What is the harm of sedentary work? Sedentary work

Dear friends, I am glad to meet you again! Our time is the age of computer technology, when there is less and less physical labor, more and more highly mechanized, automated, and high-tech. Sounds beautiful. But in practice, this is a sedentary work with a load on the brain, eyes, spine, and with all the attendant problems.

Choose the right options. After you choose, if you go to dinner in a cafe or restaurant, somewhere, then try to stick to your healthy diet plan as much as possible, due to the fact that you learn how to eat out. And if you find that your cafe or workplace does not offer options that fit into your schedule, then ask someone who is responsible for food related services to prepare a healthy menu so that you will not have the advantage only you, but your whole company.

Keep moving. If you live near the workplace, you should go to work or ride a bicycle, and not drive a car or subway every day. And if you are driving, park away from the entrance to have at least a few minutes of physical activity. Or jump out of your bus a few blocks earlier and stroll through the rest.

What exactly threatens office clerks and other workers of mental labor? And is it possible to avoid the development of these threats in serious diseases? About this - just below.

More recently, two or three decades ago, illnesses during sedentary work were seen as something mythical. On the contrary, the “clerical” employees were often jealous, they say, they don’t lift anything heavier than a pen while we are with sledgehammers, crowbars, shovels ... No doubt, hard physical labor is an unpleasant task, and it is not safe for health. He has his minuses, the sedentary labor rhythm has his own, and, alas, no less, and sometimes more.

Choose attractive alternatives to counter the daily flow of large amounts of sugar. When you are in the middle of the day, it may seem that the only thing that can help you overcome the rest of the day is a sweet donut or chocolate from a candy dispenser. That is why you will laugh at alternative products such as fruits.

Stay active, even if you don’t. Advances in technology have made the workplace more convenient than before, but, on the other hand, this has led to a decrease in physical activity during the working day. Instead of sitting at your desk and sending an email, stand up and get a ticket to your colleague or manager. Or use the stairs instead of the elevator. You will be surprised at how quickly everything can help you save healthy way  of life.

What are the main negative factors causing illness of office workers?

  • Lack of fresh air;
  • Lack of movement;
  • Insufficient activity of the cardiovascular system, leading to stagnation of blood and other circulatory disorders;
  • Overload of organs of vision;
  • Static posture with excessive load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • Risks to the gastrointestinal tract.

These are only the main directions of "attack". Now we will consider in more detail both these threats and specific diseases from a sedentary lifestyle. We will also give recommendations on how to minimize the consequences of the influence of negative factors and try to prevent the development of serious pathologies.

Start walking to the fitness center or get home equipment at home. Many employers began offering their employees a stay at a fitness center or other sports facility, or at least compensate employees for part of their membership fee at a fitness center in order to maintain their performance and health. Find out if your company offers compensation programs for receiving at a fitness center and other sports facilities or for buying sports equipment. Do not spend money on membership in the fitness center, if you use it only a few times.

Dry eye syndrome and other vision problems

The load on the organs of sight of this category of workers, and of all whose work is associated with a long sitting at the monitor, is often excessive. The eyes are strained, fixed on the monitor, tired, from which there are painful, tearing, reduced visual acuity. Dry eye syndrome is even more common. It is manifested by redness of the eye protein, dry sensations, the so-called “sand” in the eyes. Compound the problem of wearing contact lenses, as well as the presence in the room of air conditioners, drying the air.

Change your social networks. Instead of meeting with colleagues in bars and drinking with them after work, try to find new recreational activities that are not necessarily associated only with food. Instead, try bowling, play miniature golf or have some fun, go in for sports teams like softball, even with a bunch of colleagues. You will still feel great, not taking extra calories.

We hope that these tips will help you change your daily routine and habits. Do not make bad habits that will later become your bad habit. Include these simple tips in your training and help you make your life habits more healthy.

But the main cause of the syndrome is still tension, because when working at a computer, we blink three times less often than usual. The consequence of this is the drying of the tear film, which is really dangerous for the eyes, in some cases can lead a person to the operating table.

How to protect or minimize the risks?

