When to start schooling a child to the pot. There are several sources of this behavior. New technique - we teach the child to the pot for seven days.

How sometimes young mummies want to quickly get rid of bored diapers and proudly boast for a walk: - "And we are asking for a pot already!". However, the more experienced know perfectly well - everything has its time, and the process of teaching a child to this necessary household item can be delayed for a long time. And yet, when you need to teach a child to the pot and how to do it most effectively?

Therefore, the rule here is that the sooner you plan, the better for you, the child and the educators. Not all parents have enough money to hire a nanny, and grandmothers often have to forget about their careers and pursue a small career through young ones. Another way to go to kindergarten. Parents are afraid of this day because they doubt whether their jewelry will be properly taken care of or whether they can get used to it.

Kindergarten is just well prepared

Vilnius nursery kindergarten`s caregiver Ingrida Jaskvisyut tells us that even the smallest children kindergarten says goodbye to diapers much faster, and it is also easier to give nipple mice. However, in her opinion, before preparing for kindergarten, it is necessary to prepare well for this step.

When to start schooling a child to the pot

Many parents believe that 7-8 months is a good time to develop sustainable skills in using the pot. However, at this age it is more appropriate to talk about getting acquainted with the pot, and a random positive result can only indicate reflexive performance. From six to twelve months fidget enthusiastically acquainted with his own body and its capabilities. The lack of diapers makes this process even more exciting and productive - an understanding of the purpose of the genitals gradually comes. It is not by chance that babies who have been spared diapers are accustomed to the pot faster and more successfully.

Get acquainted with the rhythm of the day, take a look and start asking the child to live in the same daytime mode   houses. The child should be used to lie down early, get up early. It is very important that the child did not sleep in the midday dream. If the baby does not want to sleep well in the south, you may be allowed to lie down. And such a shelter, listening to fairy tales, often ends in a sweet dream.

It is very good when children already have the skills of self-sufficiency, they are not afraid to sit on a cup, they are not afraid to take spoons in their hands, they can eat by themselves. Of course he learns everything in kindergarten, but his autonomy will greatly help him adapt to a strange situation and trust himself. When is the best time to bring a kindergarten? At what age are children psychologically ready to go to college?

At this age, it is already possible to acquaint the crumb with a new subject, to allow him to sit on it, but in no case do not forcibly hold it, waiting for the result. Once having experienced negative emotions, the child will categorically refuse to use the much-needed object for a long time. If mommy can't wait to make friends with her one-year-old child with a pot effectively, she will have to be patient, because the child will not have to ask herself for a long time and consciously. In the absence of objections from the baby, you can sit him on the pot after waking up, having a hearty lunch, before going to bed, but his actions will be based only on reflexes. Thus, if the child is only one year old, the mother will have to wait a little longer.

Are there different children who did not attend kindergarten and kindergarten?

As a group, children learn faster, they manage to communicate with their peers.

Psychologist Sigita Dirgenelen advises

  Parents must decide when to allow their child to go to kindergarten. And more importantly, not when to start it in kindergarten, but how to prepare it for such a change. The child should teach basic basic communication skills. He should be able to say what he wants: whether to drink or to the toilet. The child should be prepared to minimize stress when leaving the house.

The optimal age for teaching a child to the pot

Much more successful is the attempt of parents to make a baby with a pot at the age of 18-24 months. Such a large time period is explained by the individual characteristics of the psychological and physical development of children. Mom can independently determine the presence of signs that indicate the readiness of the children to acquire new skills. If the baby performs the following actions without difficulty, it's time to accustom him to the pot:

The nursery should develop a little. A big mistake is made by parents who bring a child in the morning on the first day and leave for the whole day. In the first days, there should be a mother, grandmother or other close person with whom she is likely to stay with the child in kindergarten. At the same time, they should look at the premises, get acquainted with teachers, teachers of additional education. You need to figure out the rhythm of day care when it is done. Worth a visit in the courtyard, there is a slot machine.

When a child sees everything, it's time to start taking it in kindergarten. On the first day you didn’t have to do it, on the second day you can try to leave for an hour, even more late, for two hours. And this time should be extended. However, there is no need to continue the usual period for a very long time, since the child may decide that the nursery should stay in the nursery with him.

