Why a one-year-old child does not eat anything. If the child does not eat anything. Violence

The previous article provoked moms questions: “How not to force if the child does not eat anything at all?”

Do not force and that's it. If a child does not eat anything at all, it means that he should be examined and treated, and not forced to eat. A healthy baby cannot eat nothing. He will definitely get hungry.

I can remember a few days when my child did not eat anything at all. It was a flu with a temperature above 40 degrees. It was an intestinal infection. It was a concussion (so badly rolled from the mountain ...)

But the words “does not eat anything” addressed to my children sounded not only in these cases. Grandmothers, caregivers said “did not eat anything” when the children ate less than adults considered necessary. That is, it usually appears to adults that a child does not eat anything.

An example of experience in the garden.  “Maksik didn't eat anything today,” the assistant caregiver tells his mother. And Maksika's mother anxiously asks her son: “Why didn't you eat anything?”

"Eat nothing" Maksika indicating the time:

1) Butter and cheese sandwich for breakfast (pudding puddles). (8:30)

2) Half an apple before a walk (10:30)

3) Soup broth for lunch with two pieces of bread (thick left), half cutlets, a glass of jelly (12:30)

4) A glass of kefir with a bun for afternoon tea (15:15)

5) 1/3 portions of cereal for dinner (17:00)

I do not see in this list the reasons for panic and making the diagnosis “does not eat anything”. Moreover, Max’s appetite is usually better and he is half a head taller than his peers. Maksik "ate nothing" every 2 hours. The above would be enough even for an adult to not feel hungry.

An example of experience in a weight loss center.  A woman comes in for a consultation: “I don’t eat anything at all, but the weight is still typed and typed.” We begin to find out. Morning cappuccino with a little chocolate. Then at work tea with a waffle. Then another tea with sweets. Well, still a bag of chips or nuts without separation from the computer. Liter of juice. (Packaged. With sugar in the composition) There is no time for lunch, a lot of work. And in the evening, it seems like it’s too late to eat, therefore a liter of kefir and a pair of bananas. Kefir with sugar, because without sugar, it is sour and provokes heartburn. Nothing ate all day!

We start with her to count how many calories a day she gained on sweets, waffles, bananas, chips and sugar as part of drinks. It turns out that much more than if she had eaten a portion of porridge, soup, boiled lean meat with vegetable side dish. The absence of a full meal at the table, is illusoryly perceived as “I haven’t eaten anything,” but in fact there is really nothing to gain.

If the child doesn’t eat anything at all at the table from the plate, try recording everything that goes into his mouth during the day “on the go”. This is in order to understand why the child "lacks" a natural hunger. Juice, apple, biscuits, chocolate, candy, bun, ice cream, milkshake - carbohydrates, which give a boost of energy and rapid saturation. Ideal to kill the appetite.

Try to eliminate "snacks" between meals. Try to remove foods with flavor enhancers and flavors from the diet. When a child becomes accustomed to various "tatters", a fresh dietary meal. kindergarten  starts to seem tasteless. Less sweet. Walk more, more motor activity. I am sure that this will favorably affect children's appetite.

In conclusion an example about children who really ate nothing. Children's Hospital. Infectious Department. House of children with suspected acute intestinal infection. Three mothers, three children aged from one and a half to three years. Received almost simultaneously. While the mothers make the beds up and put them out on the bedside tables, the duty doctor enters the ward and instructs: “We treat with hunger. Children do not feed. At all. Nothing. Only otpaivat water and rehydron. The nurse will now bring the regidron. ”The children did not eat anything for two days. The children roared and asked for food. Moms did not eat either. Because no mother can eat when a hungry child is looking at her. And when the doctor finally allowed to feed the children, and the nurse brought plates with cold gray oatmeal, the children eagerly pounced on the food. It seemed that they had never eaten anything tastier than this oatmeal boiled in water, without oil, without salt, without sugar ... As Kopatych said from Smeshariki: "In cooking, only appetite can be missed."

Hello dear readers. Today we will talk about what to do if a child a year does not eat anything. This condition of the baby causes great excitement in his parents. It is important to understand what caused the refusal of food and only on the basis of this, it will be possible to solve the problem.