You work eight hours a day on your computer. In the afternoon or in the evening you return home from work, and you no longer have an idea to ride a bike, stretch your balance or go for a short walk with your partner. You'd better have a hot dinner and sit down to watch TV on your favorite show, and then fall asleep.

Hands on your heart, you do not have the result of sedentary work and free time to rest with a passive rest, the problem with overweight? So that your sitting job does not increase your fat pads and thus increase in weight, try to follow several principles that should become a daily ritual for you. If you follow them honestly, you can safely spend your passive leisure at home with a quiet conscience.

  1. From contact lenses at work is better to refuse.
  2. Force yourself to blink more often, working behind the monitor.
  3. From time to time you look out the window, fixing your eyes on the most distant objects.
  4. It is not necessary to rub eyes, in order to avoid entering of an infection or inadvertent injury.
  5. And still it is necessary to drink in abundance, one and a half-two liters of liquid per day.
  6. If necessary, apply eye dropsfirst and foremost an artificial tear.

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First of all, focus on a healthy and light diet. If you have a heavy pudding of pork and pork, and then reassembled into a computer, be aware that fats start in the stomach. Therefore, place fruits, vegetables, whole-grain pastries and low-fat dairy products in your “work” menu. These dishes are especially suitable for morning or afternoon snacks.

Do not eat at your table

For lunch, eat dishes that are cooked mainly by cooking and stewing. Definitely forget about fast food. If you go to a nearby restaurant with colleagues, try vegetable salads with crispy bread or light chicken dishes. People with sedentary work should leave half an hour lunch every day and not rush right on the desktop. You prefer to set a place in the kitchen for meals, do not let anything go and do not distract anyone and enjoy your dinner.

Varicose veins, thrombosis, other disorders of vascular and heart activity

What else threatens the lack of movement? Congestion of blood, and as a result, the increased risk of blood clots, as well as varicose veins. The list of risks and others, including angina and heart attack.

The habit of sitting on one's feet, uncomfortable shoes, a long, tense posture - all this leads to poor circulation, stagnation, and blood clots. The call to take breaks in the work of the clerks is often perceived as an invitation to a coffee break. Of course, with buns, cakes, sandwiches. And this is another factor provoking thrombosis, and such snacks in the diet are also related to the stagnation of venous blood.

If you eat regularly and in a balanced way during the day, you will not be afraid of getting a refrigerator at night and at night. Give the valley an uneven diet that promotes weight gain. Definitely not enough morning and afternoon snacks and lunch. Before you start work in the morning, do not forget to have breakfast. For dinner, limit your meals late in the evening. If you work overtime, you better order food for work than to have dinner at nine in the evening at home.

Remove candy from your reach.

You do not accidentally do the so-called unthinkable work, and you do not even know how much you got from it? Remove all sweets, chips, crackers and nuts from your side and stock up with fruits and vegetables. If you put a plate on the desktop with slices of pepper, tomatoes and carrots, you can make it stand out. In this case, you have no dark conscience, just the opposite.

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That is why prevention of both misfortunes is similar: more often take mini-breaks, at least walk around the office for a couple of minutes, or even get up with a few simple movements with your feet and hands without getting up from the chair. You can negotiate with colleagues and do each other a light back massage. Run away from the sedentary work on the stairs: a couple of floors up and down every one and a half to two hours - and your blood will not stagnate.

The basis is to drink regularly, even if you do not want to drink. Focus on clean, non-sparkling water, unsweetened tea and possibly diluted fruit juice. Avoid drinking sparkling beverages, high sugar beverages, black coffee and strong black tea.

Move and stretch regularly

Keep a jug of clean, non-sparkling water on your desktop, which you will regularly take in glass. You will probably get a lot more fluid than you have to go to the kitchen for every glass of water. What is the biggest disadvantage of sedentary work? Of course, any lack of active movement. So work at work to understand what you are going to do, at least. For example, make sure you spend five minutes at the end of each hour. Go down the stairs to the first floor and go back to the floor where your office is located, stretch a chair on the desktop or do some exercises in the toilets.

