Didactic games on coherent speech for children. Who talks like that? Who was who

Lexical and grammatical games and exercises

"Say what"

Purpose:  learn to identify and name the signs of the subject.

An adult gets items out of the box, calls them (“This is a pear,” and the child calls signs (“It is yellow, soft, tasty.” “This is a tomato.” - “It is red, round, ripe, juicy.” “This is a cucumber.” - "It. Oblong, green, crisp").

Step 2 Divide participants into small groups. Ask them to read the text and identify the information contained in the travel report. Before you start reading, indicate who the author is and the communication situation in which the text was written. A hot city suitable for you to pamper yourself with the natural charm of Mirante Park, an ecological area, with a privileged view of the bride's Nevushka, a jump formed by the river, which is a constant attraction and where the most diverse fish stops.

The Piracicaba River has already spilled water. This is also the traditional point of the Divine feast and buoy championships. Tupi Gardening Forest is very popular for its ecological beauty. Central Engenjo, the postcard, was used as a sugar cane mill; is home to the play “Passion of Christ”, “Feast of Nations”, “International Salon of Humor” and various exhibitions.

"Decorate the word"

Purpose.  To learn to select as many adjectives as possible to the noun.

A group of children is divided into two teams. Each team is given a noun and the task is set for certain time  recruit as many adjectives as possible that fit this noun. Wins the team that scored more adjectives.

For those who like to stay in the clouds, you need to go to the air club, do jumps in skydiving, extreme sports and participate in the championship in aeronautics. For those who love to "graze" in the Feast, there is a place for radical maneuvers with a skateboard.

Porto Street offers sports and leisure activities such as canoes and fishing, as well as weekends, libraries, street vendors and storytellers to entertain children. Some say that the history of the city is good! Founded by Antonio Correa Barbosa, who, arriving here, only saw the indigenous tribes on the banks of the bright and charming river. Bring lots and lots of clothes, because you leave a lot to enjoy and have fun. We have a large network of hotels, from popular to luxurious cozy.

The sun:  bright, brilliant, radiant, warm, kind, hot, dazzling, etc. Dress: beautiful, elegant, light, warm, patterned, festive, etc.

"Who more will see and call"

Purpose:  highlight and label with word external signs  subject.

An adult and a child are considering a doll, called garments and appearance. (eyes, hair)  . Then comes the bunny. They say he's gray (soft, fluffy)  a fur coat, long ears, in a word one can say: the hare is long ... ear (long-eared)  . And the tail of the hare. (short)  it means he is short-tailed. The cat is smooth, fluffy, her paws are white, which means she. whitepaw. For the correct answers, the doll gives the child flags. (ribbons, rings from the pyramid).

We look forward to rich crafts scattered throughout the city, decorating places and bringing joy, through dolls and paintings. Here you are fascinated and amazed! To stimulate brainstorming, ask groups to present their findings. At the end, click on the spaces indicated in the travel report so that they are confronted with your observations.

Production tourist report. The production of a tourism report assumes that there is a situation in which at least one publisher who publishes a magazine specializing in tourism and wants to sell it, a reporter whose job is to travel and obtain data about places of interest, and also who converts data collected by the reporter, in a text intended for readers who want to travel and buy magazines of this genre for information. The writer, when he writes, uses the spoken language, as if he was talking to his reader.

"Who can do what?"

Purpose:  pick up verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals.

The child is shown pictures of animals, and he says that they like to do as they cry. For example, a cat - meows, purrs, scratches, lacquered milk, catches mice, plays with a ball; the dog barks, stalls the house, gnaws bones, growls, wags its tail, runs. Similarly, the game is conducted on other topics.

He seeks to captivate this reader in order to find out the place described in his report in a pleasant and attractive way. With each working genre, it is necessary to study well our own production situation and its general characteristics. In the case of the Tourism Report, we propose to captivate students, create a production situation for writing a genre that reproduces the medium for recording a journal in a classroom. Students will be journalists who will collect geographic and historical information, conduct interviews with local residents and write a tourist report that will be published in the journal of tourism.

"Who will call more action"

Purpose:  pick up verbs denoting actions.

What can you do with flowers? (To tear, plant, water, look, admire, give, smell, put in a vase.)  What does the janitor do? (Sweeps, cleans, watering flowers, cleans tracks from snow, sprinkles them with sand.)  What does the plane do? (Flies, buzzes, rises, takes off, sits down.)  What can you do with the doll? (Play, walk, feed, treat, bathe, dress up.)

It is important to help them put themselves in the role of a reporter in a delightful face. This will allow them to distance themselves from the usual way to see the city and look at it with an "appearance", the look of the one who sees the city for the first time, and should describe it to its readers.

As reporters, they can visit some places in their city, collect data about it and describe it so well that they attract readers to visit. The first step is to provide clear information about access to the site, location, weather, etc. In addition, you need to describe the local sights, going beyond the listing of the qualities of this place.

For each correct answer, a child is given a colored ribbon. The winner is the one who collects ribbons of all colors.

“Where can I do?”

Purpose:  activation of verbs used in a particular situation.

What can you do in the forest? (Go for walks, gather mushrooms, berries, listen to birds, relax.)  What can you do on the river? (Swimming, diving, sunbathing, boating (boat, boat, fishing.)

It is necessary that they dominate their own adjectives of this type, use typical expressions that tourists usually find in this kind of accountability, using spoken language, often using the pronoun you to build an intimate reader tone, put verbs in the present, to give the current feeling that the genre must have, use conviction in phrases like "You can not miss this walk" or "What are you waiting for to pack?".

The importance of building collective text

The visitor gradually discovers the region of Ibitipoca, in Minas. Start a conversation by telling participants that most teachers are still hesitant to write a collective text with their students, because they consider this proposal a very difficult task. However, we know that this stage of the didactic sequence is fundamental to learning any textual genre. Thus, we offer in this seminar a more detailed reflection on the collective production of the text.

