What to feed the child to increase hemoglobin. Healthy lifestyle. Hemoglobin increase in children with the help of products

Anemia in children under three years of age is diagnosed in 50% of cases, in adolescents in 30% of cases. This is one of the most common pathologies in children. In 80% it is caused by iron deficiency. Due to the prevalence of the disease, many people neglect the full-fledged treatment, replacing medication with diet. According to the authoritative researcher of problems of anemia L.I. Idelson, it is impossible to compensate for the lack of hemoglobin only at the expense of food, a diet is only an auxiliary tool. At the same time, it has been proven that a prolonged hemoglobin deficiency can lead to a delay in the mental and physical development of the child. Therefore, even the treatment of mild anemia without taking iron supplements will be ineffective and, moreover, dangerous. This article will discuss how to raise hemoglobin in a child and what to choose for this drug.

One pair of alpha chains consisted of 141 and other beta chains of 146 amino acid residues. Anomaly can occur in the homozygous or heterozygous state, where only a small part of the pathological hemoglobin is present. In electrophoresis, only hemoglobins can be separated by the exchange of amino acids with different charges. Other abnormal hemoglobins can only be demonstrated with more expensive diagnostic methods. The clinical and genetic value of the normal fraction of hemoglobin.

In the so-called. Mediterranean anemia or thalassemia selectively reduces the production of alpha or beta chains. The clinical and genetic value of abnormal hemoglobins. For each individual chain type, a specific gene is responsible. If more hemoglobin defects appear in each blood cell, a large number of different hemoglobins are formed. Practically the most important pathological hemoglobin is the sickle cell hemoglobin, which reduces solubility, making it pathogenic for the carrier.

How to increase the level of hemoglobin in a child depends primarily on age. It is important to choose the right medication and dosage of the medication. Iron supplements are absorbed differently and can cause a lot side effects. For this reason, the doctor must prescribe treatment, taking into account all the characteristics of the body and the course of the disease.

This leads to the formation of metahemoglobin and, consequently, to the occurrence of chronic cyanosis. This refers to a genetic defect in the structure of polypeptide chains of hemoglobin with functional disorders. This is the most common hemoglobinopathy. Inheritance is auto-declared. Peripheral blood - sickle cell anemia.

Clinic: the beginning is still 4-6 months. There is chronic hemolysis, fever, anemia, possibly with hypoplastic crises, swelling of the arms and legs; aseptic heart attacks in the lungs and spleen, heart attacks in the bones, especially when oxygen is reduced or when acidosis with periosteal reactions, painful crises, vascular thrombosis, possibly jaundice and cholelithiasis, fatigue, splenomegaly, neurological symptoms affecting the lungs, heart failure, hematuria, nephrotic syndrome; hypersensitivity to pneumococcal and salmonella infections; sudden death is possible.

Causes and symptoms of anemia in children

Signs of low hemoglobin in a child are often absent or may be attributed to age features and other health problems. Therefore, anemia is detected only after a general blood test. After detecting anemia, the pediatrician decides how to raise hemoglobin in a child.

Laboratory tests: There is a chronic, possibly severe normocytogenic anemia. Falsified test is always positive. Indirect bilirubin slightly increased. May be renal dead diabetes. Bone marrow shows marked hyperplasia on the red line. Treatment: The crisis requires analgesics, hydration, oxygen, vasodilators, anticoagulants, antacid treatment, possibly ACTH, prednisone, especially with hand syndrome. Transfusion may be required, eventually removing the spleen.

Prediction: Usually few children die, while most adolescents are fatal after complications of the brain, heart, and kidneys. There is a need for genetic counseling, since the homozygous risk is 25%.

Symptoms of anemia in children:

  • Worse appetite;
  • General weakness and fatigue;
  • Changes in the skin - dryness, pallor;
  • Lag in weight gain according to age;
  • Sleep disturbance;
  • Mental and physical developmental delays;
  • Pallor of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Pronounced nasolabial triangle;
  • Cyanosis of the ears;
  • Reduced immunity, as a result, frequent viral and infectious diseases;
  • Increased sweating.

In adolescence, the following symptoms may be added:

Heterozygotes usually have no symptoms. Heart attacks are rare with a decrease in oxygen or acidosis. The main type of thalassamia. As a result, fetal hemoglobin CB, which can reach 90%, increases significantly. The values ​​of these two hemoglobins are never aligned. Epidemiology: there are mainly Mediterranean peoples, Africans and South Asians. Sometimes he finds himself sporadic in other nations.

