Instructions for use drops Espumizan baby. Indications for use drops espumizan. What are Espumizan's side effects?

That in the natural way to remove the gases accumulated in the intestine, exist. These include Espumizan. Its action is aimed at the decomposition and redemption of the foam in the intestine. After taking Espumizan gas bubbles merge and, touching, burst. The separated gases are eliminated from the child’s body during physiological contraction of the internal organs. The pressure on the smooth muscles of the abdomen is reduced, gases can freely move. Espumizan also protects the mucous membrane, forming a thin protective layer on it. Medicine not absorbed into the blood, and completely goes after passing through the intestines.

Doctors use it not only for intestinal problems in newborns, but also for x-ray, ultrasound, endoscopic diagnosis of the gastrointestinal tract, and surgeries, where gases can interfere with examining the necessary organs.

The composition of the drug and how it is produced

Simethicone - the main active component of Espumizan is of organic nature. It belongs to silicon and acts on the body as a defoamer.

Shown at:

  • bloating, flatulence, gas formation in newborns and in patients after surgery;
  • intestinal colic;
  • preparing for a diagnostic examination of the internal organs;
  • poisoning with soap and detergents;
  • dyspepsia;
  • aerophagy;
  • rammond syndrome.

Espumizan is produced by various pharmaceutical manufacturers in the form:

  1. Emulsions (suspensions)  - containing simethicone, sodium cyclamate (E952), purified water, saccharin (E954), hydrochloric acid, polysorbate 80, carboxymethylcellulose, methylparaben, banana flavoring, fumed silica. Suspension quickly reduces gas formation, protects the mucous membrane, destroys vesicles in the intestine.
  2. Capel  - containing simethicone, sorbic acid (E200), banana flavor, saccharin (E954), purified water, hyprolose. They have a carminative effect, are not absorbed into the blood and intestinal walls, contribute to the collapse of gas bubbles.
  3. Gelatin capsules  - containing simethicone, glycerin, methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate, quinol yellow dye. Available in cartons of 25 pcs.

The emulsion Espumizan is like a newbornL, Espumizan 40 and Espumizan drops, containing fewer chemicals, easily miscible with water, mixture or milk. Capsules are allowed to take adults and children who have reached 6 years of age.

Is it possible to give a newborn

Due to the efficiency, the complete removal of child's body, carminative properties and clinical studies on the safety of the drug, Espumizan can safely give the child from the first weeks. But before running to the pharmacy for the medicine, the parents need to show the baby to the pediatrician. You need to find out if he is worried about colic or something else.

Instructions for use Espumizana

Some moms, without consulting a doctor, give their children medicine, not exactly knowing how to give Espumizan to a newborn. Before offering it to a child, you should carefully read the instructions for use. Each age requires a different dose of the drug. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the regimen in order not to get an overdose and not cause side effects.

Drops are counting, holding the bottle vertically, shaking up the contents first. Parents are interested in pediatricians, how often can you give Espumizan to a newborn? To facilitate and eliminate flatulence in children under one year, 25 drops (1 ml) are allowed. The duration of the course depends on the symptoms. As soon as colic disappears (this happens in 3-6 months), Espumizan is stopped.

  • from 1 to 6 years allowed 1 ml in one step;
  • from 6 to 14 years give 1 or 2 ml;
  • from the age of 14 you can take 2 ml.

Droplets desirable to give during feeding. They are added to the mixture, breast milk or water. When breastfed, the baby is given medicine from a spoon or pipette. If the baby is suffering from colic late in the evening or at night, the medicine must be given before bedtime.

Suspension Espumizan 40 is appointed:

  • newborns and children under the age of 6 are given 5 ml;
  • from 6 to 14 years allowed 5 or 10 ml;
  • from the age of 14 you can take 10 ml in one dose.

The maximum number of suspensions and drops per day 5 times.

When it starts to act

After taking the medicine, the baby calms down, it becomes easier for him, colic disappears. The duration of Espumisan on the infant's body is about 10-15 minutes. If after this time the baby does not get better, you need to consult a doctor. Causes of irritability and crying in a child may not be in colic. Sense to increase the dose, if the drug did not help, no.

Ban on espumizan

Only a doctor can prescribe a drug to a newborn baby. He will examine the baby, advise the form of the medication and tell you how best to take it. Can baby Espumizan be harmful to the fragile organism of the crumbs, and whether side effects? There is no risk to the health of infants when consuming Espumisan. The active substance is not absorbed by the stomach, does not penetrate into the blood, and is completely eliminated naturally. Harm can only be if you do not take into account its contraindications.

