Crafts from the garbage into the garden. Do-it-yourself crafts from large and small boxes. Sculptures from trash.

Peacock - a beautiful bird made of plastic bottles

Making crafts from plastic bottles for the garden is an exciting and very interesting activity. Many of the usual plastic bottles create real masterpieces that will not only decorate the garden, but also amaze with their uniqueness and beauty of your guests and neighbors.

Necessary materials:

1. Metal mesh.
   2. Plastic bottles, their quantity depends on the volume of the container.
   3. Wire.
   4. Foam plastic.
   5. Canister.


1. Pliers.
   2. Nippers.

Considering that the future peacock should turn out to be rather large, it is necessary to pay close attention to the bird body. He must stand firmly on the ground and with no problems withstand the weight of the whole structure. For a base, cut a circle or a rectangle here, so that someone likes, drill 2 through holes in the central part of the base. It is better to take the wire as thick as possible in isolation. Strip and bend the middle part of the wire so that the canister can be fixed on the bend. Pass the ends of the wire through the holes of the wooden base and firmly fasten it on the reverse side.

Put the canister on its side and visually divide the side closest to you into 3 parts. Carefully cut off 2/3 of the measured side by grabbing the bottom of the canister. The resulting rectangle at the top of the displace and secure with wire or screws. Connect the trunk and skeleton (legs), to give the desired position for the bird.

From the 2-liter bottle cut feathers. On average, 8 long feathers are made from the side of one bottle and 6 more short feathers emerge from its bottom.

From the milk bottles, cut off two small rectangles, roll them up with a scoop, fasten with scotch tape and attach to the body this “peacock” of a peacock. Systematically fasten the feathers to the canister row by row - closing the belly, chest and partly sides. Fastening feathers is made from the inside of the canister through the hole, which turned out during the manufacture of the body.

Using nippers and pliers, we make wings; to do this, it is necessary to bend the grid in the shape of a canister and fix it on the body. On the sides of the net should be slightly bent back, feather wings will be attached here.

From the bottle, cut off the neck and bottom, cut out 8 by 3 cm strips from the middle part, 7 strips are necessary for each wing. To fix the first strip on the grid and give it a feather shape, to fix each subsequent strip, moving a little to the side along the way, to make it look like a wing. Smaller feathers cut from identical plastic plates (5 to 3 cm). Subsequent rows of feathers in a semicircle and secure each separately.

Feathers must be laid tightly to each other.

The neck is made of 2 two-liter bottles. Their middle part is cut lengthwise and turned into a paper bag, each bag should be fastened with scotch tape, then the parts must be joined and attached to the peacock body.

The position of the head and its shape is chosen arbitrarily, i.e. as you like. It is made of foam, instead of the eyes are inserted and glued buttons or beads. In the upper part of the head is cut under the crest.

The crest is cut from thin strips of plastic and inserted into the slot filled with glue.

Feathers on the head are attached with glue. The next stage is painting. Since crafts from plastic bottles for the garden are always unusual and colorful, at this stage you are required to have a full flight of imagination and maximum self-expression.

Peacock decoration - tail. Feathers for him is better to do from green bottles. The middle part of a plastic bottle is cut into strips, each strip is folded in half length and shaped into a fringed pen.

Consistently fasten the tail feathers to the grid, placing them in a semicircle. And our handsome ready!

Every day, people throw out household garbage in the form of plastic bottles, cardboard boxes from under shoes, sweets, disposable dishes, CD disks, and other old things. But from this seemingly unnecessary garbage can make interesting things, developing imagination and motor skills. A person does not risk anything, the thing is still to be disposed of, why not try to give it a second life.

Probably, all people, being of school age, elementary grades, did crafts as homework. If earlier crafts were mainly made from cones, acorns using matches, you can now use plastic, for example, bottles. What can be done from them: various toys, crafts for school, stands, playground design, vases, flowers, decorations.

