The rate of feeding an infant up to 1 month. The nutritional rate of infants, good for his health

This question, probably, at least once asked every woman with children. And most likely, anxiety about malnutrition crumbs arose after the conclusion of the pediatrician that the baby needs to be fed: they say, he is not gaining weight. Doctors do determine whether there is enough milk for babies, by monthly increases. But modern experts do not advise to be limited only by this criterion. Anyway: the approach to breastfeeding today has changed radically. If it seems to you that the baby is not eating enough or that your milk is not enough, do not rush to feed it! Especially if he only has a chest. When properly organized breastfeeding add to the diet of the newborninfant formula  there is no need. But for mothers of babies with artificial animals, the question of how many grams of the mixture a newborn should eat at a time or for a day is certainly very relevant. However, today we will talk about how much a newborn should eat, who is on both IV and GW.

How much breast milk / formula should a newborn eat: table

In the first hours and days after birth, the crumb predominantly sleeps, he eats quite a bit. Interestingly, the volume of his ventricle is only 7 ml! But let us remember that it is not for nothing that colostrum is so nutritious and not so much. Moreover, the baby is still rather weak, and cannot actively and continuously suck the breast. Gradually, the baby's stomach capacity increases, and he accordingly begins to eat more, gaining strength.

How much a newborn eats depends on a large number of factors, and this must always be remembered! This is the weight of the baby at birth, his state of health, and even the time of day. Appetite and food requirements may be constantly changing. And still important is the feature child's body: different kids have different food needs.

That is why, not least, it is extremely important to organize breastfeeding from the first days. The kid himself will be able to regulate the amount of food consumed and eat as much as he needs or wants. Modern experts are confident: to malnourish or overeat breast feeding baby can't! Moreover, after some period after birth, the mother's milk begins to be produced in a certain mode: that is, exactly in the amount that her baby needs at this particular age (in response to the amount eaten by the crumb).

However, due to some reasons in certain situations, knowing how much a child should normally eat is still necessary. We will talk about this in detail, but for now we offer a table in which approximate norms are imposed for children from birth to one year - and it is very convenient and simple.

How many grams of breast milk / formula should a newborn baby eat up to a year

Child's age

The amount of breast milk / formula for one feeding, ml

The amount of breast milk / day

3-4 days


200-300 ml

Week 1


400 ml

2 weeks


20% of the child’s body weight

1 month


600 ml

2 months


800 ml

3 months


1/6 of the child’s body weight

4 months


1/6 of the child’s body weight

5-6 months


1/7 body weight of the child (800-1000 ml)

7-12 months


1 / 8-1 / 9 body weight of the child

This calculation by the method of Geyburn is just one of many options.

We pay your special attention to the fact that the figures given are only a guideline. In each case, the rate may differ from that indicated in the table. In many respects it depends on the type of feeding. But in any case, a child under one year should not eat more than 1200 ml per day! Overeating is no less harmful and dangerous than malnutrition.

How much should a newborn baby eat by bottle feeding?

The amount eaten by the baby at a time is primarily interested in moms, whose children eat mixtures. And in this case it is important to adhere to the feeding regime: since the mixture is digested much longer than breast milk, the intervals between feedings should be on average 3 hours.

On the jars with food usually indicated rate for a child of a certain age. But pediatricians believe that this is pure commerce: the more the child eats, the faster the packaging will end, and you will have to buy more often. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the serving rate for your baby in a different way - regarding age and newborn body mass.

There are many different ways to do this.

How to determine a single dose of milk / infant formula:

  • The simplest formula is: N * 10 = X, where N is the age of the child in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten at a time.
  • The weight of a newborn baby (g) must be divided by its height (cm). The resulting number will be the approximate one-time amount of food for the crumbs.

How to determine the daily portion of milk / infant formula:

  • It depends on the weight of the child. If the baby weighs less than 3200 g, then the formula is as follows: N * 70 = X, where N is the child's age in days, and X is the amount of milk eaten per day. With a weight of more than 3200 g, the formula is as follows: N * 80 = X.
  • Starting from two months, a newborn should eat 800 ml of milk / mixture per day, and with each following month 50 ml is added to this volume, that is, at 8 months the average daily dose is 1110 ml.

Despite the variety of ways to count single and daily portion of the mixture / milk for a newborn, all children have their own needs for food. Different kids  at the same age can eat unequal amounts, but it is equally good to gain weight and develop. This is what should be considered in the first place, assessing whether the child is eating up. Mainly focus on his behavior and well-being during and after feeding. And also consider weight gains (but this is not the most important criterion!): 150-200 g per week is the golden mean.

You can also test for wet diapers: during the day, instead of diapers  use only diapers! After 24 hours from the start of the experiment, the number of diapers used should be calculated: if there are at least 12 of them, then there is nothing to worry about.

Determine how much a baby eats at a time, simply by weighing the baby before and after feeding, always in the same clothes. The difference will show the portion he used. However, such a single weighing in no case can not be taken as indicative: the portions sucked from feeding to feeding breast milk can be very different! Moreover, infants are usually attached to the breast much more often (approximately 10-12 times a day) than artificial animals eat (an average of 8 times a day), and therefore they eat less at a time. Therefore, in order to make more or less objective conclusions, control weighings should be carried out for several days in a row.

And in general, as for infants, everything is completely different here.

