What kind of fruit does the child look like by week? week: your child is the size of a small head of cabbage. weeks: your baby is the size of a large tomato

Hello dear readers.

Today’s my article is intended for future moms who are currently awaiting their baby. But it seems to me that today I can bring a smile to everyone who reads it.

I remember that when I was pregnant, I was very interested in how much my baby grew up, what it is now, what is its length and weight. And in order to make things clearer, I compared the babies in the tummy with vegetables and fruits week after week. And that's what I did.

From 1 to 4 weeks of pregnancy - poppy seed

Gestational age is considered from the first day of the last menstruation. Conception can occur in the first two weeks from this day.

A fertilized egg cell, called a zygote, is divided into 32 cells, which in turn are divided into three separate layers and already from them will form the internal organs and skin of your baby.

In the first weeks of your baby can be compared with the "poppy seed". Surprisingly, just some 40 weeks and your child from the "poppy seed" will grow to the size of a tasty, ripe watermelon.

In the fourth week, your baby's weight is less than 0.8 grams.

5 week - pepper kernel

The layer of cells now resembles a tadpole, at this stage the body begins to create the brain and spinal cord, heart and blood vessels.

Baby can be compared with a pepper kernel: weight is 0.8 grams.

6 week - pomegranate seed

The baby grows like a yeast and its body is already surrounded by amniotic fluid. Now its size can be compared with pomegranate seed. As you can see, its size has tripled. This is nature! This is the speed!

7 week - blueberries

This week, the development of the baby, I can safely compare it with blueberries. That's how it grows. But not such a tiny blueberry, but a good, selected berry.

From seven weeks your baby is already called a fetus, it looks like a little man. The baby already has all the organs. Now the fetus is forming a brain.

The weight is 1 gram, and the length is approximately 6-12 mm.

8 week - bean

Your child in the eighth week can be compared bean. The baby still has a membrane on his arms and legs, but very soon real fingers on the arms and legs will form.

The length of the baby is already 1.5 - 2 cm, and the weight is approximately 1.5 grams.

Week 9 - Cherry

The size of your child can be compared with a ripe cherry. Now the digestive tract and reproductive organs are being formed. But even the most experienced specialist will not be able to tell you who will be born: a boy or a girl. Wait a couple more weeks.

The weight of the child is approximately 2 grams.

10 week - plum

I would compare your baby with a delicious berry - cherry plum. The baby’s eyes and eyelids are already moving and even the eyebrows are growing.

The weight is already about 4 grams.

Week 11 - Brussels sprouts

This week the baby looks like a single sprout of Brussels sprouts. The upper lip is formed, the nose is just beginning to form. Cartilage turns into bones.

The weight of the baby is 7.09 grams, and the length is already 6 cm.

12 week - plum

Plum - this is the appropriate description of the baby in the twelfth week of pregnancy. Can you imagine that you already have hair on your baby's head?

Its weight is 14 grams, and its length is 8-10 cm.

Week 13 - Lemon Meira

This week, I thought for a long time with which fruit to compare and remembered a small decorative lemon (Meyer’s lemon). They plant it in pots at home, and the plant produces small, sour fruits.

The weight of the baby is approximately 20 grams.

14 week - peach

The first trimester of pregnancy is over and now comes the most favorable period for the mother. But the baby can already be compared with a small peach. All internal organs are already formed and now it remains for them to form and mature the remaining period of pregnancy.

The weight of the baby is 44 grams.

15 week - apple

Your baby is about the size of an apple. The brain of the child is actively working, he controls the work of the muscles and body, the child moves inside you. If he wants it, he can even turn over, headstand and all that, but you will not feel it yet.

Baby weight 70 grams.

16 week - avocado

This week the baby is the size of an avocado. Surprisingly, he can suck a finger in his hand. True, a miracle ?!

The weight of the baby is about 100 grams, and the length from the tailbone to the top is about 11 cm

Week 17 - pear

Your baby is like a big juicy pear. What is surprising, your child can hiccup and you, mommy, can hear it.

Weight with 140 grams. This is the speed!

18 week - potatoes

You will be surprised, but I will compare the kid with a big potato. Did you know that the baby already has its own fingerprints?

Weight this week is 190 grams.

Week 19 - mango

Now your baby can be compared to mango. The baby’s legs are now longer than the handles and you should already feel his presence. After all, the kid regularly sends you "greetings" by kicking you with his hands and feet.

Weight is 240 grams.

20 week - coconut

The body of a child can be compared with a coconut. Under the skin already accumulates fat, but the face looks like a static face, because there is no fat. The kid will open his eyes for the first time.

Its weight is 300 grams, but the length is approximately 16 cm.

Week 21 - Grapefruit

Baby now is a real grapefruit. Already a large, actively formed digestive system, the kid swallows amniotic fluid.

