Plot on sound sleep. Conspiracies

Fear conspiracy in children:

Pour into a ladle or cup of cold water. In another bowl, melt the wax. Hold the ladle over the child’s head, pour melted wax into it and whisper:
  “Pouring fears and commotion behind the rapids, from the bones, from the relics, from the veins, from the small houses, from the ardent heart, from the scarlet blood, from the violent head ... (name). Amen".
  Read three days in the morning. If necessary, it can be longer.
  The plot of the evil eye:

Pour three quarters of water into a glass, put 3 clean spoons into a glass, any - tea cans. With each spoon, stir the water one by one, scoop up, lift the spoon with the wide part upwards, so that the water runs down the glass to the glass (all this must be done with clean hands), as if washing the spoon, while sentencing:
  "As the spoon does not go on, so it will not go on ... (name)."
  When you pour water from three spoons and say the words of a conspiracy three times, take a glass with your left hand, pour water into your right hand, wash your face or the face of a child if you remove damage from it. You can drink this water three sips or give a child a drink.
  Plots for a good baby sleep:

Read when the sun sets while holding the baby in your arms. Good to look out the window at sunset. If the windows do not go to the west - do not worry, just hold the child in your arms and read:
  “You, insomnia, do not buzz, do not wake the baby. You want to be prodigal, go to the owl bird, to the nightingale-nightingale, or the intoxicating little head. Walk with them, play games, sleep the baby does not spoil, drive you away. ”
  You can do it for 3 days and see the result. Usually everyone does. The results are very good when a mother or grandmother read simple plots to her child.
  A conspiracy to sleep an infant:

When the mother breastfeeds the baby, let her whisper 3 times:
  “Sleep, baby, in the corner is a branch from a dry tree, from the stump of a patient. I'll send to the branch restless with you, baby. That branch to suffer, and my little girl to rest. Amen."
  A conspiracy to sleep a restless child:

Read over the child at least how many times when you put to bed:
  “Sonya-sonyatko, put to sleep little child,
  Dwarf shrouds in sleepy mansions.
  Keep your eyes whisper three times:
  Spitko-sprinkle, sonya-sonyatko.
  To the child slept, the soul is baptized rested.
  A conspiracy to sleep for a restless child:

Say while washing the baby and pouring water on the floor or on the ground.
  “From the womb of water, from the baby Likhovitsa.
  From whom it came, he was transferred.
  Who is angry with prickly tear that combustible "

Speak by rolling a raw chicken egg over the body.
  "On the light head, on the back straight,
  on tummy white, on legs frisky
  the egg rolls, the evil eye and the disease on him dangle,
  all the sickness will gather to the bit,
  who sent her back to that
  who made the baby suffer,
  from the damage of the evil harness twisted.

Then throw the egg into the fire and burn or fry in a pan to black.
  And you can break it into a glass of water. The shell is crushed in the hand in one fell swoop, saying: “I am breaking the illnesses and misfortunes of R. B. (name). ”The egg is thrown into the sewer or buried. The shell is burned or buried.
  Warding the evil eye for a newborn:

Kume, that is, the godmother of the child must take the coal from the stove and throw it over the left shoulder at the intersection.
  The child is not shown to relatives during the month. Who will survive how much, of course, but do not show him asleep and do not allow him to consider it for too long.
  Do not praise and do not let others.
  You can not show a child for the first time when he sleeps.
  You can not look at the child, admire him when he sleeps.
  Protective plot on the child from all types of hazards:

A very strong conspiracy, but you need to fulfill several conditions for the correct application and then they will say about your child “he is a conspiracy.
  In a thunderstorm, when the thunder clap, after certain preparatory actions, you need to say:
  “The power of heaven is my defense. The power of heaven, yes my children in defense. Lags, charm, on my threshold, on my trail - from vain tears and all sorts of troubles. From enemies, whom I know, and from those whom I do not know, from lies, from water, from fire, from wounds, from words and from bullets and from a sword, from younger and from older ones, from the first and from the last. As the power of heaven, and help from God. Amen, Amen, Amen. "
  Treatment of children will not be necessary after the pronunciation of this conspiracy.
  And these are pestlets (that's just they are conspiracies. In my childhood, spoken by my mother, they helped
  If the child bruises and cries, then rub the bruised place and sing:

Wolf pain
  Have a hare of pain
  Bear bear
  Sasha is alive!