How much should a newborn baby eat when breastfeeding

In order not to worry about the lack of breast milk, the lactation process should be adjusted immediately, and to do it right. The easiest way is to invite a breastfeeding consultant: he will teach you to properly apply the baby to the breast and tell about all the possible nuances.

The most important thing that a nursing mother should know and take into account is as follows:

  1. It is much more important how much a newborn eats per day, not at a time. Feeding alone may not be indicative.
  2. The appetite and need of the child for food is constantly changing, especially in the first weeks and months of life, and this is normal. That is why at this time it is not necessary to control the amount of food eaten by a child: just offer him a breast every time on demand, without limiting it!
  3. In no case should a child refuse a breast!
  4. Make sure that during feeding the child will certainly suck back milk - it is the most valuable and nutritious. That is, do not change breasts often. Back milk comes to the baby after at least 15 minutes from the start of continuous sucking.
  5. The most active breast milk is produced at night, and therefore it is extremely important to feed the baby at night!
  6. The fat content and nutritional value of breast milk are also constantly changing, and it is almost impossible to determine them "by eye".
  7. In the first three months, the production of breast milk is regulated by hormones, and therefore problems with lactation during this period are rare. But if the process is set up incorrectly, then the errors will almost certainly emerge after this period.
  8. After three months, breast milk is produced in response to a suggestion: that is, it begins to be produced in the quantity that your baby needs now. It was after the 3-month mark that it might seem to the mother that there was less milk, because the breast between feedings is no longer poured, as before. This is a misconception. Despite its softness and seeming emptiness, there is enough milk in the breast. You can feel the milk coming directly during the feeding - a tingling sensation arises in the breast.
  9. It is during this period that the child begins to change the mode of feeding: it may be applied more or less often than usual, take the breast and immediately throw it, etc. Now it is normal. But many mothers unknowingly think that, probably, there is less milk - and the child is hungry.
  10. There are lactation crises when breast milk is temporarily produced less. At this time there is a restructuring in the process of its development in response to the changing needs of the child. If the lactation is adjusted correctly and the woman continues to offer the baby breast every time, then he is able to survive the milk crisis without any damage and wait for the necessary amount of food.
  11. A healthy newborn baby who is exclusively breastfed cannot starve if it has unlimited access to the breast.
  12. Do not express breast milk to determine its quantity. You can not squeeze out anything, but this does not mean at all that the chest is empty, but doubt and anxiety are ensured after that. And the fact that the crumb constantly "hangs" on his chest is his physiological needand not a sign of malnutrition.
  13. Also, do not try to increase the fat content of milk - it makes no sense. Much more important to enjoy the process breastfeeding  and do not be nervous once again.

However, it’s not necessary to be nervous: if the breastfeeding process is adjusted properly and the newborn gets the breast when it wants, then there is no reason for worrying about malnutrition, modern pediatricians are sure. And this is another undoubted huge advantage of breastfeeding.

Especially for -  Margarita SOLOVIEVA

When a baby is born, mother's milk helps to adapt it in the extrauterine world. It gives all the necessary components for the development of a newborn, enables it to grow actively, boosts immunity and protects against diseases, but mothers often have a question how much milk should a newborn eat?

With a sufficient amount of breast milk, the baby may well be content with it during the first 6 months (before the introduction of food bait). Continue feeding the newborn breast milk  preferably up to 12 months (some manage to hold out and up to 1.5 years).

Features of breastfeeding

In maternity homes, it is usual to breastfeed the newborn, as a rule, to start on the second day after birth. Although progressive-minded doctors recommend doing it after an hour after the birth of the baby. This will help the baby to immediately receive with the colostrum the body's required immunoglobulin.

It is important for the production of bifidum bacteria in the intestine, which are the basis of the GIT microflora. These positive bacteria are needed to start the digestive system that produces hormones of the gastrointestinal tract, which makes it easier to adapt to food intake.

The baby begins to actively suck the breast only on the 4th day, but even before that it needs food. The first product with which the baby meets is colostrum, which is no less valuable than the milk itself. An early application of the child to the breast will help the female to reconstruct the mammary glands of the woman faster and begin to actively develop such a necessary baby product in the necessary volume for it.

Mom should not be embarrassed that in the first days the baby sucks weakly the breast - the baby’s ventricle is still small (a maximum of 10 mg of the product will interfere). Here, the frequency of feeding is more important, which changes with each passing month.

How much milk does a newborn need in the first month

How much milk does a newborn need in the first month?

In the first days of his life, the baby eats little, but often - about 10-12 feedings per day. At first, he is able to suck no more than 10 ml in 1 time, and this will average 100 ml per day. To understand how much breast milk a baby receives, it is weighed before and after feeding. This will help determine the activity of sucking the baby.

As the baby grows, its stomach increases, which already needs more food. But this decreases the number of feedings per day. Gradually, the baby alone refuses to have a nightly meal and sleeps peacefully. However, in the event that he is healthy, and he has enough nutrients from mother's milk.

Infants themselves can reflexively control the amount of milk absorbed, but mother still needs to know what is the rate of milk for a newborn per day and for 1 reception, based on his age.

The rate of milk in the first month of life

Table: the daily rate of milk for a newborn in the first month of life

After analyzing the data of the above table, it is possible to understand how actively the digestive system is formed in the baby. In practice, the consumption of milk in newborns in the first month of life is growing exponentially.