"Who will say more words"

Purpose:  to name the qualities, attributes and actions of animals, paying attention not only to the appearance of the characters, but also to character traits.

An adult shows a child a picture — for example, a squirrel — and suggests telling her about what she is, what she can do, what her character is, thereby giving room for the selection of words of different parts of speech and calling not only the outer features of the character: red squirrel, furry, quick, quick, courageous, quick-witted; she climbs on a pine tree, gathers mushrooms, punctures them for drying, stores up cones so that there are nuts for the winter.

To find out your experience in this procedure, ask the group questions: do you usually build collective texts with your students? What difficulties does this activity bring? To facilitate discussion, since participants submit information, organize it in a table, and then analyze the records with the group.

Build collective text

Collective text production requires that the teacher has not only possession of the class, but also clarity of the communication environment and knowledge of the genre. In an attempt to help them in this task, we suggest reading the following text. It is in this exercise that the class organizes a synthesis of what has been learned in previous seminars, which allows each student to have personal and definite progress in the degree of learning achieved. This means that, although they are at different points in the field of content being taught, synthesis of synthesis contributes to the organization of what has already been learned and points to new problems.

Similarly, the task is given about other animals: the hare is a small, fluffy, shy, trembling with fear; little mouse - with a long tail, curious.

“Find the exact word”

Purpose:  teach children to accurately name the object, its qualities and actions.

Find out what subject I'm saying: “Round, sweet, ruddy - what is it? " (Objects may differ from each other not only in taste, but also in size, color, shape).

This work works in the proximal area of ​​cognitive development of students, and the exchange of information between students of the same class allows peers who are at a more advanced stage of knowledge to help the process of teaching others and their own, who teaches and learns.

Collective production should encourage negotiations between teachers and students and between the students themselves. It talks about what should be written, in what order it should be written and how it should be written, in text production, which establishes the ability of authorship. Different points of view appear, and students can understand that there are several ways to “adjust the tone” of the text and choose their own way of writing.

Add in other words what I begin: the snow is white, cold. (what else)  . Sugar is sweet, and lemon. (sour)  . In spring, the weather is warm, and in winter. (cold) .

What are the things in the room round, high, low.

Remember, which of the animals how to move. Crow. (flies, fish. (swims)  grasshopper. (jumping)  , really. (crawls).  Which animal gives a voice? Cock. (crows,  tiger. (growls)  mouse (squeaks)  cow (moos)

In order for the work to produce the expected result, it must be organized in an orderly manner, avoiding dispersion, which is common in longer actions. Therefore, the teacher must prepare for the use of strategies that will keep the class attentive longer. If the teacher has classes for less than an hour, you can divide this work into two days. It should be noted that the teacher is not the author of the text, and not just a “scribe”, to those who transcribe the speech of students. He can and should contribute, ask questions and give directions.


Master class "The development of coherent speech of preschoolers through the didactic game and game techniques"


Preschool age is a period of active learning by a child of the spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech: phonetic, lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the mother tongue in preschool childhood is a prerequisite for solving the problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer it will be to use it in the future. Often communicating with a person, precisely by the content of speech, by its literacy, we judge its culture, upbringing and general intellectual level. The better and clearer for others the child says, the easier it is for him to communicate with people. Connected speech implements the main function of language and speech - communicative. Communication with others is carried out with the help of coherent speech. In a coherent speech, the interrelation of mental and speech development: the formation of the dictionary, grammatical structure, phonemic side. In order to successfully complete the elementary education program, the speech of children entering the school must meet the requirements of the modern school. Among them it is possible to single out the pithiness of children's speech, consistency and experience, accuracy and clarity of the stated thoughts, expressiveness. Therefore, the development of coherent speech is one of the main tasks that preschool education sets.

Before starting the writing of the text: - explain to the students the importance of writing a collective text; - to restore with them the situation of communication and the scenario of aspects peculiar to the genre. - encourage classroom participation through questions. After reading the communication impressions and reflections. Then recount the image that they created at the beginning of the seminar and ask. What caught your attention most when reading the text? What changes would you make to your findings? Does the text have hints and tips to overcome some difficulties?

Review what has been said and written.

Reading the text helped to think about new strategies for collective production with students? Step 1 Start the seminar by returning participants to the didactic sequence, starting with the first issue and ending with the final text. Highlight the importance of the teacher’s work in revising and improving the text.

The development of speech is traditionally carried out in various activities of children. However, only learning the native language in special classes can have a sustainable developmental effect. The system of speech development classes is based on an integrated approach. For the purpose of its methodological support, a special developmental technology has been developed, aimed at solving different but interrelated tasks in intervals of one occupation, covering different aspects of speech development - phonemic, lexical, grammatical, and as a result, ensuring the development of coherent monologue speech.

The teacher plays a fundamental role in the process of revising and improving the text. It is he who performs mediation, asks questions, gives advice, encourages the student to think about the production itself. It should also help the student return to the text, communicate with him and find new opportunities to improve aspects of his production; think about what you need to add, delete, organize, rewrite.

In this process, however, the teacher should not be confused with the help, which is his role, with excessive intervention in the production of the student. It is necessary to preserve the authorship of the text. Start improving the text by resuming the communication situation. Step 2 Organize participants in small groups. Give each group three texts, asking them to read, comment and determine which products are closest to the textual genre of tourist information. After choosing, send teachers to analyze the selected text in more detail.

In teaching preschoolers to build connected texts, it is necessary to develop the ability to uncover the topic and the main idea of ​​the statement.

According to the method of transmission of information or the method of presentation, the following types of statements are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning.

Learning to compose texts of different types is carried out in such forms of work as a conversation, analysis (evaluation) of one's own and someone else's text, drawing up a plan and a story on it, using the text scheme (model) and various kinds of exercises, didactic games.

