Eugene barbutsa. Eugene Barbutsa - about how harmful it is to send dragons All books by Eugene Barbutsa


Saya! - I hear a formidable shout. Again the old witch is not happy with something. - You again launched this evil spirits into the hut ?!

Oh, it seems Tasha was noticed (try not to notice him). I sigh heavily and leave in the direction of the hut, nimbly moving along the path trampled in snowdrifts from my height. Frost cheerfully bit my nose, steam burst out to the beat of my breathing, and the cap slid to its side in a dashing way.

Yes, now my name is Saya. Without a clan name, without a noble address, just Saya. What? I like (I would try to be indignant). So Khalda began to call me names, so they began to call me in the village.

"Sana, this witch got her broomstick" - I heard Tasha's panicky whine in my head.

I quickened my pace, and finally ran into the spacious hut. Eh ... the picture presented to my eyes could catch the imagination of any sane person (and not a person too).

A sturdy old woman in a bright, colorful shawl was waving her broom threateningly in front of the muzzle of a huge (calf-sized), black, terribly fanged wolf with implausible white-blue eyes. And what is most interesting, this monster, more like evil than an ordinary forest wolf, cowardly retreated to the exit from the hut.

Without thinking twice, I stand between the broom and my metomorph, diligently shaking my head in a negative gesture.

Well, why are you waving your unlucky head? - Khalda was indignant. - Drive out your monster, or I'll put you both out on the street!

It's cold, - I looked at her plaintively.

Our further explanation was prevented by the door that opened again. The frosty air quickly enveloped me, making me shiver, already crumpled in warmth.

Grandmother? Why are you standing here? - the chubby, ruddy girl, who had so successfully appeared on the battlefield, opened her clear blue eyes.

Yaska, look, she again let her unseen beast into the hut, - the old hag decided to enlist the support of the newly arrived girl.

Grandma, what does it matter to you? Let the dog get warm, tea is not summer outside. You know that this blessed one does not part with her monster for a minute, ”they looked at Tash and me with a cautiously cheerful glance.

She herself, - I did not remain in debt.

"It is she of course in vain" - the metomorph chuckled mentally.

Why in vain? You would also consider someone who speaks poorly through speech to be a little backward in development.

But I really did not speak the local dialect, but I understood everything perfectly.

"You just need to talk more often, they won't call you a fool," Tash twitched nervously with his fluffy black tail. He still has a hard time going through the first month of our stay in this house. Then I did not speak at all, even mentally.

Yes, I cannot communicate normally in this dialect, he is rude.

Halda, get warm. Tash is good, - all the same I said, while terribly distorting the words. Here's the attack. I've been learning this language for six months now, and all some kind of nasty comes out. And this is for me, almost polyglot, clever and just a genius (well, shy). I mastered the elf in five months. Yes, I mastered goblin in three days (aha, considering that there is basically one swearing). In general, the language of the northern principality did not please me very much, its difficult to assimilate, which did not prevent me from understanding everything that I was told. Because of the problems in the language barrier, I am considered a little stupid, which does not bother me at all, and does not bother me.

Okay, - the old witch surrendered, lowering the broom (she has this weapon for all occasions).

When we got to this area, we unsuccessfully found ourselves in the middle of the river, the ice cracked from the magical pressure (we wanted to call it snow) and we happily fell into the icy water. But I don't remember anything like that, as I was in an unconscious state. Tash saved me. He pulled my mortal body ashore. Where I came to, which I was not very happy about, feeling the rollback from my first transition in my life (before, I only moved corpses, myself for the first time). I felt nothing but cold and pain. Tash was seriously scared and made the only logical move - he dragged me to the people.

It turns out that we appeared not far from a small village in a remote province of the northernmost principality of our continent. Metamorph dragged me to a house on the outskirts. The hut belonged to the only healer in the entire district. How this woman was not afraid to approach the wolf-like monster whining pitifully over the body of the completely numb gray-haired girl, I do not know (apparently the faithful broom gave courage). But I owe the fact of my salvation first of all to Tash and Khalda. Lucky however.

She fought at home for a week until finally the fever subsided and I came to. For another month I was almost a vegetable. She did not speak, barely moved, slept little and ate hard. And again Tash and the witch pulled me out of this state. Such a deplorable state of mine was a consequence of my experience of the transition. Eh ... I did some experiments.

When I finally came to my senses, I immediately delighted my black friend with the question - what ghoul did it all go wrong? We took a long time to analyze every detail of the plan, at the same time I got acquainted with the environment and its inhabitants.

And the plan was simple and just as ingenious. I needed to get rid of the symbol of loyalty on my brow and the contract with the fighters. Moreover, they should have been violators of the contract and oath. I planned to achieve this with Reiki. When we found ourselves in the caves, I hoped to start a battle myself with the apostate, in the heat of which I was going to force Reiku to attack me. Who knew that crazy lover of dark magic would play the victim of his own experiment and, in addition, turn out to be the brother of an equally crazy magician? Although I remember an overheard conversation in which it was mentioned about her search, and it seems that she was going to search in the area of \u200b\u200bmy lands. It's a pity I realized late. In any case, it all went wrong from the moment this bad girl directed a sun-tipped arrow at my metomorph (and where did she hide it before?). She had to threaten me. If it were not for the threat to my friend's life, I would not have used my last strength on this sacrifice of the corrupted gene pool (I mean brother Reiki). I was going to quietly knock her out, but somehow I did not take into account the solar arrow and Tash's wounds.

