Construction games for older children card file. Construction games in kindergarten. Site and material for building games

Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, previously conceived real product corresponding to its functional purpose. Designing has extremely wide possibilities for mental, moral, aesthetic, labor education. At the lessons of designing the development of children's sensory and mental abilities is carried out.

The more qualified the child’s skills, the more complex the operations can be. Watch growth and gradually build skills, although you don’t need to intervene at all times. Best game  - This is a free game and discovery of the principle of selection and error. However, you can enter it into the skills of laying the belt during laying, so as not to divide the construction. Or pay attention to how the bridge bridge so that it does not fall. Or how to make a roof of a house, although there are not so many parts in the designer that you just need to adjust.

Encourage large ones to build with other non-standard materials — straws, yogurt cups, caps, plastic cups, pencils, etc. Children over 3 years old may suggest building a model. To create a model, first create an elementary structure. Then shoot or paint it, and the child may try to do the same. Start with simpler models and complicate it in accordance with the interest and interest of the child. It is important for a child to have the feeling that he is doing it. Help with questions if necessary.

"Geometric figures"

Objective: to familiarize children with the basic geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of a house, a Christmas tree, the sun, etc. from geometric shapes.

The course of the game. After talking on the pictures, ask the child to show a square (a triangle, a circle, a rectangle), then draw a pencil around the figures with dotted lines, and then color the picture. In the process of work, repeat with the child more often the words: “The ball is round, the window is square ...”

Using building blocks, you can learn and count. Write numbers from 1 to 5 for smaller ones. Now, for each map, raise the tower using as many bricks as you can on the map. Children over 4 years old may offer to reproduce square, triangle and circle using building blocks. If the task is very difficult for them, help with the solution of questions or show a model based on the Simulation game described above.

What animals are pets and who live freely in the forest? Cut images of different animals: cows, pigs, goose, chicken, deer, boar, bear, calf, etc. stick them on the building blocks. Now children have to design structures, since in one place they build an object only with blocks, on which there are domestic animals and another object on which blocks of wild animals are placed. The game is suitable for children over 3, 5 years old, but you can also try with smaller ones, helping more actively with guiding questions when necessary.

"Find and name a figure"

Objective: to exercise children in the knowledge of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Suggest the child to first paint the figure in a frame, and then the same, selecting it from the other two. Ask to name those figures that he knows, and the color that he chose to paint.

"Flags and garlands"

The goal of the game: to develop the logical thinking of children, exercise in the knowledge of colors and geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of a garland of flags and other geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Invite the children to paint over each first figure of the garlands and flags, then circle the figures shown in dotted lines with a pencil and paint them in any color. After that, ask the child to show and name the figures, and also say in what color he painted them.

"Chicken Family"

The goal of the game: to exercise children in recognizing and naming geometric shapes, to develop the logical thinking of children.

Material: story picture with the image of the chicken family, a card with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game, Consider with the child the plot picture (pre-painted). “Who is drawn? Who is in the family dad, mom? Where are the kids? How many chicks? What color are they? ”Then offer a card with the geometric figures depicted and ask them to find those figures that need to be cut and pasted to the image of a chicken, rooster, chickens.

Help the child cut, and let him stick it. Upon completion of the work, rejoice in its success. You can offer the child to show the largest circle in the picture, a smaller circle and the smallest circles.

At the end of the game, specify which geometric shape was performed. Suggest to find objects of circular shape in the surrounding space. Let the child draw circles with a finger on the table, on the floor, in the air. You can offer to draw circles on paper.


The goal of the game: to acquaint children with the shape of a "triangle", to develop thinking.

Material: story picture with the image of boats from geometric shapes, a card with geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Invite the children to tell what is drawn in the picture, then circle the sail with a pencil. Ask what kind of geometric shape they look like, what other geometric shapes they know.

After that, the children find a small triangle, then a large one. Help them, if they find it difficult, to color, cut and paste the shapes on the image.

At the end of the game, specify what kind of geometric shape cut. Suggest to find objects of triangular shape in the surrounding space. Let the child draw triangles with his finger on the table, on the floor, in the air. You can offer to draw a triangle on paper.

"Putting pictures"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking, consolidation of knowledge of geometric shapes.

Material: sample cards with pictures of geometric shapes, blank cards, carved geometric shapes of various colors and sizes.

The course of the game. Review the drawings with the children. Suggest to find on them familiar geometric shapes.

Cut out figures in duplicate from colored paper and make one of them with one of the children. Suggest a second set of shapes for children to lay out images. Do not forget to fix the color names in the memory of children during the game. For the second image, cut out the shapes so that their shape is the same, and the color is different, so that the child will look for the part in both shape and color.

"Design by the scheme"

Purpose of the game: the development of logical thinking of children younger preschool age.

Material: cards with contour schemes, details of the builder.

The course of the game. Children are given a card with contour diagrams and are offered to lay out these images from large parts of the building set on the table, using this card as a sample. To make it more difficult for children, offer a few more details than you need.