Ask them to ask questions, directions in writing - to guide the improvement of production. For example: what information can we add to make the text more attractive to the reader? Step 3 Review with participants the fact that most students are not familiar with the task of revising the text itself. Therefore, it is necessary to teach them how to identify the aspects that need to be changed, and explain how best to do it. This is a permanent teacher’s job that will help them solve this problem.

Ask participants to compare the grouped statements with the “Roadmap Review and Improvements” by checking out common questions. Remind the group that there are several opportunities to improve the letter and make it more suitable for the tourism genre. Below is the teacher's suggestion to improve the text.

The basic principles of developing games are: combining the elements of the game and teaching, the transition from the game — fun through games — tasks and teaching activities; gradual complication of learning tasks and game conditions; increase the mental activity of the child, the formation of verbal and non-verbal communication in gaming activities; unity of learning and educational influences. As the main means of teaching the development of coherent speech, she singled out for herself a didactic game and playing techniques.

I need to wake up every day between five and twenty times a school because my farm is five kilometers from school. In my farm there are a lot of fruit trees and a lot of places to play. Sunday is the day of sightseeing, we go to church, to my uncles and grandfathers' house to the carriage with my princess.

The city of joyful people, calm, who spends Sundays and holidays in the baths of the city, fun without violence. The city is located in a strategic location in the metropolitan region of the state. The origin of its name is associated with the existence of a small waterfall, which was close to a kilometer above the bridge over the Itai River, which prevented swimming, especially in the dry season. Rio Dos was released on May 15 from.

The most important condition for the successful implementation of the educational field “Communication” is the gradual mastering of speech activity in the unity of all its components. The authors of the program offer the realization of the tasks of the development of coherent speech through the literary, artistic and play activities of children.

Working in preparatory groups  several years, and conducting diagnostic studies revealed low level  development of coherent speech. Children found it difficult to establish causal relationships, therefore they made substantial and semantic errors in retellings, in independent stories, they needed constant help from an educator.

Analysis of diagnostic data showed that the speech of children was characterized by the omission of semantic links, violation of the logical sequence of the narration, long pauses. Children were passive during the discussion of the text. Thus, it came to the conclusion that it is necessary to use in their work practical methods aimed at the application of speech skills and abilities

improvement. Practical methods include various didactic games and exercises. They are used to solve all speech problems.

Hypothesis: The development of coherent speech of children preschool age  carried out through the use of didactic games and gaming techniques.

Stage I Objective: the assimilation of the structure of storyline by children.

I began my work with the method of collaborative telling, where I used such a game technique “I will begin, and you continue,” “Finish the sentence.”

The practical part:

The first one fell out ...

In the morning, the children ...

Girl Masha plays ...

In the process of teaching the planning of statements, she set the scheme, naming the beginning of the sentence, suggested the sequence, the ways of communication (“Once upon a time there was a girl. Once she was. And towards her.”). This technique is aimed at the joint construction of short statements, when an adult begins a phrase, and the child finishes it.

The practical part:

"Find a mistake"

1 The girl hurt herself on a stone.

Paul hit the ball.

2. The rope jumped over the girl.

The girls jumped over the rope.

3. The cloud hid behind the sun.

The sun hid behind a cloud.

Then she gave her sample of the story - this is a short lively description of the subject or a statement of an event, available to children to follow and borrow. In this case, I used the toy storytelling technique, as the toy causes positive emotions, a desire to speak out. At this stage, she used the toy store toy games, who is this? "," Wonderful Pouch "," Learn from the description "," Advertising ".

As a visual support, I offered the children the “Toy Description Scheme”. These games encouraged children to actively participate in speech. In order to complicate the game, she began to use riddles-descriptions. So, at first I taught children to guess riddles, and then to make riddles descriptions. Here she encouraged children to use the scheme on their own.

The practical part:

Listen and guess what is at stake. (It is red, round, rubber, they can be beaten off the floor or rolled to each other. You can also throw it in the basket and play outside.) Make a story based on the scheme of any of the toys.

At this stage, the work used the following types of toys: didactic (dolls, pyramids); subject (figurative): dolls, cars, animals, dishes, furniture, transport; ready-made sets of toys, united by one content: a herd, a zoo, a poultry yard; sets made up by a teacher or children - boy, girl, dog; girl, house, chicken, cat.

Also included in the work and the consideration of plot paintings. For storytelling selected pictures with a simplified plot and gave a sample of his story on the picture. The need for a sample is due to the insufficient development of coherent speech, inability to consistently present events, since there is still no clear idea about the structure of the narration. The sample teaches the sequence of events, proper construction of sentences and their connection with each other, the selection of the necessary vocabulary.

In continuation of the work on the development of coherent speech, she included the narration of a series of plot paintings (no more than three). Together with the children, they reviewed and described each picture from the series, and then combined them into one plot, building a finished story. Here, in the review process, they identified: the beginning, the middle, the end of the story.

As a result of the work done, the children mastered the skills to accurately and correctly select the words that characterize the features of objects. With the help of an adult to find the essential features of objects, identify and reproduce the logic of the descriptive story. Children began to carefully listen to peer stories, notice mistakes and correct them.

At the second stage of her work, she complicated all kinds of games and gaming techniques. In a joint narration, she used a partial sample — the beginning or end of the story, since this technique makes it easier for children to create text themselves.

She used to consolidate the ability to tell or demonstrate to children the options for a creative task. A sample of the story was analyzed together with the children; this encourages children to consistently describe the structure of the story. This technique tells them a plan for future stories. The story plan was accompanied by brainstorming. In the course of a consistent discussion of the plan, the most interesting statements  and united in a holistic story.