But in spite of my agony and dying condition, I nevertheless achieved the termination of our relations with the fighters, and in my favor. By the way, I didn’t think about it at that moment.

And I panicked when Xadar showed up. I didn't expect to see this mangy dragon, which turned out to be also my husband (I wonder, are the treasuries of husbands going to the widows of dragons?). Realizing perfectly well that I definitely would not leave this Higher on my own two feet, in despair I decided to take a risk. I took a chance. I almost died. But she got rid of the dragons, and was able to protect the fighters. In general, she confirmed the rule that the greatest delusions are often the most effective plan.

Tash asked me once: for what reason do I want to disappear from the life of such a cheerful company, when at the very beginning of the path I had a different opinion?

Because of the Keepers of the Balance. During our vacation in my ancestral castle, I was in search of the truth (I doubted that nights with Ksadar were a reality, I somehow hoped that Aranda's potion had its long-lasting side effect) did a little experiment on her own blood. I did not find any foreign substances, but I found traces of a stormy night spent, and something else. The real shock for me was the reaction of my blood to the blood of Asander. How I got this blood is a separate story. But the fact that my red liquid suddenly glowed golden, and Asa's blood began to shine with violet, I was really stunned. I didn’t know how to explain it.

(estimates: 2 , the average: 5,00 out of 5)

Name: Evgeniya Vasilievna Barbutsa
Date of Birth: June 7
Place of Birth: Russia

Evgenia Barbutsa - biography

Evgenia Vasilievna Barbutsa is a contemporary Russian writer working in various subgenres of fantasy. The fictional woman keeps her biographical data a secret, as she does not like to talk about herself. She only reports that she was born on June 7, has a higher education and works in her specialty, is distinguished by modesty, appreciates sincerity in those around her, cannot stand boors and brawlers.

The first attempts to create fantasy novels by Eugenia were noticed in 2012. After reading a huge amount of such literature, Barbutsa decided to focus on non-standard plot decisions that the reader does not expect from the works of the fantasy genre. The first online publication of the beginning science fiction was the novel "About how harmful it is to save dragons" - an exciting story about a healer who cured a representative of another world. In 2014, Evgenia wrote a sequel to this work, "About how harmful it is to send dragons." Dilogy "About how ..." is just being prepared for publication.

The beginning of Eugenia's serious career fell in 2013, when the publishing house "Alfa Kniga" released the author's debut work from the press - a novel in the genre of humorous fantasy "Mother-in-law of the Dark Lord". The unusual title of the work justified itself - in this amazing story, readers saw a combination of everyday issues and magic. Thanks to this original plot move and sparkling humor, Eugenia's first published book received a lot of approving reviews from fans of high-quality fantasy. A year later, the next unusual story with a touch of thriller and mysticism saw the light - a novel in the genre of romantic fantasy "A Tale for the Wolf". And again, the author was awaiting tremendous success. A dynamic and well-constructed plot, a lot of intrigues that keep you in suspense until the last pages, an atypical main character with a mild form of mental disorder - all this elevated Evgenia's new work to high lines in readers' ratings.

Inspired by her success and popularity, the Russian writer develops new storylineswhile experimenting with literary genres. In 2015, the first part of the series “The Whole Universe Is Not Enough” was published - a novel in the genre of space fiction “The Universe Is Out of Size”. A year later, readers again plunged into the adventures and love experiences of a team of space mercenaries - "Alpha Kniga" released the continuation of the beloved story "And the whole Universe is not enough!". According to the author, this space cycle has not yet been completed - Evgenia has grandiose creative plans, but she will implement them gradually. At the moment, the writer is working on the third part of this epic - the novel “The Universe as a Gift”.

In the creative piggy bank of Yevgenia Barbutsa there are few works - by the end of 2016 there are six of them, of which four works have been published. Among the most popular and best books of the author are the novels "Mother-in-law of the Dark Lord" and "The Universe is Out of Size". In addition to large literary forms, the writer creates small stories, posting them on the network, however, their subjects are more reminiscent of our realities of life than fantastic sketches. Examples of such stories are "Catastrophe", "He, she, his girlfriend and me", "There is no funeral or more fun."

All books by Eugenia Barbutsa are distinguished by a humorous manner of presentation, a pronounced love line and an action-packed adventure component. Thanks to the author's easy style and dynamic narrative, her novels are “swallowed” in one breath. The main characters of the works of modern science fiction are completely different personalities - from an insecure and introverted girl to a broken-hearted granny who can organize a real army of dragons, orcs, werewolves and other fantasy creatures. Behind the absurd situations and funny dialogues, it is important to see the philosophical meaning of Eugene's works. They are designed not only to cheer up and entertain the reader, but also to remind about the main values \u200b\u200bin life - family and moral. The novelist creates works in the genres of heroic and romantic fantasy, as well as planetary fiction.

The electronic library of our site offers to read online books by Eugene Barbutsa to all those who want to combine action-packed fantastic adventures and soulful romantic stories. Here you will find a complete bibliography of the author, the sequence of books in which is in chronological order. Anyone wishing to download the e-books of the writer in Russian can also use the free materials on our site, presented in the formats fb2 (fb2), txt (txt), epub and rtf.

All books by Eugene Barbutsa

A series of books - And the whole Universe is not enough!

  • The universe is out of size
  • And the whole Universe is not enough!

"Sana, wither away, the old woman again reached for the broom" - my friend warned me.

Indeed. Probably decided to bring me to consciousness. The last time, it was her feeding with a broom that brought me out of the stupor, in which I found myself due to the movement (I did not expect that I could teleport).

