of the fairy tale “Rooster and Colors”.

You take us with a damp brush

Put on a piece of paper.

Smudge as it should and here

A boat is floating on a piece of paper.


Tail with patterns, boots with spurs.

I’ll wake everyone up, even though I don’t look for hours.


That's right, our tale is called "Rooster and Colors." Now I will read it to you. She was invented by children's storyteller Vladimir Suteev. You carefully listen and remember with what intonation you need to read a fairy tale.

h) Conversation on the content of the tale.

Why did the rooster cry? Who offended him?

What did the dog advise the rooster?

What did the red paint do?

What paint painted feathers on the tail?

What color were the wings and breast?

What did the dog say at the end?

8. Fizminutka.

  The Cockerel

Standing, inhale calmly, while exhaling, draw out: “Ku-ka-re-ku”.

The text of the poem is read by a speech therapist; children repeat each phrase.

Quietly quiet all around.


Everyone fell asleep in a sound sleep.

One cockerel jumped up

  (Get up, raise your hands up.)

He woke up all the guys.

(Stand on socks, on the exhale say “Ku-ka-re-ku!)

i) Reading a fairy tale by children in roles.

9. Coloring the cockerel.

Children are invited to color the cock, pronouncing their actions.

10. Summarizing the lesson.

What did we do in class?

Children read the first books slowly and reluctantly. The thing is that a little schoolboy is bored: you need to focus on syllables, not to lose the line, and this is an unusual thing for a child. The first grader does not know how to read with expression, therefore does not see the meaning of the tale. Teach this child.

In the elementary grades, special attention is paid to the reading technique: the more words a child reads, the higher will be his grade. Many parents are perplexed, because chasing quantity, children lose quality. Words fly by one by one, and the storyline remains on the sidelines. Do not worry, this is only the beginning; fluency in reading is still useful. By the end of the first class, when children are already fluent in composing words from syllables, one can think about how to teach a child to read expressively.

For children, the example of parents is very important. The first thing to introduce a young schoolboy is to tell him about punctuation marks. pupils elementary school  read monotonously, without stopping at points and commas. Interrogative sentences are also difficult to obtain, because it is difficult for a child to immediately single out the main word, which leads to the question. Exclamation designs are the lightest. So start with them. If you want to teach your child to read with expression, pick emotionally colored works. What other teaching methods for expressive reading exist?

Read by roles

A child from an early age listens to how her mother reads with expression: her bear speaks in a rude voice, and the sparrow squeaks; if scared, mother goes into a whisper, joyfully - in a voice and facial expressions she shows emotions. The time has come for the little listener to read with expression. First you need to prepare:

  • the text should be familiar to the reader;
  • it is necessary to discuss the plot in advance, to select the main characters in the story, to determine the features of their character;
  • stop at some points and remember with what feelings my mother read this text.

Suggest to a child read a fairy tale by roles: you will be, for example, an evil dragon, and your son - a brave prince saving his beloved. While reading, check the baby for attentiveness: start speaking with the voice of the wrong hero, change the plot. Will this notice a little reader?

There are additional techniques for teaching reading with the expression:

  • if we read by roles, we suggest that children change characters;
  • use the comparison method: read with the expression and monotonously;
  • change the pace of reading;
  • experiment with tone, emphasizing different words in a sentence;
  • so that the child understands the importance of reading with expression, invite him to speak without emotion. This will amuse the child, because such communication will be monotonous and incomprehensible.

Joint activities will help your child understand how to read with expression. Starting work with prose, in the near future proceed to poetry, because this is the most emotional form of literary expression of thoughts.

“Literature also needs talented readers, like talented writers.”
Samuel Marshak

Dear Bookcase Readers! Do you often ask how to instill a child with a love of reading? Recently in the magazine "Baby" was published my next article on this topic. Let's share the secrets of how to grow a true reader.