"We construct from sticks"

Objective: to consolidate the knowledge of geometric shapes, the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: cards with the contour image of objects, sticks of different lengths.

The goal of the game. Offer the children sticks of different lengths, ask them to select the longest, shorter and shortest ones. Put some figure out of the chopsticks at the child’s suggestion. Then give the child a card, look at the outlines of the objects with him, let him know them, call them. Then offer to lay out any figure. In the process, fix the names of familiar geometric shapes that will arise in the process of laying out. Ask to lay out the chopsticks figurines on their own.

“Find a figure”

The goal of the game: to familiarize children with the names of geometric shapes, to acquaint with a cone, cylinder and prism.

Material: a set of construction designer, cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Ask the child to find and bring a cube, a brick, then a long plate (the usual building material is used for construction). Show the child a cone and offer to find the same part (then a cylinder, then a prism). After that, give the child a card and offer to find these details.

"Find a pair"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking, exercise in naming colors and the name of geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of geometric figures divided into 8 parts, not cut cards by the number of players

Have a child play a game. (One of the cards is cut into eight parts.) Put the cut cards on the whole cards on the card (figures that are identical in shape but different in color and size). Raise this or that card and ask to find the same part, but of a different color or size. Exercise children in the naming of colors when doing the task.

"Build a scheme"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to perform basic construction, focusing on the scheme.

Material: building schemes, building set.

The course of the game. Remember with the children the construction details that they know, show them their properties. Show the card, ask what is depicted on it, offer to consider, and say, from what parts of the building. Ask to build from the construction details the same buildings. It is important that the details are depicted in full size.

"Impose details"

Purpose of the game: to teach children to lay out images in a superimposed way.

Material: cards with contour drawings, construction set or plane geometric figures.

The course of the game. Children are taught to lay out images by overlaying three-dimensional parts of one of the faces on the drawing. Offer the children a card and ask them to create beautiful pictures (show on the example of installing one part).

Constructive games for children 4-5th year of life.

"Laying out figures"

Purpose of the game: to exercise children in laying out images of geometric shapes using schemes.

Material: image maps, building set.

The course of the game. Children are offered schemes and geometric shapes for laying out images. After the assignment is asked: "From what figures did you make this car?" How many figures did you need for this rocket? How many identical figures are there? ”

"Find the superfluous"

The goal of the game: to develop the logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The map shows rows of geometric shapes. Children are asked to consider them and determine what is superfluous on them, then justify why.

"What does it look like?"

The goal of the game: to develop the visual-figurative thinking of children.

Material: a set of plane geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The teacher in turn shows the cut geometric figures, calls them and asks to say what they look like. For example: balloon - bun, sun, face, balloon, etc.

"We construct from sticks"

The goal of the game: the development of logical skills of children.

Material: sticks of different lengths in three sizes, cards with the image of the simplest pictures.

The course of the game. Children hand out sticks of different lengths, offer to expand them in size into three parts. Then they give pictures (real images of objects of a simple form: a box, a car, a boat with a sail, a wheelbarrow, a flower, a vase, etc.) and are asked to post an image of these objects with chopsticks.


Material: drawings of geometric shapes and real objects familiar to preschoolers.

The course of the game. Children are offered two drawings, one shows geometric bodies (a cube, a cylinder, a ball, a cone, etc.), on the other real objects familiar to preschoolers are asked to name what kind of geometric body this or that object looks like. Invite the children to play the game “What does it look like?” - to find objects in the surrounding space that resemble familiar geometric bodies. Have the children show and name round, square, figures in one and the other figure.

“Remember what it looks like.”

Purpose of the game: to exercise children in the naming of geometric shapes.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes.
The course of the game. Children are offered cards with the image of construction details. The teacher asks to name the part and remember the objects having similarities with it, to justify at the same time why he indicates these objects.

"Count and Design"

Purpose of the game: The development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: cards with the image of robots from geometric shapes, building kits or plane geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Children are shown a drawing with the image of robots from geometric shapes. The teacher offers to count the robots of humans, asks how many robot dogs. He asks you to choose any robot, to tell which figures it was made of, how many identical detail figures it went for. Then children are given geometric shapes and asked to lay out the images they like.

"Arrange the room"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: sheet of paper (35 * 45cm), building set, plane geometric shapes

The course of the game. The teacher offers the children a sheet of paper (S3 * 45 cm) and says that this is the floor of the doll room, asks to build it with bricks (room walls), leaving gaps for the window and door. After the children do this, take out the sheet and put it next to the constructed room. Then he pulls out the geometric figures and suggests laying them out on paper, selecting furniture pieces that are similar in shape (square - stool, rectangle - bed, etc.). The teacher considers with the preschool children the resulting scheme and asks to arrange the “furniture” on it in the room built with bricks. At the end of the work, the children compare the image with the building.