How the musculoskeletal and genitourinary system suffer

The load on the spine with a constant seat and so great, and if the position of the body is still wrong, it increases many times. The result of this “monumentality” is spinal curvature, salt deposition, osteochondrosis, sciatica.

If possible, do not go to work by car, but by public transport. Already in the morning at the bus or tram station you will like your body, at least a little useful. On the way home from home, take one bus or a tram stop earlier and finish everything else. You will benefit not only from yourself, but also from your health.

If you find yourself at least twice a week, go to a fitness center or an aerobics course. If you do not, try stretching your house at home. In this case, rely on the weight exercise or balance exercise. Work at the table, lack of physical activity and soft chairs, are serious enemies of the spine. They can cause not only painful, but also painful conditions that require rehabilitation.

“Panacea” is the same: movement! Find the opportunity to mix in space, or at least change the position of the body. Do not "freeze" in one position. Find a good masseuse, but this is desirable after work.

Lumbago lumbago - sharp attacks of sciatica - are also likely with constant static tension of muscles and ligaments, skeletal bones. With awkward movement after such “tetanus”, a nerve can be pinched between the vertebrae, and this strong pain  and limiting the ability to move. Here it is necessary to resort to the help of colleagues: get anesthetic, quietly move the person to the sofa, it is desirable to help get to the medical center.

Work in a sitting position - how to prevent back pain?

According to statistics, 70% of people work at their desks. Such diseases are an important social problem. They are increasingly confronted with young and economically active people. Persistent pain that interferes with normal functioning may be a symptom of shortness of breath, lumbago, sciatica, or compression of the nerve root. Although these diseases are burdensome for different parts of the spine, they have a common feature: a sedentary lifestyle is one of the factors contributing to the occurrence of the disease.

Speaking about the risks of sedentary work and its connection with diseases, it is necessary to remember about diagnoses such as prostatitis in men and a number of gynecological problems in women. They are directly related to the sedentary lifestyle: the blood circulates weakly, disrupting the functionality of these important organs. Plus stress, minus fresh air. And therefore: smile, gentlemen, move, and after work do not forget about walks

In addition, due to the fact that these accidents are an inconvenience to the motor system, they interfere with normal functioning and daily activities. To prevent the aforementioned diseases, it is important to take care of your spine. Well, if we are used to doing the right posture during normal activities. However, if you spend most of your time at your desk, you should think about a special pad for correction, which you just need to put on an office chair.

Thus, it will reduce the lumbar spine. You will also be offered several short breaks during which you can perform some simple exercises for relaxation and stretching. Do not forget about physical activity, walking, cycling or swimming.

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GI pathology, obesity

It is quite logical ending "chaining" to the chair - a set of excess weight, constipation, and even hemorrhoids. It's not just a matter of low calorie consumption during such work. The problem is deeper, in the literal sense of the word. When sitting for a long time, the soft tissues of the “soft spot” are constantly under pressure, and in such cases 50% more fat is formed in the tissues than in any other body position. Another problem: the fat itself is synthesized under similar conditions by visceral, that is, with localization in the omentum of the abdominal cavity. And with him the most difficult to fight. Hence the “solid” tummy, not afraid of diets and gyms. Conclusion: do not accumulate!

Each case is characterized by a different type of pain, so it is difficult to give one recipe. However, it is important not to try to force the muscles to tremble. The spot can take painkillers with the composition of ibuprofen or naproxen, and in case of an attack of pain should be placed in a comfortable position, which relieves sore spot. They will also help you apply patches to your back.

Such pain cannot be ignored, and even if it is spontaneously resolved, it is necessary to visit a specialist. During the test, the doctor diagnoses the cause of the pain and recommends appropriate therapy. Relief in ailments can bring therapeutic massage, and in case of a serious rehabilitation, degeneration. A good solution if you need to diagnose a disease is to use the Mackenzie method. This method is based on a diagnosis made after detailed study based on special protocols prepared separately for each spinal cord and limb.