Many modern pediatric pediatricians advise reading to the baby even before his birth. Starting from birth, reading, from a book or from memory, you can always and everywhere: for a walk, during swaddling, dressing, massage, bathing and laying down to sleep. Let the baby do not understand the words you utter, but he feels your intonation, sees gestures and feels mother's touches, accompanied by reading and a smile. All this causes him a lot of positive emotions. In the first months of life, reading books perfectly trains the newborn’s hearing, teaches him to recognize your voice, introduces you to the melody of your native speech and the intonations of the language.
Children from birth to three years old perceive rhyming works better. Therefore, the smallest ones are suitable for nursery rhymes, petals, jokes, lullabies and fairy tales in verses. No wonder they are called maternal poetry. Short game verses “Ladushki”, “There is a horned goat” and “Magpie-crow” help to master simple movements and skills in play form, create mood and rhythm.
From the moment when the baby learns to hold his head and focus his eyes, you can introduce him to the first book illustrations. From 5-6 months, the child begins to learn the world through touch: he loves to touch various objects and try them “by the tooth”. Therefore, you can introduce the baby to those helping to develop tactile memory and fine motor skills, which in turn stimulates the development of speech.

Your child’s attitude towards books is gradually formed, but there are some secrets that will help you develop an interest in books and reading:
Home library. For children to read books, they must grow up surrounded by books. Space-saving requirements, high mobility and the rapid spread of electronic media have supplanted heavy volumes, which were recently queued. Meanwhile, in a house with a bookcase in which you can dig at least secretly, a reading child will undoubtedly grow up. According to research by scientists, having a good home library affects the future level of a child’s education even more than their parents ’education.
Personal example.   The child is raised not by words, but by deeds. Read for yourself, quote, share read and discuss books, go to bookstores and libraries together, create a home library. A child who sees you with a book in his hands perceives this as the norm of everyday life. First, he will imitate, and after that he will be interested in reading.
Time.   Start reading to children from birth or even earlier. Choose the right time to read. Do not read forcefully if the child wants to play and run. Read to your child when he is not tired and in a good mood. Postpone reading new books until the baby is active and alert.
A place.   Allocate a special place for reading, a cozy and secluded corner. It should be quiet, comfortable, with good lighting. Often children read while lying on the carpet, and it is not harmful if the baby is lying on his stomach, there is enough light, and the distance to the book is about 30 cm. But reading on the back and side is harmful to the eyes. While reading, do not be distracted by yourself and try to remove objects that distract the child - bright new toys, etc.
Reading technique. Reading to your child out loud is no easy task. Read slowly and expressively, pronouncing all the sounds well, vary the text (for example, insert the child’s name in poems about children), change the intonation and voice depending on which character speaks, imitate, read rhymes to chant. Read to the child even when he learns to read on his own, by this you determine the zone for his immediate development: that which he is not yet able to read today, but perceives in your reading, and after a while he will return to the book on his own.
Storage.   Let everything related to reading be attractive to the baby. Select a separate shelf for storing children's books and beautifully design it, not forgetting to ask your main reader for advice. Make sure that the shelf is comfortable and easily accessible to the baby.
Discuss and compose. Talk about the heroes of the books you read and their actions, express your attitude. Teach your child to write stories, fantasize, retell old tales on new way, attribute incredible actions to the heroes, invent their future fate and your own plot development options. Bring something new to familiar stories, let the kid come up with characters and names for them, determine the endings of stories, etc. This will create a creative imagination for your child. Compose fairy tales together, draw illustrations and give home-made books to friends, grandparents. The hero of the book may be the child himself, his own fairy tale can help him solve a problem, overcome fear or teach something new.