Clinic: Anemia starts with breastfeeding. There is severe hemolysis, hypochromia, pallor, later deformities of the bones, especially in the bones of a person with a mongoloid face. Hepatomegaly was detected, which is often significant. Appears only after the second year.

  • Muscle weakness;
  • Irritability and tearfulness;
  • Memory impairment and learning ability;
  • Depressive states.

The severity of symptoms depends on the age of the child. In younger children, they are less noticeable than in older ones. There is also a link between the severity of symptoms and the degree of anemia. The lower the hemoglobin index, the greater the collection and brightness of symptoms can be observed in a child.

Complications: hemosiderosis due to more frequent blood transfusions. Serum iron is normal or elevated. Carbon ability decreases. Deferoxamine is needed to remove iron. Folic acid is given at 5-10 mg per day. This is done in the 5th year. After surgery, penicillin is prevented, especially in young patients, for the prevention of influenza infections. Vaccination with pneumococcal pre-splenectomy is also recommended. Today, allogeneic bone marrow transplantation is a promising success.

Assessment: depends on age and need for blood transfusion. The deadly end is due to infections or hemochromatosis. For thalassemia, the main indicator of life expectancy is normal. The severity of anemia determines the severity of the consequences.

The reasons for which hemoglobin levels may decrease may be physiological and pathological. Depending on this method is selected, how to raise hemoglobin in a child.

Anemia in infants develops as a result of:

  • Lack of vitamin B12 and folic acid;
  • Insufficient feeding up or late introduction;
  • Unbalanced diet nursing mom;
  • Pathology of development.

In the youngest children, hemoglobin indicators are particularly unstable, so it is important for parents to know how to raise hemoglobin in the chest. What means give effect, and which are useless or even dangerous.

Genetic counseling: 25% risk to siblings. This refers to the heterozygous benign form of thalassemia. Symptoms are usually absent, but, in exceptional cases, from 3 to 10 years, moderate anemia and hepato-splenomegaly can develop. Due to the deficiency of the beta chain, moderate hypochromic anemia is found with microcytosis, scarlet erythrocytes, anisocytosis, and cyclocytosis. Reticulocytes are slightly elevated, osmotic resistance is also slightly increased.

This applies only to South Asians. The production of alpha chains is disrupted. Options are combinations of thalassemia with other hemoglobinopathies. Often the disease is asymptomatic. The hereditary basis is the preservation of fetal hemoglobin due to insufficient ability to form beta chains.

Lack of hemoglobin in children in adolescence is considered almost inevitable, so mothers need to know how to raise hemoglobin in a child. It arises due to accelerated growth of muscle mass and puberty, during this period the body's need for iron increases dramatically, and it is extremely difficult to obtain the necessary daily dose only from food.

Heterozygous carriers are asymptomatic. Hereditary impaired immunity affects boys. Agammaglobulinemia, X-recessive Bruton syndrome. They are involved in the specific immunity of the person. In peripheral blood and tissues there are no plasma cells and B-lymphocytes with membrane immunoglobulins. Frequent hypoplasia of the lymphatic tissue - small lymph nodes without centers of the germ line, small tonsils and adenoids - is often observed. The concentration of all classes of immunoglobulins is significantly reduced as long as they are absent.

There are common causes for children of all ages that can cause anemia:

  • Worm invasions;
  • Propensity to allergic reactions;
  • Rare walks in the fresh air;
  • Acceptance of certain drugs.

Treatment in the presence of a diagnosis is necessary. But how to raise hemoglobin in the blood of a child? Reception of iron preparations is recommended without fail. In addition, therapy can be maintained by adhering to a diet and the introduction of vitamin complexes. The latter is needed to obtain in sufficient volume of vitamin B12, which is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and vitamin C, which promotes the absorption of iron. The complex of concrete measures is selected taking into account age featuresway to raise hemoglobin small child  and how to choose the drug determines the pediatrician.

The titer of normal isohemagglutinins, astrotestoltisin and specific antibodies after immunization is significantly reduced to the lack of. The number of T-lymphocytes is relatively large, with normal values ​​for cellular immune tests. Boys are most often affected by bacterial infections of the respiratory system, middle ear and skin. Immunodeficiency occurs at the age of 4-6 months. Patients have a high propensity for malignant neoplasms, mainly lymphoid tissue. Prenatal diagnosis can be used to determine the sex of the fetus.