They are not very many:

  • hypersensitivity to the components in the composition of the drug;
  • intestinal obstruction.

In order not to aggravate the situation, faced with complications, it is necessary before the first dose to give the newborn half the measuring spoon of the emulsion to track the reaction to the drug. It will be possible to eliminate individual intolerance after 10-15 minutes while Espumizan is active. If signs of allergies do not appear, you can safely use them, adhering to the indicated dosages.

Allergic reactions that can occur with this drug include:

  • wheezing when breathing, swelling;
  • clear nasal discharge;
  • disruption of digestion;
  • elevated temperature;
  • vomiting, nausea;
  • lethargy, headache;
  • anaphylaxis.

What can be replaced (analogs)

Feedback from parents about Espumizan is mostly positive. But it happens that the child does not react at all to the drunk medicine: he continues to suffer from the gazikos, to cry and stay awake at night. Some mothers say that after taking the baby gets worse. Gas production increases, the child is straining, naughty and worried, he has constipation from Espumizana. The reason for this is the individual feature of the infant organism. On some children, it acts instantly, on others it does not act at all. And in some cases, causes severe allergies or constipation. If Espumizan did not help, you can use similar drugs. Effective analogue of Espumizana advise the doctor.

Comparative table of known analogues

Drug name What helps Dosage Protests
Plantex Stimulates digestion, relieves spasms, eliminates gas formation

Newborn 2 sachets per day from the second week of life.

Children, older than a year, 3 sachets per day

Individual intolerance to fennel, lactase deficiency, impaired glucose / galactose absorption
Reduces the accumulation of gases in the intestines, has a calming, antispasmodic, antimicrobial action 10 drops before feeding. The number of receptions per day is not limited. Individual intolerance to fennel, anise, mint
Sub simplex Reduces flatulence, relieves pain and eliminates discomfort in the tummy of a newborn Once a day before feeding 15 drops. Hypersensitivity to simethicone, intestinal obstruction, diseases of the digestive tract
Eliminates flatulence and painful colic, prevents the emergence of new gases that cause bloating 16 drops from 3 to 5 times per day Hypersensitivity to medication components, intestinal obstruction

To drink medicine to the newborn or not, parents decide. It should be borne in mind that one suspension to eliminate colic will not be enough. It is important to conduct daily gymnastics with the child, for nursing moms to keep to a diet, to the artificial artists to select suitable mixtures, to adjust the nutrition of the infant.

Espumizan - a drug that helps reduce flatulence. Natural remedy is recommended to use not only adults, but also very young children. Digestive system in early age  just starting to function. As a result, there are unpleasant sensations, bloating and pain.

The drug is safe and sold in pharmacies without a prescription. But before using it is better to consult a doctor. Medical examination will help identify the causes of the disease.

Indications for use drops Espumizan

The main advantage of Espumizan is high efficiency. The action of the drug is associated with its constituent Simethicone.

This substance contributes to the transformation of gas bubbles into a liquid that is easily absorbed. The surface tension of the intestinal walls decreases.

The drug should be taken when:

  • Excessive accumulation of gas in the intestines, causing severe abdominal distension.
  • Intestinal colic.
  • Various chemical or household poisoning.
  • Preparing for diagnostic studies related to the abdominal cavity. This will result in more accurate results.

Dosage and administration

Drops (emulsion) has a white color with a slight odor. The bottle of dark color with a volume of 30 ml is equipped with a stopper - dropper. For proper dosing, the medicine is held vertically so that the hole faces down. The drug is taken during or after eating. Before using the bottle Espumizana necessarily shake.

The duration of treatment is directly related to the severity of the symptoms. The drug can be used for a long time, until complete recovery. For flatulence use the following dosage:

  • Children up to 6 years old 25 drops. You can add to the bottle, mixing with baby food.
  • From 14 years old to 25-50 drops.

Apply 3-5 times a day. It is allowed to use the drug at night.

Contraindications and side effects

Espumizan instructions for use drops indicates the absence of side effects. In rare cases, allergic reactions to the dyes that make up are possible. No disruption to the central nervous system  not noted.

Therefore, patients whose work is related to the speed of reaction can take Espumizan.

As part of the drug there is no sugar, it can be used by patients with diabetes. Do not recommend combining the drug with the means that reduce acidity. Such as, Almagel, Gastal and others.

A contraindication is only individual intolerance of the person of components and impassability of intestines. Cases of overdose are currently not officially registered.

After opening the bottle, Espumizan should be applied within 4 weeks. Storage temperature should not exceed 30 degrees. You should closely monitor the specified expiration date, after which the medicine is strictly forbidden to take.