The rates of breast milk by month

With each months, the gap between feedings becomes longer. This reduces the number of feedings, but the consumption rate dairy product  first increases, and from the second half of the year changes slightly (as it is time to feed).

If, for example, at the 2nd month the rate is determined by a volume of 800 ml per day (or 120-150 ml for 1 feeding), then the weight of the baby will be taken into account.

  • At 3 and 4 months, the newborn should suck out milk in a volume of 1/6 of its body weight (for receiving, respectively, 150-180 ml and 180-210 ml).
  • From the 5th month and up to a year in one feeding, the baby consumes 210-240 ml of product. To determine the daily rate, you should take the weight of the baby:
  • in 5-6 months it is 1 \\ 7 of the mass (this is somewhere around 1 l per day);
  • from 7 to 12 months, 1 \\ 8-1 \\ 9 part of the child’s weight is taken.

To measure exactly the amount of product sucked out is not realistic. The above rules are conditional, because each child is individual. But know how much milk you need nursing babyMom should be in case of emergency, if you have to decant and feed the baby from the bottle.



Many mothers try to strictly control the hours between meals, while in the process of feeding they do not always keep track of time. Although this is a more important parameter - when overeating, the ventricle may outgrow the ventricle, and its volume will not match the age. Then the baby will not get enough, increasingly demanding the breast.

Normal feeding time is 30-40 min. During this time, the newborn can throw the breast several times, making stops to rest. But in the crib it while should not be laid, if he did not fall asleep. Although overexposing more than 1 hour is not recommended.

With good lactation, some children have enough time to get enough of the first 10-20 minutes, and then fall asleep, continuing to suck the chest. This, too, should not be allowed - it is better to immediately send the baby to bed. If he stays calm, then he took his norm.

In situations where the baby lacks one breast, it is recommended to immediately offer the next one for a few minutes, and then return it again under the first nipple. Stable lactation in a woman actively reacts to the manipulation of the baby with the nipple, and milk will begin to arrive on demand.

How to understand that a child is full?

How to understand that a child is full?

When a mother thinks about how much milk a newborn should eat, she is worried about whether he has enough of the product produced by her glands. Some women are confused by small, weakly poured breasts. But this is not a sign of poor lactation.

And in such a breast milk can be produced as much as the newborn needs. It may just be more nutritious (everything will depend on the diet of the mother herself). But to find out if the baby has enough dairy product, you should observe its behavior.

  • If the child has eaten his norm, he sleeps well.
  • In moments of wake, the peanut behaves calmly, playing and walking.
  • Monthly infant weights show the dynamics of growth and are an indicator of sufficient (or not) nutrition.

A fed baby during the day several times pokes with mushy feces and spelled up to 15 times. This suggests that the systems work normally, and they have enough raw materials for processing.

A sign that the newborn is not saturated, there will be a smacking of lips. Sometimes the baby begins to moan and turn his head in search of the breast. Should respond to these calls.



It is not necessary to feed the baby at the first request, if the mother is sure that he is already full. Anxiety and crying of the baby can be caused by other reasons - colic and gaziki that torment the tummy. If a child constantly pounces on his chest and eagerly absorbs its contents, while not gaining the necessary mass, special attention should be paid to this. He may have serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

If you believe the numerous practices, in most cases, the milk in a woman begins to appear around the fourth day after the birth of the baby. At the same time, a newborn is brought for feeding literally several hours after its birth. Of course, almost every young and, all the more, not experienced mommy begins to worry that she has very little milk and it will not be enough for the child to eat normally. In no case do not need to worry about this issue. After all, the amount of milk for a newborn for one feeding should be quite small. For other reasons that do not need to worry include the following:

  • in the newborn child, the sucking reflex is still very poorly developed, and therefore it sucks the mother’s breast very poorly. The baby eats very little in the first few days, because he must also learn how to properly and properly suck the breast in order to get more milk.
  • Colostrum, which is produced by the mother's body during the first few days is very fat. It contains a huge amount of nutrients that a newborn baby needs. In its composition there is everything that a baby needs during the first days after birth in order to fully develop and grow.
  • The baby has a very small volume of the stomach. In the first few days it averages 10 ml. In this regard, the amount of milk eaten at one time is very small and does not exceed 9 ml, and therefore the mother can be completely calm, because her crumb gets more than enough.
  • On the first day after the birth of the baby, the norm is about 100 ml of colostrum. They feed the newborn often enough, on average, 10-12 times during the day.

Do not think that the newborn baby is hungry because there is no milk. In just a few days, its amount will begin to increase rapidly. But in any case it is impossible to be nervous, because it can only delay the process of increasing lactation in a nursing woman.

The first 10 days: milk rate

How much milk a newborn drinks during one feeding will depend solely on his age, as well as on weight. Gradually, every day the volume of the stomach of the crumbs will increase, and therefore the volume of milk consumed will also grow and will soon increase several times.

Literally on the second day for one feeding, a newborn can already eat 20 grams, and therefore its daily rate also increased to 200-250 ml of colostrum. On the third day, the rate is 30 grams per feeding, and accordingly, for 10-12 feedings, the baby will drink up to 350 ml of milk. The daily amount of milk consumed will increase. If the child is 10 days old, you can calculate the approximate amount that the child needs for one feeding. To do this, multiply the number of days from the date of birth by the number 10. Thus you can get the required one-time volume, obtained in milliliters.