Continuing to work on making stories about toys, I used a set of toys. Composing a coherent consecutive story in a group of toys, she accompanied with play actions with toys according to the type of game — dramatization. In this case, the compilation of the story is facilitated by the fact that the child talks about the actions that accompany him. Gradually, the children began to make their own stories. At this stage, she helped to develop the plot using words - bundles, verbal vocabulary (called, ran away, met and., Taught to include a dialogue of actors (asked, answered, elements describing the appearance of the characters. For the story, selected 2-3 toys to make it easier to develop the plot and include in the narration of all the actors, to pick up words for actions, to use direct speech.This way of telling is like children, they themselves want to invent similar stories or fairy tales.

Complicated and the content of didactic games on the description of their content. In the game “Toy Shop”, the child - the buyer must describe the toy, based on the scheme - the model, and the seller - guess what kind of toy it is and sell it. In addition to the description, she set the requirement for the receipt of a toy: call the department, the shelf on which it stands. In individual work with children, she introduced a competitive moment (“Who will tell better about the toy”).

In drawing up stories on the picture, she sought a consistent description of all the characters, their interrelations, and setting, using a variety of language tools, more complex grammatical constructions.

The practical part:

In her work on a series of narrative paintings she used various game techniques. The exercise “Find a mistake” - a set of pictures with a deliberately broken sequence is displayed on the board. Participants must find the error, correct it, come up with the name of the story and the content of all the pictures.

In the task “Continue the story” - the whole series of pictures is on the board, the first picture is open, the others are closed. After the description of the first one, the next one opens in order and each picture is described. In the end, the children gave the name of the series. This option develops the imagination, the ability to anticipate the development of the plot.

The practical part:

In the exercise “What did you miss? »There is a series of pictures, a part (for example, through one) is closed. Participants are given the task to come up with what they have missed, and make up a story, give a name. Only after that the closed pictures open and again the story is made, and the stories are compared with each other.

Each of the options solves a number of tasks: to form ideas about the composition; develop the ability to describe the plot, to anticipate its development; invent a beginning and middle when the end is known. The stories on a series of plot paintings prepare children for creative storytelling of the picture, for inventing the beginning and end for the depicted episode.

After the children have learned the structure of the plot narration, learned to understand and operate with schemes - models, know the composition of narration and description, proceed to the next, stage III of work - a creative type of storytelling - this is a productive activity, the end result of which should be a coherent, coherent story . Verbal creativity is the most difficult type of children's creative activity. Features of creative storytelling is that the child must independently invent content (plot, imaginary characters, based on the theme and his personal experienceand clothe it in the form of a coherent narrative. Verbal creativity for children is expressed in various forms: in the composition of stories, tales, descriptions; in the composition of poems, riddles, fables. In the stories on a separate toy (this is a coherent consistent story about the imaginary actions and adventures of one hero - this toy, the toy only determines the main character, and the children themselves think up the images of the actors, actions and situations based on their creative imagination and personal experience. To help children a plan in the form of general questions, for example, in the story “The Adventures of a Kid”: Where could the goat go?; “Who were his friends?”; “What happened to him?”; “How did his adventures end?”. important milestones of the story, and the children filled it with content.

In telling through a series of pictures, she used verbal instructions: who to start, what to tell first, in what sequence to develop the plot.

The practical part:

Game exercise "What first, then what." Participants are encouraged to put the correct sequence on their own and make a story based on pictures.

In a review of a series of paintings, she offered the children to ask questions themselves, for example, “Winter Fun”. After such explanations and instructions, the children took an active part in the collective narration.

At this stage, it was important for the children to understand the task “to invent”, that is, to create something new, to talk about something that actually did not exist, or the child did not see it, but “thought it up” (although there could be a similar fact in the experience of others) . The topic should be close to the experience of children, so that on the basis of imagination a visible image appears, accessible to their understanding and interesting. Only in this case, the children will have a desire to invent their own story.

The practical part:

Learning how to invent fairy tales began with the game “Flip-flops” or “The fairy tale in reverse.”

The game "Changeling" You all know the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Now I invite you to write a fairy tale in reverse. Let it be called, let's say “Green Beretik”, by analogy a fairy tale is composed, replacing only the fairy tale characters, but the description of the course of events remains unchanged.

In the game "Fairy-tale-tellers" used different types of theater, together with the children they already composed new tales. In their writings, they tried to preserve both the description, the consistency of the narration, the climax and the denouement. She conducted such work individually and in subgroups in order to intensify the speech activity of each child. She used fairy tales about animals, as the child, with his watchfulness and love for animals, is more able to mentally present them in different conditions.

The practical part:

The game "Storytellers" with the use of various types of theater, for example, plane. The teacher exposes the characters of the fairy tale alternately, the participants alternately invent a fairy tale, not forgetting to preserve the description, logical narration, climax and denouement.

The development of children's verbal creativity under the influence of the Russian folk tale was carried out in stages. At the first stage in speech activity, the stock of well-known fairy tales is activated in order to assimilate their content, images and subjects. Then, at the second stage, together with the children, they analyzed the scheme for constructing a fabulous storytelling, plot development (repetition, chain composition, traditional beginnings and ending). Together with the children they chose the theme, called the characters - the heroes of the future fairy tale, thought through the plot development plan. At the third stage, the independent development of the fairy-tale narrative was activated. She invited the children to come up with a fairy tale on the finished theme, story, characters. So, together with their parents, the children made their own fairy tale “About a brave hedgehog and a cowardly hare” in the form of a book. Children read with pleasure (told) their fairy tales in a group and arranged an exhibition of their books. Pay attention to your exhibition of books, here are fairy tales composed by children.

As a result, the children's speech became grammatically correct, their vocabulary expanded, the children easily used schemas - models, freely used the structure of the plot narration. The speech of children has become logical and consistent. Children began to show interest in independent writing, reflecting the characteristic features of the genre; inventing fairy tales, use the means of expression characteristic of the genre and knowledge about the features of the plot, use a variety of means of expression. Unmistakably use generalizing words and concepts.


1. Alekseeva M.M., Yashin V.I. Methods of developing speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers: study guide for students. and n ped. studies. institutions. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2000.