Having done some small steps with two plastic bottles, fastening them with a transparent tape, you can easily make a boat or a flower. From the bottles you can also build a beautiful playground. Cutting the green bottles into strips, sticking them on a stick, you can simulate a palm tree. The bottleneck is well suited to the role of the pig's muzzle, and the cap is suitable for heels.

Do not throw old newspapers and magazines in the bin, they will be useful for creating interesting and, most importantly, useful things. For example, needlewomen build interesting and beautiful wicker baskets, boxes and other items from old newspapers.

The shell of walnuts, which eats people, also should not be thrown away, it can perfectly fit to create a ladybug, you just need to show a little imagination and pick up the paint.

DIY handicrafts from large and small boxes

In no case should large or small paper boxes be thrown into the trash, because of them it is easy to make a lot of very effective handicrafts: a car, a house in a nursery, a bed for dolls, a casket, children's toy furniture, etc.

Large boxes of refrigerators, stoves are very well suited for the creation of children's toy furniture. Small boxes can come in handy in order to build cots for toys. From the box you can also make a bed for your four-legged friend. For the decor, you can use beautiful candy boxes. For example, you can make an interesting panel by pasting a box with various colors and patterns. The box is mounted on the wall with glue or screws. Also, boxes can be used as bases for shelves for items that are not too heavy in weight.

Also, do not throw out old CDs. From scratched and unwanted discs you can make interesting coasters. Having upholstered a disk from above with soft material, it is possible to make an interesting needle bed for storage of needles, invisible women. Old discs are also useful for making toy slabs, for which a box from purchased items is also useful. Having pasted the paper crumpled into a ball with slices of a cut disc, you get a disco ball. Directing the rays of light on it, you can see an interesting projection on the walls and ceiling.

Hello, friends! In the past three days, stubbornly wandered the Internet in search of ... garbage) Or rather, in search of handicrafts that can be built from it. And, you know, some crafts are so good that it is even difficult to imagine that they are made from what could simply be taken and thrown away.

In this article I want to present you a great overview of the "junk" masterpieces. Crafts from the trash, which are worthy of praise!

Lesson plan:

From empty matchboxes

They say that matches for children is not a toy! And it is right! But from the boxes, you can not only make toys, but even the most real ones didactic games. See for yourself.

Pasting the boxes with a piece of paper and writing letters on them, we get the alphabet!

And inside we hide the figures, whose names begin with different letters of the alphabet. The result is an interesting developmental educational toy. Yes, and multifunctional! After all, a child learning the alphabet can:

  • try to build the letters in order;
  • to make words from letters;
  • place items in the correct boxes.

And this not only develops thinking, but also fine motor skills.

Tired of learning letters? No problems! You can relax! From the colored boxes you can always build something.

Another version of the game with boxes - "Who eats what?"

I just want to bravely tell the author for such an idea. Here, on the outer part of the boxes, images of animals are pasted, and inside there are different habitats. Boxes understand. Well, then you need to properly collect them. We develop horizons? But how! Yes, and we train the memory.

I think many mummies, when they were still girls and had a couple - three small pupsies, had furniture made from matchboxes. I had! I am sure that modern girls will like to do it themselves and play with such interesting doll furniture.

After all, there are so many shelves, so many lockers. And there you can hide so much.

You in kindergarten  didn't you ask to make a mathematical case by chance? We were not asked, but from my friends of kindergarten parents I heard about such a thing. And it is made again from matchboxes. And it looks like this.

This pencil case helps kids learn geometric figures, score, colors.

If there is a needlewoman in the house, then she will surely be pleased with such an organizer for all sorts of different handmade things.

And after all in its manufacturing there is nothing difficult. The main thing to include fantasy!

And you can also make puzzles from boxes.

Just take one beautiful picture, cut it into rectangles, stick the rectangles on match houses and puzzles are ready!