In order to know more precisely how much a newborn eats at one feeding, you can weigh the crumbs on special medical scales before feeding and after it. The difference that can be obtained between weighing before and after - this is the volume of milk drunk at a time. Experts recommend in this case to weigh the newborn for several feedings. If you know about the required dose of milk, this will make it clear whether the child is eating enough or not. Need to focus on the doses that were given for example above.

When to feed a newborn and how

Milk arrives for a woman, as a rule, for only ten days, and then its quantity remains approximately the same all the time. Until this time, a newborn per day is already about one fifth of its own weight. Recently, children's specialists have come to the general opinion that it is better to feed the child only when he asks, and not strictly according to the clock, as it was some time ago. Baby, when he wants to eat, quite clearly let mom know about it. As numerous practices show, newborn children are asked to eat about 10 times a day with an interval of 2 hours. Sometimes it can happen a little more often or, on the contrary, less often.

In most cases, the newborn baby sucks the breast very actively for 15 minutes, in some cases the duration can be up to 30-40 minutes. Some babes suck all the milk from their breasts and then suck it for some time. Nobody can explain this. Some experts say that the baby sucks the last drops of milk. Others argue that the baby just likes this process and he sucks the breast until he falls asleep directly at the mother’s arms. At the same time, it is very important to remember that it is impossible to allow the child to suck the breast for more than an hour in a row. In order for a newborn to eat, it takes a maximum of 30 minutes, but no more.

Table of the norm of nutrition of the baby up to a year

Child's age The amount of milk eaten per feeding, ml The amount of milk eaten per day
3-4 days 20-60 200-300 ml
Week 1 50-80 400 ml
2 weeks 60-90 20% by weight of the child
1 month 100-110 600 ml
2 months 120-150 800 ml
3 months 150-180 1/6 mass of a child
4 months 180-210 1/6 mass of a child
5-6 months 210-240 1/7 mass of the child (800-1000 ml)
7-12 months 210-240 1 / 8-1 / 9 mass of the child

Nutritional Supplements

All the norms mentioned above can be applied exclusively to breastfeeding a newborn baby. What to do in the situation when a woman does not have breast milk and needs to be fed with mixtures? In this case, how many grams does a newborn eat at one feeding and does he eat enough? How to correctly calculate the norm for the baby so that he does not remain hungry and can fully grow and develop from the first day of his life? It is very important to follow some rules. These include the following:

  1. It is very important to observe a special regime in which you need to feed a newborn baby. At first, the baby must be fed at least eight times a day.
  2. Calculate the rate for feeding can be the same pattern that is taken for breastfeeding. So, as the child eats a little less, then the volume can be slightly increased, so that the newborn just ate.
  3. Be very careful not to eat too much. It is several times easier to suck milk from a nipple than from a breast, and in order to fully develop the sucking reflex, the newborn will need only a few days. Therefore, do not give the baby more than the norm, because overeating will adversely affect his health.
  4. If you are not using milk for feeding the crumbs, but a special milk formula, then in this situation everything is as simple as possible. Each package indicates the required dose for children of different ages. It is designed by experts and you do not even have to think about how much a newborn should eat at one feeding.

Payment daily rate  food for children

For children of the first 7-10 days, the required amount of the mixture can be calculated using the Zaitseva formula: the volume of the mixture per day is 2% of body weight at birth (g) x n, where n is the number of days of life of a newborn child. To determine the required volume of the mixture for one baby feeding, it is enough to divide the daily volume by the number of feedings.

Also, up to the tenth day of life, the amount of the mixture needed by the baby can be determined using the Finkelstein formula.

  • If your baby weighs less than 3.2 kg, multiply its age (in days) by 70.
  • If the mass is greater than 3.2 kg, multiply the child's age by 80.

Daily amount of food (without additional drinking) for a child in different ages  will be significantly different. You should pay attention to the following indicators:

  • from 10 days to 2 months is 1/5 of body weight (for example, 3500: 5 = 700ml for a child with a body weight of 3500g);
  • from 2 to 4 months - 1/6;
  • from 4 to 6 months - 1/7;
  • from 6 to 8 months - 1/8;
  • from 8 to 12 months - 1/9 of body weight.

Be sure to divide by the number of feedings of a newborn baby. It is worth noting the important fact that the amount of food per day should not exceed 1 liter.

Artificial feeding: some features

If a woman does not have milk, then you have to look for an alternative. It can be either milk or a special infant formula, which has the closest possible composition to the mother's milk. In this situation, there are some features that every woman should remember. These include the following:

  • Do not worry if the newborn baby drank a little less than the norm. In this case, he will either ask to eat a little earlier, or he will drink a little more mixture (milk) during the next feeding in order to get the daily amount of food he needs.
  • It is important to remember that if the baby is bottle-fed, his stomach does not digest the food that he consumes so quickly. And here the milk does not play any role the woman gives him or a special mixture. In this regard, in the daytime you need to feed the newborn at least every three hours, and then at night the gap doubles and can be approximately 5-6 hours.
  • If some time after feeding the baby woke up and began to cry, this does not mean that he needs to be fed immediately. In most cases, the reason is that he simply did not regurgitate the air that he swallowed directly during feeding. In this regard, the baby began to hurt the tummy. In such a situation, hold the crumbs upright for some time and massage your belly. As soon as the newborn bursts out excess air, he will fall asleep again quickly and will not cry.
  • If the baby has not drunk all the milk or the mixture, it will be better if you give him to eat the rest a little later. Then you will be assured that the newborn is definitely hungry and he probably will not move.
How can you understand that the child is fed up

To understand that a newborn child is not hungry and he has enough milk or a mixture can be understood from several obvious factors. The baby will be calm and will not require a breast or bottle every half hour. He sleeps very soundly and his sleep is calm, he does not toss and turn or cry in his sleep. In addition, a normal diet will affect the weight of the newborn. The child is constantly gradually gaining weight, and this becomes noticeable not only on the scales, but also on the baby himself. Baby will regularly go to the toilet. He writes up to 15 times a day and this is considered normal.