Weight is now 360 grams.

22 week - squash

Compare the child with the squash, very much it seems to me the size fits. But if you do not like the squash, let it be a zucchini.

This week is actively developing the lungs of a child. Now, most pregnant women feel the movement of the baby.

Baby weight 430 grams.

Week 23 - Eggplant

The baby is already as big as eggplant. Brain and hearing are developing very actively this week. And baby just can hear your voice.

Weight is 450 grams.

24 week - corn

Your baby is like the ear of corn. This week the kid starts to train his breath. He nostrils "inhales" the amniotic fluid, and when he is born, he can breathe oxygen.

Its weight is now 550 grams, and its length is 22 cm.

25 week - pumpkin

The kid looks like a pumpkin. It's time to remember Halloween. The child is so active that it is played with its own umbilical cord and can show language.

Now is the time to find out who you are: a boy or a girl?

Weight is now 700 grams.

26 week - melon

Your child is now like a melon. He has more hair on his head, eyebrows and eyelashes. Amazing isn't it ?!

Weight is now 860 grams. That's how fast it grows.

Week 27 - Cauliflower

Now your child is about the size of a large cauliflower. At the moment, he distinguishes your voice from the voice of other people. You are now the most important person!

Weight is one kilogram.

Week 28 - Pitaya

That got to the third trimester of pregnancy. And the kid looks like a big dragon fruit - food. The baby is spinning in the tummy, like on a roller coaster. And mom feels it.

Weight 1 kg 100 grams.

29 week pumpkin squash

This week's baby can be compared with a big pumpkin squash. The skin is still wrinkled, but the grease builds up and fills the skin.

Baby weight 1 kg 200 grams.

30 week - white cabbage

And now the baby is exactly like white cabbage. The child has already formed cycles of sleep and wakefulness. At night, the child can kick, and sleep all day.

Weight is 1 kg 400 grams.

Week 31 - Leek

In length, your baby can be compared with leek. And now it will grow and develop even faster.

This week's developmental weight is approximately 1 kg 600 grams.

Week 32 - Peking Cabbage

This week you can compare the kid with a solid head of Beijing cabbage. A child during this period has already developed all taste buds and, absorbing the amniotic fluid, the child has taste preferences.

The weight is already 1 kg 900 grams and the length from the crown to the heels is 42 centimeters.

Week 33 - Pineapple

Your baby is about the size of a pineapple. The body of the child is covered with special thin hairs and now, gradually, they begin to disappear. Remain only on the back and arms.

Weight is just over 2 kg.

34 week - pomelo

The baby is about the size of a pomelo. It becomes more difficult for mom to move in the tummy, but the child still makes his pirouettes, every now and then, showing mom either a leg or a pen.

Weight is 2 kg 300 grams, length 44 centimeters.

35 week - Uzbek melon

And now the kid is like a big Uzbek melon. All the organs are formed, the baby is already cramped and soon he will knock at your door.

This week, its weight is 2 kg 500 grams.

Week 36 - Papaya

Compare the child with the fruit of papaya. He is already fully prepared: the organs are ripe, the subcutaneous fat becomes larger and the baby no longer looks as wrinkled as the old man.

From 37 to 42 week - watermelon

Your baby is like a watermelon. First small, and then more and more. The stork is already knocking on all your doors and windows. If the baby was born at 37-38 weeks, which is often the case with repeated deliveries or the birth of twins, this is not considered a preterm birth, the pregnancy is considered full-term.

But if the week is 42 weeks, and you are still waiting for a miracle, get ready, it will happen very soon.

The birth weight of a child ranges from 3 kg to 3 kg 800 grams (for someone more, and for someone less).

And we were told in childhood that children are found in cabbage, and here they are - in watermelons!

Here is such a fun selection I got today. I wish pregnant mommy health, peace and confidence that everything will be fine with you. Personally, I do not doubt it.

And with you was Ekaterina Chesnakova with garlic, peppercorn and watermelon!

Anastasia Domanskaya

When a woman just got pregnant, it is difficult for her to imagine what the baby looks like inside her. But so eager to understand what it is and how it grows. And if centimeters and grams are an abstract thing, then an apple, an orange or a zucchini is quite concrete. We suggest comparing the baby’s fruit with fruits and vegetables to find out what the baby looks like at different stages of pregnancy.

Fourth week - poppy seed

Your baby is just beginning to develop and weighs only 1.1 grams, with only 32 cells. Nevertheless, despite such a tiny look, the most important organs, including the liver, duodenum, lungs, and kidneys, are already beginning to be laid in a small baby's body. Also, the heart begins to pump more and more blood through the circulatory system.

