Cuckoo cartoon Nenets tale. Summary of the NOD on the introduction of fiction. Nenets Tale "The Cuckoo"

The poor woman lived on earth. She had four children. Not obeyed the children of the mother. They ran, played in the snow from morning to evening. Wet clothes, and mother - sushi. Snow drag, and the mother - clean.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and the children did not help her. From the life of such a severe ill mother. She lies in the plague, calls for children, asks:

- Children, my throat has dried up, bring me some water.

Not once, not twice asked mother. Children do not go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother in the middle of the tent was standing, Maliza put on. And suddenly Malitsa was covered with feathers. He takes the mother board, on which the skins are scraped, and the board that bird's tail becomes. Iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. She turned into a bird bird and flew out of the plague.

“Brothers, look, look, our mother flies away like a bird!” Cried the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

- Mom, we brought some water to you.

- Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! I will not return. So children ran for their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. Legs wounded in the blood. Where they run, there will be a red mark.

The son (7 years old) said that the cartoon was “scary”: the children did not help my mother in difficult times and she flew away forever (died).

"Cuckoo" (Nenets fairy tale)

The poor woman lived on earth. She had four children. Not obeyed the children of the mother. They ran, played in the snow from morning to evening. Wet clothes, and mother - sushi. Snow drag, and the mother - clean.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and the children did not help her. From the life of such a severe ill mother. She lies in the plague, calls for children, asks: "Children, my throat has dried up, bring me some water."

Not once, not twice asked mother. Children do not go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother in the middle of the tent was standing, Maliza put on. And suddenly Malitsa was covered with feathers. He takes the mother board, on which the skins are scraped, and the board that bird's tail becomes. Iron thimble became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. She turned into a bird bird and flew out of the plague.

“Brothers, look, look, our mother flies away like a bird,” cried the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

- Mom, we brought some water to you.

- Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, son, I will not return.

So children ran for their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. Legs wounded in the blood. Where they run, there will be a red mark.

Forever abandoned children mother cuckoo. And since then, the cuckoo doesn’t nest itself, doesn’t raise its own children, and since that time the red moss has spread along the tundra.

  1. Small - deerskin outerwear.

  Hasmik Arakelyan
  Summary of the NOD on the introduction of fiction. Nenets fairy tale "The Cuckoo"

Summary of the lesson to get acquainted with fiction. Reading nenets fairy tale« Cuckoo» .

Software tasks:

Continue to acquaint children with the peculiarities of the life of the peoples of the North on the example of works fiction;

To expand knowledge of the peculiarities of the life of the peoples of the North;

To draw the attention of children to the national color fairy tales;

Develop children's interest in the life, traditions and customs of other nations;

To teach children to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work;

Develop a coherent speech;

To cultivate love and sensitivity to the mother, her requests.

To learn to understand and evaluate the character of the characters, to consolidate an idea of ​​the genre features fairy tales, as about treasury of popular wisdom, about instructiveness as a genre feature fairy tales.

Vocabulary work: chum, Nenets, Malitsa, tundra, camp, moss, deer breeding, fishing, nomadic.

Preliminary work: story   educator about the life of the indigenous population of the North, viewing albums and books about the North, a conversation about the North.

Equipment: toy - deer, illustration depicting the nature of North, Globe.

Lesson progress:

Tutor: Children, what country do we live in? Tell us about Russia. What is our Motherland?

Children: Our homeland is big, beautiful, rich.

Tutor: Our country is not just big, but huge. In the south, it is always warm, winters are not harsh, and where is it always cold?

Children:In the north.

Tutor How can I get to the North instantly?

Children. With the help of magic.

Tutor Let's make fun. Close your eyes.

Kreks, feks, peks! (Sounds of howling wind)

Today we talk about the peoples of the North, I i will introduce you to the Nenets folk tale.

Answer the question why fairy tale called folk?

Answers children.

Tutor: Yes, right folk tale. it was written by the people, and this people is called the Nenets, the indigenous people of the North.

They live here for a long time. This is a very brave and strong, hardworking people. They lead a nomadic lifestyle. Their main occupation is reindeer herding and fishing. Repeat these words. (children choir and individually repeat the words

In search of food for their deer, they often move - from one place to another. The reindeer food will be eaten - moss moss, go further, and then the reindeer herders. The place where the reindeer herders live is called the camp. (story   accompanied by the display of illustrations). Maybe you know the name of the house in which the indigenous northerners live?

Answers children.

Tutor (shows presentation). They live in camps in the tents. Plague made from deer skins. Chum can be quickly disassembled and transported to another location. A deer is an animal that feeds and dresses the indigenous population. Deer run in deep snow where you can not drive. Guys, as you already know, in the North there is a very severe winter. But these people are not afraid of any frost. Why do you think?

Answers children.

Tutor Consider carefully the national dress. What is it sewn from?

Answers children.