If a child only cries, this does not mean that he is undernourished and needs to be fed immediately. In most cases, the cause of crying can be colic or the presence of gas in the intestines of a child. In the same case, if a newborn baby sleeps very poorly, it can wake up often enough, and the weight gain is insignificant and noticeably falls short of the norm, then this may indicate that there are obvious problems with nutrition. In addition, the child will be very eagerly pounce on the chest or on a bottle of milk (mixture). In such a situation, it is necessary to consult a specialist immediately, to find out in more detail how much milk a newborn needs per one feeding and perhaps there is a need to increase the single dose.

To date, you can find a huge number of tips that relate to breastfeeding, but not necessarily blindly follow them all. It must be remembered that absolutely everything is individual and each child will eat differently and at the same time the amount of food eaten may also differ slightly. Be as attentive as possible and be patient. After some time, the newborn baby will have its own individual diet, which will be as suitable as possible.

Do not forget about the fact that regardless of how you are feeding a newborn baby, breast or artificial, it is necessary to drink a small amount of warm boiled water. Immediately after the mode of feeding the crumbs to normal, you can absolutely not worry about how much the child ate. After some time, he will eat not the norm, but as much as his body needs directly and no more.

During the stay in the maternity hospital the medical assistants and doctors giving advice on proper feeding and care for a newborn child. Going beyond the maternity hospital most, even experienced women are faced with problems of proper distribution of breast milk during breastfeeding, so that the baby does not suffer from a lack or excess of food.

Medical specialists made a calculation, and derived the optimal amount of food eaten by the child by months, as well as the necessary number of breastfeeding. One of the main indicators proper feeding  are indicators of weight gain. About these indicators inform during scheduled medical examinations or patronage.

Feeding volume up to 1 month

After the baby is born, the nurse or midwife should bring it to the mother's breast for the first application. Breast milk in this period is absent, however, the colostrum produced provides the body of the newborn with essential nutrients.

On day 2 after birth, the baby begins to give signs of hunger every 3 hours. Each attachment to the breast according to the amount of food eaten is from 10 to 20 ml. During the day, the crumb can eat up to 100 ml.

On the 3rd day after birth, the production of breast milk increases significantly in a nursing woman. By this time, the child is fully mastering the technique of sucking the breast, and the amount of food eaten increases. On average, a baby can eat from 120 to 180 ml per day, or about 30 ml at a time.

By the end of the first week after birth, the baby can eat from 50 to 70 ml per latch to the breast. The daily volume in this case is up to 400 ml. For 2 weeks per day the baby consumes up to 500 ml of milk.

When the baby is one month old, the normal rate is the frequency of attachment from 6 to 8 per day, and the amount of breast milk eaten is 90-100 per attachment to the breast.

Of course, these statistics are generalized, and indicators can be individualized for each newborn.

The amount of power for 1-2 months

At birth with a normal body weight, a full-term baby should eat about 700 ml of breast milk daily, or about 120 ml of breast milk per application.

The amount of power for 2-4 months

At this age, the baby should eat about 150 ml per breast lump. The frequency of attachments should not exceed 7 times a day, otherwise the baby may face the problem of overeating.

The amount of food for 4-6 months

At this age, food consumption equal to 1/6 of a baby’s body weight is considered normal. In milliliters, this is defined as 180-210 ml at a time. If the child’s behavior indicates a lack of milk, then the mother is recommended to give a crumb of fresh apple juice or drinking water. From six months it is necessary to introduce complementary foods, the composition and quantity of which is calculated by the pediatrician.

The amount of power for 6-12 months

From 6 months to the first year of life, the baby should eat daily from 170 to 250 ml of milk or milk mixture once. In this period, 1 or 2 feedings are replaced with complementary foods (cereals, mashed potatoes, juices).

If the child is on artificial nutritionthen the required amount of the prepared mixture can be found on the packaging of baby food. Manufacturers of mixtures indicate in detail the volume of dry mix and liquid required for the preparation of ready-made meals, as well as the rate of its consumption for children of different ages.

How to determine the adequacy of nutrition

Knowing the required amount of food consumed according to age, each woman can use the methods of determining the adequacy of nutrition. It is recommended to use the following tips to determine:

  • Squash before feeding. The accuracy of this method remains in doubt, but with its help you can find out the approximate amount of breast milk eaten. It is recommended gently and carefully, just before feeding. Even the right approach cannot ensure complete emptying of the mammary glands. With the usual attachment to the breast, the baby eats 15-20 ml more than the expressed volume. This is important to consider when making calculations.
  • Use of household scales. To determine the amount of food eaten, weigh the infant before feeding and immediately after feeding. The difference in weight will be equal to the amount of food eaten. Before weighing the child, you must completely undress and free from diapers and diapers that can give extra weight.
  • The behavior of the crumbs can tell a lot. If the newborn is calm, occasionally crying, not capricious, benevolent, gaining weight according to age and normality, then it is safe to say that he is getting enough food.