Interactivity . Relive the book, read the roles, play sketches in faces, stage performances based on well-known book plots. Let the child play one of the roles and be inside the book. Such theatricalization allows you to unobtrusively convey and consolidate thoughts that are otherwise difficult to assimilate. There are many options for home theater: costumed, finger-type, magnetic, shadow play, paper, puppet, etc. Arrange real performances on books you have read at home, put up posters and give out tickets. After two years, you can take the baby to the puppet theater and see the production of your favorite fairy tale. Draw the heroes of books, sculpt them from plasticine and natural materials, and play stories. You can create your own cartoon comic strip. Let the child with your help remember and schematically draw the main scenes, and then, based on the pictures, try to voice the “cartoon”. Write letters to your favorite heroes (here, you may have to send answers from them). Show the kid filmstrips from the read tales. They are perceived easier than cartoons, their eyes are less tired, and besides, filmstrips only help to understand the text of the book, and not replace it with action.
Ritual. Regular reading at the same time is a ritual that has a calming effect on the child, as a sign of stability and support in life. You can read at breakfast or even when the baby is sitting on the potty. But it is best to make soothing reading a traditional bedtime. This will not only be deposited in the subconscious of the child, but will also give additional intimacy and warmth of communication with the baby, create a special confidence atmosphere between you and the child. Choose for reading at night time-tested, already familiar to the child stories, this will help him to relax before going to bed.
Tradition. Allocate a special day and time for family reading in a circle, although this is not easy with today's rhythm of life. Such reading can not only entertain, but also comfort and support the child, give him new knowledge and inspire. The emotional “reading-communication”, the period of “close attention”, is very important for children, because this is the time when mom and dad put aside all their affairs, put him on his knees, hug him on the shoulders and begin to read.
Reiteration. Read the same book as many times as the child asks. Repetition is important for toddlers because they want to learn. Soon you will notice that he already remembers his favorite passages by heart and tries to use key phrases in his speech. In addition, rereading your favorite book for the umpteenth time creates a comfortable situation for the child, he knows in advance all the plot twists, so he pays attention to individual words and phrases, notices new semantic nuances.
Measure. Stop until the child is bored. Better to read less, but regularly.
Compliance with age.   Choose books by age that are complex enough so that they can capture the attention of the child, and at the same time simple enough so that he can follow the development of events. It is not scary if something in the reading turns out to be unclear, reading ahead is also useful, but the plot in such books should be available at different levels. If several children are at home preschool age, do not distinguish between reading to younger and older, older ones usually actively discuss and pronounce works for kids, which is useful to everyone.
Relevance.   Do not be equal to others, choose what your child is happy to perceive. Vulnerable and impressionable children fear adventurous stories, unlike adventure seekers. Offer up-to-date books, in accordance with the interests and hobbies of the child at the moment. Ideally, read your child books that are interesting to both of you. Try to read in advance what you intend to introduce the child to. Remember the thematic variety of works and the seasonal principle in the selection of literature.
Illustration.   Encourage your child’s interest in pictures. Over time, he will begin to not only turn pages, but also listen. Teach your child to pay attention to the details of illustrations, the color scheme, and how the artist conveys the mood of the characters. Retelling a fragment of a work from the picture, the baby develops his speech and learns to recreate the verbal image on the basis of the visual.
Questions. Answer the questions that the baby asks during the reading, explain obscure words and sentences at his request. Ask questions yourself, do not go to long monologues, ask your child to retell small passages, discuss what they read together. Together, look in books for answers to a child’s questions. Along with art books for children early age  There is also educational literature for acquaintance with the surrounding world, broadening one's horizons, developing attention and memory. A special place is occupied by reading dictionaries, encyclopedias and popular science literature.
Joint campaign.   Make a tradition of a joint trip to the bookstore and library, and give the child the opportunity to choose for himself.
Value.   Educate your book as something of value. Give books to your baby for every holiday, along with other gifts. When a child goes to visit someone, include the book in a children's gift as something special. Cultivate a careful attitude to books, explain that they should not be thrown on the floor, drawn in them, wrinkled or torn pages. After reading them, be sure to put them in place. If you deliberately try to spoil the book, put it in the closet and explain why you did this.