"The ratio of geometric bodies and shapes"

The goal of the game: to teach children to correlate images of geometric shapes and construction details of the designer.

Material: Cards with the image of geometric shapes, building set.

The course of the game. Preschoolers are offered to look at the images of geometric bodies, and then the geometric figures shown below. The teacher asks you to find the construction details depicted on the card and to show those sides that have the shape of geometric figures depicted under the card.

The task is complicated if children are asked to correlate geometric shapes and bodies without using building details.

"Impose details"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: circuit cards, building details.

The course of the game. Preschoolers are given two cards: one shows various teremks in the form of a diagram, and construction details on the other, which should be selected to solve this problem. purpose

tasks: put the parts in the contour so that they touch the sheet surface of one of the faces. In the process of solving a task, the educator clarifies what details the child uses, what color, what shape of the faces of a particular part, how many faces the part has, how many details went into the assembly of the image.

Constructive games for children 5-7 years of age.

“Build by model”

Purpose of the game: to teach children to build structures according to the finished model.

Material: three-dimensional models, construction designer.

The course of the game. Construct simple constructions from a building material and cover them with paper or fabric, you will get three-dimensional models. There is a general idea of ​​the design, but from what details it is assembled, it is necessary to guess. Have the children build buildings on these models. (Children of the preparatory group construct more complex structures according to the depicted undifferentiated three-dimensional models.)

"Create a scheme"

The goal of the game: the development of logical thinking of preschoolers.

Material: plane geometric shapes, felt-tip pens, sheets of paper, contour diagrams, construction kits.

The course of the game. Invite the children to lay out on the paper from pre-cut cardboard geometric figures various simple images of the buildings (front view), then circle all the figures with felt-tip pens - you will get diagrams. They can be used as plane modeling aids (Children preparatory group  they propose to create contour diagrams, encircling not every geometrical figure, but the general contour of the figures united in the model.) Then the children are given the task to divide these schemes, to specify them (paint). Complication: it is proposed to build buildings on the contour diagrams.

"Modeling according to the scheme"

Purpose of the game: Teaching children how to model.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes and schemes of structures, building details.

The course of the game. Children are offered two cards: one shows geometric figures, the other - schemes of buildings. The task is given - to select the necessary figures according to the scheme and to start modeling. The task can be complicated by proposing construction details instead of geometric shapes.

"Errors in the pattern"

Material: Cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. The card shows a pattern of geometric shapes. Children are offered to consider it and find errors that violate the symmetry of the pattern. Then they ask questions: “From what figures was the pattern made? How many shapes in the top row, in the bottom, rhombuses, triangles, squares, ovals? ”

"Make up the sticks"

Purpose of the game: to exercise children in the compilation of geometric shapes from the counting sticks.

Material: counting sticks.

Course of the game: Preschoolers are practicing in drawing up geometrical figures from calculating sticks.

  1. "Make a figure of three (four, five, six) sticks."
  2. "Make two equal triangles of five sticks."

3. "Build three squares of ten sticks (by attaching one figure to another)".

"Find a mistake"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: cards with the image of geometric shapes.

The course of the game. Children are offered a card, it shows geometric shapes, inside of which is a geometric body. And one of the faces geometric body  must be in the shape of a figure on which the body is drawn. It is necessary to find an error in the image.

"What changed"

The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: building details.

The course of the game. Before the child place the construction details. Ask to remember how much they are and how they stand. Then they offer to turn away and remove any part (install the parts in a different position on the plane of the table, change their places, add new ones). Then the preschooler notes what has changed.

"Changing places"

The goal of the game: the development of memory and logical thinking of children.

Material: sheets of paper, building parts, felt-tip pens.

The course of the game. Play two. Children are planted with their backs to each other and they suggest placing small construction details on a sheet of paper, which are set tightly to each other so that each detail comes into contact with the surface of a sheet of one of the faces, and circle the resulting figure with a felt-tip pen. Then remove the parts from the sheet, swap them and reinstall them on a sheet of paper exactly inside the contour. The task is the harder, the more details are offered.


The goal of the game: the development of children's logical thinking.

Material: cards with the image of robots.

The course of the game. The map drawn robots assembled from building parts. Children are asked to answer questions.

  1. "How many robots are depicted."
  2. "Find two robots assembled from parts of the same shape."

3. "Show which robot has a part that others do not have."

4. "Which robots can be built from building parts, and which ones should not?"

"Cut and fold"

Material: thick paper, scissors.

The course of the game. Children are offered to cut out any geometric shape from thick paper, cut it into several differently sized pieces, and then fold it again. Children are given the opportunity to establish a pattern: the more parts they get, the harder it is to lay down the figure, but then you can create more new images. The task can be complicated by offering the guys to swap out the carved figures.


The goal of the game: the development of imagination and logical thinking of children.

Material: plane geometric shapes, sheets of paper, pencils.