How to solve the problem of malnutrition

If for some reason the newborn does not receive the proper amount of food, then its behavior speaks for itself. When malnutrition, children become capricious, whining and irritable. In addition, a weak weight gain is a reliable indicator of malnutrition.

To solve the problem of malnutrition, you can use these tips:

  • Increase the frequency of attachment to the chest. This method is very effective and allows you to solve the problem of malnutrition in a matter of days. Increasing the frequency of feeding stimulates the production of milk, thus providing the child with the necessary volume.
  • The minimum duration of feeding should be at least 20-25 minutes. Artificially reduced duration often lead to malnutrition.
  • Increased fluid intake. We are talking about a nursing woman who must be consumed daily at least 2 liters of fluid to ensure normal lactation.
  • Nursing women are not recommended to artificially increase the fat content of breast milk through the consumption of fatty foods. These actions will not contribute to the rapid saturation of the baby in the process of feeding.
  • Only a pediatrician can determine the required amount of food, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child.

Newborn feeding

Nutrition is an important part of any person whose value cannot be overestimated. And even more food is important for a newborn and a child of the first year of life, because it is this period of a baby’s life that is characterized by its most active development and intensive growth. An important criterion for the proper development of the child is his full mental, physical and neuro-mental development.

Undoubtedly, breast milk is the best food for an infant, and breastfeeding is considered a serious protective factor for a newborn. Pediatricians around the world insist that it is natural feeding can form the strongest self-immunity in a child.

Breastfeeding can be carried out according to a specific regimen or at the request of the child. If you choose a regime of natural feeding, then before the introduction of complementary foods feed the baby should be every 3.5-4 hours. After the first six months, when the child begins to eat complementary foods, the intervals between feedings should be increased.

In the event that the nutrition of the child is insufficient, he will be anxious, often crying, constipation and rare urination are possible.

Artificial nutrition of newborns

Feeding, in which the baby’s diet is completely absent from breast milk or is not more than one fifth of the daily volume of nutrition, is called artificial. Doctors call bottle feeding  metabolic stress of the newborn, which can provoke inadequate development and growth of the baby, for example, hypotrophy and obesity. Therefore, in the first six months of life, it is recommended that all forces be kept for the baby's natural feeding. But if this is not possible, then you should carefully choose the mixture for artificial feeding, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the baby and his needs at all stages of life.

Artificial feeding is based on the use of adapted milk formulas for nutrition of the baby, which are adapted to the needs of the child for nutrition and the production of vitamins and useful microelements.

There are several indications for artificial feeding of children of the first year of life:

1. Agalactia - mother’s lack of breast milk. There are several reasons for the appearance of such a symptom: the mother’s diseases, metabolic disorders in the mother or child, and the mother’s use of drugs and drugs.

2. Certain social and living conditions - this may be the departure of the mother to study, work, departure.

3. Poor weight gain, which may be noticeable during monthly visits to the pediatrician.

4. Refusal of the child from the breast for no apparent reason.

5. The unwillingness of the mother to feed the baby with breast milk for subjective reasons.

Milk formulas that a baby gets when being artificially fed can vary. Adapted milk formulas are made from cow's milk, and in their composition they are close to mother's breast milk. Such mixtures fully meet all the needs of the baby at every stage of its development. Adapted milk formula can be primary (for children from birth to six months), subsequent (for children older than six months or a year) or universal. A variety of adapted mixtures are adapted dairy mixtures, in which the protein is a curdled substance for easy digestion. Fermented milk mixtures are an excellent means of preventing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For the preparation of unadapted dairy mixes, dry or fresh milk is used, which does not undergo special processing. It is not advisable to use such mixtures for children of the first year of life; protein in their composition is poorly processed by the child’s body due to the lack of the necessary enzymes.

Nutrition mother newborn

In order that mom's breast milk was maximally beneficial for the child, mom should eat properly and well. After all, mother's nutrition is the basis for the formation of breast milk, and the more vitamins and minerals in the mother's food, the more nutrients the baby will receive when feeding. This is especially important in the first half of the life of the child, when the daily volume of production of breast milk can reach one liter. When complementary foods are introduced into the baby’s diet, the breastfeeding rate is reduced, and the mother’s need for vitamin complexes is also reduced.

The main principle of nutrition nursing mom should be a variety. Only a complete and varied food will be able to give mom, and therefore the baby a huge set of vital elements. The diet of a nursing mother should include fish and meat, eggs and dairy products, vegetables and fruits, cereals and pasta. All food must be natural, healthy and fresh.

Milk protein in the mother's body can supply cottage cheese and cheese. All dairy products experts recommend to use after heat treatment. There are cases when whole milk without treatment causes allergic reactions in a baby. Mom must eat fermented milk products.

Foods with a high content of dietary fiber - pumpkin, zucchini, beetroot, carrots, pears, apples, plums can stimulate the intestinal activity of mothers and babies. Useful and natural juices, especially with the pulp. Exotic fruits and the whole food of red or orange colors can negatively affect the baby. The exception in this case are bananas. Rich in dietary fiber porridge, bran bread, dried fruit.

Good nutrition also implies the presence of butter and vegetable oil in small quantities. Restricted should be consumed sweets, which can be allergens and provoke obesity.