2. Arushanova A. G. Speech and verbal communication of children: Methodological guide for educators. - M.: Mozayka - Synthesis, 2004.

3. Ushakova, O. S., Strunina, E. M., Shavrina, L. G. The development of speech and creativity in preschool children: Games, exercises, activity notes. - M.: TC "Sphere", 2001.


"Games aimed at the development of imagination and verbal creativity, contributing to the development of coherent speech among preschoolers."

Of all the knowledge and skills, the most important, most necessary for life activities is the ability to clearly, clearly, beautifully speak their native language. Throughout his life, a person improves speech, seizes a variety of language means.

Mastering a coherent oral speech, the development of imagination, imagination and ability to literary creativity is the most important condition for quality preparation for school. An important part of this work is: the development of figurative speech, raising interest in the artistic word, the formation of the ability to use the means of artistic expression in an independent utterance. Achieving these goals contributes to a number of games and exercises, consider some of them.

Game "Funny rhymes"

Pick up to rhyme words.

Candle - ... stove; tubes - ... lips; racket - ... pipette; boots - cakes, etc.

Children subconsciously learn to think in the game. It is necessary to take advantage and develop the imagination and fantasy from early childhood. Let the children "reinvent their bikes."

Whoever didn’t invent a bicycle as a child would not be able to invent anything at all. To fantasize should be interesting.

Remember that a game is always immeasurably more productive if we use it to put a child in pleasant situations that allow us to perform heroic acts and, listening to a fairy tale, see our future full and promising. Then, enjoying the game, the child will quickly master the ability to dream, and then the ability to imagine, and then think rationally. The more you will be engaged with the child, the better baby  will develop!

The game "Think of a sequel"

Read the beginning of the fairy tale and ask to think of how events will develop in the fairy tale, how it will end.

Game "Zoo"

Participants of the game get a picture without showing them to each other. Everyone should describe their animal, without naming it, according to this plan:

Appearance. Where does it live? What eats?

The game "increase - decrease"

Here you have a magic wand, it can increase or decrease everything you want. What would you like to increase, and what to reduce? (Parents give their answers)

And this is how your children answered:

I would like to reduce the winter and increase the summer.

I would like to increase the weekend.

I want to increase the raindrops to the size of a watermelon.

Let's complicate this game with additional questions:

What would you like to increase, and what to reduce? Why do you want to increase or decrease? (Parents give their answers)

And this is how your children answered:

I want to increase the candy to the size of the refrigerator so that you can cut the pieces with a knife.

Let your hands be so long for a time that you can get an apple from a branch, or say hello through a window leaf, or get a ball from a roof.

If the trees in the forest shrink to the size of grass, and the grass to match the size of a match, then it will be easy to look for mushrooms.

If a child is given an independent fantasy, offer to dream together, ask him auxiliary questions.

Game "Gift"

Adults stand in a circle. One is given a box with a bow and asked to give it to a neighbor with warm words: "I give you a rabbit", or "I give you a kid, his horns have not grown yet", or "I give you a big candy," In the box is a cactus, don't prick yourself. "

Game “Pick a Metaphor”

Metaphor is the transfer of the properties of one object (phenomenon) to another on the basis of a sign common to both objects. For example, the "talk of the waves," "cold look."

Explain what properties in the given metaphors and to whom are transferred.

Soft character. Cheeks are burning. Drowned in twos. Keep a tight grip. He turned green with anger.

Bored as a fly. Hardworking like a bee.

Game "Different Eyes"

Describe the aquarium from the point of view of its owner, and then, from the point of view of the fish that swims there, and the master cat.

Game "Change the character of the character"

Come up with a fairy tale with such an incredible plot: The Fox has become the most rustic in the forest, and all the animals cheat on her. (Parents give their answers)

How to play this game at home. Read the child a fairy tale, it is better to start with animal tales. Choose with the child one character from a fairy tale in which you change the character.

Pay attention to the child that changing the character of one character will change the familiar relationship between the characters of the fairy tale.

Game "Live the subject"

This game involves giving objects the inanimate nature of the abilities and qualities of living beings, namely: the ability to move, think, feel, breathe, grow, rejoice, multiply, joke, smile.

What kind of living thing would you turn a balloon into?

What does your shoes think? (Parents give their answers)

And this is how your children answered (children's answers).

Game "Describe the situation"

Game participants are given the same storyline pictures. They are invited to describe the situation from the point of view of its various participants, whose interests may be opposite. For example, in terms of the fox and the hare, the bear and the bees.

The game "How lucky I am."

How lucky I am, says the sunflower, I look like the sun.

How lucky I am, says the potato, I feed people.

How lucky I am, says the birch, “they make fragrant brooms out of me.


I will present myself as a subject, thing or event and on my behalf I will lead a story. Listen carefully to me and by leading questions find out about whom or what is at stake.

"I have every person in the house. Fragile, transparent. I die from a careless attitude, and it becomes dark not only in the soul ... (light bulb)."

By topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

Material nsportal.ru


Didactic games for the development of coherent speech

One of the tasks in preparing a child for school is the development of coherent speech. A child must competently and logically build statements, be able to retell the proposed material. In children with speech disorders, coherent speech suffers, the grammatical structure of speech is disturbed.

Children with disabilities have difficulty making a story and retelling. If a child comes to school with such problems, he has learning difficulties. Therefore, it is important that parents take the time to correct these disorders in children.

1) Game "Professions"

Objective: to teach children to make sentences about people familiar to the child professions.

Equipment: plot pictures of people of certain professions: salesman, cook, teacher, driver, policeman, builder, hairdresser, artist, fireman, doctor.

Description. The child must make a proposal for a picture of the duties of the person of the profession. For example, "The driver drives the car"; "The builder builds a house"; "The teacher teaches children at school."

2) Complete the sentence game

Task: to teach children how to make simple sentences for pictures.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Description. The adult places the pictures in front of the child and begins to pronounce the sentence, and the child has to finish it with the appropriate word based on the pictures.