The course of the game. Invite the children to model using paper geometric shapes, painted by them or made in the technique of application structures (palaces, cathedrals). Then make diagrams and use them to construct these objects.

  • Cheat Sheet on Special Pedagogy (Cheat Sheet)
  • The team of authors. Cheat Sheet on Pedagogy (for teachers) (Document)
  • Lobanova E.A. Preschool Pedagogy (Document)
  • Cheat Sheet on Social Pedagogy (Cheat Sheet)
  • Leontyev Alexey. Psychological basis of the preschool game (Document)
  • Presentation - Color accompaniment in preschool pedagogy (Abstract)
  • Seliverstov V.I. (ed) Clinical bases of preschool correctional pedagogy and special psychology (Document)
  • Presentation on social pedagogy (Abstract)
  • n1.doc

    a) Originality and meaning, types of building material
    Feature of games with building material  is that in their basis are constructive skills and abilitiesdue to which they are morethan any other types of children's games, approaching creative productive human activities .

    Games with building material (as well as dramatized, didactic, outdoor games) can be attributed to the rank of the boundary  (according to A.N. Leontiev's definition), by means of which the child develops the skills, qualities and characteristics of a person, preparing him for the transition to a new type of activity.

    These games promote the development of thinking, spatial imaginationunderlying design activities, which has been convincingly proven in the studies of N.N. Poddyakova, L.A.Paramonova and others.
    Content of games with building material  is creation, reproduction of the surrounding reality with the help of various materials.
      Differ the following types of building material:

    Specially created (floor, desktop building material, sets such as "Young Architect", "Old Castle", designers);

    Natural (sand, snow, clay, stones);

    Utility (boards, boxes, boxes, etc.).
      Games with building materials associated with other kinds of games (plot-role, dramatized, mobile, didactic). The need to make a building, such as a stage for a performance, a rocket for a flight into space, a room for Natasha’s doll, arises in the process of realizing the game’s conception and creating a game image. In such cases, the building may be conditional (the chair behind the chair is a train) or be subordinate to its practical purpose (the dependence of the stage design on the art genre, on the size of the “artists”).

    Often, the child is fascinated by the process of creation, construction (building a mountain highway from sand with tunnels, bridges; building a snow fortress, building a railway from construction material and designing an alarm for single-track traffic, etc.).

    In the construction of the building, the manufacture of toys is the game: Children agree that they will build in what ways, assign roles (construction manager, engineer, driver, etc.).

    The presence of the game plan, its free development, the variability of solving creative tasks, children's interest in the process  - all this determines creative character  games with building material.

    It should be added and inherent in these games imagination work. In the games themselves incentives to encourage the child to imagine, to fantasize.

    Mastering the design features of the material pushes children to create new objects, changing their properties: put a brick on a wide edge - you can build a walkway, a bench, a trolley, put the same brick on a narrow short edge - you can build a high fence, gate, semaphore. Opportunity to build  on the same topic different ways  also activates the imagination.

    Borrowing samples from surrounding life  (construction of the Bolshoi Theater, a children's playground) requires ability to highlight the main thing, distracted from particulars, take convention of their own creationto carry functions of one subject to another  (use a cylinder as a column, replace the roof with a triangular prism) that promotes the development of imagination.

    Feature of the gameswith building materials is that for learning constructive skills need special training. Without consistent formation of constructive skills of the game remain at the level of manipulation, which, unfortunately, can be seen in many kindergartens.
    b) Conditions for the development of games
      For the development of children's play activity it is necessary create such conditions:

    - organize the gaming environment: pick up the necessary building material corresponding to the objectives of the development of the constructive activity of children of this age. The material should be varied (floor-standing, table-top, different types of designers, sets, etc.), attractively designed, fairly stable, consistent with the capabilities of children. So, for children of 2-3 years old, a set of material includes cubes, bricks, prisms, long plates. The connection of two or three parts - and built the subject;

    - provide time and space to play with building materials. Games require concentration of thought, attention. Therefore, racks for games with desktop building material, designers should be set so that they do not interfere with children, do not distract them;

    - respect for buildings, structures made by children. Usually, the child likes to “return” to his buildings, to make changes to them. Therefore, it is necessary to educate all children in a careful, attentive attitude to their own and other people's buildings; show the child the construction of comrades, learn to notice the successes of others, rejoice in them;

    - create conditions for playing buildings. To do this, pick up small toys (cars, trains, figures of people and animals, etc.). It is useful for older children to involve in designing from paper, cardboard, auxiliary material various objects for equipping games. For example, for a motorway built of building material, children make a gas station, trailers, a roadside cafe, etc. For these purposes, you can use toys collected from the designer;

    - unite children for joint constructions from the constructor. To create situations when a child who has mastered new constructive skills teaches them other children. Contribute an element of competition. For example, you can announce a competition for the construction of a metro station (theater, city streets, etc.). 2-3 subgroups will participate in the competition (no more than 5-6 people in each). Children will be interested in the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition of handicrafts from a designer, auxiliary material. The child can do the work for the exhibition at home with the help of parents;

    - teach children to handle constructive and building materials with care, carefully disassemble the building, crafts from the designer, lay out the details, forms on the shelving cells, boxes.

    c) Methods of formation in children of constructive skills
    The main idea of ​​this technique is to lead the child from imitating the actions of an adult to the independent solution of the constructive tasks of increasing difficulty.