Fox in pain
  Bear bear
  Olenky pain - go to the field.
  There they die
  And the day does not hurt!

The bee has a sickness
  Swallows have a disease
  And Petenkin's ailments -
  Get out of the sea!
  When washing, they sing:

Vodicka, vodichka,
  Wash my face
  To little eyes sparkled
  To make the cheeks blush
  To laugh rotok,
  To bite tooth.

  Grow, spit, to the waist,
  Don't drop a hair.
  Grow, spit, to toe -
  All hairs in a row.
  Grow, spit, do not confuse -
  Mom, daughter, listen.
Bathing a child, sentenced:

It was a woman from overseas,
  Carried a body of health.
  Little by little,
  And Vanya has a whole bundle.
  With goose water,
  With swan water,
  From my child
  All thinness -
  To an empty forest,
  On the big water,
  Under the rotten deck!
  With gogol water,
  With a child of thinness.
  With gogolichi water.
  Baby sleep yes,
  Good health!

The strongest energy conspiracies

At all times, young mothers especially feared the influence of the "evil eye" or "alien thought" on their small and defenseless baby. Every mother is trying with all her might to protect her child not only from all sorts of diseases and dangers, but also from the influence of negative energies, which can negatively affect the baby’s well-being, his behavior and even influence his fate.

Sometimes even the most harmless admiration for a baby negatively affects the condition of the child. In this and in many other cases, conspiracies for babies that, along with pins, red threads on the wrist, chains with crosses on the child’s neck, have the strongest energy and impact on the world   and people.

The power of conspiracy for babies

Strength in faith

Plots for babies are most often read by mom or grandmother. Such ceremonies do not carry any negative energy in themselves, because they are held for the sake of calm and cleanliness of the child, and newborn babies are equated to angels.

Surprisingly, it is the conspiracies for newborn babies that are most often the strongest and most effective. This is due primarily to the fact that young mothers are particularly worried and concerned about the welfare and health of their baby.

They are even ready to give their soul and heart so that the child will be happy. That is why belief in such conspiracies and pure intentions strengthens their strength and influence on children as quickly as possible.

The evil eye of the newborn and the simplest protection against him

The easiest method

Many mothers are faced with such a problem as restless sleep of a child or crying for unknown reasons. Quite often, anxiety of the baby is associated with colic in the tummy, but if, apart from crying, no other symptoms of pain are manifested, then most likely the child simply came under the influence of the "evil eye."

In this case, young mothers simply wash the baby with sanctified water and read the prayer "Our Father." Many grandmothers recommend that, before sunset, the sun lick three times from the forehead of a newborn and spit over the left shoulder while reading the “Our Father” prayer. Surprisingly, after a few minutes the baby calms down and quietly falls asleep. The power of the word works and it is obvious.

Conspiracies from the fright of the baby and plots on the water

Protect from fear

Quite often, young parents are faced with the problem of restful sleep in a child. If a baby falls asleep badly, shudders in a dream, often wakes up and cries, then the child may just be scared by something.

In this case, it is necessary to read conspiracies from fright. If they do not help for 2-3 weeks, you will have to contact a specialist. There is no need to immediately go to him with the child. You can take with you children's things and a photograph, and so what to do next, the magician will tell.

In order to prevent the effect of negative energies on a child, water for bathing children under 3 years old must always be talked about. To do this, just in front of a bath filled with water, you must read the following plots three times:

“The Most Holy Theotokos gave birth to Christ, when she gave birth, she called out angels for help. The angels flew, brought a golden cup with holy water with them, watered the baby with water, said: to grow, Christ, to the mind, to health, to happiness, to a bright spirit, to a pure heart, to eternal life. Amen".