For example, "Cat catches (mouse)"; "Girl throws (ball)"; "The dog gnaws (bone)"; "Mom baked (cake)."

3) Game "Fix Offer"

Objective: to train children in the transformation of a deformed phrase, to develop linguistic flair.

Equipment: preformed adult deformed phrases in which words are nouns in the nominative case, verbs are in the initial form.

Description. An adult reads the words, and the child must rearrange and change them so that a normal sentence is obtained.

For example, "Mom, Vase, Candy, Put" in "Mom puts candy in a vase"; "Fly, on, glass, sit" - "The fly sits on the glass"; "I, the book, read, interesting" - "I read an interesting book."

4) The game "My Family"

Objective: to teach children to make proposals for family members from pictures.

Equipment: plot pictures of family members in various situations.

Description. An adult shows a picture and asks the child: “Who is it? What does? ”The child must respond with a full sentence.

For example, “Mom washes clothes (she prepares food, sews a skirt, strokes a shirt, etc.). Dad cleans the carpet (fixes a crane, plays chess, watches TV, reads a newspaper, etc.). ”

5) Game “Where the toy is hidden”

Objective: develop spatial orientation skills in children, teach them to understand verbal instruction and the meaning of adverbs of space.

Equipment: toys.

Description. An adult hides a toy anywhere on the playground or in a room and gives the child verbal instructions on how to find it. For example: stand facing the closet, take three steps to the left, look for a doll on the shelf, between the bear and the matryoshka.

Or: go straight to the tree, go around it and for the beggar under the Bush you will find a typewriter. The child must perform the specified actions, find the hidden object and answer with a complete sentence where the toy was: “The doll was on the shelf between the bear and the matryoshka. The machine was lying under a bush. ”

6) The game "Small right word"

Objective: to acquaint children with the value in the speech of simple prepositions.

Equipment: objects surrounding the child (toys, dishes, furniture), subject pictures.

Description. An adult gives the child small instructions, deliberately skipping prepositions. He must guess what little word is missing here.

For example: “Put the doll (in) a stroller. The book is (in) the box. The cat hid (under) the bed.

As you practice, you can invite your child to make sentences with a small word in the picture.

7) Make a story game

Objective: to develop a coherent speech of children.

Equipment: a series of pictures connected by a single plot.

Description. An adult offers to consider the plot pictures, put them in order and come up with a story on them. At the initial stage, an adult can ask leading questions to the child - to begin a sentence, and the child will finish it.

Also, an adult helps a child with the use of initial, introductory and final turns, by inventing a name for the story. As you practice, the child may be more independent: work without leading questions, show imagination, explaining the reasons for this or that act of the characters.

Material prepared by Irina Kharlamov

More details tasoteka.rusedu.net

The complex of didactic games for the development of coherent speech in children with older preschool age OHR

Sections:Correctional pedagogy

  • Strengthening and development of children's skills of verbal communication, verbal communication;
  • Formation of skills of construction of coherent monologic statements;
  • Development of skills for control and self-control of the construction of coherent statements;

Games for pinning the plural:

Objective: to identify the ability of children to independently form plural nouns from the singular noun.

Applied play forms  the work included the consolidation and development of speech skills and verbal and cogitative actions formed in the process of didactic games. They included: exercises in recognizing objects by description, comparing objects, composing questions on the text of the description, reproduction of a speech pattern, independent description of objects.

1. The game "One - a lot."

Move: The teacher shows a picture with the image of one object and offers the child to find a picture with the image of the same object, but in large quantities.

Pictures: ball - balls, house - houses, bucket - buckets, etc.

The teacher shows the picture and calls: the ball.

And you, asks the teacher, what is in the picture?

Answer child: I have balls in the picture.

Thus it is proposed to name all the pictures (5-6 pictures).

2. Game "Catch and call".

Teacher: I will throw the ball and call words that denote one subject; throwing the ball, you will call me a word that means many things.

The teacher throws the ball to the child, calling the word "home"; the child returns the ball, calling the word "home." To teach a child to combine movement with the word. The teacher calls from five to eight words.

3. The game "Play with the word"

The formation of the plural form of words using pictures that depict one object (machine, desk, pine, mountain, oak, birch). In this case, selected such images, which make it possible to form the plural form of words with the end of "s".

4. Game "Change the word."

The teacher calls the word in the singular and throws the ball to one of the children, who should name the plural form.

5. Game "Speak in One Word"

Making up words denoting several items.

Games to clarify the form of the genitive case:

1. "Guess Whose Things Are."

Children are offered pictures in which they depict: a grandmother in a scarf, a mother in a bathrobe, a girl in a fur coat, a man in a hat, etc., as well as pictures of individual objects (scarf, robe, hat, fur coat, etc.). First, children view pictures. The teacher calls one of the items. And the children call who owns this item (This is a grandmother’s handkerchief; This is the mother’s robe; This is a girl’s fur coat, etc.).

2. "Guess whose tails it is."

On one picture are images of animals without tails, on the other - images of tails. The teacher shows the image of the tail and asks who owns this tail. Similarly, the game is "Whose beak?".

Games to clarify the form of the dative case:

1. The game "Who needs these things."

Children are offered pictures that show a teacher without a pointer, a painter without a brush, a hairdresser without scissors, a hunter without a gun, an angler without a fishing rod, a seller without weights, etc., as well as images of objects. Children look at the pictures and say who needs what (the teacher needs a pointer, the angler needs a fishing rod, etc.).

2. Game "Gifts"

Answers to questions on the picture (who gives what to whom?). For example: Grandma gives a granddaughter a ribbon; Dad gives mom flowers; Mom gives her daughter a doll.

3. Game "Guests".

The picture shows a table on which plates with various treats (apple, fish, carrot, bone, mushrooms). Speech therapist explains: "The bear is waiting for guests. On the plates, he prepared treats for his guests: an apple, fish, carrots, bones.