Reasons for not eating

I think you could hear about situations where baby  does not eat anything. Most often this condition is caused by teething or pathological process in the oral cavity. And what could be the cause of this behavior in the toadstools a year?

In fact, it is important to determine how serious it is. In fact, all the reasons can be divided into two groups: those related to the child’s poor health and behavioral characteristics, physiology. That is why, before deciding what caused the failure in your case, you first need to observe the behavior of the baby. If he is quite active, he is gaining weight normally, he behaves as usual, which means that his food needs have simply changed or he does not like a particular product. And if the child is sluggish, capricious, sleeps longer than usual, cries, then there can not do without meeting with the doctor. Most likely, the causes lie in some kind of disease.

Let's take a closer look at the main factors that could affect the deterioration or the complete lack of appetite.

  1. In a toddler at 12 months, the appetite may simply decrease due to growing up. His body in this period is experiencing changes, both physical and physiological, so the toddler simply cannot continue to eat the same amount as before one year. And this is quite normal.
  2. The kid refuses due to the fact that he simply does not like the taste, temperature or consistency of the prepared dish.
  3. Too active and mobile children have less saliva. Therefore, there may be problems with the use of food. And all that is needed is to provide the child with additional liquid during the meal, take care of the presence of tea or another drink.
  4. The psychological situation in the family has a very big impact on small tots, especially on one-year-old children. You must remember that babies are very sensitive and absorb the feelings of loved ones, like a sponge. Consider whether stressful situations have occurred that could affect your baby. It is possible that the rejection of food intake due to severe stress.
  5. Often, refusal to eat at the tops is associated with a state of health. It may be:
  • the onset of SARS or a serious intestinal infection;
  • at the child the new tooth is cut through, the gums are inflamed;
  • examine the oral cavity; perhaps there are sores on the mucous membrane; the child has stomatitis or;
  • the cause of poor appetite may be the presence of an inflammatory process in the throat, this condition is usually accompanied by an increase in temperature. It may be painful for a child to swallow food;
  • the baby may also have abnormalities in the work of the stomach, pancreas, liver. For example, in toddler gastritis and every meal causes nausea or pain;
  • intestinal diseases, perhaps every meal causes severe swelling or soreness.

If health problems have become the reason for refusing food, then you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. You have to understand that the child suffers, he is ill, besides, he cannot eat fully, and, consequently, the body does not have the strength to fight the disease. Although in some cases, hunger is recommended at the onset of the disease.

The son of my girlfriend at the age of one year refused to eat when his tooth erupted. She did not immediately understand what the reason was, she tried to force-feed the baby, which caused only additional tears. A friend sounded the alarm and ran with the child to the doctor. There she was reassured and explained the reason.

Why does the baby drink only milk

You may have encountered a problem when a child a year does not eat anything except milk. Some mothers are absolutely calm about this phenomenon, considering that breast milk contains all the most valuable and necessary for the growth and development of the baby. However, they are wrong and there is cause for concern. The fact is that the peanut after a year needs a greater variety of food. What he receives from his mother no longer provides the full range of all biologically active substances. The same applies to cases when children prefer to drink milk from a bottle.

So what can cause such a failure:

  1. Perhaps you offer complementary foods when the baby is already full. Some mothers make a similar mistake; they try to feed the toddler after a short time after sucking the breast. Especially if mother's milk is sufficiently fat, it may be enough for several hours. And it turns out that the child does not want to eat anything except the breast. That is why it is recommended to introduce lure in the morning, when the gap after the last feeding is not less than 4 hours.
  2. It is possible that the cause of the election of only breast milk is improper education. Perhaps you have taught your toddler on the first request to get her mother's breast. It is much easier for a child to eat this way, and even familiar food. This issue is particularly acute in the absence of daily routine, when the one-year-old baby eats not according to the clock, but when he wants. That is, breast sucking acts as the main meals and snacks for the baby.
  3. Psychological state of health of the baby. Perhaps your toddler calms down only when sucking breasts. If there were any serious changes in the child's life when you refused to lure, for example, moving, new acquaintance or serious family scandals, then most likely this behavior is due to a psychological factor. When the one-year-old karapuz is nervous, experiencing serious stress, it is much easier for him to settle down near her warm mother's chest.
  4. The baby is ill. If you feel unwell it is not even recommended to add additional foods to the baby’s diet. Karapazu and so now is very bad, and breast milk  it is easier to drink and there is no need to chew on thicker foods.