Release form

Release form

Emulsion for oral administration.



    1 ml (25 drops) emulsions contain:
    Active substances:  Simethicone 40 mg;
    Excipients:  hyprolosis (MH = 3.0), sorbic acid, sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharinate, banana flavor No. 516060, purified water.



pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect



Espumized 40 is a drug that reduces the amount of gas in the intestine. The mechanism of action of espumizan is due to the fact that simethicone is able to reduce surface tension at the boundary of media, the drug has surface-active properties. There is a merger of gaseous bubbles and the destruction of the foam, the released gas acquires the ability to be removed or absorbed naturally by the influence of intestinal motility.

Gases in the gastrointestinal tract look like thick fine bubble foam. It stretches the intestinal wall, thereby causing painful discomfort, its movement can cause rumbling. When treating flatulence of any etiology, the use of an anti-foaming agent is mandatory. Air bubbles and mucus tightly adhere to the intestinal mucosa, thereby hampering the absorption of proteins, vitamins, fats or medicines. In order to improve the efficacy of other drugs, espumizan is prescribed.

Espumized l is used for preparation before diagnostic examinations, because its use prevents the appearance of image defects that may be caused by gas bubbles. Simethicone is chemically inert, not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, the active substance is actively working only in its lumen. The tool does not affect the processes of digestion, does not interact with enzymes and microorganisms.


Excreted from the body unchanged with feces. Not absorbed in the digestive tract.

Espumizan L, indications

  • Strong gas formation;
  • for infants and newborns, espumizan is recommended for colic;
  • gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract (increased gas formation in the postoperative period, flatulence);
  • symptoms of flatulence, such as bloating;
  • as a defoamer in case of acute poisoning with detergents (surfactants included in detergents);
  • preparation for diagnostic studies of the pelvic organs and the abdominal cavity (ultrasound, X-ray), including as an addition to contrast agents in suspensions to obtain an image by the method of double contrast.



  • Acute intestinal obstruction;
  • obstructive diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • individual sensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

Dosage and administration

Dosage and administration

For ease of use and convenience, the drug Espumizan is available in the form of an emulsion and drops. Parents can choose the most suitable children's espumizan and give it according to the instructions given to the child. The emulsion has a special measuring spoon, and drops - a measuring cap, which helps not to be mistaken with the dosage, counting the drops.

How to take Espumizan

Espumizan can be taken before meals or after meals, if necessary - before bedtime.

Espumisan for children can be added to the bottle with baby food (juice) or diluted breast milk. You can also give the drug directly from the spoon.

The course of treatment with espumizan depends on the severity of the symptoms. If necessary, the drug can be used for a long time.

In case of flatulence and excessive gas formation, the dose of espumizan will depend on the patient's age and the form of the drug.

Espumizan L Dosage

  • Children infancy: 1 milliliter only during the period of colic as prescribed by a doctor;
  • From one year to 6 years: 1 ml (25 drops) 3-5 times a day.
  • Children from 6 to 14 years: three to five times a day, one to two milliliters (25-50 drops).
  • Adults and children from 14 years: 2 ml (50 drops) 3-5 times a day.

To prepare for ultrasound of the abdominal organs

In the case of Espumisan L, two milliliters (50 drops) are prescribed 3 times a day the day before the test and two milliliters in the morning.

Gases in the intestines are present not only in patients with flatulence. On X-ray and ultrasound screen, they look like an opaque cloud that interferes with the correct diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, if it is necessary to conduct an accurate examination and assess the patient's condition, the doctor prescribes the use of this drug before diagnosis, which helps to further interpret the results obtained.

During endoscopic examinations, if necessary, the doctor can independently administer the drug in the form of an emulsion along the probe to the place of accumulation of gas bubbles.

For a double contrast image

Four to eight milliliters (100-200 drops) per liter of contrast suspension, or four to eight special measuring spoons of the emulsion.

In case of poisoning with detergents

  • Adults: 10–20 measuring spoons or 10–20 ml (1 / 3–2 / 3 of the contents of the vial) Espumizan L (according to the instructions).
  • Children: from two to 10 spoons of syrup espumizan, according to the instructions, the dose is determined by the doctor depending on the severity of the poisoning.

The instruction for Espumizan L also indicates the possibility of consuming drops in case of poisoning in children. The dose is 2.5-10 ml (65 drops-1/3 of the contents of the bottle).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Espumizan during pregnancy

There is no reliable clinical data on the use of the drug during pregnancy. However, due to the low percentage of absorbability of the active substance, espumizan is prescribed to pregnant women. Application is possible only after consultation with the doctor.