    Basic skills  children get in the classroom, in joint activities with adults, and then tolerate them, transforming, complementing and varying, in independent games with building material.

    The effectiveness of any training, including constructive skills, depends on how interesting it is to the child, how much his activity causes.
      In order to create children's interest in games with building material, the teacher uses various tricks:

    - Builds himself  in the presence of children of preschool age, involves the kids in playing around the building (various animals settle in the zoo in the zoo, children come with their parents).

    Uses reception of co-creation: offers children (in different age groups) to complete, rebuild, convert the building he built (to attach a porch, a balcony; to build a high or low fence around the house; to change the height of the hill; to make a springboard for skiers from the hill; to extend the bridge; to extend the track) .

    For the emergence and strengthening of interest in games with building material gives a lot familiarization with the construction in real life. On walks, excursions, it is advisable to pay attention of preschoolers to the features of various structures: how the bridge is built, how a residential house differs from an artistic building (museum, theater), what types of urban vehicles look like and how they differ, etc. and familiarization with the nature of labor builderswith construction equipment. The attention of older preschoolers should be attracted to the architectural features of buildings, while developing their ability to compare buildings to the purpose, design, methods of decoration.
    Enriching children with impressions, knowledge  about various facilities, the teacher must lead them to mastering generalized representationsthat is, that buildings have a specific purpose (buildings, bridges), components, forms, proportions, location in space, decorations.
      During all age stages the caregiver uses games with building material to enrich the sensory experience of children.
      In the process of learning constructive skills, various teaching methods:

    - sample demonstration;

    - demonstration of construction methods with an explanation of design techniques;

    - statement of the problem (how to rebuild the garage to fit 2-3 cars);

    - message construction topics with conditionswhich it must meet (to build a room for a family with a certain number of people).
    Sample  used in all age groups when forming  in children new skills, ways of designing.
      Children 2-3 years old teacher shows sample (courtyard for chickens), and then the children carry out the construction with him.
      As children accumulate experience of constructive activities and complicate their tasks changing the method of using the sample.

    So, it is proposed partial samplei.e. the child is shown only those tricks thathis   we are not acquainted  (a new way to connect parts of the designer, the construction of floors in the house using a piece of cardboard or plywood).

    Complicate the first task showing an unfinished construction samplewhich everyone can complete in their own way (the teacher builds the wagon body, children turn it into a bus, tram, freight or passenger train car).

    Justifies itself such receptionwhen given one building sampleand children perform her every way.

    You can offer a child change sample  (build a similar house, but add or subtract a floor, make not one entrance, but two, increase the size of the windows). Preschoolers who have experience in constructive activities, it is advisable to offer not one sample, but 2-3 samples to choose from.

    For older children as a sampleare used   drawing, drawing, construction scheme. They are also taught to design the layout of the proposed construction, independently outlining its design features.

    d) Types of design
      Methods of teaching children constructive skills are specified depending on the type of design. In theory and practice of preschool education has developed several types of design.
    Design by sample  - The most common type of design. Using different ways  presentation of the sample, as well as changing its nature, this type of design has   many positive: in children various skills are formedthey take possession common ways of doingdigest sequence of operationslearn constructive possibilities  building materials. With the right methodology for teaching design, children are brought to understanding. variability of construction methods,  included in the activities of transformative nature.
    Design for a given topic brings the child to the creative realization of the task, but the limits of its solution are limited to the topic.

    For babies  You can offer as a theme the construction of furniture, equipment of the site (benches, sandbox, swing). For a child of this age, it is important to have a playful motivation (“Let's build a room for Kati’s doll”).
    AT medium group   As a topic, vehicle engineering is offered (“What do people drive and carry loads on”).

    Children of the older group interesting topics such as military or construction equipment; people's dwellings (“What kind of houses do people live on Earth”); museums, theaters of our city, etc.

    In the preparatory school group it is advisable to carry out thematic design of designers of different types. Children are taught to perform mobile constructions, so the themes “Amusement rides in the amusement park”, “Modes of transport”, etc., can carry them away.
    Design according to own design - complex designin which baby solves all problems independently: sets a goal for itself, plans it, selects the necessary material, implements the plan. An experienced teacher, organizing this type of design, starts with the formation of the ideaotherwise the children build what they have done more than once.

    For babies he prompts intent: showing a toy, offers to build something for her. For example, the matryoshka came out for a walk, and on the site it is damp, what should be built so that it does not wet the feet? Matryoshka tired, you need to build, so she sat and rested?