These are the main reasons why a baby at the age of one year can refuse any food other than mother’s milk. Parents should be patient, find out what caused the refusal in your particular case, based on this, you need to draw conclusions and take action. It is important to remember that either the transition to a mixed type of food (milk with supplements) should occur gradually. If health problems are the cause, then you need to wait until the moment of recovery, and only then try to re-enter the complementary foods. Do not immediately despair if the baby refuses, try to feed him something else. Perhaps the whole thing in a particular product.

Which doctor to contact

Sometimes it is better to be safe and visit a doctor. Only a specialist can finally dispel your worries or, on the contrary, confirm your concerns. Parents should understand that the sooner the cause is identified and treatment begins, the better for the health of the one-year-old baby.

So, what kind of specialists you need to visit:

  1. Pediatrician. First of all, the child should be shown to this doctor, he will conduct a general examination of the condition of the toddler, will schedule tests to exclude different options. According to the results, the pediatrician will be able to redirect you to a narrower specialist. Some parents themselves suspect the existence of a particular reason and go immediately to the doctor who is engaged in her treatment.
  2. Neurologist. After visiting this specialist, you will know if the cause of the refusal of the meal is caused by problems with the muscles of the face or possibly a concussion.
  3. Psychologist. It will help to figure out if the refusal of food caused by the nature of the character or increased excitability, strong impressionability.
  4. An endocrinologist will help if the reasons for the failure are related to problems in the production of hormones.
  5. The gastroenterologist will assist in any pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, including problems with enzymes.

Why it is impossible to force to eat

Some parents are trying to force the karapuz into the mouth, as much as possible food. First, the child can eat the amount that he needs, and the fact that the mother is trying to give him an extra, can only lead to failure and aggression. Secondly, if poor appetite  baby is associated with a state of health or some kind of nervous shocks, then such perseverance will only aggravate the well-being of the toddler.

Parents should understand that force-feeding can lead to the following consequences:

  • the occurrence of vomiting, it is possible that the volume of the stomach is already filled and everything that they are trying to put into it is above the norm;
  • there are problems with digestion, the baby will start to lose weight;
  • indigestion, food may not have time to digest, will begin to fail in the body, which can lead to violations of the intestinal microflora and dysbiosis;
  • if you force the baby to eat more than he needs, you can ensure that the child begins to gain extra pounds at an accelerated pace and soon turn into a small bun.

What if the baby does not eat

  1. The first thing parents need to learn is to have patience. It is very important to establish the reason for the refusal to eat and try to eliminate it.
  2. It should be borne in mind that the baby eats as much as necessary to restore the expended energy. If you have a sedentary toddler, then he will have less appetite than active peers. In this case, you should not push the child over the norm.
  3. Set the correct daily routine. It is necessary to allocate time for active and passive rest. It is very important that every day the baby has walks in the fresh air, they awaken their appetite as well as possible.
  4. Properly plan your daily diet. It is important that the baby's nutrition is balanced, feeding occurs at regular intervals, there are no snacks. Also of great importance is the fact that at different times of feeding the child has a different need for kilocalories, for example, lunch should be the most satisfying, and before going to bed the toddler should have an easy meal.
  5. To arouse the interest of the child in food, you can decorate the dish. One year old toddler will be interested if you present food in the form of, for example, a little man.
  6. You can show a personal example, but at that age it would be better to attract your favorite toy, especially if it is a teddy bear or a doll. Let the toddler first try to feed her, and then he will try to eat.
  7. If the baby does not like specific products, then you should not force it, it is better to replace them with something else.
  8. Not to give the child sweets or to limit their reception as much as possible, they greatly interrupt the appetite and negatively affect the recently appeared teeth and the digestive process.