Espumizan during lactation

Espumizan at breastfeeding  can be used on doctor's prescription. It should be remembered that, despite the relatively safe active substance, the drug also contains auxiliary components that can cause allergic reactions.

Side effects

Side effects

Side effects associated with the use of espumizana, was not observed. However, individual allergic reactions to excipients are possible.

special instructions

special instructions

The annotation for espumizan indicates that such auxiliary components as lactose and sugar are excluded from the composition of the preparation. Therefore, the drug can be used for people with lactase deficiency and diabetes.

Can be taken after surgery.

Espumizan is not addictive, it can be used for a long time.

Liquid forms of the drug are well suited for children.

Espumizan and alcohol

There is no evidence of the negative impact of the simultaneous use of the drug with alcoholic beverages. It is still advisable to abstain from alcohol during the treatment period.

Espumized baby

Almost all children in the first months of life have colic, which is not a deviation from physiological development. During this period, the gastrointestinal tract is adapted to the new living conditions, the formation of the enzyme system occurs. Espumizan is shown even to newborns, due to the absence of side effects, as well as the fact that the drug is excreted from the body unchanged, its use is safe and justified.

For infants, it is better to choose the drug in the form of a suspension, drops are suitable, if you need to take the drug with you on the road, they are compact and take up little space.

The use of espumizan helps to eliminate the cause of anxiety of the baby and alleviate his condition. The positive quality of the drug is that it is not addictive, it can be given at each meal, as well as at night. This means that the medicine can be taken until the baby has colic with age.

If the colic is long, body weight is reduced and there is no appetite, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pharmacy sales terms

Espumizan is available without a prescription. Due to its good tolerability and the absence of side effects, Espumizan is classified as an over-the-counter drug.

Espumizan L, instructions for use, download PDF

  • Espumizan l 30ml emulsion bottle
  • Espumizan l 40mg / ml emulsion d / prima inside 30ml fl. b
  • Espumizan l 40mg / ml 30ml
  • Espumizan l emulsion 40 mg / ml, 30 ml
  • Espumizan l emulsion 40mg / ml vial-drops. 30ml

Intestinal colic can cause anxiety to the baby from the neonatal period. As a rule, colic in newborns begins in the third week of life and gradually passes by three months. Preventive measures and special medicines that remove (reduce) the accumulation of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract help alleviate the suffering of the baby. For example, such a drug as espumizan for newborns. Let's talk about it a little more in detail.

As you know, not all drugs are approved for use in children, and especially in newborns. Drugs used at such an early age must meet high requirements, they must be safe, simple and convenient to use, hypoallergenic, have no side effects, and so on.

Espumizan for newborns is not absorbed in the intestines, is excreted from the body of the baby in an unchanged form, along with feces. This means that it does not affect the body and is safe even for a newborn baby.

How does the espumizan for newborns?

Espumizan refers to defoamers, the active ingredient is simethicone. Entering the gastrointestinal tract, Espumisan envelops bubbles of accumulated gas and reduces their surface tension, which leads to their rupture. The gas bubbles are neutralized, and the gas thus released is easily removed from the intestine. Also this drug helps to normalize the processes of digestion.

The effect of the drug begins approximately 10-15 minutes after taking the drug.

How and when to use espumizan for newborns?

Espumisan - L in the form of an emulsion for oral administration is best suited for newborns and infants.

In 1 ml of the emulsion - 25 drops. The bottle holds 30 ml and comes with convenient stoppers, droppers.

Shake the contents of the bottle before use. When you measure the right amount medicinal product, make sure that the bottle is dropping exactly vertically down.

The medicine can be added to a bottle with food, or simply given with a spoon.

The drug is given either during feeding (if the child is on bottle feeding), or immediately after a meal (if the baby is breastfed).

The duration of the drug is determined by the presence of symptoms. Intestinal colic in babies is not a problem of one day, as a rule, they last quite a long period of time. If espumizan helps to alleviate the condition of the baby, then it is used until the baby has digestion.

The drug espumizan-L is prescribed for children with intestinal colic. As a rule, parents begin to give espumizan at the first signs of beginning abdominal pains and when the child is very anxious, which is caused by accumulated gases in the intestine.

Despite the fact that the drug is harmless to the child, it is recommended not to abuse the drug. It is recommended to give the drug in 25 drops (single dose) not more than 5 times a day.