How to raise hemoglobin in an infant

One of the most difficult questions is how to raise hemoglobin in a newborn baby. He doesn't eat adult food yet, but medications  can cause side effects.

If the child is on gv ( breastfeeding) How to raise hemoglobin? There are not many options: through mother's milk and by taking iron-containing preparations in the form of drops. A nursing mother should balance her diet and introduce foods rich in iron, vitamins B12 and C. These are beef, offal, vegetables, and greens.

In recent years, autosomal recessive agammaglobulinemia with a reduced number of B-lymphocytes and a decrease in the synthesis of all classes. Adenoma, hereditary, episodic, periodic, hypokalemic paralysis, Gamstrop syndrome. This applies to muscle paralysis as a result of gene mutation. This is probably due to the structural abnormality of the muscle membrane. This is due to the extraction of potassium from the cell and impaired neuromuscular conduction. This is observed in children under the age of 5 years. It is characterized by periodic generalized muscle weakness, lasting from 1 to 4 days, with classic adynamic attacks.

Important! When planning the diet of a nursing mother, it is necessary to exclude products that may cause allergies in the baby, since it is important to raise hemoglobin in the infant with minimal harm to his body..

How to raise hemoglobin to a baby medically? Iron preparations are introduced gradually. Reception begins with a minimum dose of medication. Within a few days, it is brought to therapeutic. This is necessary for the timely evaluation of the child's body's response to the drug and the addiction of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.

Small mitotomy with a good prognosis is not allowed. It differs in the amount of potassium in the serum. Were described families with patients in successive generations. Autosomal dominant inheritance with full penetrance. In men, extravagance is higher.

Adrenal-genital syndrome, congenital adrenocortical hyperplasia. This is an impaired steroid synthesis as a result of an enzyme defect. Subsequent absolute or relative deficiency of cortisol leads to an increase in the production of ACTH, which leads to an enhanced synthesis of steroids synthesized prior to the block of the enzyme. Clinical syndrome occurs when virilization, if the defect is not before the synthesis of androgens. The earliest blocks do not work with virilization and can even lead to incomplete development as a person.

If a nursing mother suffers from a lack of iron, then the baby will soon have the same problem. Therefore, it is important to know how to raise the hemoglobin of a nursing mother and child at the same time. Acceptance of an iron-containing drug for the mother in this case is obligatory, the prescription of drug treatment to the child is made by a pediatrician based on a blood test.

Boys with congenital adrenal hyperplasia without salt loss usually develop ascorbic premature pseudopuberte at the age of 3–4 years old — rapid sexual growth, pubic hair, accelerated skeletal growth without an increase in testicles. Girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia without salt loss are the opposite - they have either sexual duality or later heterosexual premature evolution.

This is the most common defect of the enzyme, leading to adrenocortical syndrome - about 90% of cases associated with it, characterized by elevated levels  androgen in the blood and reduced corticoid and aldosterone, in about a third of cases, symptoms of salt loss are observed. In some cases, you can install a heterozygous carrier after loading ACTH.

How to raise hemoglobin in breastfed babies

The babies that are on bottle feedingIt is recommended to eat special mixtures with a high content of iron. This measure will allow a little to adjust the level of hemoglobin, but taking iron supplements in case of a serious deviation from the norm is necessary. The most convenient form of release of such drugs for kids early age  - drops.

Performing prenatal diagnosis by determining pregnancies and 17-ketosteroids in the second trimester of pregnancy is not considered reliable. 3-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency, Bongiovanni syndrome. This is the second most common enzyme defect in congenital adrenal hyperplasia. There are symptoms of loss of salt and water.

There is little virilization in girls and hyposposide with intersexuality in boys. The plasma level of all steroids is reduced. Severe adrenal insufficiency is observed in the first few days after birth. Male subjects are female female genitals.

Children who are bottle-fed with reduced hemoglobin need to reduce or even eliminate cow's milk from the diet - calcium binds iron and does not allow it to be absorbed.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child up to 1 year

At the age of 1 year, the treatment of anemia is complicated by the inability to use many foods that are high in iron and vitamin complexes, then how to raise hemoglobin in infants? To answer this question it is important to identify the cause of anemia.