Surely walks, bends down, squats;

Picks up small objects from the floor;

He perfectly understands colloquial speech, mother's explanations and requests;

Verbally express their desires;

He feels discomfort from wet panties and wants to change them;

For about two hours, it remains dry during wakefulness and after daytime sleep;

In bookstores you can find beautiful picture books describing how children will go to kindergarten, what they do. When two people decided to turn the family in different ways, the two most often raise a very important question: “How does divorce affect our children?” This is one of the most emotionally depressing issues and deciding about a divorce, and is on its way. We may not find a one-sided answer to this question, since divorce involves parents and children with a different attitude or understanding of the same things.

It defecates at about the same time.

The baby begins to associate the emptying process with a feeling of bladder or bowel overflow, and by some signs it can be understood that he wants to go to the toilet. It is required from the mother to calmly and intelligibly explain that peeing on the pot is much more comfortable than walking in wet pants and gently offering to sit on a cozy seat. However, you should not linger on the pot for more than 4-5 minutes - if you are not able to achieve a result, you can try to do it later. Teaching to useful skills, you need to make it a rule to offer your child to use a pot after sleeping, eating, outdoor games, after and before a walk. The main result is to achieve the realization that it is much more pleasant to be in clean and dry pants.

However, there are feelings and needs that are common to all children faced by parental divorces, as well as a few general guidelines that allow parents to help their children during divorces. When the process of divorce begins, parents must first apply to themselves. One of the most important factors in describing children's feelings during or after divorce is how their parents and other relatives behave at that time. Parents must take care of themselves emotionally, socially and financially.

How to speed up the process of teaching the child to the pot

As mentioned above, for children wearing diapers, getting used to the pot will be more difficult. For them, the connection between filling the bladder and its subsequent emptying is not so obvious. Mom's patience is quite capable of coping with these temporary difficulties, but you still have to part with diapers. There are some simple tips that can help speed up the process and get a great result:

Emotionally emotionally means that parents must recognize the many emotions that they have trembled. They may feel anger, anxiety, guilt, insecurity, depression, fear, they may feel lonely and lose their composure. Sometimes parents feel disappointed with their children, and they doubt their self-esteem. There may also be various irrational fears and fantasies, such as: children will no longer love them. All these feelings are constantly mixed, and this is normal and natural.

To help your children with such feelings, they need to cope and survive. It is very important to understand that, feeling hidden hatred, frustration or other similar feelings towards a spouse, these feelings need to be distinguished from their role as parents. Sometimes easier said than done, so do not be afraid to seek professional help if you get into the pins of such feelings. It would be very helpful to help the child and parents catch up with their feelings. After all, children love both parents, and they need to maintain strong relationships with both of them.

1. As agreed, pampers fold away into the bedside table. The baby does not have to remove it from itself to quickly sit down on the pot at the urge to urinate. Of course, puddles cannot be avoided, but one cannot do without it.

2. Carefully observe your beloved child - when grunting or other characteristic signs appear, you should gently invite him to “do his own thing” in the pot. If the attempt is crowned with success - the kid deserves praise, but otherwise you should not scold him.

By helping the child stay in touch with both parents, the parents seem to understand that loving both parents is good, encouraging normal communication with both of them. Decision made, notice. After a divorce, there is no need to postpone a long conversation with the child. Parents often try to avoid this painful message, especially when the children are still small, thinking that the child is too small to understand it. Sometimes it happens even that one of the parents just goes out during sleep. Then the child feels left and forgotten.

In order for a child to feel safe, he needs the most specific information about changes in his life. Children need to know the truth no matter how painful it is. He does not know that he can imagine these things much worse than being guilty and extradited. Children should know the reason for the divorce of parents so that they do not blame themselves for this. It is very important that the child tells how his life will take care of the divorce, so that he will be loved by both parents.

3. The pot, warm and clean, should be in an accessible place for the crumbs.

4. If the baby's panties are treacherously filled with moisture, you need to focus his attention on the fact that now he is damp and unpleasant, and the potty would help to avoid it. No need to scold the crumb, in extreme cases, the mother can express her regret, and once again explain that it would be more convenient to use the pot.

Children should hear that both their parents love them, despite the changing feelings of the parents, that their feelings for the children will never change; Children should be aware that both parents will continue to participate in their daily lives; That their relationship with their brothers, sisters, grandparents and other close relatives will not change; That they did not and did not say anything that could make their parents stand out; That parents regretted that by their decision they had caused them so much pain; Tell about the plans of residence, kindergarten, school, extracurricular activities, etc. Parents should be honest with their children if they do not know the answer to a child’s question.