I am for brushwood, - without waiting for Khalda's actions, I turned around and dragged Tash with me.

Going out onto the porch, she looked around and sighed heavily.

I almost choked on the fresh frosty air. And then I shuddered at the memory that appeared in my mind, the vivid image of my first meeting with the healer. I am pale all covered with frost in an unconscious state, crying bloody tears, I lie on the threshold of a small hut. Nearby, a wolf-like mosntric howls and whines loudly (we agreed with Tash in my castle that he will immediately change his appearance as soon as we find ourselves in a relative distance from the violent company of fighters). A very fighting old woman responded to Tash's call.

The evil spirits have become insolent, ”she exclaimed, opening the door and waving her broom threateningly. - Already carrying his booty to my porch. Well, go out, until I sprayed it to the ghoul mother!

Tasha was not impressed by such a violent reaction. But he gently pushed me with his powerful nose to the old woman and looked at her pleadingly. Granny did not like it. And when I noticed the color of my hair, I took out some kind of artifact and started throwing it at us. But realizing that we didn’t suffer from her actions, I calmed down. I called Yasenka and dragged my lifeless carcass into the house.

I took a breath. The picture was too bright. I experienced too strong emotions. And these emotions did not belong to me at all. Before, I could not feel so clearly what my metamorph feels. And I could not overhear his thoughts not noticeably from him. It all started after I came to my senses after a month of semi-delusional existence. It was as if something broke in me at the moment of my first spatial movement. And only after some time, I realized that it was my block in consciousness that had cracked. What this will lead to is anyone's guess.

One thing I could say for sure. After the barrier in my mind loosened, I had nightmares every night. And they were with the same plot. I ran for a long time through the dense endless forest. My little feet (I'm not a gnome, I'm a child) are constantly tangled in the hem of my dress. My back hurts terribly. I'm choking but running. And only one thought was beating in my brain: if only to be in time. For some reason I know that if I have time, then everything will work out for me. Even if it costs me my life. I can take revenge. And I will fulfill the law of the race. And then I run out into a quiet and very beautiful meadow. After that I wake up with sweat and a pounding heart.

Recently, in general, I am anxious about my dreams, yeah. I remember that a dragon came to me alone in my dreams. So it turned out, and it was not a dream at all. So this time I even asked Tasha to go to bed with me. You never know, maybe I'm walking in the forest in a dream? Oh, and then Khalda swore.

As soon as I finally came to my senses, I began to analyze everything that happened to me. And there was an irresistible desire to find out everything. All I can. And I can do a lot if it really squeezes. And the first thing I did was send a message to Larik. Teleport, yeah. And I didn't even feel a rollback. Although the letter is not a body or even a sentient being. There you just have to follow the usual procedure and really, really want to. I did not expect a reply letter. For someone, but the rector does not need to know about my whereabouts. Moreover, we agreed to keep in touch through my friends necromancers. In the letter, I said that I would not return to the academy in the near future, and warned that I would like to talk with him. Well, I asked for something. He will fulfill the request, he does not want one influential king to find out about his daughter's affair with one influential rector of the Academy. Although that daddy already knows everything, but fame can be different, for example, when not only daddy finds out about everything, but the desired groom from a neighboring state, with whom passion is like a hunt to sign an agreement.

"And where are you going?" - one black fluffy (on occasion of winter) beast burst into my thoughts.

For brushwood, - I waved it off.

"You are in the other direction" - they told me.

Stopped. I looked around. Indeed. I thought about it. I went the other way.

Tash, you knew something. I asked you, and you said that the time will come and I will understand everything myself. Then, when I already received the mark.

"Metomorphs have their own relations with the Highest. We are not from this world. The Highest saved our ancestors when our World was dying. It happens. And we entered into an agreement with them. And naturally we know something about them. But not everything. I, for example. I understand them as you call it labels. In the ancient language "- he replied after a long silence.

Why am I only learning about this now? - I was indignant. And I was so carried away by this business that I did not notice how a whole cavalcade drove out of the forest.

In the forest. Alive, - I turned away from my friend. I tried not to show Tasha to anyone. Even in the village, I appeared alone. At that time Tasha was sending them out hunting. True, a rumor has already spread among the villagers that unknown evil spirits have started up in the forest locally. But nobody bothers and that's okay.

Hey, girl, call old Khalda, but be quicker, - meanwhile one of the riders approached me.

There were four of them, and the fifth was on a sleigh. I literally felt his pain on myself (well, for quite some time now, I generally feel what I shouldn't). Without saying a word, she rushed back to the hut.

These riders were guests of the local master. In the principalities, the nobles were in the habit of resting on their estates in winter. And winters are long here. And they have such rest not out of love for the outback, but out of the violent disposition of princes. As far as I remember from the explanations of one friend Larik, as soon as the number of nobles in the princely mansions exceeds fifty dollars, he declares war on the nearest neighbor. What? Conveniently. There are not many guests, you save on everyday life. And as soon as the nobles lose fear, they can be occupied with business. Again, the savings, those skirmishes at the expense of the gape of the nobility also occur. I like local politicians. They approach the matter with soul.

I ran so that the hat finally slid off on its side. I pulled it off my head and ran on. All the same, the scarf is tied over the head, hides the hair (the fashion here is such that pleases).

We arrived there, Khalda, - I burst into the hut. She bent over and tried to catch her breath. It's not that I'm very out of breath or tired. But I must show how excited I am

The witch doctor looked at me sternly, quickly got ready and left. I like this old woman. Strict, grumpy, unbending, but at the same time, wise, cunning and caring (true in her own manner, but it's not for me to judge).