There are also small tricks that will help to interest in reading even the most restless and active baby.
Temptation. Choose a book that may be of interest to the baby, sit at a distance and start loudly expressively reading it to yourself. If the child does not join, cover the page with your hand, as if you are reading something top-secret.
Audio recording.   Buy a book with a CD. Teach your child to use the player so that he can turn on the recording, listen to it and at the same time leaf through the illustrations. Go even further and try the tape recording method. Write down a few books yourself, and then ask the child to write a fairy tale for a friend or relative, with artistic reading - dog barking, creaking doors and other attributes. But do not get carried away; listening to discs will not replace a live mother's voice and discussion of what has been read.
Subscription.   Subscribe to interesting magazines for your child in his name, for this, go together to the post office.
Magical appearance. Beat the appearance of a new book in the house. “Mail” can come by mail, “Treasure Island” can be found together on the route on a pirate map, etc. Entering the house with the “Dwarf Encyclopedia”, say that you just received this book from the dwarves, and they asked the baby to read it. Get a "magic chest", in which sometimes books will appear on the most relevant topics for the child.
Intrigue.   While reading with the kids, take small breaks at the most interesting places. With older children, reading the same book for several days, break off in the intriguing moments of the chapters. Such reading with continued not only maintains interest, but also contributes to the development of memory and attentiveness.
Old books.   Read your old children's books with your child, tell them how their grandparents read to you.
Own books. Make your own books. Make up stories about the kid himself and draw illustrations, or make a book from photos of the child with signatures.
Drawing. If it is difficult for a child to concentrate on the plot of the book, invite him to draw while you are reading. During reading, children usually draw and paint simple shapes, performing mechanical work that does not require concentration and inspiration. Restless hands are busy and do not interfere with the mind to perceive what is heard. If the difficulties remain, try background reading.

Reading is not only a pleasant pastime, but also a significant step towards the development of figurative thinking and intelligence of your baby, the formation of competent speech and writing, facilitating the learning process and getting new experiences. After all, with each book you read, your little person becomes richer for the whole world of another person.

(A play in two acts based on the fairy tale of the Brothers Grimm)

Peasant woman


they are:
ANAHAI - evil spirit

(A fairy tale play in two acts)


Ivan Tsarevich
VASILY, Tsarevich
KOSCHEY, emperor of the 25th kingdom, 25 states

(Fantasy on the theme of Georgian fairy tales)

KAJI - water spirit
GVELESHAPI - serpentine dragon
MOTHER PASHKUNZHI - half-beast, half-bird with the head of a lion and wings of an eagle

(Delusional fantasy)

DRAGON, (without words)

(Tale for the Puppet Theater)


(Based on English fairy tales.)


CLUTI - old witch

(A fairy tale play in one act, possibly for a puppet theater)
Based on the tales of Beatrix Potter.


JOHNNY - a city mouse.
TIMMY WILLIE - Village Mouse
LIZZY - Elder Sister Johnny
Kitty is Johnny's middle sister.
BEATRIX - Johnny's younger sister
ROBIN - Johnny's middle brother
RICK - Johnny's younger brother


Evil Sorcerer
Wicked Sorceress
The OLD WOMAN is a kind sorceress.
LISA - maid

(A fairy tale play based on Mordovian tales in 2 acts)

  YURTAY - tailor
  DYACHKA NAI-NAI - an unkind creature
  VIR-AVA - mistress of the forest
  VED-AVA - mistress of water

(fairy tale play in 2 acts)


(A fairy tale play in 2 acts)


ESHKIN CAT - (just a Cat)

(Play in 2 acts)



The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose and poetry, for children from 5 years and older.

The prince and princess saw each other in a dream and fell in love. And they would be happy and awake, but the evil magician Dragon also loves the princess. With evil witchcraft, he tears apart lovers, lures the princess into his house. The princess wants to run away from him, but the magician's all-seeing magical diamond finds her everywhere. And only the skin of a white monkey can hide the princess from the evil sorcerer. Putting the skin of a white monkey on herself, the princess runs from him into the forest. In the forest, she is met by a prince, mourning the loss of the bride and taking the monkey to his palace. There is a lot that happens to our heroes, but in the end, as befits a fairy tale, evil spells dissipate and good conquers evil.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose and poetry. For children over 5 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 2; male - 4.