Seventh week - blueberries

The fruit has the shape of a blueberry, but at this stage it has already formed small handles and legs, the rudiments of fingers. Although now the hands and feet of the baby are more like flippers of a seal with five rays. At the same time, bone tissue grows in the fetus, the skeleton gradually becomes more and more solid. The baby forms eyelids that float on the eyes, closing them and protecting them from dryness.

Ninth week - cherry

At this stage of pregnancy, your future baby will form eyes, the crumb begins to move its arms and legs more often, turn its head and even open its mouth. But since the baby is still very small and does not occupy the entire uterine cavity, the mother does not notice these his movements.

Eleventh Week - Brussels Sprouts

The fruit begins to take the form of Brussels sprouts and, although still small, the child is already beginning to kick a little. He continues to develop the nervous system, more and more receptors appear in the skin, so if something interferes with the crumbs, he can already pull back his hand or squeeze it into a fist.

Thirteenth week - pea pod

At this stage of pregnancy, the child forms all the digestive organs: the stomach, intestines and gall bladder. True, they will begin to work only after birth. Also, the baby appears vocal cords.

Fifteenth week - an apple

It was the turn of the formation of the brain of the fetus, on which grooves and gyrus appear - thanks to them it becomes similar to a walnut. At this stage of pregnancy, the endocrine organs that produce hormones begin to work in the baby. The baby can already suck a finger, as well as tumble in her mom’s tummy.

18th week - Bulgarian pepper

The fetus begins to aktivnichat, periodically pushing from one wall of the uterus and sailing to another. Also on the fingers of the crumbs patterns are formed.

20th week - artichoke

At this stage of pregnancy, the fetus has already grown significantly and the sound of its heart can be heard without the help of modern equipment, but using an ordinary listening tube. And the kid starts to show marigolds on the fingers and toes, and eyebrows on the face.

Twenty Second Week - Papaya

The baby is actively developing the lungs. He even tries to exercise to breathe and makes movements that are like breathing in and out, although oxygen continues to get through the placenta.

The fact is that while the fetus is in the mother’s stomach, a special fetal fluid is in its lungs, which is “squeezed out” at birth.

Twenty Fourth Week - Big Kachan Corn

This stage of pregnancy is successful because the baby already has capillaries and becomes a pretty pink color. The crumb continues to be active, swims in the amniotic fluid and sometimes makes her mom aware of herself with tangible jolts. But more and more time is sleeping.

Twenty-eighth week - a huge eggplant

The child begins to gain weight quickly, and his skin becomes smoother. At the same time, the fruit managed to fully develop and now it has the whole range of feelings: the child’s sight, taste, hearing, touch. Also at this stage of pregnancy, the baby begins to recognize the voice of the mother.

Thirty-first week - coconut

The baby is actively developing the brain and nervous system. He stays in the fetal position for several weeks, bending his legs.

Thirty-third week - ripe pineapple

The bones of the child are getting stronger. A crumb can already see the water world around him, as well as experience certain feelings, for example, taste the amniotic fluid, listen to mom's heartbeat, rumble in her stomach.

Thirty-sixth week - a bouquet of Roman salad

The fluff that covers the baby’s skin begins to fade. His immune system is already quite developed, and the baby is ready to be born.

Thirty-eighth week - ripe pumpkin

The head of the child falls closer to the “exit” and he already “counts” the days before his birth.

I hope you were interested!

Take it to yourself, tell your friends!

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Pregnancy is a happy time for a woman. For newly-minted future mothers, it is also very informative. When a woman begins to grow belly, she usually raises many questions. What happens inside? How fast will it grow? Is the baby there big already? Doctors give very scientific answers. Do not be scared! Looking at these images, you will immediately understand the speed with which the baby grows and what weight it is during a certain period of pregnancy.

Week 4: Poppy Seed

At this stage, a fertilized egg (zygote) is a tiny little ball of 32 cells. At 4 weeks the baby is about the size of a poppy seed and weighs about 1.1 grams.

Week 7: Blueberries

At week 5, the baby grows to the size of a sesame seed. During this period, the brain, the back of the brain and the heart are actively formed.

At week 7, the baby begins to form tiny hands and legs. And this being in the size of blueberries!

Week 9: Cherry

At week 8, the baby grows to the size of a bean and begins to move and change its position in the tummy.

At week 9, the embryo is transformed into an embryo. At this stage, the baby-cherries begin to form eyes.

Week 11: Brussels Sprouts

At week 10, the baby has the size of kumquat. His nails are forming, and he can swallow.

At week 11, a baby the size of a head of Brussels sprouts begins to kick, but it is so small that a woman does not feel it.

Week 13: Pea Pod

At week 12, the baby acquires the size of a plum. He begins to develop reflexes.

By week 13, the vocal cords and teeth begin to form in the baby.

Week 15: Apple

The baby at this time is already able to suck a finger and has the size of a lemon.

At week 15, the baby is already tumbling in the tummy!