I pulled off my sheepskin coat and fixed it on a nail. She met with Yasenka's radiant eyes and smiled.

Sit down, she's all the same for a long time, - the girl smiled back at me. - And if something serious is brought here.

I knew that everything was serious there. Therefore, she put water on the fire to warm up, took out the herbs and put them on the bench on which Khalda usually receives patients. Yaska looked at me mockingly, but said nothing. I quickly got it right and sat down at the table. She silently handed me a pie and started tweeting about her day. She has such a habit, she can speak without stopping for a day, if she does not shut up in time. And so I like listening to her (I'm talking about her voice, not about the nonsense that she carries), so it calms me down that I forget about everything for a while.

And now she shuddered from the abruptly opened door, although she herself made preparations five minutes ago. Khalda entered, followed by two men carrying a third in their arms. He groaned, but it is clear that he was holding back. They carefully identified him on a bench covered with a sheet, and, without looking around, left.

Current page: 3 (total of the book has 17 pages)

Frightened clear eyes looked at me. They tried to form thoughts. She formed carefully and for a long time, I even managed to fall asleep.

- Did they do the same to you? She asked fearfully.

- No, I'm just a Healer, and I've faced similar problems more than once.

- And you refuse him because you do not want such a fate? - the girl continued to pester me.

- I am married. Leave me alone! - and for the second time tonight, Yasenka fell into shock. Well, I managed to fall asleep, and even get enough sleep. I was not afraid of a recurrence of the magical release from Yasenka. She has already used up all her strength, now it will be recovering for a week.

After that incident, Rin carefully avoided communicating with Yasenka, and he took offense at me for nothing. And now instead of one young woman, I spent time with two. Yasenke, I slowly poured out the wisdom of life. And today I decided to teach her the most important thing that is required as a student - the art of drinking. Well, be sure to brew a drinking potion. This time we stopped in a border town in an extreme tavern. Cozy and provincial.

"You won't do that," Rin hissed in Elvish.

- Who's in the way? - I didn’t believe.

- Each of your booze ends ghoul knows what, - the elf gives a compelling argument.

“That's why you drink with us,” I smile radiantly, and the elf has no choice but to accept it.

- Little elves don't drink alcohol! Rin's last argument.

“I’m very happy for them,” I shrug and leave.

And so the three of us sit and drink quietly. There is no music. There are few people. And everyone stares at me drinking.

- What are you staring at? Have you seen how elf women drink tincture? - I could not resist. The visitors simultaneously shook their heads in a negative gesture. - Have you seen the evil magicians?

After this statement, even the waiter turned away from our table.

- Boredom, - I sighed.

- Not tasty, - Yaska grimaced.

“And today there are underground battles under the main town hall,” Rin sighed dreamily.

I started up.

- Yasenka, let's go to change, today we do not just drink, we are also having fun! - I ran to the room for clothes and money, not hearing Rin's muffled swearing.

Already on the way, he buzzed my whole brain that I shouldn't have taken Yaska. To which I replied: it is never too late to learn.

Clandestine fighting is something special. They are of three types. First-person fights, that is, they fight directly with the help of physical strength. Then there are fights from the second person - there is magic. And finally, third-person combat. This is a special fight that only necromancers can arrange. This is a battle of evil spirits subject to the magician.

Today was an ordinary battle. The battles were fought in the first person!

And naturally, such battles were not welcomed by the law, but the city was borderline, so often the representatives of the law themselves, or rather the military, took part in such battles.

Yasenka looked at everything with fear, condemnation and misunderstanding. Eh, petty, you still have to learn so much, with your gift. You now have only three ways, either a militant or an everyday person, or a doctor. With your romanticized view of life, you would choose a combat department and make a mistake. You are still unprepared, teachers and students like you will break you there. So, no matter how scary, no matter how much you want to close your eyes, look, look and don't turn away. And the medicine faculty scares you right now. But there is a chance that you will choose him. And then you just lose faith in the best and in yourself.

We just went down to an abandoned warehouse outside the city, where the battles were fought. They let us in without any questions. The light was burning brightly in the room, it was stuffy, it smelled of sweat, alcohol and herbs. Now there was a fight between man and man. Hands are not protected, the rules prohibit in any way to protect your body from blows, except for natural dodge and dexterity. Therefore, there were many wounds, blood and trauma. Ashenka saw it and tried to settle on the floor.

- Look, - I turned her head to the ring. The ring looks like a circle outlined by the secret police, nothing more.

The fight ended quickly. The winner staggered out of the ring, and the loser was pulled out by the leg.

“You shouldn't have dragged her here. We won't get any pleasure, ”the elf grumbled. By the way, we were dressed in raincoats with hoods, for conspiracy.

- Now we will fix everything, - I giggled, thrusting into the girl's teeth the bottle of vigorous tincture I had taken with me. She took a couple of sips and goggled at the impressions.

Rin chuckled and turned to the ring, a new fight began. The goblin is a bulwark two meters tall and two meters wide and an orc. The orc is also not small, but still much smaller. And where did I see this orc? Lost in thought, I take a sip from the second bottle I brought. At this moment, Rin turns around, and a clear hurt is read in his eyes. I take a deep breath and give the bottle to him. He gratefully accepts and takes a long sip, so we drank.