As you can see, there may be several reasons that can cause refusal to eat at the toddler at the age of one. It is very important to determine them first, because how quickly you will succeed will directly depend on whether you have correctly identified the problem. The main thing that needs to be remembered is that everything should happen gradually, it is impossible to force the child to use food by force. Remember that at the slightest suspicion of health problems or with the psychological state of the toddler, you should immediately consult a doctor.


At first I thought to call this article: “How to feed my daughter at the age of 3, so that at 30 she had problems with overweight.” But she changed her mind ...
  Because it would be discrimination against boys. Those unfortunate boys who are also forced to eat by adults.

Food - the natural need of the body. Hunger and thirst are the primary instincts of self-preservation. Try to forget to feed the baby. He will notify you of hunger with a loud cry and will not calm down until he is fed. The child knows better when and how much he needs to eat.

Surprisingly, as desperate supporters of feeding on demand for a baby's anniversary, they turn into traditional coaxing "spoon for mother, spoon for father, spoon for second aunt." And a couple of years later, the period of ultimatums comes: “You don’t eat it, you’ll not leave the table!” (Options: “I won't turn on the cartoon”, “I won't give you candy”, “I won't buy a toy”)

Natural appetite? No, not heard ...

There was a short period of work as a weight loss center consultant in my life. They worked with people whose excess weight was not the result of a serious illness. Relatively healthy (relatively - because with extra pounds they had shortness of breath, hypertension, varicose veins, etc.), overweight women complained about childbirth, age, heredity. And it was very difficult, with the resistance that the psychotherapist had to break, to accept the fact that in fact the cause of excess weight was incorrect eating behavior, eating habits, including those learned in childhood.

When you go for different manipulations to feed a portion of something to a child, think about its future. Are you making a mistake?

Natalia's story

In her childhood there was a rule: "Eat what you put on a plate - you will get candy." Over the years, the need has arisen for any meal to finish with dessert. Otherwise, she did not feel satiety and satisfaction. Every day at least four sweets. On the other hand, when I simply wanted to have a sweet, the inner trained child reminded me that you first need to eat something not sweet. And, even in the absence of hunger, Natalia ate soup or porridge, to allow herself to eat candy ...

Irina's story

The kindergarten teacher said ominously: “Until you eat, you will not leave the table!” And she also threatened to pour out the soup by the collar, whoever is missing this soup. Irina believed that this is exactly what the tutor would do. Once, Irina even hid a hated fish cutlet in her pocket, and then buried her in the ground on the plot behind the veranda. The second time this trick failed to turn. The teacher noticed loudly cursed, ashamed cutlet crook in front of the whole group. Irina grew up, but there remained some subconscious fear, the attitude that you should eat everything that lies on the plate, even through “I don’t want”

All these examples are united by one thing: eating food is not hunger and stopping food intake is not a signal of onset of satiety. Constantly persuading, forcing the child to eat another spoon through “I do not want”, to finish until the end, we break the natural contact with the body. The child no longer feels hungry or full. As an adult, he begins to orient himself not by the internal signals of the body (I want to eat), but by external factors (it is time to have dinner).

  “And how not to force him? He himself will have nothing all day! ”Of course, he won't. If he was constantly forced to eat before, and then suddenly left alone, for a while the child will enjoy the right to eat nothing and defiantly move the plate away. But then the instinct of self-preservation will prevail over ambitions. It is important that at the same time in the free access was not cookies, sweets and other sweets. Otherwise, the child will eat only them.

If once again mom wants to “feed” the child, then it is worth slowing down and think: “What forces me to do that?”
  Stereotypes from the past? Your settings: you need to eat everything that is laid on the plate. Please do not transplant your cockroaches.
  Fear that the child will remain hungry? Believe me, the child himself is not the enemy, he still has contact with the body is not broken. Eat when hungry.
  The desire for the child to gain weight? So what if he is the worst in the group, if the child is healthy, active and satisfied with life.
  Sorry for the products? Pity of the effort spent on cooking? "I tried, cooked, but he does not eat" Have mercy on a child. Eating violence is not the best form of parental care.