Week 18: Bulgarian pepper

By week 17, when the size of the baby is comparable to a pear, he begins to feel hiccups.

At week 18, the baby begins to form patterns on the fingers.

Week 20: Artichoke

At week 20, a small “artichoke” eyebrows are formed.

Week 22: Papaya

At week 22, the baby's lungs are actively developing. Appearance is increasingly beginning to look like a newborn baby.

Week 24: Big Corn

At week 24, a large corn one is already acquiring a pink tint due to the developed system of capillaries.

Week 28: Eggplant

At week 27, the baby can be compared in size with swede, and he is already showing brain activity.

Not 28 weeks “eggplant” begins to gain weight, his skin, which was previously wrinkled, becomes smooth and elastic.

Week 31: Coconut

At week 31, the main brain development takes place and nervous system. At this point, the baby has 5 senses.

Week 33: Pineapple

At week 33, the baby’s bones become stronger, he begins to breathe and swallow.

Week 36: roman lettuce

At 34 weeks, the baby already perceives melodies and reacts to them.

At week 36, the baby’s immune system is so strengthened that it is ready to be released soon.

Week 40: a small pumpkin

At week 40, the baby has all the vital systems formed. Hair, nails, eyelashes, eyebrows. The kid is ready to meet with mom!

Now your baby is the size of a poppy seed. Germ size - only 2 mm. It is at this stage of pregnancy that his small but big heart begins to beat. If you come to an ultrasound, the doctor will be able to assess the condition of your unborn child by heartbeat.

4 week of pregnancy

By the end of the first month intrauterine development  baby increases about 3 times. However, it is still very small: the length of the embryo is only 3 mm. In size it is like sesame seed. It is now happening laying internal organs: lungs, stomach, liver, pancreas, endocrine glands.

   5 week of pregnancy

In the fifth week of pregnancy, the baby is the size of a sunflower seed. Its length is only 5 mm. By the end of this week, an amazing event will occur: embryo gonoblasts will form - precursors of germ cells (spermatozoa in boys and eggs in girls). Just imagine: already now your unborn baby has the beginnings of future children, your grandchildren!

   6 week of pregnancy

In the sixth week of pregnancy, your future baby will have a face and fingers that will form an outer ear and an eyeball. By the end of this week, the embryo is pea-sized! Its length is 10-12 mm. Eggs of this size lay the tiniest hummingbird birds.

   7 week of pregnancy

In the seventh week of pregnancy, your baby is the size of a bean. Its length is 16 mm. It is now forming its tiny arms and legs. The child swims freely in the amniotic fluid, in its microcosm. Approximately half of the small calf is the head.

   8 week of pregnancy

By the beginning of the eighth week of pregnancy, the length of the embryo is already 15-20 mm. His little body begins to straighten up. Nostrils, auricles, eyes are formed, by the end of the week the eyelids will be formed. You still do not feel, but the baby moves the arms and legs. The rapid development of the brain continues. From this period, the cerebral cortex is distinguished, which already has a significant number of convolutions. The length of the fetus by the end of the eighth week is 40 mm and your crumb weighs like a slice of an orange - about 5 grams ...

Now your baby is about the size of an unripe olive. Its length is 2.4 cm. Thumbelina was of such size.

   9 week of pregnancy

Now your kid is about the size of a large grape. Its length is only 3.1 cm. Approximately such growth was Little Boy with a Finger in a fairy tale. The nine-week embryo fully becomes a little man. From this point on, it is already called not an embryo, but a fetus. Your future baby willingly sucks a finger. His heart makes from 130 to 150 beats per minute. Take care of him: he is already able to feel pain.

10 week of pregnancy

Now your kid is about the size of a candy. Its length is 4-6 cm. It weighs about 10-15 g. By the end of the tenth week of its development, the development of the diaphragm is completed - soon it will take an active part in breathing. In place of the "tail" develop the buttocks. In response to stimuli (light, sound), he turns his head.

   11 week of pregnancy

This week's baby is about the size of an apricot. The length of the fetus - 5-7 cm. It weighs about 14 g.The proportions of the body of the future baby are still unusual: he has a big head, a small body, long arms and short legs. On the 11th week, the placenta is already fully operational: it provides uninterrupted blood supply to the fetus, enriched with nutrients and oxygen, and the excretion of metabolic products of the fetus and carbon dioxide.

12 week of pregnancy

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the baby is already long with a pea pod. Its length is 7-8 cm. It weighs about 23 g. At twelve weeks of pregnancy, the baby reacts to light, heat, noise, touch. The baby is still very small, but it has eyelids, nails, it is finally formed, and all the organ systems of this tiny organism began to work. From this age onwards, the fetus makes rare, rhythmic movements of the chest muscles as if it is breathing. So your baby is training before you take your first deep breath ...