Who do you think the treat is prepared for? Who is the carrot? (carrot - bunny), etc. ".

Games to clarify the form of the accusative case:

1. Game "Who is the most observant."

Children should call what they see: "I see a table, chair, window," etc.

2. Game "Answers to questions"

Answers to questions requiring the noun in the accusative case:

a) What will you take to physical education class? For a drawing lesson? On the lesson of manual labor?

b) What do you like?

c) What will you draw in red pencil? Green pencil? Yellow pencil? etc.

Games to clarify the form of the instrumental case

1. "Professions"

Answers to the question "who does what?" by pictures (barber - scissors, painter - brush, etc.).

2. Game "Spell the Words"

Add a word to the verb: draw with a pencil, sweep with a broom, write with a pen, dig with a shovel, saw with a saw, brush your hair, sew with a needle, cut with a knife.

3. The game "Name the pair"

Name the pairs of objects according to the pictures: a picture book, a cat with kittens, a cup with a saucer, a basket of mushrooms, a vase of flowers.

A game to clarify the form of the prepositional case:

The game "Help the animals find their house."

They offer two groups of pictures: some show animals, others show their homes. The teacher offers children to help animals find their house, remember who lives where. Answering the question, the children put images of the animal next to the image of his home.

Games for the formation of the ability to use diminutive and dismissive-magnifying suffixes.

1. Game "Big Small".

Objective: to identify the ability of children to form using nouns suffixes of diminutive meaning.

Equipment: Pictures of large and small objects.

Turn: Red circles - big and small. Speech therapist suggests calling what's on the card: small circle, large circle.

The teacher offers the child to name the circles without the words "big" and "small."

It? - shows on a small circle.

Answer child: circle.

And this? - shows the teacher in a big circle.

Answer child: circle.

Teacher: Help me, please, I need to make out the pictures.

Place small objects in the pictures under the circle, large objects under the circle.

The teacher puts a tray with pictures of large and small objects in front of the child and monitors the progress of the child’s task.

Under the small circle there are drawings: a Christmas tree, a ball, a ball.

Under the big circle of drawings: tree, ball, ball.

The teacher suggests naming large objects first and then small ones.

Answer child: tree, ball, ball, herringbone, ball, ball.

A game in the formation of complex words game "Echo".

  • leaves fall - leaf fall


Prepared by: tutor Samsonova I.V.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in a coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized.

Connected speech is the highest form of thought activity that determines the level of speech and mental development  baby

Didactic games are used to solve all problems of speech development. They reinforce and refine the vocabulary, the skills of quickly choosing the most suitable word, altering and forming words, practice in making coherent statements, develop an explanatory speech.

For the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers with ONR, classes were developed using didactic games. The selection of didactic games took into account age features  older preschoolers.

During the games, the following tasks were set:

1. Strengthening and development in children of skills of verbal communication, verbal communication;

2. Formation of skills of construction of coherent monologic statements;

3. Development of skills for control and self-control of the construction of coherent statements;

Purposeful impact on the activation of a number of mental processes (perception, memory, imagination, mental operations), closely related to the formation of oral speech message

Applied game forms of work included the consolidation and development of speech skills and verbal-thinking actions, formed in the process of didactic games. They included: exercises in recognizing objects by description, comparing objects, composing questions on the text of the description, reproduction of a speech pattern, independent description of objects.

A didactic game is such a collective, purposeful learning activity, when each participant and the team as a whole are united by solving the main task and orient their behavior towards winning.

Didactic games for the development of coherent speech

I present to your attention the game for the development of coherent speech

"Collect the picture"

The goal of the game: to teach children from parts to make up the whole image, to name a fairy tale, actors, to teach consistently, to tell a fairy tale. To cultivate attention, perseverance. Develop speech, enrich vocabulary.

The course of the game: the child is invited to assemble a whole image of the plot of a fairy tale from parts The child should name the fairy tale and characters, and then tell the fairy tale.

"Tell me"

The goal of the game: to develop the speech of children, to teach to make descriptive stories about objects using schemes, to develop attention, thinking, memory.

The course of the game: using the scheme to make a descriptive story about the subject, observing the sequence.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in a coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Connected speech - the highest form of speech thinking activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child.

Didactic games are used to solve all problems of speech development. They reinforce and refine the vocabulary, the skills of quickly choosing the most suitable word, altering and forming words, practice in making coherent statements, develop an explanatory speech.

For the development of coherent speech in older preschoolers with ONR, classes were developed using didactic games. The selection of didactic games took into account the age characteristics of older preschoolers.

During the games, the following tasks were set:

  • Strengthening and development of children's skills of verbal communication, verbal communication;
  • Formation of skills of construction of coherent monologic statements;
  • Development of skills for control and self-control of the construction of coherent statements;
  • Purposeful impact on the activation of a number of mental processes (perception, memory, imagination, mental operations), closely related to the formation of oral speech message

Games for pinning the plural:

Objective: to identify the ability of children to independently form plural nouns from the singular noun.

Applied game forms of work included the consolidation and development of speech skills and verbal-thinking actions, formed in the process of didactic games. They included: exercises in recognizing objects by description, comparing objects, composing questions on the text of the description, reproduction of a speech pattern, independent description of objects.

1. The game "One - a lot."

Move: The teacher shows a picture with the image of one object and offers the child to find a picture with the image of the same object, but in large quantities.

Pictures: ball - balls, house - houses, bucket - buckets, etc.

The teacher shows the picture and calls: the ball.

And you, asks the teacher, what is in the picture?

Answer child: I have balls in the picture.

Thus it is proposed to name all the pictures (5-6 pictures).

2. Game "Catch and call".

Teacher: I will throw the ball and call words that denote one subject; throwing the ball, you will call me a word that means many things.

The teacher throws the ball to the child, calling the word "home"; the child returns the ball, calling the word "home." To teach a child to combine movement with the word. The teacher calls from five to eight words.