It is sad in the kingdom-state because the king’s daughter is the most perfect Nesmeyan. And the king issues a decree: whoever laughs at the princess will marry her! Who will make her laugh? Veselchak, a passerby, Ivan or an overseas prince?

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. In verse. For young children.

ROLES: female - 7; male - 1; as well as the machines of girlfriends, geese, swans, frogs, mice and a hut on chicken legs.

The play in verse is written according to the plot of a Russian fairy tale. Girl Masha runs after the geese-swans, trying to save brother Ivanushka. On the way it comes across a furnace, an apple tree, a dairy river. Everyone is trying to help Masha. Baba Yaga is helped by her mouse-mouse and mouse, and the hut on chicken legs. In the end, even geese-swans help her, whom the evil Yaga keeps running and does not feed at all ...

The play is a fairy tale in two acts, in prose and in poems written for the songs of the heroes of the fairy tale. For children from 6 years old and adults.

The merchant Martiros arrives in the city of Alep to profitably sell his goods in it. But he meets scammers who trick him into selling this product. And in Alep Martiros meets the girl Narine, who helps him and return the goods and find love ...

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. Half in prose, half in verse, for children from 8 years old and adults.

Roles: female - 5, male - 4.

A funny play in prose and poetry about how the three daughters of Baba Yaga, who sat up in girls and wanted to get married.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts.

Roles: female - 3, male –2.

A traditional fairy tale in all aspects: the naughty Nastya is taken to the Baba Yaga forest. The elder sister Alyonushka goes to her rescue.

The play is simple in staging and subject to the laws of the genre, ready to withstand more than one year of rental. More than ten seasons were played in the children's poster of the Vologda Drama Theater.

Lyrics of song numbers inspired some groups of musical theaters to create a musical from the play.

Great music of songs for the performance was written by the head teacher of the Vologda drama Dina Fedorovna Bortnik.

A fairy tale play in 2 acts, in prose with poems for songs. Children from 6 years old.

ROLES: female - 5; male 4.

The play is composed of two one-acts “Wolf, Fox and Summer Wonders” and “Wolf, Fox and Autumn Wonders” (Summer Tale and Autumn Tale). If in the first act the Wolf helps Lisa in her intrigues, for which he is punished, then in the second act he takes up his mind and refuses to help the red cheat. Moreover, he helps the Squirrel, the Bear, the Hare, Leshem and the Mermaids to bring the liar Fox into clean water ...

or "Ivan Tsarevich, Gray Wolf and others"

A fairy tale play in 2 acts in prose with lyrics, for children from 7 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 4; male - 4.

The gray wolf inadvertently eats a horse from Ivan Tsarevich, and therefore decides to help him get rejuvenating apples for the tsar’s king. However, Koschey demands a big price for apples - a golden-maned horse, which is located at Elena the Beautiful, as well as a wise one. And the mess begins in which both the Baba Yaga and the scientific cat and the mermaid, which sits on the branches, participate. And Elena, though beautiful, but quite wise. Koschey defeated by common efforts, everyone is happy and hope to be happy ...

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts in prose.

For children from 5 years old and parents.

ROLES: female - 2, male - 4.

Although the author uses the theme of the Russian fairy tale “Rejuvenating apples” - the play is quite original, both in the plot and in the characters. The action is played out by “buffoons”, during the course of the story turning into one or another protagonist of the fairy tale.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. In prose and with verses for the songs of heroes. For children from 6 years old and adults.


female - 5; men's -5.

The fairies raising our awake beauty are unhappy with their student. Instead of sleeping calmly and waiting for the prince when he appears and wakes her with his kiss, the princess runs around the forest, does household work, dreams of the sea, which rustles outside the windows of her castle, so beautiful and attractive. It does not occur to anyone that the sea can bode disaster: pirates infiltrate the castle of the princess and kidnap her. And the prince, who appeared to wake her with a kiss, has no choice but to get into the pirate ship and join the battle with the pirates ...

The play is a fairy tale in 6 prose paintings and with verses for songs.

For children over 6 years old.

ROLES: female - 2, male - 6.