13 week of pregnancy

Now your baby is about the size of a fig. Its length is 8 cm, and by the end of the week it will be 11 cm. It weighs about 30-40 g, like a barely hatched chicken. Your baby has a fully formed face, the ears and nose are clearly visible. I wonder what he looks like?

   14 week of pregnancy

In the fourteenth week, your baby is about the size of a pear. Its length is 10 cm. It weighs about 70 g, like a tiny kitten at birth. The development of the muscular system of the fetus continues, its physical activity increases. He makes floating movements, bends, turns. The sensitive ultrasound machine can already show the sex of your future baby.

   15 week of pregnancy

Now your baby is the size of an avocado. Its length is 11.6 cm. It weighs about 100 g, like a newborn panda. The child's heartbeat is already clearly discernible when listening through a stethoscope.

   16 week of pregnancy

Now the length of the baby, like an average carrot is 13 cm. Body weight is about 170 g. He learns to own hands and feet, swallows the waters around him, sucks his finger with pleasure.

   17 week of pregnancy

Now your baby is about the size of a potato. Its length from the top of the head to the tailbone is 14.2 cm, and its weight is 190 g, like a newborn Labrador puppy. This week there is an important event: the unborn child has a reaction to the sounds.

   18 week of pregnancy

At the eighteenth week, your future child is already the size of a large tomato and weighs as much as 240 g. Its length from head to tailbone is 15 cm. Such growth was little Niels, who set off on a wonderful journey with wild geese. In the eighteenth week, re-pregnant women begin to clearly feel the movement of the fetus.

19 week of pregnancy

Now your baby weighs about 300 g now. Its length from crown to heels is 24-25 cm, like a large banana. The body acquires the usual proportions. Week 19 - time to improve the respiratory system. The lungs of the fetus make about 40 rhythmic breathing movements per minute. Your tummy becomes noticeable. Often at this time do the second ultrasound.

   20 week of pregnancy

The fruit is already fully formed. The skin of the fetus at this period is still very thin, but not so transparent. The eyes of the fruit have well-formed eyelids, eyelashes. By the twentieth week of fetal development, he already has a blinking reflex. Your baby weighs about 360 g., Like a small hare. Its length from crown to heels is 26-27 cm.

21 weeks gestation

Half way passed! Your baby is sleeping 16-20 hours a day, the rest of the time he is awake. You feel that it literally tumbles, because the uterus is still quite spacious. He may be in a position upside down, for some time to get across or move sideways. This week you can feel the increased appetite. Your baby weighs 430 grams as large fruit  mango. Its length is about 27-28 cm. This height was Dunno.

22 week of pregnancy

Your baby weighs just like an emperor penguin's egg. It is more than 500 g. Its length from the crown to the heels is 29 cm. Scarce already perceives sounds and is ready to listen to pleasant music and your lullabies. By the end of the twenty-second week, the spine is fully formed. Baby is much easier to manage your body.

   23 week of pregnancy

Your baby is long with a corn cob. Its length from the crown to the heels is 30 cm. It weighs about 550 g - like an average newborn bear cub. The face of the future baby takes on an increasingly familiar look: the shape of the nose is clearly visible, the ears are located in the place where they are located in an adult (for more early terms  fetal development his ears were significantly lower, close to the neck), the eyelids are fully formed, but almost all the time tightly compressed. Crumbs already have eyebrows.

24 week of pregnancy

Your baby weighs about 660 grams, about as green coconut. Its length from the crown to the heels is 34-35 cm. In the twenty-fourth week of development, the fetus occupies almost the entire space of the uterus, it becomes a bit cramped. However, he can still roll over and change position.

   25 week of pregnancy

At this period of pregnancy, your baby weighs about 700 g, like a newborn white bear. The length of the fetus from the crown to the heels is approximately 35 cm. This week begins an unusually important processes associated with the maturation of lung tissue. The pulmonary tree is almost completely formed, the development of the alveoli is completed - the smallest bubbles, in which after the birth of a child there will be a process of gas exchange - saturation of blood with oxygen and release of blood from carbon dioxide. Alveoli remind deflated balloons. In this state, they remain until the first breath of the newborn.

   26 week of pregnancy

Your baby now weighs roughly like a broccoli. It is about 750 g. Its length from the crown to the heels is 36 cm. Your child has all the senses already well developed: touch, coordination (sense of body position in space), hearing, sight, and even smell.
   It is established that the fetus distinguishes low sounds much better, therefore it can well remember the voice of the father - better than the voice of the mother. If your husband speaks sweet words to the baby, he will hear them and even react positively, and after birth a closer contact will be established between the father and the child.
   But the most important sound that your baby constantly hears is the sound of your heart. Quiet beats partly ensures the calmness of the baby.