From sleeves from toilet paper

From matchboxes go to another popular material for the manufacture of handicrafts. Allow me to imagine the sleeves from the rolls of toilet paper, which give practically unlimited possibilities to the young masters.

Let's start with a cool organizer for stationery.

This is such a caterpillar. I think that if it settles on the desktop of a first-grader, then it will not be boring for sure) The body of the caterpillar is made of sleeves. They are covered with corrugated cardboard and look very much nothing. Do you agree? It will not be a shame to attribute such an article to the school.

In continuation of our review - a sorter game for children.

10 color plugs. They have 10 digits. And different little things, buttons, some figures, large beads in plosechkah. The game will help to deal with the colors, to get acquainted with the account.

It is not strange, but the sleeves and pictures are written! They just need to be cut, and then from the pieces to make different flowers, leaves, circles. And all this stick in any, beautiful order.

It turns out very gently and beautifully.

If you take a little bit of the top of the sleeve, you get ears. And then the little animals with ears. Variety. And very beautiful.

Here you have the heroes of various games.

And you can try to make here such animals.

It's a little more difficult, but the result is worth the effort.

It is interesting to look at these stands for pencils and markers.

And the idea is simple. Need to take the thread and gently wrap them sleeve. Then build a decoration of fabric or felt. And that's it! The original and pleasant to the touch keepers of colored pencils.

From the trays of eggs

We too often throw out trays in which eggs are sold, without even thinking that they can make very nice things.

For example, here are such charming caterpillars.

Someday they will definitely become butterflies, but in the meantime they stand, look, what else to chew)

Or such chickens. Surely laying hens! Just a couple of simple touches and the poultry yard is ready!

And it is possible and original! Take a cardboard tray, cut it into separate cells, paint them in different colors, strung on threads, and then tie these threads to a stick.

That's ready for an interesting bright suspension, which will please the eye and cheer up)

And still from trays very beautiful flowers turn out. You can make flowers very simple, such as daisies, but it can be more complicated, for example, roses. There are a lot of options.

Well, you can decorate with such flowers anything you like. For example, a frame for a photo or a frame for a mirror.

From plastic trays, you can also make beautiful flowers. But I think it is a little harder than cardboard.

Well, now not entirely out of the craft hack, but rather from what is in the tray. Of eggs. Rather from an empty eggshell. First you need to carefully remove the egg from the shell, and leave it almost intact, removing only the upper part. Then fill the shell with earth and plant the seeds of some fast-growing grass. Wait and water! And after some time to get acquainted with such funny grass.

Only in order that they could wink and smile at you, you will need to draw them eyes and mouths)

From empty boxes of juice or milk

Do you like juice? Do you drink milk? And where are the boxes? Surely throwing away, but in vain! Indeed, in the soul of each box - not just a box, but a real man! With his little face and with his character. Do not believe? See for yourself!

From large empty boxes you can make vehicles.

And land.

And air.

And even waterfowl.

Well, for fans of something to grow here is offered such an option.

Vegetable garden in the boxes. A very convenient way to grow different seedlings. And neatly, and on special trays do not need to spend money.

And now about the serious. How to make sure that there is always order on the table? Of course, install an organizer! You can, of course, buy it. But it is much more interesting to make it with your own hands all of the same irreplaceable boxes. And decorate to your liking.

From used disposable tableware

Well, now go to the crafts of disposable tableware. Let's start with plastic spoons. What would be such an interesting thing to do? Maybe flowers, and at the same time and ladybirds?

Well, just like living ones)

And a couple of representatives of the kingdom of insects, only bigger size.

These beetles are made from paper plates. In my opinion, they are just charming!

And what about such a gorgeous hat?

It is made of two plastic plates. One deep and one flat. The middle plate is cut out in a flat plate and a deep one is glued to it. Do not forget to paint your hat in your favorite color and decorate. Here, by the way, would come flowers from egg trays, which were discussed a little earlier.