    Insofar as constructive intent  - result transformative mental activity , with average childrenand older preschool age  it is recommended to conduct a conversation; suggest to recall which structures they observed during the walk, which they especially liked; consider photographs, drawings of buildings. It is necessary to help each child in implementing the plan in a new way to use previously learned skills, to achieve the solution of the problem, to experience the joy of his work.
    Design by conditions  contains great developmental opportunities. It is held after the children learn to build this or that object, building (bridge, ship).

    In the proposal to build, certain parameters are set (the width of the river, the height of the bridge must correspond to the height of the ship, the yacht, which must sail under it). Based on the specified conditions, the child must independently determine the length and height of the building, etc.
    "Construction by model" - type of design, developed by A. R. Luria. The child is offered a model of construction (a picture made by the teacher of a building pasted over with paper), on which the outlines of the constituent elements of the structure are hidden (model of a sofa, gate, car).
      Baby first analyzes model: highlights component parts  (seat, back, armrests at the sofa), then picks upthose   formsthat are needed to recreate the model. Begin mental combination of the intended geometric shapes, their movement relative to each other  (for a seat, you can take three dice, or maybe replace them with two short plates? The back of the sofa will turn out to be four bricks set on a narrow short edge. ”But wouldn't it be better to take two plates by placing them one on top of another?).

    Each of the considered types of design has its own advantages., so it is necessary to combine them in educational work  with children throughout the preschool period. When organizing any type of design, a reasonable combination of the teaching influence of the teacher and the independence and creativity of children is necessary.
    e) Games with natural material.
      These games enter the child's life early. Having barely learned to walk, the kid reaches for a shovel, shovel, tends to dig snow, sand, loves playing with water. But without special training, children do not acquire the necessary skillsand games with natural material are monotonous and insignificant.

    Meanwhile they contain great opportunities for the development of the child's thinking, will and perseverance. These features are in many ways determined by the nature of the natural material. It is very diverse and has various properties that dictate different methods of its use as a building material.

    Many of the properties of natural materials are baby knows in a sensual way.

    Ways of sensory cognition, the ability to distinguish certain properties and qualities of objects develop in the process of interesting content activities, especially in the game. However, this occurs under the condition that the teacher consistently trains children, developing their analyzing perception of subjects, shaping the actions of the survey, seeking the assimilation of the correct verbal notation of signs.
    Gameswith water  already held in younger group. It can be games in a group room and on the plotkindergarten. Are used pots with water, different vessels (jars, jugs, glasses), funnels, toys and objects (floating and sinking). Kids pour water from the vessel into the vessel, bathe the dolls, engage in simple experiments, getting acquainted with the properties of objects (swim-drown).

    At the kindergarten site, babies gather around a puddle, a spring brook, let boats made of paper, bark, wood, throw various objects to find out which ones are swimming and which are sinking.

    As a result in younger age kids are being fed to understanding, what water flows.

    Children 4-5 years  internalize the idea that water spreads, has no formSome objects float in it, while others drown that it is transparent.

    AT older preschool age children can explain why not all items are swimming, not all water is cleartell that water changes its state  depending on the air temperature.
    Gameswith snow  require mastering his transformation techniques.

    The simplest method is modeling. Teacher offers for babies sculpt lumps - snowballs, a bunny with ducks, a carrot to feed him, etc. In the presence of children, the caregiver molds a snowman, then all together from pebbles, knots, dry twigs make him eyes, mouth, ears, hair. Having gathered around a snowman, children are happy that the snow is sticky, glorious turned out to be a snowman! So kids learn ideas about the property of snow.

    BUT children 4-6 years master new construction method from snow - modeling of rolled balls. This is how human figures are made (Father Frost, Snow Maiden), fortresses. Rolling lumps, children are coming to understanding another property of wet snow - gravity. Constructions of lumps of snow can give greater strength, if you pour water  (children do this together with the teacher), to seal up the holes between the lumps with snow dough (in the bucket the snow mixes with water). The construction of a snow fort is advisable to coincide with the Carnival. It will give opportunity to introduce preschoolers to the ancient Russian tradition: the day of the Shrovetide is marked by the game "Taking the Snow Town".

    Preschoolers are introduced with construction techniques rammed snow. To do this, in a certain place on the site of the kindergarten for some period of time collect snow. Dense, dense, it is a great material for sculpting.

    For babies teacher showslike using you can cut a sharp blade  animal, human.

    Preschoolers older do it yourself with the participation of adults (you can attract parents). In order to interest children in snow sculpture and architecture, it is useful to acquaint them with the holiday Vyugoveya, which in recent years is held as an international, including in Moscow.

    From the tamped snow can cut bricks  (older children do it themselves) and use them to build buildings, fences, etc.