In this water, then bathe the baby.

Plots for a good sleep baby

Baby's sleep

Grandmothers often forbid laying the baby to sleep during the sunset. But the plot to sleep a baby is read exactly at sunset, with a child in her arms. Mom should look out the window at sunset and read the following words:

“Insomnia, do not ruin, do not wake me baby. If you want to fornicate, then look for the owl bird, nightingale-nightingale, or intoxicating little head. Go, look for them, play with them, walk, and do not damage the baby’s sleep, leave, drive you away. ”

The child should fall asleep quickly and sleep well. If after three days, the plot did not help, then you need to contact the magician.

Plot on sleeping baby while feeding

Feeding baby

During the feeding before the night's sleep, mother can read the following words:

“Sleep, baby, there is a branch in the corner, from a sick stump. On this thread, baby, I will send restless from you. That branch will suffer, and my baby rest. Let it be so".

Before going to bed, a restless child can simply say the following words:

“Grandfather screamer and stompler, take the screamer under the strong wing of Capon. My little daughter, place the bedding and rest to my baby's gate. Amen".

Struggling with hernia

Quite often nursing babies   diagnosed umbilical hernia. Doctors themselves are waiting for the child to outgrow and the hernia will pass by itself, but mothers do not give themselves rest, because this state of the baby often reflects on his restless behavior. During the massage of the umbilical hernia, you can sentence these words:

“Grandmother Solomonidushka at the Virgin's Blessed Hernia began to speak with iron teeth, copper cheeks. And so I speak to the servant (s) of God (s) (baby's name). Amen".

To sentence a plot 3 times and 3 days in a row. With the words “iron teeth”, the baby's navel can be bitten slightly with your teeth.

In this article:

Small children can often be disturbed by something - pain in the abdomen, teething, insomnia, etc. And in order not to feed the child with different pills and syrups, magic can help to cope with the illness.

Plots on their babies can be used by anyone who wants to help their child. Parents need only fulfill simple magic conditions.

All conspiracies from pain are done symptomatically, that is, when something hurts a child, in other cases it is necessary to read the conspiracy words over a sleeping or awake baby in specified time   days.

Ritual for a good and sound sleep for a child

Magic plot number 1

The baby needs to read a good sleep plot on Friday at the time when the baby begins to fall asleep. A person who starts talking will need a bundle of sleep-grass, tied with a red wool thread. It is necessary to cross them a child 3 times and say the conspiracy words:

“I baptize with the cross, the servant of God's child (name) sleep a bed. Sleep tight, do not be afraid, and wake up - have fun from the heart. Amen".

Magical plot number 2

Rite of passage to the evening dawn. A conspirator must take the icon of the saint, in whose honor the baby was baptized, crossing it three times and directing it to the child say:

“Angel, archangel, seraphim and cherub, come to give advice, as a servant of God's child (name), put to bed. Swing the crib, cross your child with your wings, with your fingers. To sleep soundly and grief did not know. Key and lock to my words. Amen".

Magic plot number 3

The conspiratorial words of a conspirator must sing along and rock the crib in time:

“On the sea-ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, there is a tall tower of gold, and in a teremochka a sleepy dorm lives. She rubs her eyes, she yawns, she puts everyone to sleep. Sonya-zonya help to lull the servant of God's baby (name), send him a strong, sweet dream and joy in him. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

How to protect the baby from damage

Magic plot number 1

The plot of the evil eye to do at dawn. To protect the baby from the evil eye, you should take 3 gray small pebbles, water and 3 spoons.

Then pour some water into a small plate, so that it leaks on the spoons. It is necessary to wash the baby with this water: wet the chest, crown, and then give a sip to drink. After the procedure, go outside, pour out the remaining water and say 3 times:

"It came from the forest, go there, flew with the wind, into the wind and get away, rolled over the people, go to the people and go away."