5. It is necessary to plant the child on the pot after sleeping and having a hearty dinner, after returning from the party, for the night. But in an unfamiliar environment, in the presence of a lot of strangers and noise, you can’t count on a good result - the baby just won’t be able to relax and go to the pot.

With due attention and diligence of the mother, a two-year-old baby will need one or two weeks to firmly secure the skills, while the one-year-old baby needs one or two months. It is necessary to remember the individual characteristics of children, and not to expect full compliance with the standards. Maybe your baby will start using a specific piece of furniture on its own within a few days, and maybe it will take a whole month for that.

You also need to understand that there is no such bad or good response to such a message. One child may respond to the power of questions, other questions arise much later. The emotional reaction of children can also be different. A child may cry, may be silent, and there may be a flash of anger. To help the child, it is necessary to accept any reaction of the child as a natural phenomenon. Listen to how he feels, trying not to evaluate his feelings as bad or good, try to understand him.

This will strengthen the relationship of parents with children. Sometimes parents can't do the right thing. Guilt and fear of losing the love of children can prevent this. To avoid these negative feelings, parents may be reluctant to talk to their children about divorce. These may be brief, obscure links. Often, a “coalition of denial” is formed when parents and children deny the importance of divorce in a child’s life. Such denial deprives the child of the opportunity to live up to negative feelings in time and continue his life.

If mom was too persistent, and the child developed a persistent aversion to the pot, you just need to temporarily abandon the unloved object, trying again after a few days. During this time, without insisting on sitting on a pot, you can simply try to accustom the baby to the necessity of its existence. In a pinch, you can buy a new, beautiful and bright pot, and try it all over again.

If a child does not openly express his negative feelings, it is much more difficult to help him. He is left alone with his feelings and fantasies, which we cannot influence, because we simply do not know them. Another way for parents to avoid part of their guilt is to overdo it with another. In this case, one of the parents can easily raise the negative feelings of their children, as they expect them to be sent to their spouse. Such a charge has offended the children. They can not abandon any parent.

How to avoid this “loyalty conflict”? Every parent must take responsibility for the divorce. Parents sometimes conceal the fact of divorce of children in order to avoid guilt and responsibility. The child always feels that something is wrong, but cannot ask, and his fantasies about possible explanations may be much worse than reality. Fear, loneliness, arrogance - these are the inevitable feelings in this situation. It is likely that a child like an adult will try to control a loved one for fear of losing him.

New technique - we teach the child to the pot for seven days

Many mummies in practice have tested the new method “Voluntary baby” developed by Gina Ford and promising a guaranteed result in just a week. If your fidget has already turned a year and a half, he performs simple actions   and communicates with mom, try it!

Divorce from concealing a child is inappropriate behavior. The child needs considerable support and understanding from adults. And again, it is very important for each parent to assume their share of responsibility for the divorce and for the pain of the children. Conscious perception of responsibility is not the same as guilt, which seems to imply that we were irresponsible or misbehaving. There is the courage to take on this responsibility, but the responsibility for divorce is important to make it less dangerous for the child.

The reaction of each child to the parents' divorce is different, depending on his age, characteristic characteristics, and emotional experience. You should not be surprised if it turned out that the child made this message particularly easy. Denial and distrust are very childish reactions. It should be borne in mind that such reactions are the result of childish anxieties.

Day one - we resolutely remove the diaper, happily telling the baby that he is already big and will just walk in panties. Having set him on the pot, you should try to keep him there for 10 minutes, which is sufficient for morning emptying. Sit next, talking about the benefits of this procedure. If the result is negative - try again after 15 minutes, having organized a trip to the toilet during this time and telling what it is intended for. Do not despair if the pants are still wet - you will succeed, just be patient.

One of the children's concerns is the belief that they did something wrong, which caused the parents to divorce. It is necessary to clarify and help children understand that decisions about education have nothing to do with their behavior, that they have no child’s fault and that this is a problem for adults. They need constant confirmation that they will make sure that parents do not leave them. Children need to ensure that their mother and dad are divorced, but they will never stay with the children.

  • They remember the last time they did not listen to their parents.
  • Another fear of children is “losing” both parents.
  • Children understand that one of the parents will not live with them.
Children do not stop dreaming that their parents will not leave one day, they will be together again.

Day two - we fix yesterday's successes and continue to monitor the baby’s behavior, offering the pot at the first sign of his desire to meet his needs. During long games, your child may get too carried away and make a puddle - try not to let it happen.