27 week of pregnancy

Now your baby is about the size of a pomelo, it weighs more than 1 kg already. Its length from the crown to the heels is approximately 37 cm. At this stage of development, your unborn child is formed by a type of metabolism that is unique to him, which will determine all the processes occurring in his body throughout his life. This means that right now, at these moments, the constitution of the child’s body is formed, the ability to absorb certain nutritional ingredients, its resistance to infections, the type of reaction to stress, and much more.

   28 week of pregnancy

Your baby weighs almost 1.2 kg. Its length from crown to heels is about 38 cm - the growth of a newborn tiger cub. The child explores his body and space around: feels the umbilical cord, the walls of the uterus from the inside. Already at this age, he prefers his right or left hand, depending on which hemisphere of the brain will dominate.

29 week of pregnancy

This week your baby has reached the size of a large head of cabbage. It weighs about 1.3 kg, like an ostrich egg. Its length from crown to heels is 39-40 cm.
   Your baby is already quite large, and it becomes cramped in the uterus. Surely you feel that the movements of the baby are no longer as chaotic and active as they were before. Basically, he pushes you with elbows, knees, or heels. Due to the lack of free space, the fetus is forced to take a certain position in the uterus - as a rule, this position is upside down.

   30 week of pregnancy

By the end of this week, the fetus has grown to 37 cm and has a body weight of about 1400 grams, like a six-month-old kitten. This week continue to actively develop neural connections in the body of the baby. In response to a sudden intense sound, the fetus makes certain movements with its arms and legs, opens its eyes. If you repeat the same sound again, the motor response from the fetus will be less pronounced (movements will have less power and amplitude).

   31 weeks of pregnancy

Now your baby weighs like a newborn lion - about 1.5 kg. Its length from crown to heels is 41.1 cm. This week, the nervous connections in the body continue to actively develop. This is manifested in the fact that the fetus reacts to some kind of irritation not only by a change in motor activity, its reaction becomes more complex. For example, in response to a sudden intense sound, the fetus makes certain movements with its arms and legs, opens its eyes.

   32 week of pregnancy

Now your baby weighs about 1.7 kg. Its length from crown to heels is 40-42 cm - height, like that of a small blue penguin (or penguin elf). At this age, the fetal immune system begins to function more actively. Special immune cells, B lymphocytes, synthesize specific immunoglobulins of class G. Only they have the unique ability to penetrate the placental barrier, providing antibacterial protection. The baby's head grows, it becomes heavy and eventually "outweighs" so that the baby can take correct position  before childbirth.

33 week of pregnancy

Your baby weighs almost like a pineapple - about 1.9 kg, it takes 220-230 grams per week. Its length from crown to heels is 43.7 cm. Grandiose changes occur in the fetal brain. It is already fully formed. Now the main task of its development is the formation of the nerve centers responsible for managing these or other major processes in the body. For example, a respiratory center, a thermoregulation center, and a blood circulation regulation center (cardiovascular center) are being formed. You may notice that the baby has his own mode: he is active at certain hours.

34 week of pregnancy

Now your baby has reached the size of a small melon and weighs about 2.1 kg. Its length from the crown to the heels is 44-45 cm. The beat of the heart of your baby is clearly audible with a stethoscope. His heart rate is twice as high as that of an adult, and is 120-140 beats per minute. He often and with pleasure sucks his finger, so that the muscles involved in the process of sucking are well developed. This applies particularly to the muscles located in the thickness of the cheeks. That is why the cheeks of a newborn child have a pleasant nice roundness.

35 week of pregnancy

Now your baby weighs about 2200-2400 grams, like an average pumpkin. The length of the baby from crown to heels is about 46 cm, like a decorative orchid. Your baby is already ready to be born, but he uses the remaining time to gain weight: this is important, because some women have milk a little later, 2-3 days after giving birth. The kid will have to be patient and extra calories.

   36 week of pregnancy

The face of the fetus was rounded, puffy cheeks appeared, and folds and wrinkles disappeared. As a rule, at this time the fetus is located in the uterus head down. He is becoming more closely. The fetal bones of the fetus are soft enough, between them there are narrow slits and fontanelles filled with elastic connective tissue. How does this help him during the birth? Now your baby weighs about 2500-2600 grams. Its length from crown to heels is about 47 cm, like a classic rose.

   37 week of pregnancy

The fruit is actively growing. By the end of this week, its growth will increase to 48-49 cm (height of the iris) and increase its mass to 2800-2900 grams. You are preparing a dowry for your baby and, perhaps, take courses for pregnant women where you learn to breathe properly during childbirth. Your baby also learns to breathe. He performs constant rhythmic breathing movements, preparing the lungs, intercostal muscles and the diaphragm for the upcoming first breath.

38 week of pregnancy

This week is significant because right now all the organs and systems of the fetus are completely mature, ready for extrauterine existence. From this time, the direct preparation of mother and baby for childbirth begins. Now your baby weighs more than 2.7-3 kg, like a head of cheese. Its length from crown to heels is 49.8 cm.