If you like to arrange home theater performances, then the plastic plates are ready to help you with the actors. You can make them attractive faces of different animals, and then stick a small stick to each one. And the artists of the puppet theater are ready.

And if you cut eyes in the faces, you get masks. And a cheerful children's masquerade is guaranteed. Then you will look at the photo and remember how great it was!

And now about the beautiful. See what a miracle.

This is a fan made of plastic forks. Forks are attached to the old disc unnecessary. Decorated fan ribbons, flowers and lace.

A real work of art that can decorate any interior!

And in this photo you see a fan of large and small spoons.

Also very beautiful.

I also advise you to pay attention to the article about and from them.

That's all for today! I hope you liked the review, and you already wanted to create something with your own hands!

Yours, Evgenia Klimkovich.

Craftsmen who could create whole masterpieces out of nothing were always there. Today, together with household garbage, we throw away so much of the potential material at hand for all sorts of handicrafts that just a head is spinning. A variety of plastic bottles, boxes and containers, corks, tubes, cups, disposable dishes and plain paper can all be used again. What kind of waste can be made by yourself?

All good

Plastic bottles rightfully occupy the first place among household garbage used to obtain all sorts of fixtures and decorative elements. They are durable and flexible at the same time, easy to deform.

They decorate the house adjoining areas, making of them figures of animals, birds and insects, laying out whole compositions, joining together individual elements with tape or glue.

Pet boxes and dolls are made of cardboard boxes, and from a large box you can make a whole spaceship or a racing car for your child. Disposable tableware is used to decorate wall panels, and from old clothes you can weave a rug.

Do-it-yourself handicrafts: how to make a pencil cup out of plastic glass and papier-mâché? You will need a plastic bottle, a paper egg container, artistic primer and acrylic paints.

Production steps:

  • Trim the bottle to the desired height and stick it around with a mass of papier-mâché. Do not forget to add PVA glue to paper porridge;
  • Now you need to make a three-dimensional drawing from the same paper. What it will be, is up to you. It is possible to realize a plot from some fairy tale, for example, to fulfill Little Red Riding Hood and a wolf, as well as vegetation inherent in the forest;
  • After 3-5 days, when the papier-mâché dries, you can proceed to the primer, and then paint the pencil case with acrylic paints. If not, gouache or watercolor will do;
  • Everything, original support for pencils with a volume decor is ready. Just admire it and use for its intended purpose.

We do with children

If you have small children in your house, you can be involved in the process of making something
  interesting and their.

For children, handicrafts from the waste can become part of any game presentation. Unnecessary plastic containers of chocolate eggs surprises can be used to make men and animals.

Armed with a marker, clay and self-adhesive eyes, you can make a lot of all kinds of animals.

And even if later the baby will not play with them, he will love the process of making it, and you will spend your free time with benefit.

The stages of making multi-colored caterpillars from this category of materials:

  • Multi-colored threads for knitting cut into small pieces. It is necessary to heat a thick needle or awl on the fire and make two holes in the front and back of several containers, one opposite the other;
  • To paste the egg with double-sided tape, remove the top film and sprinkle each with threads of the same color, trying to fix them as tightly as possible to the tape;
  • Now at the end of the usual gum it is necessary to fix the bead - it will serve as the nose of the caterpillar. Thread the lower end along the entire body of the insect, thus connecting the containers together;
  • It is possible to strengthen the structure if a small knot is also made inside the container in front of the second hole. Last kinder fix button for the tail. It remains to attach the caterpillars eyes. And you can also mark the floor by decorating your head with ribbons, ribbons or a funny cap.

For children, you can come up with a lot of crafts from household waste.

Surely many dads or grandfathers have a bag with tools, which stores the mass of all kinds of nuts, bolts, screws, etc.

Together with the child, you can lay out a whole picture of them, delineating the outlines, for example, of a machine with a string, and fill the inner space with these iron fixtures, pre-painting them with gold or silver paint.