Day three - we don’t even wear diapers for a walk, so as not to confuse the baby. Before going out, it is advisable to wait for a positive result from sitting on the pot, and for a walk to offer the crumbs to sit down on the pot taken with them if they want to pee. Do not worry, the pot for a walk is not for long.

Day four - from this day your overall success will be obvious, it will be enough for the kid only to remind to go to the pot, since he can play and forget. Remember, you need to praise him for every successful attempt, this is a strong support in consolidating the skill.

There are other similar techniques, but they are similar, so they are not worth a separate consideration. The main rule for their effective use is the opportunity to fully devote the child these few days to carefully consolidate the useful skill. It is good if the child’s clothes are comfortable and spacious, allowing you to quickly undress if necessary. If sometimes the crumb makes an oversight and sits down on the pot right in the panties - you don’t need to scold him, he just hasn’t mastered enough of the necessary actions yet.

How to choose the right pot for the child

A wide range of baby pots for different ages   allows you to choose the most attractive and convenient option. When buying, use the general guidelines to make the potty training process more successful:

It is better to choose plastic products - they are bright, comfortable and, most importantly, warm. Touching a cold pot can permanently discourage him;

Resilience is an indispensable condition; a fall in case of an awkward movement of a child is also unlikely to cause attachment to an insidious product;

The musical effects will undoubtedly attract the attention of the baby to the pot, but only as a new toy;

Convenience and comfort, the presence of the back - important factors when buying a product, the baby will definitely appreciate her mother's efforts and will reward her with indisputable performance of her "affairs" only in the pot;

If trips are intended, it is better to purchase a model with a lid.

When buying a pot, pay attention - for girls, the round shape of the product is offered, for boys - oval, with a protrusion in front.

  • it is best to take advantage of the onset of summer - clothes on the crumbs are minimum, you can even run naked;
  • in addition to the readiness of the child, there must be readiness and parents;
  • desirable condition - excellent well-being of all family members and good mood;
  • immeasurable praise of the child in case of success, otherwise - careful concealment of grief;
  • the attention of the baby is fixed not only on the process of sending, but also on the accompanying actions - removing the panties, pouring out the contents of the pot and returning it to a permanent place;
  • mandatory sitting on the pot after sleeping, eating, at night, after a walk;
  • at first, it is permissible to use diapers for a walk and for a night’s sleep, focusing the baby’s attention on the dry diaper in the morning and not sparing any approving words.

All pediatricians, regardless of their medical views and medical techniques, agree on how to teach a child to the pot - to do it better when the baby is one and a half to two years old. Too early planting will only lead to the fact that the learning process will stretch over time.

The physical development of a child at six months, for example, already allows him to sit, but does not allow the muscles to retain excrement. But after one and a half years, children may already have one or two minutes. However, the pace of growing up is still different, and someone may be ready a little or much later, and this is absolutely normal.

When discussing how to quickly teach a child to the pot, you need to clearly understand that none of the methods will give noticeable results if the kid is not ready for such a serious step.

There are several main features:

  • baby imitate your actions, facial expressions
  • stops scattering things and starts folding them
  • can deny and refuse
  • stands confidently, leans down, gets up and sits down
  • can independently take off and put on panties
  • stays dry for two hours, no less

Where to start and how to start to teach a child to the pot?   Podyschite in the children's store pot is the brightest, with a stable base, tempting looking. If the baby turns over at the first landing, you will not persuade him to try again for a long time. Also, give him the opportunity to familiarize himself with the pot by applying any methods suitable for him.

Before you teach a child to a pot, you need to ensure that the child understands: this plastic beauty is his personal property. Give a crumb to touch him, see, sit on it and even nibble and kick.

Let the pot stand in a prominent place in the play corner, it will soon become familiar. If you do not know how to teach a child to the pot, start planting a baby on it no more than once a day for just a minute and be sure to be dressed. When you get used, you can plant without a diaper. And do not force the child to sit in any way by force.

To understand how to quickly teach a child to the pot, you need to understand: the baby must be aware of what is required of him. To do this, put him in the pot right after he smeared the diaper, remove the wet laundry right on the pot and put it inside the pot. The amazing ability of kids to learn instantly leads to the fact that they very quickly understand the meaning of such actions and then the process of habituation goes quickly.

Another tip on how to teach a child to pot- plant it at the most likely time: after sleeping, walking, eating. Gleefully admire the successful result and in no case do not scold for mistakes. Remember: at night, children can not control themselves for a long time as well as during the day. And in the afternoon they may well be embarrassed by up to 4 years There is no deviation in it.