17 alpha hydroxylase. Plasma levels of corticosterone, desoscorticosterone, and progesterone were increased. Cortisol, adrogen and steric levels are reduced. Hypertension and hypocalcemic alkalosis are found due to the high production of deosicorticosterone. There is immaturity in girls, pseudohermaphroditism with gynecomastia in boys.

11 beta hydroxylase. Plasma levels of deoxycorticosterone, alpha-deoxycortisol, and anorrogen have increased. Values ​​of aldosterone and corticoids were reduced. Hypertension and masculinization occur. 18-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency. Increased plasma corticosterone levels, decreased aldosterone. Symptoms of losing salt are found.

In children under 1 year old, the development of anemia may be associated with physiological reasons. An infant born at a fixed time has an iron deficiency by the 6th month of life, during which time he uses the microelement reserves he received in the womb. Therefore, each mother should know how to recognize a lower rate in infants and how to raise hemoglobin to a child at the age of 6 months. In premature babies, anemia appears already by the 2nd month of life. Pediatricians are ready for such a development of events and select a way to raise the hemoglobin to the child 2 months in advance and be sure to inform the mother about it.

Only sex steroid synthesis is used. Plasma progestin values ​​were increased, and androgens and estrogens were reduced. Boys have two genitals, hypopathy, immaturity of the reproductive system. There is no spontaneous puberty. For girls, such a deficit is not described.

17 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency. Androstenedione and estradiol plasma levels are increased, testosterone and estradiol are reduced. In boys, pseudohermaphroditism with gynecomastia and pubertal virilization is observed. Enzymatic defects associated with impaired steroid synthesis have an autosomal reticulatory type of inheritance. Determination of steroids and steroid metabolites in amniotic fluid at risk for pregnancy in late pregnancyIt is important for early treatment of the child.

The rate of iron consumption in babies up to 3 months is at least 4 mg, by the year the need increases to 10 mg. For comparison, buckwheat contains 8 mg of non-heme iron per 100 g, but no more than 6% of iron is absorbed by the body. Heme iron contained in animal products is better absorbed - up to 35%. However, this is not enough for the treatment of anemia; therefore, it is recommended to use iron preparations as the main treatment and diet as an additional one.

How to raise hemoglobin to a child under one year old at different age periods, see the table.

Child's age The rate of hemoglobin (M / F) How to increase
How to raise hemoglobin through milk According to age   Correction of nutrition of nursing mothers. Acceptance of iron in the form of drops
How to raise the hemoglobin of the baby on artificial feeding According to age   The introduction of mixtures with a high content of iron. Eliminate or reduce the consumption of cow's milk. Iron supplementation in the form of drops
How to increase hemoglobin in a month-old baby In the first 3 days - 145-225 g / l. At the age of 1 week - 135-215 g / l. 14 days - 125-205 g / l. To 1 month - 100-180 g / l
How to raise hemoglobin 2 one month old baby 90-140 g / l   Depending on the type of feeding: a mixture with a high content of iron or a change in nutrition of nursing mothers. Iron preparations in the form of drops
How to raise hemoglobin to a three-month baby   95-135 g / l   Depending on the type of feeding: a mixture with a high content of iron or a change in nutrition of nursing mothers. Iron preparations in the form of drops
How to raise hemoglobin to a child at 4 months   95-135 g / l   By permission of the pediatrician, you can enter the compote of dried fruit, rosehip broth. Iron preparations. Dieting nursing mom or mixtures with iron content
How to raise a 5 month old baby hemoglobin   95-135 g / l   If the child is ready for the introduction of complementary foods: cereals, vegetables and fruit puree. The main source of iron is mother's milk, a mixture of iron-containing drugs.
How to increase hemoglobin in a child of 6 months   95-135 g / l   Complement: fruit and vegetable puree, compote, dogrose decoction. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin in the blood of a child of 7 months   100-140 g / l   Groats: buckwheat, corn. Fresh vegetables, fruit in the form of mashed potatoes. Juices, compotes. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin to a child at the age of 8 months   100-140 g / l   Enter into the diet of egg yolk, meat products  in the form of mashed potatoes. Porridge from buckwheat, corn. Vegetables and fruits. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin to a child at the age of 9 months   100-140 g / l   To the diet, you can add rabbit meat, beef, chicken. Iron preparations - the main treatment of anemia
How to raise hemoglobin to a child at the age of 10 months   100-140 g / l   Introduction to the diet of prunes - it has a high content of iron. Iron preparations
How to raise hemoglobin to a child at 11 months   100-140 g / l   You can enter fish, vegetables and fruits in small pieces. If breastfeeding is maintained - a diet for the mother. Iron preparations

How to effectively raise hemoglobin to a child under the age of 1 year? In addition to treatment and diet, frequent walks in the fresh air, gymnastics, adherence to sleep and wakefulness are recommended, it is also desirable to avoid stressful situations.