But the most important requirement for the food of the mother, is the requirement of the exclusive safety of all food. It is important to remember that even the smallest allergen or harmful substance in the diet of a nursing mother can adversely affect the health of the child, cause him allergies, disruptions in the work of the child’s digestive tract.

Mom newborn should not eat foods with a high content of essential oils, salts, smoked products, canned food, pickles and pickles, as well as sausages. Need to avoid products that can cause fermentation in the stomach - grapes and foods high in sugar. Foods with high allergenic activity, as well as food that causes intolerance to the mother should also be prohibited.

Young mother is very important to drink a lot. Natural juices, boiled milk, weak tea, water without gas and dyes, as well as any warm drink contribute to the active production of breast milk.

The amount of nutrition of newborns

Almost all mothers of newborns are always interested to know how much milk a child must eat in order to develop normally and fully.

During normal lactation, the child quickly grows stronger and every day more and more actively sucks the breast. This contributes to an increase in mother's lactation, and the volume of the remaining milk is constantly increasing. At the moment when the child is first applied to the breast, he eats very little. After all, the baby in the first hours of life still does not have the sucking skill, and the colostrum obtained is enough for normal life. After that, when the baby learns to suckle, the volume of milk it eats will fully meet its nutritional needs.

Colostrum in the breast of the mother quickly turns into a transition, and then into mature milk. Already on the second day, the baby can eat about 90 ml of milk, that is, approximately 15 ml in one feeding. By the third day of life, the baby can eat up to 180 ml, and on the fourth the volume of milk can reach 300 ml. This is due to the increasing lactation of the mother and the increasing nutritional needs of the child. It is not surprising if by the sixth day the baby can even eat 400 ml of breast milk. Such an intense diet should not scare mom, because as soon as the milk reaches the age norm, its volume stabilizes.

In order to control how much milk a baby eats in one feeding, you need to weigh the baby before and after meals. The difference in the indications of weights and will talk about the volume of milk that the baby ate at one feeding.

However, a mother can even determine, without weighing, whether her baby gets enough nutrition. This can be seen as a child. Signs such as a good mood, restful sleep, and infrequent illnesses clearly indicate that the child receives nutrition in a normal amount. A child who is undernourished will be sick and sleep a little, worry, often crying and getting sick. In this case, it is strongly recommended to review the child's food system and diet.

In the first year of a baby’s life, a pediatrician should draw a weight curve. With proper and adequate nutrition, it will grow steadily and evenly change. In addition, it is possible to determine the adequacy of nutrition and the frequency of urination of the child. If the child has enough of the amount of food that he receives, then the child will urinate at least 6-8 times a day. Frequent and normal stools may also indicate that the baby has enough nutrition.

Mom's inner feelings can tell her how much the baby empties a breast when breastfed. If, after feeding, the breast is filled and milk often oozes out of it, then the child most likely eats less milk than the mother’s body produces.

In that case, if the child is on artificial or mixed feeding, then to determine the amount of nutrition of the newborn can be on the table of food standards, which are located on the packaging of baby food or in books about the basics of baby food.

Newborn diet

Proper, complete and varied nutrition of the child in the first year of life is an essential prerequisite for the formation of strong immunity and harmonious mental, physical and mental development. The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences has developed a number of recommendations that help create for each child a diet that will fully take into account the age characteristics of the child. It is very important that the infant's daily diet consists only of healthy food, all components of which are rich in minerals, vitamins and other useful substances.

In breast milk, which is the best nutrition for infants, there are all components of good nutrition that can meet the needs of the child. In the period from 5 to 6 months of life, the child begins to move more, to spend more energy. This necessitates the expansion of the diet by introducing complementary foods. If the child is breastfed, then pediatricians recommend feeding lure after 6 months. For iskusstvennik prikorm will be possible already after 4 months. In any case, it is very individual, and the precinct monitoring pediatrician can determine the exact time of complementary feeding.

Leading pediatricians of the world recommend using hypoallergenic foods, vegetables and fruits to expand the baby's diet. Diversify the diet should not increase the number of products, and the expansion of dishes that can be prepared from one or more products.

Nutrition norms for newborns

The nutritional rates of babies who are naturally or formula-fed may vary slightly.

If a child eats only mother's milk, then it is quite acceptable to feed the baby without compliance. In this case, you need to feed the child on demand, and allow him to eat as much milk as he wants. But if, when feeding on demand, the child gains weight too quickly or too slowly, the pediatrician notices developmental deviations, then some rules should be followed. For example, a child aged 8 weeks should eat 800 ml of milk per day. If the child is less than 8 weeks, then 50 ml is taken less for each week, and if it is more than 8 weeks, then 50 ml should be added for each subsequent month. Sometimes the baby’s nutritional rate can be calculated in this way: if the baby is 2 to 6 weeks old, then the baby should be eating one-fifth of the body weight per day; up to 4 months - 1/6 of body weight; up to 6 months - 1/7 of body weight.

Artificial nutrition dictates slightly different norms of feeding infants. But the general rule is difficult to derive here. Much depends on the type and nutritional value of the adapted infant formula. That is why you need to follow the recommendations regarding nutritional standards, which are indicated on the packaging of infant formula, or individual recommendations of the pediatrician.

Menu baby in 1 year. Baby nutrition in 1 year

Many mothers believe that in 1 year old child can be transferred to the common table. But this is not true, and the one-year-old baby still has to remain specialized.

