How to breastfeed: tips for young mothers. Difficulties breastfeeding large breasts

We tell how to adjust comfortable feeding with a big breast.

Breast size D and more for most girls, rather dignity than punishment. But everything changes, one has only to give birth to a child: a large breast immediately causes a lot of inconvenience! If she does not strive to close the face of the baby, then it certainly prevents her from conveniently settling down during feeding. In addition, a large nipple halo does not want to fit in the baby’s mouth, as instructed by breastfeeding counselors and pediatric books. Panic begins, and the thought of switching to a mixture! We advise you not to give in to it, but rather to study our detailed instructions.

Comfortable poses for feeding

To prevent breastfeeding from uncomfortable, breastfeeding counselors are advised to choose the postures that are convenient for mother and baby:

  1. The most comfortable position for feeding is lying on its side. Find a comfortable position for yourself on the bed or sofa, place the child so that his face is on the chest. Hand can support the head and neck of the child. Try in this position not to make sudden movements and relax as much as possible.
  2. The crumb can be put on the chest, while lying on the bed, slightly turning on its side, so that the chest is slightly bent over to the side: it will be more comfortable for a baby who still does not know how to hold the head.
  3. Some mothers are comfortable to feed the baby on the changing table. With this position, the chest will be fully placed on the table. True, my mother at this time will have to stand.
  4. Optimal when large breasts is also considered feeding from under the arm. Put the baby on the pillow, take a comfortable position on the bed or sofa and place the child under the arm.
  5. The classic position for feeding "cradle" will be convenient for mothers with big breasts, if the baby is not put on his knees, but on a pillow and lie back in the process of feeding on the back of a chair or sofa.

Correct grip of a child

One of the main difficulties of breastfeeding is large nipple halos. The baby does not capture the halo completely and may not fill up and at the same time suck the breast for quite a long time. Mom-like "muslieni" can bring cracked nipples.

Therefore, it is extremely important to insert the nipple as deeply as possible into the mouth of the child. To do this, form a breast fold parallel to the lips of the baby and insert the nipple at the moment when the child opens his mouth as wide as possible. Of course, there will not be a whole halo in the mouth, but most of it will still be involved.

Comfort Feeding Accessories

To quickly establish breastfeeding and do it with comfort and pleasure, add useful devices to the feeding process.

Pillow for feeding

C-shaped pillow, which rescued you during pregnancy, is perfect for feeding your baby. It is convenient to put it under the crumbs, and then the breast will not cover the face of the baby. In addition, with such a pillow you will not have to rely on your elbow, which will make the feeding process (even a long one) as comfortable as possible.

Bra for nursing mothers

A nursing bra will not only help keep the breast shape during lactation, but also greatly facilitate the process itself. With such a sconce, you only need to bare only the nipple to feed the baby.

Breast pump

Many mothers with big breasts complain of stagnant milk. This is not due to breast size (some people think that more milk is produced in a large breast than in a small one). In fact, milk stagnation can happen due to improper seizure of the baby’s breasts. During such periods, the breast pump will rescue. Squeeze them milk to the softness of the breast and gradually establish a comfortable feeding.

Typically, owners of breast size D and more perceive it as a virtue that is strongly emphasized. Everything changes dramatically with the birth of a baby. From that moment on, the big breasts begin to cause inconvenience. If she does not strive to cover the face of the crumbs, she definitely does not allow her to take a comfortable position for feeding. Yes, and the newborn is difficult to capture a large nipple halo as recommended by breastfeeding counselors and pediatric books.

All this causes a real panic in the young mother and the thought that it would be better to transfer the child to the mixture. Pull yourself together and do not rush to interrupt lactation due to the first difficulties. Our tips will help you make feeding big breast comfortable.

Comfortable poses for feeding

To get rid of the inconvenience of breastfeeding, breastfeeding counselors recommend comfortable postures for mom and baby:

  1. The most convenient way to feed, lying on its side. Find the most comfortable position for yourself on the bed and put the baby in a way so that his face is on your chest, while holding the head and neck of the baby with your hand. Staying in this position, try to relax and do not make sudden movements.
  2. You can attach the child to the chest, and lie down yourself, turning slightly on its side, so that the breast slightly deviates laterally. In this position, the baby, who still does not hold the head, will be more convenient.
  3. Sometimes it is more convenient to feed the baby on the changing table. In this case, the chest is completely on the table. The only negative is that mother has to stand.
  4. Optimal with a magnificent bust to feed from under the arm. Put the baby on a pillow, take a comfortable position on the bed and position the child in your armpit.
  5. The classic “cradle” pose will be convenient if you put the baby on the pillow, not on your knees. You need to feed, leaning back on the couch or chair.