How to raise hemoglobin to one year old child

If one year old child  detected low hemoglobin, then how to raise it? The daily need for iron in children aged 1 year - 10 mg. The hemoglobin rate in the blood is 100-140 g / l, with a decrease in the index below 100, iron preparations are prescribed. But only in the event that anemia is associated precisely with a deficiency of the microelement, and not with its poor absorption or other diseases. Excess iron is no less harmful! Therefore, the appointment of drugs for the treatment of anemia can only appoint a specialist.

Ways to raise hemoglobin in a child at 1 year old with iron deficiency anemia are the same as up to a year, but taking into account the wider diet, weaning, refusal of the mixture and other factors. A baby can receive a greater amount of iron from products, but if it deviates from the norm downward, an iron-containing drug is also prescribed. Dr. Komarovsky says this about how to raise hemoglobin to a child at 1 year old: proper nutrition can only maintain a normal level of hemoglobin, but for the treatment of anemia it is extremely insufficient. On the question of how to raise the baby hemoglobin Dr. Komarovsky, like most pediatricians, is uniquely responsible - to take iron supplements.

The pediatrician should determine how to raise the hemoglobin of a child with medication, the first thing he will need to find out is what causes anemia. Only the most frequent iron deficiency is treated with iron supplements, for other forms of the disease, such therapy will not be sufficiently effective.

In addition to treatment, there are other ways how to raise hemoglobin in a child for 1 year. From this age in coordination with the pediatrician reception of vitamins is possible. For good absorption of iron and hemoglobin synthesis, it is recommended to walk more in the fresh air. Also requires moderate physical activity and healthy sleep.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child aged 2 years

At the age of 2 years, the baby is already moving to an adult table, so if the hemoglobin index is normal, then it can be maintained with food. In the diet healthy baby  must be present:

  • Meat and offal (beef, pork, poultry, liver);
  • Eggs (egg yolk);
  • A fish;
  • Groats (buckwheat, wheat);
  • Vegetables, fruits and greens, dried fruits, berries.

If the analysis revealed anemia, then how to raise hemoglobin to a 2-year-old child is determined by the pediatrician. In case of iron deficiency, an iron preparation will be prescribed.

Parents are often interested in how to raise hemoglobin to a child 2 years old, Dr. Komarovsky believes that only by taking medication. Nutrition is able to meet the daily need for a trace element, but does not lead to the accumulation of iron reserves, so anemia will persist.

How to raise hemoglobin to a child 3 years and older

At the age of 3 years, the child eats "adult" food. He is already allowed most products with a high content of iron. Therefore, with a balanced diet, the problem of iron deficiency anemia will not arise.

If the blood test showed low level hemoglobin, the first thing to do is to identify the cause of the pathology. Only then decide how to raise hemoglobin to a child of the 3rd year of life and older.

A child's diet can include hematogen, but only to maintain a normal level of hemoglobin, it cannot cure anemia, as well as correcting nutrition.

How to increase hemoglobin in a child 4 years and older? The daily need of a child up to 6 years in the gland 10 mg, 7-10 years - 12mg. It can be filled with products such as beef, offal (liver, lungs, tongue), pork, fish, fruits, vegetables, berries and greens. The use of vitamin complexes with the content of vitamins C and B12 is recommended. If the hemoglobin index deviates from the norm by more than 5 mg, it is necessary to take iron-containing preparations in drops or tablets. These are all possibilities of how to raise hemoglobin to a child aged 4 years and older and maintain it in normal condition.

What iron supplements are suitable for children?

The process of assimilation of iron in the child’s body from the preparations is determined by the group to which this trace element belongs in a specific drug. So bivalent iron is absorbed better than trivalent. It is bivalent iron contained in the preparation Gemobin. It is produced on the basis of purified hemoglobin of animals. Heme iron from this drug is absorbed by 90%. At the same time, Gemobin, unlike most of the funds from anemia, does not cause side effects. Its effectiveness was confirmed as a result of clinical trials, during which it was found that the drug is able to restore hemoglobin levels in a short time both in adults and in children. None of the people who participated in the study had any allergic reactions or side effects.