Tutor Yes, this fur garment, but it is called not a fur coat, but a malitsa. Malitsa is sewn from deerskin with fur inside. Women decorate it with patterns - ornaments

On the feet of shoes, too, made of deer fur is primo. Please note that all clothes and shoes are sewn with the hands of women. These clothes in the stores do not buy. Northern women work very lot: they sew, heat the stove, cook, fish, pick berries, prepare firewood for the winter, take care of children and much more.

Now a little rest.

Fizkultminutka "Birds"

Little birds, (The children stood up and portray the birds,

Small birds, waving their arms and getting up, crouching, "Fly"

They fly around the forest, around the tables)

The songs are sung.

A violent wind has flown, (Hands up, swinging from side to side)

Birds wanted to carry. (Two arms hugging themselves)

The birds hid in the hollow, (Children sit on their high chair)

No one will touch them there. ( "Hiding"- cover the head with handles)

(the sound of the thrush and cuckoo)

Tutor Today I will read you a fairy tale, which is called « Cuckoo» .

The teacher reads the work.

The poor woman lived on earth. She had four children. Not obeyed the children of the mother. They ran, played in the snow from morning to evening. Wet clothes, and mother - sushi. Snow drag, and the mother - clean.

And the mother caught fish on the river herself. It was hard for her, and the children did not help her. From the life of such a seriously ill mother. She lies in the plague, the children call, asks: “Kids, my throat is dry, bring me some water!”

Not once, not twice asked mother. Children do not go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the tent, and the mother in the middle of the tent was standing, Maliza put on. And suddenly Malitsa was covered with feathers. He takes the mother board, on which the skins are scraped, and the board that bird's tail becomes. Thimble iron became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew. She turned into a bird bird and flew out of the plague.

Brothers, look, look, our mother flies away like a bird, ”cried the eldest son.

Then the children ran after their mother.

Mom, we brought some water to you.

Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, son, I will not return.

So children ran for their mother for many days and nights over stones, through swamps, over hummocks. Legs wounded in the blood. Where they run, there is a red trace.

Forever abandoned children mother- cuckoo. And since then does not viet itself cuckoo nest, it does not raise its own children, and from that very time red moss spreads along the tundra.

Tutor: Here and fairy tale endand who listened - well done.

How does this end fairy tale?

Children. Sad ends.

Tutor 1. Why mom turned into cuckoo!

Children. Children did not give water.

2. Why did not mother return to the children?

Children. She was very offended.

Tutor How should you treat your mom?

Children: always take care of your moms, take care of them, care for them, especially when they are sick, help in everything, be hardworking.

3. What does this folk teach? fairy tale?

Children. Mom needs to help, care for her, to obey, not to upset.

Tutor Be kinder, more attentive to your mother, always and in everything help her, often offer her your help and then your mothers will be kind, cheerful and most importantly - healthy.

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Image Library:

This is what happened. The poor woman lived on earth. She had four children. Not obeyed the children of the mother. They ran, played in the snow from morning to evening.
Return to his chum, snow drifts on the snowstorms will drag, and the mother clean. Wet clothes, and mother - sushi.
It was hard mother.
Here is one time in the summer of catching mother fish on the river. It was hard for her, and the children did not help her.
From such a life, from work hard ill mother. She lies in the plague, she calls for children, asks:
- Children, give me water. My throat was dry. Bring me some water.
Not once, not twice asked mother. Children do not go for water.
Senior says:
- I'm without pimov. Another says:
- I'm without a hat. The third says:
- I'm without clothes.
And the fourth is not responding at all. Then the mother said:
- The river is close from us, and without clothes you can go for water. My mouth is dry. I am thirsty!
The children laughed, ran out of the plague. They played for a long time, they did not look at the mother in the tent. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat - looked into the tent.
He looks, and the mother in the midst of the plague stands. It is worth and Malitsu puts on.
And suddenly Malitsa was covered with feathers. The mother takes the board on which the skins are scraped, and the board becomes a bird's tail.
Thimble iron became her beak. Instead of arms, wings grew.
She turned into a bird bird and flew out of the plague. Shouted the eldest son:
“Brothers, look, look, our mother flies away like a bird!”
Then the children ran after their mother, shouting to her:
- Mom, we brought some water to you. Mother answers them:
- Ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, late. Now the lake waters are in front of me. To the free waters I treat.
Children run after their mother, they call her, they stretch the dipper with water.
The little son shouts:
- Mother Mother! Come back home! Vodichki on! Have a drink, mom!
Mother answers from afar:
- Ku-ku, ku-ku, ku-ku! Late, son, I will not return. So children ran for their mother for many days and nights — over rocks, through swamps, over hummocks.
Legs wounded in the blood. Where they run, there will be a red mark.
Forever abandoned children mother cuckoo. And since then, the cuckoo doesn’t nest itself, does not raise its own children.
And on the tundra from that very time the red moss spreads.