    Older preschoolers are involved in the construction of the slide. It can be put into the base of the boxes, and boards can be used for tamping the surface. Combining a variety of materials  stimulates development of initiative, ingenuity, creativity.
      In urban preschool institutions are not always the conditions for of gameswith sand:there is little sand, its condition is poor (dirty, dry), sandboxes are cramped, there are no corresponding toys, etc. Basically sand games unfold on sandy beaches along river banks.

    Children with passion build castles and fortresses, digging canals and deep wells, break parks and gardens with sculptures of sand. Sand - short-lived construction material: the sun slightly warmed, the wind blew: castles, palaces decayed, sculptures, fences, ditches were scattered! And the little creators?

    They are at work again! That's where perseverance, will, creativity, ingenuity develop.
      Throughout preschool age child learns several techniques of building from sand. Some of them are close to working with snow. The teacher teaches kids sculpt from wet sand. In addition to refreshments for guests, it is possible to offer in the same way to build a fence around the house, built by the tutor, to make bumpers for a sand bed. Kids enjoy learning reception molding from sand.  It is only important to choose molds that would easily cover the palm of a child, add small buckets, provide a place where they will be placed. kulichiki».

    Involving children in the comparison of "kulikov" in form, size, height, the teacher enriches their sensory experience, teaches correctly name the signs.
    AT older group children learn to build digging method  (well, river, canal, tunnel, ditch). Transform a hill of the stamped sand into a subject of a certain purpose (the house, a fortress, the palace). Children unite in joint games, constructing not separate objects, but the whole complexes (park, river quay).
    Fantasy is manifested in the combination of building materials. For example, when building a dam in a stream, stones, clay, planks are used; in the construction of the park, along with sand, stones, dry branches (as trees), etc. are used.
    In games with sand, snow  child gets submissions about properties, compares, summarizes: you can only build from wet sand and snow; sand and snow are fragile building materials.

    a) The originality, the creative nature of the game
    Theatrical Games  represent playing in the faces of literary works  (fairy tales, stories, specially written performances). The heroes of literary works become protagonists, and their adventures, life events, changed by children's imagination, are the plot of the game.
    Feature of the theatrical games: they have ready plotwhich means the child’s activity is largely predetermined by the text of the work.

    This dramatized game is richest field for children's creativity.

    Text of the work  for kids - only canvasin which they interweave new storylines, introduce additional roles, change the ending  etc.

    For example, in the game based on the fairy tale "Teremok", a squirrel appears on the threshold of the house - a furry tail, then the children felt sorry for the bear, the fox, the wolf, who asked for a teremok and promised not to offend anyone. The game ended with a friendly dance of fairy tale characters. So, the children “remade” the well-known fairy tale in accordance with their ideas about the need to live in friendship and peace, not to see the enemy in those who are not similar to you.

    Creative role-playing in a theatrical game  much different from creativity in the role-playing game.  In the last game, the child is free to convey the image of the features of role-playing behavior: the mother can be kind, harsh, caring, or indifferent to family members. In the theatrical game, the image of the hero, his main features, actions, and experiences are determined by the content of the work. The creativity of the child is manifested in the true image of the character. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to understand what a character is, why it is doing this, to imagine his state, feelings, that is, to penetrate his inner world. And this should be done in the process of listening to the work. Need to say that modern child, in whose life audiovisual media (TV, video) enter early and firmly, gets used to the facilitated perception of works of art. Lightweight, because he is presented with a ready-made image as opposed to an image that develops on the basis of ideas, the work of imagination in the process of listening to a book (and later self-reading). Therefore, although psychologists assure that the love of acting, dramatized games is inherent in all children, without exception, these games (real games, and not dramatization, which are shown on children's matinees) are not as common as they should be, given their special influence on personality development of the child.

    So, the full participation of children in the game requires special preparation, which is manifested in the ability to aesthetically perceive the art of the artistic word, to listen to the text, to catch intonations, especially the speech turns. To understand what a hero is, one must learn to analyze his actions in an elementary way, to evaluate them, to understand the moral of the work. The ability to imagine the hero of the work, his experiences, the specific situation in which events occur, depends largely on the personal experience of the child: the more diverse his impressions about life, the richer the imagination, feelings, ability to think. In order to play the role, the child should have a variety of graphic means (facial expressions, body movements, gestures, speech, expressive in vocabulary and intonation, etc.). Consequently, preparedness for a theatrical game can be defined as such a level of general cultural development, on the basis of which the understanding of a work of art is facilitated, an emotional response to it arises, and the artistic means of transferring the image are mastered. All these indicators do not develop spontaneously, but are formed in the course of educational work.

    In the very nature of the dramatized game, there are all the connections with the role-playing game: once the audience is needed, it means that it is necessary to connect it with the game in the theater. Such a connection will be successful provided that the children imagine what a theater is, who serves there, and what duties they perform. Of course, the teacher can talk about the theater, show illustrations, but the children's impressions are unlikely to be so vivid that there is a desire to eat in the theater. It is a different matter if children learn the theater “from the inside”, having been the audience. Parents can come to the rescue, who, having responded to the requests, advice of the teacher, bring the child to the theater. It is advisable to arrange a so-called theatrical day in a preschool institution: with the help of pedagogical and support staff (even better, with the involvement of parents), to prepare the play, arranging the auditorium, etc., accordingly.