Handicrafts from toilet paper rolls

Handicrafts made from household waste with their own hands, designed to decorate the interior and solve many other problems. For example, from the rolls of the most ordinary toilet paper can be made multifunctional device in which you can store every little thing - buttons, clips, buttons, pins, jewelry and the same pencils. Make a useful device is extremely simple.

Here are the manufacturing steps:

  • Take a few rolls of toilet paper and cover them with acrylic paint. You can choose two colors and cover them with one outside and the other inside, and if you have the ability to draw, you can decorate the products at your discretion;
  • Armed with scissors or a stationery knife, shorten the rolls, make different in height. Now you need to glue the tubes together in any variation, and then also with the help of glue to fix the structure on the cardboard base. All stand with your hands ready.

Ideas for creating crafts lie on the surface, just look around you.

Try to make something useful and beautiful and you, and this process will bring you a lot of pleasure. Good luck and success!

Every day with household garbage, people throw away a lot of used material, which can still be used, for handicrafts with their own hands from waste. As a rule, these are paper or plastic items, such as:

  • bottles;
  • packaging;
  • traffic jams;
  • hoses;
  • tubules;
  • cups;

and many other various materials, the use of waste in such a craft as the source material is very profitable, because they are worth nothing and in case of failure, you just need to try to make the conceived figure or useful thing again.

Handicrafts from waste not only allow us to occupy or cheer a child, but it is also very good way  protect the environment from unnecessary tons of household garbage.

What can be done from waste garbage

Plastic bottles.

Used plastic bottles are perfect as a raw material for crafts for the school out of waste. It is a very durable and at the same time flexible, deformable substance. Starting from bird feeders and ending with pencil coasters. With them you can do such things as:

  • toys;
  • coasters;
  • boxes;
  • vases;
  • flowers;
  • decorations;

even by simply connecting two bottles with adhesive tape, in which holes for the mast and sail are pre-made, you can make a boat. Such   They not only protect the environment from pollution, but also develop thinking.

Carton boxes.

After moving or buying household appliances, there are often many cardboard boxes. Handicrafts from the waste of such cardboard can be of completely different scales and purposes. You can make a small toy house and paint it with colored pencils. A few boxes, a roll of duct tape and fantasy are necessary things for a child to build, a full-fledged game room.

  • This is a great drawing paper for decorating, as it is solid and paper coated.
  • And also each paper packaging can be used as a building block, fastening them with glue or tape, we get a wall.
  • You can build small houses for children's games.
  • Create furniture.
  • With the help of pencils or old CDs, the box will turn into a stove, gluing to it also handles of rings from bottle caps.
  • Having slightly changed the shape of the box by decorating it, his children easily get spaceships or racing cars.
  • To get a bed for a doll or a kitten, you just need to cover the bottom of the box with a soft cloth.

These and many other crafts from the waste of cardboard products can be made for the entertainment of the child.

Disposable tableware.

Handicrafts from household waste, above all, should bring joy and entertain people. Here is very relevant disposable paper utensils. With such products with just three things:

  • glue;
  • colored markers;
  • and scissors;

you can make a lot of bright and joyful figures, for example:

  • the yellow sun is a plate, and attached at the edges of the fork, these are rays of light;
  • decorating the plate and slightly changing its shape can be done ladybug, fish funny faces, birds or pig pigs.

Old clothes.

The second use of waste of clothing, or its parts, will allow to diversify the wardrobe of children's toys and pupae, and to develop the child's motor skills.

Sewing old or unnecessary things for baby dolls, you can sew to them:

  • buttons;
  • snakes;
  • stickies;
  • straps;
  • ropes;
  • buttons;

and other fasteners. It contributes to the development of the child, he learns to use all kinds of fasteners on his own, and also learns how to dress properly.

Many such crafts can transform   that is not only beneficial for the environment, but also financially beneficial.

It will be interesting to you - what can be made from plastic bottles