The battle, meanwhile, dragged on. The goblin was diligently mutuzin the orc. But he didn't really resist. On the other hand, he still has not fallen, which speaks of his strength more than all his few punches before. Eh ... it's kind of boring.

- Rin, how much money do you have with you? I whisper.

- All there is. You know I always carry the whole amount with me, ”he replied.

- Ik, - Yaska interjected into our conversation. She had already drunk a fair amount, and now she liked everything. And marriages and blood and trauma.

“Give them to me,” I asked.

- What for? - he narrowed his eyes.

- I give you my word that I will return them, and even double. Just give them to me. I'll take an oath if you like.

Rin gave up on this pressure and gave a bag full of coins. Well, or perhaps he was influenced by the promise that if I did not return them tonight, then I would go to his slave.

I immediately ran off to place bets. But soon I return happy.

- Hey, orc! - I yell through the noise of other people's cries. The dull gaze of the orcish eyes is still turning at me. I throw off my cloak on the elf's hands, and myself climb the elevation in the form of a barrel. - I put all my money on you!

I loosen my braid, and my hair falls in a wave over my shoulders. And I, out of habit, tilt my head to the side.

Something moved in the orc's eyes.

- What are you doing? Rin hisses.

- And you see that man? I poke my finger at the pig-eyed hog looking at me with oily eyes. There was a dead silence in the hall. - I put my life on you! Lose me or kill me or turn me into a slave! So show what you are capable of!

"I will," Rin said calmly. And he began to pull out his ancestral ort. About how evil we are. Right now they will also ritually finish me off.

Yasenka seems to have realized what is happening and began to howl in time to the cries of the crowd. She's kind of nervous.

- Come on, Rin, we will raise five times more from this fight.

- And if he loses? He continues to hiss.

- Nope, he will win. You are a military man, you see his training, so let's not guess, but just enjoy the spectacle.

- And if he loses on purpose? - the sharp-eared did not stop.

“It's unlikely,” I shrugged.

And I was right. It all ended very quickly. It would seem a minute ago that there was no living place on the orc. He could hardly stand on his feet and almost did not attack. But now ... now there is a huge green goblin lying on the floor in a pool of his own blood. And instead of random swaying, the orc's movements began to resemble a bewitching dance. It seems it is called the steppe dance.

The crowd exploded with a frenzied roar. Yaska gasped in fright and tried to sit down on the floor. Rin grabbed the girl in fear of being trampled on. And the winner went out of the circle and slowly walked towards me. There was no more casualness in his movements. A true warrior was walking towards me.

“Hello, Death Marked,” he nodded to me.

- Hi, Zorg. So Equilibrium brought us together again.

“Sana,” Rin glanced at me angrily.

- Rin, take the money, otherwise they will hardly agree to give it to me. You can give Yaska to Zorg.

I got up from my barrel and headed for the exit.

I put Yaska to bed in Rin's room. She herself with Zorg and the elf stayed in our room with her. I took Tasha into the room with a spell, and now this beast was quietly sniffing by my bed. We settled down at a round table. At first we drank in silence. Then there were questions.

- How do you know him? - the elf was indignant.

- Yes, we met once in the forest.

The elves of the orcs did not like, they despised them, and they recognized the power of the orcs. The orcs were not afraid of elves, did not despise, but loved. Highly. The lucky one was the orc who managed to rape the elf at least once, or the elf, as soon as it fell out. A proud steppe people and a godly forest people, they will never be together, so elven half-breeds often stole out orcs. And from such unions, amazing children were born.

Zorg studied Rin carefully. Eeyore, in turn, pulled out the generic orts. Hint understood? Zorg laughed. And I was sweetly drunk.

“I was looking for you, Marked by Death,” the orc said to me. Not that their appeal to women was strange. While the Orchan woman is not married, she is as free as the wind in the steppe, wants to fight, wants to embroider with a cross, in general finds something to do to her liking. But as soon as the Orchan creates an alliance, she is completely deprived of her rights. And she goes out into the street in a long skirt. Well, or not a woman. Orcs are the only ones, after the goblins, who do not care about racial prejudices, or rather genetic incompatibilities.

- And why did the son of the steppe need me? I chuckled. - By the way, you can contact me without ceremony, just Sana.

- The debt of life in the Steppe is the first among the Dolgov. My soul will not rest until I return it to you. Well, I can't leave you next to the elf. They, you know, have a soft spot for blondes.

“You know, Sana, I really want to kill him,” the elf interjected.

“Rin, you have to accept his presence,” I slap him on the shoulder. - All the same, he is a new member of our small company.

I have never seen such a distorted expression on this beautiful face. Even when I returned the elven prince from the other world, but he could not stop me.

- And what else can you tell me, Zorg? I tilt my head to the side.

“I followed you to the cursed lands. Where I lost your track. But all and sundry are hunting you. This made my search easier. Your pursuers have not found you in any kingdom of the south, east and west. Then they moved north. But you yourself know how difficult it is to work with the principalities. And the lonely orc is the perfect scout. After a little thought, I decided to look for you in the very north, this is the third principality in the past half a year, where I tried to find you. And if you hadn't undid your braid, I would not have recognized you. Nice disguise.

- Did you hear, Rin? Be proud - I was not kidding now. This is truly the highest praise. Orcs are known for their pursuing qualities.

“I'll get over it,” the elf muttered.

- And who is closest to us? - I smile.

- Necromancers. The brothers are five days' journey from here, in a neighboring principality, and another couple of necromancers got a job two weeks away from here. But with brothers, some kind of dark story. I didn't find out.

“They are looking for you in the east.