Correct grip of a child

Serious problems with breastfeeding are enlarged nipples. The baby does not manage to capture such a halo completely, so he may not get enough, although he sucks his chest for a long time. Moms often get it because of this.

That is why it is important as much as possible to insert the nipple into the rock baby. To achieve this, make a fold of the chest parallel to the lips of the child and insert the nipple when it is wide open mouth. Halo entirely still will not be in the mouth, but it will be involved most.

Comfort Feeding Accessories

Faster breastfeeding, get rid of the discomfort and learn how to enjoy the process itself will help you useful devices.

Pillow for feeding

During pregnancy, you probably used the C-shaped pillow (). It is useful when feeding the crumbs. If you put it under the baby, then the chest will not cover his face. Even with such a pillow, you will not need to lean on your elbow, so that even long feeding will become comfortable.

Bra for nursing mothers

A special nursing bra helps keep your breasts in shape during lactation. He also facilitates the process itself. This bra does not need to be removed - you can bare only the nipple to feed the child.

Breast pump

Moms with a lush bust often stagnate milk, although this is not related to breast size (many people think that more milk is produced in big milk than in small milk). In fact, the cause of the stagnation of milk becomes improper capture of the nipple. In such cases, the breast pump comes to the rescue. Squeeze out the milk for them until the breast becomes soft - and gradually the feeding will become comfortable.


Breastfeeding can be particularly difficult for women with large breasts.

Having large breasts and nipples, a woman may experience some difficulties. breastfeedingresulting in disappointment. Most mothers with large breasts may experience bleeding, blistering and mastitis.

The breast of a woman is mainly composed of fatty tissue. To reduce the size of the breast should reduce the percentage of body fat. The amount of adipose tissue and breast size are not related to the ability to produce milk.

Many women with large breasts have difficulties during breast feeding  child Large and soft breasts do not hold the shape and it is very difficult for the baby to open his mouth wide and grab it. A nursing woman needs to find a comfortable position to feed the baby.

A nursing woman with big breasts will have to experiment a bit to find comfortable postures in order to successfully feed the baby.

In order for large breasts and breastfeeding not to cause discomfort, a nursing woman should use some techniques:

  • Place any piece of cloth or soft towel under the chest for extra support so that it is in a more comfortable position during feeding.
  • Support the chest with your hand to lift the weight of the breast from the chin of the child. Use the position of the hands of the letter "C", such a hold is very effective. Optimal retention of C involves maintaining the chest from the outside. Put your palms gently under the chest, thumb  bent, forming a "c". When your child is a little older, his muscle mass will become stronger, you will not need as much support as at the very beginning.
  • Do not strain your back, do not bend during feeding, but lift the baby to your chest using a pillow. Bring the child to your level, instead of leaning on it. Choose the positions that may be most convenient for you.
  • Big breasts are well supported by a comfortable bra.
  • Massage your breasts gently while breastfeeding. Large breasts in women have more tissue that can become full, apply massage movements that will guarantee proper cleansing of the mammary glands from milk.
  • The “football hold” position is successfully used by large-breasted moms - this is the position where the child is kept at hand.
  • Feed the baby to the woman with the breast. big size  much easier lying down. Find a comfortable position on the bed or in the chair, try not to move or make sudden movements. Feeding can be done lying on your side, supporting the neck and head of the baby.

The positive fact is that the larger the breast, the larger the nipple becomes and the more it stands out on the surface. Thus, feeding the newborn becomes easier.

A large breast, from the experience of medical practice, is considered lighter than a small breast.

Many people assume that mothers with big breasts have more milk than average women. This is not true. Some women produce more milk, while others less, but this has nothing to do with breast size. Milk overload also occurs in women with small size  chest

Good breast hygiene is very important because women with large breasts are more likely to have skin problems, which can be expressed by irritation or infection due to skin folds under the breasts. Many skin problems can occur due to moisture, and the area under the breast is prone to infections. Wash your breasts with soap-free water and dry them thoroughly, paying special attention to the area under your breasts. Make sure that the chest area is completely dry, especially in warm and hot weather.

Feeding a child can be particularly difficult if the mother does not have the training, practice and experience of breastfeeding, and it does not depend on the size or shape of the breast of a nursing woman.