   39 week of pregnancy

Your baby is preparing to be born. At the beginning of this week, the head of the fetus (with the head previa) goes down, clinging to the bones of the mother's pelvis. You will surely feel some relief when you feel that the uterus is no longer pressing this way on the diaphragm. From now on, the uterus may periodically make small cuts. They contribute to further lowering the head of the fetus and prepare the baby for childbirth.
   Your baby weighs less than 2800-3300 g. Its height from head to heel is approximately 50 cm; Interestingly, a dolphin is born with the same body length.

More information about the prenatal development of your baby can be found in our.

The most visible sign of pregnancy is a growing tummy. This, of course, is not surprising, because the baby grows inside the uterus in size. However, the volume of the abdomen by weeks of pregnancy increases for a reason, and not all pregnant women have the same amount for 9 months. The rules of the growth of the abdomen and the rate of increase in its volume during pregnancy make up a whole medical table by months, regarding which the specialist can tell a lot about the course of pregnancy and the development of the child. Well, besides the obvious growth of the new man inside, leads to an increase or decrease in the volume of the abdomen during pregnancy? Whether it is the growth of the uterus affects the speed, shape and size of the tummy, or the increasing amount of amniotic fluid, or the generally changing habitat of the baby - consider each component and its influence separately.

  1. In the early stages of pregnancy, when the size of the tummy cannot visually say anything else, the size of the ovum is determined by transvaginal ultrasound examination. The sensor inserted inside the vagina can detect after 2 weeks of pregnancy gestational egg  and with accuracy will determine its size and term.
  2. By this time, according to the average standards, the diameter of the ovum should already be from 2 to 4 mm, and the period starting from the first day of the beginning of menstruation should be about 6 to 7 calendar weeks.
  3. Most of the first trimester is before the 10th week of pregnancy, when the placenta is only forming and the hormones are actively changing for the growth of the baby, the size of the gestational egg reaches only 22 mm in diameter.
  4. Already on the 12th week the fertilized egg according to the norms should occupy almost the entire space of the uterus. Its size in this period reaches about 7 cm in diameter, and the weight increases to 22-25 g. It is after this period that the growing tummy becomes noticeable to the naked eye.
  5. At the beginning of the second trimester, at about the 16th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus increases to 12 cm, and its weight is already about 95 - 100 g.
  6. By the 20th week of pregnancy - the end of the 2nd trimester, the length of the fetus increases almost 2 times and can reach 26 cm. In this case, the weight of the gestational egg per trimester can increase up to 3 times and average from 260 - 300 g.
  7. Further growth is accelerated by days and already at the 24th week of pregnancy the abdominal volume is proportional to the growth of the baby - within 30 cm in length with a weight reaching according to statistics up to 685 - 710 g
  8. Starting from the 27th week of pregnancy, the volume of the future mom's tummy has already considerably increased and begins to create the first discomfort to the female body. By this time and up to the 28th week the embryo grows to 34 - 35 cm in length. The baby begins to rest its legs against the walls of the uterus and crush with a weight of approximately 1 kg. The load on the internal organs during this period increases, especially the pelvic organs suffer.
  9. By the 32nd obstetric week  the third trimester of pregnancy, the volume of a woman’s abdomen should be proportional to the height of the baby - within 41 cm, with a weight reaching almost 2 kg - about 1500 - 1800 g.
  10. By the 37th week of gestation, the growth rate of the abdominal volume in the normal should be, in accordance with the size of the fetus, from 46 to 49 cm with a weight of up to 2.5 kg
  11. Immediately before childbirth, the mass of a full-term embryo should normally be up to 5 kg, and its length should vary from 45 to 55 cm.

Uterus size by week of pregnancy

The uterus increases in volume with the fetus and abdomen during the entire period of pregnancy, according to the norms of the average table. For all the time, it changes not only in diameter, but also changes its shape, adapting to the length of the embryo.

  1. At the beginning of the first trimester, the uterus is similar in shape to a pear and varies slightly in weight. Its value is approximately from a chicken egg and is still completely invisible to a woman, and even more so to those around her.
  2. By the end of the 2nd month of pregnancy, the uterus increases in size up to 3 times. Its outlines are beginning to resemble the correct ball, and the size to reach a goose egg. This form will remain the rest of the first trimester and the entire second. The only difference will be that the uterus will increase in weight every day.
  3. The beginning of the third trimester is characterized by a change in the shape of the uterus to more elongated by increasing the length of the embryo. Thus, it will become more like an egg, and its size will already reach the head of a newborn baby. It was at this time that the bottom of the uterus begins to gradually be palpable outside through the abdominal wall.
  4. As a result of all changes, the uterus will increase its weight from 50 g to 1 kg. While the area of ​​its cavity reaches 500 times the size of the original. At the same time, the size of each muscle in length will increase by about 7 to 9 times, and in thickness - by 4.
  5. Closer to the resolution of labor, the vascular tissue of the uterus on the scale of oxygen content will be comparable in size to such vital human organs as the brain, heart, and liver.
  6. The size of the uterus, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, is measured by external methods. Under them understand the measurement of the magnitude of standing of the bottom of the uterus outside the hip bones using a conventional centimeter. Measurements are taken from the upper edge of the womb to the upper part of the uterus, which is considered its bottom. With normal fetal development, the result of such measurements in cm should correspond to the obstetric period of pregnancy.