- West, islands, and soon will be here.

“I'm starting to like this orc,” Rin chuckled drunkenly.

“I never shared the hobbies of my brothers,” snorted Zorg.

"Now, if they cut each other's throats at night, what shall we do?" - without opening his eyes, asked the metomorph.

- Guys, have you tried drinking for distillation? Who lost, he will climb into the mayor's bedroom, his mistress will be seduced!

“Brad,” Rin said confidently.

“Well, I’ll climb too if I lose,” I insisted.

“Elves just don’t like the mayor’s bedrooms,” the orc grunted, taking out from under the table three identical jugs of alcohol.

"The end of the border," Tash sighed heavily.

In general, this is the last thing I remember from that evening.

We hurriedly ran away. Well, in fact, not so hastily, in the end they managed to run away quite far, and we had no reason to hurry, but the fact that we did all this in a rather gloomy mood, then yes. It would seem, why so worry? Well, you think I got the people drunk again. And again nothing decent came of it. But I didn’t put that chatter down their throats, and all the fires were back at me.

The mood was spoiled even more by Tasha's quiet laugh. Moreover, only I could hear his caustic comments, which led to sad thoughts about the dangers of friendship.

As the metomorph said, at the end of my impromptu competition, everyone was already drunk. But I was still able to identify a clear laggard. It turned out to be Rin. According to Yasenka, who had already awakened by that time, the elf categorically did not agree to master the love spaces in the town governor's estate, which is also the commandant, a border town. In general, his protest was expressed in an attempt to quickly finish off my darling. But then Zorg became active, my carcass was saved, and after another libation, I decided that it was not good for my friends to leave a comrade in trouble, and offered to attack the mayor's mistress's bedroom all together. Yes, yes, I dragged Tasha with myself, I could not reach Yaska - she managed to hide under the bed.

And everything would be fine, because we all have quite professional training no matter how. We were able to pass the guard posts without noise. And we even climbed to the third floor along the wall in the window we needed. Yeah, all three. But the windows for some reason turned out to be different. For example, the orc got to that very mistress, well, who knew that she would turn out to be a rather exalted lady, and comes into indescribable excitement from the dark, pumped up silhouettes of the orc race in the night? I can imagine what they are playing at night with the commandant.

I got, oddly enough, to the mayor's wife (here's a lover of harems). Unlike the rest of the residents of this house, she turned out to be an adequate woman, and when asked to drink while her husband was being raped, she agreed, taking out the wine, and saying that it was from strategic reserves. And with such joy that I thought about staying here for another week. Why did I announce that her husband would be abused? This is because instead of the mayor's mistress's bedroom, Rin ended up with the commandant himself. I knew this for sure, because I heard the mayor squealing behind the wall, and Rin swears terribly.

And now the guards, alarmed by shouts, run up to the very wall along which we were climbing, and she sees an orc jumping out of the third floor, wearing a half-torn shirt. An elf with red ears follows. Well, I ... and Tash came for me, took me by the scruff of my neck and also retreated through the window.

In general, the mayor since then has nothing to do with his mistress, he generally does not spend the night with anyone. And now there is a story about a mad family of perverts in the city. Daddy orc, mommy elf and darling daughter, little elf hunt for a strategic wine reserve. And this family also has a white deer, which takes them to the sky to the stars. And in general, this family is engaged in making gifts ... once a year, on one particular night. Yeah.

This big-eared dolt, who always carries everything of his own (and this time mine too), hastily escaping from the remarkable bedroom, left there a wallet dear to my heart. He left all my gains from the underground battle in the bedroom of the commandant-town governor! I will kill! As soon as I catch up.

This is why we run away in haste. The orc is from the guards, and Rin is from me. One Yasenka on her kaurka trembles cautiously behind.

- Stop the dragon son! - I yell after the elf.

“Only after you've deactivated your three curses and removed the black needles,” he turns around. - And in general, have you seen yourself from the outside? You have written on your forehead a crazy magic, dangerous to others.

Tash, why are you trudging about like slaughter? - I am indignant.

The fact is that we have been moving in this way for the third day. Tash does not strain too hard, catching up with the idiot elf, and the elf, in turn, does not strain much in an attempt to escape from me. And when we get tired to the point of not standing, Zorg sets up camp, and Yaska cooks.

"And you remember that we still need him" - the metamorph advises me.

Why would a dragon be an idiot to me who managed to lose gold ?!

- Saya, calm down at last, - Yaska timidly drives up to me.

- Yasenka, here's lesson number three, - I smile predatory. - Never approach mad magicians, at the moment of their righteous anger.

And I launch it with black needles prepared for the elf. And the elves have a good reaction. And the orcs too. And what a frightened little eyes.

Meanwhile, while Zorg and Rin rushed to save Yasenka from the inadequate me, two events happened. My needles abruptly changed their trajectory from Yasenka, to almost reaching Rin. And a powerful wall of fire flew at me. I managed to activate the shield. But the lop-eared did not have time to dodge.

Yasenka, in turn, fearfully covers her face with her hands and goggles in shock.

- It's still rather weak, - I take off the shields. - You undoubtedly have a good reserve, only uncontrolled.

"Sana, did you want to test her strength, or hurt the elf?" Tash inquired busily.

“I'll kill you,” Rin informs calmly.

“It's unlikely,” the orc disagrees.

- Do not quarrel, - Yasenka asks plaintively. And naturally everyone ignored her.

- Zorg, don't bother me, - I warn you just as calmly. - Here we seem to have activated the great and terrible Rilinlevel. Well, the security guard, does it hurt? But what about the vaunted elven reaction?