Magical plot number 2

Bathing in the bathroom to talk:

“Grandmother Solomonida was floating, soap, and conspiracies said - from one lived to another, into a single vein. So that neither the lessons, nor the supervisions or any slander pesters. I didn’t take my own thought, and didn’t take one of my own - not linguistic and not aural, not stained and not podpyatnaya, not plantar and not subsoil. Amen".

  The old ways that have not lost their relevance in our days

Teething plots without pain

Magic plot number 1

The conspiracy words are read when the baby is teething. A conspirator must take a cutting bow, baptize him 3 times.

Give the child in the right hand and say:

“On the sea-ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, a vegetable garden was dug up. There, a bow sprouts all year round. Onion-cutter is cut without tears and without pain, once and quickly went out. Also, the servant of God's infant (name) would have teeth cut without pain and quickly. Forever and ever. Amen".

Magical plot number 2

The rite is held at any time of the day or night, when the child is restless due to the teething. The person who speaks baptizes the baby 3 times and says the following words, shaking the bed:

“I baptize with a cross, at the servant of God’s child (name), I wish to stop tan. Your teeth will grow nimble, poratye, you will bite them and not know grief. Wait, be patient, do not cry and do not vote. Amen".

How to avoid diseases

Magic plot number 1

Magical words need to speak over the child after he was born:

“I will stand up blessing, leave the house by crossing - I will go from the first door to the second, from one gate to another, I will go out into the open field and go far, far to the sea-ocean. In the ocean-sea is a white cast stone, and on it there is neither alder, nor blood, nor a tumor. So, my child’s (name) didn’t pull, didn’t hurt, neither in the joints, nor in the veins, nor in the bones, nor in the head, nor in the brains, nor in the hot blood. Amen".

Magical plot number 2

As in the previous conspiracy, these words should be pronounced immediately after the birth of the baby.

“33 crows are flying, 33 crows are flying, 33 stones are being carried. The crows sat on a hill, on a hill, under a tree, under a larch, under a hot stove, under a steam bath. They took and removed any disease from the servant of God (the name of the child). Fly the crows into the open field, descend into the blue sea, like a key to the bottom. ”

Conspiracies from fright

Magic plot number 1

Words to pronounce over the sleeping child at any time of the day.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Just as a damp earth will not shake, not be frightened, will not return, so our little one (name) will not be frightened and will never shake off. Amen".

Magical plot number 2

Speak in the evening over the baby’s crib:

“In the wide fields, and in the wide valleys, in the green meadows, and in the golden sands, the servant of God (name) walked along the fast rivers.

How fast the rivers overflow, how the golden sands are poured, how the water rolls down from the green grass,

so from the servant of God (name) and slid from the ardent heart, from the lush head, from the blood livers, from the clear eyes and from all over the white body. ”

Plots of abdominal pain in an infant

Magic plot number 1

The rite is held at any time when the baby is disturbed by abdominal pain. The person who speaks, baptizes the baby’s tummy 3 times, then puts his palm on it and says the following words:

“I baptize with a cross the slave of God's child (name), I wish to relieve the pain in my tummy. Boluska-pain go to the field-pole, on a pure will-volyushku, and the baby (name) do not touch and do not disturb. Forever and ever. Amen".

After the plot again, you need to cross the tummy 3 times.

  A conspiracy that mom or grandmother reads is sure to help.

Magical plot number 2

This plot, like the previous one, is done when the baby has a tummy ache. The conspirator must take the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, cross the child with it 3 times, then utter the conspiracy words, putting the icon to the sick stomach:

“Holy Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, our God, you gave birth to your son, you rocked in a cradle, you protected from all pains. Put your hand on the tummy of the servant of God's baby (name) so that the pain will disappear, be gone forever. Forever and ever. Amen".

Magic plot number 3

A conspirator needs to cross a child's tummy 3 times, then bow to him and say the conspiratorial words right in the stomach and bite him with his lips at the same time. After saying the words, you need to step aside and cross again 3 times:

“I bow down to the tummy of a sick servant of God's child (name), touch him in pain, bite my teeth and spit through my left shoulder. Was strong pain   - and there is none at all. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".