And a couple of little observations. Your child’s appetite will be better if you involve him in the cooking process. After all, it will be a dish that he himself has prepared! (mom helped only a little) And many children eat vegetables best of all in the form of cream soup with crackers.


Previous article “Violence in food” provoked the questions of moms: “How not to force, if the child does not eat anything at all?”

Do not force and that's it. If a child does not eat anything at all, it means that he should be examined and treated, and not forced to eat. A healthy baby cannot eat nothing. He will definitely get hungry.

I can remember a few days when my child did not eat anything at all. It was a flu with a temperature above 40 degrees. It was an intestinal infection. It was a concussion (so badly rolled from the mountain ...)

But the words “does not eat anything” addressed to my children sounded not only in these cases. Grandmothers, caregivers said “did not eat anything” when the children ate less than adults considered necessary. That is, it usually appears to adults that a child does not eat anything.

An example of experience in the garden. “Maksik didn't eat anything today,” the assistant caregiver tells his mother. And Maksika's mother anxiously asks her son: “Why didn't you eat anything?”

  "Eat nothing" Maksika indicating the time:

1) Butter and cheese sandwich for breakfast (pudding puddles). ()

2) Half an apple before a walk ()

3) Broth from soup for lunch with two pieces of bread (thick left), half cutlets, jelly glass ()

4) A glass of kefir with a bun for afternoon tea ()

I do not see in this list the reasons for panic and making the diagnosis “does not eat anything”. Moreover, Max’s appetite is usually better and he is half a head taller than his peers. Maksik "ate nothing" every 2 hours. The above would be enough even for an adult to not feel hungry.

An example from work experience in a weight loss center. A woman comes in for a consultation: “I don’t eat anything at all, but the weight is still typed and typed” Morning cappuccino with a little chocolate. Then at work tea with a waffle. Then another tea with sweets. Well, still a bag of chips or nuts without separation from the computer. Liter of juice. (Packaged. With sugar in the composition) There is no time for lunch, a lot of work. And in the evening, it seems like it’s too late to eat, therefore a liter of kefir and a pair of bananas. Kefir with sugar, because without sugar, it is sour and provokes heartburn. Nothing ate all day!

We start with her to count how many calories a day she gained on sweets, waffles, bananas, chips and sugar as part of drinks. It turns out that much more than if she had eaten a portion of porridge, soup, boiled lean meat with vegetable side dish. The absence of a full meal at the table, is illusoryly perceived as “I haven’t eaten anything,” but in fact there is really nothing to gain.

If the child doesn’t eat anything at all at the table from the plate, try recording everything that goes into his mouth during the day “on the go”. This is in order to understand why the child "lacks" a natural hunger. Juice, apple, biscuits, chocolate, candy, bun, ice cream, milkshake - carbohydrates, which give a boost of energy and rapid saturation. Ideal to kill the appetite.

Try to eliminate "snacks" between meals. Try to remove foods with flavor enhancers and flavors from the diet. When a child becomes accustomed to various “snacks,” the fresh, dietary food of the kindergarten begins to seem tasteless. Less sweet. More walking, more motor activity. I am sure that this will favorably affect children's appetite.

And finally, an example about children who really ate nothing. Children's Hospital. Infectious Department. House of children with suspected acute intestinal infection. Three mothers, three children aged from one and a half to three years. Received almost simultaneously. While the mothers make the beds up and put them out on the bedside tables, the duty doctor enters the room and instructs: “We treat with hunger. Children do not feed. At all. Nothing. Only otpaivat water and rehydron. The nurse will now bring the regidron. ”The children did not eat anything for two days. The children roared and asked for food. Moms did not eat either. Because no mother can eat when a hungry child is looking at her. And when the doctor finally allowed to feed the children, and the nurse brought plates with cold gray oatmeal, the children eagerly pounced on the food. It seemed that they had never eaten anything tastier than this oatmeal boiled in water, without oil, without salt, without sugar ... As Kopatych from Smeshariki said: “In cooking, all that is lacking is appetite.”

  Psychologist Anna Bykova.