"Why are you making him mad?"

Don't bother me, I'm in the final phase of breaking my personality. I have already brought him to complete confusion. Before that, he tried to kill me only a couple of times. The rest of the time he was quiet and sweet. Now, after a terrible frustration, I will make him angry. I'll bring it to a critical point, a couple of words and that's it. He will be ours forever.

- Sanashaya, - well, wow, the orc first called me by my full name. - Not worth it.

I look at him carefully. The orc was not threatened, he requested. Have you guessed? Looks like. Do I care about his requests? It depends on what his motives are. To be honest, I don't see any motives yet. But this does not mean that they do not exist. Okay, let's leave the radical measures to break the personality. But nobody forbade me to play.

All my thoughts rushed through my head in a split second. This time was enough for the elf to calculate the options for possible attacks. And after Zorg's words, Rin threw a trapping net at me. But I have Tash, who was not distracted by conversations with the orc and, at the moment of the elf's attack, rushed forward along the path. Rin was not upset, but followed.

We are rushing along the road, with wild eyes, barely managing to put up shields against Rin's magical attacks (and he’s not serious yet), an orc jumps after the elf, in a powerless attempt to calm him down (well, in general to catch up with us), and the orc far behind, the Yasenka gallops with a doomed expression on his face.

I hardly look at the road. Why, because I don't need to control my wolf. I half turned to Rin. Therefore, I did not notice two persons in black raincoats galloping to meet us.

The road is narrow, we could hardly part way at such a speed. So it turned out that the horses of the travelers reared up, and I found out that Tash was jumping quite high. Rin barely managed to slow down, but still stayed in the saddle.

"Are you elves completely insolent?" - growled one of the figures wrapped in a cloak. - Look where you go on your monster.

- Magi, are you tired of living? - Rin, who had not yet come to his senses, was indignant. By this time, Zorg and Yaska had arrived at us.

- Friend, quieter, there are more of them, - the black cloak turned to his fellow traveler.

- The real threat here is only that sharp-eared and monster under the youngster. Do you really think we can't do it? - the first cloak was sincerely surprised.

They didn't seem to notice us. Aha, that's just their fingers weaving a thin ligature of one unpleasant necromantic spell. How do I know this? So I'm a good sensor, it smells naturally.

- Whom did you call a youngster, unfinished necro? - I was indignant.

There was a ringing silence. Necromancers hated being called nekrami. Rin took out his orts and prepared a couple of spells, he is an excellent fighter, but a rather weak magician. Zorg pushed Yasenka away and drew his sword. Yasenka began to quietly wail something unintelligible, I only heard "got in touch with my head .... sick ... alcoholics ... gray plague."

- Friend, it seems we were insulted? - the first black cloak was surprised.

- No, it doesn't seem. And what will happen for killing a little elf? - I decided to clarify the second coat.

And without waiting for an answer, a spell flew in my direction. A weak medicinal shield easily stopped him.

- But where am I ELFIK ?! - I was indignant.

What? We couldn't get Rin, we couldn't play catch-up. I've been on the road that day, and naturally my mood does not improve from this. And so I will kill a couple of boors and you can live on.

“Sana, shut up,” Rin hisses.

And he threw a sprout spell at the feet of the necromancer horses. This spell revives plants, but necromancy easily suppresses the life force of an elven spell.

- Leave the monster, it is because of you that I am an eared little grower now being called names by all and sundry. I want a couple of necromantic corpses - we are fighting somehow sluggishly. Without a spark. Apparently these magicians are also tired and do not mind to warm up. Naturally, no one is going to kill anyone. But to arrange a small battle for the winner (the one who was crippled less wins).

- Lead, does this small-eared little thing seem familiar to you? - the second cloak thought, simultaneously putting a magic shield against hunting spells.

- Elves all look the same. In general, so, you take on an adult sharp-eared, and I am a white monster and this little bitch, - And three black needles and one poisoned dagger flew at me. How do I know? So the necromancers have all their weapons poisoned, they do not wear another. I blocked the needles and dodged the dagger.

"Are you sure they won't recognize us?" - Began to weave something killer partner of the same Lida.

- We are wearing camouflage cloaks, which SHE was magical. And you know HER, - said the one who was named Lead. These cloaks remind me something.

- Nekra, well, you are like women in the bazaar, just scratch with your tongue, - I was indignant and created a fire.

“Sana, I'll kill you,” Rin said calmly in Elvish. And he threw daggers at the necrov. The daggers slammed into the necromancer's cloaks with a thud and fell to the ground. Well, that's for sure I saw these outerwear somewhere.

- In theory, you should have done this a long time ago. So stop throwing empty promises, and reassuring me - I was offended. - Marry me to an elf (ugh, you promised yourself not to use bad language about this anymore), if I don't get these necromancers myself.

The necromancers exchanged glances. And I tilted my head to the side and smiled, my hair fell over my shoulders, one strand fell on my cheek.

- Lead, did I tell you that she reminds me of someone? - turned the nameless necromancer to his friend. In the meantime, I finished forming the spell of the fire knife. - Sanashaya Saresh !!!

And this pair of failed corpses collapsed to the ground, covering their heads with their hands and covering themselves with powerful shields, at that moment when I released fire in the form of a blade at the place where their heads used to be. I tried not to hurt the horses. Still, I love animals more than rational races. It is a pity that my only animal was taken from me as a child. As I remember now.

