Application "Hedgehog from paper strips" for children with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos. Templates for paper applications for children of different ages.

Co-creation with younger family members not only favorably affects their development, but also awakens the love of beauty.

I suggest not to shelve this process and start a pleasant pastime with do-it-yourself hedgehog creations.

A series of master classes with detailed step-by-step descriptions and photos will come to the rescue. All MK have low level  Difficulties, since they are designed for preschoolers and novice needleworkers.

In the course of work, you will teach your child how to master various techniques and use the tools and materials available for creativity.

Simple hedgehog applications

For the first crafts will need:

  • scissors;
  • pVA glue;
  • pencil;
  • black felt pen;
  • cardboard gray or brown;
  • colored paper  (black, white and pink).

As a result, you get a hedgehog punk with eroquez, as in the picture, only in a different color scheme.

You can still do the same with a disposable paper plate. Follow the photo instructions.

To perform the following application, you will need colored paper, scissors, glue and cardboard of any color for the main background.

Video: 3D application of colored paper hedgehog

Hedgehog application for the little ones

This step-by-step MK tells you how to make a bright appliqué yourself from ready-made printed elements.

The low level of complexity of the work corresponds to the age category of children in kindergarten, so this craft can be implemented, both in the younger group and in the middle group.

We make a hedgehog from palms

Continuing the topic of making a hedgehog from paper, I can not fail to mention the palm technique.

The principle of operation in this technique is the same as when working with templates, only in the role of thorns are the children's palms circled on paper.

For work you will need:

  • white, black and brown two-sided paper of two shades;
  • background cardboard or drawing paper;
  • pencil;
  • black felt pen;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Applique hedgehog fabric

This manual is more suitable for children in older group  or in preparatory group kindergarten.

For the application you will need:

  • cardboard for the background;
  • scissors;
  • black colored paper;
  • cotton fabric with a print or monophonic;
  • glue stick;
  • chalk on fabric.

We use natural materials

To create this application, leaves of any tree species are used; the yellowed leaves of maple, linden, oak look most beautiful.

During the work will be required:

  • scissors,
  • cardboard,
  • glue stick,
  • color paper;
  • natural materials.
  1. Using any of the templates proposed today, make the body of a hedgehog.
  2. Glue the body to the background, fill the space where the needles should be located, with natural leaves. Make a face on their own.

As a result, you should have such a wonderful application of leaves.

Application of cereals and waste material "Thrifty hedgehog" for children of the younger group. Master class with step by step photos.

The authors:  Chebotareva Alexandra, 3 years 9 months, a pupil of the MBDOU "Cherlak kindergarten number 2", rp Cherlak, Omsk region and Zimenko Tamara Aleksandrovna, the tutor of the Cherkassky kindergarten No. 2 Cherlak, Omsk Region
Material Description:  I offer you a master class for the manufacture of applications of cereals and waste material (husks from seeds). This material will be useful to educators. junior groupsto parents. This master - class can be used to familiarize children with wild animals, hedgehogs, in the production of works to decorate the interior of a group room, a corner of nature, the foyer of a kindergarten, can be used as a gift.
  Purpose: this work can be used for registration in the implementation of projects: "Wild animals", "Journey through the forest paths", as a gift or interior decoration.
  Production of subject application from grain and waste material (peel from seeds).
  1. To form the ability of children to perform subject application using the grain of rice, buckwheat and husks from seeds;
  2. Develop the skills of the location of parts on the sheet;
  3. Develop the ability to use glue when gluing parts;
  4. Educate accuracy when doing work.

Working process:

The world of animals is always of particular interest to children.

  To interest the child will help viewing the illustration and reading a poem:
  "Thrifty hedgehog"
  Have a hedgehog needles,
  Happen instead of shelves.
  Mushrooms are on them
  Cabbage leaves.

Carries groceries to the lodge,
  In the house where he lives.
  So, he is all winter
  Excellent live!

1. For the manufacture of applications we need:
  - sheets of cardboard green,
  - color paper of yellow color,
  - PVA glue,
  - plate for application,
  - scissors,
  - a simple pencil,
  - rice grains,
  - buckwheat groats,
  - husks from seeds,
- felt-tip pen of black color,
  - ruler
  - template with the image of a hedgehog.

  2. The teacher helps the child cut the template of the hedgehog.

  3. The child with glue sticks the template to a sheet of green cardboard.

  4. A child smears the image of a mushroom cap with glue and fills it with buckwheat groats.

  5. The child smears the image of the second mushroom cap with glue and fills it with buckwheat groats.

  6. The child smears the image of the legs of the fungus with glue and alternately fills them with rice groats.

  7. The child smears the surface of the hedgehog’s body with glue, where the needles are located, and glues the husks from the seeds.