Amniotic fluid by week of pregnancy

  1. As described above, the fetus, uterus and abdomen increase in size proportionally and evenly. But with the amniotic fluid situation is different.
  2. At the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy, the volume of amniotic fluid is usually about 30 - 35 ml, whereas already at the 14th week it reaches 100 ml, and at the 18th week - up to 350 - 400 ml.
  3. The maximum volume of intrauterine waters is fixed from the 30th week of pregnancy, when the volume of the abdomen for a woman is already quite large. Peak is reached at the prenatal period of 37 - 38 weeks of gestation. During this period, the maximum amount of amniotic fluid is fixed at a level of 1 - 1.5 liters.
  4. Immediately before childbirth, the amount of amniotic fluid is reduced by about 700 ml. And on the 42nd week, in the event of a child re-wearing, it increases again by the same amount.

The volume of the abdomen during pregnancy: norms

Strict and uniform changes in the size of the abdomen and uterus in terms of pregnancy is an integral part of its normal course. Therefore, at each examination, the doctor necessarily measures the size of the abdomen and determines the height of the bottom of the uterus.

  1. In early pregnancy, when external methods to measure the size of the uterus is not possible, the divergence of its size with the norm may indicate ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fertilized egg is often attached and begins its development in the fallopian tube.
  2. If the uterus is enlarged compared with the norm, the developing tumor, chorionepithelioma, which develops from the placenta and is a kind of growth of small hollow vesicles, may be the suspected cause of such an anomaly. Such a disease leads to the inevitable death of the fetus, and the health of the mother in this case completely depends on timely treatment.
  3. In the later stages of pregnancy, the disparity in size to the smaller side is a sign of a delay in the development of the fetus - hypotrophy in medical terminology. This pathology leads to the birth of a baby half the norm, which makes it difficult for him to live outside the womb of the mother.
  4. Insufficient size of the uterus compared with the norm is also possible in low water conditions. This pathological disorder of the normal course of pregnancy can be the result of a chronic disease in a woman, an infection, active inflammatory processes and other disturbances in the development of the fetus.
  5. Normal height of the bottom of the uterus depends on the correct location of the embryo. The so-called transverse arrangement, when the head and legs are on the sides, makes it difficult for a normal resolution of labor through the birth canal. Often, in such cases, a cesarean is required.
  6. Polymer is also one of the causes of abnormal pregnancy. In this case, the size of the uterus is larger than normal. Pregnancy during pregnancy refers to an increased risk group, with a high probability of complications in resolving childbirth. Polyhydrate can lead to an increase in the volume of uterine waters by 2 times and occurs in women with chronic diabetes, rhesus conflict between mother and child during pregnancy, as well as with various sexually transmitted infectious diseases and active inflammatory processes.
  7. Accelerated development of the fetus can be quite normal and the expected cause of rapid growth of the uterus. Large, compared with the average size, the fetus may be quite normal result of the genetic characteristics of the child, but including, to become a sign of the pathological development of the embryo. This situation requires more attention from doctors and mothers.

Abdominal form during pregnancy

The shape of the abdomen during pregnancy is also an important factor to which particular attention should be paid not only to obstetrician-gynecologists, but also to pregnant moms. A particularly noticeable form of a rounded tummy becomes in the second half of pregnancy.

  1. The normal position of the fetus inside the uterus is indicated by the volume of the tummy of the pregnant woman, starting from the 25th week of pregnancy, oval in the form of an egg.
  2. In the case of high water, already in the middle of the term, the abdomen takes on a more rounded shape and resembles a ball rather than an oval shape in its shape.
  3. The transverse location of the embryo leads to the fact that the woman’s abdomen looks more like a flattened oval - that is, the opposite situation is normal.
  4. Since the third trimester, at about 31 weeks of gestation, the volume of the enlarged abdomen in women with a narrow pelvis resembles more an oval with a sharp end at the top.
  5. Many believe that the shape of the tummy indicates the field of the unborn child. Unfortunately, this theory is scientifically not supported by anything and there is a practice of giving birth to girls in women with a pointed belly, and boys with a round one.