“Sana, kill the puppy,” the rector ordered, pointing to the mongrel I picked up a couple of weeks ago.

“No,” I replied calmly. I knew that retribution would be painful, but I am ready to survive it.

- Sanashaya, remember, you cannot have other attachments. Only one. Hit this creature, or I'll kill him, but slowly, ”the rector spoke calmly. He did not threaten, he stated a fact. They will not punish me for my disobedience, but they will kill the puppy anyway, but death is also different.

And I decided. I drove the dagger straight into the heart of the unfortunate animal. I thought I was killing a puppy, in fact it turned out to be much worse.

Before, I didn't feel any emotions. Then Razhek appeared with Irma. Their caress broke on the ice of my indifference. And then I met a mongrel that somehow imperceptibly resembled me. He just followed me from the market, right to the gates of the Academy. Neither whined nor growled, just stared. I liked him. For the first time, a sense of interest awoke in my chest. I took it with me, in the hostel I did not show it to anyone. And he didn't even ask for food, he just looked at me in silence. Naturally, I fed him, even played, he was interesting. Strange, incomprehensible, and most importantly alive.

And when I killed him, other feelings awoke in me. It turns out that I had not only interest in him, but also a semblance of affection.

- That's good, that's nice. You feel now. Now you are really alive, - the rector rocked me in his arms, while I writhed in pain. This pain was brought to me by a flurry of emotions unseen before the village. It was like I was dead and now I am alive. It was like I was in a vacuum, and now I am burning alive. And then Larik just knocked me out.

I shook my head, shaking off the glamor of the memory. She stared at the necromancers rising from the ground.

- I told you that she is alive ?! - Namiy was indignant. - Said?

- Well, he said.

- And the fact that she, as always, appears at the most unexpected moment in the most unexpected place, and then something is broken with us? - Namiy did not calm down.

- Guys, do not get carried away, - I jump from Tasha.

- Sana, do you know them? Rin approached me.

- All the same, you were right, Saya. But I didn’t believe it, ”Yaska suddenly cut in in the conversation.

- In what? - No, of course I'm always right, but something I don't catch her train of thought.

- Do you remember, at your grandmother's, when the wounded prince rushed about, you said that Sanashaya Saresh was a curse. I didn't believe you then, but now I hear it too often in different languages. What does it mean? - and the eyes of this little one are so naive, naive.

“Sana, I'm sorry, but you look like a real elf,” Lid held out his hand to me.

Met called old acquaintances. And most importantly, almost by accident. Yeah. So we are sitting by a fire blazing with heat, on a patch of snow cleared of snow. My old acquaintances took off their hoods, but they did not take off their raincoats. By the way, I remembered them, these are the same ones from the series with metal plates, only on these I also put a couple of spells in an experimental impulse.

“In the Academy, a rumor started that you were dead,” Namiy said. We decided to make a halt since such a meeting had already taken place. - The rector has gone wild since you left. No one really knows anything, and rumors are going around the capital, one more absurd than the other. All and sundry were looking for you. Elves visited us during the practice ... we could not oppose the five. Your portrait ... they hacked us mentally. And then at one moment the rector seemed to have lost his mind, the Academy seemed to plunge into darkness. And there were rumors that you were dead. No one knew anything concrete, but the royal secret services suddenly calmed down.

Namius sighed heavily and looked at my companions, fixing his gaze on Rina.

- We didn't believe it. The practice is over, but you still are not, - continued Lead. - Something strange is happening in the capital. The echoes of magic are so powerful that even freshmen can feel them. The guards increased by three orders of magnitude, and the entire military elite began to pull towards the capital. Students began to worry, senior years were forced to undergo accelerated emergency preparation. Then Lariknovel sent us on a free trip, without really explaining anything. He just said such fools as we will definitely stumble upon you. We reasoned that you will be where the money is. And in the capital of the neighboring principality there is a week of clandestine battles from all three persons. As far as I remember, you respect this business very much. And we decided why not? We took a couple of orders for cover, yet I suspect we are under suspicion from the elves. And rushed to the battle.

- You decided to earn extra money, - I could not resist.

Lead was not even embarrassed.

- Well, this, of course. She often made bets on us. We were already on the spot, asking the people when strange rumors went about two inadequate elves with interesting slaves. And okay, a human girl, but an orc is certainly nonsense (the elves of orcs do not take as slaves, it is fraught). Moreover, one of the elves is still a child who gambles and drinks everything that burns. So we rushed to where we saw them in last time... It's interesting to look at the elves scumbags.

That's it, now I'm just giving up drinking. Well, rumors, but if I really used it so harshly, otherwise I just sat with a good company a couple of times.

- Who knew that we would personally encounter them? Moreover, it never occurred to us that this crap, in the sense I wanted to say that you will be one of the sharp-eared, - Lead coughed. - The move is certainly brilliant, but the ears ...

- Saya, are they also like you Healers? - Yaska pulled my sleeve.

“Nope, they're necromancers,” I said. - Namy, what about the elven embassy?

Yaska choked. Well, yes, nekry people are often not always adequate, and in the principalities they are generally not loved very much, or rather they are not loved at all.

- The embassy with the heir you saved has departed in an unknown direction. By the way, how did you manage it? - asked Namiy.

“Screaming and cursing,” I replied.

- By the way, Sana, the Healers announced a good reward for the gray-haired girl with white eyes a little more than six months ago. Are they looking for you by chance? - Lead chuckled.

Lid and Namiy are the only students who saw me in a natural color scheme. Quite by chance, though they promised to forget everything by oath.