The form of the drug - pills. Each contains 4 mg of heme iron and 5 mg of ascorbic acid.

  • Hemobin is administered gradually, starting at half the dose, with a normal reaction of the child’s body, the dosage is increased to therapeutic.
  • Iron is absorbed worse when interacting with food, so it is recommended to take tablets 1 hour before meals.
  • The general course of taking the drug depends on the degree of anemia, the minimum course of treatment is 20-30 days.
  • To control changes, it is recommended to perform a blood test regularly.
  • Hemobin is available only in the form of tablets, so for kids they need to grind and dissolve in juice, water or food.

How quickly to increase hemoglobin in a child with the help of Gemobin, see the table.

Child's age Iron consumption per day Gemobin Dosage
How to raise hemoglobin in a newborn From 4 mg The first three days ½ tablet per day. Then 1 tablet per day.
How to raise hemoglobin in a one month old baby From 4 mg
Low hemoglobin in a child 2 months how to raise From 4 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a 3 month old baby From 4 mg
How to increase hemoglobin in a child aged 4-5 months 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin to a child from 6 months to a year 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin in a child in 1 year 10 mg The first three days, 1 tablet per day. Then 1 tablet 2 times a day.
How to raise hemoglobin in a child in 1.5 years 10 mg
How to raise baby hemoglobin in 2-4 years 10 mg The first 3 days, 1 tablet twice a day. Then 2 tablets twice a day.
How to raise hemoglobin to a child aged 5 years 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin to a child aged 6 years 10 mg
How to raise hemoglobin for a child of 7 years 12 mg
How to raise hemoglobin to a child aged 8 years 12 mg 2 tablets three times a day
How to raise hemoglobin in a child aged 10 years and older 15-18 mg

Hemoglobin is a special protein found in red blood cells; it transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. When the hemoglobin concentration in the blood decreases, anemia occurs.

This is a pathological condition that is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells (red blood cells) and oxygen starvation.

Hemoglobin consists of a protein and iron-containing parts. In most cases, anemia occurs due to a decrease in the level of iron in the blood and is called iron deficiency anemia.

In the article you will learn how to understand what a child has and how to raise its level. About the norms of hemoglobin in children can be found.

Causes and symptoms of low hemoglobin in a child

As a result of a decrease in hemoglobin concentration, the functionality of the whole body is reduced due to hypoxia ( oxygen starvation). This condition does not manifest itself for a long time, but the condition of the child cannot be called normal. The main symptom that does not immediately catch the eye is a decrease in immunity.

The main signs of low hemoglobin:

  • Pale skin;
  • Dry mucous membranes;
  • Bluish lip stain;
  • Peeling of the skin;
  • Brittle hair and nails;
  • Frequent inflammations of the oral mucosa;
  • Predisposition to seasonal diseases;
  • Unstable bowel movement;
  • Constant lethargy and drowsiness;
  • Nervousness;
  • Thermoregulation disorders on the background of CNS dysfunction;
  • Frequent dizziness.

The concentration of hemoglobin can decrease for various reasons, and therefore the following types of anemia are distinguished:

Causes of hemoglobin reduction:

  • Deficiency in vitamin B9, B12 or copper;
  • Growth of a child that exceeds normal performance;
  • Improper nutrition;
  • Early cessation of lactation (iron is in the mother's milk, it is absorbed by the lactoferin protein, with early weaning decreases the concentration of hemoglobin in the body of the newborn);
  • Disruption of the natural intestinal bacterial flora (due to dysbacteriosis, the child’s body does not absorb vitamins and minerals, including iron).

With iron deficiency or heavy bleeding, a pregnant woman increases the risk of having a baby with a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.

Also, low hemoglobin in a child may be due to infection with worms (worms), allergies, frequent use of medications, lack of fresh air and sun in winter.

Consequences of low hemoglobin in a child

Hemoglobin transports oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and removes carbon dioxide from them. With a decrease in its concentration, the functionality of the oxygen supply system is disrupted, due to which the tissues and organs fade. As a result, the work of the whole organism is disrupted.

Due to the deficiency of hemoglobin, the immunity is weakened and pathogenic microorganisms enter the body. There are serious disruptions in immunity, so even the common cold provokes dangerous complications. In addition, the child lags behind his peers in mental and intellectual development.