Feedback on espumizane for newborns

All babies are individual and react differently to certain drugs. In most cases, the feedback on this drug is positive, and it helps many babies. But there are some children who are not relieved by espumizan, as well as those who have side effects in the form of constipation or an allergic reaction (rash, itching).

In case of undesirable effects, the drug should be canceled and consult with a specialist about further treatment tactics.

Peculiarities of espumizana for newborns

The main feature of this drug is that such ingredients as lactose and sugar are excluded from its composition. This allows the use of espumizan in children with lactase deficiency and in patients with diabetes.

How to increase the effect of espumizan for newborns?

To alleviate the condition of the baby, it is possible to combine medical methods with non-medical methods.

Non-drug methods of dealing with intestinal colic:

  • Ensure that the baby is correctly capturing the breast and during feeding does not swallow extra air;
  • After feeding, the child should be held vertically (“column”) so that the air that could get in during the feeding has escaped;
  • Spread the baby on the tummy more often - it helps the discharge of gazik and strengthens the abdominal muscles;
  • Massage the tummy of the child with light circular movements clockwise. Another method is to put the child on his back, take both his legs into his hands, spread them a little to the sides and raise the knees to the navel level (pull the legs towards the tummy). Then lightly connect the legs and lightly massage (slightly) on the tummy, and then lower the legs down;
  • During an attack of intestinal colic, you can put a warm diaper on your tummy - it helps to relax muscles and promotes the discharge of gas. The same effect has a warm bath;
  • Do not overfeed the baby;
  • If the baby is breastfed, then the nursing mom needs to carefully monitor their diet, not to abuse foods that can cause increased gas formation.

Instructions for use Espumizan newborns and infants

Release form, composition and packaging

Espumizan comes in the form of an emulsion for oral administration of a milky white color, with a banana smell.

1 ml of emulsion is 25 drops.

Active substance  - simethicone (40 mg)

Excipients: hyprolosis (MH = 3.0), sorbic acid, sodium cyclamate, sodium saccharinate, banana flavoring No. 516060, purified water.

In a bottle of 30 ml - a bottle of dark glass with a stopper-dropper and a measuring cap.

Clinico-pharmacological group:

Drug that reduces flatulence and flatulence

Description medicinal product  ESPUMIZAN® L is based on officially approved instructions for use of the preparation ESPUMIZAN® L. Before use, consult a specialist.

pharmachologic effect

Refers to carminatives. The active component of simethicone is a surfactant that reduces the surface tension of gas bubbles in the gastrointestinal tract, which then disintegrate and are removed from the intestine.

The use of Espumisan L for the preparation and conduct of diagnostic studies prevents the occurrence of image defects caused by gas bubbles.


Simethicone is not absorbed (not absorbed) from the gastrointestinal tract. Excreted from the body unchanged.

Indications for use:

Symptoms of flatulence: bloating, feeling of fullness and fullness in the epigastric region, increased gas formation, including in the postoperative period, as well as in newborns and infants;

Intestinal colic (including in newborns and infants);

Preparation for diagnostic studies of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis (ultrasound, X-ray), as well as an additive to suspensions of contrast media for imaging using double contrast;

It is indicated for poisoning with detergents (including surfactants that make up detergents) as an antifoam agent.


To dispense drops, the bottle must be held vertically with the hole down. Before each use, the bottle with the emulsion must be shaken.

Breast children  - 1 ml (25 drops) of the drug is added to a bottle with baby food or given with a small spoon before or after breastfeeding.

Children aged 1 to 6 years old - 1 ml (25 drops) 3 -5 times a day;

Children aged 6 to 14 years old - 1-2 ml (25-50 drops) 3-5 times a day;

For flatulence, adults and children over 14 years old are prescribed 2 ml (50 drops) of the emulsion 3-5 times.

The drug is taken orally during a meal or after a meal, if necessary, also before bedtime. Duration of application depends on the severity of symptoms. If necessary, the drug can be taken for a long time.

To prepare for radiography and ultrasound of the abdominal organs, 2 ml (50 drops) 3 are prescribed the day before the study and 2 ml (50 drops) in the morning on the day of the study.

In case of poisoning with detergents, the drug is prescribed to adults for 10-20 ml (1 / 3-2 / 3 bottle contents), for children - 2.5-10 ml (65 drops-1/3 bottle contents) of Espumisan L depending on the severity of the poisoning.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug;
  • The occurrence of side effects (constipation, allergic reactions).

Pharmacy sales terms

Sold without a prescription.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not higher than 30 ° C. Shelf life - 3 years.

Please note that after opening the bottle, the drug should be stored no more than 4 weeks.

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