    The combination of the theatrical play (show performance) with the subject-role-playing (play in the theater) makes it possible to unite children with a common idea, experiences, to rally on the basis of interesting activities, allowing each child to show their activity, individuality, creativity.
      There are many varieties of theatrical games that differ in decoration, and most importantly - the specifics of children's theatrical activities.
      In one children present the play themselves as artists, every child fulfills its role.
      In others, children act like in the director's game: they play a literary work, the characters of which are depicted with the help of toys, voicing their roles.
      Are similar performances using the desktop theater with three-dimensional or planar figures  or so-called poster theatrical games. In the last children on the flannel, the screen using pictures(often cut along the contour) show a story  and others. The most common type of theatrical stand games is shadow theater.
      Sometimes children act like real ones. puppeteers. In this game can be used two kinds of doll toys with different devices and different techniques  driving.

    In modern preschool there are more often dolls of the original Russian theatrical toy type - parsley  (theater of parsley). In practice, such toys more commonly called bibabo (bibabo theater). These toys have the glove principle of the device: a doll, hollow inside, is put on the arm (the child places an index finger in the head of the doll, large and medium in the sleeve of the suit, presses the other fingers on the palm). Shows the performance because of the screen; puppeteers hold dolls over their heads, so they have another name - riding.

    In recent years, preschool institutions have appeared dolls, arranged according to the puppet principle.  They are led around the site, the stage, tugging at the top of the strings, strings attached to the slats.

    Both ways of driving dolls are quite complicated even for children of senior preschool age, therefore special exercises are needed. The teacher teaches children how to show the movements of the dolls (tilting, turning, waving their arms), making sure that the movements and speech of the characters coincide.

    b) Conditions for the development of games
      Among conditions conducive to the development of theatrical gamesThe following should be called:
      - with early age  teach children to listen to the artistic word, to respond emotionally to it.  Often turn to pateshku, pestushku, popevkam, jokes, poems, including those that encourage the child to dialogue ("Was the shoemaker? -Was. - Shil boots? - Shil");
    - to raise children's interest in dramatization, theatrical activities.  To this end, to create special situations in which the characters of the puppet theater, figurative toys enter into a dialogue with the children, play the scenes. For example, a bunny (a toy, put on the hand of a caregiver) came to get acquainted with children, reads poetry to them, etc. The games of younger children have a stimulating effect on the screening of the familiarization of poems they know (“Masha” by L. Barto, “About Marinka” by N. Zabily, etc.) (R.I. Zhukovskaya). The teacher involves the children of the third and fourth year of life in playing familiar fairy tales.
      Different types of theater are used: table, finger, dramatization with the help of a flannel. The use of elements of costumes (hats, apron, tails) and attributes (turnip, shovel, kennel dog) causes great interest and desire in the kids to play in the Turnip tale.

    The interest in theatrical games in middle-aged and older children is influenced by the content of the work, their inclusion in the situation of the theater, the preparation of the play, the desire to show the play to the kids, the parents. Strengthening interest contributes to participation in the design of the play, in the creative work on the production of theatrical toys, writing performances. New knowledge about the theater (in the theater there is a stage, lobby, auditorium, scenery, orchestra), about different genres of theatrical art, about the history of the theater can be a good source of interest. Finally, throughout the entire preschool childhood, the interest maintains the consciousness of the success of the activity, therefore it is important to select for each child that part of the work where he feels his growth, will be satisfied;

    - take care of equipping theatrical games.  It is necessary to acquire theatrical toys, make handmade toys, create a collection of costumes, update the scenery, attributes.

    Family members of pupils are willing to join this work. preschool. Grandmothers can help in making costumes, and fathers can suggest the design and make comfortable screens, screens for the shadow theater, etc. Once a year (it is possible in March on International Theater Day), it is advisable to launch an exhibition in the hall of the preschool institution: place the hands-made teachers and children , their families equipment, toys, costumes; prepare stands with photographs reflecting the pupils' theatrical games. A good addition to the exhibition will be the performance with the participation of children and adults;

    - pay serious attention to the selection of literary works for theatrical games.  Preference should be given to works with a moral idea understandable for children, with dynamic events, with characters endowed with expressive characteristics. Fairy tales meet these requirements to the greatest extent. Fairy tales are easy to beat, as they are built on short dialogues of characters, contain repetitions of situations. Heroes of fairy tales enter into certain relationships, in which the features of character, thoughts, feelings manifest themselves.

    The development of theatrical games  depends on content and methods of artistic education of children in general, and from the level of educational work in the group. The main emphasis in the pedagogical management of theatrical games is not on the process of the game, but on its preparatory stage.