  8. The child sticks the husks from the seeds to the surface of the hedgehog's body, where the needles are located, filling it completely.

One of the most favorite activities of children - making beautiful applications  from colored paper. Occupations are necessary for the child to have certain skills, such as the ability to cut out parts according to a template, to glue the details according to a pattern, and, thanks to such exercises, children develop fine motor skills of hands. It is desirable that the templates for paper applications for children are made in advance, then it will be easier for kids to perform the application.

Funny hedgehog

Template hedgehog will help to make a colorful image of this animal. In addition to the template, you will need sheets of colored paper, paint, as well as scissors and glue.

First, you need to cut the parts according to a previously prepared pattern, then glue the cut parts in turn onto the base, as which you can choose a sheet of cardboard. First of all, you need to glue the muzzle, then the torso and, finally, the nose. With the help of black paint you can make spines, draw eyes and mouth. To complete the picture, you need to glue the apple and leaf.


In order to make the application in the form of a mushroom, you will need templates, a sheet of green cardboard for the base, sheets of colored paper, as well as scissors and glue. First, you need to cut a hat and a leg of the future mushroom from a sheet of colored paper according to a template, then glue these parts onto the base. You can also add a picture of grass and autumn leaves.

Bright flowers

The appliqué with bright flowers will look beautiful. You can do this work if there are color patterns for the application. Templates allow you to make a variety of colors. For example, you can cut beautiful daisies according to a pattern or cut red tulips by placing them in an exquisite vase. A vase is also made from a pattern.


The child can do the application with the image of a butterfly. To do this, the template should be cut out of colored paper body and wings, then paste them on the base. Then you can offer your child to put on the wings a symmetrical pattern, so that the butterfly image is colorful.

How can I make a volumetric application

If this is grade 1, students can be asked to perform a volume application, this will help children develop spatial thinking. The essence volume application  that glue should not be applied to the entire surface of the picture, but only on the places that are indicated on the back side of the pattern. Templates for the bulk application of paper allow you to make a truly beautiful and bright work.

Video on the topic of the article

Thanks to pre-prepared templates, children will be easier to cope with tasks. In the compilation of the video below, master classes will be offered on making appliqués, the components of which are cut out from paper templates.

Stencils for drawing today are extremely popular. They help in a short time to create whole pictures without special drawing skills. In addition, you can draw not only on paper, but also on glass or on fabric. On our site you can download completely free and various glass, then print and use for children's creativity.

What is useful stencil for children?

At preschool and early school age, children still do not know how to draw correctly, but they extremely want to express themselves and create something unusual. Stencil helps them do it. With the help of a stencil, you can depict fish, cats and other animals, birds, many patterns of different colors. In general, children's stencils can be very diverse, but for girls, butterflies, nesting dolls, patterns of birds, flowers are preferable. Boys prefer cars.

What can you draw on glass and on fabric?

Beautiful butterflies of various colors, figures of birds, animals are suitable for drawings on glass. Stencils for drawing - an extremely fun entertainment for children. Children's drawings will decorate your home, sunlight, penetrating through the glass, will play with all the colors of the rainbow. Download these figures on our website for free. Butterflies, birds, animals, patterns of various colors, nesting dolls are also suitable for fabric. If you sew a dress for a girl from a single-color fabric, using a stencil, sew a butterfly, dolls or animals on it - the dress will liven up immediately. In general, today it is very fashionable if children's costumes are decorated with various inscriptions and images. And if you also decorate the costume of the baby with him, using stencils for drawing, the joys of children will have no limits. So, a stencil is a very useful thing, not only for children, but also for parents. Download stencils for drawing on our website. With their help, the baby can create whole pictures to your liking, moreover, not only on paper, but also on fabric or glass. Stencils for drawing teach to observe the forms, draw lines clearly along the contour, create interesting compositions. Subsequently, having learned to draw on the stencil, the children will try to copy the same figures on their own with their own hand. In the meantime, having circled the stencil, you can make a fascinating coloring and at the same time choose the patterns yourself. Parents can use stencils to create interesting patterns on the fabric for children's clothing, cut out applications. If your baby's clothing is torn in some place, it can be skillfully and sewn up discreetly with a patch cut out of the stencil. A cheerful mood will create stencils on the glass.

Selection of materials on the topic


Apply the imagination - and everything will turn out.