The play is a journey from beginning to end. Together with the main character, the viewer follows a fairy tale from one character to another, doing good deeds, making mistakes and accomplishing feats. At the end of the hero’s play, victory over Koshchei and the love of the beautiful Vasilisa await.

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts. In prose. For children from 8 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 2; male -2.

Everyone knows the fairy tale about the Princess Frog, into which the immortal Koschey turned Elena the Wise into a frog, and how Ivan Tsarevich saved her. But it was a long time ago in ancient times. And if Koschey and Yaga live in our days? Such inconspicuous grandmother and grandfather walk through the woods, pick mushrooms and it would never occur to anyone that it was Baba Yaga and Koshchei. And if Koschey, having met the girl Lena in the forest, suddenly, accidentally turns her into a frog, then who will free her from the hated frog skin? After all, we no longer have princes here. The Ivanes still meet, but they are not princes at all ...

The play is a fairy tale in 2 acts, in prose. For children from 6 years old and adults.

Based on the Italian fairy tale "Evil Fate".

ROLES: female - 8; men's - 3.

Princess Santina has an evil fate. Because of this, all misfortunes fall upon her and her family. So they would pour on the head of the poor princess her whole life, but her kindness and hard work even make her Evil fate, take pity on the unfortunate, and help to achieve the prince's love and happiness for her sister, mother and herself ...

The play is a fairy tale culinary recipe in 2 acts, in prose and with poems for songs of heroes. For children from 5 years old and their parents. Based on English fairy tales.

ROLES: female - 2; male - 2.

Every Englishman knows well that the terrible Mr. Myakki puts naughty children in his bag and takes it to his terrible house in the forest, where his dear little wife Mrs. Myakki makes soup for them from her beloved husband. Tom does not believe in this until he finds himself in the house of a terrible cannibal. But is this cannibal so terrible? And is he really a cannibal? The kind Mrs. Sally, Mr. Myakki’s wife, can’t be so cruel to the children, even if they are very gambling. One way or another, Tom rescues himself, rescues his sister Mary, and moreover, they become good friends with Mrs. and Mr. Myakki.

The play is a fairy tale in 1 action about friendship. In prose and poetry. For children from three to one hundred years old.

The little fox and the little hare are friends. But they want to be friends only together, with each other, so that there are no third superfluous. So they drive away both the Hedgehog and the Teddy Bear. But the Wolf invades their friendship. He does not consider himself the third superfluous at all. Moreover, he considers Zaychonka the third superfluous, and wants to cook soup from him. So the Hare and the Little Fox would have disappeared in the Wolf’s large saucepan if the Hedgehog and the Bear had not come to their aid and had proved to the whole veto that there are no unnecessary third friends.

The play is a fairy tale in 1 act. In prose.

For children over 6 years old and adults.

ROLES: female - 3; men's - 3.

One of the plays about the Fox and the Wolf. "Spring Tale".

The squirrel and the Hare were found in the forest, on the catalan mountain, a sled with a scarecrow of Pancake week. And in the sleigh there is a tub of pancakes and a pot of oil. The fox wants to take the find from them. Calls for help Wolf. And Squirrel and Bunny wake the Bear. Mirit, on the other hand, is the spring-red forest inhabitants.

Edifying tale in 2 acts based on the fairy tales of Toelius.

For younger and older children.

ROLES: female - 6, male - 2.

The play is based on Topelius' fairy tale "The Magic Pearl of Adelmin." But at the same time, the play is an absolutely independent work. Rather, the author was influenced by the persistent love for the dramaturgy of Eugene Schwartz. True, the play from this turned out to be somewhat edifying and, as it seems to the author, unnecessarily prim and verbose. However, in reading the play is perceived by the audience with interest. Delivered and goes to the Voronezh Youth Theater.

The play is a fairy tale based on Kazakh tales.

A play in prose and with verses for the songs of heroes.

For children 6 years and older.

A somewhat detective story makes it interesting for adult viewers.

ROLES: female -2; male - 3. + Nukers of Karakhan and nukers of a khan judge.