3. The game "Play with the word"

The formation of the plural form of words using pictures that depict one object (machine, desk, pine, mountain, oak, birch). In this case, selected such images, which make it possible to form the plural form of words with the end of "s".

4. Game "Change the word."

The teacher calls the word in the singular and throws the ball to one of the children, who should name the plural form.

5. Game "Speak in One Word"

Making up words denoting several items.

Games to clarify the form of the genitive case:

1. "Guess Whose Things Are." Children are offered pictures in which they depict: a grandmother in a scarf, a mother in a bathrobe, a girl in a fur coat, a man in a hat, etc., as well as pictures of individual objects (scarf, robe, hat, fur coat, etc.). First, children view pictures. The teacher calls one of the items. And the children call who owns this item (This is a grandmother’s handkerchief; This is the mother’s robe; This is a girl’s fur coat, etc.).

2. "Guess whose tails it is." On one picture are images of animals without tails, on the other - images of tails. The teacher shows the image of the tail and asks who owns this tail. Similarly, the game is "Whose beak?".

Games to clarify the form of the dative case:

1. The game "Who needs these things." Children are offered pictures that show a teacher without a pointer, a painter without a brush, a hairdresser without scissors, a hunter without a gun, an angler without a fishing rod, a seller without weights, etc., as well as images of objects. Children look at the pictures and say who needs what (the teacher needs a pointer, the angler needs a fishing rod, etc.).

2. The game "Gifts" Answers to questions on the picture (who gives what to whom?). For example: Grandma gives a granddaughter a ribbon; Dad gives mom flowers; Mom gives her daughter a doll.

3. Game "Guests". The picture shows a table on which plates with various treats (apple, fish, carrot, bone, mushrooms). The speech therapist explains: “The bear cub is waiting for guests. On the plates, he prepared treats for his guests: an apple, fish, carrot, bone. What do you think, who is the treat prepared? To whom is the carrot? (Carrot - bunny), etc.”.

Games to clarify the form of the accusative case:

1. Game "Who is the most observant." Children should call what they see: "I see a table, chair, window," etc.

2. “Answers to Questions” game. Answers to questions requiring the statement of a noun in the accusative case:

a) What will you take to physical education class? For a drawing lesson? On the lesson of manual labor?

b) What do you like?

c) What will you draw in red pencil? Green pencil? Yellow pencil? etc.

Games to clarify the form of the instrumental case

1. "Professions" Answers to the question "who does what works?" by pictures (barber - scissors, painter - brush, etc.).

2. Game "Spell the Words"   Add a word to the verb: draw with a pencil, sweep with a broom, write with a pen, dig with a shovel, saw with a saw, brush your hair, sew with a needle, cut with a knife.

3. The game "Name the pair" Name the pair of objects in the pictures: a picture book, a cat with kittens, a cup with a saucer, a basket of mushrooms, a vase with flowers.

A game to clarify the form of the prepositional case:

The game "Help the animals find their house." They offer two groups of pictures: some show animals, others show their homes. The teacher offers children to help animals find their house, remember who lives where. Answering the question, the children put images of the animal next to the image of his home.

Games for the formation of the ability to use diminutive and dismissive-magnifying suffixes.

1. Game "Big Small".

Objective: to identify the ability of children to form using nouns suffixes of diminutive meaning.

Equipment: Pictures of large and small objects.

Turn: Red circles - big and small. Speech therapist suggests calling what's on the card: small circle, large circle.

The teacher offers the child to name the circles without the words "big" and "small."

It? - shows on a small circle.

Answer child: circle.

And this? - shows the teacher in a big circle.

Answer child: circle.

Teacher: Help me, please, I need to make out the pictures.

Place small objects in the pictures under the circle, large objects under the circle.

The teacher puts a tray with pictures of large and small objects in front of the child and monitors the progress of the child’s task.

Under the small circle there are drawings: a Christmas tree, a ball, a ball.

Under the big circle of drawings: tree, ball, ball.

The teacher suggests naming large objects first and then small ones.

Answer child: tree, ball, ball, herringbone, ball, ball.

A game in the formation of complex words game "Echo".

  • leaves fall - leaf fall
  • he goes himself - self-propelled
  • snow is falling - snowfall
  • honey wears - honey
  • water falls - waterfall
  • calls in vain - windbag
  • stars fall - starfall
  • hay mowing - haymaking
  • breeds gardens - gardener
  • goes everywhere - all-terrain vehicle
  • breeds left - forester
  • base for oil - tank farm
  • transports forest - timber
  • walks on atomic
  • energy - nuclear-powered
  • he flies - the plane
  • dust sucks - vacuum cleaner
  • carries water - water carrier.

Game "Call how much".

The pictures are upside down, the child does not see them.

Objective: To identify the ability of children to coordinate numbers (2 and 5) with nouns in gender, number, case.

Turns of the game: Before the child are pictures that are turned upside down. The teacher offers to call that on the card.

It is: (a child randomly names any subject).

The teacher turns the picture over and suggests to name what is on the card (the ball). So turn all the pictures in sequence.

Teacher: Name the items that are drawn on the cards.

The child calls: ball, herringbone, bucket, car.

There are 4 cards in front of you, but I also have a fifth one, look - the teacher offers the child a card with the image of two circles. - What's on the card?

Answer child: Mugs.

Teacher: how many circles?

Child Answer: Two.

The teacher puts a card with the image of two circles in front of the pictures.

Teacher: Name the objects by adding the number 2.

Sample: two balls, two Christmas trees: go on.

The teacher changes the first card to a card with a picture of five circles, having previously suggested that the child close his eyes.

Teacher: Open your eyes and see what has changed.

Child: New Card.

Teacher: Count how many circles on the card.

The teacher suggests naming the same pictures, but adding the number 5.

Sample: 5 balls, 5 Christmas trees.