Due to the fact that by the end of the first year of life the child’s masticatory apparatus is developing, solid food of varying degrees of grinding should be included in the diet. One-year-old baby should receive a lot of milk, dairy products. You can give the child and chicken meat, beef, rabbit, offal, which is rich in vitamins and nutrients. For the development of the brain is useful fish. In addition, fish products are often very popular with kids, and they eat them well.

Very carefully you can try to give the child a whole egg, that is, both the yolk and the white. But this product can cause allergies, so if after eating the eggs the child has an allergic reaction, this product should be excluded from the diet.

In the year a child can start eating cereals. The most useful of them - oatmeal and buckwheat, but you can eat wheat, barley and barley porridge. Poor in vitamins and microelements pasta contain excessive amounts of carbohydrates, so it is not recommended to give them. Children at the age of 1 year can be given sugar, but it can be consumed in very limited quantities. Honey and honey products can cause allergies, and therefore should be given with caution.

With virtually no restrictions, you can give vegetables, fruits and natural fruit juices with or without pulp.

A child's nutrition at 1 year old should be fast, and the intervals between feedings should be 4-5 hours.

Baby nutrition at 6 months

Nutrition of a child aged 6 months should include complementary foods. A growing body ceases to be saturated only with breast milk or with artificial feeding, and therefore the diet of the child should be expanded with certain foods.

An apple or boiled carrots, mashed banana or banana and apples, mashed potatoes or oatmeal, rice water can serve as the first complementary foods. These products must be crushed into a mush. Milk porridge should be boiled in water, and then milk should be added to them.

In six months, for the first time a child tries meat broths and boiled meat. Meat contains many vitamins, useful and irreplaceable microelements. In addition, the meat will produce more energy, which is so necessary for a child at this age. In order to develop the child's taste sensations, give him some boiled vegetables or white bread toast with broth.

Very tasty and no less useful food for a half year old baby are canned meat. They can be of varying degrees of grinding, and all necessarily pasteurized.

Half year old children can eat already familiar fruits and vegetables with slightly more enlarged portions. Be sure to ensure that all the baby's food was crushed, and in every possible way exclude the possibility of choking on large pieces of food.

Complementary baby 6 months

Pediatricians traditionally understand the introduction of more high-calorie and concentrated food to the diet, which will later replace breast-feeding or artificial feeding with adapted mixtures, as the child's lure. Introduction of complementary foods up to 4 months is not physiologically justified. First of all, this is due to the fact that this age of the child has a reflex of pushing out food, which will interfere with the reception of complementary foods. In addition, the body of a four-month-old baby still has poorly developed gastric enzymes that help recycle food.

The World Health Organization strongly recommends starting feeding at the age of 6 months. The main rule of feeding can be called lure without haste. Unfortunately, many parents try to acquaint the baby with tasty foods as soon as possible than they can fundamentally worsen his health. Many doctors recommend starting lure with products of industrial production, and only then give the child homemade food.

As the first complementary food, it is recommended to choose vegetable puree or porridge. Vegetable puree  in this case should be single-component, and it is good if the vegetables are colorless (zucchini, cauliflower). If porridge is selected as a complementary food, then it should be gluten-free, that is, do not contain vegetable protein (buckwheat, rice and corn). After that, you can start eating fruits, children's cottage cheese, kefir, meat, yolk and other types of complementary foods.

Baby nutrition after the year

The main feature of the child's nutrition after the year is that by this age almost all children refuse to breastfeed. That is why food one year old child should be balanced, diverse and high in calories. A child aged after one year should eat 4-5 times, each serving should be 200-300 grams. All food must be pureed or chopped. It is necessary to process foodstuff on steam or when cooking, the fried and baked food is not admissible. Every day a child at this age should consume up to 600 ml of dairy products. There should be a varied list of fruits and vegetables that children consume in the form of mashed potatoes, juices, desserts. Quail or chicken eggs will be very useful, but only if the child is not allergic to it. After a day, the child should eat meat, preferably lean and dietary varieties. The boneless fish is also useful for the baby. Once a day you can eat rice, buckwheat or corn porridge, with vegetable or butter. In between meals, you can drink water or unsweetened children's tea.

It is very important to observe the right combination of products. Meat and fish should not be served with potatoes, and at the end of the meal you should not give the child fruit to avoid fermentation. Try to have the child eat as little as possible sweets, which do not carry any benefit.

In no case can not overfeed the child, and if he refuses to eat, then do not force him. Give your child the opportunity to play, and try again in time.

The diet of the child up to a year

Properly selected and compiled diet of a child under one year old lays the foundation for his full development and well-being in the future.

During the first half of the year of life, the baby eats only maternal breast milk or adapted infant formula. This food gives children everything necessary for normal life at this stage of development of the body.

When a child turns 6 months old, those iron reserves that he has formed in the womb decrease. This factor, combined with increasing energy needs, show the need for complementary feeding, which can use cereals and vegetable hypoallergenic purees.

Starting at 7 months of age, the child should receive meat, meat broth  and be sure to water between feedings. At 8 months, the baby can try orange juice or another source of vitamin C. Now the baby’s food can be varied with cereals. You can give more fruit, and fruit with grains (such as kiwi and strawberries) is better to enter into the diet from 9 months of life of the child.

At approximately 10 months, the baby begins to chew, and he can be given finely chopped food or bread crust. From 11 months, the food of the crumbs should include fish, and from 12 months - the egg completely, along with protein.