Constipation and hemorrhoids are also satellites of office and sedentary life. Especially if the reluctance to go to the dining room on time, the substitution of lunch with snacks and sandwiches with the same notorious buns is added to other factors. Prevention is a regular diet. Do not regret time for a full meal, again, find an opportunity for mini-charging.

Attention! The above advice is only a suggestion and cannot replace a specialist visit. Keep in mind that if you have health problems, always consult your doctor. Sitting at work at your desk, do the exercises. When you do business, do not use the elevator, just climb the stairs. Come quickly, energetically, tighten your hips and muscles, and you will improve your silhouette, but you will also be less tired.

Isometric exercises at work

Watch the exercises you can do at work and help avoid back pain. You stretch your muscles, but your joints are still. This is a workout that quickly and comfortably strengthens muscles without the need for special equipment and does not require a lot of space.

Rare and specific diagnoses

There are also "exotic" diseases, rather rare, but rather unpleasant. For example, parrezis - fear of urinating in humans; Neophobia is a panic before any innovations, you can't do without the help of a psychologist.

With you was Ekaterina Kalmykova

People who do sedentary work think that they are in more comfortable conditions than those who do physical work. Of course, in the office it is better than, say, to sparkle somewhere in the cold by welding, welding pipes, or carrying bags of sugar. But for everything in this life you have to pay. Comfort is not an exception at all, and one has to pay for it with one’s own health.

In economically developed countries have long realized the harm of sedentary work. The matter is further aggravated by the fact that after spending a day in the office, a person gets into the car and spends the rest of the day at the TV. From here, there is a massive exposure to hypodynamic people. To avoid it, experts recommend at least 60 minutes a day to engage in physical activity. It can be a walk, a swimming pool, a gym, cycling, etc.

As for Russia, the situation in it is even more depressing. Elementary ignorance of leadership leads to the fact that an employee sits for 8 hours without rising from the table. By the 5-minute breaks the head is sharply negative. But this is a small warm-up. Sometimes even lunch takes place in the workplace.

It should also take into account the high degree of stress characteristic of Russian offices. This is explained by the fact that senior officers absolutely do not know how to manage subordinates. They constantly exert volitional pressure on them, which leads to mental disorder. People are forced to work out of school hours, they offer to break a 28-day vacation in half. These are the harsh realities of office life in Russia.

What is the harm of sedentary work?

From sedentary work there is no physical overvoltage. Much less often than sellers and waiters have problems with varicose veins. But a fixed lifestyle can cause very different diseases.

From constant sitting, back problems appear, the metabolism is disturbed, obesity, osteochondrosis, hemorrhoids, and scoliosis develop.

In the pelvis there is stagnation of blood. This provokes prostatitis and gynecological diseases. Sharply contraindicated sedentary work for pregnant women. It is fraught with fetal asphyxia.

And, of course, regular stress. This is a psychological climate in the team, relationships with management, nervousness, frustration, urgent reports. All this leads to cardiovascular diseases. The above list is far from complete.

Useful exercise while sitting down

Stretching the abdominal muscles and lower back. To do this, move the chair away from the table, stretch the legs to the full length and put them on the heels. We keep the back straight, and with the body we twist right and left.

Knead your shoulders. First, raise and lower them 10 times. Then do shoulders a circular motion back and forth.

By toning up the muscles of the shoulders and forearms. To do this, bend the arm in the elbow and start it behind the back. Use your other hand to press on the elbow for about 10 seconds, then change hands.

Stretch your legs and train your abdominals. To do this, sitting on a chair, we stretch our legs, tear them off the floor and in turn tighten our knees to the stomach. With each leg, this exercise must be done 10 times.

We train the muscles of the arms and chest. Stand up from the chair, go to the wall and rest your hands on it. In this case, the legs should be as far as possible from the wall. Do 10 pushups.

We train hands. Squeeze your fingers into fists and sharply unclench. We do this 20 times. Then squeeze the fingers and make circular movements with fists in different directions. This exercise  considered a good prevention of joint diseases.

The above exercises are prophylactic in nature from prostatitis, hemorrhoids, problems with the neck, back and other unpleasant ailments. The main thing is that they need to be done daily..