Lifestyle to normalize hemoglobin levels

To determine the level of hemoglobin, it is necessary to donate blood for analysis. Doctors recommend checking yourself on this indicator every month.

To identify the problem, you need to familiarize yourself with the norms of hemoglobin in children of different ages:

  • Up to 12 months - from 117 to 140;
  • 1–5 years old - from 110 to 140;
  • 5–10 years old - from 115 to 145;
  • 10–12 years old - from 120 to 150.

If the hemoglobin concentration is below normal, then you should consult with your doctor. In addition to the normalization of nutrition, doctors recommend a healthy lifestyle.

And for this, the child needs to walk in the fresh air for 4 to 6 hours a day. To prevent hypoxia, you need to air the room where the baby is sleeping.

And, of course, the child must be active, participate in outdoor games, perform daily physical exercise. Respiratory gymnastics and hardening also have a positive effect on the body, but these techniques can only be used after permission from the doctor.

Only if the above conditions are met, can the hemoglobin concentration be increased. However, with an active lifestyle you need to eat properly, otherwise the hemoglobin in the blood will decrease further.

Nutrition to increase hemoglobin concentration

Prevention of anemia in a child should be carried out even in the period intrauterine development. Pregnant women should eat foods that contain a lot of iron: meat, buckwheat, pomegranates.

Nursing women should include iron-rich foods in their diet. If the newborn is on artificial feeding, then you need to pick a mixture with a high content of iron.

From 6 months, vegetables can be added to the diet of a newborn, for example, Brussels sprouts.
  Buckwheat porridge and meat puree  (from chicken or turkey) also have a beneficial effect on the condition of the baby.

The child can be given fruit compote or rosehip tea. Pomegranate juice before drinking must be diluted with boiled water in a 1: 1 ratio to prevent dyspepsia (digestive disorders).

A specific diet for children from 2 years should include foods with iron, which is easily absorbed by the body, for example, boiled beef meat. Cook dishes with veal, pork, lamb, as well as rabbit meat. A lot of iron is found in the kidneys, lungs, liver, tongue. Caviar, shellfish, shrimp are preferable to fish, which contain less iron than the seafood described above.

Include in the diet soybeans, lentils, buckwheat, wheat and rye bread. Prepare meals from soybeans, beans, peas and other legumes. To increase hemoglobin, you need to regularly use a side dish.

Do not do without vegetables and fruits: beets, bananas, apples, spinach, carrots. Very useful for the body of a child with low hemoglobin garnet. Include berries in the diet: wild rose, currant, raspberry, strawberry.

At the time of treatment, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fermented milk products in the child’s diet.. Remove from the children's menu products that contain a lot of calcium: yogurt, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheese, etc.

For a quick normalization of hemoglobin level, eliminate tonic drinks (cocoa, tea, coffee, sweet soda) from the diet. Herbal teas and filtered water without gas have a beneficial effect on the child's body.

In addition to iron-containing foods, it is recommended to use foods with a high content of ascorbic acid. This vitamin facilitates the absorption of iron by the body of the child. To do this, include in the diet oranges, lemons, kiwi and other citrus fruits, as well as paprika. Other iron-containing foods: persimmon, quince, plum, tomatoes, etc.

More information about products to increase hemoglobin can be found.

Folk methods of increasing hemoglobin in a child

There are, which help to normalize the level of hemoglobin, but they can be used only for children over 2 years old:

Before use folk recipes  consult a doctor.

Drug therapy

Sometimes proper nutrition does not help to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, then the doctor prescribes. The choice of drugs depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease. Typically, a therapeutic course lasts from 3 months to six months.

Medications for the prevention and treatment of iron deficiency anemia:

  • Sorbifer Durules - antianemic drug, which is prescribed to children from 12 years;
  • Ferrum Lek is medicine, which compensates for iron deficiency in the blood, the dosage depends on the weight of the child;
  • Totem is an effective antianemic agent that strengthens the immune system, suitable for children from 3 months.

For the prevention and treatment of anemia, Ferretab, Iron Gluconate, Ferronal, Maltofer, etc. are also used.

Thus, in order to prevent anemia, carefully observe the condition of the child and consult your doctor when the first symptoms appear. After the blood test, the doctor will confirm the diagnosis and determine the treatment regimen.

Now you know how to increase hemoglobin in a child different ages. From an early age teach your baby to a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. Eat healthy foods while pregnant and breastfeeding. And remember, self-treatment is dangerous for health!