Ilyas is in love with Malik. But the stepmother Malika wants to give her in marriage to the rich Karahan. One thing holds her — the word given to Ilyas’s father. And then someone in the night steppe kills father Ilyas. The Khan judge, Biy, promises to find the killer. And finds. Biy punishes the guilty, and Ilyas marries Malik.

The play is a tale in 2 acts. based on the tale of V. Gauf.

ROLES: female - 3; male - 4.

I think there is no need to introduce the plot of this work - who from childhood does not know this beautiful story told by Wilhelm Gauf?


How long have we been sitting

Our hands are numb.

Our legs are numb

We stamp them: Rhys, two, three!

Hands and side, my friend,

One, two, three - then a jump,

Now sit down soon.

Do not hold on to the battery.

With health, everything is in order

If you do exercises.

VI. Work with the text of S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “Answer”

Reading a work by a teacher (p. 8).

Testing the emotional perception of the work.

Which fairy tale heroes did you like? Why?

Analysis of the work, selective reading.

Who did the little Chicken ask questions to?

What character trait does the author condemn? Confirm the answer with words from the text.

What words confirm that the author agrees with the Rooster? (And that was true.)

Expressive role reading.

(The elephant of the Rooster is read aloud, irritably; the words of the Chicken are moody, whiny, inquiring; the words of the author are in an even, calm, affirmative tone.)

VII. Game "Try to become a magician"

What mood do your friends have?

What needs to be done to bring joy to friends and acquaintances?

If you manage to bring joy to others - you are real magicians.

Students read a poem.

Try to become a wizard

Become a good wizard

Come on, try it!

Tricks here

Not at all special:

Understand and fulfill

Desire of another -

Pure pleasure,


On the flowerbed is a flower

Its leaves hung.

He is sad ... What?

Guessed his thoughts?

He wants to get drunk.

Hey rain, fields! ...

II rain is flowing

From your watering can.

And what about little sister

Missing you aside?

Magical something

Make a little sister! ...

And you turned around

With a zealous horse

Galloping little sister

Rushed on it!

Even mom

Still not back from work,

Not hard to find out

Her thoughts and concerns:

Yes, you need cleaning

Drive again. ”

And you do

Merry miracle -

The carpet sparkled.

The dishes shone!

II mother gasped

Returning home.

“Yes, it’s like in a fairy tale! ...

You are my wizard! ”

S. Pogorelovsky

Let those of you who have done some good deed take a leaf from the Courtesy basket, attach it to the Miracle Tree and tell you about your deed.

Viii. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

If you are always attentive to each other, others, trying to do good deeds, you will become real wizards.

What new thoughts and feelings have you enriched today?

In what mood are you finishing the lesson?

IX. Homework

1. An expressive reading of S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “Answer”.

2. Prepare a story about your favorite animal.


Purpose:  to develop speech breathing, the ability to clearly pronounce the connections of sounds: to improve the ability to read aloud, but in a chain, in roles; develop the ability to read expressively; to form the ability to work in a group; contribute to the development of creative abilities; to cultivate a love for animals, to promote the formation of a desire to do good deeds.

Equipment: envelopes with tasks for working in groups.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Checking homework

1. Students read the tale of S. Mikhalkov "Answer".

2. Students solve puzzles about pets.

III. Respiratory, speech, articulation workout

1. Breathing workout  Exercise "Blow a speck of dust"

Relax your neck muscles. Take a breath. As you exhale, your head sways with a sound [f |.

2. Speech Workout. Exercise. Lips

Read the words in silence. To do this, tightly squeeze the lips, attach a finger to them. Try not to move your lips.

Whale, tiger, duck, cow, raccoon, rooster, cancer, chicken, goat, perch, hedgehog, kitten, sheep, hare.

Name the animals that met in S. Mikhalkov’s fairy tale “Answer”.

3. Articulation Workout . Exercise. "Iron"

Imagine you are driving a hot iron over a fabric. The iron hisses. Sound | w | simulate a hissing of steam, achieving a free, relaxed sound.